02x03 - Blind Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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02x03 - Blind Justice

Post by bunniefuu »


I am not dropping this at 130 an ounce.

This is quality product.

100% pure.

Give me a second.

I'll call you back.

I know what this looks like.

But I swear I was going
to give you every dime.

Hey, thanks so much for coming.

It was my partner's idea.

Yeah. Rex doesn't
drive here twice a week

or volunteer to walk my dogs.

Well, I do have a bit of
a soft spot for rescues.

Apparently, so does Rex.

This is his favourite time of the week.

I think I know why.

Rex's got a girlfriend.


Sorry to be a buzz k*ll but duty calls.

Catch you later.


Let's go, pal!

Let's go!


Where's Sarah?

She got called in to
court as an expert witness.

So you're stuck with me.

First time as the big kahuna.

- I'm a little stressed, to be honest.
- Ah, you'll do fine.

So who do we have here?

Dwight Pilson. 28.

A fellow dock worker found
him around 7:00 this morning

when he started his shift,

putting the time of death
between midnight and 2:00 AM.

They don't have security here at night?

Yes, but no one seemed
to have heard the g*nsh*t.

And security footage shows
no one arriving or leaving.

Well, that means they used a suppressor.

They knew what they were doing.

The question is, why?

His wallet still had
six hundred dollars.

Then it wasn't a robbery.

Any thoughts?

Not yet.

My team's combed this
place from top to bottom.

- They found nothing.
- That's because you guys don't have a Rex.

Come on, pal.

What have you got, pal?

Vacuum up a sample of that substance.

We need to fast-track that, but...

I think we all know
what that's going to be.


Specifically, European white truffles.

I did not see that coming.

They're worth over ten grand a kilo.

The question is:

Why would a low-level
dockworker be k*lled

for stealing a few truffles?

Well because it is not about the product

but the routing.

Which is a cool way to
describe a smuggling racket.

We have all kinds of product
flooding into this city

and we don't know how.

What we do know is that
smuggling is likely the reason

behind the m*rder of Dwight Pilson.

Found in a shipping container
with a b*llet in the head.

This is why we're authorizing
a JFO between SJPD and the MBSA.

Well, I am L-O-S-T.

Thank you very much, Jesse.


We are teaming up with our friends

at the Maritime Border Security Agency.

Good folks like Officer Purkis.

- Officer Leah Purkis?
- Why, do you know her?

Unfortunately, yeah, from the Academy.

She is pretty full of herself.

She's also standing behind you.


As always.

Leah. The floor is yours.

Thank you.

So our m*rder victim is
the close associate of a man

who has been on our radar
at the MBSA for some time.

This is Tyson Biggs. He
is a high-profile importer

who has smuggled everything

from illegal weaponry to exotic birds.

But you will know him
more as a prime suspect

of a crime of another nature.

This is Garrison Joyce. A
58-year-old former commercial plumber.

Found four months ago in his bathtub.

Also a b*llet to the head.

Joyce had just smuggled in a pair

of rare freshwater polka dot stingrays

with the help of Tyson Biggs.


Who gets m*rder*d over fish?

They're valued at over

twenty-five thousand a
piece on the black market.

They are. Right. As you were.

Where is Biggs now?

He's in custody. He's being denied bail

while the Crown appeals a dismissal.

Well at least we know he's
not good for this m*rder.

Not necessarily.

Even though Tyson Biggs is behind bars

we see him as a very dangerous man

who may have orchestrated this hit.

You think that he's arranging
this from his jail cell?

Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

Our dealings

with Tyson Biggs have
revealed a pathological liar

who is prone to manipulating reality.

We believe he will stop at nothing

to protect his routing system.

Yeah, well we don't usually
like to begin investigations

- with assumptions.
- Oh.

It's time to rethink the normal.

I'm assuming we're talking to Biggs?

Okay, no offence, but,

I like to talk to my suspects alone.

What part of joint forces
do you not understand?

- We are partnering up.
- Rex is my partner.

Same old Charlie.

What is that supposed to mean?

- That you don't like to be challenged.
- Oh.

Maybe that's why you're more comfortable

with a canine partner than a human one.

Well, you're right.

Let's put it to a vote.

Who thinks that Rex
and I should go solo?

Oh, canine partner for the win.


Who's a good dog?

I see you met my partner, Rex.

He's usually a better
judge of character.

A dock worker named
Dwight Pilson was found

at the container port this morning

with a b*llet in his head.

