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02x03 - Angelina Keeps the Peace/Angelina and Alice Mousikova

Posted: 02/27/24 20:09
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Sometimes I like to dance by myself,

And other times, I like to dance in a group.

But if you do that,

Everyone really needs to get along.

- Today, class, we are going to have some fun.

- Fun?


I love fun.

- I want you to split into groups of four.

- Groups of four?


- And each group will go off and work together.

- Work together?

That's so cool.

- Vici, please.

I know you're excited, but let me finish.

- Sorry, ms. Mimi.

- And at the end of today,

Each group will perform their new routine

For the rest of the class.

Any questions?

- Who's going to be in my group, ms. Mimi?

- Okay, I want you, angelina, to work with gracie, a.z., And--

- Me. Me.

Ms. Mimi, me, me!

- And vici.

- Yay!

This is gonna be so amazing.

- Come on, group, let's go and get started.

So what do we all want to do?

- Well, I think we should work on a tap routine,

Something like this.

- Oh, no.

Break-dancing would be much better.

Check this out.

- [Gasps]

- I had my own idea of what I wanted our routine to be like.

- We don't want to do break-dancing,

Do we, vici?

Tap-dancing is much better, n'est-ce pas?

- Uh, well, i--

- Vici loves break-dancing.

Don't you, vici?

- Uh, yes, I do, but--

- Not as much as she loves tap-dancing.

That is right, isn't it, vici?

- I-i do like tap-dancing.

- Break-dancing is much more cool.

- I-i like 'em both.



- Okay.

Let's do a beautiful ballet instead.

- Break-dancing.

- Tap-dancing.

- Break-dancing.

- Tap-dancing.

- What about a hip-hop tap type routine?

- No.

Tap would spoil the break-dancing.

- It is so unfair.

Why can't a.z. Do what I want to do?

- Gracie.

No. Don't go.

- Gracie.

Why can't you do what I want to do?

- A.z., Wait.

Come back.

- Now what do we do?

[Both sigh]

- Don't worry, vici.

I'll talk to them and figure this out.

- But what will you say?

- Um...

I'll tell them both how much we need them.

- Awesome idea.

- And without all the group working together,

We won't have a dance for ms. Mimi.


- Before you say anything, angelina,

I am not dancing with that moonwalking mouseling

Ever again.

- But we're supposed to be a group.

- Well, we'll have to be a group without you know who.

- [Sighs]

Oh, dear.

I hope I have more luck with a.z.

- No. No. No. No. No.

- A.z., Please.

- Sorry, angelina.

But I can't be in the same group as gracie.

She always wants to do everything her way.

- Oh.

- Angelina.

Come sit here.

I saved you a seat.

- Hey, angelina.

Come and sit with me.

- Uh...

- This is a much better table.

- Uh...

- Not as nice as this one.

- Uh, I think I'll just sit over here, thanks.

- Psst, angelina.

Want some of my sunflower seed sandwich?

- I'm sure she'd like one of my delicious nut nibbles better.

- Oh, no, she wouldn't.

- I think I know what my best friend likes.

- Your best friend?

Everyone knows angelina likes me the best.

Don't you, angelina?

- Ugh!

- Oh, vici.

Come sit here.

I saved you a seat.

- Yo, vici.

Come and sit with me.

- Oh, i, um-- oh!

- Angelina?

- Oh, hello, ms. Mimi.

- Why are you sitting here having lunch all by yourself?

- It's peaceful...

And quiet.

- And?

- And...

And there's no silly arguing.

- It can be very upsetting, can't it?

- How can we get together and dance

When a.z. And gracie can't even get together and talk?

- Hmm.

Don't worry, angelina.

I'm sure you'll come up with a wonderful idea

To make the peace.

- Oh, ms. Mimi,

You've forgotten your...

Folk dancing from around the world.

And that's when I got

The most absolutely, positively stupendous idea.

[Playing conga beat]

- Hi, angelina.

- Marco.

I've been reading one of ms. Mimi's books,

And I was just wondering,

Do they have any folk dances in costa mousa?

- Oh, yes.

We have at least different folk dances.

- [Laughs]


I think just one will do for now.

- We always used to gather round,

And uncle pedro would teach us the steps.

- That sounds wonderful.

- It is.

Folk dancing brings everyone together.

- And that's exactly why I need your help, marco.

- You want me to teach you

The mousa mambo cheesy cha cha polka?

- Um...

That looks a little tricky.

Do you know anything we could learn quickly?

- My friend tom taught me a simple american square dance.

We could try that.

- Perfect.

Then what are we waiting for?

- And now it's time for everyone to show the class

The marvelous dances you've all been rehearsing.

- Hmph. - Hmph.

- Sorry I'm late, ms. Mimi.

