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01x31 - The Wing Kings/The Big Mud Pit

Posted: 02/28/24 09:55
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're going

To meet one of the largest flying creatures ever, a


So come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roars] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [snoring]

I'm the biggest volcano!


No. I'm the biggest volcano!


Ok, let's both erupt at the same time, really loud.

Great idea, buddy.


Aah! Volcano! Fly away, everyone!

Oh, it's just buddy and don.

You boys are the best volcanoes in pteranodon terrace. Heh heh!

Well, back to sleep.

[Yawns] [squawks]

Hon, breakfast is ready. Would you round up the girls?

Ok. I'm up.

Check out this move, shiny.

Dad taught it to me. It's called the swoop and swirl.

[Squawks] very nice, tiny. But watch this.

I call it shiny's shimmy.

[Squawks] oh, yeah.

Great flying, girls. Hey, you're a couple of chips off

The old block.

Thanks, dad!

Ok, breakfast at the nest.

Let's dive! Pteranodon!

Nice landing. Keep practicing.

That's what I did when I was a kid.

You've always been a great flyer, though, right, dad?

Well, I don't want to brag, but, well, when I met your mom,

She was so amazed with my flying that she gave me a

Special, top-secret nickname.

Let me guess. Was it "the wing king"?

[Gasps] who told you?

You did, dad. Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, the wing king just had a super idea.


Let's take the dinosaur train to one of my favorite places for

Flying--quetzalcoatlus canyon.


Quetzalcoatlus canyon.

Breathtaking views, perfect breezes. Heh heh! What do you

Say, team?


[Squawks] don and I already have plans.

Yeah. Mom and I are going to come up with a recipe for a new

Fish snack.

Well, all right. Good luck with that. The rest of you, to

The dinosaur train.


Tickets. Tickets, please.

Good morning, pteranodon family.

Where are you headed today?

Dad's taking us flying in a canyon.

Quetzalcoatlus canyon.

Oh, the home of the mighty quetzalcoatlus.

What exactly is a quetzalcoatlus?

Glad you asked that, buddy.

They're a kind of flying reptile--a pterosaur, just like

You pteranodons--but really big.

As big as our dad?

They couldn't be that big.

Dad's the wing king, remember?

Well, kids, your dad may be a big pteranodon, but a

Grown-up quetzalcoatlus is even bigger!


It's huge!

Yep. Take a gander at that amazing wingspan.

[Squawks] he means the distance from the

Tip of one wing to the tip of the other.

I don't get it. How can anything that huge even get up

In the air? It looks too heavy to fly.

Excellent observation, buddy, but this creature's bones

Aren't solid like yours. They're hollow. That means they're

Filled with air.

So that makes them light.

Indeedy do, and that's true for all pterosaurs, including


Whoa. My bones are hollow, too?

Absolutely. Hollow but strong.

You tell 'em, wing king.

Wing king! Wing king!

Wing king! Wing king!

Wing king! Wing king!

Howdy, mr. Conductor.

What's up?

Well, howdy, quincy. This is the pteranodon family: buddy,

Tiny, shiny, and mr. Pteranodon.

It's mighty nice to meet you.

I was headed for the dining car when I heard you all cheering

For my daddy.


You know, that cheer you were doing: wing king, wing king.

That's what we call my daddy.

Where I come from, he's the best flyer ever.

Hmmph! "He's the best flyer ever."

Where do you come from?

Quetzalcoatlus canyon. My daddy's meeting me at the


Hey, that's where we're going, too.

That reminds me. Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching, folks!

[Bell rings] next stop, quetzalcoatlus

Canyon station in another part of the cretaceous time period.

I can't wait to meet this giant pterosaur--

Quetzalcoatlus guy.

[Gasps] hey! Daddy!

Howdy, son. Oh, looks like you made some new friends.

Sure did. This here is buddy, tiny, shiny, and mr. Pteranodon.

