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01x12 - About Face

Posted: 02/25/24 18:28
by bunniefuu
[wolf whistles]


Oh! Unlucky seven.

Dame fortune, she's
a cruel mistress.

Let's see, this
is your piece

I do believe,
and you must move...

one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven spaces,

which lands you
smack-dab in the middle

of my rain forest
logging company.

[passes gas]

...which brings the grand total
you now owe me

to $164,552.17.

What the heck?

Let's round it up
to an even 200.

[passing gas]
What's that you say?

"I couldn't pay that back
if we played a hundred games"?

Oh, my goodness,
what to do, what to do?

Wait a minute!
A simple "X" on the dotted line,

changing a few
irrelevant clauses

in your will dealing with...

Oh, Duckman.

You weren't trying
to worm your way

back into that will, were you?

Why, Bernice,
I'm appalled.

Good. Because
I've been given

power of attorney

and any effective plan to
do so would have to begin

with my sudden
and untimely death.

[both laughing]


Where did I put
that flak jacket?

You want to see our project
[water sloshing]

for the corporate theme
science fair?

Tar Master cigarettes,
Vein Burster beer

and Splatco handguns
are sponsoring a category

called "Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms:

Other Things
k*ll People, Too."

Hence, the Titanic.


non-g*nsh*t deaths.

I thought this kind
of bloodsucking corporate greed

and hypocrisy
makes you boys sick.

True, but there's a cash prize.


I'm going.

Maybe I should get a sitter,
and you can come with me.

What? You're inviting me
to have an evening out

at the movies with you
and your friends?

No, I'm inviting you
to circle my car

around the block
for two hours.

Parking's miserable
at that theater.

[tires screech, horn honks]
Eh, too late. They're here.

Make sure the kids eat
a balanced dinner, Duckman.

Don't just order them some
Fat-N-Cholesterol Soaked Pizza

then fall asleep on the couch

watching the string bikini
volleyball channel,

allowing the three of them
to have the run of this place,

like some masked t*rrorists
in a Middle Eastern city.

You worry too much, Bernice!
[engine revving]

[Middle Eastern music playing,
Duckman snoring]

[on TV]:
Ooh, my serve.

Wait. I have to adjust
my bikini top.

[girls giggling]

I'm just saying,
the more deaths,

the better chance we have
of first place.

If we call this the Lusitania
instead of the Titanic,

our chances of winning
are increased tenfold.

A fallacious assumption,

since the Titanic had
a far greater death toll.



[grunting and yelling]



Dad, Dad, wake up! Hurry!

Bernice back already?

No, Dad, it's mambo.

I suggest you call 911

unless you want me to spend
the rest of my life

attached to a gangrenous
lump of flesh.


Hello. Female fantasy hot line.

Heh-heh. Must have hit
redial by mistake.

Hello, 911?

This is going
to sound really farfetched,

but somehow, the Titanic
has become lodged

in my son's throat!

Don't worry, sir.

Just stay calm,
and we'll save your son.

paper clips, ping-pong balls,

Quincy scripts, Pekinese dogs,
RuPaul, ships.

Andrea Doria, Lollipop,
Minnow, Poseidon...

Here we are-- Titanic.

Can you get ahold
of some ice?

Ice. Got it. Now what?

Pour the ice into his throat,
making sure

to hit the starboard bow
of the hull

below the waterline.

Ice bag dead ahead!

[metallic creaking, groaning]

[relived moan]

It worked. He's okay.

I'm so glad.

Listen, before you go, I...

I have to tell you,
you have a beautiful voice.

It's... well, I sort of talk
to a lot of women on the phone

but I've never heard
a voice like yours.

Thank you.

Actually, you have a very nice
voice yourself

and you seem to be
a wonderful father.

Well... good-bye.

[dial tone]

I just talked to an angel.


An angel, Cornfed!

One phone call,
and I was swept away.

[Fluffy and Uranus giggling]

She is everything
I ever hoped for
in a woman!

Low standards?

I'm keeping
my fingers crossed.

It was incredible, Corny,

the way she made me feel things
as I listened to her.

Excuse me-- if this is
gonna get sordid...

Emotions, okay?

I felt emotions,
the kind I never feel anymore

and it's all
because of a voice--

that sweet,
willowy reed of a voice.

I want to do things
with her, Corny,

fun things, exciting things.

I want to paint her living room!

I want to go
to the tar pits!

