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03x01 - The Sounds of Silence Part 1/The Sounds of Silence Part 2

Posted: 02/27/24 12:33
by bunniefuu
Well, it's a sunny day

I feel brand-new

There's about a million things that I could do

Whoa, would you like to...

Do them, too?


Well, it's a big wide world

And it's waiting for me and you.

[clapping to music]

Let's look around

What will we see?

Round every corner, a discovery

Whoa, there's no place I'd...

Rather be

Oh, yeah

Well, it's a big wide world

And it's waiting

For me and you.

Does the sun make any noise when it sets?

Peep and Chirp are trying to find out.

[softly]: That's why they're being so quiet.


So...[stretching and nibbling]

after I woke up, I stretched a few times and then I yawned.

Like that.

No, wait-- I yawned twice.

That's right, I yawned twice...

and then I said


We are trying to listen.


Oh, yeah!

[softly] Sorry.

So then I said hello to the fish

and they said hello back,

only they have little voices

so it sounded more like...

[squeakily] Hello! Kinda like that.

Quack, we won't be able

to hear the sun touch the water

if you keep on talking.

Oh! Uh, right. Gotcha-- I'm good.

Want to see how long I can hold my breath?

Watch this.[inhales deeply]

[air rushes out loudly]

[coughing and sputtering]

[shouts angrily]

You are the loudest duck I ever knew!

Could you please be quiet?

Chirp, look!

We are trying to hear the sun set.

Aw, too bad, you just missed it.


Quack's right.

Oh, well...

And we couldn't hear a thing

because Chirp was talking.

[frustrated groan]

Huh! What's up with her?

Chirp soon forgot about being mad.

The next day she was over at Peep's house,

listening for worms.

What does a worm sound like, exactly?

I'm not sure, but if we're really quiet

we might be able to hear them moving...

Oh, a duck is doodle-dee-dum

[singing and humming] And yes, we're wonderful...

Hi, Peep. Hi, Chirp.

Want to hear my new song?

It's all about ducks-- quack!


We're listening for worms.


Well, let me help you.

I've got great ears.

If the worms are making noise,

I'll be the first one to hear it.

Yep! Uh-huh.

Just getting... oh, boy, that's good-- oh, boy-- yup.

Great ears.

You may not know this,

but duck ears are a miracle of nature.

Duck ears and duck feet, mm-hmm.

And also duck wisdom.

[chuckling]:Oh, so I guess that makes

three miracles of nat...

What is the matter with you?

Why can't you ever be quiet?

I can.

No, you can't!

Can. Can't!


I can be quiet any time I want.

Prove it.

Fine, I will not speak another word

until you beg me.

See? I am closing my lips for good.

Until you beg me.

Starting right now.

Are you saying that you won't speak again until I beg you?

Exact-a-mundo... Oops.

But Quack, I don't want you to be quiet.

I mean, sometimes might be nice,

but not all the time.

I know.

This will be a difficult experience

for us all, Peep, but we'll come through it.


You can't stay quiet for two seconds, Quack.

You'll never last.

But he did.

Quack lasted.

He kept his mouth shut and refused to say a word...

even when it hurt.

[muffled groaning]

It's amazing.

I can hear stuff I never heard before.

Listen to those reeds.



I hear somebody drinking.

You know, it's hard to communicate with skunks

when you can't talk.


[Quack not speaking]

Let's see, Quack is... mad.

And he... I think he's saying

you need to ask permission before licking his foot.

[still not speaking]

Later on, the birds returned to Big Bay.

Look, the sun's about to set.

Maybe we'll hear it this time.


I guess it doesn't make noise when it hits the water.

Huh! I thought it might hiss or something.


Hey, do you hear that?



And birds.

[waves splashing]

And the sea.

[metal banging]

I hear a garbage can.

[loud growling]

[laughing]: And that must be Quack's stomach.


Thanks, Quack.

It's so nice to hear the world for a change.


Good night.

I miss your voice, Quack.

I hope Chirp begs you soon.

Are you trying to tell me something?

Okay, you have got to do something, Peep.

If Chirp doesn't beg me to talk soon, I am going to...

CHIRP [in distance]: I heard that.

[whispering]: I am going to bust. Quack.

I heard that, too.

Are you giving up, Quack?

But Chirp, Quack can't be quiet forever.

Aren't you ever going to ask him to talk?

Sure. Tomorrow.

Or the day after.

Or, I don't know, maybe next week.

I mean, just think of all the stuff we can listen to now.

Like what?


I know!

Tomorrow let's go find a flower and listen to it grow.

Oh, yay!

[joyful shout fades]

Ah, peace and quiet.

It's the greatest thing ever.

Good night, Peep.

Good night, Quack.

Don't worry, Quack.

I'm sure Chirp will change her mind.

But Quack was worried.

See? That's his worried look.

Was he ever going to speak again?

Would he ever be able to sing about ducks?

And what about the snoring?

Was he going to have to stop snoring?

And gargling?

Could he really do this,

or would he have to admit that Chirp was right?

Stay tuned, everyone.

The story's not over.

