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01x02 - Payback

Posted: 01/05/13 19:37
by bunniefuu
(Announcement in French)

It's a briefcase. The contact is on her way.

She'll call you Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith?


I don't make this stuff up, Frank.

I think you do. I think you do it on purpose.

Of course I don't, Frank.

Bye, Carla.

(Announcement in French)

Sorry, but...

Hotel Saint Louis.

Stay off the périphérique. Cool? Go.

I'm not a taxi, and I'm not going to the hotel Saint Louis.

Ok. Taxi, limo, whatever. Let's roll; I'm late!

I'm sorry, but your punctuality is not a priority for me.

Make it a priority...

Yes, Frank?

How many minutes till the package drop?

Three and 20 seconds.

Thank you, Carla.

Can you run a timer on the dash screen?

You'll be glad to know you just became my priority.


(Car starting)

Let's go.

(Tires screeching) Oh!




Ow! Slow down!

(Tires screeching) Just relax! Ah!

(Tires screeching)





Oh, ok.

Have a nice day.

(Announcement in French)

Mr. Smith?


Hotel Saint Louis.

Hotel Saint Louis it is.

♪ I get up at seven, yeah ♪
♪ then I go to work at nine ♪
♪ I got no time for living, yeah ♪
♪ I'm working all the time ♪
♪ seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ a lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ they call me the working man ♪
♪ yes, I get home at five o'clock ♪
♪ and I take myself out a nice cold beer ♪
♪ always seem to be wondering ♪
♪ why there's nothing going down here ♪
♪ it seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ a lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ the working man ♪
♪ they call me the working man ♪
♪ I guess that's what I am ♪

(Phone ringing)

Dieter. I was going to call you.

Ah, Frank. I am very upset. You said you would have the car back in nice yesterday.

I'm in Berlin.

Something came up at the last minute.

Ah, listen, the car is not for picking up girls.

Isn't that what you use it for?

Come on, Frank, what do you think who I am?

Do you really want me to answer that question?

What about that Italian waitress? Or the American with the short hair?

The American was interested in the new model.

What was that about a new model?

Come on, Frank. The car.

Are you all right?

f*ck me.

Frank bloody Martin.

Friend of yours?

A long time ago.

Ok, Dieter, I'll have it back by tomorrow night.

Oh, I almost forgot.

The software is installed in the new car.

It's ready to drive.

Ok, I'll have it back by tomorrow afternoon.

Hurry home.

We miss you, Frank.

Five o'clock at the latest.

Sergei's here.


Sergei's here.


(Elevator ding) Sergei, mate!

Buy you a drink?

(Cell phone beeping)

Run and get yourself a drink, love.

Go on. Chop, chop.

f*ck me. Women, eh?

Can't live with 'em, can't slice 'em up and feed 'em to the cat.

Anyway, it's nice of you to come in person. I'm honored.

Jimmy, we work together for two years now.

Everything has gone smoothly.

I am on the whole quite happy.

What do you mean, on the whole?

The problems in Geneva.

f*ck me. Listen, that bloke was sh**ting at us, right?

Let's make that clear.

I understand, I understand.

Nonetheless, the serb died, and we attracted some unwanted attention, right?

Right. Point taken.

It won't happen again.

You should know there are people who don't want me to use you.

Is that right?


Would you like me to talk to these people?


Just giving you a fair warning.

There're not going to be any problems, right?

Right. You can rely on me.

I mean, f*ck, you know that.

Yeah, I know.

I know, Jimmy.

Five million dollars pure heroin.

The usual place. The man who brings the money only drives Audi. English.

All right.

Got it, mate.

Me and the boys, uh, we've got you covered.

(Cell phone ringing) You better.

Come on, let's go upstairs.

I haven't finished my drink.

Then bring it with you, darling.

I was going to order another one.

What the f*ck is the matter with you?

Have you never heard of f*cking room service?

Which is what I want some of right now, so get the f*ck upstairs.

That's it.

Oh, f*ck, yeah.

Ah, yeah. Come on.


Ah, yeah. Ah, f*ck, you like a little English, don't you?

Hey? Want some more?


Oh, f*ck. Go on.

It's really great.

Ah, f*ck.

Come on, a bit faster. Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on. Come on. That's it.

Oh, f*ck me. Come on, yeah.

That's it. That's it. Ah.


Oh, f*ck.

Oh, oh, get off.

Get off.

Oh, f*ck, that's better.

Oh. f*ck me.

Oh, f*ck.


So... you know that guy you saw earlier?

Who is he?

What do you want to know about him for?

He drives a really nice car.

Does he, now?

And how the f*ck would you know that?

He came into the hotel last night.

And where was I?

Drunk, in the bar.

What kind of car did he drive? Did you notice?