I understand you knew him.

He pulled a few things
for me back in the day.

But I'm out of the smuggling scene.

He was shot execution-style,

handling smuggled items

just like a certain fish-loving plumber.

I had nothing to do with that hit.


Your prints were found on the w*apon.

Yeah, because I handled the
g*n when I smuggled it in.

My lawyer made that case clear.

Right, you were framed.

Without a doubt.

Then how come not a single
other suspect ever came forward.

That's because the framers knew
exactly what they were doing.

There's this somebody
laying the groundwork

for an illegal routing system.

Whoever controls the system

controls the city.

Say that's true. Why k*ll the kid?

Because the system
needs to be protected.

Now, if I had to guess...

it's because there's something
big coming up the pipe.

And you know who's behind it.



the rumour is...

that whoever is behind this is so smart,

so ruthless, that...

it just might be the devil himself.

You want me to believe
this isn't you behind it?

Give me a name.


I like you.

So you get one name.

Big guy. Redhead.

Real g*n nut.

And he's not smart enough
to run this whole thing

but he'll know who's involved.

His name...

is Red Knowles.

Got it?


There. Was that so hard?

Hey, Sarah.

Or should I call you
Ms. Crown Expert Witness?

Ah, "Ms. Expert" is fine.

- Hey, how'd things go with Kelly?
- Oh, you've trained her well.

She's even down with your coffee order.

Oh, good.

I'm glad she's getting the
chance to work the field.

She deserves it.

So are you almost done?

- I need your help.
- We're taking a recess.

But we shouldn't be
long. Why? What's up?

You remember that m*rder
suspect, Tyson Biggs?

- Oh, the smuggling guy.
- Yeah.

Plumber in the bathtub.
It wasn't mine. Why?

Well, Biggs claims that
he was framed for that job.

I just wonder if you could take a look

at the forensics trail and
see if there's anything odd?

- Yeah, I'm on it.
- Thanks, Sarah.

Keyser Soze.

Okay? A crime lord whose
ruthlessness and power

has achieved mythical status thus

instilling the people who
work under him to keep in line.

Our k*ller... or K*llers,

have left no fingerprints no witnesses

and no evidence whatsoever.

Okay, this is next level stuff.

A real life Keyser Soze.


Keyser Soze.

Jesse, what do you have that ties

either of these murders to Red Knowles?

Well, I checked Dwight
Pilson's phone records.

And he contacted Red
six days before the hit.

Except he also contacted several

high profile import-exporters

which widens our suspect pool.

Maybe it's time I pay Red a visit.

Maybe it is.

Take Leah with you. Red's a smuggler.

You can use her expertise.

Now I know why they call him Red.

- He's got a g*n.
- Stay here.

Call it in.

Tell Joe that Red is armed
and entering the docks.

Okay. Track him, pal.

I couldn't just sit there.

Red was going to sh**t you.

That means you just saved my life.

Hey partner!

We found him in a shipping container.

Buddy! How are you?

Everything checks out.


You did what you had to do, Leah.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I don't think he likes me.

No, he just senses you're in pain.

Dogs are reactive that way.

They took away my g*n.

Yeah, they do that.

Then it's off to the station,

you know, give your statement,

a meeting with your union lawyer

and enough paperwork to
give you writer's cramp.

But, hey, after that,

I want to take you somewhere.

The first time I came here

I'd just been called to a sh**t.

A teenage girl had been
hit with a stray b*llet.

Died in my arms.

She was... 15?

At the time, I thought I'd
never be the same again.

But the truth is...

life goes on.

Not for Red.

One minute he's alive

and the next he's dead.

And that's because of me.

Look, I know his life took a turn

but he was once just
a man with a mother...

a girlfriend...

maybe even a dog he loved.

Well, I have a mother too.

And if you didn't do what you did

- she'd be the one without a son.
- I know.

But if you need to
take a couple of days...

you do that.

Nobody's going to fault you
for taking some down time.

I'd rather have closure.

Well then, maybe we can...

work together.

I thought you normally work alone.

Maybe it's time to rethink normal.

Hey, you're back!


I came as soon as we adjourned.

I heard what happened.

It could have been you in the body bag.

Oh, no. I'm fine.

Because... Leah.

- Hi!
- Hi.

- A pleasure.
- Thank you.

Sorry, I'm a bit frazzled.

Yeah, it's been quite a day.

