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03x02 - Last Look of Summer

Posted: 02/26/24 07:29
by bunniefuu
Narrator: A missing teenager
leaves her family in shock.

At that point, it was just,
"please, god, let us find her."

Narrator: Police are
desperate for clues.

Cashell: In god we trust,
all others are suspect.

Narrator: But then,
surveillance cameras reveal

the horror of this crime...

Shut up. Get in.

Roberts: She had been physically
and forcibly abducted.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Narrator: Starting a race
to find her alive.

Cashell: It was going to be
up to us to rescue her.

Room clear!
Door to our front!

narrator: Tyler, Texas.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005.

Megan holden heads home
from a long day

at her new junior college.

The 19-year-old
has recently moved into

her older sister kris' house,
and so far, it's going great.


How'd it go?
All good.

Working hard, you know?

Well, kind of.

[ Laughs ]

Ah. Hi.

There she is.

She loved them.
They loved her.

They were very close.
Very close.

And they loved her to death.

It's been a difficult time
for the popular teenager.

Four months earlier,
her long-term boyfriend Damon

died of an asthma attack
right in front of her.

She just felt lost,
like she...

something was missing
all the time.

He was her future,
and then that was gone.

It's good.

Narrator: Which is why
Megan's mom urged her

to move away from
their home in Henderson

and in with kris' family

Ooh, I've got to get
to work for 5:00.

Don't worry,
it's no problem...

the fresh start is working.

Megan's doing well at college
and has a new part-time job...

Okay, bye, little man.

Love you.

The evening shift at the Walmart

And with money
finally coming in,

she's bought herself
a new ride.

Sheri: Megan was very proud
of the truck.

She traded her car in
and got this truck

on her own,
in her own name.

Johnston: I think that Megan was
finding her happiness again.

She was looking forward
to going to school

and just looking forward
to the future.

A couple hours into her shift,
Megan checks in with her mom.

Doing good.
How are you?

We talked her entire break.

Told her I loved her.

She was like, "oh, mom,"
like a teenage girl would do.

Listen, don't worry,

Megan promises she'll
call her mom at 11:30,

when she finishes her shift.

All right, well,
I want you to drive careful,

'cause the forecast says fog.

Okay, mom.
I love you.


It's not until 1:30 A.M.
that the phone finally rings.

[ Phone ringing ]


Narrator: But it's sheri's
other daughter...

Krissa? What's wrong?

Megan's shift ended
two hours ago

and she's still not home.

Krissa called and was wondering
if I had heard from her.

Call a friend.
I was trying to call her

and Megan was not
answering her phone,

which Megan always
answered her phone.

I've called her
a dozen times.

She's not picking up
and I don't know where she is.

Megan never did this. Never.

Narrator: Sheri starts
searching for Megan.

[ Ringing tone ]

I called multiple times
to the Walmart

and to the hospitals

and the highway patrol offices

to see if there'd been
any wrecks,

and there had been no wrecks,

and I still can hear
that in my head.

Are you sure?

That's when I
went into a panic.

Please call me back.

Narrator: By 3:00 A.M.,

with Megan missing
for more than three hours,

sheri calls police to file
a missing persons report.

Hi. Is this the police?

Officer Roger west is on patrol
that Thursday morning.

[ Radio chatter ]

[ Phone ringing ]


may I speak with
sheri dunlap, please?

She told me that her daughter,
Megan holden, was missing.

She said that she was
late arriving home.

Narrator: West starts his search
at the Tyler Walmart.

Even at 4:00 A.M.,

there are
potential leads to follow.

Hi, guys.

West: There were several
employees outside,

either on break or working
in the parking lot

for whatever reason.

I'm looking for a missing girl
called Megan holden.

She works here?
Megan? Yeah.

She's one of our cashiers.

The manager confirms Megan

began her shift at 6:00 P.M.
and ended at 11:41 P.M.

Megan clocked out...

west: They knew that she had
clocked out by her time sheet.

Have you guys seen her?

But no one had actually
seen her leave the parking lot.

If you hear anything,
you give us a call.

There was no reason to believe

that there was any foul play.

Narrator: Officer west
leaves the Walmart

and follows a hunch.

West: Due to the dense fog,

there was a possibility
of a vehicle wreck.

Narrator: He retraces
Megan's route home,

looking for any sign
of her truck

along the side of this
hazardous highway.

