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03x07 - Deadly Daycare

Posted: 02/26/24 07:31
by bunniefuu
[ Eerie music climbs ]

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

A date night ends...

Don't wait up.
Okay. a savage k*lling.


[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Her family left devastated
by this brutal act.

And I just was hopin'
that it was a mistake.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

But the unblinking eye
of a surveillance camera...

Surveillance footage
captures everything.

It doesn't lie.

Reveals the shocking truth...

Oh, my god!

...that leads police
to a ruthless m*rder*r.

He was

a predator

stalking his prey.

[ Static crackles ]

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

[ static crackles ]

[Melancholy tune plays]
[Bicycle bell rings]

Oakland, California.

Friday evening.

April 4, 2014.

is at her sister's place...

What do you think?

...getting ready
for a night out.

Girl, you're going

Come on.
I'll show you. Okay.

Kimberly had a very
outgoing personality.

She loved to have fun.

How about... This one?

She had just went and got
her hair done that day.

She was gettin' a whole,
brand-new set of nails.

You know, she was
ready to go out.

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

[ Melancholy lullaby plays ]

Kimberly moved to Oakland
with her 2-year-old daughter,

so she can study
criminal justice.

She had a goal in life
that she wanted to provide

a better lifestyle
for her daughter.

Delcinia loves her mama.

And Kimberly would kind
of be running around

with her all the time,
and, you know,

they had a good relationship.

Tonight, marquita's babysitting
because Kimberly has a date.

That's my cab outside.

At that age, you know,
you still want to go out

and have a good time.

Don't wait up.

Have fun, honey.

She was awesome.

Kimberly heads off on her date.

Into the Oakland night.

[Suspenseful chord strikes]

The following morning,
just before dawn,

A biker rider calls 911

from an Oakland rec center.


It was about 6:30
in the morning.

It was dusk.

As he rode his bicycle by,

he noticed someone
lying on the ground.

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

He noticed that something
was terribly wrong.

The woman wasn't unconscious.

She was dead.

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

[Shutter clicks]
[Siren wails]

[ Sinister music plays ]

[ Shutter clicking ]

I was told that a victim
had been located on the ground,

that it was a female victim.

She'd been pronounced deceased.

[ Sinister music climbs ]

It's now dawn and,
not far from the body,

investigators find a sweater
and a receipt.

Which may have nothing to do
with the crime at all.

Bag it and log
it anyway, okay?

Yes, sir.

[Flashbulb pops]
But the k*ller did leave behind

one valuable piece
of evidence:

The victim's I.D.

[ Flashbulb pops ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

It's 10:00 am.

Kimberly's sister marquita

figures she spent the night
at boyfriend Danny's.

Your mommy might've
quite the time last night.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Must've forgot her keys.

What time do you...?

- Marquita Martin?
- Yes.

My name is detective
Randy brandwood

and this is detective tran of
the Oakland police department.

May we come in?

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I... Was just putting her
down for a nap.

How can I help you?

It's about
your sister Kimberly.

[ Eerie music plays ]

Early this morning, her body
was discovered in a nearby park.

[Crying] No.


[ Sobbing ]

I'm cryin' and I'm like, "no"
and I just got hysterical.

And I just was hopin'
that it was a mistake.

[ Suspenseful music climbs,
chord strikes ]

Do you know anyone who might
have wanted to hurt Kimberly?

He asked me, you know,
did I know anything?

And I like explained to him,
like, you know,

"she went out last night."

Marquita told us
that she was asked

to watch Kimberly's daughter

'cause she was gonna go out
with her boyfriend, Danny.

You think Danny
did this?

No way.

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

You know, and I'm like, "no.
He's not the one," you know?

"We need to find out
who did this."

[ Eerie music plays ]

Kimberly's boyfriend,
Danny royer,

immediately comes in
for questioning.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

- Hey, Danny.
- Hi.

Thanks for comin' around
and talkin' to us.

He's surprisingly calm,

for a man who's just found out
his girlfriend's dead.

We're always trying
to form suspect profiles.

Who could be involved?

It's gonna be a boyfriend.

It's gonna be, you know,
someone who knows her,

someone who was intimate
with her at one point.

Danny tells detectives
he's been friends

[sinister music plays]
With the victim for months,

but they only recently
starting dating.

What about last night?

We went to a bar in Oakland
called the lakeside lounge.

He was admittedly
with her the night before,

which definitely
piqued our interest.

