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01x04 - Harvest

Posted: 01/20/13 06:25
by bunniefuu

[ tires screeching ]

[ g*nf*re ]

This is Drago. Where is my f*cking package?

I don't give a f*ck about his f*cking rules!

My rule is: I'll make the delivery that I f*cking paid for!

You know what? I'm cutting out the middle man, Kagan.

Yes, I mean you. Give me the contact number.

Make me ask you again, and I'll cut your throat out.

[ phone beeping ]

[ beep! beep! ]


Where is the driver?

I'm sorry?

That piece of shit Kagan set up this deal that's gone bad.

I want you to make it good.

We only deal with Kagan.

Kagan's no longer part of this deal.

I'm the client. Where is the package?

I'm sorry, sir. The delivery might be behind schedule.

The delivery was due now!

Excuse me, sir,
but I'm doing my best to locate your package now.

Well, do better than your best. Find it.

Don't bother tracing the call. My name is Drago Sujic.

Ask around! My reputation
should encourage your driver to finish this deal.

Transporter. And I'm locating him, Mr. Sujic.

For his sake, I hope you locate him before I do.

Come on, Frank, pick up.

[ phone ringing ]

[ g*nf*re ]

♪ I get up at seven, yeah ♪
♪ Then I go to work at nine ♪
♪ I got no time for living, yeah ♪
♪ I'm working all the time ♪
♪ Seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ A lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ Yes, I get home at five o'clock ♪
♪ And I take myself out a nice cold beer ♪
♪ Always seem to be wondering ♪
♪ Why there's nothing going down here ♪
♪ It seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ A lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ The working man ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ I guess that's what I am ♪

[ door closing ]

I'm sorry, but the news is not good.

Richard's heart has rejected the third ventricle implant.

And cardiomyopathy is worsening.

What does that mean?

At this point, the only chance your son has for survival is a full transplant.

Oh, my god. - I should tell you there are many hurdles, Monsieur Albeniz.

A compatible heart is not automatically available.

We are very high on the waiting list.

Of course. Bring Richard back to the hospital tomorrow morning for observation.

When and if a suitable heart becomes available, we will be ready to go into surgery immediately.

Do you think a heart...

I can't promise anything.

Uh... do you want books?

Yes. I'll finish Animal Farm.

They make you read Animal Farm at school?

It's extra. I finished the other ones already.

I have to be ready for exams if I'm going to Sciences Pro.

Dad, we have to keep going... for Mama. She's having a tough time.

[ Father sighs. ]

She's so afraid, Richard, to lose you.

No one's losing anyone, Papa.

Allez. Maman va flipper.

Do you ever think of hiring someone to help you with that?

You know, someone could get hurt.

Look, Frank, when you've used this equipment for as long as I have, it is an instinct.

[ drill buzzing ]


[ drill buzzing ]

Do I make you nervous?

I'd just hate to see you damage the car.

You take care of the driving, I take care of the cars.



Maybe you didn't get all the nuts.

Of course I got all the nuts. Why do you do this?

Safety first, Dieter.

Oh, look who's talking to me about safety.

Ow! Oh! Shit.

Everything all right?

Uh, yeah, yeah, everything's all right.


Um... can you pass me this, um, dolly?

That one?


That one there?

Yes, yes. Uh, yeah.

[ quietly ] Thanks. Oh, my god.

Are you sure everything's all right?

Yeah, yeah. Fine, fine. I'll just check the manifold.

Ow... oh!

[ breathing in discomfort ]

Oh... uh, could you give me a little push?

Just a little bit more... under the car, please.

Yeah, that's great.

I gotta go.

Sure, sure. See you later.

Don't get up on my account.

Yeah. Like I said, I'll just check the linkage.

Not the manifold?

Yes, the manifold.

I was thinking maybe... maybe later today I could get a massage, ease the aches and pains, yeah?

Oh, that sounds like a very good idea for you.

I gotta push off. Thanks for the coffee.


Good luck with the, uh...



quietly: f*ck you.

[ birds singing ]

If I was a bank, you'd be bankrupt and in jail.

But since I am just an individual person and I have no rights, you are allowed to walk free, so I have to take care of my business however I can, which, in your case, means...

[ knocking on door ]

Wait outside.

I'm sorry. I tried.

I tried everything, but I... I just didn't get better.

No, no, no, don't blame yourself. It's... you're just sick. It's OK.

There are other treatments, other doctors. You'll see.

I just wanted to come home all this time.

I know. Anna will take you home. I'll be there shortly. I just have some business to finish.

You're not angry?

Angry? How could I be angry?

I just need a minute.

Oh, Filip, my boy. My precious boy.

I will not let you die. I promise you that.

I'll do anything. OK?

So, in conclusion, to quote Friedrich Schiller, "It is not flesh and blood, but heart that makes us fathers and sons".

