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02x14 - Bubbling Up/Eenie Eenie Aye Over

Posted: 02/27/24 15:29
by bunniefuu
Hey, everyone-- it's me, Molly!

♪ Molly of Denali

Let's go!

♪ She's Molly of Denali

[laughing]: Whooo!

♪ By plane or sled or snowshoe ♪

♪ She is ready to explore

♪ From Kaktovik down to Juneau ♪

♪ Always wanting to learn more ♪


♪ Together with her best friend Tooey ♪

♪ Always by her side And Trini!

♪ Discovering the outdoors

♪ On adventures day and night

♪ Come along with Molly

♪ Molly

♪ Through fields of fireweed

♪ Come along with Molly

♪ Molly

♪ From tundra to the sea

Mahsi'choo-- let's go!

♪ Molly of Denali


♪ She's Molly of Denali

♪ Come on ♪ Let's go!

♪ Molly of Denali

♪ She's Molly of Denali

MOLLY: "Bubbling Up."

♪ [wolf howling]

[door creaking]

[frog croaking]

[Molly making whooshing noises]

[Oscar meowing]

[thunder rumbles]

[Molly making ghostly sounds]



I am Kuggaedi,

keeper of things that go bump in the night.

And this is Real Monsters of Qyah!

[Molly making eerie noises, thunder rumbles]

Today, we examine the dreaded Qyah Blanket Beast.

Is it fiction or fact?

[gasps] Look, there it is now!

Come on, Blanket Beast.

MOLLY: [gasps]

Tooey, behind you!

[high-pitched squeal]

The Blanket Beast!

[playful yip]

Suki, no.

You're ruining the--



[gasps]My hat!


Okay, I guess the Blanket Beast is fiction.

But there was one time when we really did think

there might be a monster right here in Qyah!

It all started when we were canoeing on the lake.

[Molly and Tooey grunting]

MOLLY: Slow and steady by all these logs, Captain.

TOOEY: Aye, aye, Captain.

TRINI: Isn't there supposed to be only one captain on a boat?

Grandpa Nat said that when we take

his canoe out, we're all captains.

Ahoy, Shchada'a!

Ahoy there, Captains!


TOOEY:Grandpa Nat is sure going to love all

of the Labrador tea we've gathered.

Too bad we couldn't also fill up this basket.

Oh, let's see if there's any tea over there.

Uh, I don't know.

Full speed ahead![groans]

[bird hoots in distance]

[raven squawks]

[frog croaks]

Uh, I'm not so sure about this.


What's that sound?

Is that your stomach?

Nope, not me.


[groans] And that smell.

It's like rotten eggs.

Not me, either.

[gurgling and bubbling]

[all screaming]

Where are all these bubbles coming from?

What's going on?

It's, it's...

some kind of lake monster!

Let's get outta here!

[all shouting]


Which way are we escaping?

This way!

[all grunting and panting]

Oh, they're sure gettin' fast in that canoe.

[all panting]Lookin' good, kids!

In all my years,

I have never seen anything like it.

All your years, huh? [chuckles]

There were huge bubbles everywhere!

It even rocked the canoe.

And it smelled like rotten eggs.



I don't mean to scare you, Grandpa Nat,

but I think we've got ourselves a lake monster.

Hmm, I see.

Have you ever heard of a monster

in Lake Qyah, Shchada'a?


I've heard of some strange things

living in lakes down South, but not here.

Maybe it was just wood frogs.

There are a lot of wood frogs in that lake.


And maybe they were sleeping,

and their snoring made those bubbles.

[frogs snoring]

TOOEY: Hmm... I don't know.

Those bubbles were pretty big.

Maybe there's one humongous frog down there.

[water whooshes]

[frog belching loudly]


But what about the rotten egg smell?

Do wood frogs smell like rotten eggs?

Well, to be honest,

I've never sniffed one. [chuckles]

But I would guess they don't smell like rotten eggs.

I knew it, it's a lake monster.

Well... you might want to do

a little research first, just to be sure.

Good idea.

Ooh, and while we're at it, we can research

what to do about lake monsters, just in case it is one.

Mahsi'choo, Shchada'a.

Lake monsters.

TOOEY:"Lake monsters in Scotland," "lake monsters in Italy"?

Whoa, there are a lot of lake monsters out there.

You mean there are a lot of websites about lake monsters.

There's a difference.

Let's make the search more specific.

Try adding Qyah.

MOLLY: Nope, nothing for

"lake monsters Qyah."

What's all this about a monster in Qyah?

We found one this morning.

It att*cked our canoe.


He's exaggerating.

We saw these strange bubbles on the lake.

Yeah, and they smelled like rotten eggs.

We're trying to find out what it could be.

Well, maybe this book will help.

Mr. Rowley just returned it.

MOLLY: Real Alaska Monsters!

That's perfect.

Thanks, Dad.

Anybody have their library card handy?

MOLLY: "The Lake Illiamna Monster."

Lake Illiamna?

I know that!

It's the largest lake in Alaska.

Ooh, read it!

