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01x01 - Trojan Horsepower

Posted: 01/06/13 05:08
by bunniefuu
Transporter - The Series

"Trojan Horsepower"



Go, go, go!

[engine turns off]

Start the car, man. Start this f*ckin' car!

Are you deaf?

I brought two suits.

That was the deal. I'm not driving through Marseille with someone in a red prison uniform. They'll be looking for us.

One of you will have to get out. This car doesn't start until you do.

[clicking tongue]

You're heads. You're tails.

Tails. You lost. Out.

[dogs barking]

I'm out 5 minutes and the Corsicans are already after me.

Can't a man go to a funeral in peace?

Move it!


Come on, man!

[cell phone ringing]


How are those new tires I put there for you?

What do you want, Dieter?

I need to show you something in the garage... straight away. Hurry up.

I have to stop by the house first.

I'll swing by later.

And look after...


...the car.

Move! Move!

Sorry about that.

[sirens] Looks like the cops are already after you as well.

Maybe we should keep going. Miss the funeral. - No.

He'll drive us wherever we want.

That's not the deal.


Mr. Gianni Labratta.

Let me bury my brother.

Thank you.

Hello, Inspector Tarconi. It's nice to see you.

Hello, Frank, it's always nice to see you.

Even on such a sad occasion.

You brought one of the mourners?

I would ask you who, but...

Yes, it's, um... it's important to respect the family's privacy.

Yes, privacy, that... that's right.

Oh, by the way, I was at your place last week. I hope you don't mind.

Of course not. You're welcome to stop by anytime, you know that.

Thank you.

♪ I get up at seven, yeah ♪
♪ and I go to work at nine ♪
♪ I got no time for living, yeah ♪
♪ I'm working all the time. ♪
♪ Seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ a lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ they call me the working man. ♪
♪ Yes, I get home at five o'clock ♪
♪ and I take myself out a nice cold beer ♪
♪ always seem to be wondering ♪
♪ why there's nothing going down here ♪
♪ It seems to me I could live my life ♪
♪ a lot better than I think I am ♪
♪ I guess that's why they call me ♪
♪ the working man ♪
♪ They call me the working man ♪
♪ I guess that's what I am ♪

[birds chirping]

[splashing sound]

May I?

Of course.


I don't see many people down here.

Neither do I.

You local?

No, a friend told me about the beach.

He didn't tell me about the rocks. And you?

I live in the house on the point.


I like it.



I should go. I have work to do.

Me too. I, um...

It was nice meeting you.

I'm Juliette.


Good. Hope to see you again. Bye.

I see you scratched the hood.

So you're in a bad mood?

I'm tired, Dieter. What do you want? What do you want to show me?

Nothing. I lied. To get you here.

You was in a bad mood already... and it was for a good cause, a very good cause...

He did it for me.

Who are you?

I can't tell you that.


I thought you said no names?

I'm sorry, Frank.

Trina is an old friend of mine.

Now I know her name.

I don't do referrals. It doesn't work that way.

It's not a referral. I'm looking for a driver.

Dieter says he knows someone and you show up.

Are you a driver or not?

I'm not interested.

Frank. If our friendship means anything to you, please, listen.

I'm listening.

Okay. Trina's father, Laurent.

He taught me everything. Everything I know about cars.

More names.

Okay, what's the story?

My father's been working on a new system, the XR-50.

It's a retrofitted unit that reduces fuel consumption by 70%.

But two weeks ago, our factory and the prototypes were destroyed in a fire.

Who'd want to destroy that?

Jurgen Smith, President of Casso Petrochemicals.

My father used to work for them.

But this new system would mean a vast reduction in fuel consumption.

And let me guess. There's only one prototype left.

And people have died for this. Two men in the fire, and Marc Cousteau, my father's chief engineer.

Marc was a great man. A genius.

He's responsible for the final working design.

Without him or the prototype, the XR-50's finished.

What's the deal?

I have to get it to the Paris Motor Show by tomorrow, 9 AM.

Okay. Okay, I'll do it.

If you kiss me, the deal's off.

No, no, no, I just want to say thank you.

I swear to God, kiss me, the deal's off.

I'm happy. Thanks. That's great.

Laurent is here?

He's here, yeah.

Yes, Trina. Sá va?

The Transporter said yes.

Yes! He'll beta-test it the whole way?

I haven't exactly told him it's a test.

None of our simulations can come close to what he'll do, and we need to demonstrate the XR-50's optimum ability once it's in Paris.

Make sure he really puts it through its paces.

I have a feeling that won't be hard for this driver. I have to go, Papa. Je t'aime.

Okay, I'll see you in Paris. Bye.

Guess who's talking to her daddy...

You know where Trina is?

Uh-huh. She's in Nice.

Don't do anything till we know she has the prototype.

I know my job, Jurgen. Don't worry, I won't hurt the girl unless I have to.

Enough people have died, Le Loup.

You want to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs.

The XR-50 is a miracle of economy, precision and simplicity.

And to think that it's not even German. That's incredible. It can be fitted to any car.