- Ah, angelina.

Perfect timing.

I'd like to see your group dance first.

- Angelina.

What are we gonna do?

We haven't rehearsed anything.

- Just join in, vici.

We don't need to rehearse.

- Huh?

- First, we thought about doing a tap dance.

- Oui!

- But we're not doing that.

- Aww.

- Then we talked about doing some break-dancing.

- Oh, yeah.

- But we're not doing that either.

- Oh.

- But, angelina, if we're not doing either of those,

What are we doing?

- My group would like to present for you

A traditional american folk dance.

- What?

- What?

- What?

- It's called the square cheese promenade.

- But, angelina, we do not know the steps.

- No problem.

Marco will call out the moves for you.

- All right, everybody.

Find yourselves a partner.

- I am not dancing with a.z.

I choose vici.

- Fine.

Then I choose angelina.

[Lively instrumental music]

- Take your partners by the hand.

Listen closely to the band.

Circle left.

Make a ring.

Listen to the caller sing.

Face your partner, toe to toe.

Back to back, that's do-si-do.

Clap your hands now, one, two, three.

Touch your shoulder. Touch your knee.

Couple one, now make an arch.

Couple two, through you march.

Now swap over, couple two.

Make an arch, and let them through.

Promenade and circle right.

Make a square and make it tight.

Left hand star, round you go.

Now change your partners, do-si-do.

- A.z.?

- Gracie?

- Square the cheese, that's how it's done.

Now everybody's having fun.

Take your partners by the hand.

Listen closely to the band.

Circle left. Make a ring.

Listen to the caller sing.


[Bell rings]

- That was so cool.

Almost as good as break-dancing.

- Next time we do the folk dancing,

I hope you are my partner, a.z.

- You forgot your book, ms. Mimi,

Or did you leave it there on purpose for me to see?

- I really don't remember.

You put on a wonderful performance today, angelina,

And got your friends back dancing together.

Good job.

- Hmm.

Do-si-do, and no more fuss.

Best pals again, all thanks to us.


Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- Hi.

[Speaking japanese]

My name is kenichi.

I'm from japan.

I started dancing when I was years old.

This is the story of a mannequin in a store

That comes to life.

I taught myself dancing by watching videos and tv.

What is cool about dancing

Is that I can communicate with people without talking.

If you're interested,

You can learn by watching other dancers

And then develop your own style.

[Mechanical sounds]

Beep! Beep! Beep!

[Upbeat hip-hop music]

One thing I love about dancing

Is to give energy to the audience.

Then I get energy back from them.

Hip-hop is popular all around the world.

[Speaking japanese]

Means "I love dancing" in japanese.

I just love dancing.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And our teacher asked each of us

To give a report on our favorite hero.

- Anna mousikova is my hero,

Not only because she's the most amazing gymnast ever.

She's also a super nice person.

Here she is doing a perfect handstand split.

And this is the judge salute she does after every routine.

And here she is winning a shiny gold medal.

- Soon all alice was talking about

Was mousikova, mousikova, mousikova.

Plus, she was practicing gymnastics all the time.

And she was ending every routine

With mousikova's special wink.

Alice would only eat mousikova's favorite foods

And left-handed, just like mousikova.

- This is borscht, mousikova's favorite beet soup.

Want some?

- Uh, maybe the next time.

- Uh-oh.

It's so hard eating with my left hand like mousikova,

Because I'm right-handed.






- Is that a mousikova thing,

Snapping your fingers?

- Yes.

It probably makes your fingers stronger.

Now, for dessert.

According to mousikova,

A raw potato a day keeps you feeling okay.

Hmm, this would taste better cooked.


- Soon alice was constantly singing russian folk music.

[Humming continues]

- It's the birch tree,

A russian folk song from mousecow.

Mousikova loves to do gymnastics to it.

- That sure is a pretty song, alice.

[Both humming]


We'd better get going,

Or we'll be late for dance class.

- I'll be a teeny bit late.

I've got to finish my potato

So I can be as healthy as mousikova.

- There goes that wink again.

- Keep going, dancers. Wonderful work.

- We get to dance to the birch tree?

- You're late, alice.

- Sorry, ms. Mimi.

I had to fit in a little gymnastics.

Mousikova says,

"You're only as good as your last cartwheel."

- Or your last grand jete.

If you want to perform at the assembly,

You have to be on time for practice.

- Okay, ms. Mimi.

I won't be late again.

[Both gasping]

- Oh.

[Together] wow.

- I love your new moves, alice.

- It's the best fun ever.

Soon I'll be as good as mousikova.

- Really? Truly?

Maybe someday, you'll be famous like her

And win gold medals.

- And travel all over the world

And have fans.

- Will you have time to dance with us

And come over to my house?

