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01x16 - Castles in the Sea/Get Your Coat

Posted: 02/28/24 14:37
by bunniefuu
[pants, barks]

KID: Word World!

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Welcome to the place where words come alive ♪

KID: Let's build a word.

KIDS: Word World.

KID: Word World.

KIDS: ♪ Jump to the beat

♪ Clap your hands in the air ♪

KIDS: Let's build a word!

Word World!

KID: Word World.

♪ We've got friends of every size ♪

♪ Building words before our eyes ♪

♪ Nothing's better than a letter ♪

♪ They hold our world together ♪

♪With Dog ♪And Sheep ♪And Duck ♪And Pig

♪ There's always a surprise! ♪


KIDS: Word World!

[croaks, whimpers]


♪ Welcome to our world

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Word World♪

KIDS: Word World!

♪ It's a beautiful world

♪ Word World.♪

KIDS: Yay!

NARRATOR: It was a hot summer day in Word World,

and Dog...


...was looking for a way to keep cool.


And Sheep...

had her own way of cooling off.

Well, I think the best way to keep cool

is with a little sprinkle of...

[knob squeaks]

KIDS: Water!

Yes, indeedy,

there is nothing like nice, cool water for flowers.

[barks happily]

[laughs]: Oh, yes, you are absolutely right, Dog.

And for sheep, too.

[sighs happily]

NARRATOR: And Bear...

had herway to keep cool.

Hi, Dog!

It's time for a refreshing shower

to cool off.

♪ Ah, do, bah, do, bah, ditty, ditty ♪

♪ Datty, do, do, bah, do, bah... ♪

KIDS: Water!


[sighs]: Ah...

Yep, nothing like a cool, refreshing shower

on a hot day.

[Bear sighs][barks]

NARRATOR: Even Frog had his, well, very own way of cooling off.



What am I doing, Dog?

[giggles]: Staying cool!

[curious bark]

It doesn't look that way?

[chuckles, pants]: Well, just watch!

[panting loudly]

[loud panting continues]

[relieved sigh]




[relieved sigh]


NARRATOR: And now it was time for Dog to cool off hisown way.

[Dog pants, whimpers]

[pants, whimpers]

[curious bark]

[whimpers, pants]

[surprised bark]

[sad bark]


[soft grunt]


[curious bark]

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Sheep was enjoying her sprinkler, until...


Ow! Oh! Aah! Oh!

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ow!

[humming tune]


Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!


Ooh! Ee! Ow! [whimpers]



[loud crash]

Ouch again.

[groans, pants]

What in Word World is going on around here?

That's what we came to ask you.

I don't know.

Do you know, Mr. Narrator?

NARRATOR: Uh, me? Well, no.

It's a mystery to me, too.

[laughs nervously]: Uh, uh, pardon me?

Hi, Sheep. Hi, Sheep.[barks "Hello"]

Uh, hi. Uh, I don't mean to interrupt or anything,

but d-did-did somebody say "mystery"?

NARRATOR: Yes, uh, I did.

W-Well, forgive me for being so forward,

uh, but this can only mean one thing.

This is a job for...


...Detective Sheep,

S-H-E-E-P, at your service.

Now, then, uh, what seems to be the, uh, trouble?

Well, I believe what we have is a drought.

Uh, what's a drought?

A drought is when you don't have enough water.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm,

ah, but the question is, of course, why?

Well, we'd better investigate.

Hm, yes, yes.

Hm, yes. Mm-hmm.



What's that down there?

Fetch, Dog!

[barks "No"]

[chuckles]: Uh... uh, please.


[sniffing excitedly]





Yes, mm-hmm.



Hmm. Wait!

Those are the same letters that were coming out of my shower!

And my water wheel!

[barks "And my bowl"]

And my sprinkler!

You know, I'm beginning to have an idea

about what is happening here.

[curious bark]

Oh, most certainly I am, Dog.

Frog, what we need now is your chalkboard.



Many thanks, Frog.

[garbled]: You're welcome!

[grunts]: Sorry.

[clearly]: You're welcome.

So, let me get this straight.

No one has any...




B-But instead of getting water, we're getting...



"Ater" instead of "water."

That's right!

So-so-so, uh, what's missing?

[barks "W"]

Yes! Well done, Dog!

The "W" is missing.

It seems like all the W's are missing

from everyone'swater!

But where have they gone?

Well, the only way to find out

is to look where the water starts.

[Dog barks curiously]

ALL: Mountain!


The game is afoot!

And so the WordFriends made their way

as fast as they could through the heat

all the way up to where the water started--

the waterfall at the mountain.

It's so hot today.

NARRATOR: Where they found their friend Duck.

... ...


Well, that's all of them.


Mystery solved.

Oh, hi, guys.

What you doing?

We were just going to ask you the same thing, Duck.

Yes, Duck, what are you doing?

Glad you asked.

I found the greatest game to play up here.

