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01x27 - Piano Problem/Bongo-lympics

Posted: 02/26/24 19:46
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie!

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ She loves adventure. She loves surprise. ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries. ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie!

-♪ And if she fails, she'll bounce right back. ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack! ♪

-Kay kay! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ When she plays with Bob Dog they have a ball! ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all! ♪

-Bow wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip, ♪

♪ with Purple Panda in his spaceship. ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie!

-♪ With a hee and a haw and a haw and a hee, ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ with our pal Donkey Hodie!



-So then I sing...

♪ I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you... ♪

-And then I sing...

♪ I hope that you are proud of you too! ♪

-Yeah! Hee-haw!

That'll work for Grampy's sing-along!

-Hey-o! [Giggle] I love Grampy's sing-alongs!

-Ha ha!

-Is this the windmill? -Sure is!

-Does a Hodie live here? -Sure does!

-Well your piano is all fixed

and delivered to the right place. Bye!

-Uh. -Ooo.

You got your piano fixed, huh Donkey?

-Uh, uh, no, no.

My piano's inside the windmill...

-Then whose piano is that?

-Oh! Oh, it's Grampy's piano!

The piano mover must've thought Grampy lived here.

-Ah, well that makes sense since he used to live here!

-She delivered the piano to me. She made a mistake!

I gotta call Grampy!


Hello Grampy!

-Oh hey there, my little Donkaroo!

-Your piano is all fixed,

but it was delivered here to the windmill by mistake!

-Oh no!

I need my piano for my sing-along later on!

-Don't worry, Grampy!

Since we're coming over, I, Donkey Hodie,

will deliver the piano to you.

-Thank you!

Oh, wait til you hear my first sing-along song!

It's one of your all-time favorites!

-All-time favorites!?

-Oh, what is it? -Just you wait!

Oh, thanks for bringing the piano over!

See you soon!


Well, looks like we're piano movers now!

-Wa-wa-wait, did you know

I always wanted to be a piano mover...

And now today here I am!


Funny how life works sometimes.


Shall we?

-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-Hey Donkey, I wonder what Grampy's first song will be?

-If it's a song we both love, I'm sure we can figure it out!

-Yeah. I wonder if it's the song "Sister Purple Hair"?

-Oh I love that one, or maybe "Purple Haired Sister"!


What's wrong with the piano? -Huh. Let's see.



Ah, the wheels won't roll on the grass.


Looks like the ol' park shortcut to Grampy's won't work.

-Hm, no worries.

Let's just take thenewpark shortcut!

-Oh yeah, thenewpark shortcut!

-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-♪ Ha-cha-cha-cha-cha- cha-chaaaa!

-♪ Do-do-do-do-doo! -What else do you think

will be Grampy's first sing-along song?

-Oh maybe it's "Sun Smiley Day"?

-Oh, or maybe it's "Smile Sunny Day"!?


Ah, here we are, the new park shortcut to Grampy's!

-Oh no! Rocks!

The piano can't roll over rocks!

-Oh, Donkey, if we keep rolling over bumpy ground,

we'll never get to Grampy's in time.

-I know! What should we do?

-I-I-I dunno!

Uh, do you know?

Cause I don't!


uh, let's just slow down for a second and think!


[Both breathe deeply.]

-Ok, I've slowed down.

-Me too.

Now, think, Donkey Hodie, think!

How can we avoid making the mistake

of taking bumpy paths to Grampy's?

-Yeah, and still get to where we were going?


[Gasp] A map? Hey, yeah!

Yeah! Let's draw a map with a route

that'll let us roll the piano the whole way to Grampy's.


Yeah! Then we'll have a plan

for taking only smooth paths like sidewalks!

-Let's make a map!

So, according to our map, go this way for smooth rolling!

-Ooo, I'm all for a smooth rolling!

-Ha Ha!

-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-Hm. I wonder which way we should go!

-Let's check our map! -Hm.

[Gasp] That way is a field of bumpy grass,

so we know it'd be a mistake to go that way...

-...which is why our plan calls for us to go this way!

The sidewalk for easy smooth rolling!

