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02x08 - Who Stole the Big Wide World?/M-U-D Spells Trouble

Posted: 02/27/24 12:29
by bunniefuu
MAN: ♪ Well, it's a sunny day

♪ I feel brand-new

♪ There's about a million things that I could do ♪

♪ Whoa, would you like to...

♪ Do them, too?

♪ Yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting for me and you. ♪

( clapping to music )

♪ Let's look around

♪ What will we see?

♪ Round every corner, a discovery ♪

♪ Whoa, there's no place I'd... ♪

♪ Rather be

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting

♪ For me and you.

( snoring )

( sighs loudly )

CUSACK: After waking up from a long night's sleep,

Peep was all ready to explore the big, wide...

PEEP: Huh?

CUSACK: Maybe he's just having a bad dream.

PEEP: It's not a dream.

Somebody stole the big wide world.

CUSACK: Peep was relieved to find that the ground was still there.

The ground and his can.

( Peep gasps )

My can-- it's gone.

CUSACK: Whoops!

Spoke too soon.

( crash )


This is weird.

I have to tell Quack.

CUSACK: Over by Quack's pond, things were just as dim.

( snoring, yawns, quacks )

( sighs )

Hey! Hey... hey...

Who painted everything gray?

PEEP ( in distance ): Quack?

Who said that?

PEEP: Quack, is that you?

Of course it's me.

Who else would I be?

PEEP: I can't see you.

QUACK: Well, I'm right here.

You're the one who's...

( thud )



What's going on? Where'd everything go?

I don't know.

It was like this when I woke up.

I even lost my can for a while.

Oh, that's terrible-- losing your can.

( gasps )

My pond!

Where's my pond?!

QUACK: How will I find it?

All my landmarks are gone...

like the rock.

( thud )

Okay, there's the rock.

But what about the stump?

( crash )

I've found it.

But what about the po...

( splash, gurgling )

Whoo-hoo! My pond's still here.

Now where'd Peep go?

Peep! Peep?

PEEP: I'm right here.

Watch... ( thud, groans ) ...out.

CUSACK: Peep and Quack decided

it might be safer if they stuck together.

Watch where you step, okay?

A duck could get hurt.

Why'd you stop?

( screams ): Gray thing!

A round gray blob... thing!

Ah! Run, Peep! Run!

Hi, Chirp.

Hi, Peep. Hi, Quack.

This fog is pretty thick, isn't it?

( chuckling ): Uh... ahem, uh, fog?

What are you talking about?

It's all this gray stuff.

It makes my feathers frizz.

PEEP: Whew! So nobody stole the world?

Nope, it's all still here.

You just can't see it.

Oh, that's good.

Quack was afraid that every...

Ha ha! Afraid?

Excuse me.

Ducks are afraid of absolutely noth...

( Squeak yelling )

( Quack yells )

CHIRP: Whoa, whoa!

SQUEAK: Such a tragedy!

In all the history of mousedom,

no tragedy has been so tragic!

You have to help me get home.

Right now?

In all this fog?

It's an emergency!

I have to get there now.

If not sooner!

Squeak, is this a real emergency?

Oh, yes.

It's terribly urgent.

And also important.

Well, you can count me out.

I'm not going anywhere till this fog is gone.

Well, I guess we'll see you later, Quack.


Okay, okay, don't beg.

I'll, uh... come.

( all yelling )

QUACK: Ouch!

PEEP: Quack!

QUACK: Sorry.

CUSACK: Inch by inch, the four friends looked, listened

and smelled their way to Squeak's house.

( sniffing )


What's that?

( sniffing )

BOTH: Blech!

It's the skunk.

We must be near his house.

If the skunk's house is this way,

then your house is that way, right?

Is it?

Let's see: if you turn left, then right,

then left, then right, then left, then right...

Oh, you're right.

It is.

Come on.

CUSACK: Then their journey got a little dangerous.



( thump echoing )

ALL: Hmm?!

