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01x34 - Puppypalooza Part 1/Puppypalooza Part 2

Posted: 02/27/24 15:13
by bunniefuu
Hey, everyone-- it's me, Molly!

♪ Molly of Denali ♪

Let's go!

♪ She's Molly of Denali ♪

(laughing): Whooo!

♪ By plane or sled or snowshoe ♪

♪ She is ready to explore ♪

♪ From Kaktovik down to Juneau ♪

♪ Always wanting to learn more ♪


♪ Together with her best friend Tooey ♪

♪ Always by her side ♪

And Trini!

♪ Discovering the outdoors ♪

♪ On adventures day and night ♪

♪ Come along with Molly ♪

♪ Molly ♪

♪ Through fields of fireweed ♪

♪ Come along with Molly ♪

♪ Molly ♪

♪ From tundra to the sea ♪

Mahsi'choo-- let's go!

♪ Molly of Denali ♪

Yeah! ♪ She's Molly of Denali ♪

♪ Come on ♪ ♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Molly of Denali ♪

♪ She's Molly of Denali ♪

MOLLY: "Puppypalooza: Part One."


Quick, Molly!

Throw me the Jewel of Tang-goose-koo!

♪ ♪

You'll have to jump!

You're in quicksand!

It's too far!

Quick, throw me the whip.

The whip!

(hums action music)


No, no, no, no!



Are we playing games or building a path?

We're playing games.

And building a path.


What got into him?

I don't know.

He's been weird all day.

Are you okay, Tooey?

Of course I'm okay.

Why wouldn't I be okay?

Just because I'm not in a great mood

doesn't mean I'm not okay.




I'm stuck.

Hang on, I've got just the trick.

Crawl onto this, Tooey.



(sighs): I'm so tired of mud season.

MOLLY: Hot chocolate for you

and you.



(sighs): Thanks.

That totally helps.

Makes me feel less worried, kind of.

I knew it.

I knew something was making you all weird.

Yeah, I'm worried about one of my dogs, Cali.

I think she might be sick.

In fact, I'm gonna go home and check on her.


MOLLY: We're coming with you.


She looks okay.

Yeah, but see?

All the other dogs are outside,

and Cali won't leave her house.

Maybe she doesn't like all the mud?



(kids yell, dog barks)

Dogs pretty much love mud.

What's your dad say?

He's at a race, not coming back for a week.

(dogs howling)

Wait a minute.

I know!

Mom's flying the veterinarian in tomorrow

to do animal checkups.

Let's bring Cali to see her.

For real?

That would make me feel so much better.

You'll find out what's going on in, like, two seconds.

(gasps) (groans)

Oh, man.

♪ ♪

MOLLY: This is gonna take forever.

Who knew so many people would want to see the vet?

Who knew so many people had pets?

AUNTIE MIDGE: Howdy doo!

Say hi to Noodle.



Is Noodle okay?

Just dandy.

(Noodle bleats) Had her one-year checkup.

Only had to wait two hours.


See you again.

MOLLY (sighs): It's :.

And Dr. Begaye has to leave at :.

Mom's flying her up north for a foaling.


That's when a horse has a baby.


We might not make it.

If I had a magic wand, I'd make this line move faster.


What a great idea, Trini!

Is she looking for a magic wand?


There's no such thing.

Hi, Mr. Patak.

Do you need any help, Dr. Begaye?

Something that might make this line move faster?

(exhales): That would be great, Molly.

It's taking me too long to talk to people

and then write the instructions.

If you could do the writing, that would speed things up.

So there could be several reasons why your canary...

Oh! (laughs)

Mr. Peabody.

Mr. Peabody isn't singing.

It could be his diet, or he might be depressed.

Birds can get sad?

They can.

So, here's what I would do.

Make sure you put his cage near some natural light.

I'll put him in a warm sunny spot in my workshop.

Yeah, and then give him a variety of seeds

and some fruit scraps, too.

Most importantly, give him some toys

and a mirror in the cage.

Oh, a canary won't sing as much if it feels lonely.

Ah! I never knew.

Were you lonely, Mr. Peabody?

Three vitamin drops in his water,

and change it every day.

Thank you, Dr. Begaye.

Here's your information, Mr. Patak.

Um, I'm not sure I can follow this.


It'll be easier for Mr. Patak to understand your notes

if they're organized.

Let's start over.

When I say what I think is wrong,

that's my diagnosis.

After that, I give suggestions for treatment,

and we can break treatment down into action and medicine,

like this.

If you put what I say into these categories,

Mr. Patak will be able to remember our conversation

and follow my instructions.

Make sense?


That's so much better.

I'll redo this, Mr. Patak.



(unenthusiastically): Next?


Whoo! Finally!

You made it!

MOM: Uh, hate to say it, Doc,

but you wanted to leave at :.

Oh, but you have to see Cali.

Tooey's been so worried.

It'll be tight, but we'll make it work.

Thanks to Molly, we got through the line in half the time.

Yay, Molly!

So tell me, what's wrong with Cali?

Well, she's not eating all her food, and she's not...

Is it good or bad that she's using a machine?

