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03x11 - Mind Your Manners

Posted: 02/26/24 14:11
by bunniefuu

♪ Jakers!

♪ Jakers! It's

♪ Jakers! It's the

♪ Jakers! It's the tales

♪ Jakers! It's the tales

♪ Jakers! It's the tales
of our

♪ Jakers! It's the tales
of our pal

♪ Jakers! It's the tales
of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the
world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots
that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that
only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny,
Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance
to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement
for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time
to stop and think

♪ The line between wild
and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventure
of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way
his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on
to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up
it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief
well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny,
Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance
to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement
for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed
just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble
or on the brink

♪ The line between wild
and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures
of Piggley Winks

[mysterious music]

- Quick behind the chair.

- She won't find us here.

- Do I need to ask you,
then, why you're hiding

from your mother
on her birthday?

- Mom wants us to
go eat at Chez Chic.

- We have to wear
coats and ties.

- They have a whole bunch
of silverware on the table

- And, they don't even
have a game arcade.

- I feel for ya, boys.

Minding your manners
at a fancy restaurant

takes a lot of effort, you know.

- Yeah.

- Maybe you can talk
mom out of it, Granpa?

- Well, boys, I probably could.

Your mother tries to do whatever

it is that'll make me happy.

- Yes.

- Of course, I try
to do whatever it is

that will make her
happy, as well.

- Uh-oh.

- All that manners stuff
is easy for grown-ups

but it's hard for us kids.

- Isn't that the truth, Seanny?

I was a kid once
meself, you know.

And, I'll never
forget the first time

I ran up against a fancy
manners predicament.

It was during our grand
Three Musketeers era.

That time in our
life when it was-

- [Piggley, Ferny & Dannan]
One for all and all for one!

- Piggley, can I come out now?

- You can't come out yet, Molly.

You're still the
captured princess.

- We'll rescue you right after
we fight off the villains.

- Oh, alright then.

- Musketeers, onward to victory.

- [Piggley, Ferny & Dannan]
One for all and all for one!

- Let's go.
- Let's get our princess.

- Storm the palace.

- Piggley.

- What is it, Dad?

We're kinda busy saving
France, you know.

- Well, tell the
citizens of France

they won't be having
any milk today because-

- [Mr. McGandry] Hello there!

- Mr. McGandry, what brings
you out this way today?

- Have you got a minute
to spare, Padrig?

I've come to talk to you about
something very important.

- Well, what's on
your mind, Dubbie?

- Uh, Dad?

- You and your friends can
run along now, Piggley.

But, I'll want to have a
little talk with you later on.

Now then, can I offer
you a cold drink

and some pie, Dubbie?

- A cold drink?

Oh, yes, yes, yes, indeed.

Oh, thank you, yes,
that would be lovely.

Now what I wanted to ask
you is about your barn.

You see, I was hoping to
borrow it on Saturday.

- Get back, you villains!

- Gotcha.

- No one can beat
the Three Musketeers.

- Victory is ours!

- [Piggley, Ferny & Dannan]
One for all and all for one!

- Musketeers, now that
we've saved the princess,

we need a reward.

- That's right, musketeers
always get a reward.

- Pie is a good reward.

- Great idea, Ferny.

Let's go ask me dad if we
can have a slice of pie.

- Piggley, have
I been saved yet?

- So, you'd like
to borrow my barn

for your party on Saturday?

Is that right?

- Well, you see,
it's the only place

I know of that's big
enough to hold everyone

I'm inviting to meet me brother.

- You think you can
fix this place up

fancy like for such an event?

- Oh, yes, yes, yes, I think so.

A few long tables, me mother's
fine china, nice linens

and good silver should
just about do the trick.

- Well, if you think so, I-

- Dad, we need a reward
for saving the princess.

- It's some manners
that you need, me boy.

I was talking with Mr. McGandry.

- Oh, sorry, Dad.

Sorry, Mr. McGandry.

- Mr. McGandry is going
to need a bit of help

later this week to
clear out the barn

for a fancy dinner party
he's having on Saturday.

