01x13 - The Rex Files

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x13 - The Rex Files

Post by bunniefuu »



Come on, come on!

I got it. I got it. Just relax.

- It's coming.
- Go go go!

It's like taking candy...

from a baby!





Where did you learn to do that?



What the...?

Dude! Turn your lights on!

What the hell is this?

I can't see!


I can't see anything!

- Pull over!
- I can't! I can't!

Nothing's working!

You picking up on something, pal?

Let's have a look.

Let's go, Rex.


Detective Hudson.

What happened here?

Head on collision with
an electrical pole.

Not a happy start to my day.

Any fatalities?

Passenger was dead on impact.

- Hmm.
- But the driver made it.

They took him to East Shore.

Did you get a name?

Dante McGuire.

Looks like car theft.

You can see where they
pulled the wires out

and then manually jacked them together.

They were probably speeding away

when they lost control of the vehicle.


Did the owner called it in yet?

No. But it's registered
to a Shelley Whitby.

She's probably just waking
up now to find it gone.

What is it, pal?


Everything okay?

I'm not sure yet.

The circuitry is completely fried.

I've seen a lot of
hot-wires go bad before.

But not like this.


Hey, Joe.

It's Charlie.

There's been a car crash

at the corner of Hamilton and Cornwall.

- You okay?
- It wasn't me.

It was a grey sedan registered to a

Shelley Whitby.

Charlie, tell me what does this
have to do with Major Crimes?

I don't know yet. But...

I have a hunch.

This crash took a life.

And the car's circuitry
is totally fried.

Doesn't feel like a regular accident.

And Rex is picking up on something.

It's like we both have this hunch.

When you get hunches, I get nervous.

You've got 24 hours on this.

No. Make that 23.

Hey, can you have Jesse take a
look at the mechanic's report

as soon as he gets in?

Yeah, sure thing.


Come on, pal. Let's go.

We don't have a lot of time.

Don't look at me like that.

- I'm not finished yet.
- Charlie.

I went over that mechanic's
report like you asked.

Total destruction of the wiring harness.

Everything with an electrical
current fried simultaneously-

according to the analysis.

Any indication it was tampered with?

Well, if it was a tampering job,
then I would have been able

to isolate the sabotaged components.

But the fuses blew at once.

Does the analysis offer any explanation?

It offers one.

Lightning storm.

But it was a clear night.

I mean, here's a theory.


Electromagnetic pulse.

Yeah, exactly.

It's an intense burst of
man-made electromagnetic energy

that is designed to
shut down electricity

within a certain blast radius.

Sounds like science fiction.

It pretty much is. Yeah.

The boss hasn't given me
much time on this one.

So let's talk to Sarah.

Let the science expert decide, huh?

Sure. Yeah.

Buddy, I'd say you were right

about this case being weird.


You earned it.

I'm so sorry.

But I can't do it.

Come on! But this one's
going to be a fun one!

And geek conundrums are your specialty.

I know. But I promised Donovan

I'd finish this high-profile case first.

Dead judge. You know the drill.

Yeah, well I'll see your dead judge.

And I'll raise you

strange phenomenon

and a mysterious car crash.

Jesse thinks they're EMPs.

As in electromagnetic pulses?

Wait no! No, I can't. I made a promise.

And I'm already going to
have to pull an all-nighter.

Okay. I'll leave you to it, then.

Rex and I are going to go
see the crash survivor.

See if he can shed some
light on this mystery.

Don't solve it without me.

Oh, we will.

Don't worry. He's friendly.

I'm Detective Hudson, SJPD.

Are you Dante McGuire?

You drove your car into
an electrical pole?

It was an accident.

What were you doing in that
car in the first place?

It was clearly hot-wired.

I didn't steal it.

I bought the car with my ex.
Paid half for it.

It was just stupidly
registered in her name.

After we broke up, she
basically held it hostage.

I was just borrowing it.

At 3 AM? With,

judging by the marks on
the door, a slim jim?