And you must be mr. Quetzalcoatlus.

Yep. But, please, call me mr. Q. Always a pleasure to meet

A fellow pterosaur.

Yay! Quincy, I thought you said your dad was big.

[Laughter] good one, mr. Pteranodon. So,

What brings you out here today?

We came to fly in your canyon.

And you'll love it, little lady. Quincy and I'll give you

A tour.

Well, that sounds terrific.

Wait till you see my dad fly there. He's the best.

Now, kids, please. Not nice to brag. I'm sure mr. Q. Here is

An excellent flyer, too.

Oh, he is. And you're not going to believe this, daddy,

But guess what mr. Pteranodon's nickname is. Wing king, just

Like you.

Well! If that don't b*at all.

Mr. Pteranodon, I look forward to seeing what you've got.

Are we going to talk about flying or are we actually going

To do it?

Now, shiny, can you think of a different way to say that?

I mean, could we please go to the canyon now, if that's what

Everyone else would like to do?

Yeah. Let's fly there.

No need. It's close, so we can walk.

You're going to love our canyon. It's huge. I can't wait

To show you some of my flying tricks.

Ok, and then shiny and I can teach you the swoop and swirl.

It's the best.

Oh, if you want to see the best, wait till you see what my

Dad can do.

I can't wait till our dad shows quincy who's really the

Wing king.

What a view! Heh! This is even more beautiful than I



Well, mr. Pteranodon, you're our guest today. You go first.

Heh! Well, why don't you go first, mr. Q.?

Heh heh heh! All righty.

Ready, set, ride the wind!

Ooh! Ahh!

Wow! That was incredible, mr. Q. Stunning, amazing.

Heh! Did I say stunning yet?

Ha ha! I thank you, partner.

Now it's your turn.

[Gulps] oh. Yeah. Ha ha! My turn.


[Gulps] ok, kids. Heh heh! I think I'll

Start with my dazzling dive-a-rino.


Here goes. Pteranodon!

[Gasps] wait! Where'd he go?

Ahem. Boo.

Dad! Where'd you come from?

[Laughter] I told you my dad would win

The contest. Clearly he's the real wing king.

[Trills] let's take a little break,


Shiny, there's no contest.

We're just having fun.

But you were yelling "pteranodon" like you wanted to

Be the best.

Well, I do want to do my best, but I don't want to have

A contest. Mr. Q. And I both love watching each other's

Flying tricks, you know, so we can learn from each other. Now,

Let's play nice with our new friends, ok?

Ok, dad. Hey, I have an idea.

Why don't the two dads take us all on a flight over the canyon?

[All clamoring] ready for me to carry you,


Ok, but-- what is it, son?

I was wondering if maybe I could fly with mr. Q., Just to

See what it's like to fly like a quetzalcoatlus.

Why, sure, buddy! If it's ok with your dad, it's fine

With me.

Well, you bet. Go ahead.


Here we go. Ready, set, ride the wind!



[Squawks] well, I guess it's time to

Head back to pteranodon terrace.

And dinner. I can't wait for some delicious fish.

Fish? Eww!


Uh, I mean, I'm sure it's delicious, but quetzalcoatlus

Don't eat fish.

But you're pterosaurs.

If you don't eat fish, then what do you eat?

We're foragers. That means we use our long beaks to catch

Small creatures on the ground.

You know, lizards, that kind of thing.

Well, thanks for your wonderful hospitality, mr. Q.

I, uh, I really enjoyed flying with you.

Right back at ya, mr. Pteranodon. Aw, come here!

What? Oh-- [grunts]

I really had fun today, quincy. Sorry I wasn't very nice

At first.

Oh, shucks. I had fun, too.

Come back soon and show me your shiny shimmy, ok?

[Squawks] I promise.

All aboard!

Fly well, wing king!

Ha ha ha! You, too, wing king!


Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist, and this is





Quetzalcoatlus and pteranodon belong to a family

Of flying reptiles called pterosaurs.


That means they had a lot in common, like big heads and long,

Narrow wings. But there was one important difference:

Quetzalcoatlus was huge. The wingspan of pteranodons--the

Distance from one wing tip to the other--was about feet,

But quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of about feet.

That's bigger than a small airplane. In fact,

Quetzalcoatlus was one of the biggest flying animals ever.

With such long, narrow wings, both quetzalcoatlus and

Pteranodon probably spent a lot of time soaring--flying for

Long distances without flapping their wings. A great example of

An animal alive today that likes to soar is a bird known as the

Albatross. It can fly for a long time without using much energy,

A lot like quetzalcoatlus. Yes, they were amazing animals with

Their huge wings.

Hey, let's see your wings.

Nice soaring. Ok, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Now some creature features.

Hey, I know. Let's compare features. You all have wings.

I observe that everybody's wings are different. Petey, yours are

Smallest, but you can flap them really fast. Shiny and tiny,

Yours are bigger than petey's.

Ha ha ha!

And, quincy, you have the biggest wings of all.


Ha ha ha!

♪ -Toed feet with pointy tips

Make some room for me to shake my lizard hips

Big, sharp teeth for eatin' meat

I top it all off with a visual treat

My crest ♪ ♪ yeah, it's the best

Big plate of bone I call it my own ♪

Cryolophosaurus crest!

[Laughter] hello, folks. It's me, the

Conductor. Today, buddy, leroy, and their dads learn how

Sometimes dinosaurs got trapped in mud. So come on along with me

On the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

Tickets. Tickets, please.

Well, top of the morning to you, gents.

Good morning, mr. Conductor.

Where are you all headed?

To the big pond!


Yeah. I'm going to show mr. Lambeosaurus here some of

The finer points of fishing.

Oh. Fishing, eh?

Ah, who needs fishing? I'm going to show mr. Pteranodon

Where the good leaves are.

Mmm. Heh heh! Leaves. Very good.

Leaves? Please. If I wanted leaves, I could have stayed back

At pteranodon terrace. Oh, oh, wait. You ate all the leaves at

Pteranodon terrace.

Right, and now I'm moving on to eat all the leaves at the

Big pond.

Yeah, right.

[Both talking at once] uh, ahem. Okey-dokey, then.

Our dads kind of like to joke with each other.

Yeah. They're just kidding, though. They're really friends.

[Brakes creak] [steam hisses]

Ok, boys, here we are. What do you want to do first?

Hello-o! Were you listening at all back there? Fishing.

Come on.

Uh, no, thanks.

Hey, leroy, do you want to play dinosaur tracking?

Sure! Uh, what's dinosaur tracking?

It's really fun. You look for dinosaur tracks and then you

Follow them. Sometimes you even find the creature that made

The tracks.

Cool! Let's do it!

Ok, kids. Well, you get started and we'll come along.

[Buddy and leroy sniffing] whoa. Look at all this mud.

Yeah. I've never been here before.

Hey, hey, hey! And look over there! That's one of my favorite

Kinds of trees--magnolias.

Leaves, anyone?

Leaves again? Well, I don't get it. Of course, I'm no

Hadrosaur, but I can't tell one leaf from another.

Are you kiddin'? There's a huge difference in the way they

Taste. Some are chewier, some are sweeter. Some are--hmm.

Uh, larry, I wouldn't step in that stuff. I've seen some big

Dinosaurs get stuck in mud.

Ha ha ha ha! Stuck? Me?

Come on! I may be big, but I'm very light on my feet.

Oh, ho ho! Mmm! I'm telling you, mr. Pteranodon, these are

Incredible. Try one of these.

You'll give up fish. Mm-hmm!

Uh, heh! I don't think so, larry. I'm going to take your

Word for it.

Dad, can buddy and I keep tracking?