He said Kim and Danny arrived
at the lakeside lounge

at approximately 11:30 pm.

Then, the time
that they left was

approximately 1:15
in the morning.

Detectives press him
for details

about what happened
after they left the club.

Danny explains they'd been
drinking all night,

and he didn't think
it was a good idea

for either of them to drive.

- What's wrong with you?
- But Kimberly insisted

they drive,
and that sparked an argument.

Just get in the car,
girl, please.

No, wait! Wait.
I will drive.

Give me the keys.
- Why?

He said he didn't want to drive.
He wanted to take a taxi.

Kimberly wasn't havin' it.

I just wanna go home.

I'm just gonna
call a taxi.

[ Foreboding music climbs ]

Will you stay in the
damn cab? Hey!

But Kimberly said she was
finding her own way home.

Kimberly's upset with him

and walks down to a bus stop
on east 18th street,

which is right across
from the bar where they were at.

[ Sinister music plays ]

Danny says he couldn't
leave Kimberly alone

in the middle of the night,
so he got out of the cab,

into his car,
and decided to wait out

her fit of anger
across from the bus stop.

[ Distorted tune plays ]

I must've fallen asleep
because, when I woke up,

she was gone.
[Suspenseful chord strikes]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

It's what detectives might call
a very convenient alibi.

Let's keep him in for now,
make him sweat.

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

Danny was primary
suspect one for us.

Detectives need to check out
his unlikely story

and figure out
how Kimberly wound up dead

a quarter-mile
from the bus stop.

But first they're about
to get information

that will help:

Kimberly's preliminary autopsy.

Detective tran.

Cause of death:

Blunt-force trauma
to the head.

We saw the different
fracture lines.

So you can see fractures
up here

through the cranium lobe.

She had a severe
break in her skull.

She had internal brain

So we knew it was deliberate.

That's not all.

That's not the only
trauma she endured.

Kimberly had actually
been sexually assaulted.

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

Anything to get
a trace on, DNA?

There's always a chance,

but DNA analysis could take
days, or even weeks.

[ Siren wails ]

Meantime, detectives head over
to the lakeside lounge

to search for witnesses.

That's when they spot
something even better:

A surveillance camera,
right over the bar's entrance.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

And that's not the only one.

What they find next
is beyond expectation:

A haunting look
at Kimberly robertson's

last night alive,

[suspenseful music climbs]
Captured on video.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

[Static crackles]
[Suspenseful music plays]

[ Static crackles ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

In Oakland, California,
detectives working

the Kimberly robertson
m*rder investigation

are about to get
their first glimpse

of the victim's last night out.


[ Eerie music plays ]

Can we take a look inside?

- Yeah. Let's go.
- Okay.

Every section of the bar

is covered by a network
of surveillance cameras.

These all live?


They start with the video
right outside the bar.

Mr. royer said they arrived
at the club around 11:30.

So take it back
a couple minutes earlier.

Now, to see if there's any truth
to Danny's story at all...

[ Eerie music climbs ]

[ Static crackles ]

[ Foreboding music plays ]

- There he is.
- Yeah.

Wearin' the same clothes
he did this morning.

That's her.

What you notice about her
right away is the boots.

The shiny boots that she was
wearing, that we found her in,

and she walks into
the club by herself.

[ Ominous music plays ]

Detectives switch to the camera
just inside the entrance.

The interior cameras
are infrared

and capture amazing detail,
even in low light.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

But detectives don't need
high-resolution footage

to pick up on the tension

between Kimberly and Danny.

She doesn't look
happy at all.

Danny, meantime,
is in a world of his own.

Moments after entering the bar,

he starts chatting
with two women.

They haven't said
one word to each other.

Moments later, a camera
over the bar picks them up.

There he is.

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

That's her.

I spent many, many hours
poring over that video,

watching, over and over again,
her interactions,

who she was talking to,
if anybody followed them,

you know, if there's
any competition

between Danny
and another guy,

something that would've sparked

some kind of
retaliatory v*olence.

But nothing stands out,

just Kimberly, walking
through the club with Danny,

barely talking to anyone.


[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Who's this guy?

Near the end of the night,

there is someone
Danny engages with.

At 1:16 am,

Kimberly, Danny,

and their friend
all head for the exit.

Big guy's still with them.

Can you replay that?

It's almost like he's
pushing them out the door.

[ Eerie music climbs ]


[ Ominous music plays ]

The footage clearly shows
a third person

leaving the club
with Kimberly and Danny.