Looks more like you were
making a speedy getaway.

I wasn't speeding.

Not when we crashed.

I remember because I was nearly hit

by an oncoming car just before.

He was driving with his lights off.

I swerved and just barely missed him.

But it freaked me out.
And I slowed way down.

Then what happened?

You're not going to believe me.

I know this is going
to sound weird, but-

There was this-

There was this light, this...

This bluish light.

It completely blinded me.

Another oncoming car?


No, it was-

It was coming from the sky.

The car shut down completely.

I couldn't move it at all.

I couldn't move anything.

And the next thing I remember
was coming out of the wreck.


I'm sorry about your friend.


What would you say if I told you

that when the motor was fried-

the driver saw a strange bluish light?

Really? There has been a
lot of online buzz lately,

specifically about lights in the sky.

And they're being described as blue.

Coming from who?

A guy.

What guy?


I know when we last worked together,

you had some doubts about the
phenomenon I had reported

on my Haunted Truth website.


I've been tracking the light
sightings for some time.

And I'm convinced-

that they are
extra-terrestrial in origin.

- Okay thanks for your time, Tyler.
- Whoah whoah whoah.

I've been in contact with
each and every eye witness

who posted about the sightings.

Was one of those
witnesses Dante McGuire?


I caught up with him at the hospital.

And-he says the same thing

as all the others.

That he saw a bluish,
blinding light in the sky.

And there's other phenomenon, too.

Dogs behaving weirdly.

Jewelry tingling.

And, oh. One of the eye witnesses,

gave me this.

Says he found it at the location

of one of the sightings.

What is it?

Great question.

But it's a bit like a lot of things,

but not exactly like anything
I've ever seen before.

Could this be one of those EMP devices?


Like what they used to
fight the Sentinels

after they att*cked the Nebuchadnezzar

- in the Matrix movie?
- Exactly.

Or what the Mjolnirs use
against the Sentinels

during the Battle of Zion
in The Matrix Reloaded.

That's interesting, although...
The battle you're referencing

actually happened in The
Matrix Revolutions.

- That is so embarrassing.
- Okay.

Focus, guys.

Could this be from an EMP device or not?

In all honesty, I have no idea.

Actually... You know what?
There's a local guy

who's leading the charge
on electromagnetic pulses.

Graham Pry.

He's also published a
few papers on EMPs.

Alright, let's pay him a visit.

Tyler, I'm going to borrow this.

Oh, um...

Rex, let's go.

Sure, yeah.


So what do you think, Mr. Pry?

Technically, it looks like
some kind of capacitor.

But I can't say I've ever come
across one quite like it.

What's different about it?

First of all, it's crude and unrefined.

Not the kind you'd
find on store shelves.


the voltage breakdown is higher

than any I've ever seen

on a capacitor of this size.

Could you buy these
components in a store?

And then maybe it was somehow modified?

Anything is possible if
you're clever enough.

Please be careful.

This is years of research.


He's incorrigible.

Quit snooping around.

Rex, get over here.

May I ask where this came from?

It was found at the site
of unusual light events.

May have played a role in
a recent fatal car crash.

Oh my.

Do you think that

this capacitor could be
part of some kind of...

EMP device?

I've never seen a capacitor that
could withstand the voltage

of an EMP's intensity
without short-circuiting.

But like I said-anything's possible.

So sorry to interrupt.

Hon, help.

I'm super-late.

And I look like a dork in these glasses.

Do you know where my
contact lens solution is?

You look fine. I promised my
girlfriend Fiona a ride to work.

Unless there's anything else?

That's fine. Thanks for your time.

I'll bring the car out front.

Ready for this?


Last time was just bad luck. Here we go.


Don't worry about it.

You'll get it next time.

Don't tell me you're still at work.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Time got away from me.

But I found something

that I think you might find interesting.

It's about that capacitor.


It occurred to me that if Pry
didn't even know about it,

then perhaps it's a new invention.

