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10x01 - Ticket to m*rder

Posted: 02/26/24 07:50
by bunniefuu
[dispatcher speaking]

There had been a 911 call

that there had been
someone hurt

at the Kanku
convenience store.

This was a hardworking
young man.

[Amanda] That was
the biggest shocker is, "Why?"

Why would anybody
wanna do this to him?

What's that?

[Poston] I had never seen
anything like that,

certainly on video,
that was that ruthless
and cold-blooded.

certainly on video,
that was that ruthless
and cold-blooded.

Like someone observing
their prey.

It's brutal. It's
just absolutely brutal.

[narrator] 37-year-old
Dayahbhai Kalidas Chaudhari,

fondly known as D.K.,

has recently emigrated
from India

to the small town
of Dalton, Georgia.

He works in the popular
convenience store
Kanku's Express

with coworker Amanda Tyler.

I'd been working at Kanku's
for a couple of years

I'd been working at Kanku's
for a couple of years

before D.K. came.

I'd come in
and open up the deli.

-Hey, D.K.

He would just come
back there, help me.

He'd help me with anything
I needed back there.

He got busy, I'd go run up
jump on the other register.

We were a team.

Like, probably one
of my most favorite coworkers.

[narrator] D.K. has only been
working at the store
for a few months,

but has settled in quickly.

but has settled in quickly.

Customers love him.

Absolutely love him.

Hi, there.

I think that's why there were
so many regulars, honestly.

Could come in,
see him

and they could go
on about their day

and have a better day
than they came in with.

Just from coming
in contact with D.K.

D.K. has just started
his regular night shift.

D.K. has just started
his regular night shift.

We were definitely
a busy convenience store.

I mean, we were 24 hours.

See you later. Have
a good shift tonight.

Have a good evening.

Yes, sir. How can I help you?

[phone ringing]

[dispatcher speaking]

There had been a 911 call

that there had been
someone hurt

at the Kanku convenience store

of Airport Road
in Dalton, Georgia.

of Airport Road
in Dalton, Georgia.

[narrator] A regular customer
of D.K.'s, called Mark Rogers,

had popped into the store.

He would always go
up to the front

and say, "hey," to D.K.

So, when he went up front
and he couldn't find him...

Something's not right.

...he looks over by the door

that goes
into the food preparation
or that back room.

He could see
the door was open.

He could see
the door was open.

He could see D.K.'s feet
and a large pool of blood.

Let's go. Let's go.

So, that's when he called 911.

[siren wailing]

[indistinct radio chatter]

[narrator] Deputies
from the Whitfield County
Sheriff's Office

and GBI agents arrive
on scene.


What do you have?

[narrator] The ID
from the victim's wallet

[narrator] The ID
from the victim's wallet

confirms it's D.K.

We found out that the victim
was an Indian

that had not been
here very long.

He had recently moved
from New Jersey.


[Montgomery] We try
to assess what's happened.

Do we have
witnesses on scene?

Thanks, officer.

Hi. I understand that you made
the call to 911.

I did, yes.

I came in
and I couldn't find D.K.

Then I go into the back room.

This doesn't make any sense.

From talking with the witness,
he was very liked

by the patrons
that came in the store.

This was a hardworking
young man.

There was really no reason
for anybody to wanna k*ll D.K.

Okay. Thank you.

One of the first things
you wanna do is

do a walk
through the scene

to get in your mind exactly
what you think happened.

From observing the body,

we thought
there might have been
multiple s*ab wounds.

It was hard to tell,

but we knew
from the amount of blood

that it was more
than one s*ab wound

that had k*lled the victim.

The victim had bled out

and actually died
at the scene from blood loss.

When someone's stabbed
or beaten with an object,

the motion that you have
either stabbing
or coming back,

the blood is
literally cast off

the blood is
literally cast off

and that's the term
that we use is cast off.

And then they see
a particular pattern

on the wall
or the scene there,

so we knew that it was
a violent crime

and that the victim had tried
to defend himself

before all this occurred.