West: And we used
everything we had

to try to get
a reflection in the fog

of maybe a vehicle that had
run off the roadway.

Narrator: But there's no sign
of Megan anywhere.

The teenager
has now been missing

for more than four hours,
so officer west returns

to the Walmart
to try a different tact.

West: It's obvious when you pull
into the parking lot

at that Walmart store
that there are video cameras

on every corner of the building,
several out on the front.

Lots of video.

Narrator: The Walmart is
covered by cameras,

witnesses more reliable than
any investigator can ask for.

At least one of them
must have seen something.

It would be possible to check
to see if she had left

and her means of leaving
the parking lot.

So what do we got?

So we have all the video
from last night.

Narrator: Walmart hands
over everything they've got

from the night before.

All right. Great.
Thank you very much.

Narrator: Later that morning,

investigators begin
analyzing the footage.

The video camera
shows everything.

It does not lie.

You know,
the raw video footage,

it is what it is.

Narrator: They need to find out
what happened to Megan

at the end of her shift.

Employee area
of the store...

they search for Megan...

And find her at 11:41
in the back of the store,

signing out on a white board.

Then they switch angles

and spot Megan again.

This time,
it's her walking out

the front doors
in her Walmart uniform.

So far, nothing looks
out of place.

They switch angles,
scrutinizing every frame

as the teenager walks across
the parking lot

towards her truck.

But she does not drive off.

What is she doing in there?

Been in there a while.

Narrator: Seven minutes later,
she leaves her truck

and walks back
towards the store,

this time
without her uniform,

revealing a bright-green
striped shirt.

It looks like she's
forgotten something.

Narrator: For some reason,
she's going back in.

Apparently to do
a little shopping.

At 11:56, she turns up again
at a cash register,

purchasing a few groceries.

It looks like
an ordinary transaction.

Detectives spot Megan
leaving the store

for the second time...

Without an apparent
care in the world.

There she is.

She's walking out
of the store.

Narrator: Next,
the camera covering

the parking lot finds her

walking towards
her truck again.

Let's move
through the angles.

Narrator: There's nothing
out of the ordinary.

But, the very next moments
on this video

will haunt everyone
involved in this case

for the rest of their days.

In Tyler, Texas,
detectives are watching

security video of

at the end of her shift
at the local Walmart.

She's walking across
the parking lot.

Narrator: As she
approaches her truck,

they spot she's not alone.

A figure dressed in black
is trailing her.

as Megan reaches her truck,

her pursuer breaks into
a sprint straight for her.

Can you rewind that back?

Slow it up.

They replay the footage
at a slower speed.

No matter how many times
they see it,

it's clear what's happened...

someone has rushed Megan
at her own vehicle.

But just seeing the way
he carried it out,

it was clearly
a predator on prey.

Once we saw the video,
there was no doubt

in anyone's mind
that this was a serious case.

We have
a situation here.

Narrator: Police are shocked
at the speed

and precision of the strike...

A girl overpowered in what seems
like a split-second.

And then,
one full minute passes...

Before the taillights come on

and the truck
backs out and leaves.

Megan and her abductor have
disappeared into the night.

The hunt for
the missing teenager

has taken a terrifying twist.

Cashell: At this point,

it was no longer a matter of,
"oh, did she have a wreck?

Was she over on the side
of the road?"

It was clear
once we saw the video

that it was
an outright abduction.

We're going to have to
move on this quick.

Cashell and Roberts return
to the scene of Megan's attack,

desperate for any leads.

Roberts: In any type of violent
crime investigation,

particularly missing persons
or abductions,

the first 24 to 48 hours

are absolutely critical
in those investigations.

Need to check this
for blood.

Narrator: Crime scene techs
scour the area

where Megan's truck was parked,

and they make
an ominous discovery.

Hey. So what do we got?

Well, it appears as though
we may have a bloodstain.

We found a red stain,
tested it for blood

to see if it were blood
so that if it were,

you know,
we could type it for DNA.

Beside the driver side door?
Right beside the driver's door.

Yes, yes.
How long has it...

narrator: A full analysis is
going to take some time.

Good bit of time,
but, um...

And the cctv footage
is too grainy

to tell if Megan
was even injured.

