01x10 - Art of Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x10 - Art of Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

That wire better go to the alarm.

Okay. Camera one...


and three.


I thought you said it might be hard.

Never underestimate a
woman with a crowbar.

Okay. We've got to be quick.

You know what to do.

- Meet you back here in ten minutes.
- Okay.

Frank! What are you doing?

Are you crazy?

That's not what we're here for!

I can't let you do that.


Hey. What is it?

Someone call an ambulance!

Come on, buddy!

Come on!

Hey! Go get it!

No? Come on!

I'm glad one of us is
enjoying the snow.


Hey, come on!

I know you'd play all day.


We know who he is?

Frank Joseph.


Found his wallet in his pocket.

Cash and ID intact.

And this...

For an upcoming protest on the reserve.

Some kind of call to action

to stop Evans from taking their water.

The Evans Company has a
long-standing contract

to take water from
several of our lakes.

Yeah. Our victim appears
to have taken issue

with that arrangement.

God. Just a kid.

Tough to process.

Cause of death?

Penetrating trauma to the head.

That looks familiar.

It was found inches from the body.

No fingerprints.

We'll test the blood
and hair found on it.

But it's likely Frank's.

And this symbol on his
tattoo appears to be tribal.

Where's his bandana?

What bandana?

He was wearing it in
the security footage.

Before they blacked out the cameras.

It wasn't by the time we got here.


Ah, Rex has his scent.

Go, buddy.

See what you can find.

Broken glass.

Good luck getting a print off that.

Well, Rex, you're going
to make me look bad.

This is on you! It's your fault!

What do you think that's about?

Based on what I overheard earlier?

Something about a key card.


It wasn't until this morning

I even realized it was missing.

And how late would you say
you were out drinking?

Until they kicked us out.

2:30 in the morning, maybe.

There was a bunch of us there.
People can vouch for me.

Well, I'm going to need those names.

You're sure you didn't
give anyone your key card?

No, I mean, it must've fallen
out of my pocket at the bar.

But it's just a blank card.

How could anyone know what it's for?

Unless the person who found it
knew exactly what they had.

Anyone try and chat you up?

Buy you a drink?


You were here when the
body was discovered.

Did you recognize him?

From the bar maybe?

I can't say I've ever seen him before.


Ms. Evans...

According to your VP of Operations,

there's no one in here overnight.

Can you corroborate that?

Yes. When I left

last night around nine

the place was completely empty.

You ever had an incident
like this before?

We've had protests happen
outside the front gates.

- But never a break-in.
- Mmm.

I've never understood why
they're so angry with us.


The so-called environmental activists.

Always more interested in
getting their message across

than actually learning about
what our company really does.

And what exactly is that?

We support local communities

and environmental charities.

We work hard to protect
natural resources

through outreach and sustainability.

The list goes on.

Look. We've been generating jobs

and boosting the economy

in this community for more
than three generations.

We're not the enemy.

Thanks for coming in, Odina.

Again, I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

I'll walk you out.

Were you and your brother close?


I always worried his
environmental interests

would get him into trouble.

And by interests, you mean activism.

The Evans Company has been
promising our community

a water treatment plant for years.

But the project keeps
getting delayed, and...

Frank had finally had enough.

Why is that?

Eight years ago

we lost both of our parents
in the span of two years.

There's no proof.

But Frank was convinced it was
caused by our drinking water.

Do you recognize this person?

Allora Crawford.

They were a couple.

They recently moved in together.

Does Allora have a temper?

Well, she could be passionate.

But I wouldn't call it a temper.

I've known Allora since we were kids.

And she wouldn't hurt a fly.

And neither would my brother.

Clean water! Now!

Clean water! Now!

Okay okay! For years

the Evans Company has
been taking clean water

- from our aquifer.
- Yeah!

Leaving us with the
polluted water to drink!


We're done with their lies!


We have a right to clean water!

And if we have to fight to get it...

We will!


There's more like this.

But the message is the same.

Impassioned speeches are one thing.

Breaking into the plant

is a big escalation.

Charlie. Good news.

I got a partial print

off the broken glass
we found at the scene.

It's a match for Frank.

It was in pieces. How did you
pull a print off of that?

By scanning the individual shards

and digitally reassembling the pieces.

I helped with that part.
It's not important.

Any idea what was in the jar?

As a matter of fact, yes.

I just got the results back.

E. coli? You're sure?

Yeah. That's what it says.

If that got into the filling t*nk

it could've been bottled and
shipped out to the public.

People would get sick, maybe even die.

So much for not hurting a fly.

We've tested the water in the
filling t*nk for contaminants.

