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02x15 - Remember the Alamosaurus/Sunrise, Sunset

Posted: 02/28/24 10:49
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks! It's me-- the conductor. Today the

Pteranodon family starts big dinosaur week with alamosaurus,

One of the biggest sauropods ever. So come along with me on

The dinosaur train! All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur

Train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ The dinosaur train ♪ [roaring]

I have a feeling that tiny is here! Found you, tiny!

There you are, don.

In a hole, of course.

Yeah. I had to scrunch up a lot. Uh!

Buddy is always the last one I find.

I hope buddy has fun now being small enough to hide because

When he grows up, he'll be huge, too big to hide anywhere.

Well, I know I'll be bigger when I'm older, but not as

Big as say ned brachiosaurus.

Aha! I found you.

Ha ha. Oops.

Good hiding spot.

I bet ned is too big to hide anywhere. It's because he's the

Biggest dinosaur.

I don't think so, don.

I think alamosaurus is the biggest.

Or maybe argentinosaurus.

Yeah. They're big, but are they the biggest?

Hmm, maybe the biggest dinosaur is a species we've

Never heard of before.

You know who'll know for sure? The conductor.

Yeah! Let's go ride the dinosaur train!

Wait! We have to ask mom and dad.

Mom, dad, can we go to the dinosaur train and ask

The conductor what the biggest dinosaur is?


You know what would make this a real adventure? What if we

Ride the train every day and visit some of the biggest

Dinosaurs? We could make this a big dinosaur week!



To the dinosaur train!


[Train whistle blows] I'm a big dinosaur.

Out of my way. Oof.

All right. Getting out of your way, mister

The big dinosaur don.

Oh, uh, sorry, mister the conductor.

So where to today, pteranodon clan?

Dad had a great idea.

Yeah, to take the train all over the mesozoic and visit

The biggest dinosaurs.

And we call it big dinosaur week.

Kudos to dad!

Indeed a fantastic idea.

Why, thank you, mr. Conductor.

But we were hoping you could tell us what are the biggest


Well, there's brachiosaurus, like our long-necked friend ned.

Did someone say "ned"?

Hi, everyone!

Hi, ned!

But even brachiosaurus aren't the biggest dinosaurs.

It's true.

We can't really say what is the biggest dinosaur, but here

Are of my very favorite dinosaur biggies--

Apatosaurus, alamosaurus, diplodocus,

Argentinosaurus. And here's brachiosaurus for a size


Look. Pretty big, huh?

Whoa! They're huge!

Awk! I think this calls for a song. Come on, everybody.

♪ The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs

The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs

We've met some hefty dinosaurs, some toothy

Carnivores, but sauropods grow even more

'Cause they're the biggest dinosaurs!

A sauropod's hard to ignore more giant than a carnivore

When they walk, they shake the floor

And make a mighty sound like this!

'Cause they're some of the biggest dinosaurs

The biggest dinosaurs ♪ mm-hmm!

♪ The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs ♪

Tell it, buddy! Tell it!

♪ And don't forget that sauropods are hungry herbivores

We walk around on two big legs but they walk on all fours ♪

We do.

♪ Their necks and tails are extra long

And that is why they're in this song

With other dinos big and strong

Who are we gonna meet? ♪ Sound off!


Oh, yeah!


Oh, yeah!


Oh, yeah!


♪ The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs

The biggest dinosaurs the biggest dinosaurs ♪



So who are we gonna meet first, mr. Conductor?

Well, we could visit an alamosaurus. They live in

The lake cretaceous.

Not far away.

I remember the alamosaurus.

We met them in laramidia.

Right! They were really, really big.

They still are.

Next stop, alamosaurus forest station. Good luck,

Pteranodons and t. Rex.

I know an alamosaurus family near here with a teenage

Daughter named allie.

Bye, mr. Conductor!

[Loud honking] what's that weird sound?

Is it birds?

Maybe we should investigate.

Let's go!

Stay together, kids.

Shh! Look.

[Gulps] it wasn't birds making that


Birds? Ha ha! Nope.

I'm allie alamosaurus.

Hi, allie. I'm tiny pteranodon. And this is

My sister shiny and my brothers buddy and don, and our mom

And dad.


We're riding the dinosaur train all over and meeting some

Of the biggest dinosaurs in the mesozoic era.

We call it big dinosaur week.

Wow! I'm honored to be included. And if you want big

Dinosaurs, those are my parents right over there.

[Loud honking] whoa!

Um, do you mind if we check out your features, allie?

