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02x14 - Tunnel Vision

Posted: 02/25/24 16:46
by bunniefuu
I'm lost.


Nell, where are you?

There is something down here.

Oh my God, Nell!

I thought you left me!

I've been going around
in circles for hours!

No no no. That's impossible!

We just split up a few minutes ago!

It's Caleb.

He's toying with us!

No no no. There is no Caleb.
It's just a story.

- Arrrrghhh!
- Yagghhh!!!

You should see your faces!




I don't know, Nell.

I mean. I think we should again.

The whole scene just feels too scripted.

That's because it is scripted.

Brilliantly scripted.

But Blair Witch made over a hundred mill

in the box office

because people thought it was real.

And that's why we're
using our real names.

Those tears were real.

I'm sorry.

But you do remember our vows?

For richer and poorer.

In sickness and in times
Ian wants to reshoot?



But you owe me.


Yeah, boss?

Get Jay back. We're going to go again.

Jay, you there?

Come in, please.

Battery's probably dead.

Yeah, or out of range.

He's always exploring down there.

So annoying. He knows not to
go outside the filming zones.

Clarke and I will go.

You just stay here and
work on your lines.

Not that you need to.

You're perfect.

I swear, if he got himself lost...


What's that?


Hey, you okay?

Support us and become VIP member
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Black Cove Mine.

I always wanted to check this place out.


You were born during the wrong time.

It's been shut for 50 years.

What have we got, Sarah?

Dead male. 26.

Appears to have d*ed

from severe respiratory distress.

Any sign of foul play?

Not that I can see.

You okay?

Yeah... yeah yeah.

I'm just supposed to be

on a plane.

I'm going to miss my

class reunion.

I'm sorry.

There's nothing to be sorry about.

You know, it's just
sometimes things happen.

It makes you wonder

how you ended up where you are.

Checked his fingernails yet?


Bloody and broken.

Maybe something else.

Looks like wood!

Good find, Rex.

Wood? That's odd.

This deep underground,

I think we are far beyond odd.

His name is Jay Tomlinson.


Was an actor in our film.

And a close friend.

You're an actor as well?

Yeah. That's how I met Jay.

We were in class together.

We're both pulling double duty.

Acting and co-directing.

Quite the power couple.

Yeah, that's the goal.

I mean, but we're still starting out.

I mean, this is our
second indie feature.

It's a found-footage film.

Dirt cheap to make.


What's it about?

You know the legend of Cold-Heart Caleb?

Yeah, the ghost story.

Maybe not just a story.

Jay and our producer, Gloria Hamlin,

said they saw Caleb in the tunnels.

Yeah, but it's super dark
and creepy down there.

It could just be their
minds playing tricks.

How can you say that

when Jay is dead?

You're right. I'm sorry.

It just all doesn't feel real, you know?


Listen, Jay's body was found pretty far

from where you were filming.

Any idea why he was off

on his own for so long?

We've been asking ourselves
the same question.


- Clarke Maitland.
- Yeah.

I'm Detective Hudson.

You were with Ian

when you found Jay?

It's so surreal.

I've never seen a dead body before.

Not a real one anyway.

Were you friends with Jay too?

No, you're not supposed to

be friends with the
talent when you're a P.A.

- P.A.?
- Production Assistant.

Yeah, bottom of the ladder.

It's my job

to know where everyone is.

But Jay...

Jay would never tell
me where he was going.

Would Jay wander off a lot?


It was like running after a toddler.


I don't mean to talk bad about him.

Jay was a really good guy.

So it was just you,

Ian and Nell and Jay
in here this morning?

Wait. No.

Gloria popped by at some point.

Gloria Hamlin.

That's your producer?

That's right.

That's enough.

I need to speak with whoever
is in charge around here.


Detective Hudson.

Why don't we have a little chat?

Gloria Hamlin. I'm
producing the Caleb movie.


I can't believe this happened.

This is devastating.

Jay was such a special actor.

How soon before my crew can get
back to filming in the mine?

This is a police investigation.

It's not a movie set anymore.

That's disappointing.

I'd hate to see it get shelved,

just as our film's message went viral.

What message is that?

That Caleb may be long dead.

But the Black Cove Curse
is alive and well.

Caleb O'Conner.

AKA Cold-Heart Caleb.

AKA The Black Cove Mine k*ller.


Born in 1875.

And disappeared in 1917.

You've heard the story, right?

Yeah. I've heard a few versions of it.

He was a miner who snapped and
k*lled a bunch of people.