I want to surf!

So, are you going to spend
the rest of your life

waxing your own board,
or you gonna call her back?

I tried.

Her supervisor
won't give me her name.

Some lame excuse
about a serial k*ller

who's been following

and chopping them into thousands
of little pieces.

One more overly cautious

in a position of authority.

I gotta find her!

I gotta figure out
some way of tracking her down.

If only we knew someone
who was an expert
at that kind of thing.

Duckman, take a look
at the sign on the door.

Did we get evicted again?

[raspy chuckling]

You're incorrigible,
you big downy galoot.

I mean the sign that says
"private investigator."

If you want
to track her down,

why not use
your detective skills?

Don't toy with me,

Why the hell would I want
to rely on those?


Too bad it's against the law

to make dozens of 911 calls
till you find her

if you're not actually reporting
a real emergency.

Hmm. Fluffy? Uranus?

What can we do for you,
Mr. Duckman?

An impersonation.

Of what?

Drowning victims.


My sons fell in the pool!
They're going under!

WOMAN [raspy]:
Okay. Stay calm.

Is there a rope
you can throw 'em?

Do you have a cold?

Forget it! They gotta learn
to swim sometime!

* Love American style *

* Truer than the red,
white, and blue *

* Love American style *

* That's me and you *

* Love American style *

* Truer than the red,
white, and blue *

* Love American style *

* That's me and you. *

So what if I quit.

Light it!
There's nothing to lose.

My angel is lost to me.

Hi, Dad.
What you doing?

Throwing my life away
on a overpriced
marketing phenomenon

that will leave me
bedridden, tumorous

and politically incorrect.

Oh. Wish I had a hobby.

[phone ringing]



Yeah, he's here.

Dad, it's someone
named Angela.

I don't know any Angelas.

She sounds like a rather young,
angelic woman,

if her willowy reed of a voice
is any indication.



Hello, Mr. Duckman?

This is Angela
from the emergency hot line.


I'm sorry to bother you.

I was wondering how
your son was doing.

Son? I have a son?

Oh, uh... Mambo. Fine, fine.

Small bit of discomfort in the
little boys' room this morning,

passing that smokestack...
otherwise shipshape.

I can't thank you enough
for all your help.

Well, you did
most of it yourself.

You know, a lot of people

don't keep their heads
in an emergency.

Oh, it was your voice--
it made me feel like...

well, like everything
would be okay.

Well... the reason
I called is I'm new here

and your son's was the first
life I ever helped save.

I just wanted to follow up.

I never want to forget,

there are real people
on the other end of the phone.



Uh, nothing, nothing.

I was just, uh... [laughing]

glancing down at my bicep.

At the risk
of sounding like a...

pimple-faced schoolboy,

I was wondering...

Sorry, I'm just
not very good at this.

I... I was wondering if,

well, you'd like
to have dinner with me tonight.

[sirens approaching]

You only have
to buy your half.

Just think of it
as a way to say thanks

for saving
my son's life.

Well, you sound nice.

Okay, I'll do it.

You will?

There's a little
Japanese restaurant
on Third Street.

Do you know it?

Yeah, I-I-I think so.

Just down from Vic's Fleshpot
and G-String Emp...

Yeah, I'll-I'll find it.
I'll-I'll find it.

Shall we say, uh...
half an hour?

Half an hour it is.

She said yes!

This little ducky
has a date!

Oh, happy day!

Ka-loo, ka-lay!

I'm going out with Angela!


a-dooba-do... with me...

You looking
for an Angela?

All my life.




[horn honking,
tires screeching]


That was close.

Wait. No one could be that ugly.

Maybe I just caught a bad angle.

You've got to look
beneath the surface.

That's true.

occur beneath the surface
of the t*nk.

All right!
I'm going to do this.

Look past the obvious.

Have the common decency

to sit down and appreciate her
for who she really is.

Are you Duckman?

I'm a sucker
for ambience.

Hey, I can't see!

We fix in minute.

Have to serve
while still fresh.

[knife chopping]

Aah! You cut off
my finger!

So, Angela, could I buy you
a face... a drink?

Uh, white wine
would be nice.

White wine.
On the way.

[woman shrieks]
Ouch! Sorry.

[clanging, clattering,
people yelling]

Bartender, I'll have
a white wine

and something to put me
out of my misery

in case these lights
come back on.

[glasses tinkling,
liquids pouring]


[people screaming,
glasses clattering]
Oops, sorry. Sorry...

