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01x23 - A Night Out/Poetry Problem

Posted: 02/26/24 19:42
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ She loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack ♪

-Kee-kee! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪

-Bow-wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪

♪ With Purple Panda in a spaceship ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie ♪


-♪ Sleep out! Sleep out! ♪

♪ Sleep out under the stars! ♪

♪ Sleep out! Sleep out! ♪

♪ Sleep out under the stars! ♪

-Oh, I'm so excited, Duck Duck. -Yeah, me too! Me too!

Uh, but where's Donkey?

-Oh, yeah.

Donkey! Come on out!

It's time to sleep under the stars!

-Coming! Ha ha!

Oh, what am I gonna do, Amazing Radish?

I'm a little scared.

I know we're gonna tell stories

and dance in the moonlight,

lots of fun things.

But -- but what if I get thirsty?

Or -- or what if I want to read before we go to sleep?

And -- and it's really dark out there, you know?

-Come on, Donkey! Hey-o!

-Uhhh, coming!

I can do this!

Can I?


Yes, yes, I can!


Oh, but I've never slept outside in the dark before.

-Donkey! Come on!

-Ohhh, I can do this, Amazing Radish.

I, Donkey Hodie, will sleep out under the stars!

In the dark. Hmm.

[ Inhales sharply ]

-♪ Sleep out! Sleep out! ♪

♪ Sleep out under the stars! ♪

-♪ Sleep out! Sleep out! ♪

♪ Sleep out under the stars! ♪


-Hey, hey, we took the liberty of placing your sleeping bag

right there next to Panda's.

Kay kay? -Oh, thanks, Duck Duck.

Oh, yeah.

I am all ready for sleeping out under the stars.

I sure am.


-Okay! Then let the sleep out begin!


And first up on our Sleep Out Under The Stars agenda...

story time!


-Then it's a little dancing in the moonlight.


-And finally, we go to sleep.

Under the stars.

-Hee-ha... -Hey-o!

-Uh, huh. Ha ha.

Yeah. Under the stars.

Ha ha! But first the stories, right?

Right? The stories? I'm ready for the stories.

Yes, I am. Ha ha ha.

-We're gonna do what we always do for story time

on Planet Purple when we sleep out.

-Hmm? -Tell toast stories!

-But [snickers] don't you mean ghost stories?

-Oh, no, no, no, no.

Ghost stories are too scary, so we tell toast stories.

-Oh, well, well, I would like to hear a toast story!

Or maybe even two or three.

Or fourteen. -Okay! Good!

Let's see.

What's a good toasty one to start with?

Let's try the one about Timmy the Toast.

-Oh, that sounds good.

-It was a dark, dark night...


-...much like this one.

Timmy the Toast was feeling all crunchy and buttery,

but something was very wrong.

He knew what he needed to do.

-What? What?

-He tiptoed into the kitchen...

-Gulp! -Gulp!


-[ Whimpering ]


-And... -And...

-...and he took out some blueberry jam

from the 'frigerator! -Hmm?

-And he put it on.

The end!

-[ Laughing ]

-Wait, wait, that's it? -Yeah.

Toast stories are about toast.

Toast doesn't really do that much.

-Hmm. Yeah.

-[ Laughing ] -[ Laughing ]


[ Sighs ]

[ Animal brays ]

[ Gasps ] What was that?!

-Oh, that was just a night sound, Donkey.


There are always night sounds when you sleep outside at night.


And you can't always see what they are.

-I' right back.

-Is everything okay, Donkey?

-Oh, yeah, of course! I'm fine.

I just gotta get my, uh, my favorite pillow.

Ha ha!

It's so soft. You know how it is.

Ha ha ha ha.

I've never heard a sound like that before.

Probably 'cause I've never slept outside before.

What am I gonna do, Amazing Radish?

I don't want to tell Panda and Duck Duck

that I'm afraid to sleep out there.

All those noises and the dark

and I miss my bed.

-Donkey! -Donkey!

♪ Sleep out! Sleep out! ♪

♪ Sleep out under the stars! ♪

-I can do this!



I found it!

Ha ha! I got my favorite pillow.

See? Haaa haha!

-Uh, are you okay, Donkey?

-Yeah, is everything all right right?

-Everything's hee-hokie-dokie.

What's next?

-Next up... dancing in the moonlight.

Cue the music!

-♪ Move among the moonbeams ♪

♪ Smell the sweet night air ♪

♪ Feel the breezy breeze ♪

♪ As we dance without a care ♪

-♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Feeling oh-so right, right? ♪

♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Tonight ♪


-♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪


♪ Feeling oh-so right, right? ♪

♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

-♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Feeling oh-so right, right? ♪

♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

-♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Feeling oh-so right, right? ♪

♪ I'm dancing in the moonlight ♪

♪ Tonight ♪


-Dancing in the moonlight was hee-hawesome!

-Ha ha! Oh, yeah, it was!

Okay, what's next?

-Next up is...

sleeping under the stars.