Right! See, what had happened was
he m*rder*d his crew members

before disappearing into Black Cove Mine

where it was presumed he
got lost in the tunnels

and d*ed, allegedly.

And that is where the urban
legend part kicks in.

Bingo! See, 20 years
after he disappeared,

other miners claimed

to have seen him wandering
the mine at night.

And anyone who saw the ghost of Caleb

d*ed mysteriously within 24 hours.

There have been eight deaths linked

to what has been known as

The Curse of Caleb.

How do you know so much about this?

My friends and I used
to scare each other

with stories of Caleb.

We even dared each other
to go into the mines.

- And now?
- Well now, I'm older.

And more mature. Aghhh!

I'm working on gathering all
the historical documents

so I can confirm the story.

Autopsy's in.

Thank you.

- I got your message.
- Hey.

So, official cause of death
is a fatal asthma att*ck.

What triggered it?

Oh, dust, mould, bacteria.

Take your pick.

We're running tests on some particles

we found in Jay's lungs. But here.

In the meantime,

have a look at his lower back.

Looks like a bad case

of road rash.

That wound

was made post-mortem.

Charlie, I don't think he
crawled through that tunnel.

I think he was dragged.

Then we may be looking at a homicide.

Still rolling.

First I have something to say.

I love you guys.

I mean that. Cross my heart.

And can I get a pay raise?

As requested

Production sent us all 32 hours

of the footage sh*t so far.

But, what exactly am I looking for?

Ooh, tension between the actors.

Or the crew.

Anything like that.

Well, I did find something unusual.

What did you find?

Well, they sent us one file

of every iteration of the
script dating back two years.

And they all had Jay
listed as the writer

except for the earliest draft

which he had a co-writer.

Clarke Maitland.

The production assistant.

Not exactly motive.

But it is interesting.


- What is it, Joe?
- Take a look.

Black Cove Curse Kills Again.

I refuse to believe that
was leaked by one of us.

Any ideas?


I don't deny giving the
photo to the press.

But I did it for Jay.

For Jay?

Or to draw up interest in your project?

That's not fair.

Do you know why I cast Jay in the film?

He loved the story of Caleb so much.

He believed it was all true.

And his passion for it won me over.

And now that he's gone,

I want to make sure that all his
hard work wasn't for nothing.

And what about you?

Do you believe in this curse?

I believe

this isn't working, Detective.

I need to get back into that mine.

One of your actors, Nell, says

that you claimed you saw Caleb.

I saw something.

And so did Jay.

But I may have got caught
up in his excitement.

I don't know.

And now Jay's dead.

If the curse k*lled Jay,

then I should be dead too, right?

But no, he d*ed of natural causes.

If there is anything that
you want to tell me,

now is a good time to talk.

If I could help you, I would.


Any word on what happened to Jay?

We're still working on it, Clarke.

Hey, listen. Why didn't you tell me

that you were one of the
original writers of the script?

It's not what you think.

Jay didn't steal my script.

I brought it to him.

So he could erase your name?

Look, I was just in film school.

And he had a few real credits.

He's the one who pitched it to Gloria.

Plus, he was really
into the Caleb legend.

So I thought maybe he could help.

He offered to do a pass.

And I said yes.

The truth is, he made
the script way better.

And he got Gloria to give me this job.

So that's something.

I swear.

I had nothing to do with Jay's death.

I barely even saw him.

I was way more distracted

with everything else
that was going wrong.

What exactly was going wrong?

What wasn't?

The equipment malfunction.

Strained batteries.

A $2000 light smashed
when the stand fell.

And it wasn't an accident, either.

I stabilized that light myself.

Do you still have that stand?


That one.

Looks like your dog has
already figured it out.

Well, I'm going to need
to take it with me.

But we need that.



Charlie! Charlie!

- Okay.
- Yeah?

I think you should see this.

This is pretty dark, Jesse.

- What am I looking at?
- Mm-mm, mm-mm.

Just top right corner.
Just look, just look.

Wait a second.

Is that...?

Cold-Heart Caleb.

This is either a hoax, or an
intentional part of the film.

If that's not someone
on the film crew...

Then it's somebody in the mine
that we didn't know about.

According to the legend's curse,

we have 24 hours to live.

Can you explain this to me?

I don't know anything about this.

It's not a member of your cast?

No, we never intended to show
Caleb as a physical entity.


So you didn't notice him standing there

when you were sh**ting the scene?

No, he's pretty deep in the shadows.

I must have missed it.