Thankfully, the chemical
analysis came back clean.

So they didn't go through with it.

Whether they went through
with it or not, Detective,

we're no longer talking
about protestors here.

This... This is terrorism.

I think until we know exactly
what happened here...

You're kidding, right?

These two criminals
could have k*lled...

Alan. Please.

I appreciate you bringing
this to us, Detective.

I can assure you we'll be working out

the bugs in our new security
system immediately.

You think this could
have been an inside job?

I'd like to believe that
our employees are loyal.

We treat them very fairly.


Well, I may have some
questions for you later.

Any time. You'll have
our full cooperation.

You may want to stick to tap.

Easy, pal.


Come on, buddy. Get out of there.

Sorry about that.

Detective Hudson?


You never mentioned to
me that you were a cop.

Well, I was focused on my brother.

Is there something I can help you with?

I have a warrant to search
Frank and Allora's place.

I was hoping to get a
little local backup.

Well, I know the way.

You could follow me.


My guess is Allora came back

grabbed a few things, and ran.

Yeah, well according to the neighbours,

nobody has seen her in 24 hours.

I guess she came late at
night to avoid being seen.

How long have they
been living together?

Around six months.


What have you got, buddy?

That's what passes for
drinking water around here.

Residents are asked to boil their water

and not drink from the tap.

But some do anyway.

Not all of us can afford
the bottled stuff.

Can I ask what you hope to find here?

I'm not entirely sure.

Rex, let's go.

Okay, buddy.

Yeah. Get that scent?

Okay, buddy. Track it.

You sure he has the scent?

There's nothing back that
way but miles of woods.

Hard place to find someone.

Maybe that's the point.

You could follow faster on this.


Hey Jesse.

I hope you're seeing better than I am.

I've got satellite imaging
of your current location.

Okay, it looks like
there are three paths

that cross through these woods.

But it's mainly just brush.

Yeah, I can see that.

Hold on, hold on. I see a structure.

It's almost imperceptible by satellite.

But looks like it's slightly northeast

of your current location.

I think whatever you're seeing
Rex just picked it up too.

I'll call you back.

That's interesting.

You set me up.

You had me take the ATV

so you could get here first.

Hi, Allora. Detective Hudson.

I know how this looks.

But it's complicated.

Get down!

Rex, go!

Get her inside and stay down!

Come on.

What is it, buddy?

What is it, pal?

Rex, go!

Rex, down!

That's it. Stay here, boy.

Stay down.



Rex! Let's go!

You did good, buddy.

You did good.


How are you doing, kid?

Look, whoever that was,
he was here for you.

We need to get you out of the woods

into a controlled environment.

Where's Odina?

I'm right here.


Easy, pal.

I'm sorry, Detective.

But you're not taking Allora anywhere.

- Pulling a g*n on a fellow officer?
- You can report me later.

I need to take her in.

She'll be safe with me.

You take her in, and
she's a sitting duck.

I won't let that happen.

Well, I can't take that chance.

Someone just tracked her here
and tried to execute her.

Aren't you the least bit
curious who sent them?

Put the g*n down and we'll talk.


Come on.

It started out with peaceful protests.

What made you escalate
to breaking and entering

and causing property damage?

Frank was convinced that
he could find proof

that they never intended

to build a water treatment facility.

With that type of evidence,
we could go to the press.

And maybe people would start listening.

You left out the part where you were

planning on poisoning the water.

That was never my plan.


He made a mistake.

Frank, what are you doing?

Are you crazy?

That's not what we're here for.

I can't let you do that.

I don't think Frank would
have gone through with it,

even if I wasn't there to stop him.

Where did you go after that?

Frank went looking for the evidence.

I stayed and did more tagging.

That was the last time I saw him alive.

You didn't see anyone else?

After I found Frank's body...

I heard footsteps and I just ran.

And now there's someone
hunting you down,

trying to silence you.

To cover their tracks.

I still need to take Allora in.

She's the central figure
in a m*rder investigation.

If you want to stop me, you're
going to have to sh**t me.

And Rex too.

Yeah, we'd both prefer
that didn't happen.

- I'll go.
- Allora, no.

I want to help you find Frank's k*ller.

He would do the same for me.

I'll personally see to it
that Allora is protected.

You have my word.


Jesse said you were
closing in on a location.

And you just reported sh*ts fired.

Are you okay?

Yeah, we're good.

I'll explain when we get
back to the station.

Just tell me you're
bringing in the girl.

We need a safe house, Joe.

She's in danger.

Look, Charlie, there is no safe house.

We literally have her on camera,

holding the m*rder w*apon.