That's assuming it's
not extra-terrestrial.

Ah, yeah. Funny. Okay.

I ran down a list of scientific
intellectual properties

that had patents issued
over the past year.

I spent the last five and
half hours scouring it.

I'm a little loopy.


I came across our capacitor.

It was patented about three months ago.


Wouldn't you know it?

Graham Pry.

And if he's lying about that...

What else did he lie about?

Come on, buddy...

We've got to go see a
man about a capacitor.


Can no one drive in this town?

Let's go, buddy.

Let's hope Pry wasn't in there.

I'm fine.

Come on, pal.

Any word on what happened?

We're still documenting
the debris field.

But it's unlikely that the
expl*si*n was an accident

from within the shed.

How can you be certain?

Well, the force of the blast,

which was instantly fatal.

Poor guy didn't stand a chance.

Now, if the victim caused the
expl*si*n from inside the shed,

all the windows would have blown out.

Like this one.

See the remnants of broken glass?


that window over there...

What do you notice?

No broken glass.

That one was broken inward.

You're a quick study.

So somebody launched some kind
of a b*mb through that window,

and took off before it detonated,

k*lling Pry inside.

Yeah, that's my guess.

You didn't happen to
hear anything unusual?


But I can't say the same for Rex.

He picked up on something.

If he hadn't, I'd probably
be lying here too.

What is it, pal?


- Do you mind if I take this?
- Be my guest.

I've got more than
enough for my analysis.

Excuse me, Commissioner.

Excuse me.



- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Just a couple of scratches.

Uh-you're cleaning up!

Is that good news?

Just closed the dead judge file.

And for the first time in forever

I have nothing on my plate.

Well then, maybe this
is the perfect time to,

show you this.

And there go my plans for
a work-free evening.

Buy you lunch tomorrow?

Doesn't this stuff usually go
to the forensics fire guys?

They have too much to process.

And with Pry's m*rder, Donovan caved.

Now, this is Major Crimes.

Also, Rex sniffed this one out himself.

And, well, you know...

The fire guys are good.

But they're not, Sarah Truong good.

You had me at I'll buy you lunch.

No need to keep working it.


Oh, I'll have the Bento Box D,

extra wasabe.

I know!


So what have we got so far?

Dante McGuire's car broke down

after witnessing blue lights in the sky.

At a previous light sighting,
an eyewitness found

what appears to be the capacitor
patented to Graham Pry.

Who lied, saying he
knew nothing about it.

And now Pry's dead.

Wait, did the phone
records turn up anything?

Well, he made a call after
Charlie and I left his place.

I traced the phone. But
it was deactivated.

What if Pry was developing
a new powerful EMP jammer?

And the car incident took
place during the testing?

As in the test accidentally
knocked out Dante's car,

which in turn caused the accident?

Manslaughter is a good
reason to lie, right?

Well, it doesn't explain his own death,

and the bombing of his work shed.

Let me check in with the girlfriend.

See if he had any enemies.

In the meantime, I'm going
to swing by Tyler's

to see if he's found anything else.


Yeah, I want to look into
the light sightings.

And besides, he gave us that capacitor.

Might not be alien.

But it could be helpful, right?


- Oh...
- Yeah?

May the force be with you.

No, that's not how you...

Forget it.

I'm sorry for your loss, Fiona.

I used to joke,

that Graham would,

end up blowing himself up one day.

I just, I never,

actually thought it would happen.

We have reason to believe

that may not have been Graham's doing.

How do you mean?

Well, we're still trying
to figure that out, but...

Do you have any idea who may have wanted

to harm him?


He was a bit of an

electrical engineering superstar.

He was always hyper-paranoid
about his designs leaking.

Is that very common?

I guess.

That's why he quit academia

and moved his workspace to the shed.

He liked the privacy.

And is there any specific
person that you can think of

who wanted to do him harm?

Honestly, I-

it's just not my scene.

But for the most part,
Graham was well-liked.


