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02x06 - All Things Must Pass

Posted: 08/01/13 08:51
by bunniefuu


(Buzzing continues)

(Buzzing stops)

Hey, I was just dreaming about you.

Charlie: Mmm.

Was I wearing pants?

Are you wearing them now?

Hey, I need you to talk me out of something.

(Exhales) Charlie, what are you doing?

Charles Mingus live album.

Ultra-rare early pressing.

Auction ends in... Eight minutes, and I'm about to make an outrageous bid.

(Knock on door)

Mm, of course you are. Listen, I had to... come in.


What's up?

Rare Mingus. This is an emergency.

Sorry, Alex. We need you now.

Okay, I've got an emergency of my own.

Gotta go. Love you.

(Jackson) B.P. Still falling fast.

He's day zero post-op. This isn't good.

He's in shock. Get Reycraft back here.

I called him twice already. He's not picking up.

Try him again.

He's burning up.

Start antibiotics. Norepinephrine.

20 micrograms per minute.

(Rapid beeping flatlining)

Damn. We lost his pulse.

Get me a crash cart.

Come on, Travis. Stay with me here.

Still in v-fib. No pulse.


I'm here.

(Machine beeping rapidly)

Alex: I could really use those paddles right now.

(Defibrillator thrums)

Here. Okay. Clear!

(Paddles thump)

Again. Clear!


I gotta try.

Come on, Travis. One, two... (Exhaling)

(Machine beeping rhythmically)

Saving Hope 02x06 All Things Must Pass


You do know that technically, I'm still your doctor, right?

Oh, mnh-mnh. You should check your e-mail, because I fired your fine ass last night.

You did what?

Mm-hmm. Don't worry. I'm... I'm recommending you on yelp.

Okay. Well, I demand at least four stars, okay?

Mm. Um, I'll say that you have a good bedside manner.

And my feminine hands. Don't forget to mention those. (Laughs)

Right. But firm when required.


You know, a girl could get used to playing doctor with an actual doctor.

(Alarm clock beeping)




Fun time's over.

Duty calls.

(Clicks, beeping stops)

Oh. It's gonna be one hell of a day.

I got subpoenaed to appear at a custody hearing, and I inherited my co-worker's intake files while she's on vacation, and...

And then Ryan's got a soccer game.

You know, you're welcome to come if you want.

You could meet me there.

Unless, of course, you've got better things to do.

Although, you know, I can't imagine what would be better.

(Clears throat)

Say what?

Just Ryan's soccer game.


Or will you be too busy, you know, saving the world?

No. I'm... I'm sorry.

I, uh, I'm stuck in a board meeting today.

I'm trying to talk medicine with a bunch of bean counters.

Mm. That's frustrating.

It is. And I've got M & M rounds today.

It's, uh...


I hate to miss it. Sorry.

But can I call you later?


I might answer.

You might? If you're lucky.

Oh. If I'm extremely lucky.


All right. We're talking about a man named Travis Bain, 31-year-old who presented with, um...

Actually, he didn't really present with anything at first.

As of yesterday, I would say we all thought he was... healthy.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Scoffs) What's the big deal?

I used to do that back in high school phys ed.

Probably didn't look that good doing it.

No, you're right.

Of course, I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail, smoking a joint, so... impressed?

Well, I'd buy that calendar, too.

Hey. I see Mr. April and I see Mr. June, but I don't see Mr. May.

Oh, my.

Sighs: It's always may in my house.

Hey, guys.

Hey, lady.

No calendar?

Mm, my type's a little more camera-shy.

Whoa. May is hotter than I remember.

Mm-hmm. But a no-show, Alex.

Even my fantasies stand me up these days.

No. Today is your lucky day. There he is.

Mr. May! Over here!

Alex, what are you doing?

I'm getting you an autograph.

Did everyone give blood?

Not yet, but my friend here would love an autograph.