So, I'm all caught up.

Kelly filled me in on everything

including the latest on Red Knowles.

Oh, what have you got?

They found a Glock 26 in the trunk
of Red's car with a suppressor.

Ballistics has it as a match
for the m*rder of Dwight Pilson.

- So I guess that's it then.
- No, actually,

there's something else
I found. Generally...

we can find small traces of gunpowder

in the fleshy parts of the thumb

but nothing came up on
the g*nsh*t Residue Test.

The hit was a day earlier.

A good hand washing would
have taken care of it.

Yeah, it's just that Red didn't
strike me as the hygienic type.


Given that there was no g*nsh*t
residue on Red Knowles's fingers,

we need to consider the
possibility that it was a setup.

I just wonder if we're
over-thinking this.

You know, where I come from,

the easy answer is
usually the correct one.

Yeah, but when Red Knowles
was going to the container dock

he was going to k*ll someone.

I checked with the dock workers

and two of them both admitted in private

to rumours of something big arriving.

That's what Tyson Biggs was saying.

Jesse, is there any connection

between Red and the other
potential import/exporters

that Dwight Pilson was talking to?

No, but there is a guy who might
know. Red once had a partner.

Bruce Luxton. He's a Realtor now. Here.

He might not look like a smuggler

nut this was Red's right hand man.

Interesting. See if
you can bring him in.

Red wasn't the kind of guy
who needed to follow trouble

because trouble followed him.

That why you two parted ways?


He started bringing in dr*gs.

And that was not my scene.

I was an importer not
a trafficker. So I quit.

Well, we've been hearing rumours
that something big is coming.

You know anything about that?

Sorry. No.

Red was armed when he
went to the container port.

You have any idea who
he might have been after?

I mean, I haven't been down
to the docks in two years.

Any enemies back in the day?

Well, none that I can recall.

A friend of mine...

she's thinking of buying a condo.

What do you think of the
Realtor named Derek Schrier.

Ooh, I would caution your friend
to stay far away from that guy.

He is notorious for
screwing over his clients.

So you don't forget
your enemies, do you?

So I ask you again.

Did you and Red have any enemies?

Now that you mention it,
there was this one guy.

His name was Tyson.

Tyson Biggs?

Yes. Tyson Biggs.

He was the man on the
scene back in the day.

Nobody understood how
he got his product in

but he knew who to charm

and how to hurt you if you crossed him.

Thank you. But before you go,

- we just have to ask you one question.
- Sure.

Where were you between
midnight and 2:00 AM

at the time Dwight Pilson was k*lled?

I was in my hotel room in Clarenville.

I was working on a real
estate project out there

I'm happy to provide contacts...

if you like.

Well, he seemed credible.


I'm still going to
check his phone records.

I'm starting to like the way you work.

Okay, this is me.

Hey. Um...

That was nice work in there today.


You too.


Do you want to grab a drink?


Well, uh...

I, uh...


I can't. I've got plans.


Seriously, buddy?

Come on, man! It's not a big deal.
I'm not mad or anything like that.

I'm just saying there's
no reason to be jealous.

I'm going to have lady
friends in my life.

You're going to have lady
friends in your life like Bella.

Right? You see me
acting like a big weirdo?

No! Because I'm on your side.

I'm just saying...

I don't think we should be,

you know, each other's buzz k*ll.

Mmm, this pizza's delicious.

No? Kibble?


Hey, Sarah.

Hey, uh...

Did I make a fool of myself?

What are you talking about?

With you and Leah. And
the hand-shaking thing.

It was weird. I think I'm a little
nervous around your new work wife.

No no no. She's my work mistress.

- You're my work wife.
- Okay, good good! Yeah.

Yeah, just... just don't forget it!

- Hm!
- Anyway,

I reviewed the forensics
trail on Tyson Biggs

sh**ting that plumber like you asked.

Yeah. Did you find anything odd?

The fingerprints were definitely his.

The work is solid

but I couldn't find any
g*nsh*t Residue Test.

He's the lead suspect in
a m*rder investigation.

There's always a g*nsh*t Residue Test.

Yeah, so either it was never done...

Or somebody made it disappear.

Oh, I checked into
Luxton's phone records

and got some pings from
a Clarenville cell tower

between 12:00 and 2:00 AM.

So Bruce Luxton's alibi holds up.

Well, yes and no.

I mean, look.

The calls were placed
in 15 minute intervals

which perfectly covered
the time of Dwight's death.

