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06x20 - The Landlady

Posted: 02/26/24 07:35
by bunniefuu

Narrator: a much loved,
elderly landlady...

Alyce was very quirky.
She was one of a kind.

Narrator: found dead
upside down in her well.

Babcock: it was shocking,

Especially learning
that she was just in our store.

can cameras reveal the truth?

my hope is that I'm gonna see

The person I think
m*rder*d alyce seff.

or just lead to a web of lies.

This is a difficult
and frustrating case.

It ended up
going a different way.

Narrator: detectives must
catch the k*ller...

You have one chance
to try a case.

...before they strike again.

Buffington: german village is
just south of downtown columbus.

Cobble streets,

Gingerbread houses,

It's just
a darling little village.

Woman: morning, alyce.

Narrator: one lifelong resident
of german village

Is a bit of a local celebrity.

Alyce was very quirky.
She was one of a kind.

She wore
not-so-good-looking wigs

And camouflage jackets.

She had a car that was painted
with a brush,

And so people knew who she was.

Narrator: alyce seff is
twice divorced with no kids.

Her career
is her life's passion,

And she's always been
a hard worker.

she owned a lot of properties.

And something she couldn't do,

She would hire someone
to do it for her.

She maintained them all.

I think she enjoyed the process
and the work of it all.

Narrator: when nancy decides
to open a flower shop,

She buys a property from alyce
and they become good friends.

Good morning, alyce.

Buffington: she just liked
what I was trying to do,

And she was willing to help me,
so she was like that.

Always lilies, alyce?

Always lilies, nancy.

You would have thought
somebody lived in that car.

She'd had so much stuff in there

Isn't it time you cleared
that car out of yours?

Your junk is my treasure.

Those things just
didn't matter to her.

She was feisty,

And she was independent
and didn't take any guff.

But yet she could be very kind
and generous.

And so that's what
I liked about her.


Narrator: like clockwork,
on the first of every month,

Alyce visits the occupants
of her 15 properties...

...and collects the rent
in cash.

Her tenants now don't expect
to see her again...

See you next month.
You too. Bye-bye.

...until august 1st.

[ Marching band playing ]

Columbus then celebrates
a happy fourth of july weekend.

But just a few days later,

Police dispatch get a call from
a resident in german village.

A body has been found in a well

At a property
on south high street.

The detective who catches
the case is james day.

Day: the first person we talked
to is, of course,

The person
that discovered the body.

He lives next door.
He's there with his daughter.

They're cutting
across the property.

And that's where he smelled
a rank odor

Of something that had died.

I walked into the backyard.

There's a privacy fence along
the south edge of the property.

I do notice that there's blood
spattered along that fence.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

I see a lot of personal items
scattered all over the backyard.

Pieces of paper, reward cards.

There's a wig laying there.

As I go around the building,
there is this decorative well,

Kind of like the old jack
and jill nursery rhyme.

We look inside the well,
there's definitely a body.

She's upside down.

the detective's first impression

Is of a robbery gone wrong.

I felt that it was a mugging.

The blood on the fence told me
that there was a struggle.

We were hoping that it would
possibly be linked to a suspect.

Narrator: there is no sign
of a m*rder w*apon,

But there should be
lots of opportunities

To find the k*ller's dna.

Day: we take all of the items
we recovered from the scene

And we send them off
to the state lab.

Narrator: the forensic team
works into the night

To disassemble the wooden well.

At 1:15 a.m.,

The body is finally recovered
and confirmed as being alyce.

You look for things
that shouldn't be there

And you look for things
that should be there and aren't.

One of the first things I notice
when we get her body out

Is her cellphone is missing.

She has a nylon holster
that would hold a cellphone

On her waistband and it's empty.

The other thing we're noticing
is there's no car.

We learned
she lives several miles away

In another area of town.

This was one of her rental
properties, which was vacant.

She's using for storage.


Narrator: finding alyce's car
is priority one.

Blue ford escort.

Narrator: and detective day
immediately issues a bolo.

If we find the car, maybe we
find the person who did this.

he then submits a request

To have alyce's
cellphone records examined.

We can get a gps.

I'm hoping that the usage area
of her cellphone

Would also tell us
where that car was located.

