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02x01 - Finders, Keepers/Quack Quiets the Universe

Posted: 02/27/24 12:18
by bunniefuu
MAN: ♪ Well, it's a sunny day

♪ I feel brand-new

♪ There's about a million things that I could do ♪

♪ Whoa, would you like to...

♪ Do them, too?

♪ Yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting for me and you. ♪

[clapping to music]

♪ Let's look around

♪ What will we see?

♪ Round every corner, a discovery ♪

♪ Whoa, there's no place I'd... ♪

♪ Rather be

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Well, it's a big wide world

♪ And it's waiting

♪ For me and you.

[Quack grunting]

CUSACK: Peep and Quack had just eaten a gigantic pile of acorns.

They were as full as a chicken and a duck could be.


I don't believe...

Look at that, Peep!


Ahh... bread.

Fresh as a duck's bottom.


Don't move!

You can't eat that!

Why not?

Well... because you ate all those acorns, Peep.

You can't eat bread on a full stomach.

You have to... save it.

Save it for what?

Uh... for a... rainy day.

If you find something you don't need right away,

you save it for a rainy day.

It's an old bit of duck wisdom--


Oh... okay.

CUSACK: Quack decided to take the bread

to his top-secret special hiding place.


All set-- bring her in.

Easy does it.

[Peep grunting]

Are you sure the bread will fit in here?

What are you talking about? It's...

[both grunt]


I guess we'll have to eat a little bit of it now--

just to get ourselves free.


CUSACK: It only took a couple of bites to free Peep and Quack.

The rest of bread stayed safely hidden in Quack's bush,

where no one would ever find it.

CHIRP: Hey, Quack!

I heard you found a whole slice of bread!


What are trying to do, alert the neighborhood?

Let's go eat it.

I've never tasted bread.

PEEP: Oh, but we can't.

Quack says we have to wait for a rainy day.

It's duck wisdom.

Duck... what?

It's my wisdom, okay?

And my wisdom says... [sighs]

that bread must be saved for a rainy day.

You just don't want to share it!

How can you say such a thing?

I share everything.



Get lost! That's my water, okay?!


Like, um... well, you're just wrong, okay?

I'm a... sharing duck.

Do you promise?

Do you promise to share the bread?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

But not until it rains, okay?

I'm not messing with duck wisdom.


Yay, I can't wait!

CUSACK: That night, the "sharing duck" had a bad,baddream.

[snores, then yells]

Stop eating!

No, that's mine... mine!

Put that down!






[shouting]: Oh, can't sleep either, huh?

Well, let's go check on my bread.


Ah, safe and sound.

You were worried about nothing, Peep.

I think I'll just try a tiny bite.


You promised, Quack.

You promised to wait for a rainy day

and share with Chirp.


Thanks for reminding me.

You're welcome!


CUSACK: Having to share his bread was bad;

having to wait for a rainy day was worse.

But then came some really startling news.

CHIRP: Quack, come quickly!

The ants are eating your bread!


[quacking excitedly]


Get off! Get off my bread!

Your bread?

I don't see your name on it.

It's mine-- I found it.

I'm saving it for a rainy day.

You're kidding me, right?

This much bread could feed an army!

Well, I'm an army of one.

Now, put down the bread!


Okay, everyone, you heard the big blue face.

He's not into sharing.

Let's make tracks, okay?

Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four...

We've got to find something

that will protect my bread.




There-- much better.

Are you sure we have to wait for a rainy day?

PEEP: Chirp...

it's duck wisdom.

We have to wait-- right, Quack?


CUSACK: Well, Peep might trust duck wisdom,

but Quack was starting to have his doubts.

"You see, Peep, when I said 'a rainy day,'

I really meant, uh..."

No, not that.

"Once in a while, a duck will say something

that doesn't make any, um..." no.

Um... "In most cases, you can count on duck wisdom %.

But in this case..."

PEEP: Quack! Quack!

It's raining!

Yeah, I see that. So?

So... it's arainyday.




QUACK: Thank you! Thank you!

