01x16 - Night Train/Fossil Fred

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x16 - Night Train/Fossil Fred

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. You've seen the

Dinosaur train in the daytime, but now we're gonna ride it at

Night, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train! All


♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪


[Animal howling]

[Wind blowing] wow! Listen to that wind


Heh heh. It's kind of spooky.

Ha ha ha! It is spooky, kids, and I love it! A full

Moon, the wind blowing. It's the perfect night to ride the

Night train.

Uh, but where's the rest of the family?

Well, don fell asleep, and shiny, well--

No way would shiny come on the spooky night train.

Yeah. Mom stayed homeith them.

You're very lucky, buddy and tiny. We only do this ride on

Especially spooky nights.

[Train whistle blows] ooh! The night train!

Good evening! Ha ha haw ha!

Good evening, mr. Conductor!

Aw, I didn't really scare you, did i? All aboard!

Let's go.

[Whistle blows] I love all this spooky

Stuff. Nothing scares me.

Oh. Is that so?


[Sighs] yep.

You're not even a little scared of being out in the

Heh. Nothing scares me, mr.

Conductor. Bring on the spooky!

Well, don't worry, mr.

Pteranodon. It will be plenty spooky where we're going

Tonight. We're all walking down to the big pond, where we

Troodons will demonstrate our excellent night vision.

Night vision?

Oh, yes. Our eyes can see very well in the dark. It's how

We hunt. Troodons are nocturnal.

You mean, you look for your food at night?

Right-o, tiny!

We pteranodons look for our food, fish, in the day.

Well, hunting at night is easy when you got what we call

Eyeshine. Many nocturnal animals have it, including

Troodons. We can see the glow of other animals' eyes in the

Dark. Of course, they can see us, too.

Do we have eyeshine?

Hmm. Nope. That's because you're active in the daytime.

Oh, and speaking of time, big pond coming up, folks!

Boy, this is spooky. I'm glad you're along with me, tiny.

Ha ha! Aw, buddy. We'll be fine.

Wow! Even the troodons are getting off.

And they usually stay on the train.

Well, everybody, it's a beautiful night with a fool

Moon. Now we're all going down to the big pond for a night

Train spooky nature walk.


Hey, buddy! Hey, tiny! Boy, am I glad you're here.

Come on, ned. Join us.

Pretty good spooky fun, huh?

Heh heh. How are you kids doing?


Well, I'm a brachiosaurus. I guess I'm more of a morning


Are you scared, buddy?

A little. Are you scared, ned?

A little more than a little.

I'm sure glad your dad is here.

You bet, ned. Hey. All you kids are safe. Why, you've got

Me and the conductor and--hey.

Where's the conductor? Huh.

Well, anyway, you've got me.

Nothing spooks me.

Good evening!

Ha ha ha! Do it again!

Good evening! Bluh bluh bluh! Ha ha ha! Oh. Pretty

Good, huh? You having fun?


We sure are!

[Giggling] well, I see with my super

Troodon night vision that everyone has arrived. That

Means it's time for our spooky scavenger hunt.

Spooky scavenger hunt?

It's a game where you pretend to be nocturnal and see

What it would be like to use your senses at night.

You mean, like our sense of smell?

Yes. And our hearing and our vision, too. Now that we're out

Here in the dark, I can show you that eyeshine I was

Talking about.

Look! His eyes are shiny!

All right, passengers! It's your turn to try to use your

Night senses to find things in the dark. First up, what can

You find with your sense of smell?

Ooh, buddy! Remember the flowers that grow here at the

Big pond?


I bet you can help us find them!

Ok, everyone. Follow my nose.

[Sniffing] uh, I just smell leaves and


[Sniffing] uh, my nose is kind of stuffed

Up tonight. Buddy, how about you?

[Sniffs] I smell flowers! This way!


You found them! Hooray!

Nice job, team pteranodon.

Oh, and you, too, ned.

Thanks! Let's tell the conductor. Wait. Where is the


Hello! Me again! I'm nocturnal.

Nice, mr. Conductor. Hey.

Almost got me, but as I said, nothing spooks me.

Huh. All right, passengers.

Now on to the second item, to find something in the dark

Using your sense of hearing. I want you to find a cretaceous

Frog called palaeobatrachus.

Hey. We know a palaeobatrachus.

Yeah. Her name's patricia.