Yeah, okay.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Maybe there is something to the curse.

Except whoever this is,
they're flesh and blood.

Just like you and I.

I hope you're right, Detective.

Hey, Sarah. Any news?

So I ran the prints I
pulled from the light stand

through the database.

I came up with a match. You were right.

They didn't belong to
anyone on the film crew.

Don't tell me it was Caleb.

Well, ghosts don't
typically leave prints.

It's one of the perks of the afterlife.

No, the name is,

Murray Whitmore.

He's a local antique dealer
with a few minor priors.

Trespassing, illegal
removal of artifacts.

That sort of thing.

Antiques dealer?

I wonder what his prints would
be doing on a movie light stand?

- Do you have an address?
- Nothing on file.

But he does run an online business.

Private viewings only.


Where's the store?

Wherever he parks it.

He has an RV registered to his name.

Appointments by email.

Antiques on wheels.


I'll get Jesse to set
us up an appointment.

Murray Whitmore.

Detective Charlie Hudson, SJPD.

Not again.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

Okay okay okay!

You can't just keep me here, man.

Oh, actually, we can.

Because you ran from the police.

Didn't he?

Yeah, and that was pretty stupid.

You should probably
just get comfortable.

Come on, Murray.

We know that you were in the mine.

We found your fingerprints on
the film crew's equipment.

- What were you doing there?
- It's how I make my living.

I search out abandoned sites.

I sell whatever I find there.

Antique mining equipment
fetches great money.

- So you were trespassing.
- That mine is abandoned.

And at least I respect the history.

I take photographs

every step of the way

to make sure that that place is
exactly the way that I found it.

It's a time capsule.

Yeah, and why did you knock
over that light stand? Huh?

Trying to sabotage the film?

Uh... No.

I was there first.

It was my third day at Black Cove.

And then all of a sudden,
the movie people showed up.

And they're traipsing through that place

like it's their own personal playground.

You sound awfully bitter, Murray.

Real miners gave their lives

to that mine.

Exploited by the mining companies,

they lived in poverty and sickness.

That is the story that
they should be telling.

But no. No no no.

They want to paint a
hard-working man as a monster.

Are you talking about Caleb?

I've done extensive research

on Black Cove Mine.

Caleb O'Conner never
did any of the things

that they say he did.

Those are all lies.

Okay, what does your extensive
research say about this, huh?

That's very accurate to the period.

Almost something you'd expect to find

in the possession of an antiques dealer.

You think that I dressed up like Caleb

to scare that film crew?

Yeah, maybe they didn't scare so easily.

And you had to dial it up a notch.

- No, that is not me.
- No?

Not a chance. That is not me.

And I was not in the mine

the day that man d*ed.

- Then where were you?
- I was at home.

Can anyone confirm that?


- Okay.
- But,

you know, this isn't about me.

You want to find your culprit?

You go to that film crew.

Give me five.

Well four, in your case, I guess.

Don't get saucy.


I appreciate you coming, Mrs. Silver.

Anything to help.

Listen, I saw some footage of
you and Jay between takes.

You two seemed to have a
real chemistry together.

It's an acting thing.

You have to open yourself up
totally to another person.

Huh. Well, can you help me to
understand what Jay was doing

wandering around a part of the
mine that was off limits?

Jay liked to push the limits.

He was a bit of an adrenaline junkie.

When we got the permits, they warned us

not to stray outside the main tunnel.

Do you have any idea what Jay was doing?

Getting his kicks.

Apparently the off-limit
mines are unstable.

You're not even supposed to yell

in case the vibrations of
your voice trigger a cave-in.

That's why they closed.

I realize this is not exactly

a play date in the park.

But thanks for letting me
follow my hunch, partner.

Now, wait up.

A lot of tunnels in this place.

You go down the wrong one

I might never see you again.



Yeah, okay.

Let's be quiet in here.

Cave-ins are not my style.

What is it, pal?

Don't move!

Rex! Go!

What have you got, pal?

Good job, partner.

So my team and I went back

to process the door you found
at the end of the tunnel.


Dampness rotted the wood

making it impossible to lift any prints.

But there was a section
at the base of the door

where it looked like
somebody had clawed at it.

Well, that would explain the wood

that you and Rex found
in Jay's fingernails.


It's got to be connected to
Gloria's m*rder somehow.

Yeah, and Gloria d*ed

from a blow to the back of the head

with the flat side of the pickaxe

found at the scene.

Wait. Were there any
fingerprints on the w*apon?

Only the victim's.