And what about you?

Where were you last night

around 10:30 when the
expl*si*n took place?

At work.

I took the late night shift.

Five to midnight.

I'd be happy to put you in
touch with my employers.

I'd appreciate that.

One last thing.

At the time of the expl*si*n,

I was going back to talk
to Graham about this.

He claimed that he didn't recognize it.

But it was his own patent

for a capacitor.

Why would he lie about that?

I couldn't tell you.

It's just wires and junk to me.

I just wish he never
started with this stuff.


The sightings seem completely random.

You know, at first, I thought aircraft.

But the lights don't match up with
any published flight patterns.


Okay, here's something interesting.

The lightings seem to
coincide with two things,

complaints of dogs barking...

Very common in situations like this.

And reports of power outages

whenever the blue lights have appeared.

- Huh.
- Buildings nearby go dark.

That is interesting.

I checked with the electrical
company's records.

And there are no malfunctions-no
rolling blackouts,

no unusual weather that would coincide

with any of these sightings.

That makes your EMP jammer
theory that much more plausible.

Hey Tyler, do you have a map?

Yeah, why?


I think that maybe we
can find a pattern.

Let's go through it,

one by one.

You got the co-ordinates to
the very first sighting?

Yeah, uh...


47 North. 52 West.

Okay, 47 North. 52 West.

Right there.

I got your text. You move fast.

Like you said...

Geek conundrums are my specialty.

So I managed to put together
a partial recreation

using the fragments Rex
identified at the blast site.

My hunch is that it's a drone.

But I don't know what
this part would be for.

Now... What's interesting
is these fragments

were completely saturated
in nitro-glycerine-

which makes this the
likely delivery system.

Someone flew a b*mb-carrying
drone into Graham Pry's window.

Pretty much.

You have Rex to thank for
having found those fragments.

Oh, and see this?


Looks like it's been scratched out.

Yeah. It's a serial number.

And I was able to lift it and
trace it to AHD Technology.


I don't know.

It looks like it could
be part of the Mavic 2.

Except these parts here
don't match the Mav-

or any of the models we sell.

It's pretty cool though.


What about this?

Good question.

Looks like some kind of
stabilizer or something.

Oh wow.

Yeah, that's awesome.

Has anyone purchased this
model of drone recently?

Yeah, we've sold a few.

I can put a list of
names together for you.

That'd be great. I'd appreciate that.

Oh, one last thing.

Do either of you know Graham Pry?

I don't.

- Isn't he that EMP guy?
- Yeah.

I've read one of his research papers.

Like, I don't know him
personally, but...

I'm a fan.


Let me go get that
list of names for you.

Thank you.

I cross-checked the names of
everyone who bought a Mavic 2

from AHD Tech, but-

Couldn't find any connection to Pry.

So if a drone was used to fly a b*mb

into Pry's shed, with the
intent to k*ll him, then,

perhaps a similar drone was used

to fly an EMP jammer over Dante's car.

What I don't get,

is these lights in the sky.

They've been described as blinding.

When was the last time
you've heard a drone

- described as blinding?
- Even if somebody

was able to rig a spotlight-

I mean, it would only go so far.

And why is it always blue?

I don't know about the colour.

But I did manage to find

some intriguing patterns
associated with them.

Cross-referencing the
city's call centre showed

there were power outages

at every single sighting,

as well as complaints of dogs barking.

No, I didn't mean you.

No, actually. That's in
line with Rex's reaction.

He went crazy minutes
before the expl*si*n.

Well, the power outages did allow me

to determine the radius
of the EMP att*cks.

So the first one

cut power to a house right here.

The second one,

a store, here.

A third,

a few homes here, here,

and here.

And the last, a city block.

So the targets are getting bigger.


But aside from the car accident,

there were no other crimes
associated with the power outages.

Well, I mean,

I'm assuming that the car accident
was just that, an accident.

And these EMP att*cks

are escalating as if
they're growing its power

until it reaches the size
that it'll do what they need.