Buddy likes to compare features. It's kind of his


That's fine because I like to show off, but I get to check out

Your features, too, right?

Awk! Of course.

Ok. You have a super long tail.

Yup. We're way up here, at the end of allie's long

Sauropod neck.

Wow. Allie, you have so many teeth.

[Stomach noises] and you must eat a lot of


Oh, I do. All day long.

Ok, now it's time for me to check out your features.

Awk! Over here, everybody.

Love those wings, pteranodons!

Oh, let's see the beaks.

Nice feet and claws, buddy the t. Rex. Oh, and what great

Teeth. Someday you'll be a really big dinosaur, too, buddy.

Ha ha. Yeah. But I'll never be as big as you.

So, pteranodon family, do you want a tour of my home area?


Come on, then.

Delicious leaves to the left, and to the right, bushes and

Plants for me to eat.

Allie, when you're not eating leaves, do you ever play games?

I'm a kid, too, don. I love playing games.

Ok, the name of the game is hide-and-seek. I'm it. I'll

Close my eyes and everyone hides. Ready? Go!

[All speaking excitedly] shh!

[Allie laughs]

Hee hee!


[Allie laughs] not hard to find me, huh?

[Laughter] I guess not.

I call the next game!

Follow the leader. I'll be leader. Line up behind me.

Ok, and hop!

[Boom] this is my best

Alamosaurus hop.

You guys go first.

I'm right behind you!

Awk! Ok. Down we go.

Here's me crawling.

[Laughter] yeah, allie!

Alamosaurus aren't that great at crawling, but--mm, mm--those

Were tasty bushes.

Ok. Follow me. Let's stomp.

Hey, do you want to play one of my favorite games?


It's called moving mountain.

I pretend to be a huge mountain, and you all climb up

On top of me.

Hi, mom and dad. We're on top of mount allie!

Hi, kids!

Ok, hold on tight, kids.

The mountain is moving!


And now this moving mountain needs to do what all sauropods

Like to do most.


Exactly. I need leaves and plants of all shapes and sizes.

Awk! How about a snack for everyone? You can eat on top

Of the moving mountain.


Aren't moms the greatest?

Yeah! Thanks, mom!

Awk! You're welcome, kids.

Hang on. I'm gonna walk over to those leaves.

Allie, your legs must be really strong to carry all of us


[Gulps] my legs are really strong. I can

Walk on them for a long way and do some cool things, like go in

Reverse. Backing up.

Backing up!

Ok, everybody ready to slide off?

Yeah! Whoo!

Hee hee!

Allie, I noticed that your knees don't really bend.

You're right. My legs don't bend much at all.


Well, they need to be super strong to support my big

Sauropod body. If my legs bent a lot, they wouldn't be as

Strong and couldn't do their job as well.

Awk! I get it.

Do you guys want to experience how it feels to walk

Alamosaurus-style without bending your knees?


Dad, we're going to need some sticks and vines.

Got it! Let's go, team.



Let's go!

Wow. It's hard to walk without bending your knees.

Now we know how it feels to be you, allie.

Yup. My straight legs, like your straight sticks, make it so

Much easier to walk. But if my legs bent a lot like don's


Whoa. Whoa!

Then my legs would be too wobbly for me to walk around.

Whoa! Uh!

[Train whistle blows] there's the train, kids.

Time to go home.

I know. Let's walk to the train like allie. We can be

One long alamosaurus.

[Cheering] wow! Together you're almost

A sauropod.

To the dinosaur train!


Allie, it was great to meet you.

Bye, allie!

Bye, pteranodon family!

See you soon.

Big dinosaur week continues!

All aboard!


[Train whistle blows]

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist.

As you can see, I'm here with two enormous friends--

Alamosaurus and apatosaurus-- two of the biggest animals that

Ever lived on land. These huge creatures have a lot in common.

They both belong to the same group of dinosaurs called

Sauropods. Both are quadrupeds,

Which means that they walked on legs.

And both have long necks and

Long tails. But why do all these big guys have long tails?

Some paleontologists think that sauropods like these used

Their tails to defend themselves against predators. Another thing

That alamosaurus and apatosaurus have in common--they're both

Herbivores, or plant eaters.

Being such giant animals, these sauropods had to eat a lot--

Hundreds of pounds of greens every day. Sauropods lived all

Over the world. How do we know?

Their fossils have been found on every continent. Let's take

It grew up to feet long a closer look at alamosaurus.

And weighed tons. That's about the weight of cars.

[Horn honks]

Alamosaurus had thick, massive legs to support its enormous

Body. The most similar animal living today is the elephant,

Which also has thick pillar-like legs. Ok. Keep watching for

More dinosaur discoveries.