Then you know what she sounds like. Good luck and


My! Dinosaurs come and go so quickly around here.

All right, kids. We know that palaeobatrachus like to

Hunt bugs near the water at night.

So let's go down to the pond.

Hear anything?

A million things. I hear insects.

[Snoring] I hear some snoring


Yeah! But what about palaeoba--ba--ba--


[Ribbit] ohh!


Oh, hello, buddy and tiny and mr. Pteranodon. What are

You doing out here so late?

We're on a spooky scavenger hunt.

It's a game. We're using our senses to find things better at


Ribbit! Ha! And you found the palaeobatrachus.


Well, it's nice to see you, but I'd better get going. I've

Got insects to catch before morning.

Right! You're nocturnal, too. Of you go, patricia.

Thanks for playing.

Bye, patricia.

Well--ahem--there's just one more item on our spooky

Scavenger hunt. I want you to use your eyes to find another

Creature by spotting their eyeshine.

[Gulp] that sounds spooky all right.

Heh. You'll be safe. Just stick with me, kids. Nothing

Scares me.

Well, nothing scares me either. Remember, make like a

Troodon and look for their eyeshine.

[Gasps] lookit's a huge dinosaur!

Whoa! Phew!

Oh, buddy. What an imagination! It's just a tree.


What is that?

Maybe it's the conductor trying to spook us.

Not this time.

It's ok. We'll see who it is.

Hello, son!


Ha ha ha! It's the conductor's mom!

[Shuddering] I knew that.

Mom? What are you doing out here in the dark?

Oh, well, hunting for food of course. What are you all

Doing out here?

We're on a spooky scavenger hunt.

Oh, of course. You're on the night train adventure. Oh, ho

Ho ho! What fun! Do you kids know what my favorite part of

The night train ride is?


The midnight breakfast in the dining car! Ha ha! Let's

Go, everyone!

[Cheering] huh.

Oh, ho ho ho! That was priceless when you jumped into

Mr. Pteranodon's wing!

Now, now, we weren't actually scared, mom.

Right. Because nothing scares us.

It's true. Well, mostly.

All right, mom.

In fact, he has a song about being nocturnal. You want to

Hear it?

Now they don't want to hear me--

We want to hear it! We want to hear it!

All right, then.

♪ Well, just like every troodon I'm happiest when the lights

Aren't on after all the passengers

Disembark I love to step out

In the dark because I'm nocturnal

And it's great we troodons like

To stay up late now there's no need

To feel no fright because all the troodons

Are coming out tonight ♪ ♪ choo-choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ whoo whoo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ choo-choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train booga-booga-booga-booga-booga

We have fantastic night vision so we avoid nighttime collision

We have this great amazing power to see things

In the midnight hour because we're nocturnal

And it's great we troodons like

To stay up late now there's no need

To feel no fright ♪ ♪ because all the troodons

Are coming out tonight, whoo ♪ ♪ choo-choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ whoo whoo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ choo-choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train all the troodons

Are coming out tonight ♪ ♪ choo-choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ whoo whoo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ choo-choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo ha ha ha!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. What would you

Call this dinosaur?




Right. Scientists think that troodon was one of the smartest

Dinosaurs because it had a large space inside its skull to

Hold a big brain.

How big was it?

It was only about this size, but that was big for a little

Dinosaur like troodon. Now look at their eye sockets. They're

Big,oo, which means troodon also had big eyes. Many animals

With big eyes are nocturnal.


What does nocturnal mean?

Great question. Nocturnal animals are most active at

Night, and they're usually good at seeing in the dark. So when

You're sleeping, lots of nocturnal animals are out there

Looking for food. Can you think of some animals that are most

Active at night?




Those are all great examples of nocturnal animals that might

Live near you, and a long time ago, troodon may have been a

Nocturnal dinosaur. Ok.

Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own

Nighttime discoveries.

[Owl hoots] what do you use feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ I'm a t. Rex yeah, I'm a t. Rex

A-roaring round the forest tyrannosaurus rex

T. Rex rowr

I'm a tyrannosaurus I'm the biggest carnivore

In the cretaceous forest gonna romp and stomp around

The biggest dinosaur in town a-roaring round the forest

Tyrannosaurus rex rowr ♪

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Discover the remains of animals that lived a long time ago.

They're called fossils, so come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train! All aboard!

Detective buddy on the move, looking all around for hidden

Treasures with help from his trusty sidekick detective don.