Oh, sure. Uh, what's your name?

It's Dr. Hamza.

His name's Shahir.

Sure. Sure.

Uh, makes me kind of nervous, writing in front of doctors.

Don't want to come off dumb.

Here. Is that okay?

(Clears throat) Yes. That is perfect. Thank you.


Uh, excuse me. I gotta go climb a rope.

Part of the whole embarrassing fireman thing.

When Travis Bain walked into our hospital at 11: 00 yesterday morning, he was a fit, healthy man.

Many of us treated him... myself included.

By midnight, he was dead.

So the purpose of today's morbidity and mortality rounds is to figure out how it happened.

How did we lose this patient?

So how go the M & Ms?

Well, no one's crying. Yet.

What have we got here?

Meet Allison Davis, proof positive that yoga is dangerous.

I'm such a klutz.

I was at a sunrise class. We greet the day with yoga.

Trying to do one of those headstands where you support yourself with your elbows.

Ah. The dreaded Salamba Sirsasana. Yeah.

What? I'm studying the tantra.

Learning to go beyond the valley of the twin water chestnuts.

Mm. And I can't un-know that.

So, Allison, you keeled over, and, uh...

Somehow landed with my ankle under my body.

Okay. (Pen clicks)

Um, how's your pain, from one to five?


That's why I wanted you.

Isn't no pain a good thing?

Well, it can be.


Not in this case. Allison, you have a fracture dislocation.


Uh, skin is blanched around the ankle.

There's no pulse in the dorsalis pedis.

And none in the posterior tibial, either.

How long has she been waiting?

Um, between the ambulance and me, maybe two hours okay.

Um, Allison, here's the thing...

You've kinked the blood vessels in your foot.

That's why it's numb?

That's why you're not feeling any pain.

Sounds more serious than a twisted ankle.

Yeah. Give her 75 milligrams of pethidine.

Um, we're gonna have to reduce that ankle back into place, and I hate to say this, but it is going to hurt.

Is there anybody you would like us to call?

Husband? Boyfriend?


Uh, sorry.

I didn't mean to jump down your throat.

It's a bit of a sensitive issue.

Breakups are the worst. I get it.

This is gonna pinch a little bit, okay?

Actually, I'm a novitiate at St. Anne's.

Oh. That's a... heck of a commitment.


I'm supposed to take my vows tomorrow.


That's why you don't want anyone to know you're here?

Church is against yoga?

No, it's not the church. It's our bishop.

He's got a bug up his...

Well, he's pretty doctrinaire about it.

Wait, what's wrong with yoga?

It began as a hindu spiritual practice.


Well, I like the sound of "Sister Allison"...

Clicks: So I think we can keep your little secret.

Namaste, sister.

(Siren wailing in distance)

Travis Bain. 31-year-old man. Firefighter.

Loosen up.


Loosen up, reid.

M & Ms are the only place that we have to speak freely about the mistakes we make.

Mm-hmm. She's right.

We need to know what we did wrong so we don't do it again.

So... what did you do wrong?


The patient presented with severe abdominal pain in the upper-right quadrant.

It started with a stomachache.

(Indistinct conversations)


He looks great, doesn't he?

You a big fan?

Number one. He's my husband.

And he's pretty beautiful on the inside, too.

Well, he certainly has a lot of admirers.

(Laughs) He's playing a part for charity.

You should see him at home. He is as goofy as anything.

Last week, he dragged me to a comic book convention.

Really? (Laughs)

Aah! Aah!

Travis. It's okay. I've got it.

Hey. You okay?

Yeah, sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean to cause any...

Aah! Aah! Whoa. Whoa.

Travis, I want you to try to lay back, okay?

I'm gonna help you lay back, okay? (Gasping)

Can you tell me here it hurts? Aah!

Travis, you need to stop flexing.

I... sorry. I-I'm not.

That's... that's really something.

No, I'm just lucky to have good genes.

