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04x02 - Angelina and the Hearts on Ice/Angelina's Kitchen Band

Posted: 02/27/24 20:29
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And I just love valentine's day,

Especially this year.

There's going to be a valentine's day performance

At the big hockey game...

[Bell rings]

A performance on ice.

Both: let's sign up.

[Both giggling]

- We will dance on ice like we've never danced before.

Can you imagine how graceful we'll look?

- We will express our feelings as we glide across the ice.

- [Giggles excitedly]

This is going to be so great.

- Shhoo, shhoo, shhoo.

And the mouseling from costa mousa

Raises his stick and hits the puck.

- Whoa.

- He sh**t.

He scores!

The mighty mozzarellas have won the game!


- ♪ It was time to munch as they headed for their lunch ♪

♪ Then they'll get a chance to do a cool dance ♪

- [Laughs] nice.

Too bad there's no music during the hockey game.

Our team would win with a rap like that.

- There should be music at the game.

Then marco could sing something to help out the team.

- A rap song?

That might be hard to dance to.

- No, it's valentine's day,

So marco should sing something about love.

- I know.

He can sing a romantic song.

- Yes, we could write some lovely words for it.

- Oh, I hope marco will be as excited as we are.

- Of course he'll be excited.

It's going to be great.

Marco, we have a huge surprise for you.

- [Giggles]

You're gonna be part of the big hockey game.

- [Gasps] super cool.

I love sports.

Shhoo, shhoo, shhoo,

And the costa mousa mouseling passes the puck.

Shhoo, shhoo, shhoo, shhoo.

[Delicate piano music]

- I can't stop thinking about gliding across the ice.

- And being on skates will make us look

As beautiful as this music.

- Our moves will show everyone

Just how we're feeling.

Both: ohhhh!

[Music stops]

- Ohhh.

[Both giggling]

- I think we need to practice with marco.

- I hope we'll do better on the ice.

- Yes, and he should carry a heart...

- A big, romantic heart.

- We can glide around it.

- Guess what.

Angelina and alice did the most amazing thing.

- What?

- Somehow they fixed it so I can play

In the chipping cheddar hockey game.

Shhoo, shhoo, shhoo.

- The one on valentine's day?

Isn't that game just for grown-up mice?

- Angelina's dad is the coach.

Maybe he had something to do with it.

Mr. Mouseling probably recognized my skill

And wants to make sure I'm there for the team.

- Guess what kind of flowers squirrels give each other

On valentine's day.

- Um...i give up.

- Forget-me-nuts.

[Both giggling]

- Where's the rest of the team?

- They're not practicing until later.

- Okay.

I'll get my skates on.

- You won't need skates.

Skates will make it too hard to carry the heart.

- Heart?

What heart?

- Here's how I'm dancing to your song.

- My song?

- Yes, we wrote a brand-new love song

For you to sing at the hockey game.

- The song is so beautiful and romantic,

And the words are going to make it even better.

- It's going to be the best hockey break performance ever.

- Uh, uh...oh, ohh!



And the mouseling from costa mousa

Ruins the game by singing

An embarrassing, lovey-dovey, valentine's day song!



Ohh-oh, ohhh!

[Both gasp]

Oh, I'm hurt.

I'm wounded.

Put me on the injured list.

I'm just...whoa,

Really, really cold.


Ohhh, oooh.


- You seem okay to me.

I can't stop thinking about the big hockey game.

When marco sings, I'll put my hand over my heart

So everyone will know it's a love song.

Those flowers give me an idea.

We can wear them in our fur.

- [Giggles]

And around our necks and on our skates.

- Marco, you can wear flowers all over too.

- Uh, I don't think I can.

I'm, um... Achoo.

I'm allergic.

Achoo, achoo.

- But, marco, those flowers are on the inside

Of the shop window.

- Ach--oh, well,

Where there are flowers, there are bees.

[Both giggling]

- Not to worry.

- There won't be bees.

- Alice and I practiced all day.

We're so good at dancing together

That we look like the same mouseling.

[Mystical harp and chimes flourish]

[Gentle instrumental music]

- Angelina, angelina, are you ready to practice?

- Um, you know, I was thinking that

Instead of singing a love song, maybe...

I could do a drum solo.

I could play one of your dad's congas.

- Well, we could give it a try.


- Let's go.

[Exotic percussive rhythm]

Both: ohh!

[Breathing deeply]

- We love drums, marco,

But we really want to skate to something romantic.

[Light instrumental music]

- I understand.

How about the tuba?

- Here we are.

It's the big day.

Alice and I just know our performance will be stupendous,

But marco still isn't so sure.

Is everyone ready?

- I am.

I can't wait.

- Ahh, ehh, ahh...

- What are you trying to say?

- Ahh, ehh, ahh...

- Did you lose your voice?

- Yeah, ahh...

- If he can't talk, he definitely can't sing.

- We're going to have to cancel the song.

- Ah...ohh.

I can sing.

I just don't want to.

