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04x06 - Angelina's Mother's Day/Angelina and the Father's Day Surprise

Posted: 02/27/24 20:36
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

And I'm excited

Because today we've got an extra saturday class.

- Come on in, mouselings.

It's so nice to see you all on a saturday.

- What are we going to learn today, ms. Mimi?

- We're going to learn a new word about music.

- A new word?

- Listen closely and repeat after me

Just the way I'm speaking.

[Softly] today we will learn the word "dynamics."

All: today we will learn the word "dynamics."

[Louder] today we will learn the word "dynamics."

All: today we will learn the word "dynamics."

- Good.

What was different between those two sentences?

- The first one was soft, and the second one was loud.

- Exactly.

We changed the dynamics,

The loudness and the softness.

Music and dance use dynamics too.

So what was the new musical word again?

All: dynamics!

- Right.

- But what does dynamics have to do with dancing, ms. Mimi?

- I'll show you.

Could you and angelina please help me?

- You've got it.

- Let's play some music,

And you can dance however the music makes you feel.

- Can't wait.

[Gentle piano music]

[Rousing piano music]

- Bravo, mouselings.

That was lovely.

Did you change your movements as the music changed?

- Yes.

When the music was quieter, we did tiny little movements.

- And when the music was louder, we did jetes and pirouettes.

- Good.

Now it's time for you all to have a turn.

[All cheering]

[Rousing piano music]

[Gentle piano music]

[Rousing piano music]



Great job, everybody.

- Saturday classes are the best.

- And they really help us catch up with all the things

We don't have time to do in the week.

Okay, see you soon.

And don't forget, it's mother's day tomorrow.

- [Gasps] mother's day?

- Are you all right, angelina?

- I forgot all about mother's day.

I didn't get my mum anything.

But when I got home,

Mum was having problems of her own.

- Oh, dear.

- Everything okay, mum?

- Of course, dear.

But I've just found these.

- What's in them?

- Their boxes from the old house.

We haven't gotten round to unpacking them yet.

They're all my old cookbooks,

And I need to put them somewhere.

- Wow, there's tons of them.

- I know.

Way more than I remember.

- Where can you put them, mum?

- I can put them in there.

But I'm just so busy.

I promised mrs. Thimble I'd sew up her cushions for her.

- Hmm.

- Are you okay, angelina?

You looked a bit worried when you came in.

- I'm fine, mum, just fine.




It's mother's day tomorrow.

- Oh, what's mother's day?

- It's a day where you give your mum a present

And do nice things for her.

- I love my mum.

- I do too, but we didn't get anything for her.

- We could make a card.

- Great idea, polly.

I think I've got some paper.


And some crayons.

That'll be so nice, polly.

But I wish we could give her something else as well.

- There, I've finished the cushions.

- Shh! Mum, polly's having a nap.

- But angeli--

- But I thought I just heard her.

- You did, but, uh...

She suddenly fell back to sleep again.

She's very tired.

- Okay.

Lucky her.

- [Giggles]

- I haven't even had time to sort out my books.

- [Gasps]

The books!

I've just thought of the perfect present.

- Yay!

- [Laughs]

The next morning was mother's day.

- There you are, angelina,

Just like your mother likes them.

- [Sniffs]

Mm, carrot and raisin.

- Come and sit down here.

- [Laughs]

Thank you.

- Since today is a special day...

- For a special mum...

- We've made you your favorite breakfast: muffins...

With a little help from dad.

- Here. For you.

- Happy mother's day.

- "As a lovely present for a lovely mum,

"We're going to unpack the boxes of books for you

And put them away neatly."


- It's so you can have a nice rest,

Because you've been so busy.

Right after breakfast,

Mum put her feet up while we got to work.

- I'm looking forward to a peaceful rest.

Both: ♪ the itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout ♪

♪ Down came the rain

♪ And washed the spider out

♪ Out came the sun and dried up all the rain ♪

♪ And the itsy-bitsy

♪ Spider

♪ Went

♪ Up the spout

♪ Again

♪ The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout ♪

- Oh, dear.

Must be hard to read with all that singing going on.

- Hmm, a little bit, yes.

- [Chuckles]

I'll see what I can do.

Both: ♪ the itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout ♪

♪ Down came the rain

♪ And washed the spider out

♪ Out came the sun

♪ And dried up all the rain

♪ And the itsy-bitsy spider

♪ Went up the spout again

- One more.

Make it higher.


- [Gasps]

- Oops! - Hee hee!

- Girls, your mum is trying to rest,

And it's a bit hard with all this noise going on.

- Oh, no.

Sorry, dad.

- Sorry.

- We'll try and be quieter; I promise.

