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06x05 - Whack-a-Mole

Posted: 12/12/14 09:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

Pink Panthers, the most dangerous g*ng of thieves in the world.

Neal plans to infiltrate the g*ng.

They promised you freedom before.

What makes you think this time they'll deliver?

Who says that's all I'm after?

How long you been working for Interpol?

How did you know I was working for them?

They insert chips under the skin of their informants like dogs.

It's hard enough putting the bad guys in prison without the good guys letting them out.

Luc Renaud.

I will do whatever is necessary to bring down the Panthers.

Ah, look at this.

One big happy family.

This can either be a joint FBI and Interpol case or just FBI.

Your choice.

The Panthers, Neal, they don't stop looking for rats until they're dead.

Until then, guess who they go after.

People closest to you.

You've told them about my extensive contributions, haven't you?

You know how much I appreciate it.

Not enough to mention me to your new friends.

The Panthers aren't my friends.

They're going after cash.

And not just any cash.

Each shipment contains as much as $500 million.


There's a small problem.

Seems there's a mole in the operation.

A mole?

That's a serious problem.

It's a catastrophic one.

He could bring down this operation... cost me the rest of my life in prison.

Why tell me?

You are the only one I'm sure isn't the mole.

I discovered a listening device in one of my hideouts before you joined us.

It's the reason I've kept the plan close to my vest.

I came here to ask a favor.


Dig up the mole.

Anything but that.

The only thing worse than a mole is a rat.

I've never been one. I never will be.

That just might be a better answer than "yes."

Now I know there's someone I can trust completely.

[Clicks tongue]

I'll find the traitor myself.

What if you can't?

I'll put the plan to bed, go underground for a while.

What? You'd just walk away?

Nothing's worth spending the rest of one's life incarcerated.

Not even 1/2 billion in cash.

1/2 billion.


What are you planning to hit, the Federal Reserve?

What's all that?


Background checks.

Eyewitness testimonies.

Mm. Oh, looks serious.


I've narrowed it down to these five.

Why are they all in white coats?

They're obstetricians.

From what I've uncovered, the finest in New York.

You should be safe with any of them.

Honey, you do know that I already have an OB-GYN, right?

You do?


Is he any one of them?

She's right here.

I did a background check on her?

Ten years ago.

I did.


You need to stop worrying.

My pregnancy is not a case.

What if I gave the baby a tiny little anklet?

Neal's is very comforting.




We're gonna get to see a sonogram.


We're gonna meet our baby.

I can't wait.

What if the doctor sees something?

Then we know it's a boy.

That's not what I meant.

I know it's not what you meant.

Honey, listen, our baby is fine.

We've waited so long for this.

Can't you just enjoy it?

I'm loving every minute.

Good. Mm.

So I've dodged the mole hunt for now.

That's why the Panthers were laying low.

It had nothing to do with San Francisco.

But if Woodford doesn't get his moles, the operation's finished.

Mole, singular. Not a labor.

Half and half?

Thought you switched to soy.

I switched back.

A labor?

A group of more than one mole.

Theo likes gardening shows.

Woodford is looking for one, and he has two.

I like my odds.

We give him Keller.

Oh, hang a snitch suit on him.

Won't Keller talk to save his own neck?

Not if Luc pulls him first.

If I get Keller pulled, you promote it that Keller ran because Woodford was closing in.


Then who do you say Keller was working for?

I'll keep it a mystery, but Woodford will know the threat's removed.

Until then, I impress him with my knowledge of the algorithm.

Tell him what we taught you.

Maybe he'll fill in the blanks.

That San Francisco flight reveal anything new?

Not really.

Woodford say anything?

Got to meet him now.

Better take this to go.

See you.


Think he knows about the cash?

If he does, why isn't he telling us?

1/2 billion's enough to lead anyone into temptation.

Especially Caffrey.

Especially off anklet.

I ran a Wall Street scam last year manipulating algorithms, so when I printed out the Exodus file...