Hmm? Oh, sure. You kids keep tracking. I'll be right here

Eating. Mmm. If you need me, just hoot.

[Hoots] ok.

[Hoots] come on, buddy.

[Sniffing] well, i, uh, see you're going

To be a while, larry, so I'm going to see if I can catch

Some fish.

[Squawks] ok! More leaves for me! Bye!

Mmm. Mmm...

[Sniffing] huh. The tracks have sort of


Yeah. The ground here is harder and drier.

[Sniffing] wait. Here they are.

Boy, buddy, you sure have a good sense of smell.

Thanks, but you lambeosaurus have such great hearing.

[Chuckles] yeah, I guess. Let's see.

[Distant splash] I can hear your dad just dove in

The water and came flopping back up. He's flying slowly, so maybe

He caught a fish.

[Muffled squawk] whoa! That's amazing! And

Lambeosaurus can hoot to each other from pretty far away,


Oh, yeah. We have different kinds of hoots that mean

Different things.

Really? What for? Like you have a hoot for when you're


Right, or when you're sad, and even a hoot for when you're

In trouble and you need help.

[Anguished hoot] hey, even I could hear that.

That's your dad, right?

Yeah, but he just hooted that he needs us. Come on!

Dad, what happened?

Oh, everything's fine.

I stepped out too far into the mud and got stuck, just like

Buddy's dad said I would.

Wow. He really is stuck.

Uh, buddy, how's about you go get your dad?

Ok. Dad! Da-ad!

Ho ho ho ho! Oh, boy! I hate to say I told you so, but--

Ha ha! I told you so!

Ah, come on. Stop it.

It's not one bit funny.

Ha ha! Yes, it is! Look at you! You are up to your hips in

Mud! Now how'd you manage that?

Ha ha ha! Ahem! Or--ahem--right.

Ok. Uh, deep breath. We can do this. Heh! Ok, kids. We have to

Get mr. Lambeosaurus out of the mud.

You have to get me out, and quick! Who knows what big,

Carnivorous meat eaters are stomping around in these woods?

They might have heard me hooting.

[Chuckles] now, larry, there aren't any

Big meat eaters in these woods.

Well, there's probably daspletosaurus, and they eat


Right, son. Anyway, let's get mr. Lambeosaurus out of the mud.

Ok, here you go, larry. Just grab onto this stick and I'll

Pull you.

Got it.

[Grunts] now don't pull so hard,

Larry. Easy!


Hey, hey, boy. Heh!

[Squawks] ok, this is not good.

[Grunts] this is not good at all.

Oh, no! Dad, are you stuck, too?

[Grunts] yeah.

[Moans] sorry, mr. Pteranodon. Heh!

Sometimes I don't know my own strength. Heh heh! You know, it

Is kind of funny when you look at it. Uh...ok, it's not.

Good. Now, let's remain calm.

Heh! What were you saying about carnivores?

Big, meat-eating carnivores, stomping around these woods.

Right. Big, meat-eating carnivores. You had to stop and

Eat the leaves.

Hey, dad, i-- I know. Have a hypothesis.

Heh! Good. What is it?

Right. Maybe what we need to get you out is something to

Grab onto that's really long.

Good hypothesis, buddy. And let's test it out, ok?

Yeah. Come on, leroy.

Let's look around the woods for something really long.

We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.

Yeah. "Go anywhere." How can we go anywhere? We're stuck in

The mud!

[Anguished hooting] sorry.

Leroy, look up there.

Ooh! That vine looks perfect.

Here, I'll give you a boost and you grab it.

[Grunts] ooh!

Good. Now we have to cut one end of it.

Here, let me try it. I've got just the right teeth for it.

Yeah, way to go, leroy. Come on. Let's pull it down to our


Oh, mr. P., If we ever get out of this mud, I promise to be

A better guy, and I'll even try some of your fish.

Oh, larry, don't get hysterical.