- I promise too.

- I'm sure your mum would appreciate it.

- Hmm.

- What is it, angelina?

- We were going to give mum a really nice mother's day,

And we've made too much noise

And a big mess.

- Are we going to build some more?

- No, polly.

We need to put them away now.

- Okey-dokey.

- ♪ La-la la-la la la

♪ La la la

- Shh!

And we need to do it quietly...

So mum can relax.

- Okey-dokey!

- Shh.

I know.

Ms. Mimi was talking about dynamics yesterday.

Loud music may make you want to jump around,

But quiet music may make you feel like dancing very softly.

Polly, would you like to help me?

- Yes, please with cheese.

- I want to sing a quiet little song.

Can you sing along with me?

- Mm-hmm.

Guess so.

- And while we're doing it,

We can put the books away.

- Okay, angelina.

- ♪ Helping hands are gonna make the housework light ♪

♪ If you do your share

♪ It's gonna feel right

♪ Everybody's helping whether big or small ♪

♪ Got to do your best

♪ And that's all

Both: ♪ wouldn't it be nice

♪ If you made your bed each day ♪

- Shh!

♪ If you wanna have fun

♪ Two are better than one

♪ It's the same with the dishes ♪

♪ To get the job done

♪ If you wanna make a difference ♪

♪ And to make your mum proud

♪ Don't wait to be asked

♪ And be quiet not loud

Both: ♪ wouldn't it be nice

♪ If you put your toys away

♪ Wouldn't it be nice

♪ Wouldn't it be nice ♪

♪ Wouldn't it be nice

♪ Wouldn't it be nice ♪

- [Laughs]

Now, that's a whole lot better, I have to say.

- All the books are now put away, mum.

- Really neatly.

- Oh, thank you, girls.

I can't wait to see what you've done.

- I loved your quiet singing, girls.

And so did mum.

- It's all because of dynamics, dad.

Quieter music can make you do things quietly.

- Yay!

We did dynamics.

- Oh, thank you, my darlings.

You have done a dynamite dynamic job.

I can't believe how lucky I am

To have two such thoughtful girls.

- And we're so lucky to have such a lovely mum.

Both: happy mother's day.

- Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- My name is kevin.

- My name is wil b.

- My name is djtk.

And the name of the group is black violin.

- I play the acoustic viola,

And kevin plays the electric violin.

[Upbeat violin music]

We met in middle school,

And we ended up being good friends ever since.

I was years old when I started playing the viola.

- My mother made me start playing the violin

When I was nine years old.

But then after I played it for a while,

Then I just started to love it.

- We incorporate hip-hop and classical,

And we kind of mix it together.

- Brandenburg is one of the first songs

That a violinist would learn.

So we took that song,

And we kept the original beginning,

And then we decided to switch it up

And add a dj element to it

So that it has a hip-hop vibe and feel.

- ♪ Breakdown

- So basically, on the record,

I turn the record back and forth

On certain parts of the song

To get different rhythms of the different instruments

Played on the song.

- ♪ Breakdown

♪ Break, break, breakdown

♪ Break, break, breakdown

♪ Break, break, break, break

♪ Break, break

♪ Break, break, breakdown

- What do I love about the violin?

I love that I'm able to play what I feel.

- We understand each other so well

That he knows when to kind of, like, lay back

And let me solo and vice versa.

- Well, I like playing with wil

Because he has a kind of natural music ability.

So I get to feed off of it every day onstage,

And we can make beautiful music that way.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And today mum and polly are planning a big surprise.

- Oh, I can't wait!

- Polly, it's a secret, remember?

- So don't say anything to dad about father's day at breakfast.

- I can keep a secret. Promise.

- Good morning, everyone.

- Here he comes.

- Can I tell him?

Can i?

- Polly!

- Good morning, dear.

- Hi, dad.

- Good morning, everyone.

Today's a big day, isn't it?

- Oh, yes, it's--

- Yes, it is.

- I knew it.

- We're all going to the park.

- Huh?

- Huh?

- To play all day.

- Huh?

- Right, polly?

- Oh, that's right.

- And I have a new dress for mrs. Fur to finish.

- So we better eat our breakfast.

- Oh.

Ah, I thought this was a big day that happens only once a year.

- I'm sure it'll be lovely, dear.

Don't you have an appointment this morning?

- Yes.

I'm seeing mr. Mouseman.

His daughter's getting married,

And he wants klezmer music at the wedding.

- Klezmer?

- Polly, dad will tell us later.

He has to hurry, remember?

- Well, polly, klezmer music is an old yiddish tradition

From moustern europe created for celebration and dancing.

- I love dancing.

Here's your lunch, dad.