We get the phone,

We get the car,
we get the k*ller.

Buffington: I was in the flower
shop that she sold to me.

Have you heard the news?

And someone came in and said,

"Did you hear alyce seff
was m*rder*d?"

Alyce? Yeah.

I said, "oh, my god, no."

So then I saw it on the news.

Reporter: 80-year-old landlady

Was found in her well
on one of her properties.

Alyce would certainly fight back
because she was feisty.

It probably didn't do her
any favors, you know.

I don't understand
why he would put her in a well.

All you have to do is
take the money and run.

It was just a really horrible
thing to think about.

Narrator: the next day,

Alyce's decomposed body
is taken for autopsy.

They determined she was k*lled
over the fourth of july weekend.

There was no definite
cause of death.

She didn't have
a fractured skull.

She didn't have a g*nsh*t wound.
She didn't have a s*ab wound.

I'm thinking that
during the struggle,

Maybe she's struck in the face.

But we can't determine that

Because the state
her body is in.

The death may have been actually
positional asphyxiation.

It was as if
he'd just dug a hole,

Put her in there alive
and covered it back up.

Her death wouldn't have been
quick but long and suffering.

what's more, the dna results

From the crime scene
offers no help.

Unfortunately, it all
comes back negative.

Narrator: the blood on the fence
all belongs to the victim.

The forensic results
give no clues

To her k*ller being there
at all.

Then alyce's cellphone records
come in.

We can see from
the triangulation of the towers,

There's lots of phone activity

After the time
we thought she was k*lled.

So we know someone else
is using her cellphone.

And that was big.

Narrator: at the start of july,

Her cell only pings off towers
in german village.

But beginning on july 5th,

It pings three towers
in the northeast of the city.

Day: because of where those
phone calls were coming from,

I simply asked the officers
in that area...

Start looking northeast
of downtown. look out for alyce's car.


Narrator: detective day
puts the word out to the press

In a call for tips and leads.

[ Telephone rings ]

Day: but when the news of alyce
seff's m*rder was broadcasted...

Yeah, this is day.

...we start getting
a lot of calls

From associates, friends,
people she did business with.

I'll be right there.

One of them was the owner
of murray's tool company.

She told us that alyce
was a frequent customer,

And that she actually
had surveillance footage

Of the last time
she was in there,

Which may have been the day
she was k*lled.

And that's where I got
the first lead.

Narrator: the owners are
ed babcock and his wife, wendy.

Babcock: when we found out
alyce was m*rder*d,

It was shocking,
especially learning that she was

Just in our store within a day
or two of that happening

And then realizing
that how long she had been dead.

Narrator: the store has a modern
surveillance system.

Detective day wants to know

If it has caught
alyce's k*ller on camera.

Babcock: we wanted to do
anything we could do

To help her
and solve this m*rder.

Day: stop. There.

Narrator: following the m*rder

Of 81-year-old landlady
alyce seff,

Police hope surveillance video

From a local hardware store
will reveal her k*ller.

O'brien: murray's tool rental
was a business

That she would rent
some small tools from.

Around the time
that she had last been seen,

She was in the store.

This is the last time
we saw her.

Babcock: it was right after
the fourth of july.

She came in and she needed
some hedge trimmers sharpened.

Narrator: store manager wendy
cues up the video

To 11:46 a.m. On july 5th.

Day: is that alyce?

Babcock: that's alyce.

The video did show her there.

Narrator: alyce is joined at the
counter by wendy's husband, ed.

Can you freeze it? Zoom in?

What are those?

Hedge trimmers.

They look pretty lethal.

What happens next?

Alyce follows ed
and leaves frame to the right.

A short while later...

Go back.

...she crosses frame
back to the exit.

This is the last moment
they have of alyce on camera.

Determined to find a lead
that could i.d. Her k*ller,

Day watches the footage again.

Stop. Go back.

Can we see that again?

Sure. Closer.

It showed her behavior
with the money

And that she would reach
into her shirt,

Pull a big wad of cash
out of her bra

And pay for whatever
she was renting.

Narrator: big characters
with big bank rolls

Can make easy targets.

She had a really bad habit of
carrying a large amount of cash.

Very old school.

And clearly, that's one of the
factors that made her a target.