- A dinner party with cloth,
napkins and two forks?

- And, fancy ties
and tight shoes?

- On a Saturday?

- Oh, well, yes, that's right.

I want everyone to
meet me brother.

He's the Irish ambassador
to Denmark, you know.

- Ooh, Denmark, I'm part
Danish, Mr. McGandry.

- Is that right?

Well, I have been
thinking about inviting

some of you children
to the party, as well.

- That would be great!

- Yes, yes, it would be great.

As long as all the children
behaved properly, of course.

- Oh, we would, I'm sure of it.

- Well, uh, your party
really sounds great

and all that, Mr. McGandry.

But, do you think we can have
some of that pie now, Dad?

- Yes, Piggley, you
may have some pie now.

You're welcome.

- It'll be a real honor to
meet Mr. McGandry's brother.

What with him being ambassador
to Denmark and everything.

Me great-grandmother
was Danish, you know.

- Jakers, Dannan, you sound like

you want to go to that party.

Excuse me.

- I wouldn't mind, you know.

- Oh, I'd love to get all
dressed up fancy for a party.

Like a princess.

- [Piggley] Well, I would
rather be captured by pirates

than spend a whole Saturday
minding me manners.

- Manners, they
are so important.

And, I have got a great idea.

- Oh, brother.

- How inspired is this idea.

I mean, I stopped a
fabulous manicure for it.

- I don't know-

- You're doing a
wonderful job, sweetie.

Everybody, everybody,
attention, attention.

We're going to learn
manners and maybe even

smell a little better.

All they do is eat.

No wonder I'm the
only one in this flock

who's a size four.

- [Piggley & Ferny] One
for all and all for one!

Jakers, you can't play
"Three Musketeers"

with only two Musketeers.

- Where do you suppose
Dannan could be?

School's been over for an hour.

- It could be that
she's still over

at the schoolhouse, boys.

Mr. McGandry is offering a
Manners Class there today.

- Oh, Janey Mack, do you
think Dannan's grandmother

is making her take that
Manners Class, Piggley?

- She could be, Ferny.

And if she is, it's up
to us to rescue her!

- All for one and one for all!

- And, one for all and
all for one, Ferny.

Now, let's go.

- I am very pleased
to see so many

of you children here today.

I'd like to invite all of you
to the party this Saturday.

But, it's very important
that you first learn

how to behave properly
in front of me brother,

the Ambassador.

So first, Miss Nanny will show
you the proper way to sit.

- Right, Dannan, would you
please help me to demonstrate?

- Of course, Miss Nanny.

Would you like to see it again?

- Well, yes, dear.

But, perhaps you can
try it with a bit more

grace this time.

- Grace?

- Let's start by
slowing it down a bit.

As we approach the chair,

then gently lower
yourself into the seat.

Try not to plop now, dear.

- Oh no.

She's in there, Piggley.

- Yep, they've got her alright.

- Should we break
her out of there

like we did with Princess Molly?

- I don't think we can do that.

But, we can help to make the
class a bit more fun for her.

- [Mr. McGandry] Right now,
you may be asking yourselves,

"why must we learn
good manners?"

Well, good manners
help us to feel

more comfortable
in any situation.

They are a set of rules
that are agreed on

as proper behavior.

They are the
foundation for success

as citizens of the world.

Good manners are a wonderful way

to show respect for
the people around you.

Well-mannered children
are especially

appreciated by everyone.

- I think we're making her
feel much better, Piggley.

- Learning to greet someone
properly is something

that you can all use for
the rest of your lives.

Good day, Mr. McGandry,
it's so lovely to see you.

- [Mr. McGandry] It's lovely
to see you as well, Miss Nanny.

And, how are you feeling?

- [Miss Nanny] Oh, I'm
very well, thank you.

And, how are you?

- [Mr. McGandry] I'm doing
quite well, thank you.


- Will you two please stop it!

Excuse me.

- Jakers, that was brilliant,
we were hysterical!

- Are you two gentlemen here
to join our Manners Class?