-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-Maybe Grampy's first song will be one of yours

and my favorites "Color My World"?

-Oh yeah!

Or maybe it's one of our other favorites, "Color Your World"?

-Hey, Donkey? -Hm?

-Um, are we going the best way for an easy rolling experience?

-Let's check the plan!

Hee-haw! We're right on track!

-Yup! No mistakes here!

Hey-o! Oh-noooo!

Where's the piano?

-Ah! Down the hill!

-Oh, stop that piano!

-Whew. Ha, that was a close one!

-Yep. Sure was!

Hey Donkey? -Yeah?

-I'm kind of thirsty.

How about a quick drink break, huh?

-Yes! Wait!

We're about to make the same mistake again!

If both of us let go of the piano

at the same time, it'll roll away!

-Oh thank you, Donkey.

The last thing I want to do is chase the piano

all the way down and push it all the way back up again!

-We need a plan for the drink break!

-Hey, what if our plan is to take turns?

-Hee-hawesome idea!

Please, you drink first, and I'll hold the piano!

-Thank you!



And now you.

Allow me!




-Drink time over! To Grampy's!


-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-No more mistakes for us, Donkey!

-Yep! The piano is moving along easily,

and not rolling down any hills!

-Mmm hm!

-[Beeping] -Oh.

-Oh, I think it's for you, Donkey...

-Ah. Hello, this is Donkey.

-Oh, hey there my little Donkaroo!

Are you almost here? -Hi Grampy!

We are on our way!

-Oh great because the sing-along's

supposed to start in a little bit.

-We'll be there soooo soon!

-Thank you, my little Donkaroo!

-I think we need to speed up a little, Panda.

We don't want to miss the start!

-Right. Let's do it!

-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-Uh, this is tiring! Hold on.

I gotta stop and catch my breath for a second!

-Me too!

Maybe pushing the piano fast is a mistake

'cause then we need to rest, and resting takes time!


[Gasp] How about we push it faster

so we can get there quicker, and rest quicker?

-Let's try it! -Ok!

-♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Pushing the piano to Grampy's, Pushing the piano to Grampy's! ♪

[Out of breath] ♪ to Grampy's...

-Oh, I need another rest, Panda!

-Uh, pushing the piano that fast was a mistake, Donkey.

Now we're really tired.

-So, so, how can we get this piano to Grampy's

as fast as we can, but, but not get tired...

Hey, Panda! -Hm?

-This piano has wheels just like my bike

and I sure can ride fast on my bike!

-[Gasp] Me too on my skateboard!

-Yes! And do I have a hee-hawesome plan!

Ready to ride this piano really fast

all the way to Grampy's?


-Woah. -Woah.

-WOAH! -[Giggles]

-♪ Riding the piano to Grampy's, ♪

♪ Riding the piano to Grampy's! ♪

-Where's my piano?

The sing-along is about to start!

-Hee-haw, Grampy!

Ha ha! Your all-fixed piano is here!

-Oh, thank you for saving the sing-along

with such speedy service!

-You're welcome!

We made a few mistakes along the way...

-...yeah but we also made plans

to avoid making those mistakes again,

and it helped us get here right on time!

-Let Grampy's Sing-Along begin!

Welcome to Grampy's Sing-Along!

[All cheering]

Our first song is dedicated to Donkey and Panda

for saving the sing-along! -Aww.

-♪ Gather around all my friends I have a little song ♪

♪ But I can't play it by myself! ♪

♪ I need you all to sing along

♪ We'll put some words together ♪

♪ We'll add some music too

♪ Let's warm up all our singing voices ♪

♪ See what we can do!

♪ Sing it high, -♪ Sing it high.

-♪ Sing it low, -♪ Sing it low!

-♪ Sing it out, -♪ Sing it out!

-♪ Let it go, -♪ Let it go!

-♪ Hear the sound, -♪ Hear the sound!

-♪ In the air, -♪ In the air!

-♪ Feel the joy, -♪ Feel the joy!

-♪ Everywhere, -♪ Everywhere!

-♪ Show the world, -♪ Show the world!

-♪ That you care, -♪ That you care!

-♪ When we,

-♪ Sing our sing-along song

-♪ All together now.