Whacking these, uh... these, uh...

thing-a-ma-doodles out of the water.

I just love these thing-a-ma-doodles.

Look how many I got.

Actually, Duck, that's not a thing-a-ma-doodle.

Huh? It's not?

Well, it sure looks like one to me.

I mean, it's all pointy. Look.

It's the letter "W", Duck.

A "W"?

Well, I'll be.

Don't you just love them anyway?

I mean, the way they go down and up and down and up.


It's like a roller coaster ride.

Uh, yes, Duck, but the problem is...

well, without them, Word World does not have any water.

No water?!

Oh, it's so hot. I mean...


I'm getting... thirsty.


Who would do such a thing?

Well, Duck, I don't mean to point any hooves,

but that would be... you.


Yes, I'm afraid so, Duck.

You see, taking away the "W" from "water,"

leaves us with just "ater."

And you can't drink ater.



I didn't mean to.

I just...

That's okay, Duck.

It's easy enough to fix.

We just have to put the "wha" back into "ater."

Sheep's right.

So come on, everyone, grab some W's

because it's time to...

ALL: Build a word!

[lively music playing]

♪ It's time to build a word

♪ Let's build it, let's build it now! ♪


KIDS: Water!

♪ Yeah, we just built a word ♪

♪ We built it, we built it. ♪

And just in time.

Building words sure makes me thirsty.


That's right, Dog, we still have a lot of W's to put back.

[humming tune]

Two points.

[humming tune]



NARRATOR: So, by adding the "W" back to "ater..."

...everyone cooled down and enjoyed the water again.



Oh, water. Yuck.

NARRATOR: The end.

KIDS: Sheep.

Oh, hello.

You're just in time for our song.

Come on.

♪ S and T, S and T ♪

♪ They're terrific friends, you see ♪

♪ Put them together and here's what you've found ♪

St-- a whole new sound.

♪ St... age

ALL: Stage!

♪ S and T, they're all the rage ♪

♪ Look, we've built a stage... ♪

[music slows then stops]

[all gasping]

Oh, no.

What's the matter?

I can't get up onto the stage.


It's too high.

If we can't get up on the stage,

we'll never be able to finish our "S" and "T" song.

Oh, what are we going to do?

There has to be a way.

We need something to help us get onto the stage,

so we don't have to take such a big step.


[quacking]Step... stage...

St... st...

I know.

All we have to do is...

ALL: Build a word.

Another "st" word.

♪ It's time to build a word

♪ Let's build it, let's build it now. ♪

St... airs.

KIDS: Stairs!

♪ Yeah, we just built a word

♪ We built it, we built it.

Well, now that we have these stairs,

it will be easy to get up onto the stage.

Let's finish our song.

♪ S and T, they're all the rage ♪

♪ Look, we built a stage

And stairs.

♪ S and T, S and T ♪

♪ Make a perfect blend, you see ♪

♪ Though I may stammer

♪ I'll stand tall and state

♪ S-T, st, that sound is great... ♪

[holding note]

♪ St.

[pants, barks]

KID: Word World!

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Welcome to the place where words come alive ♪

KID: Let's build a word.

KIDS: Word World.

KID: Word World.

KIDS: ♪ Jump to the beat

♪ Clap your hands in the air ♪

KIDS: Let's build a word!

Word World!

KID: Word World.

♪ We've got friends of every size ♪

♪ Building words before our eyes ♪

♪ Nothing's better than a letter ♪

♪ They hold our world together ♪

♪With Dog ♪And Sheep ♪And Duck ♪And Pig

♪ There's always a surprise! ♪


KIDS: Word World!




♪ Welcome to our world

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Word World♪

KIDS: Word World!

♪ It's a beautiful world

♪ Word World.♪

KIDS: Yay!

NARRATOR: Once upon a time in Word World...

[humming tune]

...Sheep was getting ready to play

one of her favorite games.

Pretend Princess.

[knocking] ♪Come in.

Welcome to my princess party, Bear and Dog.

Oh, thanks, Sheep.

I can't wait to play Princess.


But first, we need a crown.

I have the letters "C" and "R" for the "cr" sound.

And the "N" for the "nn" sound.

But I need an "ow" sound.

I just can't remember what letters make the "ow" sound.

Oh, oh, oh, I know.

O... W...



Cr... ow... nn.

KIDS: Crown!

Oh, what a beautiful crown.

We can take turns being the princess.

Ow! Ow!

NARRATOR: It seemed that Sheep and Bear both wanted to be princess.

Oh. [panting]

I'm sorry, Sheep.

D-Did you want to be the princess first?

Oh. Okay, okay, okay!

[laughs]: Well, I crown you...

Princess Sheep.

[contented sighs]

NARRATOR: Bear was very kind to let Sheep go first.

I, uh, uh, Princess Sheep,

proclaim you, Dog,

to be the Royal Knight of Word World.

[barking, panting]

Okay, let's play.

