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02x02 - Dinosaur Big City Part Three/Dinosaur Big City Part Four

Posted: 02/28/24 10:26
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today the pteranodon

Family finally gets to explore laramidia, the dinosaur big

City, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train! All


♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Next stop, laramidia, the

Dinosaur big city!


Ok, team. Everybody stay close. Time to have fun in the

Big city.

[Clamoring] that's right, folks. King

Cryolophosaurus, right here on the dinosaur train. And if

You're really nice, maybe he'll do a big concert for you


Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

What the sweet stygimoloch is goin' on?

What do you mean, king?

A big concert? Me? Tonight, man?

I'm sure this crowd'll love it.

I thought you said it wasn't that big of a city. That's one

Huge crowd of dinosaurs, baby.

Well, yeah, and they're all here for you, king.

I'm out of here, man.

King, wait.

Where are you going?

King, are you in there?

Who wants to know?

Are you ok?

I'm fine. You all go ahead without me. Explore the big


Go to the theropod convention?

Without you?

What about you and me singing our new theropod song together

At the concert tonight?

Don't worry, kids. I'll stick around the station, keep an eye

On king, and make sure he gets to the convention.

Oh! I'm so excited. So many sights to see in the big city.

[Trills] all right, team pteranodon. Who's ready to go


We are! Yeah! Woo hoo!

Bye, king.

So long, pteranodons and t. Rex, and look for my friend,

The mayor. He's a kosmoceratops, you know.

[All gasp] wow.

[Chanting indistinctly] [gulps]

Come on, buddy. It'll be great.


Think of all the new theropods you'll meet, all the

Features you can compare. Teeth and toes and tails, buddy.

Teeth and toes and tails.

And we'll find annie and delores and boris tyrannosaurus,

And you'll find out what it'll be like to grow up to be a huge,

Giant, carnivorous t. Rex.

Ok, let's do it.



[All laugh] [squawking]

≫ [chanting indistinctly] [whistles]

Uh, I think it's our turn to walk, kids. Let's go.

Oh, my aching feet! How much farther?

We've just started, hon.

There's so many fabulous sights to see.

I've never seen so many dinosaurs or species or


I told you, buddy.

Heh! I've never seen this much of anything. How are all

These different species living together here in laramidia?

Good question, hon. Kids, let's all stick together so we

Don't get lost in this crowd.

Hey! Get your laramidia leaf loaf!

Big city bug burgers here!

Oh, listen, kids. It says that many species of large

Herbivores live side by side here in laramidia: ankylosaurs,

Ceratopsians, hadrosaurs, and sauropods, the biggest of which

Is the towering alamosaurus.

Why, I think those are some alamosaurus right there.

Awk! Come on, buddy.

Let's meet them.

Gee, tiny, I'm not--huh!

Hello up there. My name is tiny pteranodon. Are you an

Alamosaurus? And do you know the way to the theropod convention?

Why, yes, I am. Well, it's nice to meet you, tiny, and the

Convention is thataway. What are you looking at down there?

Some kind of leaves?

Did someone say leaves?

Leaves? Oh, boy!

Buddy, tiny, don't wander off!

And be careful where you walk. Stay within waa-alking

Distance, ok?

Ok! Well, we have to catch up with our family, but it's nice

To meet you.

Bye, tiny! Bye, buddy!

Wait. Where's don?


♪ La la loo ♪ you get out of those holes,

Mister. Oh, speaking of holes, I wonder if there's a water

Hole around here somewhere.

[Pants] I'm getting thirsty.

[All squawk] me, too!

The nearest one is thataway, dad.

How do you know that?

The oryctodromeus told me.

See ya, don!

♪ La la loo! ♪ Come on, everybody. I'll

Show ya.

So many species of dinosaur.

How will we ever find the convention?

Hmm. I guess we'll just have to ask everyone we meet. That

Sounds like fun.

All right. You do the asking, ok?

No. I asked the last species.

It's your turn.

Go ahead.

Ahem. Um, excuse me. Do you know the way to the theropod

Convention? We're looking for a family of big, huge t. Rexes.

Big, huge t. Rexes?

Heh! Good job, buddy. That cleared them out. Now we've got

A place where we can sit down and rest our feet.

This water has bubbles.

Ok. I'm going to have a drink of this delicious-looking water.

It smells interesting, too.


[Gulps] great galumping gallimimus!

City water tastes awful!

Just sit here with us, dear, and rest your claws. Oh, even

My feet hurt.