Okay, it's an eyewitness account from ,

someone named Kuggaedi.

It says, "It was a hot day on the west end of Lake Iliamna."

"When all of a sudden,

I was gripped by an unseasonal chill."


MOLLY: "And then a long shadow

was cast over the bow of my canoe."


The b-b-b-b-beast!

MOLLY: "It belonged to a serpentine creature at least

" feet in length, rearing up from the placid waters.

"Never shall I forget those two bulbous infernal eyes."


[all scream]

Oops, sorry, that was me. [chuckles]


Bad enough there's a monster in the lake,

I thought there was one in the library, too.

I guess we got a little carried away

imagining the lake monster we were reading about.

Personally, I don't think

there are any monsters in Lake Iliamna.



There are freshwater seals that live there.

Maybe that's what the author of that account saw.

Hey, maybe seals are making

those stinky bubbles on Lake Qyah!

I don't think Lake Qyah is large enough for seals,

but what do you mean by stinky bubbles?

Follow us!

Past the floating logs!

Watch out for the netsey dogho!

Netsey dogho?

It means, "your grandfather's beard,"

grandfather in this case being raven.

[raven cawing]

Hey, Grandfather Raven!

You left your beard on the branches.


MOLLY: It's right over here!

Whoa, it's even more bubbly than before!

And stinky.

[gasps]Maybe the lake monster ate something

that upset its stomach!

It's not our fault, lake monster!

Don't be angry!


Something is different here.


I think I recognize that smell.

[sniffs] Me too.

Is it wood frogs?


Told ya, it is a lake monster!

Let's get outta here.

Easy, Tokone!

I don't think it's a lake monster.

Then, what is it?

It's permafrost.


What's that?

Imagine the bottom of Lake Qyah.

GRANDPA NAT: Because it's so cold in Alaska,

the bottom usually stays frozen all year round.

That hard frozen ground is called permafrost.

NINA: But because it's getting warmer here,

the lake is warming up, and the permafrost is thawing.

When it does, it releases gases that bubble up.

So is that what causes the rotten egg smell?

And that sound?

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle?[laughs]


Huh... permafrost.

Ah, I knew it all along!

Sure, you did.[laughter]

So it wasn't a lake monster after all.

Yeah! [scoffs]

Monsters in Qyah?

Who would ever believe that?

[eerie echoing]

[gasps] What was that?



[echoing continues]

[both scream]


Hey, everyone, Molly here

to answer your questions about life in Alaska.

Kristen from Lincoln, Nebraska, asks,

"Where can I learn more about puffins?"

Let's visit my friends at the Seward Sea Life Center.

BOTH: Hi, Molly!

We are here in Seward, Alaska.

This is the land of the Sugpiaq people.

GIRL: We're at the Alaska Sea Life Center.

GIRL: The Sea Life Center is a place that does wildlife rescue.

GIRL: And research and education.

GIRL: Our mom takes care of the birds here.

You guys want to help me feed the puffins today?


This is a day's worth of food right here.

We feed fish that they would be eating in the wild.

GIRL: Are there different types of puffins?

MOM: We have tufted puffins and horned puffins in Alaska.

GIRL: The horned puffins have little horns above their eyes,

and they also have a white chest.

GIRL: The tufted puffins have

little golden feathers on...

like here and here, they do not have a white chest.

We learned how to weigh birds to make sure they're healthy.

What does the scale do?

MOM: It allows us to see how much they weigh.

Why would you need to know that?

That's a great question.

The easiest way to tell if a bird is sick

is to watch their weight.

GIRL: A healthy puffins weighs between and grams.

That's like a loaf of bread.

She weighs grams.

That's healthy.

MOM: When the puffins swim underwater,

they use their wings, so they literally

fly underwater.

GIRL: I think puffins are cool because they can

swim, walk, and fly.

ALL: Bye, Molly!

MOLLY: Mahsi'choo!

Thanks for asking, and see you next time!

"Eenie Eenie Aye Over."

TRINI: It's the bottom of the ninth, bases are loaded.

The Mabrays lead the Ookamis five to four.

Tooey steps up to the plate.

This is it!

The Ookamis' last chance to stay in the game.

Molly winds up.

There's the pitch!


What? No!

No way! Come on!

Dad, the TV went out!

Can you fix it?

The fate of the Ookamis depends on it.

Sorry, kids.

It's not just the TV, it's the power.

Aww, man!

I was this close.

To losing?


I've got a crazy idea here, but what if you all

went outside and played real baseball?

Or better yet, Eenie Eenie Aye Over!

You know Eenie Eenie Aye Over?

Oh yeah,

I used to play it all the time as a kid.

Wait, what's Eenie Meenie My Over?

Eenie Eenie Aye Over.

Come on, we'll show you.

Okay, there are two teams.

Team A's on this side of the house.

Team B's on the other.

Someone from Team A throws the ball

over the roof and shouts,

"Eenie Eenie Aye Over!"

If no one catches the ball,

Team B throws the ball back, and they shout,

"Eenie Eenie Aye Over!"