Gloria handled the pickaxe?

That's what the prints say.

I mean, her k*ller must've
been wearing gloves.


What about the old mining helmet?

No prints.

But I did take it apart.

And there were samples of hair
stuck under the interior bands.

Now, gauging by the discoloration,

I'm probably the first one
to ever look under there, so

the samples are pretty old.

That's not going to do us any good.

It could be anybody in the last century.

Yeah, it may not be our
mystery miner. But,

I sent them in for DNA analysis anyway.

And maybe we get lucky.

Whoever was in that mine last night,

they knew exactly where they were going.
Even in the dark.

There can't be that many people

who are familiar with that layout.

Wait there is one person that fits.


You're free to go.

There was another death in the mine.

Come on.

And since I was locked up

then I couldn't have done it.

So what then?

You've come to see me off personally!

Ah! I'm touched, Detective.

Not quite.

You said that the mine is dangerous

for anyone who doesn't
know their way around.

- How come you do?
- A few years ago

I picked up an antique
mine ledger at auction.

And it had a blueprint of
Black Cove Mine inside.

I'll need to see a copy of that.


I made a bunch.

You know, there's a big
market in old maps.

People love to hang them
in their living rooms.

Have you sold any copies recently?

Maybe half a dozen in
the last year or so.

I'm going to need a list of everyone

who bought one of those maps from you.


tell your partner to cool it

with the puppy dog eyes.

I'll see what I can do.


Detective Hudson?

What's going on?

Well, I might ask you the same thing.

I just came to drop off some equipment.

You hear about Gloria?

Yeah, on the radio this morning.

I still can't believe it.


You purchased a map of
the Black Cove Mine

from an online dealer a few weeks ago.

Yeah, Gloria asked me to.

Production reimbursed me after.
You can check the receipts.

Yeah, we will.

That means you know your way
around the mine pretty well.

I guess.

Am I in trouble?

Well, that depends, Clarke.

Where were you between
8:00 and 10:00 last night.

At home.

Can anyone corroborate that?

I live alone. But maybe a
neighbour saw me or something.

Hey, don't you need a search warrant?

Looks like we found our Caleb.

That was you, in the
mine, last night Clarke.

Yeah, only because Gloria
asked me to meet her there.

She was already dead when I arrived.

So why run?

I was dressed as Cold Hard Caleb.

Why do you think I ran, man?

Where did the pick-axe come from?

Gloria got it from the
studio props department.

The whole costume thing was her idea.

Whole costume thing?

Ian and Nell,

they didn't want to show Caleb

as a physical being in the film.

But Gloria didn't think
it would be scary enough

if we didn't see Caleb onscreen.

Is that you in the background?

That's Jay.

It was their idea from the start.

He was always way more into
the Caleb legend than me.

He even bought this old miner's helmet

that was supposed to be Caleb's.

And Ian and Nell,

they didn't know anything about this?


Gloria wanted to surprise the cast,

make the scares more


And then Jay d*ed. And
she got you to fill in.

I should've said no.

But she was very good at getting
people to do things for her.

What kind of things?

There's just one thing
that I don't understand.

Why would you two agree
to help finance a film

when you don't have any money?

Because Gloria promised us a
big piece of the back end.

That's where the real money is.

We thought we'd get back
ten times our investment.

And instead, you're having
trouble making ends meet, and...

Gloria put you in that position.

I know how this looks, Detective.

But neither of us were anywhere
near that mine last night.

We were both at home the whole night.

That's true?


Do we need to call a lawyer?


You can go for now.

I went through Jay's phone.
And you'll find the texts

between him and Nell rather interesting.

Wow, there certainly are a lot of them.

Yeah, well I found a bunch of times

where they discussed meeting
together for acting class.

Ah well, from the clips that I saw

sounds like a wise investment.

Oh, savage.

And sad, because they actually
did meet for acting class.

But I found out the dates in the texts

didn't line up with the class schedule.

So you think acting class
was code for something?


I think it was definitely
code for something-something.


So Nell and Jay were having an affair.

Ian was on camera at the
time of Jay's death.

But maybe Gloria found out?

And was blackmailing Nell?


I got results on what triggered
Jay's asthma att*ck.

- Fungal spores.
- Ewwww.

In his lungs.


I hate mushrooms. They ruin pizza.

And Smurfs live in them.


It's a fungus

that might be something
called Taxomyces Andreanae.

It's a fungi

that produces toxic compounds
used in the creation

of antibiotics and chemotherapy dr*gs.

So wait.