- Absolutely.

- ♪ Friends are great and dreams are too ♪

♪ Both can bring great joy to you ♪

♪ I have a friend I miss

♪ But be sure of this

♪ I wish the best for you

♪ Where you are and where you go ♪

♪ From anywhere you must know ♪

♪ I have a friend I miss

♪ But be sure of this

♪ I wish the best for you

♪ The world requests we open up ♪

♪ And let our best shine through ♪

♪ But remember this

♪ I have a friend I miss

♪ I wish the best for you

- Oh, alice. - Hey, alice.

[Voices overlapping]

- We love you, alice.

- Alice.

- Alice, you rocked.

- Hey, alice. - Smile for the camera, alice.

- So cool.

- Alice.


- Hmm?

- Let's do something together,

Just you and me, like the old days.

- What?

I can't hear you.

- Alice.


- Angelina.




- It's time for the math bee.

- I am tres bien with numbers.

- And I've been practicing adding and subtracting.

- Oh, I haven't practiced much math.

I've been too busy doing my balance beam routine.

Watch this.

- Sorry, we'll have to watch it later.

- Plus is .

Plus is .

Plus is--

- Plus is--

- Plus is .

- Right.

And plus is...


- Oh.

- No.

Plus is...


Anna mousikova's favorite number.

- Mmm. - Mmm.

That swiss and tomato sandwich looks scrumptious.

- It is.

- I haven't eaten a cheddar chip scone in days.

- Want a bite?

- No, thanks.

I've got my borscht.

- Haven't you had enough mousikova food?

- I miss my favorites,

But mousikova foods are so good for me.

- You're already really, truly healthy.

- Maybe you're right, angelina.

Time to squeeze in a couple handstands

Before the lunch bell.

- Allons-y.

Let's go to mrs. Thimble's for smoothies

And then your house for the dance practice.

- Stupendous.

- You are coming with us, no?

- Um, I think I need to practice my grand jete

If I'm going to dance at the assembly.

But I would love a smoothie.

I haven't had one in ages.

- You simply must try the blueberry.

Ooh, la-la.

- What do I do now?

- Yesterday mrs. Thimble added peanut butter to her smoothies.

- I wish I'd been there.

I miss doing stuff with you.

- We miss you too.

- How will I ever have time to do my mousikova practice

And be with you too, angelina?

- Hmm.

Just come and practice with us for the assembly.

Remember, we're performing in front of the whole school.

- I don't think I'll be dancing at the school assembly.

I haven't practiced enough.

- But you have to dance with us.

We'll be dancing to mousikova's favorite song.

- And I love grand jetes.

- Talk to ms. Mimi.

Give it a try.

- All right.

Maybe I need a few less winks.

My eye is getting tired.

- Divine, my dancers.

Please take a break now and have some water.

- Ms. Mimi, can I talk to you about the school assembly?

- Of course, alice.

Do you want to perform with the class?

- Yes, please, ms. Mimi.

I'll practice super hard.

- And I can help her.

- Wonderful.

But you must practice all you can.

- I promise.



Nothing like a cheese and tomato sandwich.

- I am glad you are dancing with us, alice.

Did you decide you like ballet more than mousikova?

- I still love mousikova and gymnastics,

But I also love ballet and being with my friends.


It's hard doing things left-handed when I'm not,

Because I'm right-handed.

- So now we can do fun things together,

Like we always do, huh?

- Absolutely.

It's been okay doing mousikova stuff,

But I have to do alice stuff too,

Like getting the answers right on math bees.

- Will you still do your amazing gymnastics tricks?

- Of course.

- And will you still sing us

That stupendous russian folk music?

[Both humming]

- Angelina.

Now mousikova is your hero?

- No.

But if a raw potato a day makes you strong like her,

I'll give it a try.


On second thought,

I'm already pretty strong.


- [Laughs]



- Plus is .

- Plus is .

- And plus is .

- As mousikova says,

"It's always best to be yourself."

- Hola. Marco here.

And this is kenichi ebina from japan.

He's a great hip-hop dancer.

In this dance, kenichi tells a story about a mannequin

That comes to life.

That move is called popping.

And here's an arm wave,

Like an ocean wave moving through him.

And that's locking.

See how fast his arms move?

You can learn hip-hop by watching other dancers

And even music videos,

And then you can make your very own dance style.

- Hello.

I'm angelina ballerina.

Did you know dance is a wonderful way to exercise?

Just as you warm up before exercise,

You should warm up before dance.

You have to warm your muscles so you won't get hurt.

It's best to warm up by stretching.

You can reach for your toes.

You can reach back.

Stretch that arm now.

You can even bend backward like a noodle.

And once you're all warmed up...

♪ Ta-da

You're ready to dance.