Frank f*cking Martin.

The connection is Frank Martin.

Sergei hired Frank for this job.

Who is he?

Tell me.

We can get drunk and you can f*ck me again later.


(He chuckles) You know what, Adelyne?

I like you.

You're simple.

You've got simple tastes. A bedtime story you want, a bedtime f*cking story you're going to get.


Six years ago, Frank and me, we was in the same SAS unit in the Queen's bloody army.

We started this little... firm, if you like... an extraction squad.

We'd go into the nastiest f*cking places, places nobody else would dare go into, and we'd pull people out who needed pulling out... journos, politicians, the like.

We was on this one job...

Right, and Frank's just cool as a cucumber.

He's just standing there watching this geezer, f*cking ice in his veins, you know what I mean?

That's what makes you the best, Frank.

Finished, Jimmy?

Sorry, mate, I was just, you know, f*cking entertaining the troops. Sorry. Having a laugh.

Go on, then.

This is the pickup. We'll meet him at the warehouse, tomorrow at midnight.

Who is he, Frank?

He's clean. And the local w*rlord wants him dead.

Who's paying the contract?

The French.

The French. Political, then.

I don't know, Jimmy. It's the same as the other jobs.

We pick him up, and we get him across the border.

Oh, we're a f*cking escort service now?

You don't have to come. You know that.

You'll still get your cut.

Frankie, Frankie, mate.

If you think I'm gonna leave you by yourself in that f*cking sh*thole...

Never happen, mate.

Never. I would never abandon you. On my honor.

I got a question, though.

Why a warehouse?

Normally it's a public place.

He's in hiding.

Internal security is after him. I don't like it either.

But he's one of the good guys.

So we took the job.

And we don't change the deal.

Now you boys get some sleep. I'm going to find us a van.

All right?

So we went back the next night.

It was an easy f*cking job: go in, pick up the old geezer, get him to Turkey.

As soon as we ID the package, I come out and get the van; Devon, you and Miles secure; Jimmy, you've got the package; Dave, you're covering the inside, you come out last.

Yeah? Got it?

Ok, let's move.

I don't know, Jimmy. It doesn't feel right.

What's the matter? Lost your bottle, Frank?

We have to think of the package and the others.

If the cops know we're in there, we ain't making it back to the van anyway.

Coming in, lads. Clear?

Radio: Clear.

(Insects chirping)



Looks like the package needs a little help, Frank.

I'm coming through that door. I'll get the van.

All right. We need to make sure it's all clear.

I'm going to go check upstairs.

All right. Dave, go with him.

All right.

I'll check back here.

Dev, go get the door so Frank can get the van in.

Hello, sunshine. Having a kip? Hey?

He's dead! It's a f*cking setup!

(b*ll*ts deflecting)

f*cking marvelous!

Miles! Where's Dave?

He's shot!

Make a move! Come on! Devon, get in!

(b*ll*ts deflecting) Jimmy!

I'm a little f*cking busy, Frankie!

Jimmy, you've got to make a f*cking move!


Man: We got him! Move in!

Man: Go! Go! Go!

Jimmy! Come on! I'll cover you!

I'm f*ckin' pinned down!

Don't f*ckin' leave me, Frank!

Man: We've got him! Stop the van!

Jimmy, we gotta go or we're all f*cked!

(b*ll*ts deflecting)

Don't f*ckin' leave me!


f*ck you! f*ck!


(Men grunting with effort)


And he just left me there.

Do you know how long... I spent in that sh*thole?

And there he is just walking about town, like nothing f*cking happened.

Jack the lad.

Top of the f*cking world.

What are you going to do now?

I'm going to seize the tactical advantage.

I'm going to k*ll two birds with one stone.

(Bird squawking)

(Birds chirping)

That's it, Frank, hand it over to him.

There's a good boy.

So, give me the case, and we'll both be on our way.

The deal is I take that case to another location...

Shut up.


(Man grunting)

(Vehicles approaching)

Man: He's got the money!


Hello, Anton.

Nice job, son.

This should help you get out of town fast.

Sergei can't find out.

Who's gonna tell him?

Man: Ahhh!


Move and you're f*cking dead.

Let's go.

(Vehicles driving off)
Jimmy: What did I tell ya? Piece of cake.

It was Frank! Frank!

You didn't tell me we'd be setting Frank up!

Easy, mate. Calm yourself. The job needed to be done.

If I'd told you, you wouldn't have gone through with it, now, would ya?

Damn right. He was one of us!

Yes, was one of us, Dev!

Do I have to remind you how he turned his back on the team?

This has got nothing to do with Frank turning his back.

It's just more of your bullshit, and you're dragging everybody else in with you.

Fine, then.

You're upset about Frank. I get that.

You wanna take a moral stand? Actually, I respect that.