[sighs] He couldn't have been
dead more than a half hour

before the call to 911.

Detective Chris Guay
is called in

to assist
in the investigation.

to assist
in the investigation.

They requested me to come in

to start reviewing
and downloading video,

so we could narrow down
and identify a suspect.

Upon arriving at the scene,

looking at the outside
of the building,

I saw that there were cameras
to my left and to my right.

Upon entering into the store,

I noticed that there were
more cameras,

one that was facing
the register.

There was a camera
that was facing the door.

And other cameras
in various places.

My initial thought is
I am hoping

My initial thought is
I am hoping

that the camera system
is working

and that we were able
to retrieve what footage
we would need.

To watch the footage,

I had to go through a door
which led into the back room.

There was the victim
on the floor, blood all around

and just lying there.

It was a particularly
violent crime scene.

To carry on with your work

after seeing
something like that,

you just have to know
that your job is important

to help identify and locate
the suspect

to help identify and locate
the suspect

so that person can answer
for what they have done.

Hey, how's it going?

I counted seven cameras.

Yeah, it's seven cameras,
all recording.

When I found out
that everything was working
and that it was recording,

I was ecstatic

because the video is going
to help you figure out

who your perpetrator is,
who did this.

Start earlier this evening
around 9:00 p.m.

Start earlier this evening
around 9:00 p.m.

That's him.

The victim was working
by himself at night.

He was working
the night shift.

When you look
at the first clip

when D.K.'s
behind the counter,

he's very cordial to all
the people that come in.

They're very cordial
back to him.

He's very friendly
and helpful.

He starts walking back
towards the back office area,

the kitchen area
where the incident took place,

and he appears to be calm

like nothing is going on yet.

What's that?

Play that.

[Guay] Something catches
his attention.

He's chased into this room.

He tries to close
the door behind him.

It's at that point
that the door is hit
and the door opens.

He really doesn't have
a chance to defend himself

and pushes him
into that back room

out of the sight
of that camera.

It's at that point
that we switch camera angles.

You can see the victim
knocking away the g*n,

and then a knife coming out

and then a knife coming out

and him being att*cked
with the knife.

The victim is then stabbed
several times.

Duct tape is
then put on his face.

Oh, they're taping his mouth
so he won't scream.

[Guay] The suspect squats
and is kind of just watching.

It's like someone observing
their prey.

You could see that the suspect
at one point

starts to smother
Mr. Chaudhari.

They're trying to speed up
the process.

It's brutal. It's
just absolutely brutal.

[Montgomery] This was
very cold and calculated.

To sit there
and suffocate someone

and to push down
on their chest

to where their heart
would pump more blood out,

it was just
totally unnecessary.

The victim was already dying.

There was no need
for any of that.

It was just horrible to watch.

I'm thinking to myself,
"Who could do this?"

I'm thinking to myself,
"Who could do this?"

[narrator] Investigators
replay the footage

to get a better look
at the suspect.

[Montgomery] They had
a white hoodie

tied up very tightly
around their face

with sunglasses on.

So, you could not describe
the person

as either a man or a woman.

All right. Let's see
if there's anyone out front.

While the incident
is taking place,

there's customers
that come into the store
to make a purchase.

There's items that are placed
on the counter.

And you could see
the customers waiting

to the point you would think
that they heard something

and they're trying
to figure out what's going on.

One of the customers walks
towards the door.

And then goes back
towards the front,

just waiting to pay
for their stuff.

They have no idea
what's going on in there.

The suspect goes
to the register.

The suspect goes
to the register.

And at one point there's
some dialogue back and forth

between the suspect
and the customer.

In my opinion, the suspect
acts as an employee

to tell the people to leave.

Seeing that and knowing
how brutal it was happening

Seeing that and knowing
how brutal it was happening

and what was going on,

it was a shock that nothing
happened to that person

that they were able
to leave unscathed.

All right.

I'm gonna go out front
and see if there's anyone
that can help us.