You knew what it was.

And what it does.

It randomly picks airports and airlines, among other things.

And those other things are?

For one, after everything's selected, there's only a 12-hour window until the money arrives.

No time to travel or prepare, so you must be waiting for the money to be playing at an airport near you.

You are everything that Keller says you are.

Let's be clear.

Keller and I were competitors, adversaries for the most part, and not what you'd call friendly now.

I find friendships within gangs dangerous.

So is hitting an airport.

It's ambitious under any circumstances.

With only hours to plan, it's next to impossible.

The Panthers have never shied away from difficulty.

So you have a way in and a way out?

Follow me.

[Dramatic music]

[Rock music]

Any idea how a bug got into one of Woodford's hideouts?

Does "how" matter?

What is important is that it was found.

Come on, Luc.

We're working together.

Let's at least try to be honest with each other.

You planted that bug but not for Woodford.

You were spying on your spy.

If that is true, can you blame me?

Yes, I can.

When Neal's undercover, I have to trust him.

His life and the operation depends on it.

And how many times has that proven to be a mistake?

This time, the mistake is yours.

Woodford knows there's a mole, and right now, we have to give him one.

Very nice of you to offer yours.

[Laughs] I wasn't offering mine.

No, we need to pull Keller.

But with this, I know where he is at all times.

You can no longer say the same for Caffrey.

Keller can turn off his RFID chip anytime he wants.

Only if he is being scanned.

And if it stays off for more than 15 minutes, he knows I will move in.

So you know where he is but not what he's up to.

I can count on Neal to do the right thing.

You screwed yourself.

Thanks to your bug, Woodford trusts Neal and no one else.

Now, the good news is, you still have an inside man.

Neal will work for us.

We're partners in this.

What's mine is yours.

If we take down the Panthers, Keller will get his deal, and you will share in the credit.

Perhaps it's time for Keller to go.

Pull Keller today before Woodford gets cold feet and pulls up stakes.

Let's take down the Panthers, Luc.

You and me, together.



Hey, I was just about to tell you, I took care of the problem.

Luc agreed to pull Keller.

Now Keller is the least of our worries.

They got g*ns.

I'll go back with bells on.

I'm safe behind bars.

Fleecing guards.

And, oh, man, the beautiful privileges they smuggle in to pay off their debts.

Not the reaction I was expecting.

Yeah, what do you want?

Look, you guys take down the Panthers, I still get my deal, right?

I'm out in, what, a week or two?

It's a win-win.

Seriously, anything I can do to help.

There's one thing.


Technically, I'm still your prisoner, and you're my keeper, right?

And you and I were never partners, but your success, Luc, is my success.

It goes south for you, it goes south for me.

And Caffrey?

He has a way of making everything go south for everyone but him.

How much firepower?

Just shy of nuclear.


This can't happen at an airport.

We're gonna have to bring down the Panthers now.

No other choice.

For what?


The entire case would hinge on the testimony of two criminal informants.

I don't care.

We shut it down now, whether we have enough on the Panthers or not.

Too many lives are at risk.

What if I can convince Woodford I have a better way?

Do you?

g*ns were never a major part of their previous jobs.

Find out why.

Then convince him the old ways were better.

You want the outcome of this case to rest on Caffrey's slippery shoulders?

You're always manipulating, Matthew.

Yeah, well, not this time.

I already told you, I want you to succeed.

Your win is my win, man.

Any new plan passes through me before Woodford hears it.

Why wouldn't it? We're partners.

Yeah, the partner routine may have worked with Luc, but you and I?

Let's just say good anklets make for good partners.


But I got to say...


...this has been more fun than a prison sentence has any right to be.

[Mouths word]

Hey, I don't want any surprises.

I don't want to be left in the dark.

Full illumination.

And if there are any g*ns involved...

The operation gets shut down. Don't worry.

I've got this handled.

You sure?