PEEP ( echoing ): Are we at Raven's Ravine?

CHIRP( echoing ): Yup.

I can't see it, but it sure sounds like it.

Well, if we're at the ravine,

then we've got to turn right, okay?

That's the safest way to go.

( Quack screams )

( thudding and thumping, Quack screaming )


Are you okay?

( Quack quacks )

This way.

Yup, it's this way.



We're almost there!

Come on!

CUSACK: Squeak was right.

As soon as they passed through the dandelions...

( sneezing )

CUSACK: And walked around the prickly bush...

QUACK: Ouch!

Ow! Ow! Quack.

CUSACK: And stepped over the mud puddle...

( Quack yelling )

I'm all right.

CUSACK: The birds found themselves at Squeak's house.

We made it.

We made it!

Oh, I am good.

So, uh... what's the big emergency, Squeak?

Oh, right-- I almost forgot.

It's right there.

You have to take it away.

I can't bear it.

I just can't bear it!

What are you talking about?

The only thing here is a leaf.

That's it.

The leaf.

I hate leaves.

Take it away... far, far away.

I can't even look at it.

You made us come all this way...

just to take a yellow leaf off your house?!


I told you it was important.

It's gone, Squeak.

All clear.

Thank you, Peep!


Good luck getting home.

If that's an emergency,

then I'm a red squirrel.

( gasps )... I knew it.

I knew it, Peep.

Don't you remember?

I told you Chirp was a squirrel.

CHIRP: I'm joking.

Leaves aren't emergencies

and I'm not a squirrel.

( Quack chuckles )

Hurry up, Quack.

We have to stick together.

Whatever you say, my little squirrel.

Whatever you say.

BOY: Alix's dad took us to the park.

ALIX: What's in there?

Handkerchiefs and bandanas.

BOY: We're covering Kai's eyes.

ALIX: Yeah, and we're going to see

if he can find his way around.

I can't see where I'm going.

But we're going to help him.


What are we standing on now?


How do you know it's grass?

Because it feels like grass.

What does grass feel like?

It feels soft, sort of.


What does it feel like?

KAI: A tree.

ALIX: What kind of tree?

A pine tree.


ALIX: Ben is going to walk down here

and see if he can stay on the path.

That should be pretty easy, right?

BEN: It's not easy with the blindfold.

BEN: I can't do this.

What am I doing?

I feel something!

ALIX: Ben is using his feet

to feel the different parts of the ground, like this.

This is hard, hard, hard, hard, hard,

and when you go off the path, like this, it's really soft.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to try to find Ben.

He's going to make a sound.

BEN: Right now I'm clapping so Alix can find me.


Guess it works.

I thought I was up there.

( laughing )

BEN: Try finding your way around by using touch and sound.

CUSACK: Peep, Chirp and Quack had been playing their favorite game

when it suddenly started to rain.


Why does rain have to be so...


QUACK: Whoo-hoo, yeah, rain!

( Quack laughing and shouting )

Oh, this is... oh-ho-ho!

( Quack laughing and shouting )


( sighs )

Whew, I'm glad that's over!

So, where were we?

Hmm... good question.

I was doing something important,

something very important...

I remember.

You're it!

( gasps )

( laughing )

No fair!

I wasn't ready!

Hey, Quack, you should use your "power of duck..." whoa.




ALL: Whoa!

( all shouting )

You're it.

We can't play now.

We're covered in mud.

QUACK: Can't play?

Of course we can play!

We can always play.

( chuckles )


( Quack laughing )

( quacking happily )


Missed me.

( grunts )

( gasps, shouts )

( all laughing )

CUSACK: Quack was right.

You can always play-- especially in mud.

( all laughing )

( Quack grunting )

( sighs )

( grunting )

Whoa, whoa-- whoa!

( quacks )

( all laughing and shouting happily )



( laughing )

Ooh... oof!

( laughing )

( Quack burbling, laughing stops )

( all laughing )

CUSACK: The sun was hot, the mud was warm,

and Peep, Quack and Chirp grew sleepy.