It's almost too perfect.

As if by design.

This is where it gets really weird.

I reviewed some CCTV
footage near the docks

and stumbled upon this.

Oh my God.

That's Bruce Luxton.

The man who hadn't been at the
container docks in two years.

The working theory is that Bruce Luxton

is aggressively protecting some
sort of smuggling operation.

And he's probably also involved

in the two execution-style hits
related to the smuggling trade.

Except my people checked into
Luxton's import and export practices.

And there's no record
of him for two years.

And his Realtor business is fully legit.

I did a deep-dive on Luxton

and the guy has a Masters in business.

He's been wheeling and dealing
since before he could walk.

If anyone knows how to keep
themselves concealed, it's him.

I'm still not convinced.

Okay, we're all ears. Tell us why not.

Luxton said that the only person
Red feared was Tyson Biggs.

Which means Luxton likely
feared Biggs himself.

Keyser Soze!

Biggs is still in lockup.

Yes. But he'll be out on bail
if the Crown loses its appeal

and that could be any day.

Maybe he knows this.

Charlie, you pay Tyson
Biggs another visit.

It won't hurt.

And you take Leah with you,

she knows him better than all of us.


My main man!


It never feels like I'm
locked up when you're around.

- Officer Purkis!
- Hello, Tyson.

I'm glad to see that
you've joined the...

big leagues.

So what can you tell
us about Bruce Luxton?

Well, as far as I know,

Bruce Luxton, he quit
the smuggling scene

before I did.


Why don't you ask Red Knowles?

Red Knowles is dead.

He got taken down by a
police officer yesterday.

He was in a hostile state
brandishing a w*apon.

Oh, I...

I don't know anything about that.

Well, why did you call him
one hour before he was shot?

I called him just to
get ahead of the rumour

in case it got out that I ratted on him.

So you wanted him to think
someone else was the rat.

Well maybe Red knew something

about Bruce Luxton that I don't

and maybe that's what got him k*lled.

What if we told you that Luxton
may be behind all of this.

Building this routing system that
you were talking about earlier.

Luxton certainly has
the brains to do it.

But if he is...

he ain't doing it alone.

That might explain why the goods

- have been flooding in faster than ever?
- Mmm.

This routing system
that you mentioned...

How would it work?

I'll tell you how I'd do it.

The container dock, it's
divided into three sections:

new arrivals, cleared by customs,

and flagged for secondary inspection.

Now, the important
one is the second one.

Because it has the poorest
CCTV cam coverage which means...

it's the best place to mark a container.

For what?

So a greased cop knows

which containers to avoid
for a further inspection.

I don't believe you.

My colleagues are not crooked.

You may be right.

But if you want to know for sure

head down to the dock at 10:15 PM.

There's a 15 minute
gap in between shifts.

That's when they pay off the dirty cops.

You're welcome.

I suppose you want us

to put in a good word
with you for the Crown.

- Hmm?
- Nah.

The Crown lost their appeal.

I'm going to be out by noon.

Thanks, though.

He's playing us.

That business about being a crime god.

That is classic narcissism.

Because that's actually
how he perceives himself.

You think that he's the one

that's bringing in the large shipment
of g*ns if the rumour is true?

Well, it makes the most sense to me.

Because you know what?
I'm not ready for a world

where a man like Biggs is the good guy

and my colleagues are not.

I know. It's crazy.

You know, I have to admit

I was very skeptical of
this arrangement at first.

Yeah, you and me both.

But I was wrong.

I like the way your mind works.

Yeah, buddy! Timing!

Maybe you're right about Tyson Biggs.

Maybe I've been looking
at this all wrong.

Let's just wait and see how it unfolds.

Do we really need to wait?

I mean, shift change is
minutes away at the docks.

No way we could get a
surveillance team there in time.

Charlie, we can do this on the sly.

Maybe this is how you
stop the g*n shipment.

No. I'm not putting any
officers' lives at risk.

I'd have to let Joe know.

Sometimes I think you
have too much integrity.


need to freshen up.

We talked about this, buddy.

Rex, let's go!

Come on, pal.

OK pal, track Leah!


- Good job, partner!
- Help me!

- Hey!
- I've been shot!

- Come here.
- Uhh!


Stay with me! Stay with me!

This is Detective Hudson, Major Crimes.

I am at the southeast corner
of the port container terminal.

Officer down! I repeat, officer down!