We started interviewing
D.K.'s friends and bosses

to get a better picture

of what kind of person
D.K. was,

if he had any enemies...


...if he had any grudges,

if he had someone who was
really trying to k*ll him

if he had someone who was
really trying to k*ll him

and we found that he didn't.

That made this
a stranger-on-stranger crime,

which makes it
a lot more difficult for us

to be able
to locate the k*ller.

This is just
a very violent attack

and we need to find
this person quick

because they're gonna do
this again.

[Amanda] I was at home,

and I remember picking
my phone up to check it.

I had text messages,
voice mails,

I had text messages,
voice mails,

missed phone calls,

where everybody was trying
to get ahold of me.

I called and I was like,
"What's going on
at the store?"

Hey, I got your message.
What's going on?

When I found out
that D.K. had been m*rder*d,

I just felt blank,

like I had lost
my best friend,

like somebody had k*lled
my brother.

I didn't believe it at first.

I didn't think
that he was gone.

I thought it was a dream
I needed to wake up from.

I didn't believe that somebody
had came into the store

I didn't believe that somebody
had came into the store

and done something like that.

[narrator] Investigators
continue to watch
the surveillance footage

to see what the suspect
does next.

[Guay] After the customers

that had come
into the store left,

there was nobody else
on scene

besides the victim
and the suspect.

The suspect goes
to the register.

They emptied
the cash register.

They emptied
the cash register.

Zoom in.

It looks like wearing gloves.

They're taking
the lottery tickets.

You see the suspect

with the lottery tickets
that were taken

with the lottery tickets
that were taken

goes back to the back room,

where Mr. Chaudhari is lying,

and takes these items

and puts them
into this black duffle bag

that was being carried
by the suspect.

The suspect puts
it over the shoulder,

and then leaves out
from behind

and walks straight out.

and walks straight out.

Once they go
through the door,

you lose view
from the internal cameras.

Now switch
to the outside camera.

I switched to an external
right view

that looks down
into the left of the store.

And you see the suspect
walking kind of in a diagonal

towards the road
away from the store

in more
of an easterly direction.

No car, only on foot,

which leaves us
no vehicle descripts

which leaves us
no vehicle descripts

to put a lookout for.

Since we have no vehicle,

we don't know
who the individual is,

we're at a point
that we don't have information

to give to the public to help
try to identify the suspect,

to locate the suspect,

and it's
extremely frustrating.

Let's see when
the suspect arrived.

So, we start watching footage

to see if we can get
the suspect coming
into the store

to see if we can get
the suspect coming
into the store

kind of in a backwards,
like you're watching
the movie in reverse.

So, we're watching the video.

We still don't have
somebody coming into the store

wearing a white hoodie.

But we have an individual
coming into the store

that's wearing
a black tight jacket,

but also this subject has
a black duffle bag with them.

but also this subject has
a black duffle bag with them.

He's got the same bag
as the suspect.

Nobody else had come
in carrying a black bag.

We only had the individual

that was wearing
the black jacket
and the black bag

come in and then go
towards the restroom.

[narrator] The customer
carrying the black bag

disappears into a restroom

in a camera blind spot.

What was that?

Replay it.

That's him.

And it's the same area

that the suspect comes out

wearing a white hoodie
carrying a black bag

and then committing the crime.

We watched lots of video
just to try to see

if we missed something.

if we missed something.

Let's get a better view.
Switch back to the camera
covering the entrance.

Let me bring up
the other image.

It's them for sure.

One in the same.

[Montgomery] That was
the moment that we realized

we've captured
the k*ller coming in the store

and we see them go
to the bathroom

and they've changed clothes
trying to disguise themselves.

and they've changed clothes
trying to disguise themselves.

So that was
a huge break for us.

[narrator] Detectives expand
the search outside the store

to see if there are
any more surveillance cameras.

[Guay] I'm in the parking lot
of the Kanku's.

I look across the street.

I look over

and I see the Kangaroo
convenience store.

In past cases I have worked,

I know that they have
a camera that captures

the front of the store
of the Kanku's

from across the street.