But who is he?

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Detectives switch to the
exterior camera, over the exit.

So they walked out
onto east 18th street.

They made a left,
which would be eastbound.

As they leave,
the unknown man

is right between
Kimberly and Danny.

Whoever it is, police need
to find him, quickly.

[ Suspenseful music climbs,
chord strikes ]

go back to Kimberly's sister

for more information.

So how was Kimberly on Friday
night, happy, excited?

Yeah, both.

Do you know
who this might be?

Yeah. That's one
of Danny's boys.

They hang out.

[ Eerie chord strikes ]

Marquita identifies the man
as Danny's friend Marco.

Police promptly bring him in
for questioning.

Marco confirms he left the bar
with the couple

a little after 1:00 am.

Then, he gave them
a lift to Danny's car

in a parking lot nearby.

How were they
when you left them?

Kimberly was mad.

She thought Danny was
mackin' other girls.

He was pretty drunk.

First, he ignores Kimberly.

Then, he flirts with other women
right in front of her.

[ Sinister music climbs ]

[ Distorted chord strikes ]

Police head to the place
Marco says he dropped them off:

A parking lot next
to a walgreens drugstore.

Detectives are in luck.
- Look, cameras.

The walgreens is crisscrossed
with surveillance cameras.

They must've
picked up something.

We were able
to get the walgreens

surveillance footage
pretty quick.

Detectives can now delve deeper

into Kimberly robertson's
last night on earth.

Surveillance footage
captures everything.

It doesn't lie.
It's not like a human witness.

But what those cameras saw

will only add one more layer
to this bizarre mystery.

[Static crackles]
[Suspenseful music plays]

[ Static crackles ]

Hours after the m*rder
of Kimberly robertson,

her boyfriend, Danny's, account
of what happened that night

is being checked out,
piece by piece.

Investigators hope
new parking lot video

will show them what happened.

They watch the video
from 1:24 am,

the time Kimberly and Danny

allegedly got to
the parking lot.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

[ Ominous chord strikes ]


Well, nothing
happening here.

Let it play.

He said
they hailed a cab.

Sure enough, at 1:50 am,
a cab pulls up.

That's him.

Where's Kimberly?

[ Sinister music climbs ]

About 25 seconds later,

another figure walks
towards the taxi,

a female, with long dark hair

and light-colored pants
matching Kimberly's description.

the passenger door opens.

Kimberly gets out and walks out
of the camera's view.

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

Danny did say
they were having

an argument in the cab.

Then, the taxi leaves.

With only Danny inside.

Detectives cue up
the second camera,

a much wider view of the lot.

Danny had gotten into
the backseat of that taxi

and Kim got into the front
seat of the taxi.

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

She slammed the door
like she was upset,

and she's walking
across the parking lot.

And Danny leaves without her.

But he told police
he did not take a taxi.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

What's this?

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

One minute after the cab
pulled out, it returns.

The glare of the headlights

makes it hard to tell
what's happening.

But detectives theorize
that Danny

is searching for Kimberly
from inside the vehicle.

Why did he come back?

Is he trying to get her
back in the cab?

The taxi drives off again.

Almost 2 more minutes pass

before it returns
to the parking lot yet again.

This time, Danny gets out
and walks offscreen alone.

The taxi leaves.

And there's no sign
of Kimberly.

The question is,
where did she go?

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

Moments later,
just after 2:00 am,

a black SUV
pulls out of the lot.

That's him, black SUV.

That's Danny leaving.

He said,
when he got into the car,

he drove out of
the walgreens parking lot

and he said he parked
right underneath

the Metro bank camera system.

So far, Danny's unlikely story
is actually holding up.

The final part of his alibi

is that he pulled over
across from the bus stop

and slept the rest of the night
in front of a bank.

[ Eerie music climbs ]

Obviously, we needed to dig
into his story and check it out

and make sure
that it all matched up.

Police head to the bus stop
on east 18th street,

the last place Danny says
he saw Kimberly alive.

across the street diagonally,

they spot what
they're looking for:

A bank security camera,
pointing down

at the opposite side
of the street.

[ Sinister music plays ]

It's the Metro bank

exterior camera
on east 18th.

I'm going to need all
the footage from midnight

to 6:00 am.

Got it.

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

While investigators wait
for the footage,

Kimberly's sister marquita

is struggling
to hold it together.