That's me!

Wow, don! Check this out!

Hmm. As detective don, I say it looks, hmm, toothy.

Definitely a tooth.

It's the right shape, and it's pointy. Maybe this tooth

Came from a meat-eater.

Ok, detective. What do we have here? Let's see if this

Tooth is like buddy's. Open wide, buddy. Say, "ahh!"


Uh, first of all, don, you don't really have any teeth,

And, buddy, this tooth is so different than yours. It's much


You're right. It is thinner than mine and kind of heavier,

Too. That's weird.

Hey. You're right. It's way heavier than the others in my


I really wonder where it's from.

Probably some dinosaur's mouth.

Detectives, I think we need to investigate. Why don't we

Ask the conductor?


[Humming] can we go ask the conductor

Where this tooth came from?

Please, please, please, please.

Can we mom?

Well, we certainly have a mystery on our hands, and I'll

Bet the conductor would have some answers. Shiny and dad are

Out fishing, so why not? Let's take a ride on the dinosaur


[Cheering] rawwrr!

[Squawks] here, buddy.

[Giggling] [squawks]

Wait for me, tiny!

[Whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please!

Well, hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Mr. The conductor, we found this tooth. Can you help us

Find out where it's from?

Hmm. This looks like a very old tooth. I think it's a


A fossil?



Let me show you something about very old teeth and bones.

We still have the bones and teeth of dinosaurs that lived

And d*ed a long time ago.

You mean, this tooth was once part of a dinosaur that


Exactly, buddy, but the dinosaur that owned this tooth

d*ed millions of years ago.

Whoa! Millions of years?

What happened after it d*ed?

That's a good question.

After the dinosaur d*ed, its bones and teeth were buried in

Sand and mud, and eventually, they turned to stone, but that

Took many, many years, and then they're called fossils.

So that's what a fossil is, and it's heavier because it's

Turned into a rock.

Tooth, you are a fossil.

You know, folks, the big pond is our next stop, and

There are many fossils buried in the hills there.

Really? I never knew there were fossils buried near the

Big pond.

Oh, yes. It's certainly a place to look for more fossils

If you're interested.

Are you kidding? We're very interested! Can we go look for

Fossils, mom?

Can we, mom?

Please, please, please!

Yes! Let's look for fossils.

Next stop big pond!

Hey! That's my line!

[Giggling] next stop big pond! Big pond!

Head right up this hill, and if you dig for fossils, don't dig

Too hard. The fossils are very old, and you don't want to

Break them.


Thanks, mr. Conductor!

Thanks, mr. The conductor!

Happy fossil hunting!

Well, this is where the conductor said to look. Let's

Start looking.

Fossils, here we come.



Look! I think I found something!

Careful. It might be very old.

I have a hypothesis.

Buddy, I think this is a plain old rock.

You're right. It doesn't really look like a bone at all.

Ok. Not a fossil, but we can't give up.

Here, fossils, fossils. Show us where you are, fossils!

Look! There's a tooth in here!

[Humming] ow! I got a splinter from this

Tooth! Uh, tiny. I think it's wood.

Hmm. It is wood. Sorry, tiny.

[Squawks] I want it to be a real fossil!

Oh, well. Let's keep looking.

Here, fossils, fossils.

Ooh! A head! I mean, a skull, a really old fossil

Skull. Whoo-hoo!



I think that's a really old shriveled up gourd.

It's kind of a fossil of a gourd.

Hello, I'm a gourd, but I want to be a fossil.

[Giggling] I don't see any fossils

Anywhere. I just see more rocks and wood.

Maybe the conductor was wrong.

[Sighs] maybe we should look for

Fossils when we're older.

Let's take a break, kids.

How about a snack?

Yeah! A snack!

Hey, don. Is that your friend howard the dragonfly?

Howard? Hello? Is that you?

Nope. No red feet. It's not howard. Whoa!

[Squawk] are you ok, honey?

I'm ok. I just tripped. Ow.

Hey, don. Look what you tripped over.

Ooh! This looks like it really is a fossil! It's a bone!

Yay! We found another fossil!



Mom, if this is a fossil of a dinosaur bone, do you think

The rest of the dinosaur is buried here?

Good idea, buddy. Should we investigate?

Yeah. We can dig around and see if there are more old bones.

You mean, fossils.

Let's do it, detectives!

