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03x90 - Judith's Happy Chanukah

Posted: 02/27/24 10:05
by bunniefuu

Hi! So glad you're here!

It's me, Whyatt.

Ruff! Ruff! Awr.

Hi, Woofster!

Welcome to Storybrook Village

where all our fairy
tale friends live!

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!


Look! It's Chanukah in
Storybrook Village,

and Red and her Gramma
are celebrating!

Let's go say,
'Happy Chanukah!'

Ruff! Ruff-ruff!



Hi, Red! Happy Chanukah!

- oh, Whyatt! This is for you!

Wow! What is it?

It's an invitation.

I'm having a Chanukah party at
my Gramma's house.

Will you come?

Sure, that sounds super duper!


[GIGGLES] Well, gotta go.
See you at the party!

-Woof woof!

Wow, we get to go to
Red's Chanukah party!

But... what will we do?

What do we do to
celebrate Chanukah?

This is a super big question.

And a super big
question needs us...

the Super Readers!

We need to call the rest
of the Super Readers!

Call them with me. Say:
Calling all Super Readers!

KIDS: Calling all
Super Readers!

To the Book Club!

KIDS: To the Book Club!

Come on, to the Book Club!


Whyatt here!

[SNIFFING] Ruff! Ruff!


P is for... Pig!


Red Riding Hood rollin' in!


Princess Pea...
at your service!


And you! Say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will answer
my question! Let's go!


Okay, Whyatt,
state your question.

Red invited me to
a Chanukah party.

Me, too!

You're all invited!

You're invited, too.

Super! What do we do to
celebrate Chanukah?

I know; let's jump into my
favorite Chanukah book!

Because when we have a
question, we look...

In a book!

My favorite Chanukah
book is right over there.

-This one?
-No, that one.

-This one?
-No, that one!

-This one?
-Yes! That one.

Got it!

Peas and carrots,
carrots and peas--

Chanukah book come out
please, please, please!!

Let's read the
title of this book.

Judith's Happy Chanukah.

We know what to do!

We need to jump into this book

and find the answer
to our question!

First, we look for
Super Letters.

And then, put them into our
Super Duper Computer.

Super Duper Computer,

how many Super Letters
do we need?

In this story, we need ten
Super Letters.

And then we will get
our Super Story Answer!

It's time to transform! Ready?

ALL: Ready!

Super Duper! Arms in!

Put your arm in!




Alpha Pig... with Alphabet


Wonder Red... with Word Power!


Princess Presto... with
Spelling Power!


Super Why... with
the Power to Read!

And Woofster... with
Dictionary Power!

Together we are...

ALL: The Super Readers!

Whyflyers... we're ready to
fly into this book!

♪ Super readers -
to the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly, with the
Super Readers - ♪

♪ 'cause we've got
a problem to solve! ♪

♪ Super readers -
to the rescue! ♪

♪ Super Readers...

♪ working together
with powers to read... ♪

♪ Into books we fly-y-y

♪ to find the Super Story
Answer, with Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Readers -
to the rescue! ♪

Presto! We're in the book
Judith's Happy Chanukah!

Let's read!

Why Writer... highlight!

Read with me!

♪ Oh Chanukah, oh Chanukah.
Come light the menorah! ♪

I don't want Chanukah to end.

I'm going to hang
Chanukah decorations,

and make Chanukah food...

and play Chanukah
games! Wa-hoo!

Chanukah decorations?

Chanukah food?

Chanukah games?

Wooah... Chanukah!

Judith can show us
all about Chanukah!

Yeah, that's why
we're in this book!

Also, because
it's my favorite.

To Judith's house we go!




Super Readers!

Hi, Judith!


[GIGGLE] Happy Chanukah
to you! Come on in!

This is my first
Chanukah celebration.

Oh, good! I can show you
everything about Chanukah.

Let's go celebrate!

Judith, why do you
celebrate Chanukah?

Well, a long time ago,

there was a group
of people who had

a super big problem.

[RED GASPS!] Oh, no!

It was dark. Very dark.
Too dark to see!

[GASP!] Couldn't they
turn on the lights?

No! There were no lights.

They did have an oil lamp,

but only a teensy weensy bit
of oil for it...

only enough to make light for
just one night!

[GASP!] Just one
night? That's it?

Uh huh. And then,
they would be in the dark!

So they put the oil in the
lamp, and after one night,

they waited for the
light to go out

and everything to get dark...


But, the oil lamp stayed lit!

For one night...

then another night...

then another night...