We needed to get
a copy of that video.

We needed to get
a copy of that video.

Because that gives us
another opportunity
to possibly find out

which direction
that the k*ller left.

I'd like to make
a request for a warrant

for CCTV footage
from last night.

That camera that faces
the Kanku's

from the Kangaroo
convenience store,

that could be the camera

that breaks the case.

[narrator] A Whitfield County
crime scene technician

is processing the back room
where D.K. was m*rder*d.

is processing the back room
where D.K. was m*rder*d.

He started by taking
photographs and measurements

of the items of evidence
and marking the evidence.

The crime scene technician
kind of looks down

and underneath the fryer
there's some kind of object,

so he looks
a little bit further,

takes a picture
and it's a phone.

It had probably gotten kicked
there during the scuffle

with the victim
and the perpetrator.

We figure that it was
probably gonna be

the victim's phone
or the perpetrator's phone.

That was a great piece
of evidence for us to find

'cause we knew
from that point on

that we could do
a forensic phone exam

and get the identity
of the phone's owner.

[Guay] The video
from the Kangaroo
convenience store

was brought to me
at the sheriff's office.

[narrator] The Kanku's store
can be seen in the distance.

Detective Guay looks
for any sign of the suspect
fleeing the scene.

[Guay] While I'm watching
the footage,

we see numerous vehicles
pulling in and out.

I can't see our suspect.

Rewind it back
to about 9:00 p.m.

[narrator] Detectives try
to spot the suspect arriving
at the scene.

One vehicle in particular

pulls up to a gas pump
and stops.

And a subject gets
out of that vehicle

wearing the same white hoodie

that the suspect comes
out the restroom

at the Kanku's
and then committing the crime.

Change cameras.

The person goes
into the store.

This is the first time
we really get a good look

at who we believe
to be is the suspect.

Pause there. Zoom in.

[Guay] You can see
the curly blonde hair.

And that's when you have
that moment of, "Oh, my gosh."

The whole time we're thinking

that this is a man
that committed this m*rder,

but this was
kind of the a-ha moment
of it's a woman.

but this was
kind of the a-ha moment
of it's a woman.

[Montgomery] We've got
a really clear picture of her
with no disguise

and it gives us just
a tremendous break too
in the case.

[Poston] She took no effort
to conceal her identity

at the gas station
directly across the street
from the m*rder,

apparently assuming
that no one would
ever investigate

beyond the gas station
where she actually k*lled
the person.

After some time,
she gets back in the vehicle.

This gives us
our first vehicle description,

our first somewhat of a lead

as to what the person
was driving,

and it was greenish Kia Soul.

Pause. Zoom in on that tag.

We can't get a full vehicle
registration tag picture,

but we can tell
what kind of car it is.

We got that out
as quick as we could

to help other agencies around

not have any more crimes
happen to them.

not have any more crimes
happen to them.

Okay, play on.

[Guay] She drives off
in the direction

that the m*rder suspect
walked towards

after the m*rder
was committed.

[Poston] Her car never appears
on the Kanku gas station
video system,

so she appears to have parked
it further away

and walked up to not allow
herself be identified

by the car she's driving.

[narrator] Next investigators
interview Charles Branson,

the customer who interacted
with the suspect
after the k*lling.

the customer who interacted
with the suspect
after the k*lling.

He makes himself known
to police after hearing
about the m*rder.

She used a fake voice

when telling the witnesses
and the patrons

that came in the store
to leave.

She used broken English
and an accent

to try to confuse them.

It's a lot of pressure on us
to find out who did this crime

and to bring them to justice

to make sure they don't hurt
anybody else.

to make sure they don't hurt
anybody else.

[Poston] The local community
was shocked

to find out about the m*rder,

particularly because there was
no immediate arrest.

All of our regular customers
were shocked

because it's just
not something

that happens
around here regularly.

People don't just walk
in convenience stores

and decide they're going
to m*rder the clerk

and steal a few bucks
and some lottery tickets.