We cannot be seen
overcomplicating this case


You hear what I'm saying, right?

This is a lot more complicated
than we thought, Joe.

Is she or is she not with you?

She fled during the sh**t-out.

Rex and I can track her down.

We just need a little time.


So the moment you find her,

you know what to do.

Thank you,

for helping me.

I'm not sure I am helping.

I might be making it worse.

Hang tight.

Hey. Come on in.


I got your text.

Allora, meet Sarah.


You sure about this?

Look, I know I'm putting you
in an awkward position.

You don't have to do this.

I know that, Charlie. Thank you.

It's just temporary.

After that,

back to going by the book.

Sounds like a plan.


You know that trust that
you share with Odina?

I share that same trust
with Sarah, okay?

She'll take good care of you.

Alright, I'll be in touch soon.

Rex. Let's go.

Did Detective Hudson offer you
anything to eat or drink?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Don't mention it. You must be starving.


First things first though.

Yeah. Let's do something about that.

Mr. Booth.

Detective Hudson.

How can I help you?

Well, I believe there
was a third person

in the plant when the
m*rder took place.

And I want to know who that was.

Wait, I thought we'd established

it was the girl who did it?

Who else has access to
the building at night?

Nobody from the factory floor.

I mean, we have custodial staff

that comes three times a week.

But that was an off night.

All the workers have key cards?

Yes. But the alarm is
totally automated.

There's only a few of
us that have the code.

Including you and Rosalynn?

That's correct.

And were either of you two here?

Well, I can't speak for Rosalynn.

But I was at the Revival House.

I was seeing a midnight screening

of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Oh that is a great film.


You keep your ticket stub?

I don't think so.

- I could double check.
- Mmm.

Am I a suspect, Detective?

These are just routine questions.

Mind if we look around some more?

By all means.



You're lucky the b*llet
just grazed you.

Yeah, Detective Hudson's
dog saved my life.


He has a tendency to do that.

I didn't realize how much
it hurt until right now.


You're going to have a little scar.

But the good news is it'll
pair nicely with the tat.


Frank had the same one, right?


We got them together.

It's an ideogram.

It means forever.

As a symbol of your
commitment to each other?

Yeah, and our community.

Well, it's very beautiful.

You know, people thought
Frank was trouble.

Because he could be so intense.

But they didn't know him.

He was kind, and,

thoughtful, and...


Oh, honey.

Come here.


Charlie, I called every
hospital in St. John's.

And no-one matching your
gunman's description

checked in with a b*llet wound.

It doesn't surprise me. Just
means he knows what he's doing.

Also, I went down to the lab

to get Sarah to run tests on
the blood sample you collected

from the woods. And she wasn't there.

No-one seemed to know where she was.

- Did you get the blood results?
- Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I had to sweet-talk
one of the techs.

No matches in the system.

- You follow up on my text?
- I did.

I did. Alan Booth used his debit card

to buy an online ticket
for a midnight showing

of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Yeah, he made the purchase at 8:47 PM.

It's a great movie.

Yeah, I wish I could pull off a fedora.



Where's Allora?

Oh, she's asleep.

I let her take your room.

Even Rex's dog bed is looking
good to me right about now.

Couch works fine too.

What's all this?

She was showing me pictures of Frank.

Apparently, they were all she grabbed

from her place before taking off.

- They were a cute couple.
- Yeah.

Oh, look.

Classic boys' weekend shot.




You recognize this guy?

Picture him with shorter hair.

Oh, isn't that...?

The factory worker from the plant,

who said he'd never seen Frank before.

For someone you've never seen before,
you sure look awfully chummy.

What happened to your eye, Connor?

- It was a misunderstanding.
- Misunderstanding?

Is that what you call a
sh**t in the woods?

A sh**t? What are you talking about?

I don't even own a g*n!

You'd better hope that that's true.

How did you know Frank?

I was dating a girl from
the rez for a while.

I met Frank through her.

And we hung out a bit.

I wouldn't say we were friends. But...

He came to me a few days ago

and asked me for my key card.

Why'd you give him your card?

Frank said he wanted to tag the place.

That's it. I mean look,
I wish now I'd said no.

Frank would still be alive.

There must have been
something in it for you.

I wasn't paid if that's what you mean.

Look, I just wanted to
support his message.

Okay? I thought it was harmless.

You should have told me about this

the first time that I asked you.

Your lies could have got Allora k*lled.

I know. I wasn't thinking straight.

What happened to your eye?

A guy came by the factory.

He pulled me aside after my shift.

And he started grilling
me about Frank's girl.

- Where to find her.
- What'd you tell him?

I told him to go to hell.

He didn't like that.