-♪ Lift up your voices and sing it out ♪

♪ Sing "The Sing-Along Song"!

-♪ Great, I think we have it, friends! ♪

♪ I think we have a song

♪ It's turning out so wonderful ♪

♪ I could sing it all day long! ♪

♪ It's so fun to sing together To this happy song ♪

♪ I think that we should call it "The Sing-Along Song"! ♪

♪ Sing it high, -♪ Sing it high.

-♪ Sing it low, -♪ Sing it low!

-♪ Sing it out, -♪ Sing it out!

-♪ Let it go, -♪ Let it go!

-♪ Hear the sound, -♪ Hear the sound!

-♪ In the air, -♪ In the air!

-♪ Feel the joy, -♪ Feel the joy!

-♪ Everywhere, -♪ Everywhere!

-♪ Show the world, -♪ Show the world!

-♪ That you care, -♪ That you care!

-♪ When we, -♪ Sing our sing-along song

♪ Lift up your voices and sing it out ♪

♪ Sing "The Sing-Along Song"!

♪ Lift up your voices and sing it out ♪

♪ "Sing The Sing-Along Song"!

[All cheering]


-♪ Today is new.

♪ It's new to everyone you meet. ♪

♪ Hmm hmm hm.

Oh hey, Panda pal! How's it going?

-Oh, it goes great!

Uh, and also not so great.

-Well, I like hearing things are great!

But I also don't like hearing that things are not so great?

What's going on, Panda?

-Well things are great because the Bongo-lympics

are happening soon!

-Oh right! -Yeah!

My favorite competition

to see who can play their bongos the longest!

-Well that does sound great! -Mm Hmm.

And now for the not so great part.

-What's not so great? -Oh, I've never won!

I haven't even come close...

...coming in at th place... place, th place... and th place!

-Right. Now I understand the not so great part.


When I play for a really long time, my arms get all...

wobbly and...and tired!

And I get distracted and I just have to stop playing!

I really want to win this time, Donkey!

-Oh, I wish there was some way I could help you, Panda!

Hmm. -Me too, Donkey.

-Think, Donkey Hodie, think...


Hey! Hey, I have an idea!

Remember when I competed in the Hoof Dance-a-thon?


-[Giggles] Yeah, of course I remember, Donkey!

-I practiced for a really long time.

Maybe you need to practice for the Bongo-lympics.

-Hm, interesting idea, Donkey!

I've never trained for the Bongo-lympics before.

Maybe that will help!

-Then Coach Donkey is here to help!

I, Donkey Hodie, will help you train for the Bongo-lympics!


-The way I see it, to be a better bongo player

who can play for a long time, you need to work on:

One, your arm strength.

-Mmm hmm!

-Two, your hand beats,

and number three, your bongo focus.

-Arm strength. Hand beats. Bongo focus...


We're going to practice these things

and make you a super keen, bongo machine.

-Super keen, bongo machine? [Giggles]

I want to be a super keen, bongo machine!

-Then let's help make your arms stronger!

Panda? -Uh, yes, Coach Donkey.

-Who is the strongest in Someplace Else?

-Oh, that's Gregory! Everybody knows that.

-Gregory, come on in,

and help Panda practice getting stronger!

And do you know how Gregory got so strong?

By lifting this giant peanut!

Good job, Gregory! See you later!

[Giggles] -Woah!

I want to get stronger by doing peanut lifts.

That will help me play the bongos longer.

[Whistle blows]


-You can do it, Panda! Believe it!

You are a super keen, bongo machine!


-Hey! Good try! You got a little better.

-I really did, Coach Donkey.

-Now it's time for hand beats training!

Are you ready to practice your bongo beats?

-Sure am!

-The key is to play a slow and steady b*at!

-Right! -And who always

keeps the slowest and steadiest beats around?

-Oh, everyone knows that the Moustro keeps the best beats!

-Right! Oh, Moustro!


-Moustro, hi!

-Helloooo Panda!

A slow and steady b*at will help you bongo the longest!

-That is what we are going for! Slow and steady.

Keep the slow b*at, Panda.

-[talking to self] Ok.