Cali's fine, I'm sure.

She's probably just...

Congratulations, Tooey.

Cali's in very good health, and...

she's pregnant.



BOTH: Yes!

What's pregnant?

What's pregnant?!

Cali's going to have puppies.




Four puppies!

Due in about two weeks. (laughs)

♪ ♪

Hey, everyone-- it's me, Molly.

And this is puppy watch day number .

Cali isn't in her doghouse anymore.

And that's because she's

in this special pen we made.

That was something Dr. Begaye told us to do.

See? Diagnosis: pregnant.

Treatment: build Cali a pen,

check her temperature, and no stress.

TOOEY: degrees today,

compared to yesterday.

A falling temperature means

those pups are coming soon.

I have to see them get born.

I don't want to miss it.

You won't miss it.

I'll call you.

I might want to be a vet, Tooey.

So I need to be there the whole entire time.

I thought you wanted to be a scientist.


And a snowboarder,

doctor, writer...

Yes, yes, yes!

I want to be all those things, and a vet!

(gasps): You know,

maybe I should just move in with Cali.

Molly, don't worry.

I'll call you.

Tooey said I can't stay in the shed,

but maybe I could camp outside the shed.

That way, I wouldn't miss a single minute.

(chuckling): Sorry, hon.

I'm afraid you'll have to stay home

and go about your Molly business.

But Mom, it's too nerve-racking.

All I'm doing is waiting for the phone to ring.

Molly doodle, when the puppies are ready,

they'll come.

You have to be patient.

(sighs): Patient.

♪ ♪

(owl hooting softly)

(Molly snoring, phone ringing)

(breathing evenly)







Cali's having her puppies?

♪ Yes! ♪

Get your boots.


We're on our way!

♪ ♪

Go, go, go!

(motor revving)

Oh, what?


You're stuck! In the mud!


I'm so tired of mud season.

And I have just the trick.

This worked with Tooey.

(engine running)

Try it now.

♪ ♪

You did it, Molly doodle!



They're adorable.

I can't believe I got to see all four being born.

Does Cali need any help?

Nope, she's got this.

Good job, Mama Cali.

And welcome to the world, little ones.

Hey, everyone! Molly here to answer

your questions about life in Alaska.

Jeremy from Georgia asks,

"Have you ever seen a baby reindeer?"

Yup! They're really cute.

My friends can show you.

ALL: Hi, Molly!

Today we're at our family's reindeer farm.

GIRL: In Palmer, Alaska.

BOY: The first reindeer were introduced to Alaska

from Russia in the s.

Alaska Natives were the first reindeer herders.

BOY: This is our baby.

She's only a year old.

She wants to be fed.

We got a really busy day,

so I need you guys to help me feed.

Can you guys do that? KIDS: Okay.

What should we do first?

Well, first you get the buckets out of the barn

in the wagon.

Then one kid will hold the bucket in place

while the other kid hits the switch.

Going to fill the buckets to the top.

Fill up four buckets.

Then we are going to pour the buckets

into the feeders,

and then release the reindeers into the food.

It's important when it comes to the feeding

that we do all the steps in the right order,

so that everybody stays safe, you guys and the reindeer.

There are specific instructions for feeding the reindeer,

and it's important that we do it in order.

So I'm writing a detailed list, so we don't forget anything.

BOY: Step one, bring buckets to feed silo.

GIRL: Step two, put the bucket in place.

BOY: Step three, turn on switch.

BOY: Step four, fill buckets to the top.

Step five, fill three more buckets.

GIRL: What's the next step?

BOY: Step six, pour buckets in feeders.

♪ ♪

Step seven, let reindeer in to eat.

ALL: Bye, Molly!


Thanks for asking, and see you next time.

MOLLY: "Puppypalooza: Part Two."

TRINI: I. Can't. Handle.

The. Cuteness!

I want to take them all home.

(Suki whines)

Oh, Suki.

Don't be jealous.

I love you most of all.

See, you already have a dog, Molly.

I don't have any dogs.

I also don't have a hamster, a cat, a pig, or a weasel.

Which puppy would you take, if you could?

This one.

I would call it Blotchy.


(gasps): Four-Spots!

Are all the dogs being adopted by mushers, Tooey?


They're sled dogs, born and bred.

Okay, guys, time for dinner.


MOLLY: Ooh, ooh, ooh!

(puppies squeak)

Aww! Aww!

KENJI: We're only going to keep one of the pups,

whichever will make the best lead dog.


I've decided to let you choose.



What? What?

But Tooey's only ten.

There's no way he's ready.

Yes, he is.

Tooey's worked hard with the dogs

while you two were at school.

So, what are the key things to look for in a lead dog?

Well, um, it should be fast.

That's easy.

But what else?




We gotta go.

We do?

You're walking me home, remember?

I am?

Oh, yeah, I am.

Can't talk right now.

But don't worry, I know what I'm doing.

(sighs): I really don't know what I'm doing.

What if I mess up?

What if I choose the wrong dog?

You'll figure it out.

You're super-smart about dogs.