Your separation anxiety has spiraled into control anxiety.


You better get used to it.


You're gonna be a father.

Hey, partner.

Be careful out there.



Admire ingenuity in its most rudimentary form.

Disco Inferno?

Despite being a mere toddler during the whole craze, I regret never wearing a "disco sucks" T-shirt.

It had its time and place, Moz.

Well, for the past 35 hours, my time has been spent consumed by this.

Behold the randomizer.

For our little algorithm.

Yeah. Watch closely.

The red lights... international airports.

Green ones... international carriers.

And the white just to give it the full Christmas effect?

The white lights represent variables that your genius friends at the FBI failed to identify, variables which I believe, due to their sheer number, represent airport warehouses.


Where they store the cash when it arrives.

Well, not that I'm complaining, but why warehouses and not vaults?

Vaults come after the Federal Reserve come to pick up the cash from the warehouse.

Wait a second. Airports.

Cash from overseas.

The Federal Reserve.


Whispered about whenever thieves gather to tell lies to each other.

Denied by all governments.

The one thing that draws a blank on Google.

The score of scores.

The exchange.

Unmarked and untraceable Yankee tourist dollars, gathered and lovingly swaddled by central banks all over the world...

Before being flown back to the U.S. for redistribution.

But the only thing is, no one knows where or when or who until the algorithm has its way with a computer.


[Computer beeps]

[Electronics beep]


Chicago O'Hare.


Aviana Airways.


Warehouse Nine.

I love the light show, Moz, but we already knew what the algorithm did and why Woodford is waiting until the money comes to him.

Woodford has it, but he can't control it.

We can.

You can bring the mountain to Muhammad?

Yes. I've adjusted the algorithm.

Let's route some money to JFK International...


Via Oceanic Airways, Flight 1097.


You are a truly talented man.


Talent hits a target no one else can hit.

Genius hits a target no one else can see.

All right, this should convince Woodford that we have enough time to come up with a better plan.

Oh, so you need me to explain it to him, demonstrate how it all works?

Whoa, patience.

Look, Woodford is on a mole hunt.

Why risk it now?

For you.

So I can watch your back.


You know, this hasn't always been about you protecting me.

I know.

You need me there.

You're right. You're right.

The minute I see an opening.

Until then, I need to tell Peter what you've done here.

This is amazing.

Thank you.

The minute I see an opening, okay?

[Suspenseful music]

[Camera shutter clicking]

Our inside man has outside business.

Who is she?

FBI case.

Can't discuss.

Cannot discuss or do not know?

Neal and I are still working on other investigations.

You won't admit the truth because then I would be right.

No, it's not about being right.

It's about bringing down the Panthers.

Do you trust Caffrey?

I do.

That will be your undoing, not mine.

I'm sending Keller back in.

You'll destroy this operation.

No, you will destroy it if you do not pull your C.I.

I will not pull Neal.

I no longer see ourselves as collaborators, Agent Burke.

Do what you have to do, and I will do the same.

[Quietly] Jones.

You know where this is?

No, but I can find out.

Call me when you do.

I'm feeling the need for a surprise inspection.

Where's Neal?

Oh, he went to talk to you.

I haven't seen him for hours.

And you were in your office?

Until I came here.

That's weird.

In the purloin world, the Pink Panthers are royalty.

No one better, before or since.

That's why I risked my life to join.

And almost lost it.

That diamond mart heist in Barcelona... you walked in as rug merchants and walked out with what?

30 million?

Only 14, I'm afraid, after fencing.

Still, 14 million without an alarm going off, without a shot fired.

Why use g*ns on this job?

Elegant heists take weeks, sometimes a year, to prepare.

Due to the algorithm, we will have, at best, a couple of hours.

g*ns are the only option.

What if I can give you days?

What if I can make the algorithm do what we want it to do?

If only that were possible.

Control the algorithm, control the heist.

I can override the system.

We pick the airports.

We choose the flights.