Come on!

Stay focused. Stay focused.

Look at me, Leah.

It's okay.

Hey, you.

Hey. I'm so sorry.

No. I'm the one who should be sorry.

No. It was an ambush.

Tyson Biggs's men were with him

but he was the one
that pulled the trigger.

We were totally set up.

I'm just glad you put
on your bulletproof vest.

Yeah, it's not so bad.

I have a bruised rib.

He only clipped me in the leg.

So I'll be out this afternoon.

Well, you can look on the bright side,

gives you a good excuse
not to answer to Donovan.


So we found the w*apon used to
sh**t Leah under Biggs's floorboards.

Ballistics found it as a match

and the g*n had his prints.

Looks like Biggs is going back to jail

for the attempted m*rder of Leah.

Yeah. This time for good.

What about Bruce Luxton?

His whereabouts are unknown.

But we're assuming that he's
still on the run from Tyson Biggs.

Looks like Leah was right all along.

Sometimes the easiest
explanation is the right one.

Exactly. But you're
both still off the case.

No, Leah should have never
gone down there by herself.

And you should have known to
call for backup immediately.

You forgot the oldest rule.

Lives first.

Case second.

Go home, Hudson.

You're suspended for twenty-four hours.

Third time this week. You okay?

Ah, I've been better.

You want to talk about it?

Not really.

But you know, it is nice to see
Bella and Rex doing their thing.

It's nice to know that there
can be some relationships

that are uncomplicated.

Well, I wouldn't quite say that.

- Hmm?
- Bella's leaving soon.

You found her a home? That's great news.

It's not quite so good.

Her one month adoption
period is coming to an end.

What does that mean?

It means she's going to the pound.

Hopefully she'll have better luck there.

Well, we all know what happens

if she doesn't get adopted at the pound.

There's no other option?

I'm sorry, Charlie. My hands are tied.


Is it just me? Or does
something not feel quite right?


- Hey.
- I guess congratulations are in order.

For what? The suspension?

Or for almost k*lling my co-worker?

Well, for getting your guy.

It's not so often you can
solve two murders in one day

and be confident enough to blow
past a g*nsh*t Residue Test.

- What do you mean?
- Leah said you figured it would be useless.

No, I never said that.

Okay, great. I didn't think so.

Charlie. I've got to say something.

I don't trust her.

But maybe she just misunderstood me.

No, there's something else.

And I hope I don't come
across as a jealous work-wife

but I checked in with my
friend at the MBSA about Leah.

What do you know about
how she got on this case?

Uh, from what I know, she was assigned.

Yeah, according to my friend,
she pushed herself onto it.


Like, specifically,
to go sidecar with you

on the m*rder of that dock worker.

I'm not sure what that means exactly.

I don't know.

What if there was a reason
she wanted to be close to you?

You know that expression.

Keep your friends close
but your enemies closer?

So she could keep a close eye on me

and manipulate the
evidence in her favour.


Charlie. I can't talk to you.

Don't use my name.

Look, I know you know I'm
suspended but I have a task.


I'm in.


Focus, Jesse.

I need you to pull up
all the CCTV footage

that you can of the container docks.

Okay, one sec.

Okay dude, you're going to
have to get more specific.

I mean, this place is huge.

Is there a lot somewhere
near the section

that's been cleared for customs?

Southeast tip?

Preferably somewhere that's
a little off the beaten track.

Okay, there...

Yeah, there is a little abandoned lot.

Not a lot of cars, though.


Keep scrolling backwards in time.

See if you see any police cars.

Police cars? What are
we talking about here?

Don't talk. Just do it.


Okay, how long back?

I mean, this will take months.


Try and look around
April 9th, around 9:00 PM.

That's the last container
tanker to enter the dockyard.

Oh, wait, wait.

Because if there's an illegal
routing system taking place

then the police would
be paid off! Right?

Keep your voice down.

Sorry. Yeah, Arthur.

We'll be free for euchre Wednesday.

We have a winner.

Can you see the plate?

I'm getting a partial.

Enter it in the police database.

See what you get.

Oh my God. It's Leah!

And yet Leah just learned

about Tyson Biggs's
smuggling trick yesterday

and here she is three weeks ago.

And if she's in on the container scam

then she'd be paid off too, but...

didn't she just k*ll a
guy to save your life?

Jesse, meet me at the
container dockyard.

Southeast corner.

- Now.
- Right now. Okay.