The uncertainty only adds to
the agony for Megan's family,

who have moved their vigil
to the police station.

detectives share

what they've got so far
in the hope

that the family
can spot some clues.

I have something
for you to look at.

Sheri: Oh, my...

oh, god.


Oh, god!

I saw my child being...

Shoved up in her truck
and take...

and kidnapped, basically.

You know, you immediately go,
"I hope that he's

not hurting her,
that she's not going to be

harmed in any way
and that he'll bring her back."

[ Crying ]

Narrator: When the lab analysis
on the red stain comes in,

there's one glimmer of hope.

It's the news
we were looking for.

It's not Megan's blood,
so we are...

Narrator: The stain is not blood

and unlikely connected
to the crime.

Desperate for any leads,

investigators dig into
Megan's private life.

Sheri, I'd like to ask you
some questions about Megan.

All right.

Sheri: You know, they asked
the routine questions.

Was she a party girl?
Did she use dr*gs?

Did she run the streets?
You know, who were her friends?

We needed to find out about,
"okay, who is her boyfriend?

Who's her ex-boyfriend?
Who wants to be her boyfriend?"

Sheri reveals that there is
a new boyfriend on the scene,

a buddy of Megan's

named Daniel keening.

What do you know
about this guy?

Well, I don't know...
narrator: The detectives

must consider him a suspect.

If you're looking at something
that you suspect foul play,

you generally have to start
with the people

that are closest to them.

Narrator: Suspicion only grows

when detectives learn
that Megan was planning

to see boyfriend Daniel
right after her shift.

He could be the mystery man
seen abducting Megan.

Roberts: When we
learned about that,

we certainly wanted
to look at him

and see if he was anyone that
would pique our interest.

Narrator: Like cameras,
cell phone records never lie,

and Megan's call list
reveals something suspicious.

We've got a call from
the boyfriend just...

Daniel called Megan when
she first walked to her truck,

before she went
back into the store.

Was he setting her up
for the attack?

But I do think we've
got to find him now.

[ Siren wailing ]

Cashell: We know where he lives,

so we sent an officer
there to see, "okay.

Is Megan's truck there?

Is Megan there?
Is the boyfriend there?"


This is the police.
Open the door.

But the answer to all three
questions appears to be "no."

When we didn't locate he,
Megan, or the truck there,

obviously we still had to
keep an idea

that he may be involved.

Narrator: Which means
detectives need to return

to the Walmart video
to see if the elusive Daniel

has been caught on camera.

There's good news.

More material of Megan's
terrifying abduction

has been found.

Lots more.

Cashell: We were getting
more footage from Walmart,

and a lot of it was to help us
get a view of the suspect,

what he looked like.

Narrator: With over 20 cameras
covering the lot,

investigators are about to see

multi-angle coverage
of the crime.

They start
their analysis at 11:57,

with the camera directly
over the store entrance.

They spot Megan leaving
the store for the second time.

As she crosses out of
the top of frame,

someone picks up her trail,

someone wearing
all black.

It appears to be
Megan's abductor

at the exact moment
he begins his pursuit.

But detectives
can only see his legs,

and he's carrying
what looks like a gym bag.

They try the next camera,

which overlooks the middle
of the parking lot.

There's Megan.

And right behind,
the man in black.

This time, they can see
the man and his bag

much more clearly.

Maybe he's carrying
a concealed w*apon.

They try a new angle,

from the left side of
the parking lot.

First Megan...

And the mystery man
closing in.

Can you zoom in
any further?

So far,
he's just a shadowy figure,

but new footage is
about to give police

their best look yet
at this predator.

Narrator: In Tyler, Texas,

detectives working
the Megan holden abduction

have seen her being
snatched on camera...

And have a multitude of views
of her being pursued,

but so far, no good look
at the perpetrator.

They close in
on Megan's abductor

as he crosses the parking lot

and get their best view yet.

We could get
some general features

and make general characteristics
of him based upon,

you know, skin tone,
average height,

average weight,
average build.

Can you make it go forward
just a little slower?

Narrator: They still can't get
a great view of his face,

but they can see
he's dark-skinned.

And comparing him
to the height of the cars,

they estimate that he's
between 5'10" and 6' tall.

Let's take a closer look.

Narrator: It's just
not enough to go on.

Detectives may have
traced his movements,

but they're no closer
to identifying him.