It's like these att*cks are just-

just practice runs for something bigger.

And if that's the case-

what's their endgame?

All this work must be leading
to some kind of a payoff.

And how does Pry's m*rder
factor into all of this?

Burning the midnight oil?

It all comes down to two questions.

What was Graham Pry's role?

- And why did he lie?
- How about,

what the hell do those blue lights mean?

Okay, three.

Well, I'll tell you... Staring
at this map all night

is not going to make anything clearer.

Charlie. We'll retrace our
steps in the morning.

Walk through everything
from the beginning.

In the meantime-

you go home and you get
yourself some rest, Hudson.

That's an order.

You too, Rex.

If these power outages
are any indication,

they seem to be ramping up.

Over this past week

there's been a power outage every night.

The progression seems to suggest

we can expect one tonight!

Here, take a look at this.

I cross-referenced the sightings

using the city's electrical grid.

And so far-none of these have
occurred in the same zone twice.

Possibly to avoid attracting
too much attention?

Spread the wealth, so to speak?

Yeah, maybe.

But whatever the reason,
assuming it's intentional-

there's only two areas it hasn't hit.

Which means their most
likely target area tonight

is one of these two zones.

- Hello?
- Dante.

Detective Hudson. How are you feeling?

Pretty good, actually.

Things are better.

I'm just here with Shelley, you know?

Just hanging out. Glad to
be back together again.

Good for you.


That oncoming car that
narrowly missed you.

You said that it had its headlights off.

Yeah, that's why I couldn't see it.

But you still had control of
your vehicle at the time.


It was a few seconds later when
everything just shut down.

Did you happen to see the oncoming car?

Did it have any identifying traits?


Like, red tape on a light.

I thought that was pretty weird.

Hey! Hey!

Was it by chance a dark
grey four by four?

Yeah, how did you know?

Call Jesse.

This is Jesse.

The oncoming car that
Dante almost hit...

It was a grey four by four

with red duct tape on one
of the front lights.

It's the same car that cut
me off on the way to Pry's

minutes before the expl*si*n.


I don't believe in coincidences.

Oh, and...

Also, Tyler and I narrowed
two possible zones

for the next EMP attack.

We split up to see if we
could catch one in action.

Wait, you split up?

Yeah. Why?

Is that a bad thing?

Jesse, this isn't a sci-fi movie.

We're dealing with murderers, here.

Where's Tyler?

He's headed to the waterfront.

Okay, well I'll find Tyler.

In the meantime, you keep your
eyes open for a grey four by four.

And be careful.

Call it in. And keep your distance.

- They're dangerous.
- Okay.

Yeah. Will do.

Alright, what's up, Haunted Truthers?

It's 10:44 PM.

And I'm coming at you
from the waterfront-

where I'm hoping to get
first-hand video evidence

of the mysterious blue lights

which have been sighted around the city.

Hear that?



And barking dogs are thought to be

closely associated with the phenomenon.

My running theory right now

is that the UFOs are putting
out high frequency waves,

which are present but are
only detectable by dogs.

I mean, think about it.

Some time in the future,

dogs might be our first line of defence

against the inevitable alien invasion.

Okay, pal. Find.

I'm expecting to see a
blue light any second now.

I'm just following the
sound of the dogs,

trying to figure out
what's setting them off.

Judging by the volume
alone, I think I'm close.

But I have no idea.


Truthers, you've got
to take a look at...

Whoah whoah! No don't!


What have you got, buddy?

What is it?

Tyler's phone.

I've got crews out scouring the city.

But there's no sign of Tyler yet.

I checked the CCTV feeds.

But the EMP or whatever it was

that fried everything with
an electrical current

knocked out any pertinent footage.

God, I don't know what I was thinking.

I shouldn't have let Tyler go alone.


Tyler has a knack of popping
up in dicey situations, okay?

- Yeah.
- We'll find him.