Here you go--
white wine.

Thank you.

[knife chopping]
My arm!

[Angela sips,
then splutters]

Excuse me.

This tastes like Drano.

Oop, that's mine.

[knife chopping]

[woman screams]

So... do I look at all
like you expected?

[splutters, coughs]

Sorry, they, uh, forgot
the lemon wedge.

That's the first time

someone else's drink
went to my head.

[both chuckle]

[knife chopping]

WOMAN [screams]:
My ear! That's my ear!

You look a lot
like I pictured--

someone who walks into a room
and commands attention.

You, uh...
you don't say.

Well, I'm the only living heir
to the throne of Sweden.

I hold the world record
in the mile

and I just got a medal

for taking a b*llet
meant for the president.

[knife chopping]

[man screams,
body thuds]

Actually, that's
not all true.

What part?

None of it.

I always kind of take
a small truth

and then
embellish it into...

well, a huge lie.

[knife chopping]

[man squawks]

I don't know
why I did that.

I've never admitted that
to anyone before.

Would it be forward of me
to hold your hand?

Not at all.

Huh. It's a little larger
than I would've expected.

My hand's over here.

Then whose hand
is this?


Throw it back, will ya?

woman screams]

Now, where was I?

Oh,yeah, I was, uh,
just about to tell you

I... I didn't know
what to expect tonight

but I'm enjoying it.

You, uh,
wouldn't happen to be

doing anything
tomorrow night?

[knife chopping]

[man screaming]



You're dating
an ugly woman, aren't you?

How did you know?

I've fished out of that pond

a few times myself.

Dinners in the basement,
two-fers at the planetarium,

weekends in the darkroom
developing the pictures

you took in the basement
and the planetarium.

I know this
sounds corny, Corny,

but Angela brings out
the best in me...

you know what I mean?

Not exactly, no.

Well, we've been dating
for three weeks now,

and I don't belch around her.

I don't scratch hard-to-reach
body crevices.

I don't tell incredibly
tasteless jokes.

Except for the ones about
hermaphrodites-- I love those.

I think I'm in love.

Dear Diary,

Today I heard Duckman utter
the "L" word.

There is, of course,
one small hitch--

She's hideous!

She's got a face
that would scatter
a leper colony!

You got to look at her
through a box

with a little
hole in it.

Come on, Duckman.

She may be a little short
or a little tall,

but you can find
a good feature in everyone.

Oh, yeah?
Find a good feature

in this.

[muffled retch]

Nice photo finishing.

Good morning,
Misters Duckman and Cornfed.

The manwiches...

Oh, my, Mr. Duckman!

What happened to you?

He's dating an ug... a woman
who's facially challenged.

Shame on you, Mr. Cornfed!

All of God's creatures
are beautiful.

[both screaming]

You see?
Even they think so!

The woman
shatters mirrors!

But there must be more
to her than her looks.

Oh, sure.

She's smart, sensitive,

thought-provoking and loaded
with empathy and insight,

but how long
can that stay interesting?

Duckman, you obviously have
strong feelings for her.

You should
face your fears.

Take her out on a real date--

dancing, romantic music,
soft lights.

How soft?

They'd be on.

Forget it.

What if I came with you?

I'll rustle up
a filly of my own,

and we'll prove to you

that you don't have to be
ashamed to be seen with her.

Okay, Corny,
you're right!

Let's do it!

[both yelling]

Yes, uh...

table for four,


Well, I guess
it's seat yourself.



How's this table?

[patrons yelling,


Probably carpooling.

Corny, I want to dance.

The band is on
a break, Trudy.

Guess we can mime.

Your partner
seems nice.

I hope he likes me.

How could he
not like you?

You're sweet, you're funny,
you're, uh...

Did I mention
sweet and funny?


[glass breaks]

Maybe we should dance.




I feel like we're all alone
out here.

Yeah, me, too.

Duckman, thank you
for tonight.

A rose for the lovely lady?

Or maybe a cube of sugar, huh?

Nobody insults
my girlfriend!

[people gasping]


Wait a minute!

Where are you going?

Duckman, I've had a lot of years
to get used to the fact

that I was born
with "colorful features"

but you haven't.

I hate to see the look
on your face

when you see the looks
on everyone else's

and I think it's time
I did something about it.

If it doesn't work,

you'll never have
to see me again.


I need an opinion.
How's my...?