Cashell: There was never that
one perfect angle

where we had
an ah-ha moment of,

"ah-ha, we found this,"

and we just can't see
what we need to see.

Narrator: It's not until
Thursday afternoon,

Megan's disappearance,

that officers get a break.

Megan's family has
finally tracked down

the prime suspect,
boyfriend Daniel,

and convinced him
to come in.

I'm detective cashell.

This is detective Roberts.

We'd like to ask you
a couple questions.

Narrator: Detective cashell
has lots of questions,

like whether his call

was a setup to lure Megan
into the parking lot.

So you weren't
arranging to meet her

or have someone else
meet her?

I'm a little unclear.

My technique that I used

was let him tell it
all the way through,

and then I'll say, "okay,

now, I was a little unclear
on this part."

And through the course
of an interview,

the lie breaks down,

and once the lie breaks down,

then you start going at
the inconsistency.

Narrator: Daniel insists
he wasn't

anywhere near Walmart
that night.

I just called her.

I called her to see
how her shift went.

Until they can prove the man
in the video isn't him,

Daniel's innocence
remains in doubt.

That's about all I know.

Cashell: We definitely couldn't
take that at face value.

In god we trust,
all others are suspect.

Narrator: While detectives
continue to spool through

hours of cctv footage,
fellow officers try tracking

the signal from Megan's phone.

She had it with her
when she was grabbed.

Whenever it searches
for reception,

there's a record of it.

What do you got?

Yeah, that's the time
of the ping.

Oh, it's a cell tower.

That's the best lead
we've got so far.

Narrator: Sure enough,
two hours after the abduction,

Megan's phone pinged
a cell tower

Cell tower right there.

That was our, you know,

our one link that
we had to her location.

You guys,
I'm going to get you to

push through across
about 25 yards that way...

narrator: Police launch
a huge search,

hoping to find Megan
still alive.

Let's go find her.

But in this rural terrain,

it's a daunting task.

Roberts: It's a huge area.

You can't hit every county road,
every driveway.

It's just mathematically
impossible to cover everything.

But we did the best we could.

Narrator: But there's no sign
of Megan or her truck.

Sheri's fears for
her daughter intensify.

You know, I'm just...

"Is she cold?
Is she hungry?

Is he being nice to her?"

I could see her in my mind.

Megan sucked her fingers
all of her life,

from birth until always.

Like, always sucked her fingers.

And I could see her in my mind
trying to be quiet,

and I was praying, thinking,
hoping she was okay.

Narrator: Back at headquarters,
police have been watching

hours of Walmart footage
from the night of the crime

in case they missed anything.

Oh, there she is.

And now,
one alert officer

thinks he spotted something
ten minutes before the attack.

Hold that.

It's the moment when Megan heads
back towards the store

to buy her groceries.

Just seconds later,

another figure can be
seen in the frame.

Is that who
I think it is?

It's Megan's attacker.

Megan has just walked past him

without an inkling
of recognition.

Which means,
whoever he is,

it's not Daniel,
her boyfriend.

When you find that video
where they come face-to-face,

it's like a moment of epiphany.

You can tell that
there's no casual greeting,

there's no acknowledgment
between those two individuals.

It's very apparent that they
do not know one another

and that it is
a stranger abduction.

Narrator: As detectives

let Daniel go,
they realize it's more critical

than ever that they get
a better view of the suspect

from the Walmart footage.

Investigators uncover
a new sequence

as Megan's abductor
walks into the store.

There he is.

But it's still hide and seek.

Detectives can't get
a straight-on view of his face.

Try that camera.
He's heading for the restroom.

A lens outside the restroom
captures the predator

entering and then,
minutes later, exiting.

But the cameras are too far away
to get a clear view.

But there's one angle
that might give them

the shot they need.

Can we try that
main exit camera again?

Narrator: At first,
the camera next to

the store's entrance
just shows an empty frame.

But then...


That's him.

Narrator: Finally, police have
the face of Megan's abductor,

a full-profile color image

that could prove crucial
in identifying him.

Detectives continue to
follow him on camera.

Then, they spot him
acting strangely.

There he is.

It's a clue that
could explain motive

and hopefully put them
on track to finding Megan.

Narrator: In Tyler, Texas,

investigators on the hunt
for Megan holden

have found some ominous video

of her abductor

At 11:46, while Megan is
on the phone in her truck,

another young woman pushes
a cart towards the lot.