Whoa! That teensy bit of oil?


Yes! That teensy bit
of oil made light

for eight whole nights!

They couldn't believe
it! It was a miracle!


To celebrate that
miracle, every Chanukah,

we light a menorah, like
this, for eight nights.

Will we be able to
light the menorah?


Yes, Alpha Pig, but not yet!
First... we play...

...the dreidel game!

This is a dreidel.

There are letters
on each side.

Ooh, I've never seen
letters like those before...

And I love letters.

Those are Hebrew letters!

So, we have our dreidel...
and chocolate coins....

[GASP!] Chocolate coins?
Hoo-ooo! Sounds yummy!

Where are they?

They're... um...hey!...

Uh oh. I don't have
any chocolate coins!

How can we play dreidel now?


Alpha Pig... to the rescue!

With my Amazing Alphabet Tools

I can build the word COINS and
make chocolate coins

for the dreidel game.

Will YOU help me? You will?

KIDS: Yes!


ABC, sing with me!

♪ Abcdefg.

♪ Hijklmnop.

♪ Qrs. And tuv.

♪ Wxy and z.

♪ Sing with me.

Amazing alphabet singing!

Okay, the first letter in
the word coins is 'c'.

Where's the 'c'?

KIDS: There!

There's the 'c'!

Now we need the letter 'o'.

Where is the 'o'?

KIDS: There!

There's the 'o'!

Now where's the letter 'i'?

KIDS: There!

There's the 'i'!

Now where's the letter 'n'?

KIDS: There!

There's that nifty 'n'.

The last letter in the
word COINS is 's'.

Where's the 's'?

KIDS: There!

There's the 's'!



Lickety letters!

We found the letters
in the word 'coins'

so we can play
our dreidel game!

Let's give ourselves
a big thumbs up!

Thanks, Alpha Pig.

Let's play!

Yay!! Cool!

Ooh, splendid!

Yay, this is gonna be great!


[GIGGLES] First,
we spin the dreidel

and see what
letter it lands on.


It landed on the
Hebrew letter 'hey' -

that means I get to take half
the chocolate coins!


Okay, Princess Presto,
it's your turn.


Ooh, this is the
Hebrew letter 'shin'.

'Shin' means put one in!

Okay, bye-bye
little chocolate coin,

into the pot!

My turn!

Oh, ho-ho-ho!

That's the Hebrew
letter 'gimmel'!

'Gimmel' means you
get all the coins!

All of the coins?
I love this game!

Soooooo, can we eat the
chocolate part now?

Well, maybe just one.

ALL: Mmm... Yum.

[GASP!] Is it time to
light the menorah now?

Not yet...

because after the dreidel
game, I always help my mom...

Make latkes!

All right! Let's make latkes!

Uhhh....what are 'latkes'?

Woofster... to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary

I can tell you
what any word means!

Latkes. Latkes are potato
pancakes made out of

potatoes, flour, eggs
and oil. Latkes!

Now we know what it means.

Woof-de-doo! Give
your tail a wag! [pants]

To the kitchen to make latkes!

Don't forget to look
for Super Letters.


You see Super Letters?
Which ones?

KIDS: R! T! O!

R, T, O?

Oh yeah! Let's put them
in our Super Duper...

KIDS: Computer!

Seven more Super Letters

and then we'll get our
Super Story Answer!

Super job, Super Readers!
Come on!

Okay, for the
latkes we've got flour,

eggs, potatoes, and...

wait, ooh, we still need oil.

Why do we need oil?

We cook the latkes in oil,

because it helps us remember
the oil that lasted for -


I love that part.

But... oh no, we
don't have any oil!


How will I cook the latkes?


Wonder Red to the rescue!

With my Wonder Words
Basket I can find

the word OIL so we
can make latkes!

Let's read this word.

What is this letter?

KIDS: 'F'!

'F!' And what sound
does 'f' make?

KIDS: /f/.


And this says 'oil'.

'F'- 'oil'.

What does this word say?

KIDS: Foil!

Foil is an 'oil' word.

Waaaaaait a minute...

Foil is an 'oil' word.

So to make the word OIL,

all we need to do is
take away the 'f'!

Now what word is this?

KIDS: Oil!


Wonderiffic, you are terrific!

We found the word OIL
and now we have oil

for the latkes!

We're ready to cook!
Stand back everyone.


Smells yummy!


[GASP!] Now is it time
to light the menorah?

Let's go see!




You see Super Letters?
Which letters did you find?

