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01x11 - The Case of the Mysterious Cake/Kibbles and Tricks

Posted: 02/27/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
♪Lyla in the Loop!

♪Yeah, Lyla's in the loop!

♪C'mon in the loop!

♪Lyla in the loop, round and round with Stu!♪

♪Now you can jump in too, with Lyla in the Loop!♪

♪Got a big idea? Step it out, break it down!♪

♪Now put it all together! Loop around and around!♪

♪You've got what it takes to imagine and discover♪

♪that we can solve it one way and another and another!♪

♪So keep trying, thinking, asking.♪

♪Now we're building, now we're laughing.♪

♪We keep growing, ideas flowing, let's get going,♪

♪Lyla in the Loop!

[Lyla] The Case of the Mysterious Cake

[Lyla] A big scoop of this, teeny scoop of that,

sprinkle of this, and a little dab of that!

Hey Stu, please stir the batter.

[imitating a hand mixer] [trills]

And... STOP!

[Lyla ] Ta da! [Stu] [trills]

[Liana] [giggle] What are y'all "“ta-daing"” about?


Wait... is this another "“Lyla Kitchen Experiment"?


Do we need helmets this time?

[giggles] Ok, I admit that some of my

Kitchen Experiments haven't turned out so good.

[Lyla] Okay none of them have.

But today that's gonna change, because this

batter's better than any batter before.

[Louis] Batter for what?

[Lyla] A Lyla Kitchen Experiment!

That is... very green.

What's in it?

Well, I just threw a bunch of stuff together, so I have

no clue what I'm gonna end up with.

My Kitchen Experiments are all about the mystery!

[trills dramatically] [Dun dun DUN!]

Well then, let's put this mystery in the oven

and see what happens.

[Louis] This should be interesting.

Interestingly delicious!

Hey Stu, please set your timer for thirty minutes.


[ticking clock noise]

[Stu] [imitating an alarm] [trills] [Lyla] Boop!

[laughing] Somehow, it's greener than before!


Everyone, fifteen minutes to taste test!

That's one five, people.

I know some of you may be a little scared to try this cake.

So let's just do it together on the count of three?

[Lyla] One...

[Lyla] two...

[Lyla] three!

[Louis] Hmmm...


Mmhmm, that's good.


Mmm! It's so good, I'd like to add this

cake to the Loops Lunch Menu.

What's the recipe, Lil' Loops?


But, I didn't follow a recipe, remember?

I just made it up.

How am I supposed to figure out how I made something,

when I already forgot what I did?

Hmm, well we have this cake as an example.

It's what we want the cake to be like, in the end.



A green, fluffy, delicious cake.

So if this is what the cake is like in the end...

How could you figure out what ingredients

you used along the way?

[gasp] I can think backwards!

I'll look at my cake as an example, and think about all

the ingredients I used along the way to make it like that.

And when you figure out each ingredient, write it down.

Then in the end, you'll have a recipe!

We'll UN-make the cake... and solve the mystery!

[trills dramatically] [Dun dun DUN!]

[Lyla] Here's all our clues.

[Lyla] Which ingredients did I use to make the green, fluffy,

[Lyla] delicious cake?

Let's... investigate.

[Lyla] Ah HA!

[Lyla] Two broken egg shells!

So, I must've used two eggs in my recipe.

Hey Stu, would you please draw each ingredient we find?

Starting with two eggs.


[Lyla] Thanks, Stu!

[Lyla] And look!

[Lyla] Half of this stick of butter is missing.

So we must have used the other half in the cake!


[Lyla] Ah ha! Flour.

One big scoop!



One cup!

Stu, please stir the batter, and pour it in the pan.


[imitating a mixer] [trills]


Stu, stop!

The first cake is green, but this batter isn't!

What did I use to make it green?

[Lyla] [gasp] Food coloring!

There's no green food coloring.

But... when yellow and blue are mixed together,

they make green!

[Lyla] Stu, we are amazing cake detectives, am I right?


Hey Dad!

Could you please help us put the cake in the oven?

[Louis] Be right there!

After this is baked,

The Case of the Mysterious Cake will be closed!

[trills dramatically] [Dun dun DUN!]

[alarm clock ticking]

[Stu] [imitating alarm ringing] [Lyla] Boop.

[oven opening]


But our first cake was fluffy and delicious!

This looks like a... crusty pancake.

Ooh... and looks like it had

a little cake-splosion in the oven.

[sigh] Stu, the Case of the Mysterious Cake is NOT closed!

The case might not be closed, but this oven is

definitely closed for cleaning.

But I need somewhere to bake so I can solve the mystery!

[trills dramatically] [Dun dun DUN!]

Well, I need to work in the diner kitchen right now.

But what about Everett?

Would he want to help solve this mystery?

[gasp] Great idea!

Hi, Ms. Thi. Hey Everett!

I'm baking a mysterious green cake for the Loops

Lunch Menu and it exploded all over our oven

so now we can't use it.

Can we use yours?


Come in!

Ok Ev, here's the ingredients we tried so far.