Mr. Mouseman is waiting for you.

- Tell me more, dad.

- In the old days, klezmer wasn't written down.

Musicians taught it to their children,

Who taught it to their children.

- Who taught it to their children.

- Who taught it to their children.

- [Chuckles] that's right.

At first, it was learned by listening, by ear.

- And klezmer is still played today.

- Especially at weddings and parties.

- Parties?

We're planning a--



- You'd better hurry, dear.

Please send my regards to the mousemans.

- Bye, dad. - Bye, dad.

- Oh, dear.

My family must have forgotten father's day.

- Hmm.


Dad thinks we forgot.

- But we didn't!

- Hurry, we have to get to the music store before dad does.

- So he doesn't find out our secret.

- Hi, marco.

- Hi.

I was hoping your dad's music store would be open.

- He'll be here soon.

We're setting up a father's day surprise.

- It's a secret.

- Are you doing something for your dad?

- Not till dinner.

I could help you now.

- Super!

- A balloon for dad.

- And how about a streamer here?

- And his favorite treat there.

- Yummy carrot pie.

- Hello.

I thought I heard someone.

- Hi, mrs. Thimble.

- Oh, my, it looks wonderful in here.

Matilda, dear, I could use your advice

On my new cheese display.

- You can go.

We'll finish the decorating, mum.

- Thank you, angelina.

Be right back.

- This is fun, angelina.


- Watch out for the french horn!

- Ooh!


- [Gasps]


- Uh-oh.

This is not a good father's day surprise at all.

Oh, how are we going to put all this sheet music

Back the way it was?

- Maybe your dad had it in alphabetical order.

"A, b, c"?

- Or by the composer.

- Like mousezart or mousetekovitch?

- Or maybe by kinds of music.

That's it! Look!

See, this pile is jazz.

And here is hip-hop.

- Look, it's dad.

- He's here?



- Here.

- It's my dad playing music.

- "Maurice mouseling's klezmer band."

- Wow, dad used to have a klezmer band?

No wonder mr. Mouseman wants him to play at the wedding.

- Dad told us all about klezmer music.

- I know about it.

At my friend ari's birthday party,

There was a klezmer band.

- Did everyone dance?

- Oh, yes.

We did a folk dance ari's grandmother learned

In mousecow, russia.

- Stupendous.

- In moustern europe, a fiddler played

To let everyone know it was time to come together.


Here's a recording of your dad's klezmer music.

- Wow!

Let's listen.

[Lively klezmer music]

I love this.

- Okay, we finished the cheese display.

Oh, I know that music.

- We found this on the organ.

- I remember dancing to this at a party.

- It makes me want to dance too.

[Klezmer style fiddle music]

- Ah, oh...


[Gasps] dad!

- Dad!

Angelina! Here comes dad.

- Huh?

Hey, everyone, I have a super idea.

- What is it?

- Your dad's almost here.

- I'll tell you later.

It's time to hide now.

- Bet you he won't see me.

All: surprise!

- [Laughs]


This is fabulous.

Both: happy father's day.

- I thought you'd forgotten.

- [Laughs]

- We didn't.

- We could never forget father's day.

- Are you ready for our surprise?

- You bet.

My favorite!

Carrot pie.


- And now, one more surprise.

- There is?

- It's the klezmer music you used to play.

- Oh, my.

Perfect for a party.

- And the surprise is,

Marco and mum taught us how to dance to it.

- Oh, this is the best father's day party ever.

- Ooh!


I think we need more room.

- Lots of room out here.


[Contemplative violin music]

- Come dance with us, mrs. Thimble.

- Of course.

Klezmer music always makes me feel like celebrating.

- Whee!

- Dad.

- Yes, polly.

- Can I tell you a secret now?

- What secret, polly?

- I love dancing.

- [Laughs]

I'll tell you a secret too.

This celebration makes me feel

Like the luckiest father in mouseland.

- Yay!

- Yay!

[Playing up-tempo fiddle music]

- Hola. Marco here.

Whoa, is that violin missing a middle?

Nah, that's an electric violin.

It's supposed to look like that.

You plug it in, and the music comes out of a speaker.

And over here is an acoustic viola.

"Acoustic" means the sound comes right from the instrument.

Violas and violins are string instruments

That were only used for classical music at first,

But now they are used for jazz, rock, folk, you name it.

Man, those guys really make the strings sing.

- Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Today, we're going to see some ballroom dancing.

Now, this is called merengue.

It's a latin dance from the dominican republic.

It has a two-step beat like a march.

Right, left, right, left.

My, what a fancy dance.

Sometimes, ballroom dancing is called social dancing.

But whatever you call it, ballroom is simply a ball.