I do crunches when I watch TV.

Does this hurt?


How long have you guys been married?

Five years in...

Um, let me guess. May?


Five years.

Seems like a lot shorter.

And a lot longer.

I-in a good way.


Let's get Mr. Bain up to imaging.

Mm-hmm. What is it? What's the matter?

I'm just feeling something in Travis's stomach that I'd like to check out.

Are we gonna be here long?

I-I didn't get home to walk Smokey.

Our mutt. He gets nervous when he's home alone.

Well, you might want to call a neighbor, okay?

I'm just gonna keep you here a little bit longer.

(Monitor beeping steadily, telephone ringing in distance)

Was it cancer?

I like to play a bit of a guessing game during M & Ms, you know?

The man died, Shahir.

I know.

Was it cancer?

Is it cancer?

No, it looks like a cyst.

Could you test it just to be sure?

His father died of lymphoma.

We don't biopsy cysts, because we don't want them to pop.

Like... a zit?

Sort of. Yes.

There's a standard surgical procedure for this type of cyst.

Dr. Reycraft has done it plenty of times.

We just have to book the O.R.

Will Travis have to wait long?

No. We are gonna take care of this right away.

Will you be with Travis during the operation?

I'll be assisting Dr. Reycraft. Yes.

Don't worry. You're in the right hands.

Firefighters on fire in the house.

Did you go check it out?


I like my men skinny and ironically fearful.

(Speaking indistinctly in distance)

(Door handle clicks)

Didn't think you were coming in today.

I couldn't be home.

Did you eat anything?

Uh... mm.

You have to eat, Maggie.

I will.

After I bury my father.

I should be coming with you.

Gavin, we talked about this.

I can't let you come with me.


Because I like you too much.

Maggie, family drama... kind of my bread and butter.

Yeah, but you haven't met my stepmother.


Eat something.


Have you prepared the biopsy tray?

Yeah, all set and ready for you in there.

Thank you.


Mr. May... Mr... Bain. I'm sorry.

It's okay. I... I suck with names, too.

Okay. I'm gonna go ahead and biopsy the growth in your belly. Okay.

You know, abs actually knit back together faster than any other muscle in the body.



I have... I have no idea. (Chuckles)

(Chuckles) Whoa.

Is that for me? 18 gauge, 10 centimeters... nothing to it.

Claire's got a needle thing.

She kept insisting she was going to stay here with me, but, uh, I convinced her to go get a coffee. (Bottle squeaks)

I love her to bits, but she's a worrier.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

(Monitor beeping steadily)

All right, let's see if we can find it.

There it is. Okay. Hold tight, Travis.

(Grunts softly)

Maggie, what are you doing? Withdraw the needle gently.

Don't worry. I've got this.

No, it's a cyst.

Who told you to do a biopsy?


I thought it was on his chart.


Dawn: You biopsied a cyst?

It wasn't her fault. It was a miscommunication.

Shahir: So you didn't tell her it was a cyst, not a tumor?

I was on my way to tell her.

Alex, she's working under you. You have to communicate.

I know, but we got our wires crossed.

She biopsied a hydatid cyst. That is unacceptable.

Shahir: A slow leak of fluid caused by a biopsy rupture could easily cause a fatal reaction.

I take full responsibility.

No, I do.

I don't think it was a slow leak that caused his death.

Things went sideways during the surgery.

Who was the lead surgeon on it?

I was.

Okay, so, Reycraft, when you did the laparotomy, did you see any signs that the cyst had leaked?

If it leaked, we wouldn't have noticed.

Three of us were just trying to keep it together.

The three of you?

I also assisted on the surgery.

Why don't I see your name on the medical notes?

It's sort of complicated.

Ah, well, you two just won yourselves a ticket up on that stage.


Is it kind of weird that I'm looking forward to seeing this?

I'm not about to call a nun weird.