Slow and steady, practice, practice...

-Just follow the Moustro, Panda.


Follow the Moustro!

Slow and steady for long bongo...playing?

Hey, you're doing great bud!

Hey, let's... let's take a break...

Huh? -Mm hmm.

-And, uh, we can practice your bongo focus?

-Okay. -Okay!

In order to keep playing the bongo as long as possible,

you will need to focus on the bongo

and not be distracted by things around you...

-[distracted] Ahh. -Panda?

-Uh huh?

-Panda? -Huh? Hi. Huh.

-You need to focus on the bongo and not get distracted.

-Oh right. Focus on the bongo!

-And don't get distracted. -Don't get distracted.

Uh, how do I do that? -By practicing your focus!

And who's the best at helping us practice our focus?

-Oh, everyone knows that the Penguin Referee

is the best at that!

-Hm! Come on, Penguin!

-Focus. -Oh hi, Penguin Referee!

-Hi. Nice to see you, Panda.

-Panda, play the bongos and Penguin Referee

will do all he can to distract you.

-Yes, I will.

-So focus on those bongos

and keep playing no matter what Penguin is doing!

-[talking to self] Ok. Focus, Panda, focus...

-Hey, Panda! -Huh?

-Purple Panda over here.

Mm mm mm mm. Huh!

Penguin crossing. Hey, Panda.

Look at me! Huh? Where am I going? Huh.

I don't know. Do you know? I don't...Oh...

[Whistle blows]

-You ready to try again, Panda? -Oh!

I can't win the Bongo-lympics, Donkey!


-Oh. Hey Panda!

You want to train some more?

-I tried practicing.

I made a little progress, but not enough to win!

-Well, we still have more time to practice

before the Bongo-lympics start.

-I don't think it's worth it, Coach Donkey.

I just don't think I can win.

-Can't win? Can't win?!

-Can't win...

it's over.

-Over? Did you say over?

Nothing is over til we decide it is!

Was it over when I couldn't hoof dance? -No way!

Even though I got really frustrated...

-Oh yeah! You wanted to quit!

-Yeah, but then I practiced,

and I was able to get better at things that were hard for me.

And that made me want to practice more!

And even though I didn't win, I was proud that I got better

and I did my best!


Yeah! I remember!

And I can do it, too!

-That's my super keen, bongo machine!

-I can practice to become a super keen, bongo machine!

-Let's do it!


-♪ Gonna practice now

♪ Try my best now

♪ Gonna practice

♪ Gonna practice

♪ Getting stronger

♪ Playing beats slower

♪ Focusing more and more

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

♪ Gonna bongo now

♪ Bongo long-o now

♪ Gonna bongo, bongo...

-I'm nervous, Coach Donkey.

-Oh, you've practiced and improved so much, Panda!

I think you're ready! -Yeah?

-Mm Hmm.

-[Takes a big breath in]

Ok, I'm ready.

-Hello, and welcome to the Bongo-lympics!

Whoever plays their bongos the longest, wins!

-No matter the outcome, I am so proud of you

for trying your best and practicing so much, Panda!

-Thank you for your help, Donkey!

-Good luck!

-Okay bongo-ers!

Pick up your bongos!

Get ready, get set, bongoooooooo!


-Strong, slow, and steady. C'mon, Panda!



-Uh oh. Looks like Turtle-Lou is running out of energy.


...and Turtle-Lou is the first one out!


-Come on, Panda! Come on, Panda!

You are a super keen, bongo machine!


-Panda's looking tired,

while Polly O'Possum is still going strong.


-Come on! Come on, Panda, you've got this!



-Looks like Panda is out!

Which means...

Polly O'Possum wins!


Congratulations, Polly!

-Oh, thank you, Gameshow Gator!

-Oh, Panda, I'm so sorry you didn't win.


I came in second place!

I've never come in second place before!

-You did! -Hey-o! [Giggle]

You know, Donkey.

Even though I didn't win, I feel pretty proud

that I practiced and practiced and I got better.

-You sure did practice and practice and get better!

I am so proud of you!

-Oh thanks, Donkey!

-Anything for my best purple pal!