- Uh, no!

- No, no, thank you!


- [Piggley] Don't look back,
Ferny, he might be catching up!

- [Ferny] Oh, Janey Mack!

- [Grandpa Piggley] Ferny
and I were quite pleased

with the way we had livened up
the Manners Class for Dannan.

But, that evening
when I described

the whole event to my father,

well, let's just say
he didn't find it

quite as amusing as I did.

Apparently Don
Toro didn't either,

because the next thing we knew,

Ferny and I were headed for
Manners Class ourselves!

- Jakers!
- Janey Mack!

- One for all and all for one!

- [Grandpa Piggley] Now
learning good manners may sound

as easy as kicking
snow off a rope.

But, it can be rather tricky,
as I quickly discovered.

- Boys! Boys!

- [Granpa Piggley]
Try as we might,

the lads and I just
couldn't quite get the hang

of all these "manners".

And, it was beginning to
frustrate Mr. McGandry

more than a little.

- Now, let's all give
it a go, shall we?

First you pinch the
cup handle gently,

using your index
finger and your thumb.

Now, lift both your
cup and your saucer

up towards your mouth and
just before you arrive,

lift the cup from the saucer
and take a wee sip of tea.

[slurp noise]

- Oh.

[little chuckle]

[louderer slurp noise]

[little chuckle]
[more slurp noises]

- [Miss Nanny] Gentlemen.


- Jakers.

- Oh, Janey Mack, that was

- Mr. McGandry is right
behind me, isn't he?

Oh dear.

You know, children, when you
make a mistake of manners,

"a breach of
etiquette" as it were,

the best thing to do is
to admit your mistake

and politely apologize.

I am so sorry, Mr. McGandry.

I am afraid I got a bit
carried away, you know.

Please, accept my
deepest apology.

- Oh, well, yes, yes, yes,
yes, of course, Miss Nanny.

Oh, no, well, your
apology is accepted.

Oh, yes, apology accepted.

- Flock, flock, can we talk?

Okay, two of us can talk
and the rest of you 'baa'.

And, nothing says good
manners like a soothing 'baa'.

I mean, everyone listen to me.




Alright now, one at a time.

Who wants to be a better sheep?

Oh, Little Baa.

What a cute little
lamby poo, you are.

Do you have a little
baa for Shirley, huh?

Do you? Do you?

- Baa!

- Well now, good table
manners include knowing

which fork or spoon to
use with each course.

- Yes.

Ferny, look at this, Ferny.

Hey, Ferny, look at this.
- No.

Ferny, Ferny.

Look at this, Ferny.

Ferny, look at this.
- No.

- No.

- No.

Ferny, look at this.
- No.

Ferny, Ferny, look at this.
- No, no.

- Gentlemen.

A simple way to remember
is that you always

start with the spoon and
fork furthest from the plate.

The outside spoon
is the soup spoon.

The outside fork
is for the salad.

The inside fork is, oh.

- [Grandpa Piggley] That
was the straw that broke

the camel's back
for Mr. McGandry.

Right then and there he
decided that children

would not be invited to
his fancy party after all.

Ferny and I couldn't
have been more thrilled

about the whole thing.

And, I don't think the
other children cared much

about it one way or the other.

Dannan, however, was
very disappointed

about this turn of events.

Not that either Ferny or I
even noticed at the time.

When Saturday arrived,
all the children

were asked to
disappear for awhile

so the grown-ups could set up

for the big party that night.

- Musketeer Porthos,
bring in the princess!

- Come, Princess, we will now
return you to your throne.

- I love being a Princess!

It's almost as much fun
as getting all dressed up

for a fancy party!

- Oh, you mean the
party that us children

are not invited to?

- That sure was a lucky
break for us, wasn't it?

- Oh yes, it was indeed.

I really hate those fancy
ties and tight shoes.

- Musketeers, we have returned
the princess to her throne!

Now, it's time for our reward!

Away to my house for some pie!

And, you can all see
how fancy me barn looks

for the party tonight as well!

- Away for some pie!