We tell them where to deliver our cash.

It can't be done.

Have I let you down yet?

Quite the opposite.

For years, you guys have inspired me.

You made me strive to be a better thief.

Let me prove myself to you.

Allow me to help you come up with a new plan.

Without g*ns?

g*ns only if it fails, but it won't fail.

You can really control the algorithm.

Yeah. I'll show you.

Well, that would be brilliant.

The means should always justify the end.

All right.

Let's create a work of art.

And be the talk of thieves around the globe.

Peter is covering for him.

Told you.

I want you back in right away.

I never left.

What about this mole situation?

He wants a mole, give him one.

Consider it done.

You two have been spending an awful lot of time together.

I fear bonding.

Me and the Suit? No.

Never. Ever.

I want answers.

To any particular question?

You're holding something back.

You're not?

Mm, when you ask questions, you're avoiding answers.

Oh, and what did you just do?


I'll show you mine.

You show me yours.

This is gonna require much more liquor.

You first.

I know what Woodford is going after.


A billion in cash.

Guess we're keeping the same secret.


Everything out in the open.

We're not done yet.

Where were you this morning?


You really miss that anklet, don't you?

You're answering questions with a question again.

He was helping me...

Yes. with this.

Mozzie has created a randomizer.

More importantly, a way to control it.

And now, thanks to Moz, we can move the money to wherever and whenever we want, which is why Woodford is letting me return the Panthers to their glory years.

A new plan with no g*ns?

And in the spirit of full illumination, we'd like you to help us design it.

We'll make it good for Woodford.

You make it better for the FBI.

You want me to help you plan a new heist?

Our best and final.

So you up for it, Suit?

[Slurring] It won't work.

Then think of something better.

I pitched a better idea two hours ago.


Yeah, all we have to do is get the money to the Baggage Claim.

Two problems... getting the g*ng on the tarmac and getting a truckload of cash off.

Problems or opportunities?

He'd be a terrible con.


There are too many people in Baggage Claim.

It's not a safe place to do a takedown.

The entire airport has the same problem.

We need to get the money off campus, then the takedown.

Not without attracting Security.

Cars and trucks will be searched.


[Bottle thuds]

[Sighs] This is harder than I thought.


Not bad.


Sewer system.

It's not exactly elegant.

Abandoned subway tunnels.

Mm, they don't run as far as JFK.


Utility channels don't have enough elbow room for men and money.



Pneumatic tubes.

Remember the old bank drive-through?

Put your check in the canister, gets sucked in the tube over to the bank.

Yeah, and then they send a lollipop back.

The New York Postal Service put the first one in operation in 1897. By the 1920s, there were vast networks linking post offices around the city.

Yeah, miles of them still exist underground.

They've been waiting for us right under JFK.

When it was Idlewild, all airmail landed there.

Hauled to Warehouse 17, where it was loaded into canisters.

When, seconds later, through the tubes, it landed in a sorting center right outside the airport.

Please tell me the building still exists.

According to Internet maps, it does.

It's the perfect way to get the money out of the airport without being seen.

Peter, you've missed your true calling.

Oh, there's still time.

Now, the building's in an industrial area, so it'll be easy for the TAC team to isolate.

We can set up a four-block safety perimeter.

When Woodford and his g*ng collect the money, we move in.


Except for one thing.

If the tubes do exist, they still need the air compressors that powered them.

And what are the odds they still work after 60 years?

Only one way to find out.
All right, according to the schematics, the tubes and the air compressor should be behind the south wall.

Oh, I'm under strict doctor's orders to avoid all manual labor.

I'm hernia-prone.

You're the one who insisted on coming.

That's when I thought all the other Panthers would be here.

I'm not bringing the Panthers here until I know the equipment still exists.

Sledgehammers are abhorrent to a man of my finesse.

These hands have never known a blister.

You might want to get in touch with your inner macho.