[ phone beeping ]




They have one.


They have a heart.

C'est pas vrai. Oh, my god.


Settle down, please. I need to see you.

Oh, thank God. I'm on my way.


I used to love to box, but I don't bother with a gym membership anymore.

I make do with what I have.

It saves me money, and it's such a good workout.

I'll pay! I've got your money!

At this point, I don't care.

[ phone ringing ]

It's happened?

There is a donor. The heart is on its way.

I'll have a driver there within the hour.

Listen, it's going to be difficult for me to get the heart out. There is constant supervision.

It's going to be a lot harder for you... if you fail.

[ beeping ]

Almost time.

Are you the transporter?

You've got to get this to the client as fast as possible. There's no time to lose.

What is going on? Where's the heart?

[ tires screeching ]

How could this happen?!

We don't know yet.

We've confirmed that the heart was placed in the ambulance at the donor hospital.

It must have gone missing somewhere "en route".

Isn't someone supposed to be with it the entire way?

Yes. Our technicians were there to supervise delivery.

We're trying to figure out what happened.

I can assure you everything is being done to locate the heart.

The police are on their way.

How long before the heart is not usable?

The heart can remain viable for only four hours at the most.

You'd better find it before then.

[ monitor beeping ]

Excuse me. Uh, are you the father of the young boy?


I'm Inspector Tarconi.

I will be in charge of the investigation.

Do you have any leads?

As a matter of fact, we do. One of the technicians involved in the transfer of the heart has gone missing.

We have set up checkpoints on all major roads into and out of the city.

Inspector. They found the technician. He's here.

Excuse me.

He collected the heart as scheduled, but it was never delivered. Apparently, he was picked up on his way to the airport. He claims he was going on vacation, but the hospital has no record of him asking for time off.

How much time do we have?

Just over three hours.


I passed some reporters on my way in.

Yes, the story got out quite fast.

I need you to do me a favour.

[ door closing ]

I'm Inspector Tarconi.

Good for you.

[ chuckling ]

You work for this hospital, yes?

A medical technician with access to the transplant team?

Look, I already told them I had nothing to do with this.

[ group of people talking ]

[ cameras clicking ]

What the f*ck is this?


When they get a whiff of something like this, it's almost impossible to keep them away.

I will talk to them.

Sorry about that.

Now... um, where were we?

What did you say to them?

I just told them you confessed and that you were giving us the names of everyone involved in the plot.

Are you f*cking insane? I didn't say anything like that.

Of course not. But if you're innocent, as you claim, the people responsible will know immediately that it was just a trick on my part.

Of course, I am in a position to offer protection for anyone willing to cooperate.

Does he know where the heart is?

No. But he led us to a man who may be able to help.


Someone I have dealt with before.

[ phone ringing ]

Yes, Inspector?

It's urgent, Frank.

I'm afraid I can't really speak now.

Perhaps you have heard on the news.

A heart was stolen. It was needed for a transplant.

No, I've not heard.

We just arrested a man who confessed to giving the heart to a driver for transport. He gave a description of the man and his car.

Frank, it matched you.

I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Frank, you should know that the heart is for a 14-year-old boy, very sick.

He will die if this surgery is not carried out
just under three hours now.


Got to go, Inspector.

[ beep! beep! ]

[ sighing ]


Where's the package?


Open it.

What the f*ck?


Hey. Let's go. We don't have time for this.

You want the payment? Open the trunk.

[ Drago shouting ]

Give me my f*cking phone!

You know I don't like it when you come by without calling.

I was in the neighbourhood.

Kagan, what do you want.


If you don't tell me what you're doing here, I'm throwing you out those windows.

We need to talk about your man.

Get to your point.

I've been thinking.

That's a first.

Lately, when it comes to these jobs, things have been getting a little complicated.

I mean, you gotta admit, the body count has been getting a little high.

Self-defence both times, and they were both scumbags.

One of them was referred by you.

All I'm saying is that your boy is starting to get a bit of a reputation.

For what?

Oh, let's just call it a flair for the dramatic.

The guy is a bull in a China shop, Carla, and he's making enemies.

Find the transporter, get me the heart, then k*ll that assh*le.


This is Drago. Where is my f*cking package?

You know what? I'm cutting out the middle man, Kagan.

Yes, I mean you.

[ phone beeping ]

Now what?

What were we just talking about?

What do you mean?

Your man is at it again.

Aggy, what's going on?

Don't say I didn't warn you.

If this heart takes any more than three hours to get here, it's not going to be viable.

woman: Blood pressure's dropping.

His heart's failing. We have to get him in the OR right away. Get the door.

Let's go, let's go, quick.

Let's go.

What's happening?

He's in congestive heart failure. They're taking him to the OR.