Oh, well, I hate to admit it, but I really miss pteranodon

Terrace. You know, it's just a humble old nest, but it's our


I miss our nest, too. I miss all the shells on the beach,

Even the plain ones.

I miss my holes.

I miss don digging holes.

I even miss our neighbors.

Uh, well, a little.

Wah! We want to go home!

Hey, come on, everybody. We can't go home yet. We haven't

Even found the theropod convention. What about buddy?

He has to find his friends, the tyrannosaurus family.

But, tiny, we've been in the big city all morning and still

Haven't even found the convention. Maybe the city's

Just too big.

Awk! Tiny's right. We have to get buddy to the

Convention, and we have to find his t. Rex friends. Shiny,

Here's a shell. Hon, here's a foot rub. Come on, team! What

Do you say? Let's get up, drink a little more of this...

Delicious water, and do it!

[All grumble] I'm not sure.



How are you doing?

Hi, annie!

We've been looking all over for you.

You made it to the big city.

Ha ha! Yeah! Isn't it great here? How could I miss the big

Theropod convention?

Oh, right. Where is the theropod convention, annie?

Right over there.

The theropod convention! Yay!

Come on, you guys. I'll show you around. So here, different

Species of theropods show off their most amazing features,

Like teeth and toes and tails.

Teeth and toes and tails!

Awk! Look, buddy. Even the old spinosaurus came to the


Wow. I'm surrounded by theropods. Life is good.

Ha ha ha ha!

But where's your mom and dad?

Oh. They're the theropods in charge of the convention

This year.


Welcome, theropods, to this year's theropod convention in

Laramidia, the dinosaur big city!

And a special welcome to one of our favorite theropods in the

Whole mesozoic era--buddy tyrannosaurus!


And his wonderful pteranodon family! Come on up here, all

Of you!

[Cheering] so I've become interested in

What I'll be like when I'm all grown up. I have so many


Like what?

Well, will I have to migrate?

Sure, buddy. All of us t. Rexes migrate, searching for

More meat.

It's fun to track food with other t. Rexes. I learned so

Much from mom and dad and my older friends.

You know, buddy, when I was your age, I had a lot of

Questions, too, but now it's great to teach annie and the

Other young kids what I know.

You meet lots of species when you're out there under the

Stars. It's like a big campout, and you'll make new friends of

Your own species, too. Delores and I met under the stars when

We were young t. Rexes on migration. Heh heh!

Uh, when I grow up, could I migrate with you?

Why, sure, honey!

Sure, you can!


Awks! Think of all the amazing dinosaurs you'll meet,


Speaking of amazing dinosaur features, there's someone we

Want you to meet, buddy.

Yep. He's here to welcome all the theropods to laramidia.

Look at all those horns!

, , , , , Just around the top of his frill.

Theropods, it's my great honor to introduce the mayor of

This great city, mayor kosmoceratops!

[Cheering] thank you. As a ceratopsian,

I may not be a theropod, but I love 'em! Ha ha! And I want to

Welcome all theropods to laramidia, the dinosaur big

City. Enjoy the convention!

Hello, mr. Mayor. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my

Family: buddy, shiny, don, and mom and dad.


Hello! Welcome to the convention. Fans of theropods,

I see.

You bet. We even wrote a new song about theropods with king

Cryolophosaurus, and we hope king will sing it with us for

The convention.

King cryolophosaurus is here?

Oh, I'm a huge fan! I really, really hope he sings. Oh, where

Is he?

Hmm. Where is king?

We left him back at the station.

I hope he's ok. Remember how we promised to stick with him

And help him get through the big city?

You're right, tiny.

Come on, team pteranodon!

To the train station!

[Squawks] yeah! Woo hoo!

Come on, guys!


Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. This

Cool-looking dinosaur is called kosmoceratops. I know quite a

Lot about this creature because I was one of the scientists who

Studied its bones, and I was even lucky enough to name it.

Let's take a closer look. This is the mouth down here, which

Had hundreds of teeth it.

There's a sharp beak up front, a large nose behind, a horn over

The nose. The eye socket is here with a big horn over of the eye

And a smaller horn below it and then a large boney frill behind

With more horns. If you add them all up, that's horns,

More than any other dinosaur.

Kosmoceratops was found in utah.

The fossils of this animal were so heavy, we had to get help

From a helicopter to carry them to the nearest road. Now you may

Wonder why kosmoceratops had all these horns. We're not sure,

But we think that this giant plant eater used its amazing

Horns to show off to other kosmoceratops. Believe it or

Not, paleontologists like me still find new kinds of

Dinosaurs all over the world, and there are a lot more out

There waiting to be discovered.