But if someone on Team B does catch the ball,

all of Team B comes running around the side of the house

and tries to tag someone from Team A

by hitting them with the ball.

Meanwhile, Team A is trying to get

to the other side of the house!

If they do, they're safe.[Walter grunts]

Nice shot. [laughs]

Aim below the waist,

and use a ball that's soft, like this one.

What happens when someone gets tagged?

WALTER: Then they're on the other team.

The game is over when Team A or Team B

has lost all their players.


Who wants to be on my team?

Me, me!

Let's be Deetryaa,team Raven!

TRINI: And we're team...



It's cute, but strong.



Eenie Eenie Aye Over!


WALTER: [laughs]

No one shouted "Eenie Eenie Aye Over."

That means someone caught it!

You go right, I'll go left.


Whew, I'm safe!


Hoo... hmm.

[Walter grunts]

[Grandpa Nat grunts]


ALL: Whoa.

WALTER: Ready!

AUNTIE MIDGE: What's going on?

Something stuck on the roof?

We're playing Eenie Eenie Aye Over.

You mean Annie Annie Aye Over.

That's what we used to call it.

Wanna join us?

Sure, but I have to warn you,

I was my middle school champion.


Now that Auntie Midge is here,

we have an even number of players.

It could be kids versus adults.

I like it.

Bring it on!

Eenie Eenie Aye Over!




Aren't you gonna throw the ball back?

Huh, why?

I caught it.

Yeah, but it didn't hit the roof.

It's gotta hit the side of the roof

in order for it to count.


I never heard of that.

Me, neither.

Well, that's the way we always played.

What's going on?I don't know.

I'm guessing they caught it.

Let's run this way.

GRANDPA NAT: Official rules?


There are no official rules

to Eenie Eenie Aye Over.

Sure, there are.

I wrote them down.

And it's Annie Annie Aye Over!

[chuckles] Whoa, whoa!

Well, whatever it's called,

how are we gonna decide how to play?

Call a judge?

TRINI: Oh, that's a great idea!

Let's have a trial!

Hear ye, hear ye!

The court is now in session!

[xylophone chimes]

Molly, you go first.

[clears throat]

Grandpa Nat has a very good memory.

As a scientist, it's his job to remember

lots of important facts.

Judge, I ask you, is this the face

of a man who doesn't know the rules

to Eenie Eenie Aye Over?


I object!

Why? Uh...


Oh, I know!

Judge, I have proof that Auntie Midge is right.

Behold Exhibit A,

the middle school notebook

where she wrote down the rules of the game.

Can I read them, please?

[clears throat]

"The Rulls of Annie Annie Aye Over."

Wait, "rulls"?

Never heard of that.

Hold on.

Let me reread that.

Oh, it says,

"The Rules of Annie Annie Aye Over."

That "E" looked like an "L."

Hmm, let's see...

Uh... "two teams, shout 'Annie Annie Aye Over.'"

Ah, here it is!

"The ball must hit the poof

before the other team catches it."


Trini, try reading it again.

My "R"s sometimes look like "P"s.


"The ball must hit the"--

oh yeah-- "the roof before the other team catches it."

I have made my decision!

We play by Auntie Midge's rules.

[xylophone chimes]

WALTER: Annie Annie Aye Over!








TOOEY: Annie Annie Aye Over!


Aha, still got it.


Nat, over here!





[both chuckle]

Annie Annie Aye Over!



[gasps] Ah!

It's okay, you can pass.

You're my Molly-doodle.



[gasps] You tricked me?

We're Deetryaa.

That's what ravens do.

Welcome aboard. [chuckles]


Ready, Trini?


GRANDPA NAT: You sure you don't wanna surrender

and just join Team Deetryaa?



That's the spirit!

Mr. Rowley, hi.

Time out, guys!

Playing Handy Andy Over, I see.

Do you play?

I used to.

Once it was nine of the biggest,

toughest third-graders all against me.

They came running 'round the schoolhouse,

from both sides, trapping me!

There's no way out.

No way out.

Haven't played since.

I know how you feel.

I think this might be the last game for the Thunderpuppies.

Thunderpuppies, huh?

I like it.

Cute, but strong.

Okay, kiddo, let's show 'em what we got!

Hey, everyone!

Mr. Rowley just joined my team!

Rowley's playing?

He's a legend!

Ooh, I thought he'd given up

Eenie Eenie Aye Over for good.

We better bring our "A" game, Ravens.

Annie Annie Aye Over!


[Mr. Rowley grunts]

Run right, wait for my call!


[all panting]

[grunts] Ha!

[gasps and groans]


Heads up, Trini!

[all gasp]


TOOEY: Run!MOLLY: Go, go, go!



[groans] You got me!


[both panting]

We made it! [pants]

Hey, where are all the other Ravens?

ALL: We're Thunderpuppies now!



Look, Shchada'a!

The power's back on.

Ah, so it is, Shgguya.

Oh well, guess you can finish that baseball game now.


I won't say anything if you don't.


BOTH: Ready!

Annie Annie Aye Over!