- No thank you, boys.

I'm not really in
the mood for pie.

I think I'm just
gonna go home now.

I'll see you later.

- Janey Mack, Piggley.

I've never seen her
turn down pie before.

What do you think could
be wrong with her?

- Um, I'm sure
she's fine, Ferny.

- She's sad because she didn't
get invited to the party.

- No she's not.

- Yes she is.

Her grandmother made her
a brand new dress for it

and everything.

- Oh, are you telling
me that Dannan

really wanted to
go to that party?

- Uh-huh, that's why she
took the Manners Class.

Dannan told me you
boys made a lot

of mistakes in that class.

- We sure did make
mistakes, Piggley.

- I know, I'm the one who
got us kicked out of there!

- But, Piggley-

- Well, we've got to do
something about this, Ferny.

After all, we're the
Three Musketeers!

- [Piggley & Ferny] All
for one and one for all!

So, uh, what are we going
to do then, Piggley?

- Um, it's like
Molly said, Ferny,

we made a lot of mistakes.

And, what was it that Miss
Nanny said was the best thing

to do when you make a mistake?

- Uh, oh, apologize!

- Now, uh, what was it?

- We're going to apologize.

- No, that's not it.

- Uh.

- Oh, yeah, apologize.

- That's what I just said.

- Okay fine, eating, baaing
and all that sheepy stuff,

right out the window,
fine, fine, fine.

I have got something that
you can't go wrong with.

You got something
to say, sweetie?

- Be my guest.

- Okay, I am now
going to show you,

instruct you all, the proper
way to follow like a sheep.

Follow me and do as I do.

Very good, bravo,
bravo, very impressive.

What a good flock.

Such manners.

I could take all
of you anywhere.

[suspenseful music]



Not one word.

- Excuse me, Miss Nanny.

- Yes, Piggley?

- We would like to speak
with Mr. McGandry, please.

- Yes, please.

- Well now,
certainly, gentlemen.

I'll go and tell him that
you're here to see him.

- Thank you, ma'am.
- Thank you, ma'am.

- Well, good afternoon
Piggley, Ferny.

Miss Nanny said that you
wanted to speak with me?

- Thank you for seeing
us, Mr. McGandry.

- We really, really
do appreciate it, sir.

- We would like to
apologize for what

we did in Manners
Class last week.

- That's right, we're
very, very sorry

that we behaved so badly.

- Well, well, well now,
are you two hoping that

I'll invite you
back to my party?

- Not us, sir.

We were hoping you could
invite our friend, Dannan.

- Well, you see, she
was trying her best

to do well in your
Manners Class.

- But, we weren't
making it easy for her.

- And, we're... we're sorry.

- Well now, er,
that was sure quite

an excellent apology, boys.

It would appear that
you did learn something

in class after all.

So, Dannan may
come to the party.

On one condition.

- Uh, what would that be, sir?

- That the two of you
also come to the party

and remain on your
best behavior.

- Yes, sir!

- Uh, it'll be a pleasure, sir.

- Please, after you.

- Oh, no, no, no, I
insist, after you.

- Please, you go first.

- No, please, go ahead.

- Oh, no, no, I insist!

- After you.

- Excuse me, but why don't
you just all go in together?

- She's right, one for all.

- [Piggley, Ferny &
Dannan] And, all for one.

- Behaving like
gentlemen that night

turned out to be
no hardship at all

because Ferny and I were
doing it to show Dannan

how much we cared about her.

- I guess it won't
be too bad going to

a boring old restaurant
for mom's birthday.

- Yeah, Mom really wants to go.

And, she's a pretty cool mom.

- Come on, Seamus, let's
go put on our ties.

- Oh, and boys?

There's one more
thing you should know

about fancy restaurants
before we go.

- What is it, Grandpa?

- Gentlemen who
behave get to choose

whatever they like
from the dessert cart.

- Alright!
- Let's go!

- A nice big slice
of chocolate cake

can tempt anyone into
putting on a fancy tie

and a pair of tight shoes.

Even me.

[instrumental music]