Just seconds later,
the man in black follows her.

As the woman reaches her car,
he moves in closer.

But this lucky woman
packs her car

and drives off before
he has the chance to attack.

After her car drives off,
he turns back to the store

to wait for another victim.

Just 12 minutes later,
Megan is not so lucky.

[ Screams ]
Get in the car.

Get in the car right now!
Okay, okay, okay!

Narrator: The footage confirms
the detectives' worst fears.

Cashell: He was a predator
on the prowl.

He was going to
do this to someone,

whether it was Megan
or someone else,

and that, you know,
it was just the circumstances

came together
for it to be Megan.

Just two hours
after she was...

narrator: Then,
on early Friday morning,

Megan's missing cell phone

registers another ping,

at a cell tower in new Mexico,

Cashell: This was
new information,

a source to at least
start looking at.

It gave us a direction.

Narrator: Megan and her abductor
are on the move.

Cashell: We obviously
expanded our search

and made sure to let people
know out west.

Narrator: As police desperately
try to trace the signal...

[ Tires squeal ]

The hunt for Megan holden
takes another unexpected turn

in bowie, Arizona.

Yo, give me your money, bro!

Open it up!

All of it!

Now come on.


[ Groans ]

Narrator: A shop owner
has shot an armed robber.

A dangerous and wounded man
has escaped

in a red Ford f-150 truck

just like Megan's.

An officer in Arizona
suspects that the gunman

will seek treatment
for his wound,

so stakes out
the nearest hospital.

Sure enough, he passed
right in front of me,

and he pulled up
into the parking lot.

The injured robber heads
inside the emergency room,

not knowing
he's being watched...

This is officer crandell.

Can you run
a license plate for me?

Narrator: Or that
the vigilant officer

is already running
those Texas plates.

It's 24d...
Roberts: As he runs the plate,

he makes contact with
the Tyler police department

based on that hit.

[ Phone ringing ]


Hi, this is officer crandell.
Um, I have the...

And he learns all about
Megan holden's abduction.

He's in your hospital
right now?

The injured gunman fits
the description of her attacker.

But where is Megan?

Roberts: She was not in the bed
of the truck or the cab,

not with him in the hospital.

I became very concerned
that something bad

had happened to her
or that she was being held

against her will
at another location.

Hi, ma'am.

I'm looking for a suspect
in an armed robbery.

Narrator: There's only
one way to find out.

He'll pay this patient a visit

and snap the handcuffs on him
if he gets a chance.

There's no telling what this man
could do when cornered.

Crandell: The whole time,
you're thinking,

"this could go south
really fast."

Narrator: But lose him

and lose any chance
of finding Megan alive.

Where he lives,
where he's at right now.

After a harrowing 30 hours

trying to find Megan holden,
an Arizona police officer

is closing on the man
they think abducted her.

Hello, ma'am.
How you feeling?

Looks like a nasty hit
on your shoulder there.

Yeah, I'm good,
I'm good.

He was lying down.
And I think they were...

the nurse was administering
some medication.

You could tell he was
a little droggy and stuff,

which I felt totally okay with,

because given
the violent crime he did,

I didn't want
anything that crazy.

Oh, well, we've got some
of our best officers on it.

Narrator: Crandell waits for
the perfect moment to strike.

[ Inhales ]

Hurts so much.

He was talking to the nurse.

[ Metal rattling ]

What are you doing?

What are you doing, man?

And I just handcuffed him
real quick.

What do you know about
a missing girl called Megan?

I don't know anyone
by that name, man.

He's like, "what's this?"

And I said,
"you're under arrest."

Sir, stay calm.

Narrator: Crandell lets
the police back in Texas know

he's got their man.

Roberts: We thought we were
going to identify a suspect

and we were hoping
that identification

would lead us to the recovery of
Megan holden alive and well.

Narrator: Police finally know
the predator's name...

Johnny Lee Williams.

We began finding out, again,

doing our research on,
who is he?

Who is Johnny Williams?

Narrator: The team
compare photos of Williams

to the abductor seen in
the cctv footage.

Not only is he a perfect
physical match,

the style of his as*ault jives
with Williams' background.

Cashell: We found that
he'd served in the military,

and it very much justified what
we had seen in the abduction.