Have you got
another angle on that?

Yes, sure.

switching to another camera,

They rewatch alyce's movements
from behind the counter.

And from this angle, they can
see the other customers.

Day needs to trace anyone
in the store

Who notices alyce's money.

On the right, who's that guy?

Alyce turns to look at a man
at the side exit.

Zoom in on him.

Can he see the cash
she is holding?

He leaves shot,

And alyce does not
seem concerned.

As they play on, day notices

A woman who could have clocked
alyce's cash.

Have you got
another angle on that?


The woman seems friendly

But wouldn't have noticed
alyce's money.

Returning to the second angle,
day spots another individual

Who has an eye on alyce
as she chats to manager ed... employee standing at the
back who appears to watch alyce

Before leaving out
at the rear exit.

Babcock: my husband, ed,
would say things like,

"Don't carry as much around."

But, obviously, she didn't
listen to that.

In her mind,

She was doing exactly
what she should be doing.

That's just the way she was.

She wasn't gonna
be pushed around.

as alyce leaves frame after ed,

A man with a cap
at the counter sees her go.

Now, who's that guy?

The man leaves with an employee.

Moments later, alyce leaves
via a different exit

With her trimmers and her cash.

Investigators need to speak

To all four individuals
seen at the store.

As police tracked them down,
alyce's body is laid to rest.

Though she doesn't have
any close living relatives,

Her loss is felt
across the village.

Buffington: I don't think
she would ever imagined

That would happened to her.

I think on some level,

She trusted people
probably too much.

Went to her funeral.

It was packed with people

That really felt strongly
about her

And mourned for her.

Babcock: knowing that somebody
had k*lled alyce

Was really hard for us.

I don't know how they
walked around

And was able to sleep at night.

I just don't know
how they do that.

She was a nice lady that was
trying to do her good things,

But it was very...
It was very hard.

Narrator: police have located

The four individuals
from the tool store.

But as each is interviewed,

They are crossed off the list
and cleared with a solid alibi.

Neither they nor anyone else
seen at murray's was involved.

As detective day
hits a dead end...

[ Telephone ringing ]

...a call comes in.

This is day.

Patrol officers have found
alyce's car

Abandoned 3 miles northeast
of the crime scene.

Let's bring it in.

They impound the car,
and then we process it.

O'brien: it was taken to
columbus police impound lot

To see if there was a way
of identifying

Who had been
in the car most recently.

So they swabbed the car for dna

And that became
an important part

Of the next step
in the investigation.

It's full of stuff...

Trash, paint,

Building supplies,
drywall stuff, tape.

The driver's area
is what I want them to check

For any fingerprints
or any other dna.

And then I notice the armrest
on the driver's door

Apparently had been
knocked off the door.

She had taken finishing nails
and nailed the armrest

Back onto the side of the car.

It left the very small heads
of the finishing nails exposed.

There I saw there was a drop
of blood on that finishing nail.

I specifically said, "make sure
you get me that blood."

Narrator: day knows he's getting
closer to the k*ller,

But faces a wait
for dna results.

Meanwhile, as alyce's
possessions are audited

By her lawyers,

They make a discovery
that kickstarts a new lead.

Alyce liked cash in hand,
but she owned two credit cards

That were not present
at the crime scene.

We discovered that there was
activity on alyce's bank card

At several stores up
in the northern part of town

Between the time we believe
she had been m*rder*d

And the time
that her body had been found.

There was a kroger's and a
meijer's and a gas station,

But the meijer store
were the only ones

That had actual surveillance
video of each checkout station.

Narrator: day races to meijer's
to review their footage.

My hope, of course, is that
I'm gonna see the person

I think m*rder*d alyce seff.

Day: okay. Freeze it there.

Narrator: on the trail
of alyce seff's k*ller,

Detective day is hoping
to identify them on camera.

Her credit cards have been used
at a superstore

The day after her death.

I had determined from the loss
prevention person

That they had video on each one
of the cash registers.

He was able to pull up
the actual transaction.

Narrator: they cue the tape

To the moment before
the card was used...

Day hopes to see
the face of alyce's k*ller.

Day: zoom in.

Is that him?

But the transaction
number doesn't match.