It made the cake green, but not fluffy.

So, now you need an ingredient

to make it fluffy.


When my mom and I bake bread together, we put in yeast.

It fluffs the dough right up.

Worth a try!

Ok Stu, stir the batter until it's smooth!

[imitating a mixer] [trills]

[Thi] Solve that cake mystery yet?

I think we just did!

It's gonna be green and fluffy just like my first cake.

Can we bake it?

Of course!

[imitating alarm clock] [trills] [Lyla] [gasp]


[Lyla] Oh no! [Everett] What's that?!




Huh? What? Ahhhh.

[relieved sigh]

Ahhh, ohhh!

Lyla, you didn't tell me you were

baking a green cake monster!

Yeah, I put in lots of yeast to make it fluffy and then...

It tried to take over the world.


To make a cake fluffy [grunt],

instead of using yeast [grunt],

try using a little scoop of... baking powder!

Thank you!

And we're sorry you had to save us from a cake monster

and it destroyed your kitchen.

Bah, it's ok.

We've all been there.

Tell you what, go find a new spot to finish your cake and

then we'll clean this up later.


Thanks so much, Ms. Thi!

I'll bring you both a slice when its ready!

Hello Lyla.

Hi, little blue friend!

[Stu] [trills]

[Lyla] Hi, Miss Emmaline.

Sorry, I can't talk right now.

I'm solving the Case of the Mysterious Cake!

Oh my!

That sounds like fun.

I just love baking!

Miss Emmaline, would you help us solve the cake mystery?


Honey, I thought you'd never ask!

Well hello Miss E,

looks like you got wrapped up in Lyla's cake mystery!

You know I can't resist a good mystery.

The oven's clean, maybe we could keep it that way?

We'll try.

But no promises, dear.

[Louis] [chuckles] Good luck, detectives!

Here's the ingredients we have so far:

[Lyla] Two eggs. Flour. Butter. Milk.

[Lyla] Food coloring to make it green.

[Lyla] And baking powder to make it fluffy.

And now... it needs to taste as delicious

as my original cake.

But how?

May I try a bite?

Be my guest!

[sniffs deeply]

I do detect a hint of something...

It's sweet and a bit...woody,

and spicy, with notes of cocoa.

I've got it!

It needs sugar for sweetness, cinnamon for the spice...

and of course cocoa powder gives a cake

that chocolate POW! [chuckle]

Some POW is just what we need!

Now that we've added all the same ingredients as before,

let's add sugar, cinnamon, and cocoa powder!

Hey Stu, you stir it up, and I'll pour it out!

[imitating a mixer] [trills]

Miss Emmaline, would you put this in the oven?

I'd be honored.

Here it is, baked, cooled and ready to eat!

Let's see.

It's fluffy, green, and

[sniffs] smells like cinnamon and chocolate,

just like the first cake!



[Lyla] It's just as yummy as the first cake!

We solved the mystery!

[trills dramatically] [Dun dun dun DUN!]

[Louis] Something smells amazing.

Try it!


And here's our recipe.


[trills] [Ta da!]

Love. It!

Now that you've solved that mystery,

I have a new case for you.

Oooh, what is it?!

The Case of the Currently Messy but Soon to be

Sparkling Clean Kitchen!

[nervous laughter]

[trills dramatically] [Dun dun DUN!]

Okay... ready.


I've got lots of goals.

And one of '‘em is to be the greatest hockey goalie [effort] ever.

To do that, I need to be able to practice

whenever, wherever, even inside.

And I needed to try out my new, well, OLD vacuum!

It wasn't so great at sucking things up, so I

changed it to blow stuff OUT, instead!

So together we came up with...


Instead of using a hockey stick and puck, we're using

a vacuum to blow around a beach ball.

No net?

No problem.

A box'll do the trick.

Let's see what ya vacuum can do!

Here comes Everett Phan the Vacuum Man!

He goes left, he goes right...

He sh**t and he--!

--Gets scooped by Liana Loops!

And the crowd goes wild.


Liana, you're the best!

I know!

C'mon Ev, too easy.

Gimme another one!

Here comes... The vacuum boom!

Nguuh! Whoa!

Nice shot!

And that's how you play vacuum hockey.


[Everett] Kibbles and Tricks



Gahhh, Kibbles!







Kibbles! No nooo!


[Thi] Everett, everything ok in there?

Uh... Just feeding the fish, Mom!



Bye, Kibbles!

[Kibbles] [meowing]

Awww, you wanna come with me?


Okay, but you have to promise to be good!

[purring] [meowing]

Kibbles, we just talked about this!

Kibbles... [kissing sounds]


Hi Ev!


Where ya goin'?

Down to the hardware store.

We got a big delivery this morning.

[Everett] I'm gonna help my mom stock the shelves.

Maybe me and Stu can help too?

Yeah, totally! It'll be fun.

Oh, wait a sec, lemme ask my mom.



[Everett] KIBBLES! [Lyla] Oh, no!

I gotta catch her!





Oh, Kibbles... you're the greatest.


[baby babbling]

That's my kitty.