You have anything on that grey SUV?

Yeah. I ran down a list of owners.

But without a license or
even a partial license,

it would just take a significant
amount of time to get through.

I'll put an APB out on that vehicle.

Was Tyler in contact

with anyone before you two headed out?

Not that I know of.

And I've checked with
all of his friends.

An all-nighter, huh?

Why do I always miss the cool stuff?

It's not cool.

Tyler Holden is missing.

- What?
- Yeah.

What can I do to help?

We've done all we can.

Only thing left to do is wait.

It's just like me and
that dead judge case.

We weren't getting anywhere, either.

Yeah, how did you solve that?

It turns out, there was a
fingerprint we missed.

We didn't find it until on a whim,

we went back to our very
first piece of evidence.

When all else fails, go
back to the beginning.

Hey, Jesse.

Do you still have that key

for the Haunted Truthers' headquarters?

You said that the att*cks
increased in size

until they reached the length
of an entire city block.

Yeah, that was right here.

And based on our projections,

the next strike is likely...

I'm not interested in the next strike.

I'm interested in the earlier ones.

I want to take this
back to the beginning.

Okay. Well, Tyler logged it all.

I mean, this thing-goes back months.


Okay, well here we have

the very first witness.

- Well, that's interesting.
- He was microwaving dinner

in his basement apartment

when he noticed a blue light
that seemed to be coming

from outside his window.

Everyone else references
blue lights in the sky.

These ones sound like they were
fairly close to the ground.

Because our guy was
fine tuning his device.

Considering how bright it apparently is,

maybe the light wasn't outside...

But actually coming from inside
his neighbour's basement.

You think you can figure out who
the next door neighbour is?

You think you can give
me twenty five seconds?

Andrew Sullivan.

Mean anything to you?

Yeah, it does.

He's one of the employees at AHD Tech.

Lives at 84 Forest Road.

Rex, let's go.

Hey, Joe. How quick do you think

you can get me a warrant?

Andrew Sullivan! Open up!

Can I help you?

SJPD! Open the door!

Just let me put on some pants!

Open the door now or I'm coming in!



You've got to be kidding me!

Come on!

I know! I know!



Coming through!




Stop! Police!

Rex! Catch!

Hey, Joe. Anything yet?

Yeah, I've got Jesse

studying all CCTV footage in the area.

And I've got a team on the ground

searching for the pickup truck.

You got no eyes on the driver at all?

No, they were too far away.

In that case, who is
Andrew working with?


You might want to see this.

Hey Joe. I've got to go.

What have you got?

Aluminum powder-

nitric acid

and hydrogen peroxide-

Just your standard
b*mb-making materials.

What have you got, bud?

I think I recognize these glasses.

They belong to Graham
Pry's girlfriend, Fiona.


Ding ding ding.

I did some digging on
Fiona's bank statements.

And she may have been
living with Graham.

But she was paying mortgage
at a different property,

a cottage just outside of town.

590 Maddox Cove Road.

What is it that you're picking up, pal?

That's the four by four.

Easy, buddy.

Mmphh! Mmphh!!



Sorry about this.

Ahhh! Detective!

I was taken by a man and a woman!

Look, whatever these guys are up to,

it's going down tonight!

They're calling it their big payday!

Walk me through this one more time.

After Andrew threw you
in the back of his car-

We drove for a while.

I never saw his partner though.

- Fiona.
- Right.

But I overheard bits of conversation

they had over the phone.

Other than,

something happening tonight,

did you get anything else?

A location? A target?

You know, they did say the words
Liberty Star more than once.

Liberty Star?

What does that mean?

Well, since you asked...

And this is all pure conjecture.

But hear me out.

To me, Liberty Star could refer to,

a spaceship.

I know it sounds far-fetched.

But what if they're in league
with an extraterrestrial race,

that want to knock out the power grid?

I really do think this
is worth looking into.

Absolutely not.


Have you found anything
at any of the houses?

Actually, yeah.