The next customer appears to be
a woman wearing a yellow vest.

But she moves off.

Once the man leaves, another
woman moves to the checkout

With a full belts' worth
of goods.

Well, let's wait
for the transaction.

Let's go back
and see that again.

Actual transaction is made
by an african-american female.

Narrator: the unexpected suspect
completes the purchase.

Day needs to track her movements
and try to identify her.

Let's follow her.
Where did she go?

Switching cameras,

They watch
her leave the checkout.


She calmly heads
towards the exit

With the goods purchased
on stolen credit.

Who's that woman?

A second woman then appears
to join her.

Let's go back and play it again.

Zoom in.

Okay, freeze it there.

Once we saw that, we went back

And searched
through the footage again.

That's that same woman.

She slipped away
just before the sale.

I was kind of surprised to see
that there were two women

Using these credit cards
because I never thought

That what had happened
to alyce seff

Would have been performed
by a couple of women.

Okay, let's follow them
from start to finish.

Narrator: using the many cameras
throughout the huge store,

They are able to track
the entire spree.

we were able to backtrack it

And got within that time frame
from different cameras.

Got them walking in the store.

Got them shopping around
at different departments.

the women are not captured

In detail
when they leave the store.

Go back to the entrance.

So day rewinds all the way

To get the clearest image
he can.


He needs to find
his two prime suspects

And learn how they got
alyce's cards.

The faces of these two women
are sort of blurry.

You see their general build.

But you wouldn't be able
to recognize them

Unless you really knew them

Narrator: again, the detective
uses the media for help.

Day: I knew that I could
take that video,

Get it put on the news,

And someone would tell me
who they were.

[ Telephone rings ]

This is day.

he doesn't have to wait long.

Hold on a sec.

The woman in yellow
presents herself to police.

Yeah, go ahead.

So we interviewed
brenda greathouse.

Brenda had gone to high school
with charles jerome greene

And had a long-term relationship
with him.

When he showed her the card,

She saw the name
on them and asked,

"Isn't this the woman
that you work for?"

And he just said, "well,
she gave me the cards to use."

Narrator: brenda explains that
her ex-boyfriend, greene,

Had sometimes worked for alyce

As a handyman at her properties.

She names the other woman
in the store as norita sams,

Who has served time
for receiving stolen property.

And she also links greene
to alyce's phone,

Which she saw him use
and even borrowed herself.

She was being truthful
with the detectives

Because she realized
at that point

That she herself could be
in some deep trouble

By not asking questions about
the source of the credit card

And not questioning what seems
to be an implausible story.

Narrator: both brenda greathouse
and her friend norita sams

Have solid alibis and are not
suspects in alyce's m*rder.

Ultimately, neither is charged

Over the use
of her credit cards.

Day is now on the hunt
for alyce's handyman,

Charles jerome greene.

we learn that she used people

That she'd met on the street
do work for her.

She paid him in cash.

Babcock: deep down, I think

She was just
trying to help somebody else.

A fellow human being and help
get them back on their feet,

Maybe a little bit.

Narrator: day immediately
puts greene's details

Through the police database.

That was a big thing for me.
I had my suspect.

But this is a difficult,
frustrating case

Because it ended up
going a very different way.

[ Alyce yelling, screaming ]

Narrator: detective day

Has a suspect in the m*rder
of alyce seff...

Her handyman,
charles jerome greene.

With a long list
of drug charges,

He is easy to find
on the police database.

But it's not so simple
to track him down in person.

Day: the information that brenda
greathouse gave me about greene

Is that he didn't
have a permanent address,

Didn't have a permanent job.

And they actually didn't know
how to get ahold of him.

He would just show up
every now and then.

I wouldn't know where he's at
until he surfaced.

Narrator: when alyce's will
is revealed, it's a shock.

Despite her frugal lifestyle,
alyce seff was a rich woman

Worth at least $1 million.

She leaves half to a charity
for veterans

And half to her synagogue.

She told me that her father
gave her and her sister

Each $5,000 when they graduated,

And she invested her $5,000
in her very first property.

She just went from there
buying more properties

Until she got a lot of them.

That was her thing.
That's what she like doing.


Babcock: if you looked at alyce,

You would never guess
she was a millionaire.