She's the cutest, right?

Yes, she is.

Have a nice day.


[Kibbles] [meowing] [Stu] [trills]



Kibbles, STOP!




My noodles!


[gasp] Not the vacuums!

[Lyla] [gasp] Oh no! [Stu] [trills]

Whoa, what happened here?

[Everett] Uh... Kibbles did. [Kibbles] [meow]


There we go, Mom.

Everything's back in place.

At least until Kibbles runs wild through the store.

She didn't mean to make a mess, she just...

likes to keep busy!

I know, Evvy, Kibbles is just doing what kittens do.

But until she learns to listen to instructions,

Kibbles needs to stay upstairs in the apartment.

But Mom--

Bah, I'm not saying she'll have to stay

out of the store forever, just until she learns

not to destroy everything.

Okay, I'll take her back home.


I wish Kibbles could hang out with me everywhere I go,

just like the way Stu hangs out with you.

Maybe she just needs to be trained.

How'd you train Stu?

I didn't train Stu, because he's not a pet.

Stu just likes to follow directions, so all I have to

do is give a signal, like this: "“Hey Stu"”...


And he's ready to go.

[Everett] Maybe that'll work with Kibbles!

Hey, Kibbles!

Kibbles, please, come to me?




Maybe Stu and I need to show her what to do.


Yeah, Stu can you pretend to be a cat?

[imitating a cat] [trills]

Perfect! So act like a cat, and when Ev says, "“Here Kibbles,"”

go over to him.


Hey, here, uh, Kibbles!

[Lyla] [gasp] Kibbles is watching!

Good, Kibbles!


Well, that didn't work.

Maybe you have to give her instructions

in, uh, "“Cat talk"”?





Meow-wow- wow!



Guess my cat talk is a little rusty.

You can stop being a cat now, Stu.


Maybe some other kind of signal will work...

like a whistle?

[whistling] Here Kibbles!

Awww, she's so bored she fell asleep.

What makes her excited?

Besides knocking things over?

[giggle] Yeah.

Hmm... [gasp] wait!

She loves playing with her toy mouse that jingles.

[upbeat jangling]

She hears it!


Kibbles, come!

[upbeat jangling]


The jingling gets her attention,

but it doesn't make her come to me.

Well, what else does she like?

She likes when I rub her belly,

scratch behind her ears... [gasp] wait!

I know!

Whisker-roos are her favorite treat.

She's not moving...

Ok, how bout now! [upbeat jangling]



Now let's see if she'll come get the treat...

Here Kibbles.


[Lyla] [gasp] It worked! [Stu] [trills]

Yeah - once!

Now I have to teach her to come to me every single

time, and then to sit, and to stay

and maybe even more tricks!

[Everett] Kibbles, uh-uh.

[upbeat jangling]


Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo!



[upbeat jangling]


Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo!

Kibbles, sit.

Good Kibbles!

[upbeat jangling]


Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo!


Ready to learn a new trick?


Kibbles, stay.


Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo! [upbeat jangling]


Okay, Kibbles, let's try all your newest tricks again.


Kibbles, jump!

[Everett] Good, Kibbles!

Okay, next trick....

[upbeat jangling]


Kibbles, swipe!


Kibbles, you're the smartest kitty ever!

[gasp] Hey, let's show these tricks to Lyla and Stu!

They're gonna be super surprised when they see what

you can do now!

Hi, Ev.

Hey! Can you come over?

Kibbles has some new tricks that you've just gotta see...



Hey! Kibbles! Stop!

Kibbles, no!


Everyone, get into cat-capture formation.



Kibbles, sit!


[Everett] Kibbles! [Lyla] Oof!

We gotta stop her!

I'm trying!



Make her listen to you!

Oh! I need the mouse toy! be right back!

Uhh... a-ha!


Kibbles, get down!

Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo! [upbeat jangling]


[sigh] I shouldn't give you a treat.

Look at the mess you made!

But Ev, as soon as you jingled the mouse and said,

'‘Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo,' she did what

you trained her to do.


[sigh] Yeah... you're right.

Good kitty, Kibbles.


I'll help you clean up, and then I

think it's time to show my Mom what Kibbles can do.

... And, if you want her to jump, just give the signal.

Say: Kibbles, jump! [upbeat jangling]



Careful Ev.

Don't worry, Mom.


Let's just say you want a can of spray paint that's

too high up for you to reach.

Just use this signal...

Kibbles, swipe! [upbeat jangling]


Oh, incredible!

See Mom? Now Kibbles can do things

to help around the store.

Impressive, Evvy.

Can I try?


First, get her attention.


Here Kibbles, Whisker-roo! [upbeat jangling]


Evvy, my dude!

You trained Kibbles well.

So, can she hang out here with me again?

Uh, yup.

I don't see why not.


[Lyla] Yay! [Stu] [trills]

I wonder what I could teach Kibbles next?

Maybe she can help me grab paint?

That paint looks good.


Kibbles swipe!



[giggle] Now we just need to train you, Mom!

[Thi] [laughing] [Kibbles] [meowing]