[Poston] A lot of people
that had known
Mr. Chaudhari came in,

[Poston] A lot of people
that had known
Mr. Chaudhari came in,

talked to other employees,
expressed their condolences

and their regrets
about what had happened

and, yeah, there was
just a lot of concern

for his family and friends.

One of the crime scene

for Whitfield County was
very excited.

They actually were able
to unlock the phone
and get into it.

As they looked
at the photographs
on the phone

they realized
this doesn't appear to be
the victim's phone.

There are no pictures of him
or pictures from the store

or anything like that.

And we realized from watching
the store surveillance video

that the pictures on the phone

are the person in the store
surveillance video.

And so that's
why they realized,

"Hey, we've actually got
the suspect's phone."

We were able to get
her identification data,

her social media pages

and that gave us more pictures
to compare to the videos.

Yeah, her name's Skyy Mims.

[Montgomery] We know
who's done this now

and it was a tremendous
break for us.

Skyy Mims had
no prior criminal history.

She turned 21 years of age
just days prior to the m*rder.

She turned 21 years of age
just days prior to the m*rder.

We found that she had
a pretty significant presence
on the Internet

compared to an average person.

We realized she wasn't
your normal perpetrator.

This was a young woman
who had come down from Detroit

to try to get into the hip-hop
rap music business in Atlanta,

and that she had tried
to come down here to do that

and that was her purpose
in being in Georgia.

[narrator] Detectives search
their database to see

[narrator] Detectives search
their database to see

if they can locate
Skyy Mims

What's her current address?

Nothing in Georgia.

[Montgomery] We released
the picture of Skyy Mims

to the local media
through the Atlanta area

and in the Dalton area.

We realized that we needed
to let the public know

that this was
a dangerous person,

if she had done this crime

that she would do another,

and we needed to find her
and find her fast

[phone ringing]

[Montgomery] It was
Tuesday afternoon
we got a phone call

that a Skyy Mims was
at a location

in Bartow County, Georgia,

which is
about 30 to 45 minutes
south of Dalton,

at a home there.

We'll reach out
to the Marshals Service
straight away.

The United States
Marshals Service,

in northwest Georgia
and the Atlanta division,

are great
at hunting fugitives.

We have a really good
relationship with them,

We have a really good
relationship with them,

so we turned that part
of the case over to them

to allow them to try
to find Skyy Mims

and bring her in.

Marshal Chip Atchley joins
the task force assigned

to locate and arrest
Skyy Mims.

Once I get the request
for assistance,

you know, I called
the case agent

and he explained
to me what he needed.

They had a tip that Ms. Mims
was in the house

and they had already set up
surveillance on the house.

They had located a vehicle.

They had located a vehicle.

They relayed information back
to the GBI agents

and the Whitfield County
Sheriff's Office.

And in speaking with them,

they were able to verify

that that fit the description
of vehicle

that Skyy Mims was driving
at the time of the incident.

Yeah, green Kia Soul.

That's correct.

[narrator] A search
of the car's tag number

reveals it has been stolen

by someone fitting
Skyy Mims' description.

[siren wailing]

[siren wailing]

[Atchley] The vehicle
leaves the residence

and we do a traffic stop.

The person inside identifies
Skyy Mims

and says that she is in fact
in the residence.

[narrator] While the Kia Soul
is seized for evidence,

the Marshals approach
the house.

Typically immediately
after a crime,

people have more
of a tendency

to continue to be violent,

so that was a problem for us.

We did not know
how she would take it

We did not know
how she would take it

once she was confronted by us.

Upon arrival
the door was open.

I tried to get
her to come out.

I knocked
and announced police.

Police! Come out
with your hands raised!

[Atchley] No response.

I was very apprehensive.

You're always apprehensive

when you're dealing
with cases like this,

but you have to remain calm.

Upon entry I observe
a stairwell in front of me

and it goes up to my right.

and it goes up to my right.

I held on that
so my team members could clear

the main floor
of the residence.