[Yoga instructor speaking in background]

I never thought I'd quote Ronald Reagan, but,

"Mr. Gorbachev, let's tear down that wall."

Building and Safety. Emergency inspection.

For the building or for us?

And straighten the calves.

90-degree angle.

Swami, we're on the clock. Come on.

Okay, Yoginis, continue.

If anyone needs any further instruction, I'll be right over here.

They will not need your help.

Um, an enlightened instructor is not threatened by a superior one.


Go face the wall.

Go. Take your tools.

Look, we're sorry to disturb you like this.

We suspect there may be asbestos.


I'm afraid so.

Hopefully, it's just a false alarm.

We'll check it out and get back to you, okay?

Excuse me.

Girls. Ladies.

Everyone, come on up here.

[Indistinct chatter]

Gonna break it right here.

You ready?

Okay, go ahead.

All right. All right.



It's there. All of it.

All right, bad news.

We found asbestos.

This property is off-limits until further notice.

[Women murmuring]

We apologize for any inconvenience.



[Indistinct chatter]

It's time to call in the Panthers.

Oh, so let me guess.

This is my cue to disappear.

For now, Moz.

For now.


If we get the compressor up and running, you and I need to start discussing the next step of the plan.

Pneumatic tubes.

Brilliant. Who knew they even existed?

I picked the brain of an associate.

The same guy who helped me on the stamp job.

You discussed our plan with someone outside the g*ng?

I gave him a hypothetical.

Besides, I trust him with my life.

You've definitely trusted him with it now.


You sure about all these guys?

I vetted them myself.

Questioned them about the mole.

They're clear.

[Engine turns over]

I noticed Keller isn't here.

That's right.

You don't think he's the mole, do you?

Should I?

Keller's not a man of stealth or subtlety.

He's no more a mole than I am.

[Cell phone dialing]

[Tense music]

You need something?

I want to talk to you inside.

What's going on?

You mind telling us what we're doing here?

I'm implementing the new plan.

Nothing's wrong with the old plan.

Except death.

g*ns mean body bags for them and us.

I'm willing to die for the g*ng, but I'd prefer not to.

Might be you had other reasons for changing the plan.

Like making it better for the people who placed the mole.

You think I'm the mole?

A man named Boothe was set to join us.

He's vanished, replaced by you.

He failed his audition. I didn't.

And look at you. Already top of the class.


If I were a mole, wouldn't I try to stay in the background?

Maybe keep a lower profile?

Or the opposite.


Okay, so I placed a bug in a secret hideout before I was a member.


I'm even better than I think I am.

Do any of you come with that kind of warranty?

Don't turn this around on us.

Who has more to gain?

Multiple police forces were closing in on all of you.

You fled to the U.S., never to go home again.

Now Interpol comes calling with immunity and deep cover?

That's tempting for all of you but not for me.

I am home.

All of us here are loyal and trusted by Woodford.

Yeah, including me.


The plan requires we get that air compressor up and running.

I don't care who's in charge as long as we get that done.

Mike, you're the best alarm guy in the business.

You think you can get power into that room again?

Sergio, is there an engine you can't fix?

So far, undefeated.

I like that.

What about your friend Keller?

Where is he?

I don't know, but if he is the mole, he's not here, so I don't care.

What's important is that motor.

These tubes are linked to the airport.

They carry the cash, so we won't have to.

Anybody searches us, we're clean.

We walk right out and straight to where the money is waiting for us.


All that cash through tubes?

It won't work.

Well, we always have your plan to fall back on.

Firepower will be our last resort.

Sergio, you ready to meet your next opponent?

I've only seen the likes of her in museums.

Mike, get me some power in here, would you?

I'll check the cables, make sure they're not cut or worn through.

I've never seen you eat junk food at work before.


Pre-sonogram jitters?

Is it normal?

I put mine off for weeks.

You think you're worried now, wait till you see the heartbeat.

[Gasps] It gets worse?

It gets real.