I mean, I know you run the dogs to find out who's fastest,

but there must be more to a lead dog than speed.

I bet a lead dog should be extra-strong,

like that one maybe?


(puppies yipping)

Or not.

(sighs): I'm gonna need some help with this.

Did you decide what to name them yet?

I was thinking about that.

Remember how you let me name Suki?


Best name ever.

How about I let you name the puppies?

Are you serious?

For real?

Yep, for real.

♪ Yes! ♪

I will not let you down.

Mahsi'choo! Thank you!

Dog names that I like.


I like Laska.

DAD: Hey, Molly doodle.

Can you tell me what time it is?


And when is your bedtime?


Oh, oops!

Night, Dad.


(laughing): Night again, Molly.

MOLLY: Togo!

That's a good one.

DAD: I can see your lights!

AUNTIE MIDGE: You want to know what to look for in a lead dog.

Why don't you just ask your dad?

I want to learn as much as I can on my own first,

to show Dad I can do this.

Got it.

Suit up.

I know a fair bit about dogs,

but you should really talk to an expert.

(motor slowing)

Mr. Rowley?

(bees buzzing)

MR. ROWLEY: Meet Lord Pinklefloss.

Best lead dog I ever had.

(chuckles): It's a lucky name.

Yours if you want it.

I'm writing it down.

(whispering): Pinklefloss?

He said it was lucky.

Other than speed, there are four qualities

to look for in a lead dog.

Can I borrow that?

First, you want a dog that's smart,

one that can think ahead and adjust to conditions.

TOOEY: Smart-- got it.

Next, you want a dog that's calm.

Okay, calm.

Wait, why don't you want a really energetic dog?

Ooh! I think I know.

Because a calm dog thinks before it acts?


I like how you're using what you're hearing

and what you know

to figure things out.

Also, a calm dog won't scare easy, or pick fights.

Then you want a dog who listens to your commands.

And finally, a lead dog should have a great sense of smell.


So they can smell danger, like wolves and stuff.

Smart, calm, listens to commands,

and a great sense of smell.

Ha! I know what I'm looking for.

♪ ♪

Hmm, does that one look smart to you?


Mmm, I'm not sure.

I bet Four-Spots is the smartest of them all.


He's so curious.


(yelps softly)


I saw your list, Tooey.

Those are just the qualities

I'd be looking for in a lead dog.

Good work!

Thanks, Dad.

But the hard part is

figuring out which puppy has those traits.

Want some help?

If I were you, I'd look at...

No, no, no!

I don't want any help.

I can do it on my own.


Well, you know where to find us if you get stuck.

Okay! Thanks, but I'm not gonna get stuck.


If I mess this up, I'll never live it down.

We just have to find a way to tell

which dog has all the things on the list.

If only they could read and write.

Then you could give them a test.

That's it.

Let's test them.

Molly! I just said!

Dogs can't read.

No, she means like an obstacle course.

We'll give them challenges and see how they do.

(cheering, dogs barking)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

TOOEY: The dog that gets out of this course first

will have to be pretty intelligent.

I gotta say, Tooey, this is a pretty wild idea.

All right.

Smart, calm, listens to commands,

and a great sense of smell.

(sighs): I hope this works.

On your mark,

get set,


Come, pups.

This way.

♪ ♪


Ooh, that one with the polka dots

is looking good.

His name is Four-Spots.

Over here, pups.

Over here!

That white one seems pretty good at listening to commands.

(panting, whining)



TRINI: Okay.

Now for the calm test.


Let's see how they handle this.



Well, I think they all failed that one.


And now for the smell test.

Hey, puppies!

There might be something very tasty in this kitty.



Suki, no! That's not for you.

(puppies whimpering)

(puppies yipping)

(fabric tearing)

I think I've got all I need.

No contest.

I mean, no contest.

Our next lead dog is...

this one!


Do we have a name for him yet?

I do!

I have all the names now.

This one is Snoozle, 'cause she sleeps so much.

And that's Chinook, because he looks strong.

And this one is Bugsy.

And our winner,

your new lead dog, is...

Lord Pinklefloss!






(laughing): Kidding.

His real name is Kih Dhidii,

which means First One.


I was a doubter, I admit it.

But you did a good job of picking our new lead, Tooey.

Tooey will know more about dogs than I do someday.

(puppy yips, Auntie Midge laughs)

Good luck with Snoozle, Auntie Midge.

She may not be a sled dog,

but I bet she's a world-class snuggler.

I'll take Chinook over to Sven's house.

You'll be running your first race in no time.


Who'd you say is taking Four-Spots?

I mean, Bugsy.

Well, we had to change our plans a bit.

No one thinks Bugsy will make a good sled dog.

But Kenji thinks he'd make a better pet.


And there was this guy we spoke to

because we know his kid wants a dog.

What was his name again?


Daniel, maybe?


My dad, Daniel?

This is my dog?



If you still want him.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!


Oh, Bugsy, I will love you forever and ever and ever.

Only, is it okay if I call him Four-Spots?

Well, only if you call him Lord Four-Spots.

Lord Four-Spots of Cuddle-donia!


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