And while I'm holding
on the stairwell,

I'm calling out to Skyy.

You need to come out
and show us your hands.

No response for a few moments.

Then all of a sudden
she pops out.

Ms. Mims was completely naked

and she would only show
me one of her hands.

And she was screaming...

sh**t me.

Come on and just sh**t me!

Come on and just sh**t me!

[Atchley] She wanted us
to believe that she was armed

and that she was going
to hurt us.

She wanted us
to take her life.

Just show me your other hand.
We're not here to hurt you.

[Atchley] Skyy Mims was
in a very desperate situation
in her mind.

She knew she had
committed a m*rder

and she knew that she was
about to have to face
up to the consequences.

Show us your hands

and come downstairs.

She showed me her other hand,

and then she started
coming down the stairs

and then she started
coming down the stairs

where she was taken
into custody

and we put a sheet over her
to cover her up.

I just get an eerie feeling

every time you apprehend
a m*rder suspect.

It's evil.

I mean, that's just
the only way I can explain it.

Skyy Mims showed
no remorse.

She was angry
that we were there.

She was angry that she was
gonna have to face

the consequences
for what she had done.

Skyy Mims was placed
in the back of a patrol car

Skyy Mims was placed
in the back of a patrol car

and transported
to the Bartow County
Sheriff's Office.

[Jeremy over radio]

[Jeremy over radio]

[Skyy speaking]

[Jeremy over radio]

[Jeremy over radio]

[siren blaring]

[Skyy speaking]

[woman over radio] Standby.

[woman over radio] Standby.

She was able to remove
the handcuffs

and she showed
them to the deputy,

so they had to stop again.

[deputy speaking]

[Skyy responding]

[deputy speaking]

-[deputy] You understand?
-[Skyy speaking]

[deputy speaking]

[deputy speaking]

[Skyy speaking]

[deputy speaking]

He repositioned her

and reattached
the handcuffs to her

and secured her
in the vehicle again.

[deputy over radio]

[Skyy speaking]

She kept telling the deputy
that he needed to k*ll her.

[Poston] The lottery tickets
that were taken

from the store
after the m*rder

were found in the bedroom
where she was staying.

Some of those
that were in a trash can

were ones that had been
scratched off

and were not winners,

but there was
a smaller batch of tickets

that had been scratched off
and had been winners

from anywhere
from a free ticket

to small amounts of money

that were
rubber-banded together

and apparently intended
to cash those in.

The m*rder w*apon was found
in her car.

The m*rder w*apon was found
in her car.

Gloves that she was wearing
during the attack

were found in the backseat
floorboard area

of the car
that she was driving.

She brandished a g*n at first
during the robbery

and the victim quickly
knocked it away.

We recovered that as well.

So, in search of the vehicle
and the home,

we found a tremendous
amount of evidence.

[narrator] The gloves,
knife and g*n are

all sent to the lab
for DNA testing.

This is the only case I've
ever prosecuted in 30 years

where I was invited
to the victim's funeral,

and I honored that invitation.

I went to the funeral

and there was
an enormous number of people.

[Amanda] It was
difficult to walk in

and see him lying there

knowing that I'm not gonna get
to talk to him anymore.

It was rough.

[Poston] He was not born
and raised here,

had only lived in this area
for a few months really
at the time,

had only lived in this area
for a few months really
at the time,

but we're a community
of immigrants in a lot of ways

so there was just
a lot of support

for him and for his family.

After her arrest,
Skyy Mims was brought
back to Dalton

to the Whitfield County Jail.

The first question
we asked her

she was like, "No comment,"
and started giggling.

She ultimately ended
the interview asking
for an attorney.

It's very frustrating for us

because we had worked
so hard on this case

and gotten her into custody,
you know, so quickly

for such a brutal crime.

You really wanted to know
some answers.

And she wasn't giving any.

Skyy Mims is charged

Skyy Mims is charged

with the m*rder
of D.K. Chaudhari.

Her DNA is taken
and sent to the lab

to compare it to the gloves
and the knife

found in the car.