[Both gasp]

I don't want to go out there with that giant heart,

Singing that lovey-dovey song.

- Then why did you say you'd do this

If you didn't want to?

- Because I thought you meant I would be playing hockey,

Not singing.

- Oh, no, this was a huge miscommunication.

- When I found out you wanted me to sing,

I tried to get out of it.

- He did.

Remember the falling and the sneezing and the...


- But I see how excited you are,

And I don't want to let you down...


So for you, I'll do it.


What am I getting myself into?

- Marco being such a good sport quickly learned his new song.

Uh, coach?

- Hi, angelina.

I'm looking forward to your big performance.

- Me too, but I have a favor to ask first.

[Whispering indistinctly]

[Latin-tinged guitar music]

- ♪ I thought that I was to play with the best ♪

♪ The whole world would be so impressed ♪

♪ In my imagination, the huge crowd roars ♪

♪ He sh**t, he scores ♪

♪ But you wanted me to sing, not to fly down the wing ♪

♪ To show a different kind of heart ♪

♪ You, you and me ♪

♪ Together, we

♪ Are the way good friends should be ♪

♪ You and me eternally

♪ The way good friends should be ♪

Crowd: hooray!

[Cheers and applause]

Wow, they did like the music.

I was so afraid they wouldn't, but I was wrong.

This music is awesome.

[Cheers and applause]

Hey, where are you going?

- And now as a special valentine's day surprise,

That amazing mouseling from costa mousa

Will take the first shot of the period.

And what a hit.

Game on.

[Cheers and applause]

Your song was fantastic.

The whole team loved it.

- And the one from costa mousa,

He brought down the housa.

- That's because this mouseling loves valentine's day,

Hearts and all.

- Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- Hi, I'm anthony.

- My name is pascal.

- My name is giovanna.

- I'm juliet.

And we are the american ballroom theater youth dance company.

[Upbeat instrumental music]

One of the dances I love to do is the swing.

- The swing, you're swinging around,

Having fun.

All: whoo!


- At first, it was like, "ew, I'm dancing with a boy."

- I like dancing with a partner,

Because you really have to trust your partner,

And you can't just rely on yourself.

- When anthony dances, he's very crazy.

- When pascal dances, it's, like, so clean,

And it's just like, "wow, who's that guy?"

- When I'm dancing, it's just like

I could float on water; I could fly.

[Upbeat latin music]

The merengue is a really fun dance.

- I'm dominican, so merengue,

It just-- that defines dominican.

- I feel like a star when I'm dancing and performing on stage.

- The choreography just comes naturally.

I just practice it a couple of times.

And then afterwards, you just do it.

- It's not only, like, brain memory;

It's, like, muscle memory,

'Cause you have to not think about the steps

So you don't get nervous.

- Dancing's just the best thing in the world.

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today ms. Mimi divided the class

Into small groups for a field trip.

- We're on main street today, mouselings,

Because I want to show you that musical sounds

Are all around us.

- What do you mean, ms. Mimi, even in this lamppost?

- Absolutely, a.z.


[Rhythmic clanging]

- Wow, I can dance to that.

- Exactly.

[Rhythmic pounding]

- Come on, gracie.

- I'm not touching that yucky garbage can.

I'll just practice my steps...

- Good morning, ms. Mimi.

- Good morning, mrs. Thimble.

Now, mouselings,

Mrs. Thimble has kindly agreed to help us with our field trip.

- Wow. - Thank you, mrs. Thimble.

- Merci.

- So long as it's for educational purposes

And you promise not to break anything.

- Of course,

Which is why I have divided the class

Into small groups today.

First up...

Both: me, me, me, me.

- Marco and a.z.

- Oh, no.

- [Sighs]

Both: that was fantastic.

- Come on, let's go.

- Hey, there, young lady,

You just watch where you're going.

- [Giggles]

Oh, oops.


- Ms. Mimi, please keep your students under control.

- So sorry.

Gracie, we're not here to dance.

Please gather round.

- Wow, are you teaching us to cook?

- No, I'm teaching you to create sounds

And to see how the same object can sound different

When played with something else.

[Metal rattling]

- You want us... To play a cheese grater?

- Wow, that does sound different.

- Now you have a turn.

[Metal clanging]

Gracie, what would you like to try?

- Um, what about these?

[Metal clattering]

- Wow, absolutely, positively the loudest.

- Oh, pardon.

- Well done, gracie.

- Wasn't that cool?

- Absolutely, positively.

- Now for your project.

I want everyone to create their own musical instrument

And bring it to class tomorrow.

- [Sighs]

Oh, this is silly.

We have lots of instruments at school.

Why can't we just use them?

- Gracie, we get to make our own instrument,

Whatever we want.

[Upbeat percussive music]

- [Sighs]

I don't like this one bit.

- Are you all right, gracie?

- Oui,ms. Mimi.

I'm, uh, just fine.

- Okay, gracie.

Well, let me know if you have any questions about the project.

- Okay...