Jay was k*lled by a fungus that
has life-saving properties?

Oh! Death by irony.

- Just go.
- I'm gonna go.


I'm going to head back
to the mine tonight

to get some samples
to confirm my theory.

Oh, I'll drive you. We're
just about done here.

And Rex could use a walk.

Hey, buddy?

He never misses a b*at.

Let's go.

Good, Rex.


It's dark in here.

Almost lost him last time.

There you go.

Wait, are these fungal spores

they're not dangerous to Rex, are they?

As long as he doesn't eat them.

All mushrooms are magic
mushrooms for a dog.

He could go on quite the trip.

Well, that does explain last Christmas.

What have you got, buddy?


It's not like my team to miss that.

Step out where I can see you!

Put your hands up! Drop the g*n!

Woah woah woah woah woah!

No no, it's not a g*n.

Ian. What are you doing down here?

Ian, this is a crime scene.

Is that Nell's phone?

I've been looking for that.

I've been trying to call.
But there's no reception.

You lied to me.

You and Nell, you weren't
together all night, were you?

We got into a fight.

Nell left for a few hours.

And when she came back,
she wasn't herself.

And her phone was missing.

She told you that?


But she seemed like she was
looking for something.

And when I asked her where her phone was

she said it was charging. But it wasn't.

And you assumed she had just lost it?

I knew she was lying about something.

Then I found out about Gloria.

I didn't think she was a k*ller.

But I hoped I was wrong.

I prayed I was wrong.

But I had to be sure.

I could charge you with
obstruction of justice.

What were you going to do?

I don't know.

Figure something out.

Hear her side.

She's my wife. I love her.

Wait a second.

Where is she now?

She's just outside the mine.


Where are you? I'm lost!

Sounds like she's just
a couple tunnels away.

Nell! Can you hear me?

Follow my voice!

Yes! Do it again!

Ian, keep your voice down.






Ian! The mine.

She can hear me!

What's happening, Ian?

Nell! Can you hear me? Follow my voice!



Rex. Hey, buddy.

Hi, Pal.

Sarah, are you okay?


I... yeah.


- I'm stuck!
- Yeah.

I can't get out! Help me!

We're all stuck!

You just need to calm down.

I never told anybody that
we were coming here.

- Did you?
- No.

And we can't make or
receive calls down here.

Then we're going to have
to find our own way out.

We need to get out fast.

This debris could cave in at any time.

Can you move?





Come on!


My leg is pinned. Can you guys move?

I can't.

I can't.




There's a narrow passage
just behind you.

Can you see it?


We can't fit in that.


Come here, pal.

Hey, buddy.

Are you up for this?

Huh? Are you up for this?


I thought you would be.

What is that? What are you doing?

I'm texting Jesse.

As soon as Rex gets outside
and finds a cell signal,

it'll send automatically.

And Jesse will know where we are.

Okay, Rex.

You can do this.


Okay, outside and wait.

Alright, Rex? Outside and wait.

I'll see you soon.

I hope he has a clear
path all the way out.

If anyone can get through, Rex will.



Is he okay?

Neurally mediated syncope.

His anxiety got the better of him.

At least he won't hyperventilate

while he's passed out.

He might not make it, Charlie.

He's not the one I'm worried about.

No no no no no.

Don't go in the mine.
Don't go in the mine.

No! Okay, you're going in the mine.

I can't read this. Oh no. Okay.

You know what I said?

I wondered...

I wondered how I ended up here.

I didn't mean...

It's... it's okay.

No no. It's not okay.

You misunderstood me.

I've been happy here.

In this mine?


You set a low bar, Truong.

No, please don't make me laugh!

Oh, it hurts!

You know what I mean.


I just want you to know

I love working with you.

And Rex.

I'm glad.

I... um...

Because you're going to be
stuck with us for a long time.


It's not scary!

It's just a book.

It's not scary at all.

Charlie and Sarah are in trouble!


They're in Black Cove Mine.

And part of the tunnel collapsed.

Get emergency services

and an excavation team
to that mine ASAP.

And find Rex!

Charlie? Charlie?

Charlie, stay with me.

Stay with me.

Hey! Hey!

Come on, Rex.

Go find Charlie!






That sounds like a drill.

Hey, pal.

Hey, pal.

Hey, buddy.

Hey, buddy.

Hello. Come in? Anyone?

He's got a walkie, and there's rope.



Thank God you're okay!

We're only 12 feet away,

according to the rope
that we have on Rex.

Who else is down there with you?