That's me, Bennett and Lucas with our recycling bin.

Oh, here's something.

We're making percussion instruments.

[various banging sounds]

[drumming on drum set]

Someone knows how to play the drums next door,

and those are kind of what we're making.

[rhythmic shaking]

I was just thinking of a drum set.

[clinking and banging]

A drum set is a bunch of different drums.

[higher- and lower-pitched sounds]

The bigger can makes more of a deeper sound,

and the smaller can makes more of a lighter sound.

[rhythmic tapping]

If I put a pipe on this box, I can make a xylophone.

[different pitch sounds]

Different sizes of tubes make different sounds.

[hollow-sounding beat]

Whoa, what is that?

It's a Lucas-ma-phone.

It is a tube.

The biggest makes the lowest sound.

That's a Miranda-a-phone,

This is a Bennett-o-phone and that's a Lucas-o-phone.

They're all Lucas-a-phones.

Try making your own drums and other things to make sounds.

Chirp is feeling extra happy tonight.

Quack has been quiet all day.

In fact, he's decided not to talk until Chirp begs him.

Fat chance.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to hear the grass grow.

And a spider making a web!

And the stars... [yawns] twinkling.


Chirp fell into a deep, quiet sleep.



What?! What was that?

[legs rattling]



Peep! Did you hear that?


Peep did hear that.

It was kind of hard to miss.


Hi, Peep.

Did you hear what I just heard?



And after I heard what you just heard

I thought, "I better go check on Peep,

because I know he...


I think it's gone.

[insect chirping]

Looks okay from here.

Well, I guess I'll be going.

Nice seeing you.




I hate rain!

At least we're nice and dry in he...


Water-- wet, wet, water!


[water plopping loudly in can]

Peep and Chirp had no choice

but to spend the night on top of Peep's can.



Peep! Wake up!

The rain stopped.


Listen to all those birds.

[many birds chirping]

It sure is peaceful around here without Quack's racket.


There's water everywhere.

How am I going to get home?

It's not very deep.



I can't walk around in water.

I hate water.

Well, what are you going to do, then?

I don't know.

Could you drink it, do you think?



I guess not.

Wait! I have a better idea.

I'll be right back.


Hey, Chirp!

Here's the answer to all our problems.


Quack is the answer?

Peep, Quack is never the answer.

Chirp, you hurt Quack's feelings.

Well, I'm sorry,

but I'm stuck on a can and surrounded by water

and I don't know what to do.

[splashes loudly]

I think Quack has an idea.

Was I supposed to understand that?

Yeah, well,

I'm not begging you to talk, if that's what you're thinking.

Since Quack won't talk until Chirp begs him,

there's only one thing he can do...

Find someone to translate for him.

[no voice]


[paws smacking together]


Did you understand any of that?

Uh... no.

Oh, brother.

Quack, would you please go find an animal who can talk?

I don't know about Chirp, but I'm getting confused.

Maybe the frog will clear things up.


Okay, I can't take one more second of this.

Quack, I need to know what you're trying to say!

Peep, do you have any idea what Quack is saying?

Chirp, wouldn't it be easier if you asked Quack to talk?

Well, well...

Okay, you can talk.

Go ahead.

Um, you need to beg him, remember?

Beg him?!

I'm not going to beg...



Quack, would you please talk again?


Pretty please?

I really...

I really want to hear your voice again.

I... miss it.


I knew you'd be sorry.

I kn-kn-kn-knew it [quack]

I kn-kn-kn-knew it [quack]

I kn-kn-kn-knew it [quack]...



So, it's simple.

We call all the animals

and ask them to help us dig two trenches--

right here.

And over there, I should think.

That'll drain most of the water away.


We'll drain it into my pond,

which could use a little freshening up.

And how couldn't the world's best pond...

Quack was so happy to hear his own voice

that he took a long, loud time explaining his idea.

So anyways, that'll take about a week

and then we'll plant a willow tree

to soak up the rest.

In a year or two,

this will all be a distant memory.

So, what do you think?

Do you have a simpler idea?

Well, you could always just ride on my back.

That'd work.



Thank you.

Isn't it great?

My voice is as good as ever.

I guess the moral of this story is:

"Don't tell a duck to be quiet, because you never know

when you're going to get stuck in a puddle."

Something like that.

Chirp, you're not singing.

I want you to sing, okay?

We are turning on a hose and making a stream.

We ran our stream down a sidewalk on a small hill.

We are trying

to control where the water goes.

We are making a wall.

We are going to fill the cracks with mud.

It's working pretty well, I think.


It would have gone straight,

but since we made our dam there, it turns the water,

and this forms a passageway for the water.

And we made another dam there.

It's going into the pool

and we're able to stop the water.

Now the water is flowing over this dam.

The water is now coming down here,

and we want to make it come that way.

So we're trying to make a channel for it.

A channel is used for the water to go somewhere.

Wherever I dig, the water seems to go.

I need help! Help!

The water wants to go down the hill.

I'm blocking it as best as I can.

We are trying to make the water go down

into... ow!

Into the stairs.

And... it's done!

See if you can control the flow of water.