[both giggling]

It's br... ead time!

Okay, ready? Okay?

[all straining]

[all sigh]

[all gasp]

What happened?

How did all that blue stuff get on there?

I don't know.

The cover isn't blue, just the bread.

[spitting noisily]

It's ruined... ruined!



ANT LEADER: Hup, two, three, four.

That's not food.

Nope, not food.

Hup, two, three, four.



Over here.

Blue thing, how's the bread?

It's ruined.

You can have it now.

Hmm, tastes okay to me.

Love the color.

Great... it's all yours.

Okay, ants, you heard the duck.


[ants whooping, cheering as Quack huffs]

Just keep your feet off the furniture, okay?

And you said I never share.


It's not sharing when you don't want it anymore.

Sure it is-- that's the duck way.

"Duck way," "duck wisdom,"

"duck hearing," "duck feet"--

do you just make this stuff up as you go along?

QUACK [sighing]: It's a duck's world, my friend.

I just call it like I see it.

Are you hungry? I am.

GIRL: That's Cullen, Yuki and me.

We're all helping to make our picnic lunch.

Yuki's sister, Marjorie, is making Popsicles for us.

Later, we're outside to have our picnic.

The bread is soft.

The cereal is nice and crunchy.

The Popsicles are finally ready, too.

[girls exclaiming]

Now we're going

and we're going to draw some pictures.

[bird singing]

[dog barking in distance]

[plane flying overhead]

Look, the apples are all brown now.

GIRL : And look

at the sandwiches.

The cheese got all melted.

GIRL : The bread is hard on this side

because it's facing the sun,

and on the other side, it's soft and mushy.

GIRL : The cereal doesn't look as crunchy

as it was.

GIRL : The Popsicles melted

while we left it out.

And there's an ant swimming in it.

GIRL : And the ant probably went swimming

to get cooled off in the juice.

[girls laughing]

See if you can notice how things can change.

CUSACK: It was the end of a perfect day.

The big, wide world and the big, blue duck

were going to sleep.

[humming contentedly]

CUSACK: Now, many things are known about ducks.

Most ducks are excellent swimmers.

[humming tune]

CUSACK: Some ducks think they're excellent singers.

♪ Yes, it's true

♪ Ducks are the best, you know, that... ♪

[humming tune]




CUSACK: But there's one thing most people don't know about ducks.



CUSACK [whispering]: Sorry!

Ducks sometimes need absolute silence to fall asleep.

It's my only quirk.

CUSACK: So as the sun slowly set, Quack got sleepier...

[more quietly]: and sleepier... and sleepier.

[Quack snoring]

[loud chewing in distance]

What?! Where?! What?!


Who's doing that?!

[chewing continues]

[Quack grunts indignantly]

[loud, shrill chewing]

[chewing gets less intense]

[imitating loud chewing]

I thought that was you!

Hi, blue sailor!

Must you do that?


it relaxes me.

[chewing noisily]

Well, you're keeping me awake,

and if I don't get my sleep...

I get kind of bossy.

[chewing more quietly]

[chewing very quietly]


That'll do.

Carry on.

[chewing very quietly]


It's not as much fun without the noise.

CUSACK: On the way back to his pond,

Quack stopped to enjoy the peace and quiet.

[crickets chirping softly]

[Quack sighs deeply]


CUSACK: But then his feet began making the strangest sound.

[loud snoring in distance]




[loud snoring]

Huh?![snoring stops]

[loud snoring]

[snoring stops]

[angrily]: Hmm!

[loud snoring]

[snoring continues]


Can you hear me?

Stop making that noise!

[snoring stops]

[snoring resumes more loudly]



Oh... hi, Quack.

Peep, you're snoring.

[groans drowsily]

Sorry, Quack.

[chuckles contentedly]

[humming happily]

[Peep snoring loudly]

CUSACK: Quack realized that if he wanted to get any sleep tonight,

he was going to have to quiet Peep.

[Quack grunting]

[Peep's snoring muted now]

CUSACK: So Quack went home...