Wire the control unit into the on board computer, et voila, you have clean, mean motoring.

Is this thing going to affect performance?

Yes. For the better.

You're telling me this thing uses less fuel and will make the car faster?

Yes, it's genius! I told you. It's total genius!

Well, yes, eventually. The unit has a memory system... it learns to operate at the level it's driven at, and then maximizes fuel efficiency and increases power.

So I'm the guinea pig.

Kind of.

[engine roaring]

It's alive...

I am now looking at a flashing blue light.

The XR-50 is alive and well.

So Trina has the last prototype. I want it.

Á la chasse!

Laurent! Laurent. I was so sorry to hear about the fire.

All our work gone. Did you get the donation I sent for the families of those poor men?

You know it was m*rder, Jurgen.

It pains me you think I was involved. Our differences could have been resolved.

As long as I handed over the XR-50.

We did pay for it.

I'm supposed to give it to you so you can bury it?

That's not good.

What is it?

Is there something you haven't told me?

Like, for example, someone knows we're taking the XR-50 to Paris?

I love it when they don't give up.

Let's hope this thing works as well as you say it does.


Now that's what I call a road test.

They were trying to k*ll us!

Your old man did a hell of a job. This thing really works.

f*ckin' assh*le!

Frank. Everything alright?

In a word, no.

I need you to track me for a while.

Things on this Nice to Paris run are about to get more complicated.

See what happens if you take work I haven't vetted?

Yes, Carla, but right now I just need the fastest route to Paris.

You're throwing out a GSM 1800 signal. Red hot.

Give me your cell phone.

Sorry, had to be done.

You could have asked.

And what would you have said?

I would have taken the battery out.

There's a driver.

He's good. I wasn't expecting that.

Le Loup...

As long as the prototype is switched on, we can trace them. If they try to hide by turning it off, they're standing still.

That car cannot make it to Paris. Do whatever it takes.

It's nearly 1,000 kilometres between Nice and Paris.

He hasn't got a chance.

Now get off the f*cking phone, let me do my job.

I thought I smelled something.

I know Trina is bringing the prototype.

That's ridiculous!

The prototype won't make it.

So call her. Tell her to park the car and walk away.

Ignore me and her blood will be on your hands.


Hi, this is Trina. Leave a message.

Trina, this is Papa. Call me as soon as you can.

Why is it so hot in here?

You know, there's more to life than just driving your car, Frank.

Maybe. But right now my only concern is driving this car.

Just a job, is that "Mr. Professional"?

It's nothing personal. But yeah.

You just drive things from point A to point B?

Don't care what they are?

That's what the rules are for.

Rule number 1: Never change the deal.

Rule 2: No names.

Rule 3: Don't open the package.

Well, two of those are already broken, Frank.

Yeah, and I'm not happy about it.

Would you mind? Give it a pull.

You think your machine could be screwing with the car's electronics?

Yes, there might be a temporary adjustment process.

Adjustment process?

I liked you better when you didn't speak.



Of all the roads in all the world...

Hold on!


This is more like it.

Still hate the heat?

I can take the heat if the car performs like this.

Why are we stopping? Are you crazy? Drive!

That box connects to all the systems, right?

Yes, it... that's what makes it so efficient, it's a full override. It diverts power to the systems that need it.

Yeah, well, it's also how they're tracking us.

Just like a cell phone. While it's off, we're invisible.

The minute we turn it on, we might as well paint a target on the roof.

It stays shut down.




The XR-50 needs at least 750 kilometres to fully register performance details. Your performance details.

Hmm. What I really need is a cold beer and a shower.

What are you doing!?

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!

Frank, Frank!

There's no power to the brakes.

Eh, who needs brakes?


I'm an assh*le?

Yes, you're an assh*le.

Someone's going to get k*lled.

As long as it's not me.




The signal's dead.

Search every car park, garage, hotel and junkyard in this town. He's here, somewhere.

Admit it. You're impressed.

No, I am not impressed.

What's the plan?

We hole up.

We'll have a better chance tomorrow morning.

It's only 100 kilometres to Paris.

[cell phone ringing]

Hey Frank, how are you?

I've had better days, Dieter.

I can't lie. The car's a little bruised and I'm living my own version of Smokey and the Bandit. [knock on door]

Oh? Is Trina safe?

She's fine. As am I, thanks for asking.

Where are you?

In a couple of hours I'll be in Paris.

It's better that I didn't fly.

It's been a long time since I did that drive and I like it.

Merci, monsieur.

Well, if you drove a real car you'd be there by now.

Keep the jokes coming, Frank, and you can get the train home.

I didn't ask you to come.

I can't miss Laurent's moment of triumph!

If I don't get Jurgen's thugs off my back, there might not be a moment of triumph.

The minute I turn the car on, they know exactly where we are.


That was me asking what I can do, Dieter.

That was me thinking.

Thinking and driving can be dangerous.

I'll call you in a bit. Don't drive too fast.

Who was that?

Let me guess.

None of my business.

I ordered some wine.