I don't know about you guys, but I need a nap.

( yawning )

Me, too.

Come on, Quack.

( grunting )

Ah, my pond.

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?

Whoa... oof!

( sighs )

You know, Peep,

you really should watch

where you're... whoa!

That was on purpose.

( yawning )

Sweet dreams, Pe...

( snoring )

You too, Qua...

( snoring )

CUSACK: Peep, Quack and Chirp took nice, long naps in the sun.

Quack's nap was especially long.

( yawning )

( quacks )


Where are you?


( voice echoing )





Oh, there you are, Peep!

I've been calling you... for hours!

Hi, Quack.


( liquid sloshing )

( inhales deeply )

( straining )

( straining, grunting )

( gasps )

Okay, I can't squint any harder.

What are you looking at?

I'm not sure.

What do you mean, you're not sure?

I can't tell what Chirp is pointing at.

Pff! Chirp's not pointing.

She's not even awake.

Hey, Chirp.

( whistles )


QUACK: Ho, Chirp!


( Chirp grunting )

CHIRP ( muffled ): Whoa!

CHIRP: I just had the strangest dream.

I dreamt I was a statue, and all these birds were...


I am a statue!

I can't move!

The mud got all hard!

PEEP: Come down here, and we can help you.

( straining )

CHIRP: I can't!

My feet are stuck!


PEEP: A stick!

That might help.


( grunting, straining )

This stick is too short.

No, I believe you are too short.

Here, let me do it.

( Peep grunting, straining )

You know, Quack, we always do it this way,

but something...


Seems wrong about it.

QUACK: Yeah, what's wrong is you're very squirmy.

Hold still.

CHIRP: Be careful, okay?

Okay, got it, got it...

( straining )

Whoa! Got it!

Whoa! Whoa!

( all shouting as they fall )

( Chirp straining )

( straining and grunting )

Yay! You did it!

( Chirp straining )

CHIRP: This is terrible!

I can't even walk right.

And look at this.

I can't reach the water.

( straining and grunting )

And I'm thirsty.

Hey, Quack, can you scoop up some water in your hat

so Chirp can drink?


Well... okay.

But just this once.

I don't want just anyone thinking

they can drink out of my hat.


( straining )

I can't reach it.



( gasps )


( laughing )


Well, how else was I going to do it?

( mud plopping on ground )


( sniffing )

PEEP: Chirp!

You can talk!

( in high voice ): ♪ La...

( in low voice ): ♪ La...


You're right.

It must be the water.

The water made the mud soft again.


Peep's right.

If I want to get the mud off,

I'm going to have to...

( gulps )

Get wet.

It's okay, Chirp.

You can do it.

( inhales deeply )

Okay. One, two...

three... uh, three and a half...



Ah! Water!

Wet! Wet water!

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

( sighs )


I hope I never have to do that again.

CUSACK: So I guess the moral of the story is,

don't go to sleep with mud on your face.

QUACK: And don't forget

to thank ducks

who give you water in their hats.

Thanks, Quack.

CUSACK: Right. That too.

( children conversing )

GIRL: That's me and Kai and Zian.

We are mixing up some mud.

It's made out of dirt and water.

GIRL: This is cool!

I made a ball with mud.

GIRL: Kai's hand stayed inside the mud.

GIRL: I'm going to make

a little castle that's made of little balls.

The mud feels, like, really soft.

There we go.

ZIAN: You put them in the sun so it can dry

and turn into a hard, hard, hard, hard rock.

My hand's dirty.

GIRL: We're going to see

how it looks tomorrow when it's dry.

GIRL: We came the next day to see if the mud was all dry.

It's like... rock.

It feels hard... and you can't even smush it.

GIRL: They're hard because they got really dried.

KAI: My hand is solid now.

It's pretty cool.

GIRL: I'm crushing Zian's.

Now she's crying.

I am not crying!

GIRL: Try making things out of mud

and letting them dry.