[humming tune]

CUSACK: So Quack went home to get...


Uh, home is this way.

Got turned around there for a second.

[clears throat]

[humming tune]

CUSACK: So Quack went home--

[loudly]: except he's going the wrong way--

to get some sleep.

[whistling in distance]

Aah! What is that noise?!

I can't sleep with that!

[whistling continues]




CUSACK: No, it's not the wood or the cement.

It's the wind, whistling through the pipe.

The pipe! Right there!


CUSACK: Behind you!


[thump; whistling stops]


Aha! Thank you.

You can make all the noise you want in the morn...

[whistling resumes]

[grunts angrily]

Didn't you hear me?!

[thump; whistling stops]


[whistling resumes]

[thump; whistling stops]

CUSACK: Quack discovered

that when he stood in front of the pipe,

the wind couldn't hum through it anymore.

[whistling resumes]

[thump; whistling stops]

[whistling resumes]

[thump; whistling stops]

[whistling resumes]

[thump; whistling stops]

[whistling resumes and stops alternately]

CUSACK: I guess he'll just have to stand there all night.

Forget it!



[whistling resumes]


[whistling stops]

CUSACK: Okay, Quack, is it quiet enough for you?



It's completely and totally quiet... finally.

CHIRP [shouting]: Quack! Quack!





What? What is it?

Oh, for the love of ducks, what?!


I told you, no more singing.

What? I wasn't even...

Hey, are you talking in your sleep again?

You have to promise to never sing.

A duck never sing?

I don't think so.

[loudly, off-key]: ♪ No singing ducks!

♪ No singing ducks! ♪

♪ No singing ducks!

♪ No singing...


Okay, okay!

I'll never sing again.

Are you happy now?

♪ No singing ducks!

♪ No singing duc...

[stops singing]


[grunts indignantly]

Telling me not to sing.

Who does she think she is?

I'm a duck, I go quack,

like that.

Then I sing.

[wings flapping rapidly]


See? I like your singing, hmm?

It's not as good as a duck's, but I like it.

[wings humming]

All I wanted was a little peace and quiet,

but there's the beavers and snoring

and humming pipes and hummingbirds and...


and robins who don't appreciate...


fun, beautiful music.


Quack, quack...

[hummingbirds humming]

[Quack snoring]




Quack! Quack!


Quack! Wake up!

My can turned itself around!



[murmuring sleepily]: Quack, quack...




CHIRP: Hi, Peep.

What's up?

My can turned around last night,

all by itself!

No. Really?

It's true.

Come see!

Are you coming, Quack?



[snores loudly]


PEEP: I already tried.

He won't wake up.

Oh, that duck!

He can sleep through anything!

It's the strangest thing.

Why would my can do that?


You know, talking about strange things,

I dreamt last night that Quack promised not to sing anymore.

The world is just full of mysteries.


Quack, quack, quack...!

[clears throat]

[snores noisily, murmuring in sleep]

BOY: We're taking a walk outside with my mom and dad.

I hear a car.

I hear a plane.

And a car.

I hear a car.

A helicopter.

BOY: We are going to try to find a quiet place with no noise.

Now Zian, Miosotis, Avianna and I are on the sidewalk.

[cars rumbling]

The cars are very loud.

And I hear Zian!

[sucking cheeks]


I know a place that would be quieter.

BOY: We walked down so we were under the street,

where the bridge was blocking the sound of cars.

[car sounds diminished]

BOY: It's making

some noise, but not much

now that we're down below it.

GIRL: We still hear birds and cars.

I think it's going to be quieter near the pond.

BOY: The pond was still not very quiet.

[birds chirping, traffic noises in distance]

Maybe we should go inside.

[machinery whirring]

It isn't the quietest place

because there's a "hmm" coming into the room.

GIRL: It's

in the refrigerator.

BOY: We are going in a closet

in the bedroom.

We can't hear the refrigerator from in here.

It's the quietest place in the house.

BOY: Try finding or making a really quiet place.