I'm not a nun yet. (Chuckles)

To be honest, I'm having second thoughts about the whole thing.

Well, everyone gets nervous before the wedding.

Especially when you're marrying God.

(Zach chuckles)

Yeah, especially that.

No, uh, it's something deeper.

Other novitiates are seeing visions of saints, or hearing voices calling them to God.

I pray and pray and hear nothing.

"I believe because it's absurd."

St. Anselmo. Nice.

We ready to do this, Zach?

Born ready. Here we go.

Okay. Allison... Last chance to look away.

No dice.

All right.

On three? One... (Cracks)

Three! There you go. (Screams)

Nice. Okay. Got a pulse again.

(Breathing heavily) Let's get her down to X-ray and see what we can do about fixing the... Allison? (Wheezing)


Lie her back. Her throat's closing up.

Let's intubate.

Is it a reaction to the pain meds?

(P. A. beeps)

Man on P.A.: Code blue.

Emergency Department Trauma Room.

Code blue. Emergency Department Trauma Room. (Wheezing continues)

Zach: Okay.

Code blue. Emergency Department Trauma Room.

(Monitor beeping erratically)


I can't see the vocal chords.

Allison: Dr. Harris.

If this is heaven, the Bible is way off.

No medic alert bracelet. No history.

Did she eat something? Fish? Peanuts?

It's our gloves. It's the latex.

All right. We're gonna need an epi now!

No, I'm not ready.

I'm not gonna let you die before your big day.

(Continues wheezing)


Okay. Got it.


Thanks, doc. (Monitor beeps)


(Heavy breathing)

My day is now officially out of control.

And... and I was just wondering if maybe...

Maybe you could pick up Ryan from soccer?

Ooh, it's gonna be just a little difficult. (Register beeps)

Look, and I know, Joel, I... honestly, I wouldn't ask.

It's just I don't know how I'm gonna make it there in time. And...

Yeah, but Sonja, as much as I'd love to cheer the little guy on, I'm... I'm just completely swamped over here.

Okay. Okay, yeah. I just... I...

I just don't know how I'm gonna get him a ride home.

Um, can he catch a bus? Well, he's 8. So...

Can you put him in a cab?

You know what? I'm gonna... Don't worry about it at all.

I'm just gonna... I'm gonna figure it out.

And it's gonna be fine. I'm just gonna make it fine.

I... you know what, Sonja? Listen to me.

Take a second.

Why don't you let me see what I can swing here, and I'll just... I'll call you back?

Ok. Thank you. Thanks, Joel. All right. I gotta go.

Okay. No problem.

Dawn: The three amigos.

So all three of you were in the surgery, but Maggie's not listed in the medical notes.

Shihir: And we had a leaky cyst, but you seem sure that it didn't k*ll the patient.

Okay. How exactly did the surgery go off the rails?

It actually started out really well.

Ah, that's bigger than I thought.

Way bigger. All right. We need hands.

Where's the resident I asked you to page?

Woman: She's on her way.

Okay, so I'm gonna mark the vessels.

Don't want anyone cutting the wrong thing.

No, that's a little big. Can you cut it in half?

I'm on it.

(Scissors clack, monitor beeping rhythmically)

Alex: Better?

Tom: All right. All right.


Alex: You don't fool around. Those are nice and tight.

Tom: Yeah, don't want any distractions when we're emptying out that cyst.

(Surgical tools clacking)


Mama... said... Knock... you... out.

All right. Ready with suction.

Man: Suction.

(Suction gurgling)

I hope you had a light lunch.

Where do you want me?

Over here.

Wasn't the funeral today? You must be exhausted.

I'm fine.

Okay. Babcocks. (Suction continues gurgling)


Okay, Maggie, when Reycraft cuts, I want you to hold this wide open for dear life.

Got it? Mm-hmm.

All right. Time for the main event.

Kidney bowl.

Victor, Metz. Here you go.

Victor: Metz.