I'm going to take a bath.

[cell phone ringing]


Papa, it's me.

Trina! Where have you been? I've been calling you!

Jurgen knows you're coming.

I'm okay. The Transporter lost them.

I... I'm safe now.

Nothing's worth this, Trina.

Leave the XR-50 and get out of there.

No! Papa, I have to see this through.

We have to face them down.

Jurgen, Casso, Big Oil. I'm going through with it.

No, I could not bear anything to happen to you, Trina.

It won't.

Papa, you should see the car. It's incredible.

With this modification, and the driver... it's responding better than we ever imagined.


It's actually faster.

And the fuel gauge barely moved! Even the Transporter is impressed, Papa.

I'll see you in Paris in the morning.

Take care, chérie.

You too.

And don't worry, I'm fine. Je t'aime.


You don't like my idea?

It's not really an idea, it's...

Simple. I like simple.

See you soon. Don't get lost.

Not funny, Frank.

I am sorry, were you...

It's fine.

You only booked one room?

I'll sleep in the car.

You afraid someone might make off with her in the night?

Something like that.

You saved my life today. And my father's work.

I said I'd deliver the package. That's what I'm gonna do.

They're going to come after us even harder tomorrow, aren't they?


And do you think we have a chance?

There's always a chance.

You don't want to walk away?

That would be changing the deal.

And you wouldn't want to do that, would you?

You've had a long day.


And tomorrow will be a long day also.

That's it.

[elevator dinging]

Where were you? I woke up, you were gone and... - Get down.


Get down!


Are you okay?

Time to go.

You've got nowhere to go.

Get in the car and lock the doors.

I thought you'd be bigger.

I thought you'd be better looking.

There's no need for v*olence. I know what you're after.

You're very cool, my friend.

Maybe too cool?

Hmm? Maybe the car's rigged?

You open the hood.

Get the unit.

Get it, you idiot.


They're back.

Oh shit.

We have visual contact.

Don't worry about tracking the unit.

We're not going to outrun them, are we?

Nope. But we do have options.


Come on, you idiot! Let's go!

Ah, we got 'em!

What the f*ck?

Up the side! Go, go, go, go!

Get close!


Oh, merde.

[Trina screaming]

Trina! Trina, open the door.

I'm stuck.


If anyone ever asks you what tipped you off, you can say it was me.

What's happening?

We have a decision to make.

Can you catch?

Give it to the girl.

Give it to the girl!

Trina, give me your hand.


Trina, I'm here with your father.

If you hurt him...

No, I don't hurt people. That's what I pay Le Loup for.

I just wanted your father to know I wasn't lying about the situation.



The XR-50's finished. I can't get it there.

Just keep yourself safe.

I love you, Papa.


You bastard.

Your father loves you, Trina. And who could blame him?

Go to hell.

Trina says goodbye.

I hate negotiating. It takes all the fun out of the job, don't you think?

That's easy for you to say.


Ha. Need a push?


I have to k*ll you now, you know that. Nothing personal.

Dieter! Forget the car!

Trina, back inside.

Open the sunroof. Open the sunroof! Come on!

It's okay, come on.

Okay, ready? Give me your hand.

Okay, round you go.

The prototype. It's gone.

We lost it. We'll never get the XR-50 to the show.

You're really starting to piss me off.


Come on, Frank.

Frank, careful!

Now, Frank. Come on.

Yeah, that's good.

Good, Frank. Very good.

The shovel, Frank!

Hit him. Hit him in the face, Frank.

This is good. This is good.

Yah. This is good, Frank.


You took your time.

Well, I didn't want to hit you.

You said keep going no matter what.

I was talking to her. And you did the opposite of what I told you.

Fine. Let's go. Schnell.

I don't see why I can't drive. Maybe not so fast?

My little girl Suzette isn't used to going this fast.



Really? You have to trust me, Dieter.

Well, you could have told me that you took the unit out of your car and gave it to Dieter.

I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

That was a very good idea, Frank.

They thought you had the unit, so they followed you.

Like a Trojan Horse. That was my idea, Trina.


I know, Dieter.

I know.


No! Please... Frank!

No, no, no. Suzette!


Okay. Okay. Stop!


Please, please, stop!

Frank, not so fast.


Frank, please. Stop it!

You're crazy, Frank!




Thank's god. You crazy driver.

Where's my Papa?

Oh, Papa!


Go get the part.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you for keeping her safe.

[announcer]: And in a surprise change in our schedule, the highly anticipated announcement from Laurent La Croix, of La Croix Labs.

Mr. La Croix has been working with low fuel technology for several years and his brilliant success is ready to be seen by the world.

Mr. La Croix!

Thank you very much.

This is what you've been waiting for. This will change the way we think about fuel efficiency and car design.

You must be Jurgen.

Trina, this is Jurgen!

Nice to put a face to the voice.

Nicer to put a foot to the face.

We did it.

You did it. Well done.


Go and be with him.

Did you...?

Open the package?

There are rules, Dieter.

We need to find a car.

Oh no, Frank...