We're trapped under the
debris but we're fine.

Ian is with us. He's unconscious.

I don't know where his wife, Nell is.

Do you?

We'll organize a search for her asap.

Meanwhile, let's get
you guys out of there.

That's one heck of a
partner you've got there.


Sure do.

I'm glad to see you're okay.

Any word on Nell?

Have a seat, Ian.

Crews are doing
everything that they can.

But many of the smaller
tunnels collapsed.

I'm going to be straight with you.

It's unlikely your wife survived.

And it gets worse.

Because I'm going to have to arrest you

for the m*rder of Gloria Hamlin

and the suspected m*rder
of Jay Tomlinson.


We found Nell's phone

in a part of the mine

that our forensics team
had already swept.

They never would have missed it
if it was there the first time.

It's almost as if someone
planted it there.

I never touched that phone.

Well then, you won't mind
if I do a little test?



See, the great thing about
having a dog for a partner

is they never miss anything.

And they never lie.

Their sense of smell is so sharp

that they can even tell
who the last person was

to touch an object.

Track it, pal!

He's a dog!

I mean, you can't be serious!

That's the only evidence
you have against me?

You knew where Gloria d*ed.

That information wasn't public.

Only the k*ller would know
where to plant that phone.

Nell told me she did it.

She admitted everything and
begged me not to confess.

That's why I put the phone down there,

so she didn't know it
was me who gave her up.

There is one other thing.

Jay's death.

That was an asthma att*ck.

Yeah, but somebody was
with Jay when he d*ed.

Somebody closed a door in the mine,

so he couldn't get help.

That's tantamount to m*rder.

Why would I do that? Jay's my friend.

You said earlier that your wife

wasn't the type of person
to have an affair.

I think you were lying.

I think you went down to confront Jay.

Maybe you even intended to k*ll him.

But you found him already dying

from an acute asthma att*ck
due to the mould in the mine.

But you had to make a choice.

So you held that door shut

until you were sure Jay was dead.

You were worried

that you left some physical
evidence at the scene.

So that night

you picked a fight with Nell

so you could storm out
and go back to the mine

and cover your trail.

I don't know what you're
trying to prove here.

But it's not true.

Yeah, but Gloria spoiled your plan

when she showed up at the mine.

And when she saw you

she knew.

Didn't she?


What are you doing?

I... I...

No! No!

That didn't happen.

After that, all that was left

was for you to take Nell's phone,

plant it at the mine

and frame her for Jay's m*rder.

Nell k*lled Gloria.

And Jay too, like I said.

She confessed.

I don't believe that.

Well, you don't have a choice.

It's my word against hers.

And like you said, she's probably dead.


Can we count on your testimony?

You'll have my full cooperation.


Whoa! You okay?

Uh... yeah.

Yeah, how about you?


Well, you're not going to believe it.

But we found only one hair

in the helmet.

And it was nearly a hundred years old.

I'm guessing we weren't able to I.D.
it then?


But when we took the helmet apart

we found initials on the inside.


Caleb O'Connor!

Cold-Heart Caleb himself.

And we're able to confirm that?

Well, we can't match it
to Caleb, obviously.

But we ran DNA anyways

and found a match to
a living descendant.

That doesn't make any sense.

Because Jesse said that Caleb
had no living descendants.

Well, who are you going to believe?
Me or Jesse?

You've got to be kidding me.

It's true.

Caleb O'Conner was my great-grandfather.

Our family kept the truth
secret at his request.

Huh. What is the truth?

He was tired of seeing fellow
workers hurt or k*lled

due to unsafe working conditions.

And I know you're not going
to believe any of this.

- So...
- Actually, I do.

My colleague, Jesse...

He found some old
correspondence that confirmed

that Caleb was actually beloved
by his fellow co-workers.

See? All he was wanted to do

was convince those miners to unionize.


Which would have put a
big target on his back.

Yeah, he moved to a different town.

Changed his name. Met a woman.

The rest is history.

Rex, come on pal!

- This belonged to Caleb.
- Hey!

So it belongs to you.

That's right, buddy.

Ah, thank you! Both of you!

My great-grand-daddy thanks you too!

Next time on Hudson & Rex

I have prepared a mouth
watering young calf

wrapped in a rich buttery pastry

Looks like we're dealing
with one angry vegan

Who would go to this length

to discredit Chef Gregory

You don't think I know it was you

- that put that thumb in there?
- Just calm down.

There could be somebody out there

who's dead or in serious trouble.

We need to move fast

Rex, go!