Maybe one day you'll have the chance to discover a brand-new

Dinosaur. Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today the pteranodon

Family goes to a king cryolophosaurus concert with a

Kosmoceratops, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train!

All aboard!




Ok. Going back to the train station to get king


And bring him to the theropod convention here in the

Big city. I hope he's still at the station.

Yeah. He's probably just relaxing, practicing his songs.

Hoo hyah! Hoo hyah! Hyah!

Back, man, back. Hyah!

King, king, king!

More tea, mother?

Hey! Sing the "dinosaur train song"!

Sign this leaf for me!

Oh, man. I-i got to get out of here. Too many fans, man.

♪ It's for the money for the show

To get ready and go, man, go ♪

Hoo hyah!

[Cheering] stay back, man. Stay back,

Baby. Hyah, hyah, hyah, hyah!

What the hooting hadrosaur's happening? I'm moving, man!

Help! I'm on a runaway train!

♪ Well, that dinosaur train took the king

And now he's gone ♪ hoo hyah!

King, we're here. King?

Well, I see a crowd of dinosaurs but no king. King?


Folks, friends, fans, theropods, oh, I don't know

Which is worse. King seems to have run away, and he's taken

The dinosaur train. The engine is missing!

The engine is missing?!

But why would king run away?

Oh, I surely don't know. I was just away from him for a

Few minutes. Ahem. The dining room here is excellent.

Buddy, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yep. We have to go find king cryolophosaurus and get the

Engine back.

Awk! That's exactly what I'm thinking!

Come on, everybody!

Ok. We're looking for any sign of king. He was last seen

On the dinosaur train engine, but he may have gotten off.

He's a theropod, so his tracks will show his -toed feet.

T. Rexes love tracking. My mom and dad and I can sniff

Along the ground.

[Sniffing] good, but since he may still

Be on the engine, tiny and I will follow the train tracks on

The hand cart.

Excellent idea, buddy. I'll help push.

And your father and I will fly above with shiny and don.

All right. Let's go, team!



Still no cryolophosaurus tracks.

Oh! Look.

The engine!

Wow! Thank my lucky stars!

Don't ever leave me again.

King? King?

Hmm. The train tracks end at this roundhouse. Maybe king got

Off the engine and just kept on walking.

I guess we shouldn't have tried to get him to sing to big


It was my fault. I'm the one who really pushed him. You were

Just being his friends.

Awk! Having friends is the best thing there is.

And for king, it's being home in the jurassic antarctic.

For us, there's no place like our nest back at

Pteranodon terrace.

♪ There's no place like our nest-- ♪

Nah. That one's too sad right now. Hey! I know a song

That would cheer us up! The "dinosaur train song"!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride

The dinosaur train ♪ hoo hyah!


Yep, it's me--king, baby.

Steadfast, long, and true. Hoo hyah! Uh, sorry. I-i

Accidentally took your dinosaur train engine, mr. Conductor. I

Kind of lost my head back there, you know?

We worried, king. We came back to the station, and you

Weren't there.

I know, tiny. I hit the wrong lever, and suddenly, I

Was on a runaway engine! Ha ha!

But we found you! We figured it out, and now we can go back!

Yeah. That sounds good, man.

And maybe you'll perform for the dinosaurs in the big city?

Whoa, baby! I said I'd come back. I didn't say I'd sing for

Some big, crazy crowd of dinosaur fans. That town's way

Too scary, man.

I know it sounds scary, king.

I was scared to go into the big city, too, but even though it

Was really crowded and busy, I was with all my family and

Friends, and I felt safe, and now I even feel brave.

Everyone at the theropod convention was asking for you,

King, even the mayor of laramidia.

Really? Mayor kosmoceratops?

He wants you to sing our sing our new theropod song.

He does? Whoa!

Listen, king. You can do it.

We should all be brave together and go to the convention. Buddy

And I will be with you the whole time.

The whole time! We promise!

Everyone really, really needs to hear your great new

Theropod song.


Hoo hyah! Let's do it, man!

But you'll sing with me right, buddy, and, tiny, you'll dance?


Awk! Of course!

Now let's turn this engine around and get back to

Laramidia station!

[All groaning] oh, boy! I wish laura was here.

I hear you, man. I may be one big carnivorous theropod

Dinosaur, but I'm no giganotosaurus.

Well, I may not be a giganotosaurus, but I'm a

Theropod, and so are you, king, and I may be just a kid, but

Someday, I'm gonna grow up to be a giant t. Rex with huge,

Powerful legs, and I'll be really strong! Let's work as a

Team and push it one more time.