Ok, yeah.

Are we glad to see you!

Here. Catch this vine.

[Grunts] [grunts]

Great. Now you can pull yourselves out.

[Grunting] [exhales]

[Sighs] heh! Mr. P., So help me, I will

Never go near a mud pit again, no matter how tasty the leaves

Look, and I will never, ever doubt your knowledge on such


Oh, thanks, larry. But really, it's our boys, buddy and

Leroy, who deserve the thanks.

Leroy used his great hadrosaur teeth to bite through

That vine.

And buddy had a great hypothesis. We tested it, and it

Was right.

Yep. Some pretty quick thinking. What a great couple

Of kids.

[Squawks] well, all this adventure has

Really worked up my appetite.

What do you say we wash this mud off in the big pond and then

Head back to the station and catch the dinosaur train home

For dinner?

Yeah! Yeah!

[All clamoring] [branches snapping]

[Grunting] there's no one here.

Well, I thought I heard someone say "dinner."

Why'd you make me stomp all the way to the mud pit? Now I'm

Really hungry. What are we going to do now?

I don't know. What do you want to do?

Oh, I know. Mud bath!

Woo hoo! Mud bath! Ha ha ha!

[Train whistle blows] ha ha. Looks like we got to

Play dinosaur tracking after all, leroy.

Yeah. Ha ha! And I think I found a lambeosaurus.

[Giggling] oh, I just had these carpets


Sorry, mr. Conductor.

I guess we didn't get all the mud off.

Well, I guess I'm kind of persnickety about these things.

[Whimpers] [snickering]


Ha ha ha!

And, of course, I wouldn't have gotten stuck in the mud at

All if larry hadn't pulled me in.

Yeah. Mr. Lambeosaurus is so big, he pulled dad right in

After him.

And then--heh--i had to help pull larry out--heh--with, uh,

Buddy and leroy's help, of course.

Yay! Woo hoo!

Way to go, hon!

Go, dad!

So let that be a lesson to you, tiny. You should never step

Into something like a mud pit because you might get stuck

And--oh! Whoa!

Oh, i, uh--heh--seem to be stuck in this tree.

Ha ha ha!

You--you seem to be stuck, neighbor.

[Squawks] oh, no! That's larry, isn't it?

Yep. One side, kids. I'll pull you out, mr. Pteranodon.

Uh, that's all right, larry.

There's no need--ohh!

[Grunting] wait! Hon! Can you help

Larry, please?

[Squawks] sure, I'll help, dear.

We'll help, too!

Ooh! Ok! Yeah, that's--no!

Aah! Not--not so hard!

Yeah, ok. Hey, let's try to twist and pull. Give it a good

Twist, yeah, like that. And a tug. No, maybe do it the

Other way. Oh, wait. Don't do that. Yeah. Ok, pull. Yeah,

Pull. Pull him out!


[Laughter] hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is a mud pit.

Mud pit.

Paleontologists like me love mysteries, so when we discover

A bunch of dinosaur skeletons in one place, we look for clues

Of what might have happened to them. Did a volcano erupt?

Was there a flood? Or did the dinosaurs come down to a

Watering hole to drink and become trapped in mud? This is

Exactly what appears to have happened at an amazing fossil

Site in china, where nearly complete skeletons of a

Bird-like dinosaur called sinornithomimus were found. The

Dinosaurs were found in what was once a lake bed. Paleontologists

Think that the young sinornithomimus were moving

Along the shore of the lake when they got trapped in thick mud,

Preserving their bones for us to discover. An ancient mystery


Ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous. And

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ I have wings and teeth, yeah!

I have wings and a beak, yeah!

We can glide and fly, yeah!

Eat bugs passing by, yeah! ♪ ♪ My teeth chomp

And chew, yeah!

Check my tail out, too, yeah! ♪ Ha ha ha!

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

[Captioning made possible by the jim henson company]

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