Hello, folks! It's me-- the conductor. Today the

Pteranodon family is going on a camp out. They'll see

The sun set at night, then rise the next morning. So come on

Along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Waves crashing on beach] mom, where does the sun

Go at night?

Maybe the sun sets down into the water.

Maybe it goes behind the earth.

Or maybe behind the moon.

Good questions, everyone.

Let's find out the answers tomorrow. Time to sleep now.


[Snoring] what's going on? Who was

That snoring just now?

Is it morning?

No, dad. It's not morning.

The sun just went down. And we were all wondering where it

Goes at night.

I wonder that, too.

I will not sleep till this mystery is solved.

Ha ha. You know what, kids?

I was planning to take you camping at the big pond


[Kids gasp] so how about if we watch

The sun set and then get up early and watch it rise

In the morning?


Great idea!

It'll be a nature tracker sunrise/sunset camp out!

Yeah, let's go!

What are we waiting for?

Don, it's nighttime now and bedtime. Camping at

The big pond in the morning.

Oh, right.

I'm too awake to sleep.

Try, don.

Good night, kids.

[Snoring] bye! Have a great camp out.

We will! Bye, mom.

Let's go, team pteranodon!


Tickets. Tickets, please.

Ooh, the big pond, eh?

Yeah! We're going on a camp out.

And we're gonna see the sun set and then rise in

The morning.

But we don't actually know where the sun goes when it sets

Or comes from when it rises.

Observe. Our planet earth is a big spinning ball that

Takes exactly one day to spin completely around. The earth

Spins, so when the sun is lighting up one side

And it's daytime...

The other side of the earth is dark. So it's

Nighttime there.

Correct, tiny. And here's a question for you nature

Trackers to think about during your camp out. Why is it

Colder at night?

Hmm. I have a hypothesis.

I think it's colder at night because the sun isn't out.

It's on the other side of the earth.

Excellent hypothesis, buddy!

Mr. Conductor, while we're camping out at the big pond,

We'll probably see some nocturnal animals out tonight,


Nocturnal creatures are active at night.

Right and right!

Nighttime creatures, such as palaeobatrachus.

Yeah! Like patricia palaeobatrachus!

And glow beetles are very active at night, too.

Ooh! Glow beetles.

And they sleep during the day.

But we sleep at night.

Well, most of us do.

Creatures that sleep at night and wake up as the sun appears

Are called diurnal.

Cool! We're diurnal!

Yup, there are certain creatures that are active

At twilight, when the sun is just going down or coming up.

They're called crepuscular.

Awk! There are different creatures for every time of

The day and night. I can't wait to see those glow beetles

Light up.

And I can't wait to see the sun rise.

And you'll be seeing everything very soon because

We're here. Big pond station!

Boy, I know you pteranodons will have a great camp out.


Bye, mr. Conductor. Thanks!

Ok, let's huddle by the puddle, avoid the slime,

And listen to the plan so we have a great time.

Are we going to put up the tent?

Oh, yeah, we are. But first, we'll all help gather twigs

And soft grass. Then we'll put up the leaf tent.

And then we fish for dinner.

When do we see the sun go down?

Right around sunset, don.

Hee hee!

Ok, team. Let's set up camp!

Good work, team.

Let's go fishing!


All right!

Hey, look, those must be diurnal creatures.

It's their time of the day to be active.

I guess we can call them day timers, like those


And there's adam adocus.

Hi, adam!

Hi, pteranodon family.

Doing some camping?

I saw your tent up there.

Yup, we're having a camp out.

And we're gonna watch the sun set, then rise

In the morning.

Sounds like fun. It's great to be active when the sun is

Shining. So much food to find.

Well, you pteranodons would know. You're day timers, too!

Day timers? That's what I call us.

Look, the sun is lower in the sky.

Well, my workday is almost done.

Your workday?

Uh-huh. I work looking for food during the day when the

Sun is up, then the nocturnal creatures take over.

Their workday starts after the sun sets.

Exactly, tiny. Ok, see you when the comes back tomorrow

Morning. Good night.

Good night, adam!

Team, we're going to a special place to watch the sun

Go down. And then we'll go there tomorrow morning for

The sunrise. Ok, follow me to sun view peak.

To sun view peak! Yay! Whoo!

Ok, rule number one-- do not stare at the sun.

It could hurt your eyes.

You can peek and then look away.

Now, the direction where the sun sets has a special name.

It's called west.

There goes the sun. Bye!