Ready? , , !

[All groaning] [cheering]

Phew! I am so proud of you all and especially buddy. You

Really believed in yourself.

How'd you like to drive back?


Hmm. They were just ahead of us. They can't be far. I'm sure

That any moment we'll hear tiny's voice.

[Train whistle blows] tiny's voice sounds kind of


Awk! It's the whistle of the dinosaur train engine!

And buddy's driving!

Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Hi, shiny and don.

Awk! We found king!

[Cheering] [cheering]

Welcome, theropods and assorted dinosaurs, and I want

To give a special laramidia shout out to my old theropod

Friend mr. Conductor!

Now let's bring out a very special young theropod, who

Wants to say a few words--buddy tyrannosaurus!


Hey. I know that guy.

Ahem. Hello, theropods and all you other species of

Dinosaur. Before I bring my friend out, I want to say that,

Well, I know how great theropods are...

[Cheering] but I learned that there isn't

One single thing that makes us theropods, although we do all

Have these great -toed feet.


But really, I'm just happy to be part of this big, amazing

Theropod family, and I want to keep coming to this convention

For years and years until I'm grown up to be a big, giant t.

Rex. Rawwr!

[Cheering] and maybe someday, I could even

Be in charge of the convention like my friends boris and

Delores tyrannosaurus.

And now, theropods and sauropods, dinosaurs and

Pterosaurs, hadrosaurs and ankylosaurs, and

Pachycephalosaurs, please welcome the one, the only king


[Cheering] all right, buddy, tiny,

Let's take care of business.

Hoo hyah!

♪ Well, I met a lot of creatures with some interesting features

Some of them are pretty odd but all I know

Is everywhere I go find a whole lot of theropods

Some have teeth some have beaks

Some have beaks with teeth but every theropod walks

On two big legs and those legs have

-Toed feet, hoo hyah ♪ ♪ all of them

Walking on two legs and all their toes are clawed ♪

♪ A whole lot of features a whole lot of creatures ♪

♪ There's a whole lot of theropods

There's a whole lot of theropods ♪

Hoo hyah!

Uh, you know, king, not only do we have similar crests, but,

Heh, I also can carry a tune.

What do you say we do a little duet for this crowd?

How about "dinosaur big city"?

A , a , a , , .

Take it away, man. Hoo hyah!

♪ Mmm, mmm, laramidia the dinosaur big city ♪

♪ Big city, baby ♪ ♪ it's really, really big ♪

♪ Huge, man ♪ ♪ not itty bitty ♪

♪ Not itty bitty, huh ha ♪ ♪ where the streets are wide

And the skies are pretty and dinosaurs are

Smart and witty ♪ ♪ witty, baby, witty, hyah ♪

♪ In laramidia ♪ ♪ laramidia, man ♪

♪ I wouldn't kiddy ya ♪ ♪ don't kid me, man ♪

♪ Look it up in the encyclopedia ♪

♪ That's a huge book, baby ♪ ♪ laramidia ♪

♪ Laramidia ♪ ♪ the dinosaur big city ♪

♪ Big city, baby, hoo hyah ♪ pow, man! Pow!


[Whistle blows] bye, king!

Come here, man! Hyah!

[Whistle blows] ♪ we might as well face it ♪

♪ We never will replace it ♪ ♪ there's no place ♪

[Yawn] ♪ no place like our nest ♪

Ok, team. I think that's about enough singing and

Adventure for one day.

Awk. Your father's right.

Let's all quiet down and go to sleep now.

Good night.

Good night, mom. Good night, dad.

[Snoring] awk.


[Giggling] hey, don. I'm a giant t. Rex.


Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Have you ever

Wondered what a paleontologist does? Well, we're scientists who

Study fossils like this. It all starts with a discovery.

Paleontologists hunt for fossils all over the world.

Often they're found in rugged, hard-to-reach places like this

One in utah. If you're lucky enough to find a dinosaur

Skeleton, the first thing you have to do is get rid of the

Rock above it. We start off using heavy tools like picks,

Shovels, or even jackhammers.

Then we switch to smaller tools so we don't damage the bones.

When the fossils are mostly uncovered, we dig around the

Sides and then wrap the bones in a protective jacket made of

Plaster and burlap. Now the bones can be carried safely back

To the museum. Field work is just one part of being a

Paleontologist, but it's a lot of fun finding those fossils.

Ok. Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make...your

Own discoveries.

We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

Go to!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