Maggie, hold the cyst steady. Uh-huh.

Alex: Ugh.

Here comes the money shot.

Are those... Wait for it.

Yes, Dr. Lin. (Sighs)

Daughter cysts and brood capsules.

Echinococcosis. A hyper tape worm.

It's a parasite that is transmitted from dogs to humans.

Tom: Anybody feeling green?

Hmm? No?

Anybody want to turn in their M.D.s or R.N.s right now?

Because here comes the mother lode.

Oh, don't make it any worse. Whoa!

I'm think I'm gonna...

Whoa! Maggie!

(Thuds) She tore the cyst!

Babcocks. Let's go, quick. It's leaking.

Victor: Babcocks.

Somebody take care of Maggie.

B.P.'s dropping. Heart rate is 120.

Woman: Maggie, can you hear me?

It's a reaction from the fluid.

Okay, let's just bail it out!

Bail it out.

Maggie: I'm sorry. I don't... I don't know what happened.

(Alex) Somebody get her out of here.

More suction now, please. Yep.

Hey, come on. We need another bowl.

B.P.'S in the 70s and dropping.

100 milligrams of methyl propylene and, uh, push epi. Oh, this is a mess.

We have to clean out the abdominal cavity.

Okay. Towels. And soak them in alcohol first.

Victor: Yep.

(Alex sighs, speaks indistinctly)

(Alcohol pouring)

Victor: Let's not be driving home.

Tom: Okay, grab these. Let's go. (Grunts)

Yeah, keep 'em coming.

(Monitor beeps)

Let's soak it right up.

After steroids, epi and albendazole, we packed him up. Then he stabilized.

Then Reycraft began the resection.

The towels that you packed in his abdomen, those were soaked in a 95% alcohol solution?

We had to k*ll the parasite, so, yes.

This is getting interesting.

Can we take a look at the surgery again?

As you can see there, the towels soaked up the parasite, which the alcohol k*lled.

Wait. Stop it there.

That towel is bloody.

Is it possible that one of you nicked a vessel during the commotion?

It's possible.

Dr. Lin was holding clamps when she fainted.

Melanda: Did you see the bleeding vessel during the procedure?

I don't... (Sighs)

(Taps fingers) It went really fast.

Okay. If those alcohol-soaked towels were packed around an open vein or artery... Then the alcohol would've entered the patient's bloodstream.

Shahir: Which would lead to P.E.A. and cardiac arrest.

Dawn: Okay, I think now is a good time to call lunch.

Thank you, everyone.

(P.A. beeps)

Man on P. A.: Code blue... (Speaks indistinctly) Code blue... (Speaks indistinctly)

looks like a nutritious lunch.


(Chuckles) It was my fault, Charlie.

Ellen told me what happened.

You weren't the only one in that O.R., Alex.

Yeah, well... (Sniffles)

The alcohol was my call. And that's why he died.

And if you nicked a blood vessel trying to save his life, that's a risk we take.

Don't make excuses for me, okay?

(Siren wailing in distance)


(Exhales sharply) I'm sorry I wasn't there.

His wife... she doesn't know how he died yet.

M & Ms aren't over, Alex.

It doesn't matter.

She deserves to hear it from me.


(Buttons clacking)

(Cell phone rings)

Joel, hey, listen. Before you say anything, you know, I just, I never... I never should have asked you, and I really don't want you to worry about it, okay?

No, I'm happy that you are. It's just, um, if I had more notice, uh, I co... Even if it was another day, I... (Sighs) You know last minute stuff just doesn't work with my job.

No, fair enough. And I totally... I totally get it. (Bag thuds)

Maybe we could go and see a movie this weekend or something, um... The three of us.
(Door closes, keys jingle)

Joel, that's sweet.

But Ryan... he's not your responsibility.

And I really... I gotta go. Okay?

Hey, no... no. I-I...

I know he's not my responsibility, it's...