Being a parent, worry is a constant companion for life.


No, but it's a wonderful worry because you love someone that much.

Hey, I found it.

A shipping container yard near the docks.

It's a match.

Excellent. Let's check it out.

Neal was spotted there this morning.

Doing what?

[Cell phone rings]

Well, that's the $1/2-billion question.


Hey, Woodford sent his best men to help me at the yoga studio.

Keller isn't one of them.

Woodford must suspect him.

You need to find him now.

If he's in trouble, you're in trouble.

He'd have no problem saving his own life at my expense.

Caffrey, you're needed inside.

Call me when you can.

All right, Luc needs to find Keller right now.

[Cell phone dialing]

Damn. Voice mail.

I'll find Luc.

Track his phone.

Tell him we need Keller here.

I'm on it.

[Suspenseful music]

No lookouts.

No security.

If this is a trap, I deserve to step in it.

No trap.

A gesture of loyalty.

When one of my men is incommunicado, I tend to worry.

I was working.

Solving your mole problem.

I know who it is.

And I know where he is right now.


[Both laugh]


We got good pressure too.

Enough to suck stacks of cash through these tubes?

Think so.

[Steady flapping]

[Air hissing, flapping continues]

What was that?

Our golden ticket.

Stuck for 60 years.


[Cell phone rings]

Yes, sir.


I'll have us all there immediately.

Woodford said to drop everything.

Emergency meeting.

Caffrey met the woman here.

Gave her an envelope.

Suspicious, but that goes for everything Caffrey does.

By the time Luc got out of his car, Neal had vanished.

Yeah, again, nothing new.

Neal never goes anywhere without a purpose.

Why here?

What's he up to, Jones?

These containers aren't a bad place to stash $1/2 billion in cash.

No, none of them are registered to him, of course.

Maybe that's why he met the woman here.

She rented it out for him.


Let's start with those over there, see if we can narrow it down.

Hey, don't you have that baby thing to do?

I can handle this.

Yeah, our first sonogram.

I still don't have to meet El for an hour.

You know, I'm excited for you.

I'm pretty excited myself.


You want to be a dad?

Oh, I can't wait.

But in terms of choosing wives, I'm being extra picky.

I want my kids to have the kind of mom I had.

She was a teacher, right?

Yeah, high school math.

Pure love with a side of strict.


You know, my life has been guided by the fear of my mother's disapproval.

Same here.

You know, I feel for your kids.

You and El are a hard act to follow.

Well, we'll have to set a poor example.

[Chuckles] Take the pressure off.

[Cell phone rings]

Diana, did you find Luc?

I tracked him to a restaurant that I swear actually has greasy spoons.

No sign of him.

Well, a locator doesn't lie.

His phone has got to be around there somewhere.

Try calling Luc's phone.

[Cell phone ringing]


Diana, what's wrong?


He's dead.

His body's in the dumpster.


Luc's been k*lled.

I got to find Neal.

[Tense music]

What happened, Caff?

GQ kick you off the cover?


Sergio got the compressor started.

The tubes still work.

We're set to go.

There's more important things to attend to.

I've got a mole to exterminate.

Thanks to Keller, we're about to find out who that is.

He's here, standing amongst us, and this device is gonna point him out.

[Tracker beeping slowly]

[Beeping accelerates]

[High-pitched beeping]

Very unexpected.

Wait, you can't think it's me.

Woodford, this is crazy.

And yet, this little device says otherwise.


Can we make it happen within the next 48 hours?

There's still a lot of work to do.

Get it done.

You missing something, Keller?

Is this what you're looking for?

You can find it in Aubrey's pocket.

You just got someone k*lled.

Yeah, a wanted k*ller, and I saved the whole operation in the process.

How did Woodford get Luc's tracker?

Ask Woodford.

Luc is dead?

I can't see him just handing it over.

You gave him up.

Does it matter?

Not gonna cry over a dead cop.