They need to put him on a cardio-pulmonary bypass machine immediately.

But the new heart has not been recovered yet!

I'm sorry. We have no other choice.

[ beeping ]

[ sighing ]

[ beeping ]


Have you found him yet?


Is he on his way back here?

Not yet.

I told you. I promise no harm will come to him if he brings me the package, but he needs to bring it to me now.

I understand.

Then why haven't you stopped him?

He doesn't take orders from me.

Let me speak to him.

I don't think that's a good idea.

I don't give a shit what you think! Put me through to him right now.

Let me see what I can do.

[ phone ringing ]


Frank, I just got an angry call from the client. You didn't deliver the package.

You know what it is?

Frank, I thought that wasn't supposed to matter.

It's a human heart, stolen before it could be transplanted into a dying boy.

The client is Drago Sujic.

And you know he's one of the biggest crime bosses in Southern France.

Extremely well connected... politicians, cops...

I don't give a shit. Why does he need a heart?

I don't know.

Well, find out!


Drago has a son, 16 years old, born with a heart defect. His health has been declined
for years now. He's in desperate need of a transplant.

So Drago cuts to the front of the line.

He built a state-of-the-art operating room in his mansion and hired an entire team of surgeons. He's spent millions on this, Frank.

You expect me to feel something for the man?

You asked me why he needed a heart; I'm telling you.

Kagan referred this job, didn't he?

Let me deal with Kagan, Frank.

Drago is on the other line. He wants to talk to you. - Fine.

Mr. Sujic, you're on with the transporter.

Where are you?

I'm afraid there's been a change of plans.

I was told you make it a point of never changing the deal.

We'll return your down payment.

f*ck the down payment!

You have less than two hours to bring me the package, or I will track you down and I will f*cking k*ll you!

What is it?

The surgeon wants to know if we should wake him up.

What for?

They can only keep him under for so long.

The surgeon goes ahead as planned, because you are going to put out a description of the driver and the make of the car to the whole organization. I want eyes on the street.

I want every pimp, every hooker, every dealer that has ever been put on the payroll to be out there looking for this guy.

And as soon as he's found, I want to know about it.

You've got to be kidding me.

Swedish or deep tissue?

Whatever brings relief for my back. I cannot sit or stand.

Just relax. I am going to fix everything.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Here is a little something extra for the... finishing.

The finishing?

The ending. Um, you know?

To make it happy.

[ phone ringing ] Oh, sorry. Yes, hello?

Dieter, I need a car.




What the hell was that?

I get a massage.

I hurt my back this morning. My back, I can hardly... ah!

[ crack! ] Listen, I don't have time to talk. It's urgent. I need a car.

[ crack! ]

Ah! Let go of me!

Just relax.

How can I relax when you break my neck?



The car.

Where is the one you drive in?

I had a little accident.

Ah! Enough, enough.

The car ended up in a pool of wet cement.

Enough. Oh.

Stop this savagery.


Go finish yourself!


Frank, I'm sorry. Yes, listen, my back, I can barely move, and let alone drive.

All right, forget it. Enjoy your massage.

Wait, did you say cement? [ phone beeps ]

René Dugas, one of our dealers on the street. - René.

Mr. Sujic, I just spotted your man.

Follow him, don't let him out of your sight, catch him if you can.

And stay sharp. He's an expert driver.

No, no, he's on foot.

OK, does he have the package with him?

He's carrying a bag, if that's what you mean.

Get him, k*ll him if you need to, I don't really care.

But make sure you do not damage the package, do you understand me?

Yes, sir.

Go, go, go! Get him!

woman: Ah! Attention!

[ bystanders shouting French ]

[ ding! ding! ]

[ people shouting in alarm ]

intercom: Dr. Perez, pathologie.

[ ringing on other end ]


Frank, where are you?

I've been trying to call you. There is not much time.

The boy's heart has failed.

He is on the operating table as I speak, hooked up to a machine that is keeping him alive.

I'm working on it.

What do you mean?

What are you doing? Do you have the heart or not?!

I'll get back to you.

Aw, shit!


Can I help you, mister?

Sorry, officer, uh...
just admiring your vehicle.

What's in the bag?

Actually, I do need your help.

It's critical that the contents of this bag get to a hospital as soon as possible.

I see. Leave it with me.

Thank you.

Can you hold the fort for a few minutes?

Someone just handed me this. I'll take it in.

It looks like the missing heart.


[ phone ringing ]

Frank, we cannot be playing this game.

The police have the heart, Inspector.

What? When did this happen?

I just handed it over. They must have called it in.

That's not possible.

My radio has an open channel with Central Dispatch.

I would have heard such a call.

These cops didn't call the central station.

Inspector, I'll get back to you.

Frank, what are you doing?!