Narrator: The cctv footage
shows Megan

being ambushed and overpowered
within seconds,

the actions of a man
that's been trained to k*ll.

We know that.
We want to...

then, detectives discover
that Williams lives

in Smith county,
the exact location

that Megan's cell phone pinged

two hours after
her disappearance.

Smith county.

We need to get a team
there right now.

[ Siren wailing ]

Narrator: Williams lives in
a trailer off the beaten path.

Cashell: We went officers
to secure that scene,

obviously to see,
"is Megan there?"

Go, go, go, go, go.
You two, on the rear.

You, on the door. Go!
Right there.

Get the door.
You two, over there.

We're still operating
under the assumption

that she is still alive.

Room clear!
Door to our front!

Go, go, go.

Narrator: But there's
no one inside.

Room clear!

We had hoped that she
would be there and be fine

and it would be
end of the story.

But unfortunately,
she was not there

and it was not
the end of the story.

Roberts: We actually found
a Walmart card

in Johnny Williams' trailer.

And you can look at the bar code
on the back and identify

through that bar code
who that card belongs to.

I wonder if you could
check a card number...

Narrator: Walmart security
runs the gift card number

through their system.

Sure enough,
it belongs to Megan.

That's very critical
evidence in our case,

because that links them together
even beyond the truck.


Narrator: The discovery
of some used condoms

and a long brown hair on the bed

suggests Williams
brought Megan here alive,

and with no sign of a struggle
or presence of blood,

police remain positive.

We need forensics in here
as quick as we can.

We were hoping beyond hope that
we would recover Megan unharmed.

Narrator: Back in Tyler,
police inform the family

about Williams' arrest...

And the hospital found
a man we believe...

And his refusal to reveal
Megan's whereabouts.

Well, can you...
why won't he talk?

Not yet, no.

Sheri: You're in the midst
of a horrible,

horrible circumstance.

At that point, it was just, um,

"please, god,
let us find her."

Narrator: That morning,

a local worker begins
his daily routine.

He alerts his superiors
to his gruesome discovery.

Tyler police
confirm it's Megan,

shot several times
and dumped like trash.

I have bad news.

Sheri: I knew.
I just... I knew.

I couldn't feel her anymore.
I know that sounds crazy.

But I knew that my bond...
i couldn't feel anymore

and I knew she was gone.

I don't know
what to do.

And that, um,
I wouldn't see her again.

I was pretty much
stranded over there.

I needed her to go...

narrator: Williams
pleads guilty to m*rder.

In Texas,
that means death.


But sheri asks to waive
the death penalty

as long as Williams explains,

why he m*rder*d her daughter.

Sheri: I wanted him
to sit down and tell me

what happened to my child.

I wanted to know the truth
of what happened,

because my mind would not stop
trying to figure it out.

Narrator: To save his skin,

Williams recounts
his version of events.

On the night of the abduction,
Williams says he needed a car

to get out of town and chose
a sweet-looking teenager

with a nice red truck.

Williams: She was about

walking to her truck.

By the time
I caught up with her,

she was just opening the door.

Pushed her in,
told her to give me the keys.

[ Screams ]
Get in the car.

Get in the car.

Narrator: But this wasn't
just a carjacking.

[ Tires squeal ]

He could've taken the keys
and let Megan go.

he sexually assaulted her.

[ Gasping ]
Okay, okay.

Nothing's going to
happen to you.

Get in!
No! No!

Narrator: But later,
when Megan tried to escape,

her fight back
was brave but brief.

Where are going?
No. No. No.

I need to go back.
I said we needed to go back.

[ Smack ]

You said we were
turning around!

You're going to hit me,

Where are you going?

Narrator: Williams dragged Megan
out of the truck...

You're going to hit me
across the face?

[ g*nshots ]

And k*lled her.

He knew exactly
what he was doing.

He did it
because he wanted to.

He enjoyed it.

Woman: What about the woman
that you k*lled in Texas?

You have anything
to say about that?

Williams is sentenced to
five consecutive life sentences.

He'll die in prison.

As for Megan's family,
they tried to forget

how she died
and remember how she lived.

Sheri: She was
a part of my soul,

and that part will
always be missing.

I lost all of her future,
but she's waiting on me.

She takes care of me.

She just has a different way
of doing it.