So, you'll be foregoing your cut, then. Am I right?

Get the f*ck out of here.

Anyone else wanna take a moral stand? Eh?

I didn't think so.

Looks like you're the odd man out, mate.

So here's what I want you to do.

I want you to think real hard about who's had your back all these years. Eh?

Where the f*ck was Frank Martin three months ago?

Was he carrying your f*cking ass out of that sh*thole in Yemen?

Was he?

You wanna walk away, Dev, go ahead.

f*ck off. Turn your back on the team just the way he did.

There you go. See, I knew you wouldn't, because you, my friend, have something he doesn't: Honor.

You know this ain't over, right?

The last person you want to piss off is Frank Martin.

It's me.

Hello, Frank. How's the weather in Berlin?

I was set up.

What? What happened?

An ambush at the first drop point. They left with both packages.

Oh, shit! Well at least you're alive.

If they wanted me dead, I wouldn't be speaking to you right now.

Well, then the question is: Why are you still alive?

My guess: They need someone to take the fall for this.

How well do you know the client?

I don't know him at all.

Well, you better find the client. I want to talk to him.

Frank, he might not be involved.

If he's not involved, I'll find his package and return it to him.

If he is involved, he's going to regret hiring me.

Leave it to me.

I have a cell phone number for him. I'm going to run a trace.

(Cell phone ringing)


Sergei, it's Jimmy.


You're calling me because something went wrong, yes?

The man who was supposed to bring the money came with a crew.

I just made it back.

Ok. What about your crew?

My lads didn't make it, Sergei.

Ah, sorry to hear that.

My money? Where is my money?

It's gone.

The dr*gs, money, all my men f*cking gone.

I thought we discussed that, Jimmy. There were going to be no problems.

Someone f*cked us over, Sergei.

The bloke with the money was an assassin.

My men went after him, but... by the time I got there, they were all dead.

Did you see the man?

Yeah, I saw him... know him, in fact.

Bloke by the name of Frank Martin.

Find Frank Martin, Jimmy.

You want me to bring him to you?


I don't want to see him.

I want to see my product, and my money.

Jimmy, I am holding you personally responsible for it.

Please don't f*ck this up.

Oh, don't worry, I won't.

Hello. Angela Ramsay, Interpol.

I need your support relating to the back tracking a call that your hotel switchboard put through at 6: 43 earlier today.

(Phone ringing)


Hey, Frank.

I hope you've got good news.

The client's name is Sergei Zavrov.

That doesn't sound like good news. Location?

Still working on it.

But I received a strange phone call this morning.

Who from?

It was a landline.

The caller said you'll find what you're looking for at the hotel Gracienne.

Room 1002.

I'm on my way.

Be careful, Frank.


(Ringing on other end)

(Cell phone ringing)


It's Miles.

Got him?

Yeah. He came, just like you said he would.

He's going into the hotel now.

Course he did.

Good boy. Thanks.


(Phone ringing)

(Speaking Russian)

(Speaking Russian)


I know where Frank Martin is.

He's at the hotel Gracienne.

Hotel Gracienne?

Why, why should I care where he is, Jimmy?

I would have thought you'd like to talk to him about your merchandise.

Are you telling me you cannot take care of this matter yourself?

Like I told you, I'm a little short of manpower right now.

Jimmy, Jimmy, I will send Dimitri.

Take Petros, and Yuri.

Mr. Martin should die very slowly.

Then bring me Jimmy Reeves.

Ha bloody ha, Frank f*cking Martin.

Champagne! Let's celebrate.

You are always so pleased with yourself?

Things, my love, are going exactly as I hoped.

Here you go.

Here's to Frank.

(Toilet flushing)

(Radio playing)

(People speaking German on radio)


Yes, Frank?

The room's empty.

Did you get a name on the reservation?

Not yet.

(Elevator ding)

Elevator. You two come with me.

(Elevator ding)

(Men grunting)


Down! Down! Down! (Elevator ding)

(Man grunting)

The room's registered under a James Severe.

Mean anything to you?

Jimmy Reeves. An old army friend.

Severe was his code name.

He was holding a bit of a grudge, and he never missed a chance to screw things up.

What's the plan?

Me and Jimmy need a bit of a chinwag.

First I have some company to deal with.

(Tires screeching)

(People shouting in alarm)

(Ignition not turning)

(Dimitri shouts in frustration.)

Hello, mate.

Frank! Christ. Frank Martin.

It's been a while.

How's it going, Sam?

You know, same.

Always the same shit.

So, single malt, on the rocks?


So, what brings you by?

Jimmy Reeves.

Know where I can find him?

I heard he was in town.


I haven't seen him in years.


Ah, you're putting me in a bad spot here.