Besides, I like your plan.

It's gonna make us all rich.

What plan?

When Peter finds out about Luc, Interpol is the first call he's gonna make.

A united nations of cops will sweep down on Manhattan.

Then Burke is gonna have to convince them to hold back for the good of the mission.

Otherwise, Luc... he died for nothing.

Oh, you've got this all figured out, huh?

I'm just trying to do the right thing.

Forensics find anything in the dumpster or Luc's body?


No fingerprints, no signs of DNA.

Nothing to link him to Woodford?

So Luc was k*lled someplace else and dumped there.

We don't even have enough for an arrest warrant.

Let alone a conviction.

What about the man he just k*lled?

There were five eyewitnesses.

[Scoffs] Yeah, subpoena us.

Four will swear they didn't see anything, and I'll be facedown in a garbage barge bound for South Carolina.

Wow, that's where New York's garbage goes?

One of several places.

I don't want my body ending up at any of them.

I just got off the phone with Deputy Director Pillar.

He convinced Interpol that the only way to get justice for Luc is to go through with the plan.

Take the Panthers down for the heist.

Get someone to finger Woodford for a sweeter deal.

And Keller?

He's mine now.

We've got less than 72 hours.

Bring up the map.

[Cell phone vibrates]


[Echoing heartbeat]

[Door opens]

[Keys jingle]

Honey, I'm so sorry. I...



I know someone died today.

I know it was a law enforcement officer, and it's horrible.

It is, but...

But you didn't even call.

You didn't even give me a chance to reschedule the appointment.

Our child's first sonogram, Peter.

I just got so wrapped up...

In the case.

The Peter Burke Tunnel Vision.

Let me make this clear.

I am not going to raise our child as a married single mother.

No. Never.

And he's gonna be the first priority in this family.

He will. He...

W-Wait, he?

It's a boy?

And he's perfect.

Oh, God, El.

It's a boy.


I really need to kiss you right now.


So I've already hacked you into their network.



You type in this code first. That overrides their system. Then these numbers, they manipulate the algorithm.

These numbers?


That's all I have to do?


The arrival time is 3:45 P.M. Thursday, JFK, Oceanic Flight 1097.

Money should be loaded into Warehouse 17 an hour after that.

You're positive about this?

Neal, this is a precision instrument.

You're amazing, Moz.

I mean, none of this would be possible without you.



And now that the Panthers are down a mole, it's the perfect time...

No, no.

Woodford just k*lled his most trusted man.

Keller could have stuck that chip on you.

Or you.

Neal, since we've met, we've always been watching out for each other, so why not now?

You have to trust me, Moz.

I always have, but lately...

No, trust doesn't have a time limit.

You've been lying to me.

Holding back information, which is worse.

I have my reasons.

What is this?

Why are you not telling me?

Are you helping the FBI, or are you taking the money?

Just be patient for a little longer, okay?

This is all going down now.

You said you had a bigger plan.

Where the hell do I fit in?

Glad you stopped by.

El's in bed by 7:00 now.

Gets a little quiet around here.

So how angry was she?

Oh, not as angry as I was at myself.


Never again.

The Panthers are down a man.

Does that affect the plan?

It could.

We need to replace him with someone we trust.

You have someone in mind?


Let's get to work, gentlemen.

First, we have a problem to solve.

Didn't I already solve it?

We already know how long it's going to take Braxnet Security to respond to the alarm.

I've calculated how many men we need to load the money into the tubes in that amount of time.

'Cause now we're a man short.


Well, on the other hand, it's one less share to load.

I don't leave money on the table.

I assume you have a solution.

I do.

[Door opens]

[g*n cocks]

Look who we have here.

You know him?

Our paths have crossed.

More times than I care to remember.

Consider the stamp job his audition.

And he's the mastermind who came up with the tubes.

I'll decide who auditions, Mr. Caffrey.

[Tense music]

[g*n cocks]

Now, who the hell are you?