I will, ms. Mimi.

- Alice, viki, did you have fun on the field trip?

- Ohhh, it was the most fun ever.

- Yes, we loved making so many different sounds

At mrs. Thimble's.

- Normally, I just hear the sound of her grumbling.


- Um, alice,

What are you doing with those empty glasses?

- These glasses are our musical instruments.

- Really?

- Yes, gracie. Watch and listen.

[Glasses chiming melodically]

- You see?

Every size sounds a little different.

- Can I have a turn?

- Of course, but be careful.

[Glasses chiming melodically]

- Oh, it's a lovely sound.

- Hey, that gives me an idea.

Pass me your lunch boxes, everyone.

And presto, a drum kit.

[Rhythmic tapping]

- Come on, gracie.

Give it a try.

- I'm not dancing to a lunch box.

Besides, I'm--i'm still eating.


- Check this out, gracie.

I put some pebbles in one of my old soccer balls.

Cool, isn't it?

- No, marco.

I just don't like this project.

- You just have to see the fun side of it, gracie.

Here, take a turn with mine.


- Oh, ohh.

Oh, no.

- [Laughs]

Hey, you'd be a great goalie, gracie.

Oh, don't worry.

I'll just climb up and get it.

- Why don't we do something with real instruments?

- Oh, gracie, that's the whole point.

Like ms. Mimi says, "music can be found anywhere."

- Well, maybe in your house it can,

Because you have soccer balls.

- Let's go to angelina's.

She doesn't have soccer balls,

But she always has really good ideas.

- When marco and gracie arrived, I was busy in the kitchen...

Both: wow.

- Making some special instruments.

I put some dried beans in each of these,

And they made lots of different sounds.

- Let me try this one.


[Laughs] nice sound.

- And what about this?



- Cool.

- I know, and here's the plastic one.


- Wow, it sounds like maracas.

Let's try all three together.

[All rattling]

- They all sound so different.


- Yahoo!

Come on, gracie, you'll like it if you try.

Just follow my beat.

- Eh, okay.

Okay, I'll give it a try.


- Happy dancing.

- Come on, mum.

- That's it, gracie. You're getting into it.

- Oui,maybe it's not so bad.

- We're like a real band.

- Wowie, a kitchen band.

[Rhythmic rattling and clanging]

[Pans clanging]

- Oh, no.

I'm so sorry, mrs. Mouseling.

- Don't worry, gracie.

Time to stop now before something gets broken.

- Ugh, playing with these kitchen instruments is so silly.

- But, gracie, we were having fun together.

- Ooh, I'm so frustrated.

I am going home now.

- Oh, I am so frussterated.

Mum, what does "frussterated" mean?

- "Frustrated" means when something's wrong

But you don't know how to fix it.

I hope gracie can work it out,

Or she's not going to do very well on this assignment.

- Bonjour,mrs. Thimble.

- Hello, gracie.

How is your project going?

- Oh, okay, but I don't like it very much.

- Would you like to come inside?

We could chat while I close up.

- Mmm, I really love your cheese balls.

- Thank you, gracie.

You know, I didn't always want to run a store.

- You didn't?

- No, I wanted to be a chef and invent wonderful recipes.

- [Giggles]

You would've been great.

- I didn't think I would enjoy being here,

But I do,

And I just love all the wonderful things here.

[Metal dings]

Now you go.

[Metal dings]

Try some things out.

Just don't...

[Together] break anything.


[Paper crunching]

[Broom shooshing]

[Liquid rushing]

[Cash register dinging]


- Wow, mrs. Thimble is right.

- So what are you gonna choose?

- Oh, i--i just don't know.


[Bottles toot]



[Bell rings]

[Glasses chiming melodically]

[Rhythmic rattling and thumping]

- Well, well, well, it sounds like a band tuning up.

- A kitchen band.

- But where's gracie?

Oh, there you are.

Good morning, gracie.

Have you found an instrument yet?

- Well, ms. Mimi,

At first, I couldn't find anything,

But then with a little help

From mrs. Thimble and my friends,

I did.

- Wow, how do you play that?

- You just have to blow across the top of the bottle,

Like you're playing a flute.

[Bottle toots]

- Congratulations, gracie, and congratulations all of you.

You've all managed to find musical inspiration

All around you.

- Does the kitchen band have room for one more player?

- Absolutely...

[Together] positively.

[All playing]

- Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're going to see some ballroom dancing.

That's where people dance together as partners.

This is called swing dancing.

It started back in the s

With a kind of jazz music called swing.

It takes a lot of practice to work well with your partner

So you know what to do next.

See how they move in time to the music?

Every step matches the tempo and each other.

They're simply stupendous.

Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're going to see some ballroom dancing.

Now, this is called merengue.

It's a latin dance from the dominican republic.

It has a two-step beat, like a march:

Right, left, right, left.

My, what a fancy dance.

Sometimes ballroom dancing is called "social dancing,"

But whatever you call it, ballroom is simply a ball.