Her own mother was m*rder*d

when Kimberly was
just 2 years old,

the same age as delcinia.

One day I was outside, playin',

and my grandmother
got the phone call.

She was shot by her boyfriend

and she tried to run
out the front door

and he shot her in the arm.

And the b*llet
traveled to her heart

and she died at the hospital.

It was tragic and unbelievable,

the parallel between Kim's life
and her mom's life.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Kimberly robertson
has been dead for 24 hours

when the Metro bank
video arrives.

If boyfriend Danny
is telling the truth,

then his black Toyota rav4

should appear on video
right in front of the bank.

Detectives cue up
the video to 2:00 am.

[ Eerie music plays ]

And 1 minute later,

there it is,

the same SUV that left the
walgreens lot a minute before.

The first thing that I see

is the vehicle pulls up
in front of the Metro bank,

turns off its lights, and
legally parks along the curb.

With time of death estimated
between 2:00 and 6:00 am,

this is a critical
piece of video.

If Danny pulls away
or even gets out of the car

during this period,

his alibi is blown.

Is he still there?

Hasn't moved.

We watch it, and we watch it,

and we're so focused
on watching him,

seeing if he gets
out of the car.

[ Sinister music plays ]

Finally, at 6:18 am,
the passenger door opens

and Danny gets out
to stretch his legs.

By this time,
Kimberly's already dead.

It put Danny royer on video

for the whole timeframe between
when Kimberly was last seen,

walking across
the walgreens parking lot,

'til the time
her body was located.

He's accounted for:
He's there in his car

and he never leaves his car.

His unlikely alibi
has been proven true

over the course
of hours of cctv footage.

The Metro bank camera, for us,

was a great, hands-down,
corroborater for Danny saying

that he is absolutely
not our suspect.

Everything that Danny
tells us happened, happened.

[ Sinister chord strikes ]

I mean, I went from a suspect
to a witness to,

[melancholy tune plays]
You know,

just somebody
who had information.

So they were looking
at me for answers

and I didn't know if I had them
or not, honestly.

It was a lot to take in
at that moment,

to just have one feeling.

Kim was the main deal for me.

I just wanted to know
what happened,

just like everybody else.

[ Ominous music plays ]

Kimberly's k*ller
is still out there.

[ Eerie music plays ]

Take it back
to 2:00 am.

Detectives dig back in,

searching for any
overlooked clues.

Okay. Let's concentrate
on Kimberly.

Now where would she be,

according to
the witness statement?

At the bus stop opposite.

Look. You can see it
in the reflection.

Yeah. There she is.

The bus stop is just visible
in the reflection

of the building
overlooking Danny's car.

At 2:05 am,

officers spot something
they hadn't noticed before.

Can you play it again?

Right around the time
Danny first pulled up...

There's a red Toyota 4runner
that drives up the street

past Kimberly at the bus stop.

Then, a few seconds later,

drives right back down it.

[ Ominous music plays ]

Officers rewind the footage

to see if they can spot
the Toyota earlier.

Phong: Look.
It's that same car again!

So we play it back,
further back,

and we were able to see
that vehicle drive

through the area several times.

We're watching it over
and over again.

There's something
that's not right.

Minutes later, in the reflection
of the Metro bank building,

the video catches
the same vehicle

circling Kimberly's bus stop
like a shark.

We realize that
this red SUV stops

for a very long time
at a bus stop.

Can you zoom in?

[ Eerie music climbs ]

Oh, my god!

[Static crackles]
[Suspenseful music plays]

[ Static crackles ]

Detectives working
the Kimberly robertson m*rder

have found something
deeply disturbing

on the Metro bank footage.

One minute after
Kimberly's boyfriend

pulled over across from the bus
stop to wait for her,

a red Toyota 4runner appears
on the nearly deserted street.

Once Danny parked his car

in front of
the metropolitan bank,

within a minute, there was
a red Toyota 4runner

that pulled up
in front of the bus stop.

[ Sinister music plays ]

The bus stop itself
is out of frame,

but in the reflection
of the building on the left,

detectives can see a horrible
little drama playing out.

You could see some
movement over there,

obviously talking to somebody
at the bus stop.

Then you see some feet
come below the car,

enter into the vehicle.

[ Sinister music plays ]

You can see in the reflection
of the window

that it is going to
make a u-turn.

And now you can see clearly
that there's someone

in the front passenger seat.