No. It's really... It's no worries, okay?

Rock on.

(Siren wailing in distance)


I need to talk to you about the M & Ms.

Yeah, it's not the best time, Maggie.

I'll read the transcripts, okay?

I left something out.

(Receiver clatters) Okay.

What do you mean you left something out?

It's about full disclosure.

I had a drink.

I toasted my dad.

You had a drink at his funeral?

After his funeral.

(Indistinct conversations)

Scotch, rocks.

Man: Of course.

Happy drink or sad drink? (Ice cubes rattle)

My money's on a sad one.

What is it? Boyfriend problems? (Thuds)

I'm sorry. I don't know you, do I?


This is a doctor bar, right? Are you a doctor?

I'm a resident. You might know my sister Alex. Alex reid.

(Thuds) Can I have another cranberry juice, please?

Ah, 12-stepper in a bar.

I should have spotted you from a mile away.

You been to meetings? Just a colorful family.

Drinkers, secret adulterers, plastic surgery addicts, rub and tug frequenters, you name it.

Colorful family adds character.

Where would we be without our pain-in-the-ass families?

I'm about to find out, I guess.

Why is that?

You do something to disappoint them?

I just buried my father.

(Ice cubes rattle)

Um... I'm sorry. Sorry to hear that.

(Clicks tongue) Another? Same.

So what? Now you're just gonna blow up your life because you're sad?

I'm just having a drink.

Right. Just having a drink.

Every time my family expected me to be somewhere, or do anything... need me for anything, I got drunk.

I don't know why.

I never consciously decided to do it.

I just... had to... (Sighs) reject normalcy, fight expectations.

Create chaos... (Inhales deeply)

To feel right.

Well... that's not me.



Then why aren't you leaning on your family right now?

Or your boyfriend?

What are you doing alone in a bar drinking scotch?

Yeah. (Clicks tongue)

That's the thing, um... (Dollar bills rustle)

I'm not alone.

I'm with you.


And now I'm gonna go.

So how many drinks did you have?

One scotch.

How many does that mean? Like, five?

I didn't drink the second one that I ordered.

Right. But you still had a drink, and you went into the O.R.

I wasn't drunk.

I just buried my dad.

Uh, I hadn't eaten anything all day, but I, you know...


Get your things and go home.


You're suspended.

Get the hell outta here.

We were planning a trip for our anniversary.

Scottish highlands.

We never had enough money for a honeymoon, so we thought... maybe now...

I am so sorry.

And instead, I'm waiting in a hospital to fill out paperwork.

I'm sure it won't be much longer.

Honestly, I'm in no rush.

What am I supposed to do next?

Claire, there's something that I need to tell you.

There were some complications during Travis's surgery.

Honestly, I just want to give him a chance to finally rest.

I understand that, but I think that it's really...

I was glad when Dr. Reycraft told me not to go ahead with the autopsy.

I'm sorry. What did Dr. Reycraft say?

He said that normally the hospital will do an autopsy in these types of cases, but I didn't have to consent to one.

I'm sorry. I interrupted you. What were you about to say?

It doesn't matter right now.

There is something that I need to ask you.

(Machine beeping steadily)

Ah. My other hero.

It's good to see you breathing again.

We got the tests back. You were right.

Latex allergy.

Well, that's good. Otherwise my gift would have really sucked.

(Laughs) An epipen.

Nice. Thanks.

Ever since he got out of the coma, he's been prone to these thoughtful little gestures.

Well, we weren't gonna let you die before your big day, so...


You were there.

(Clicks teeth) Yes. Um...

Uh, you went into anaphylactic shock while we were working on your ankle, and...

No. I mean...

You were there.

As was I... also there.

No. Uh, you were here, but...

He was there with me.

Um, I'm gonna let you get some rest, and, um, I'll come back and... and check on you later.

(Indistinct conversations)

Hey. Hey. Oh, hey.

(Laughs) How's it going in there?