Maybe the fossils are buried way far down. I guess we have

To dig.

Good. I love to dig.

Hey! I think I found a tooth!

It sure looks like a tooth.

It is a tooth, a tooth fossil.

But, buddy, it looks smaller than our first tooth.

And it looks smoother. Hmm.

I wonder where it's from.

Look at me! I'm an old dinosaur with one big tooth.

[Giggling] great! So now we found a

Fossil of a bone sticking out of the ground and a fossil of a


Two fossils! Whoo!

Hmm. If we found a tooth over here and that bone over

There-- oh, buddy, are you thinking

What I'm thinking?

Yeah. These fossils could both be part of one big

Dinosaur fossil.

[Squawk] pretty good thinking,


Let's dig some more.

Yup, yup, detective buddy.

[Squawk] hey! I got an idea!

Tiny, what are you doing up there?

Whoa! You guys, I see some more bones.

Where? Where?

Over there right near where we found the first one.

Here. Here it is.

Wow! It is another bone.

Good eyes, detective tiny.

Thanks. Two bones. Look at them next to each other. It's

Like they were...

Part of a leg!

And if the leg was over here and the tooth was over there...

The rest of the bones would be in the dirt around here!

Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get digging!

[Squawk] oh! This is so exciting. I'll

Help. Kids, don't dig too hard.

Remember what the conductor said. Fossils are fragile.

Ok, mom.

Ooh! I found another bone!

Me, too!

That looks so awesome! That looks like a wing!

It's a dinosaur! A whole one!

Only they're fossils. Wow! A real live old dinosaur.

You mean, a real dead old dinosaur. It's amazing!

Oh, goodness. Look at that skeleton. Almost all the bones

In the dinosaur's body. What a spectacular discovery.

[Squawk] it looks like this dinosaur

Had a really, really long mouth.

So it probably had a lot of teeth like the one we found.

Where did we put it?

I got it.


[Train whistle blows] [squawk]

There's the dinosaur train!

Oh, boy! We can show our fossil skeleton to the


Let's hurry down to the station.

Mr. Conductor, mr. Conductor!

Mr. The conductor!

Well, if it isn't my detectives. Any luck with your

Fossil-finding foray?

We found a whole dinosaur skeleton!

Please come and look at it.

You have to come see it!

Oh, this is very exciting! I think I'll make a special

Exception and come take a quick look. After all, it's not every

Day fossil detectives make such a huge discovery. Well, bless

My scales and feathers.

Wonderful fossil-hunting work, buddy, tiny, and don. You found

Quite a creature.

Look. It has long back legs.

Maybe it walked like me.

It has sort of short buddy arms.

But with claws.

And no wings or beak.

Excellent observations. I think this dinosaur was a

Theropod that lived a very long time ago, maybe even in the

Jurassic time period.

[Watch chiming] oh! And speaking of time, it's

Time to get back on the train.



We can always visit this skeleton whenever we come to

The big pond.

Yeah. He's not going anywhere.

Hey. Let's give it a name.

I'll call you fossil fred.

Bye, fossil fred!

[Whistle blows] don, did you take that tooth

From fossil fred?

No. It's the tooth you found this morning. Can I keep it for

My collection?

Heh heh. Sure.


♪ La la loo ♪ I mean...

♪ La la tooth ♪ ha ha ha!

Wow! Look at fossil fred now.

Ew. In this light, he looks kind of scary.

Think he looks really cool.

See you later, fossil fred!

[Whistle blows] [animal yelps]

[Dinosaurs growling] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist. What do you think a paleontologist actually


They find dinosaurs.

Right. Paleontologists dig up the remains of dinosaurs and

Other animals that lived a long time ago, and which parts do we

Usually find?



Yeah, and shells, plants, and even poop can sometimes

Become fossils. Now here's a fossil, a piece of a backbone

From a duck-billed dinosaur.

A real fossil?

Paleontologists spend a lot of time looking for fossils,

And when we find one, we carefully uncover it, wrap it

Up in a protective jacket, and take it back to the museum.

After all the bone fragments are glued back together, we

Make comparisons with the fossils of other animals to

Find out what we found. It's like trying to solve a mystery.

Ok. That's it for today.

Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

Time for a tiny ditty.

Theropods have -toed feet, lots of teeth for eating meat,

Big, long tails to balance well, and theropods have

A great sense of smell!

Go, theropods, go!

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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