Hey! Uh, what about me?

Don't I get to be something?

Oh. Uh, I'm sorry.

Uh, well, Bear...

You can be my royal lady-in-waiting.

Oh. Okay.

What am I waiting for?

Well, I guess you're waiting for your turn to be princess.

[all laughing]

Your wish is my command,

Princess Sheep.


What should my first royal deed be? Uh...

Oh. I know.

A royal princess needs a royal gown to wear.

[clearing throat]

Lady Bear, with these letters,

please build me a gown.

All right. But then I get to be princess, right?

Uh, well, yes.

Then, you'll be princess.

Guh... ow... nn.


What letters make the "ow" sound again?

[whispers]: O... W.

Oh. Okay!

Here goes!




KIDS: Gown!

Uh, uh... a gown, uh, fit for a princess.

[growling approval]


Well, let's dance, Sir Dog.

♪ In a crown

♪ And, uh, lovely gown

♪ Princess Sheep danced round and round. ♪

NARRATOR: Things were going splendidly for Princess Sheep,

but she forgot one important thing.

[Bear sighs]

She forgot that her friend Bear

was waiting for herturn with the crown.

Let's show everyone in World World

my gown and crown.

I thought it was my turn to wear the crown now.

Um, well, uh, yes, Bear, but, um...

actually, first, um...

Sir Dog, open the royal door.


♪ Ta-ta-ta-tah, ta-ta-ta...♪


Lady Bear!

A little, uh, help here?

[nervous laugh]

Princess Sheep

is, uh, having trouble

getting through the, uh...


...uh, the door.

Uh... okay.

And, uh, uh, now...

out into Word World.

[Bear groaning]

Dog! Help!


Princess Sheep is down!

Princess Sheep is down!

Sir Dog! Lady Bear! Help!


Much better.

W-what a fine day it is in Word World.

Well, it's perfect for a princess.

The sun is so warm.

I think I should like to be, uh, well, closer to it.

I think I need a royal tower.

Lady Bear, uh, well, Sir Dog...

build me a tower.

[barks "Okay"]

Okay, Sheep, but then

do I get to wear the crown and be princess?

Well, yes, Bear, after you build the tower,

you shall wear the crown and be princess.

Okay. We can use the "ow" sound from the gown

And here's the rest of the letters.

Thanks, Dog.

T... ow... rr.

KIDS: Tower!

There's your tower, Princess Sheep.

Now can I wear the cro...?

Oh, Sir Dog.

Oh, my knight in shining armor.

Oh, well, come and rescue me.

[barking and panting]

[surprised growl]

I will, uh, uh, let down my hair

so that you may climb this, uh, wooly stair.


Uh-oh. [barking]



Well, help, Lady Bear!

Oh. Okay, I'll help you,

but then can I have a turn with the crown?

Yes. Yes! Anything!



Princess Sheep is down!

Princess Sheep is down!

Okay, now it's my turn to wear the crown.

Well, uh, uh, well, yes.

But first, I need to be carried back, actually,

to my royal, uh, haystack.

Huh! Oh...

NARRATOR: Poor Bear.

She didn't think Sheep would ever let her wear that crown.

I don't feel like playing anymore.

Well, uh, well, well, what's wrong with Bear?

Well, uh, well, I thought she wantedto play princess.


NARRATOR: She did, Sheep,

but you never gave her a chance to wear the crown.

Oh, no.

Every good princess knows

the most important part of being a princess

is being kind to others.

[barks "Yeah"]

And I wasn't very kind to Bear...

oh... was I?

Well... Uh-uh.

Oh, well, I have to find Bear.

I have to make it up to her.

NARRATOR: So Sheep ran off to find her good friend Bear.


You're right, Dog.

Sheep dropped the crown.

Maybe you can bring the letters to her.

[barking and panting]


Oh, Bear!

There you are!


[panting]: Oh, well, I came to say...

uh, uh... I'm so sorry.

I should have shared the crown

with you sooner, Bear.

Oh. Thanks, Sheep.


I... well, well, I want you

to, uh, wear, the, uh, crown

for the, uh, rest of the day.


Oh, no!

The crown!

[Dog barks]


Oh, Dog!

You rescued the letters!

Well, you really are a knight in shining armor.


Well, well, come on, Bear!

It's time to...

BOTH: Build a word!

[lively music playing]

♪ It's time to build a word

♪ Let's build it, let's build it now! ♪

KIDS: Crown!

♪ Yeah, we just built a word

♪ We built it, we built it!

Uh, now, with this crown...

I, I now declare you Princess Bear.

Oh. Thank you, Sheep.

Princess Bear, your wish is my command.


I command you

to have fun with me for the rest of the day!

Oh, well, you're such a good princess, Bear.

[laughing happily]

NARRATOR: And so Sheep, Bear and Dog

played together,

and for the rest of the afternoon

they lived happily ever after.

The end.