You, uh, wanna make out, or just throw yourself off a bridge?

Yes. Both.

How's your nun?

She is seeing things, but she's gonna be okay.


Hey, can you give me a second?

I'll see you in there.


(Under breath) Kick some ass.



I just spoke with Travis's wife.

Case is closed, Alex.

Actually, she just told me that you told her to decline an autopsy. Why would you do that?

She told me she couldn't stand the thought of Travis being sliced up anymore, so I told her to skip the autopsy.

You understand that this looks a lot like ass covering, right?

If you say so.

If you made a mistake, just come clean.

I didn't make a mistake, Alex.

M & Ms are about owning up and making sure things like this don't happen again.

So if you know something, anything.

I don't care if you believe me.

Why wouldn't you want an autopsy, then?

She was crying her eyes out, okay?

That's my kryptonite... a weeping woman.

So I didn't push it.

Well, I told her to say yes, so they're doing an autopsy right now.


Okay, everyone, let's take your seats.

I think we should be able to wrap this up pretty quickly.

Actually, there are new pathology reports on their way.

That was a productive lunch.

Shahir: Huh. Reycraft, you're the lead surgeon on this.

You didn't get a chance to present before.

While we're waiting for the autopsy, go ahead. Talk.

I don't...

I wasn't there when the patient died, so I don't see... Where were you?

I was at home.

You, uh, you page him?

A few times.

I fell asleep.

Your phone not wake you up?

When I left, my patient was alive.

And I haven't been sleeping lately.

So... so you turned off your phone.

It's okay. I mean, we've all done it, right?

I haven't.

Doesn't matter. There was alcohol in his blood.

Nothing I could have done.

Yeah, but still, if you had responded to Alex's pages, you might have been able to help her.

You know what it's like trying to be everywhere at the same time.

I can't cut myself in two.

Mama said knock you out.


First album I ever bought.

I... it's a mnemonic I use to count my loops.

It didn't work.

(Machine beeping steadily)

Alex: Bowl.

Here you go.

Okay. So the cyst has marsupialized, and this mess is cleaned up.

Just need to grab the vessel loops.

At least Maggie didn't pull them out, too.

Don't be so hard on her.

She fainted in the O.R. she could have k*lled him.

Unacceptable. Agreed.

But she was on her way back from her...

Her dad's funeral. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Well, if she couldn't hack it, she should have gone home.

(Machine beeping steadily)

Aw, damn it. How many is that?






Out. Done.

All right. Let's close up and get out of here.

Alex: You counted five vessel loops, but there was already one in that cup...

The other half of the one that Victor trimmed.

(Cell phone vibrates)

Just hold on a sec, everyone.

Excuse me.

The loops were marking the vessels.

They weren't squeezing them shut.

So even if I left one in, that wouldn't k*ll the patient.

Ah. Yes, it would.

The autopsy reports that there was no alcohol in the patient's blood.

And the cause of death is sepsis secondary to biliary obstruction.

The bile duct was blocked by this.

No way.


That surgery was a mess.

Could have happened to anyone.

I don't need your pity.

Up until an hour ago, I thought it was my fault.

I'm just saying I know where your head is.

You don't get it.

My record was stellar.

This isn't about your stats.

I k*lled him.

Eventually, everyone makes a mistake.

Yeah, not like this. Not me.

Even you.

Listen, his widow is still here.

And I think she deserves to know what really happened.

Good luck with all that.

Everybody's feeling this, Reycraft.

Why don't you come and talk to her with me?

No, thanks. Not my job.

Dr. Harris!

I did see you, Dr. Harris.

Or you imagined me. I have that effect on some people.

Whether you remember it or not, I know I was outside of my body, and I know that you were there with me.

You can believe that.

Oh, I do.

I do.

It's a sign. I'm on the right path.

Thank you, doctor.

You saved me.

It's okay. I'm a nun.