-Uh, sleeping?


maybe we could dance in the moonlight again.

-[ Yawns ] Nope, nope.

This ducky is tired and ready for beddy-bye!

-What about another toast story, Panda?

-[ Yawns ]

I'm tired, too, Donkey.


-Aren't you ready to sleep under the stars?, no, not yet. Ha ha ha!

Oh, think, Donkey Hodie, think!

Um, uh...oh! Oh!

I need another pillow to put under that pillow.

Oh, uh, I'll be right back.

-Uh, do you think Donkey is okay, Panda?

-I'm not sure.

Let's go make sure.


-I tried, Amazing Radish.

I really did.

I just don't think I can do this.

I like sleeping in my bed in my room

with all my cozy things.

And my night light.

-Donkey? -Donkey?


Oh, uh, ha, hi, Panda, Duck Duck.

Oh, I-I-I just came in to get my other pillow.

Oh. I wonder where it is.

I just had it. If I can't find it,

I guess I won't be able to sleep outside, huh?

-Donkey. -Yeah?

-Is something wrong?

-You can tell us, Donkey.

-Mm-hmm. -Well...


I'm a little scared about sleeping outside

in the dark.

I've never done it before.

-Ya haven't? -No. It's my first time.

-Ohhh. -Why didn't you say so, Donkey?


Doing things for the first time can be scary, er, and hard even.

-Yep yep, they sure can! -Yeah!

I was so scared to fall the first time I went skateboarding.


And I was scared I'd get lost the first time I flew by myself.

-But what helped you not to be afraid the first time?

-My friend Pauly Panda

held my hand until I got my balance.

And he ran next to me,

and then he let me skateboard on my own

and I did great.

-And my friend Delores was up in the air with me

the first time, so I felt safe.

I could hear her chirping behind me as I flew,

so I knew she was there to help me,

you know, just in case.

-And we're here to help you, Donkey.

-But you don't have to come out if you don't want to.

There'll be plenty of other nights

when you can sleep out under the stars with us.

-Yeah. You can do it when you're ready.

-But I do want to!

[ Inhales deeply ]

I, Donkey Hodie, am ready to sleep under the stars

with a little help from my best pals.

Thanks for letting me move my sleeping bag

in between you both.

-Oh, of course, Donkey!

-It's nice and cozy. -Yeah.

-Yup yup, and now it's time to sleep under the stars.

-And, Donkey, if you feel scared,

just reach out for my hand.

-And and if you need me,

just let out a little hee-haw and I'm there.

Kay kay? -Night night, Donkey.

-Yeah, night night.

[ Sighs ]


-Uhhhh, I think I need my night light.

Be right back. -Oh, wait, Donkey!

You don't need a night light.

-Mnh-mnh. -I don't?

-No. Remember?

We're sleeping out under the stars.

-Yeah! -So we have starlight!


I, Donkey Hodie, am gonna sleep out under the stars.

-And Donkey, remember, if you feel scared, it's okay.

We're right here to help you.

-Yep yep, we are!

-[ Breathes deeply ]

Good night, Duck Duck!

-Nighty-night, Donkey.

Nighty night, Panda.

-Night, Duck Duck. Night, Donkey.

-Good night, Panda.

[ All breathe deeply ]

-♪ Sleep out, sleep out ♪

♪ Sleep out under the stars ♪



-[ Sighs ]

That dance party with Panda last night was so fun!

It was really, really fun!

But this place sure is messy.

Really, really messy.

Last night Panda said, "Donkey, we should clean this up!"

But cleaning is no fun,

so I told Panda I'd clean up tomorrow!

So now it's time to clean.


You can do this, Donkey Hodie.

It's cleaning time.

Now where do I begin?

Hmm. Aah! Oh!



[ Sighs ]

Cleaning's not easy.

Ha ha! Ahh.


I have a hee-hawesome idea!

Maybe I'll just read a book and clean up tomorrow!

[ Chuckles ]


Doing this is much more fun than cleaning.

[ Ringing ]

Oh! Hello, this is Donkey.

-Oh, Donkey!

I'm so glad you're there!

-Me too!

-I just got to Planet Purple for my purple poetry recital.

I'm gonna read my new poem here.

-The one you read to me last night?

"The Purple Popsicle"? -Mm-hmm.

That's the one.

Here's the thing.

I left my purple poetry notebook at your house last night.

So I can't read my poem for all the purple pandas!

-Oh! Well, don't you worry, Panda pal.

I, Donkey Hodie, will find your purple poetry notebook.

-You will?! -I will.

And when I do, I'll read you the poem

so you can read it to all the pandas.

-Ohhh, thank you, Donkey! Bye!



Nope, no purple poetry notebook over here.

And not over there either.


Hello in there!

Nope, not in the tuba.

Ha ha!


[ Grunts ]



[ Bang! Bang! ]

Nope! Not by my bongos!

Ha ha!


[ Boing! ]


Finding a notebook in this messy mess

is gonna be harder than I thought.