I went over the evidence from Andrew's.

And... Do you mind?

Yeah, thanks.

Okay, so-

There is an eight block
radius highlighted.

And I mean.. It is
consistent with our map.

Well that's significantly larger than

anything we've seen to date.

Do you think they have the capacity?

That depends on which type
of alien we're talking.


There are three banks within this zone.

Do you think it could it be a heist?

Well I need uniforms on
each of those banks. ASAP.

Wait wait wait a second.

Is The Soho in this radius?

So sorry to interrupt.

So sorry to interrupt.

I'm super late.

And I look like a dork in these.

Do you know where my
contact lens solution is?

That's where Fiona works.

Anything happening there?

Well, The Soho is a members-only club.

It's a place where people
eat and drink and hobnob.

I can't imagine anything
of any value being there.

Wait a minute.

They're hosting an event
there tomorrow night.

It's a coin show.

The big draw here

is a coin valued at over
six million dollars.

The Liberty Star Nickel.

Wait. A coin?

- Damn it!
- A coin.

Rex. Let's go.

Okay buddy, find.

Drop the remote, Andrew!


Rex! Catch!

You're not going to get very far!



Good job, pal.

A little practice goes a long way.

Come on.

Now where's Fiona?

Look on the bright side.

Since we caught you
before your coin heist,

you're not being charged with theft.

Something tells me that's
not the only charge.

Well, let's start with your partner.

Him we have for manslaughter
in the death of Lonnie Raskin.

And first degree m*rder

in the death of Graham Pry,

the man you called your boyfriend.

Now you-we have you for

a few other things that we're,

trying to figure out,

including your involvement
in the deaths.

The first one was an accident.


the second one, I don't know.

Andrew said that he would take
care of the Graham problem.

I thought just meant talk to him.

And by Graham problem-

you mean he discovered
what you were doing

and wanted to shut you down?

He never would have found out

had you not told him about the accident.

There's something I don't
understand, Fiona.

You see... Andrew told me that

Graham knew that you were
using his tech for theft.



It's doubtful he'd call the cops.

And then I'm just wondering...

Was that the real reason

that the b*mb was flown
through his window?

I don't know what you mean.

Oh. That's interesting.

Because Andrew also mentioned to me

that you designed a brilliant
capacitor in Tech Club.

Didn't you?

Back in your university days?

In fact, it was so brilliant

that that's the reason why

Graham's high-powered
EMP device even works.

And he patented that
under his name alone.

He said,

that it would benefit both
of us in the long run,

because he could bring
more attention to it.

He promised me that he
would tell the world

how much I had to do with it.

Ah-but he didn't.

He took credit for the whole thing.

He took all the credit.

And now all future
earnings go only to him.

I was not going to let
him steal from me again.

That's why I told Andrew

to take care of the
problem and get to the...

I thought, it was Andrew who volunteered

to take care of the problem?

I want to speak to my lawyer.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

Okay, so the drone was not only equipped

with the EMP jammer-

but also a laser scanner

that identifies the target,

rendering the jammer directional.


Yeah, it's how they maintained
the integrity of the drone

while releasing the pulse.

You guys are playing
with the evidence again.

Yeah, there's more. Tell him, Jesse!

Right, right. So the
drone is also equipped

with stabilizers that

offset the power emitted by the pulse.

And these stabilizers
use compressed air,

which accounts for the
high-frequency wave

that the dogs were picking up on.

Wow. You guys are really in
your element over here, huh?

- Well...
- Yeah, she's a beaut.

- No doubt about it.
- Yeah.

I mean-considering how
advanced this tech is-

there's no wonder why I thought
this thing was alien in origin.

I mean, it's a completely
understandable mistake. Right?

Rex, let's go.

The truth is out there,
Detective Hudson.

You've just got to look up!

You're barking up the wrong tree, pal.

Oh, look at this!

Good night, guys!

Rex, you going to stay with the drone?

Or do you want pizza?
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