Every time I saw her,
it was the same outfit.

Buffington: she didn't care
if she was seen

In the shi-shi places
or anything like that.

That was not alyce.

You'd had never known
she had a lot of money.

Narrator: meanwhile,
the dna results come back

From the forensics
of alyce's car.

Day: other than alyce's dna,

There were three samples of dna
that were found

That came back to
the same person

From the blood,

The steering wheel
and the shifting stick.

When interviewing the friends
and associates of alyce,

We found out she wouldn't allow

Anybody else to drive her car.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

She would go pick people up
and drive them

To places to do this work.

Narrator: knowing only alyce
ever drove her car,

This is likely the k*ller's dna,

But the trace samples
don't provide a definite match.

Day: the person is
a african-american male,

Which is the general profile
of charles jerome greene.

But I couldn't be sure.

So I need to get ahold of him,
get his dna.

Need a briefing set up.

And I could most likely
wrap this up.

That's the only way
we're gonna get this guy.

Narrator: investigators step up
the efforts

To find the homeless suspect
before he robs and kills again.

I went to patrol officers
that worked that precinct,

Gave them pictures of him
that we had in our records

Asking for them to try
and find this guy.

And if they did,
to give me a call.

That just didn't work out.

I couldn't find him.

So basically, everything's
at a stalemate right now.

We're stalled out.

I'm convinced that he's my guy.

I can't find him.

Narrator: their suspect has
vanished into the metropolis,

And the case goes cold.

Someone can be missing in a
large city for a period of time,

But detectives will put
a hold on them

So that if they're ever stopped
for a speeding ticket

Or jaywalking,
the detective will be notified.

Mr. Greene disappeared
for about three years.

Well, one of my lulls
sitting in the office.


He pops up on screen.

There's an arrest
for a drug offense.

I start making calls,
find out about the charge.

He's in jail
awaiting a court appearance.

He's my prime suspect.

So now charles jerome greene

Is merely a mile
down the road from me.

See you in 10.

I literally jump up, grab some
dna swabs, go to the jail.

I need to see this guy.

Narrator: three years after
the m*rder of alyce seff,

Detective day finally sits face
to face with the prime suspect.

Do you know alyce?

Day: I tell him I'm here
about alyce seff.

He said, "yeah,
I know about alyce seff."

Nice lady.

I said,
"you know she was k*lled."


I said, "will you talk to me
about that?"

"No, I want an attorney."

I don't think you're
gonna pin this one on me.

No, sir.

He knows the system
enough to know

That he's probably gonna
get a time-served sentence,

Then they're gonna turn him

Narrator: greene shuts him down,

Refusing to speak
without a lawyer.

But day has one last request.

Then I asked him
the big question.

"So will you let me
take a dna sample from you?"

Surprisingly, he says, "yes."


And I swab
the inside of his cheeks.

So I didn't get to talk to him.

I did get
the most important thing.

I got his dna.

Narrator: soon enough, greene
is released and free to go.

But it's not long
before the dna swab pays off.

Day: his dna is in
the driver's seat area.

It matches the sample
from the armrest,

From the steering wheel
and from the shifting stick,

Which tells me
he's operating this car

And cut himself
on that jagged edge

Of the head
of the finishing nail.

That sample gave me the very
best match.

At that point,
I figure I got him.

Keep me from going
anywhere or doing anything.

You can leave any time you want.

Narrator: greene faces
detectives again.

Day: ...if you need one.

And this time day is armed
with dna evidence.

The dna analysis
came back positive

Showing that greene
had been in the car.

But at the same time,

Greene was in a position

Of saying the dna
was deposited there

When I rode in the car
before the homicide.

Day" do you have
a driver's license?

He tells us he always rode
in the passenger seat.

This was important because
the dna found in her car

That matched him
was in the driver's seat area.

police have placed greene

Behind the wheel
of the victim's car.

But he won't admit to ever
being at the crime scene

On south high street.

The detective feels
he has enough

To take his suspect to trial.

I now have charles greene's dna

Matching dna from the car.

I have a witness stating
that he had alyce's cellphone

And her credit cards.

Narrator: but the d.a.'S office
apply the brakes.