[ Sighs ]

I know what I need to do.

Time to clean up!

Ha ha ha! Aah!

[ Bonk! ]

[ Groans ]


[ Sighs ]

I can do this.

How hard can cleaning up really be?


Well, that wasn't any fun at all.


Panda and I had the best dance party last night.

I loved playing my bongos.

[ Bang! Bang! ]

[ Humming ]


Huh, well, putting those away wasn't so bad.

Ha ha ha!

[ Shake! Shake! ]


Hey. That was fun.

And I'm cleaning.

Making music and cleaning at the same time is hee-hawesome!

Ha! Ha!

Neighbors of Someplace Else, I give to you...

the Cleanup Dance Concert!

Ha ha!

[ Xylophone playing ]

[ Horn blowing ]


♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ It can be fun, oh, yes, it can ♪

♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ Havin' fun till I'm done ♪

♪ Yes! That's the plan! ♪


♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ It can be fun, oh, yes, it can ♪

♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ Havin' fun till I'm done ♪

♪ Yes! That's the plan! ♪

I don't believe it.

The room's actually clean!

And it was so much fun!

Hee-haw! Ooh. But wait.

I still didn't find Purple Panda's notebook.

Okay, Donkey Hodie.

You still have two rooms left to clean.

Next stop -- the kitchen!

Making dinner with Panda last night was so much fun.

But cleaning this up won't be so much fun.

Look at this mess!


Wait a minute!

Cleaning up the other room was fun.

Maybe I can make this fun, too!

But how?

Think, Donkey Hodie, think.



Amazing Radish?!

How'd my favorite superhero get here in the kitchen?!

Superhero? That's it!

I'll become my own <span> superhero!

I will become the bold, the amazing,

the courageous...


...Incredible Kitchen Cleaner-Upper!

With this costume on, I can handle any <span> kitchen mess,

no matter how messy it is!


Okay, how am I supposed to clean this exactly?

Think, Incredible Kitchen Cleaner-Upper, think!


[ Gasps ] I got it!

Cue superhero music, please!


Messy mess,

you are no match for my...Super Sponge!


♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ It can be fun, oh, yes, it can ♪

♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ Havin' fun till I'm done ♪

♪ Yes! That's the plan! ♪


The Incredible Kitchen Cleaner-Upper

has gotten rid of the messy mess!

And it was so much fun!

[ Snickers ]

Oh. But still no poetry notebook.

[ Ringing ]



The Incredible Kitchen Cleaner-Upper speaking!

-Donkey! Did you find my purple notebook?

-Any moment now. Okay?

-I'm about to go on stage any minute.

-Not yet, Panda.

But I still have one more room to clean -- my room.


I really hope it's in there, Donkey.

Or I won't be able to say my poem for all the purple pandas.

-Oh, it has to be in my bedroom!


Oh, no!

This room is the messiest one of all!

Panda and I never cleaned up

after our fashion show last night!

Cleaning my bedroom is gonna be a lot of work.

But I know I can make it super fun!

But how can I make it super fun?


I got it!

I, Donkey Hodie, am gonna turn this cleanup problem

into a hee-hawesome game of...

[ Whistle! ]


♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ It can be fun, oh, yes, it can! ♪

♪ Hee-haw, clean up ♪

♪ Havin' fun till I'm done ♪

♪ Yes! That's the plan! ♪

Ha ha! Slam dunk!

Mm-hmm. Woohoo!

Swish! Ah ha ha!

And...just seconds left.

Time for one last sh*t!

In , , , , !

She sh**t...

she scores!

Do you believe in miracles?

Hee-haw! Ha ha!

Hey! [ Gasps ] Look!

I did it!

I found Panda's notebook!



I'm on stage right now.

My Purple Poetry Recital is about to start.

-Well, I've got great news, my best purply pal.

I found your purple poetry notebook!

-You found it?!

I'm so happy!

Um, how did you find it, Donkey?

-Well, I turned my problem --

finding your notebook in this really messy mess --

into a lot of fun! -Hey-o!

Ah, would you please read me my poem now, Donkey?

All the purple pandas are waiting.

-Sure thing, Panda.


-[ Clears throat ]

"The Purple Popsicle," by me, Purple Panda.

-"When you're walking down the street..."

-When you're walking down the street

in the hot summer heat,

there's only one simple rule

to help you feel cool.

Bring a cool purple popsicle to eat.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, wow!

All the purple pandas loved my poem, Donkey.

[ Giggling ]

I'm so happy!


-Hee-hawesome, Panda!

-Thanks for finding my notebook for me, Donkey.

-Not a problem, my favorite purple poet.

-Purple poet.

I like the sound of that.

Thank you, Donkey!

Bye! -Bye-bye!

Ha ha!


The messy mess is messy no more.


How should I enjoy my super-clean windmill?



Hee-hawesome cleaning job, Donkey Hodie.

Really hee-hawesome.

Now I can just read and relax.