I screwed everything up.

You didn't.

Please don't be understanding.

Okay. What do you need right now?

I don't know, Gavin. I don't know.

You push me away, you know that?

I don't mean to.

When things get real, you run.


Don't actually do it.

Just talk to me.

I don't want to talk about my feelings, Gavin.

Then talk about something else.


My stepmother wore a miniskirt.

To the funeral?


It was up to here.

It was so disrespectful and so short.

Hey, gorgeous.

That is...

Uh, another conversation.

Buy me dinner?

(Indistinct conversations, pen scratches)

(Whispers) Psst. Sis.


(Bag thuds)

I knew I'd find you eventually.

Didn't I just put you on a slow bus back to St. Catherine's?

So slow I had to jump off.

You look like you could use some cheering up.


Luke, this is my card.

Yeah. You gave it to me at the bus station for the ticket, which is why I'm returning it to you right now.

No. No. I gave you cash.

Okay. So then you're buying.

Luke, I can't, okay? I don't have time.

Fine. Then just give me the keys, and I'll meet you back at your place.

I... I'm... no. No.

You are not staying at my place.

Why not? I'm the perfect house guest.

Eggs Benny. Your favorite. Every morning.

Yeah, but the last time you stayed there, you used my underwear as a coffee filter. No.

It worked, though, didn't it?

Alex, come on, I'm not doing this for you.

Pfft. I'm doing this for me.

I'm gonna let you help me so that you... (Laughs) feel better about yourself.



I can do that. (Inhales sharply)

Okay. A few days.


(Meaghan Blanchard's "Gotta Let" playing)

(Keys jingle)

There it is.

Two days.

Two days.

And you're gone.

Gone. So gone.

Could I get a hug?


There we go.

Feels nice, right?




Hey. Oh... sis...

(Whispers) I love you.

♪ You gotta let somebody love you ♪

(Children shouting playfully)

♪ The road is too long ♪

Joel: Nice save again.

Those hands. I'm telling you, mate.

Sonja: Hey. Hey, guys.

Oh, my...

You just missed the most amazing maybe five minutes of soccer that's ever happened.

Your son just made the most outstanding save.

But I let in three goals after that.

We lost 9-2.

Okay. With no defense in front of you.

Okay, wait, time-out, time-out.

So sorry, you were here?

The kid with no defenders in front of him just... I... I mean, it was balletic, what he...

I'm not gonna give you the play-by-play.

You kind of had to be there. (Laughs)

All right.

I almost scored on myself.

Come on.

You did not.

Once again, a sensational save.

Sighs: I am so sorry that I had to miss it.

It's okay.

Sorry, buddy.

(Mouths words)

(Mouths words)

Hey, Ryan, uh, for what it's worth, you might just want to, if a kid pushes into you again like that, give 'em an elbow.

Uh, I'm... I'm sorry. Are you encouraging my child to fight?

I... 100% no.

(Mouths words)

It's a goalie thing, mom.

It's a goalie thing, mom.

Oh, is it?


Oh. Okay.

All right. Take this.

Oh, all right. Watch out.



Here it comes.

Nice save.

Nice save.

You can't get through, I'm telling you.

♪ maybe ♪

(TV clicks on)

(Door opens, keys clink in bowl)

(Woman speaks indistinctly on TV)

♪ Leave you standing here all alone ♪
♪ and just when you thought ♪
♪ that you were long gone ♪
♪ what's the point in movin' on ♪
♪ when her heart can move ♪

(Exhales) I should have known better than to come with you.

She's gonna hate me.

Because of us, this is the worst day of her life.

Yeah, well, it's not my best day, either.

Nope. But our punishment is that we get to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.

♪ When it's hard to ♪


♪ Sometimes you don't want to ♪



♪ you gotta let ♪
♪ you gotta let somebody love you ♪

♪ the road is too long ♪
♪ the current too strong ♪
♪ with no one ♪