Not half as bad as the one Jimmy's put me in. I need to find him fast.

(Sam sighs.)

He and his boys are holed up at a place in potsdam.

You know every lowlife piece of scum between here and Istanbul.

Where is Sergei? Last chance.

Listen, Carla, I'm telling the truth.

Ok, I have revenue services on speed dial.

I can't help you, Carla!

Look, you play by the rules.

This guy Sergei... doesn't.

(Phone ringing)

(Phone ringing)


It's Miles.

Frank Martin showed up at the bar asking about Jimmy Reeves.

How long ago was this?

About 20 minutes ago.

Hmm. And what did Sam tell him?

He told him where Jimmy lives. He's on his way there right now.

Ah, ok. Thank you, Miles.



(Ringing on other end)

Dimitri: (answers in Russian)

Dimitri, would you assemble the men, please?

Come on. Pick up. Pick up.

Thank you.

Jimmy (laughing): Nice one, Frank.

Where's the money?

What f*cking money?

It's me you want a piece of.

Oh, I want a piece of you.

That's what makes this job so sweet, Frank. Payback.

(Jimmy shouting in pain) Where's the money?

It's over there. It's ov... I'll f*cking show you, all right?

All right? f*ck. Ah!

Right there. Ah! f*ck! Right there. Go on, then!

If that's what you're after, f*cking take it. How about we call it quits?

Running out on me again, eh, Frankie?

What the f*ck do I tell Sergei?

That's your problem.

Not mine.

f*cking bollocks.

A little rusty, eh, Frankie?

I was about to say the same thing to you, Jimmy.

Now, what's this all about?

You know what this is about.

You f*cking lost your ball, and you legged it. You left me in the f*cking shit!

You turned soft, mate.

Look at you. A f*cking p*ssy in a poncey suit.

Uh-uh, mate.

Fifteen months in an excrement-filled hole because of you.

Ah! Ah!

You never could win a fair fight, Jimmy.

You ran out on me, Frank.

The cops showed up, and you f*cking legged it.

The cops were there all along, Jimmy. Someone tipped them off.

Oh, really? Who the f*ck would that have been, then, eh?

There were two of us up top, right? Someone sent a signal. I saw it.

Miles, what the f*ck are you doing?

And only one man came down.

Dave was shot.

I did a job in Bishkek a couple of years ago.

Some old files needed to get out of the country.

One of them concerned a security asset working for old intelligence services.

I saw the photos of Dave's body.

He wasn't shot; his throat was slit.

Jimmy, he's lying.

You k*lled Dave?

Jimmy, no!

You dirty f*cking bastard.

He's ly...


Can't trust anyone these days, can you, Frank?

I'm not the enemy, Jimmy.

You abandoned me, Frank!

You and me, we was like brothers!


I can't let go of it.

I see it every f*cking night when I'm dreaming.

The van pulling off, and you just f*cking left me there.

There was nothing else I could do. You missed the f*cking boat, Jimmy.

I had to save as many of us as I could, and you would have done exactly the same f*cking thing.

No, I wouldn't have!

I never would!

I would have come back for you, Frank!

We would have died to-f*cking-gether!

Frank, I swear to you, I didn't know you were the mark. If I knew, none of this would have happened. Trust me.

Put your w*apon down, Dev.

You put it down, bro. You put it down.

What the f*ck happened to us, eh, Frankie?

We were brothers, mate.

I didn't turn soft. And I didn't run out on you.

We were chosen by the SAS for our honor.

Frank made his choices. So did we, Jimmy. Come on.

We'll always be brothers, Jimmy.

Come on, put it down.

You're gonna be all right.

I've survived worse, Frankie. (He chuckles.)

That part about you being rusty... bit of a lie.

You f*ckin' broke my nose, mate. (Jimmy laughing)

f*ck me.

Well, you never were pretty, Jimmy.

Jimmy (laughing): Man.


You two, south side. Wait for my orders.

You two stay here.

Yes, Dimitri.


We got here in time. He's still here. Very good.

No survivors, please. Da, Sergei.

Let's go! Come on!

Let's get the f*ck out of here.

The buyers are waiting.

Come on!

(Banging on door)

(Man grunting)



Drop the case!


(Groaning in pain)

It's important to have the proper cookware.

Jimmy (chuckles): I could've handled him.

Yeah. Just like Bangkok. (Jimmy laughs.)



Dinner ready?

(Both laughing)

Get out of town.

Lay low for a while.

Sergei's going to be coming after you.

I wouldn't be too sure about that, mate.

I made a phone call that will put Sergei away for a while.

(Singing softly in Russian)

May I finish packing, please?

You'll be getting a change of clothing, courtesy of the Belgian government.

Belgian? Oh, not the Belgians.

Payback is a bitch, isn't it?