O'brien: you certainly had
enough evidence

To charge him
with receiving stolen property.

But it's not good enough

To show that he actually
committed the m*rder.

Narrator: once again...

He walks free.

They want something that can
link charles jerome greene

to the scene of the crime.

Narrator: without proof

Their suspect was ever
at the wishing-well house.

Prosecutors don't think
they can win a trial.

I have 90% of a case here.

I still need the other 10%.

day has followed every lead

But just can't place
his suspect at the scene.

that really was getting to me.

I knew
I was so close to solving it.

But then the final conclusion
to it just kept evading me.

Narrator: after three years
investigating the case,

He is unable to bring
justice to alyce.

O'brien: detective day retired,

And the case gets turned over
to the cold-case unit

Of the police department.

Narrator: the veteran cop
leaves in limbo.

Day: it was frustrating

Because I wanted to finish this
before I left

From the beginning to the end.

alyce's k*ller remains free.

But a new detective picks up
the baton.

Longerbone: one day the
prosecutor's office asked me

To review the case, and I did.

I've worked a lot of cases,

But this one needed
a lot of luck.

Narrator: six years
after the m*rder of alyce seff,

Cold-case detective
jim longerbone

Seeks the evidence needed

To convict
or eliminate the prime suspect.

You have one chance
to try a case,

And they wanted a tight case

To ensure that they're going
to get a conviction.

Narrator: longerbone trawls
the files in detail...

Longerbone: I was looking
for any bit of information

That needed to be followed up on

That could have been missed.

...examining every lead...

I like to get a firsthand look.

So I did go check
the crime scene out.

Narrator: ...and scrutinizing
the location.

And it just appeared
everything had been done.

Narrator: but like day
before him, strikes out.

Until I got ahold
of the witnesses.

determined that someone
must have seen something,

He reinterviews those
who lived near the crime scene.

The witnesses were interviewed
at the scene,

But none of them mentioned that
they had seen anything unusual

That happened prior
to the finding of the body.

The lady who lived next door,

She had seen an unusual person
with miss seff

Who was doing work
on the back deck.

Woman #2: I saw a man
working in the...

Narrator: her testimony

About the days before
alyce was k*lled

May be the missing link.

Longerbone: the guy was painting
the back deck.

He came over to her and kept
asking for beers, plural.

I mean, like not a beer,
but he wanted beers.

It's hot work out here.

She'd got a very good look
at him.

About that time,
alyce came by...

I'm not paying you...

...and told him
to get back to work.

...get done by itself.

I ask her if she could identify
the guy she saw,

And she said, "absolutely."

longerbone presents the witness

With a photo array.

she pointed to mr. Greene

And said,
"that's him right there."

[ Laughs ]

That's what we needed,

Because now we can put him
at the scene

At the time of the m*rder.

Narrator: after years
of stonewalling police,

Greene's time is up.

Prosecutors now have
what they need to arrest.

O'brien: all the pieces
of the puzzle come together,

And there was
sufficient evidence

To go forward at that point.

for the lead detective,

Closure comes with being
proved right all along.

But that was the cherry
on top that finished in.

greene maintains his innocence.

But the retired detective day
returns to confront him

With what he thinks happened.

Alyce's hedge trimmers
are never found.

Day: he took her car
and her credit cards.

If he had just taken her money,

This probably would never
have been solved.

He was indicted for the crime,

Arrested and set up for a trial.

Narrator: charles jerome greene
is sentenced to 10 years

For aggravated robbery,

And 15 years to life
for the m*rder of alyce seff.

being an investigator
for nearly 40 years,

It's very satisfying for me
personally in a good way

To end my career
in investigations.

O'brien: well, the contribution
that murray tools gave

To the detectives
in this case was very important

Because it allowed the timeline
to be narrowed

In their investigation.

It became very important.

Babcock: it was a good feeling.

Somebody that could do this
was off the streets,

And I hope
it was enough justice for her.

I believe alyce was k*lled

Because she trusted
the wrong person.

I think she was trying to do
the right thing.

I think she was trying
to help somebody out.

Buffington: she would come
and pick me up sometimes,

And we'd drive around

And she would tell me stories
about her life.

She was
a very interesting woman.

It was just always interesting
to hear her stories.