Now it's twilight.

Hey, howard the dragonfly!

Hmm, he is flying, and it's almost dark. Maybe dragonflies

Are crepuscular.

I guess so. Bye, howard.

Hey, look, the sun is completely down and the moon is up.

It's night.

Brr! Buddy, your hypothesis was right. It's colder because

The sun is down.

So pretty soon, nocturnal animals should show up. Right?

Hey, there's one now!

And look over there and there!

Glow beetles! Whoo-hoo!

They're lighting up.

[Croaking] I hear a palaeobatrachus.

Maybe it's patricia.

Can we go see her, dad?

Ha ha! I'll come with you.

Come on, team.

[Ribbit] [www bbb lll lll]

Hi, pteranodon family. Doing some nighttime exploring?

Hi, patricia!

We're on a camp out to watch the sun set and rise.

[Ribbit] sounds like fun. I tell you,

There's nothing like the night life. I find lots of little,

Tiny fish and bugs to eat.

[Ribbit] [www bbb lll lll]

Do you just stay here at the water hole?

No, buddy. I hop all over the place. In fact, I would love

To stay and chat, but I have much more eating to do tonight.

My food won't find itself.

Maybe we'll see you later, patricia.

Will you be awake before the sun rises?

I will. I'm not gonna sleep at all.

We'll see about that.


[Ribbit] ok, team. Time for us

Diurnal creatures to get some shuteye. To the campsite!

[Ribbit] that sound was patricia.

[Creaking] and that sound is, um...

Tree branches creaking?

[Ah--ah--ah-choo!] And that was howard

The dragonfly sneezing in his sleep, I think.

[Laughter] I think that was patricia

Again, don. Ok, team, before you know it, I'll be waking

You to see the sunrise.

So let's all get to sleep. Yeah.

[Snoring loudly] you won't have to wake me,

Dad. Remember, I'm staying up all night.

Well, at least stay awake quietly. Some of us want

To sleep.

Ok, I'll whisper. Buddy, let's name all the nocturnal

Creatures we know.

I'll name , ok?

Microraptor, sinovenator, and troodon. Good night.

Dad, I love camp outs, don't you?

[Snoring] still awake. Ehh...ehh...

I'm still up. I'm not sleeping.


[Dad snoring] [birds chirping]

I guess dad's still asleep, but the glow beetles are still


We have to get to sunrise peak. Dad, it's almost

Time for sunrise!

Uh, right! Ahem. Uh, sunrise.

Wow. Hope I didn't snore.

Ready to go, team?

Wait. Don's asleep.

Don, time to get up!

Don, didn't you say over and over that you weren't going

To sleep?

What? I--i--i wasn't sleeping. I was just, um, uh,


Well, all right, then.

Sun view peak here we come.

Ok, kids, where will the sun rise?

In the west.

But the earth has been spinning all night.

Maybe it'll come up behind us.

Or maybe right out of the mountains.

Take a look over there.

The sun will be rising in the opposite direction from

The west, a direction called east.

The sun is up! Yay!


And it's already warmer out.

Thanks, mr. Sun!

Get ready to see the day timers again.

[Ribbit] oh, good morning. Ah, time

For me to get to sleep. Bye!

Bye, patricia!

Have a good sleep.

Ahh. Good morning, pteranodons. Oh, ho. I slept

Like a log. You see any nocturnals last night?

A lot. Patricia palaeobatrachus,

Some troodons.

And glow beetles!

Well, time to find some grub.

Awk! How about a fish breakfast?


Hi, hon!

Yay! Whoo!

So we saw the sun set in the west and rise in the east.

Mom, did you know that the earth spins around?

And that dad snores louder when we camp out?

What? Me? Snore? Do I really?

Well, maybe a little.

[Mom imitates snoring] ha ha!

Dad, you definitely snore.

Uh-oh. No.

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist. Two things

Happen in the sky every single day. Do you know what they are?

If you said the sun comes up and the sun goes down, you're

Right. No matter where you are in the world, the sun always

Rises in the east and sets in the west. Some animals like

To be active during the daytime, when the sun's up. We call

Them diurnal animals. Squirrels, butterflies, giraffes, eagles,

And people, like you and me, all like to be active during

The day. But many other animals are most active after the sun

Sets. Owls, koalas, geckos, moths, even catfish all like to

Be out and about under the stars. Animals that are

Most active at night are called nocturnal. And they usually have

Special features, like great vision or an amazing sense of

Smell that help them get around in the dark. Ok, remember, get

Outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.

We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur

Train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride

♪ Ride, ride ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