[ Ominous chord strikes ]

It appeared to me,
based on everything

we had from Danny
and the location

and the other video
from walgreens,

that it was likely Kimberly
in that vehicle.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

Investigators study
the footage again.

And again.

Freeze it.

The glare's too intense
to make out the plate,

but maybe the driver
is someone Kimberly knows.

They showed me
the vehicle first and said,

"do you recognize the vehicle?"

I was like, "no."

Then, they showed
the vehicle take Kim.

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

And then they showed it pass by

and they showed Kim
look me dead into the car.

It's the last glimpse
of Kimberly

in the last hours of her life.

I still can't believe
this is real.

It still feel like a bad dream.

Investigators urgently
need to find this vehicle,

and reach out
to the family for help.

- No.
- Have you guys ever seen it

parked outside
the apartment?

That's the first thing
they asked me,

like, did I know
who the car belonged to?

I have no friends
or anybody who owns

that red Toyota 4runner.

- Sorry for your loss.
- Narrator: Police wonder

if the young mother was randomly
abducted by a stranger.

[ Eerie chord strikes ]

Detectives have no idea
where the red Toyota went next.

But if it's the k*ller, they do
know where he'll end up.

To the f.M. Smith
rec center park,

a quarter-mile away,
where Kimberly's body was found.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Within hours,
the footage arrives,

four angles sharing
one split screen.

We're lookin'
at the hard timeframes,

like, everything after midnight.

Now, we gotta figure out
if this person

was really, really hunting
in that area.

Detectives cue the footage
to 2:30 am,

eyes peeled for a red 4runner.

[ Distorted tune plays ]

There's not much movement
in the park at this time.

Then, at 3:00 am...

[ Sinister chord strikes ]

Headlights come into view
on camera 2.

You can see that the red
Toyota 4runner drives

in the direction

of where we end up
finding Kim's body.

It was huge for us 'cause
now it gives us a timestamp

on when Kimberly was dumped.

[ Eerie music plays ]

But once again, the footage
isn't clear enough

to I.D. The license plate,

and red Toyota 4runners
are a dime a dozen in Oakland.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Desperate for anything
that can move the case forward,

investigators take a closer look

at the receipt collected
from the crime scene.

The receipt is
for garden supplies,

purchased from a lowe's home
improvement store in elk grove,

nearly 100 miles away.

It's stamped at 6:08 pm,

march 23rd,

Nearly 2 weeks
before the m*rder.

[ Ring ]

Yeah. Hi.
It's detective brandwood

of Oakland pd here.

Incredibly, the store
hasn't yet overwritten

the footage from that day.

Okay. Great.

We'll be right over.

[ Eerie music climbs ]

The technician cues up
the exterior camera,

covering the entrance
to the parking lot.

Can we take a look
at the parking lot first?

Lo and behold, at 5:37 pm,

there's a familiar red 4runner.

Seconds later,

two men climb out...

And head for the store.

One of them had a very
distinctive hairstyle,

uh, very rastafarian-type,
big, dread bun.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

It's a huge breakthrough.

This is undoubtedly
the same vehicle

that Kimberly was
last seen getting into.

The vehicle was
at our crime scene,

and here it is at the lowe's

and so we knew that receipt
belonged to our suspect.

Freeze it. Zoom in.

[ Sinister music climbs ]

But the image is too grainy
to read the plate.

Detectives' last chance is the
video from inside the store.

[ Eerie music plays ]

Zoom in on that.

There's a glimmer of hope.

The customer paid...

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

With a credit card.

A call to the credit
card company reveals

that the account holder
is a 53-year-old woman.

It looks like the card
may have been stolen...

Give me the address.

And was used again
nearly 3 hours later.

We've got another one.

There was a purchase
at a Carl's Jr. restaurant

up in elk grove.

It's common to have cameras
in their drive-thrus.

Officers head to the restaurant,
fingers crossed.

[ Eerie music climbs ]

And they're in luck.

Keep them for a month,
then they're wiped.

Hopefully, this is the footage

that can finally
nail Kimberly's k*ller.

[Static crackles]
[Suspenseful music plays]

[ Static crackles ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Narrator: The hunt for
Kimberly robertson's k*ller

has taken Oakland detectives

to a fast-food restaurant
in elk grove, California.

Okay. Can you cue it
up to 9:19?

[Eerie music climbs]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

The familiar red Toyota
pulls into the drive-thru.

Inside, the same men seen
at lowe's several hours earlier.

Can you zoom in
on the number plate?