Hey. I got what you wanted.

Luxton's jacket from the house seizure

and Kelly's report on Red's takedown.

Hey, can you tell me what's going on?

Follow me.

Okay. This is it.

This is where Leah shot Red.

Buddy, come here.

Here's Luxton's jacket.

Get the scent.

All right. Track it!

Luxton was here. You caught him on CCTV.

I think Tyson Biggs had Red
believe that Luxton ratted him out.

So, Red came here with the
intent to k*ll Bruce Luxton.

Give me that forensics file of
Leah's sh**ting of Red Knowles.

We're going to try a little experiment.


Good boy, Rex.


This is where Leah
was when she shot him.

You'll be Red Knowles.

Rex is Luxton.

- I was over there.
- Okay.

So, if Red were trying to sh**t you,

that means he'd be facing this way.

That doesn't make sense.
Kelly's report said that

the b*llet entered his lower right back

and exited the left of his abdomen.

So you need to rotate 90 degrees.



Oh my God.

That means...

Leah didn't k*ll Red to save me.

She k*lled Red to save Bruce Luxton.

Donovan is still not answering.

He hasn't returned my
texts in over two hours.

This can't wait. We've got
to talk to him in person.

Come on, pal.




Come on, pal!


Contain your dog.

Or I'll sh**t him.

Oh, I wouldn't do that.

Keep your hands away from your g*n

I always wondered why
you had the foresight

to put on that bulletproof vest.

It wasn't an ambush at all.

It was a trick.

Now aim for my ribs.


Now one in the leg!

You're the Keyser Soze character

that Jesse's been talking
about all this time, huh?

The dark figure in the
shadows pulling the strings?

In the real world, Charlie,

Keyser Soze is more than one person.

You should have taken the hint!

You know you're hunch was
right about my shipment of g*ns.


you're too late.

You know, I wondered why Rex
didn't like you from the start.

I guess it's because you're
not on our side after all.

All of this could have been avoided

if you had just backed off!

Is that what you said to Dwight Pilson?

It's taken a lot of work
to set up my routing system.

And he was just getting
a little too flashy

with the goods we were bringing in.


Easy, buddy.

- Let's make a deal.
- Does it seem like

you have any kind of
negotiating power here?

You are of zero value to us.

Yeah, I might not have any value.

But Rex does.

And Rex responds to me.

Come on!

Rex can track any drug under
the sun, even through metal.


Prove it.

If there are any dr*gs
in these containers,

Rex is trained to sniff them out.

This dog better know what he's doing.

Drop your weapons now!

Drop them!

- Go! Go go!
- Don't move! Don't move!

Show me your hands!


That's why I prefer a canine
partner to a human one.

You should have seen their faces.

It worked like a charm.

Thank God you recognized
they had compromised my phone.

Yeah, well, I knew you
weren't a full-sentence texter.

Thanks for organizing
tactical so quickly.

Well, it's Rex we need to thank.

Yeah, once again, I owe Rex big time.

Those are starting to add up!

I don't think you'll ever
pay him back at this rate.

Well, I'm not so sure about that.

Do I have you to thank for this?

For me getting out?

No no. This is Rex's doing.


Well, I see where he
gets his integrity from.

Ah no, it's where I get mine.

Thanks, pal.

Thanks for everything.

Well, you're not out of the woods yet.

With Officer Purkis and
Bruce Luxton behind bars,

you're cleared of the m*rder charges.

But you are still a smuggler.


Well, no.

That game is behind me.

I promise.

And look, this isn't an
excuse or anything, but,

when you grow up like I did,

you learn to fend for yourself.

Well, how did you grow up, exactly?

Ah... Alone.

Yeah, orphanage.

Foster home.

It's all a blur of no one
knowing where to put me, you know?

Sounds like someone else I know.

This is Bella.

She's a bit of an orphan, too.

I figured that maybe the two of
you could help each other out.

Hey, Bella!



How are you?

Hi, Bella!

Hi, bud! Oh!

I think this might be the
start of a beautiful friendship.



All right!

There he is! The man of the hour!

I know you're just clapping for Rex

but for right now I'll
pretend that's not the case.

We're hitting up the Duke to celebrate.

In honour of our canine
companion, a round of Salty Dogs!

On me!

Well, I will have to meet
up with you later. Because...

I have a date I have to get to!

Really? It's something
we should know about?

Oh, I never said it was my date.
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