[deep cough]


What's the occasion

for this olfactory outrage, Dad?

It so happens I have a date
and she'll be here any minute.

What does
she look like?

Must you be so shallow
as to focus on looks?

Like society's some kind of
pageant and we're all judged

on a meaningless detail
like appearance.


Okay, she's the bell ringer
at Notre Dame.

I don't care.

She's mine and I love her,
no matter what she looks like.

Truth is, I don't know
what she looks like.

I haven't seen her
in a week.

I called and called
until she finally admitted

she was getting
a complete makeover.

With a little luck,

she went from hideous
to butt ugly.

[doorbell rings]

Humina-humina, how-wa.

Look, lady, whatever
you're selling,

I'll take 200 of them.

I don't care what they cost!

Duckman, it's me, Angela.


I mean who else
could it be, my love?

Come in.
Come in.

This is Bernice,
Charles and Merengue.

Eh, whatever.

Dad, you said
she'd be butt ugly.

but ugly, son.

Can't leave out
such a key word.

It's a pleasure
to finally meet all of you.

Except where's Ajax?

When he heard his father had
a date, he ran up to his room.

He's a bit sensitive

about replacing his mother
since she died.


He seems to be
coming around.

How about you, Duckman,
what do you think?

It isn't much.

All they did was give me
a hair weave, a dye job,

contacts, change my wardrobe,
sand my face down,

buff it out and plaster it over
with 15 gallons of foundation.

Ha! And here I thought
it was the new shoes.

Come on, Angela,
I'll get you a drink,

and we can talk about
that childhood incident

that left you
so traumatized

you think
Duckman's a catch.

[raucous laughter
and snorting]

I did it!
I finally did it!

I've found someone
who's got it all,

who I can really fall for,

and who actually wants
to be with me!

Good thing, too.

Any other woman with those
looks and that charm

would drop you
in a heartbeat

for someone smarter,

and more successful.


Holy guacamole.

Nice to see you again, Cornfed.


You betcha.

I finally found a woman
I could love and respect.

Look, her eyes point
in the same direction.

Oh, hi, Mr. Duckman.

We're sorry about
our superficial reaction

to Angela's picture



Get off her,
you neutered muppheads!

Oh, Duckman, they're so cute.

And we're not
really neutered.


Quit your groveling.

You got
real work to do.

I need you to mail
Angela's picture

to all the girls
who wouldn't date me
in high school.

You're funny, Duckman.

And generous, too.

I got you
a gifty-poo.

Duckman, I love it.

And not cheap either.
It's real 50/50.

Put it on,
and I'll wear mine.

[low, raspy]:


Ow, baby!

[wolf whistling,


It's okay.

You have to expect
that sort of thing

from construction

Ow, baby!



Down! Ooh! Down!

She's the one.


[heavy sigh]

Table for two.


Let's sit
at the same table.

I want tonight to feel just
like our first night here did.

We'll dance,

and we'll feel alone
again, just you and me.

It's Angela,
our woman of the hour.

CROWD [chanting]:
Angela! Angela!

Welcome to your
very own night, Angela,

where hundreds of people
you've never met

and couldn't care less about

have gathered to tell you
they love you.

So, let's sit you down

and let
the fawning begin.


There you are.

I've been looking
everywhere for you.

I was hoping
we could dance

the last dance

Yeah, well, I came out here
to think about things--

you and me.

And I'm thinking maybe tonight
was our last dance.


You've got
plenty of people

who can give you
more than I can now.

The simple truth is
I'm not good enough
for you anymore.

I can't compete with the
whole rest of the world.

It's only a matter of time

before you find something
better and leave me,

so why don't save us both
the wait and say good-bye now.

Duckman, you're wrong.

None of these
other people mean a thing to me.

I did what I did
because of you--

because I was falling
in love with you.

I'm not going
to leave you.

Maybe this
isn't the time.

Can we meet tomorrow night?

You'll feel better then.

Maybe at the
Japanese restaurant

where we first
saw each other?

I'll be there at 8:00.

Duckman, it's 10:00.

Weren't you going
to meet Angela at 8:00?

I changed my mind.
I'm not going.

What did you do to her?

I did something for her.

She's got a chance
at a new life.

She shouldn't
settle for me.

I wouldn't let her live.

I'd spend the rest of our lives
holding her back

'cause I was afraid
of losing her.

I'm sorry, Duckman.


Let it ring.