Yeah. Sure.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

But once again,
the plate remains elusive.

Investigators are nearing
the end of their rope

when the restaurant manager
throws them a lifeline.

I can show you
another angle.

It might have
better resolution.

- All right.
- Yeah.

[ Sinister music climbs ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Okay. Hold it there.

Bring up the contrast.

Keep goin'.
- Yeah.

- Phong: Yes!
- All right.

We were beside ourselves.

There was a clear shot

of our rastafarian driver

and, even better, was a clear
shot of the license plate.

The plates come back
registered to a 40-year-old,

married, father of three
living in Oakland.

Listen up.

We find out he's from Ghana
and his name's prince tsetse,


Now, we have an actual name

and an actual suspect,
the driver of that vehicle.

A background check on tsetse's
passenger in the vehicle

reveals he was in custody
at the time of Kim's m*rder.

Phong: So it's prince tsetse?
- So the police rule him out.

All that evidence
did for us was it showed us

that prince tsetse was there

and he was with Kimberly
and he drove that vehicle.

But does it say
prince tsetse k*lled Kimberly?


Camera running.

Detectives devise a clever plan

to rule out
an innocent connection

between suspect and victim
before the m*rder.

We had some photographs
printed up of Kimberly

and we sent officers
out to canvass

in Mr. tsetse's neighborhood,

knocking on all the doors in the
neighborhood with the picture,

asking if anybody had had
any information regarding her.

Officer Garcia
made contact with tsetse

at his front door
of his residence

and he filmed the encounter
with his body camera.

[ Child speaks indistinctly ]



All right?


Thank you.
[Door closes]

Tsetse advised officer Garcia
he'd never seen her before,

didn't know anything about it,
took the flyer,

and went back in the house.

It's all police need
to make their move.

Tsetse denied knowing Kimberly
and, yet, they have proof

that he picked her up
from the bus stop.

He's just been caught
in a huge lie.

[ Distorted tune plays ]

Detectives ask tsetse why
he was driving around the area

in the early hours
of the morning.

He said that he had been

at an event with his family
earlier in the day

and that he had gotten into
an argument with his wife.

So he was out, trying to blow
off some steam, driving around.

Backed into a corner,
tsetse makes an admission.

"Okay. Yeah.
I remember her now.

Oh, the girl? I remember.

I have a flyer of her.
I remember her now.

Maybe I've seen her before."

Said he picked her up by the
lake, gave her a ride.

His story did not corroborate

with the video
evidence that we had.

[ Sinister music plays ]

With the noose tightening,
tsetse denies k*lling Kimberly.

But the cops aren't buying it.

Prince tsetse was charged

with the m*rder
of Kimberly robertson

and the special circumstance

that that m*rder occurred
during the course of a r*pe.

Preparing for trial,
the prosecution can now add

even more evidence
to their case,

as the semen found
on Kimberly's body

is a perfect match
for tsetse's DNA.

It was huge.

That linked him directly.

Not just the car,
now we have a suspect

who had direct contact
with Kimberly.

They've also uncovered a motive.

Turns out, tsetse did have
a fight with his wife

that fateful night,

a falling out that likely
launched a rage-filled attack.

It is clear that he was

a predator stalking his prey.

I think that he was going
to get sex that night,

no matter how he had to take it.

And then he saw Kimberly,

alone and vulnerable
at a bus stop.

- You waiting for the bus?
- Yeah.

It's not gonna be
here for a while.


Leave me alone!

He dumped her body
at the rec center park,

where he accidentally
dropped the clue

that would be his undoing.

[ Eerie music plays ]

Between the overwhelming
video evidence and the DNA,

the jury easily
convicts prince tsetse,

and he is sentenced

to life in prison without
the possibility of parole.

For friends and family,
tsetse's conviction

is a huge sigh of relief,
but it's tinged with guilt.

[Crying] And I will always feel
like it's my fault.

No way around that.

Because, if I wouldn't have
brought her to that club,

she'd still be alive.

Maybe I should've just
got out the car

and went and stood
with her at the bus stop.

So, if the guy
would've pulled up,

he would've seen me
sitting there with her.

He probably would've
kept going.

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

I feel it's the worst thing
that could happen in the world.

Kim's daughter will
never have a mother.

You know, every now
and again, she's like,

"I miss my Kimmy mommy.

But I know she's up
in heaven with god

and she's watchin' over me."

And I will say, "yeah."