KIDS: D! N! I! S!

D, N, I, S.

Oh yeah, let's put them
in our Super Duper...

KIDS: Computer!

Three more Super Letter...

and then we'll get our
Super Story Answer!

Nice work, Super Readers!

Is it time to light
the menorah now?


Well... it's dark outside!

So... yes!

It's time to light
the menorah!

[PANTING] Woof-de-doo!

It's menorah time! Woof!

Okay, so...

This is the shamash -
the helper candle.

We use it to light all
the other candles.

How nice that it helps!
Just like we help.


And because tonight is the
last night of Chanukah,

we need eight more
candles, one for each night!

Uh oh. We don't have
any more candles!

Oh my peas!

[GASP!] Look at my story!

We can't light the menorah if

we don't have
any more candles!

But... we've been
waiting the whole story

for this part!

What are we going to do?

Super Why... to the rescue!

With the power to read,

I can change this story
and save the day!

Let's change the word 'no'
in this sentence.


Why Writer... write!

Super Readers.

How many more candles
does Judith need for

the last night of Chanukah?

'Two', 'eight', or 'five'?

Let's try 'eight'.

Where's the word 'eight'?'
It starts with an 'e'.

KIDS: There!

There! Zzzap!

Zzap! Let's read.

That's what I need,
eight candles!

Did the word 'eight'
help Judith get

enough candles for
the menorah?

KIDS: Yes!

Yes! Super job, Super Readers!

We changed the story
and saved the day!

Let's light the menorah!


♪ Oh Chanukah, oh Chanukah,
come light the menorah. ♪

♪ Let's have a party,

♪ we'll all dance the horah.

♪ While we are playing


♪ the candles are
burning bright, ♪

♪ one for each night,

♪ they shed a sweet light,

♪ to remind us of
days long ago. ♪


♪ Oh Chanukah, oh Chanukah,
come light the menorah. ♪

♪ Let's have a party, we'll
all dance the horah. ♪

♪ Gather 'round the table,
we'll give you a treat. ♪


♪ Dreidels to play with
and latkes to eat. ♪




Hey, Super Readers.

We should celebrate Chanukah
together again next year.

It can be our tradition!

What's a 'tradition'?

Something special
that people do together

year after year.

On Chanukah, we have
lots of traditions!

Yeah! Like playing dreidel.

And making latkes.

And lighting the menorah!

Traditions are wonderiffic!


You see our last Super
Letters? Which ones?

KIDS: T! A! I!

T, A, I. Let's put them
in our Super Duper...

KIDS: Computer!

We found all of
our Super Letters!

Now we can get our
Super Story Answer!

Happy Chanukah, everyone!

Thank you so much for
celebrating with us!

[OVERLAPPING] You're welcome!
Happy Chanukah! Ruff! Ruff!

Bye, Super Readers!

Whyflyers! Back to
the Book Club!

C'mon Woofster!

♪ We found the Super Story
answer, with Super Why! ♪

Super Duper Computer,

give us our
Super Story Answer!

Read the letters with me!





The Super Story Answer
is 'traditions'.

But, why?

Because every year
Judith and her family

celebrate Chanukah
with special traditions -

like playing the dreidel
game, cooking latkes,

and lighting the menorah.

So my question is:

What do we do to
celebrate Chanukah?

And your answer is:

ALL: Traditions!

Now that we know some
Chanukah traditions,

we can celebrate with
Red and her Gramma!

Come on, everyone,
let's go to Red's party!

Well hello, everyone!

Welcome to our
Chanukah celebration!

Oh my peas! Oh, my!

Mmmm, latkes.

Yeah, and you cook
them in oil to remember,

the oil lamp that
burned for eight days!

It's a tradition.

And so is lighting
the menorah.

And playing dreidel.

They're all Chanukah

You know what my favorite
Chanukah tradition is?

Being with my family...

and my very best friends
on a special day.

Happy Chanukah, everyone!

ALL: Happy Chanukah!

Hip Hip Hurray! The Super
Readers saved the day!


♪ Hip, Hip, Hooray! [Hooray!]

♪ The Super Readers
saved the day! ♪

♪ We changed the story...

♪ We solved the problem...

♪ We worked together
so Hip-Hip-Hooray! ♪

♪ Hip Hip Hooray! [Hooray!]

♪ The Super Readers
saved the day! ♪

♪ Hip Hip Hooray! [Hooray!]

♪ The Super Readers
saved the day! ♪

♪[upbeat music]