[ vehicle starting ]

[ siren ]

[ phone ringing ]

Inspector, with all due respect, I really can't talk now.

I've just confirmed with dispatch.

No officers called in.

But there is one unit not responding.

Dirty cops. I know where they're going. I'm going to get there first.


It's what I do.

We have less than one hour before the donated heart becomes useless.

I'm aware of the time, Inspector. That's why I need to hang up now.

[ siren ]

[ phone ringing ]


I've got the package. I'm on my way.

All right. I'll have the money for you when you get here.

You said that you were coming in a police car.

What the f*ck?

[ defibrillator charging ] Shit.

[ siren approaching ]

Where's the heart? We don't have much time.


[ siren ]

[ groaning ]

Hey, you piece of shit.

[ groaning ]

My chest.

Get in the car.

I'm f*cking hurt.

You want me to drive?

You want me to sh**t you in the f*cking head?

[ siren ]


Go to the Emergency Room entrance at the side of the hospital.

Do you have the heart?

Just go now.

Hey. assh*le. Put down the heart.

Stop! Drop your g*n!

Go. Take the heart.

Get a doctor.

Please. My son.

doctor: He's fading.

Filip. Please. My son.

He's fading. Get him inside now.

No, his pulse is still strong.

If the heart was hit, his pulse would be fading.

If we do not get him to surgery, he will die within a half an hour.

What about his heart?

I agree, the heart was not hit, but he's losing too much blood. He cannot survive.

Do you know if you're a match with your son?

Put him in the ambulance.

He cannot survive.

Put him in the ambulance!!!

Do as he says.

Venez. Venez! Vite!

Vite! A l'ambulance!

You will need help to keep him alive.

This crate's going to be slow enough with just me and him. Any extra weight, we're not going to make it.

He has surgeons at his home, waiting.

The heart.

He has one chance.

Take one EMT for while you are driving.

Her. You. You get in.

No one else.

Allez, allez, vite, vite!

A l'ambulance. Allez, allez! Vite!

[ siren ]

Where... where are we?


We're going to get you inside.

Thank you.

He's dying.

His heart's still good. Get him inside.


[ monitor beeping ]

He looks good there.


[ sighing ]

We finished the transplant. So far... everything looks good.

The heart, it was all right?

Despite the delay, it showed no signs of damage.

It started beating almost immediately. Quite remarkable, actually.

Thank God.

Thank you, Inspector. Our son owes you his life.

[ coughing ]

Jesus Christ, Carla. This is some kinky shit.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to k*ll you.

What? Why?

And lately every job you sent our way has turned to shit!

Hey, that is not my fault, OK? I mean...

I don't care about screwing you!

You'd do anything for a big payday.

Well, you know, it is a competitive business.

Yes, but I can decide who to do business with.

We're done, Aggy. You can show yourself out. You're fired.

How's the boy?

He will be fine.

The doctors are confident of a full recovery.

That's good to hear.

Frank... we have to talk about what happened downstairs... the man I shot.

His name is Drago Sujic.

Ah, I thought I recognized him. He was responsible for all this?

He was trying to save his son.

And in the end, that's exactly what happened.

I took him home, and they gave his son his heart.

Then some good came of it after all.

Still, such a theft... it's troubling how someone could be involved in such a terrible crime.

It's possible some of the people involved didn't know all of the details.

I think these people should be more careful in the future.

No more jobs from Kagan.

Don't worry, you'll never hear his name again, let alone see him.

Nice job today, by the way.

An elegant solution.

That's what we're all about.

Night, Carla.

Good night, Frank.

[ beep! ]

Drago didn't make it.

You should be pleased.

I would be more pleased if I could get some of these bastards alive.

What about Frank Martin?

He's the connection. I'll stay with him.

Don't waste your energy on this driver. He's not an asset.

He's not just a driver; he's a transporter.

[ sighing ]

You want?


You know what's difficult?

Learning Hungarian.

No, no, no.

Harder than learning Hungarian.

Do you want to keep me guessing?

Removing dry cement from an automobile.

You see, Frank, this is a very long, very tiring process.

You want to know what's involved?

Not really.

You take one part of muriatic acid and four parts of water, and then you use a toothbrush to scrub it away at the hardened concrete.


Here, feel that.

[ Frank laughing ]

I don't want to feel your back, Dieter.

Just feel.

Oh! Yeah. Do you feel that?

I'm n... I'm not a doctor, Dieter.

If you need to see a doctor, you should see one.

What I need is a massage.

I thought you got a massage.

It was not what I was expecting.

What were you... I don't want to know, do I?

It didn't end well. That's all you need to know.

♪ Give me the minimum, give me the light ♪
♪ Give me the minimum, give me the right ♪
♪ Whether you're black or white, yellow or brown ♪
♪ Picking on people put man down... ♪