The gloves that Skyy Mims used
during the m*rder

were found to have blood
on the outside of them.

That blood matched DNA
of the victim's blood.

The insides of the gloves
were also tested

and touch DNA from her hands
was found and matched

to her DNA showing
that she had had her hands

to her DNA showing
that she had had her hands

inside the gloves
at some point.

[Montgomery] We found
the victim's blood
on the knife.

It also had DNA
from Skyy Mims herself.

[Poston] It was a very long,
thin-bladed knife.

It went into his side
and hit his aorta,

which caused massive bleeding.

[Montgomery] I don't think
there's anything

anyone could have done
to help him

or help him survive
that wound.

It was just a fatal wound.

It was just a fatal wound.

[narrator] The Kangaroo
surveillance footage reveals

a final piece of evidence
against Skyy Mims.

[Poston] She's at the register
and she actually uses

her own credit card
to pay for the gas.

So from that video
and that timestamp,

we were able to get
the financial records

connecting that credit card
back to her as well.

So, that was very helpful.

[narrator] On May 29th, 2014,

[narrator] On May 29th, 2014,

a Whitfield County grand jury
indicts Mims

for malice m*rder,

four counts
of felony m*rder,

two counts
of aggravated as*ault,

armed robbery, burglary,

possession of a knife during
the commission of a felony

and theft by bringing
stolen property
into the state.

She pleads not guilty
to all charges.

What we could put together
from the surveillance videos

that we recovered

that we recovered

was that Skyy Mims was
at the Kangaroo

for a brief period of time.

When the Kangaroo
convenience store
closed early,

that's when she went
across the street

to the Kanku
convenience store.

She came inside,
went into the bathroom,

changed clothes
from dark clothes
into lighter clothes.

Very quickly when the victim
wasn't looking,

got up on him
and rushed him,

got him into the back room

and that's where
she stabbed him.

and that's where
she stabbed him.

Then she went out
to the cash register,

took the money
and the lottery tickets

and walked casually
out the door and disappeared.

[Poston] Skyy Mims' behavior
was shocking

to the extent
that it was premeditated,

how aggressively
she att*cked the victim,

how brutally she k*lled him.

I had never seen anything,
certainly on video,

that was that ruthless

and cold-blooded

and just remorseless.

and just remorseless.

Prosecutors have a theory
as to Skyy Mims' motive.

Skyy Mims, in the day or two
before the m*rder,

had purchased a lottery ticket

where if you won
the grand prize

you would get $500 a week
for the rest of your life.

She became obsessed
with that ticket,

that if she had
$500 a week coming in

for the rest of her life

that she could pursue
an art career,

a music career,
a modeling career

and not have to worry about
that basic level of income.

and not have to worry about
that basic level of income.

After she m*rder*d
Mr. Chaudhari,

the primary thing
that she stole from the store
were lottery tickets

and that specific $500 a week
for life lottery ticket.

She took nearly an entire roll

and those were the tickets
that were found in her car

and at the place
where she was staying

where she had
methodically gone through
scratching them out,

hoping to find
a grand prize winner.

On Wednesday,
April 11th, 2015,

Skyy Mims was found guilty
of all charges by a jury

Skyy Mims was found guilty
of all charges by a jury

and was ultimately sentenced
to life in prison

without the possibility
of parole.

The Georgia Supreme Court

drops the theft conviction
four years later.

I was ecstatic

that she's actually gonna get
what she deserved

because he didn't deserve
that at all.

In my career,

this is the only homicide

that I've ever assisted
with or worked

that has ever been captured
on video.

that has ever been captured
on video.

It's rare. It just
doesn't happen.

And so it's something

that I'll take
with me forever.

I remember watching the video

and I remember screaming at it

and saying, "DK, fight back!"

But he fought back enough

to where he caught
his own k*ller

to where he caught
his own k*ller

just by knocking her phone
out of her pocket.

I feel like D.K.'s
with God now and...

living his best life.

No more hurt, no more pain.

I feel like he's good now.