Can you describe him to me?

Six feet, give or take. Dark hair.

Ever seen him around before?

A few times, just hanging
around the plant.

I'm going to put you together
with a sketch artist.

I'm sorry, I don't recognize this man.

- Who is he?
- Take another look.

Are you sure he doesn't
work here, Ms. Evans?

Not one that I recognize.

But I don't know the names and
faces of everyone in my company.

We have a lot of turnover on the floor.

I understand that you promised
a water treatment facility

to the victim's community.

That's correct. It's in the works.

In the works? What's the delay?

It's a complicated process.

There's a lot of planning and testing

that needs to happen before
construction can begin.

Meanwhile the lake water
is making people sick.

I know.

I have a team working on it full time.

Alan Booth is heading up the project.

Excuse me.


Charlie. It's Odina.

Someone broke into Allora
and Frank's house.

Okay. I'll be right there.

A neighbour reported
seeing the door open.

Someone really wants
to track Allora down.

You think it's our guy?

If it is, he's searching for something.


Even the plates on the
electrical sockets

have been removed.

He's not just going after Allora.

I think she has something
that he wants.

Hey, Charlie.

Hey, I'm on my way back.

Can you put Allora on speaker?

Yeah. Hold on a sec.

Okay, you're on.

Allora, you said that Frank was looking

for evidence that the
Evans company was lying

about building that water
treatment facility.

That's right.

Do you know if he might have
found what he was looking for?

I don't know. I never got
a chance to ask him.

Okay. Walk me through everything
that happened after that.


Frank went upstairs.

Then, maybe

ten minutes later, I heard a noise.

So I went looking for him.

And I got turned around.

And then I found him, lying there.

He... his eyes were open but he...

he wasn't...

And after that?

Then I heard footsteps. And I panicked.

I grabbed our stuff, and I ran.

I shouldn't have left him there.

But I was just so scared.

It's okay.

Okay, I want you to check your bag.

Really go through it.

And see if there's anything there
that doesn't belong to you or Frank.

There's not much here, Charlie.

A couple of cans of spray paint.

Magazines. Some clothes.

Personal photos.

Is there anything there you're
not sure about, Allora?

No. Nothing.

What was that?


Something was smashed.

It sounded like a window.

I'm going to go check.

No. No no no.

Stay away from the windows.

I'm calling for backup.

But I'm only five minutes away.

Take Allora.

Find a place to hide.

Nice and quiet.





Or I'll k*ll you.

I don't think so.

I'll do it.



Drop it.

He copped to the whole damn thing.


I know you're not buying
it any more than I am.

I was just contacted by
Abrams, Hollis, & Associates.

Apparently our friend here
is their newest client.

That's an expensive firm.

Who's paying the bill?

Well, that I don't know.

But what I do know is they also
represent the Evans Company.


Where's the girl now, Charlie?

Allora is with Sarah at the
hospital, getting checked out.

I've got two uniforms at the door.


I'm sorry I lied to you, Joe.

Yeah, we can address that later.

Sounds like a deal's been made.

I'll have the paperwork drawn up
for you in less than an hour.

Let me call you back.

Detective Hudson.

I don't believe we've met.

Superintendent Donovan.

We're here to talk to you

about a suspect that
we have in custody.

You caught your k*ller?

Well, the suspect signed
a full confession

at the advice of his lawyers.

And you add to that the fact that

your company and he have
the same legal team.

Are you saying that you think

he was acting on our behalf?

On my behalf?

Because that's ridiculous.

I've been completely supportive
of this investigation

from the very start.

I think he smells my Power Bars.

You mind if I take a look?

Be my guest.

Definitely wasn't the Power Bars.

- What the...?
- Well, what do you know?


I've never seen that
thing before in my life.

Still isn't talking?

Not without her team of lawyers.

The woman knows her rights.


Well, I've got to tell you.

She doesn't strike me as someone

who would make a dumb
mistake like keeping

incriminating evidence in her office.

Yeah, well it's not just that.

But Rex and I were in her office

the day of the m*rder.

Rex didn't smell Frank's bandana.

Because it hadn't been
planted there yet.


So we find who put it there.

We find our k*ller.

Bring up the Evans security feed.

Great. Now just start it back

from before they get into the picture.

What are we missing?

Oh, that's interesting.

What's that?

Most of these environmental
slogans are angry.

Prepare to be exposed!

House of Lies!

We don't want you here!

Except for this one.

It's a symbol meaning forever.

Wow, you know your stuff.

Can you decipher hieroglyphics as well?

I know because both Frank
and Allora have that symbol

tattooed on them.

This is close to where
we found his body.

It was like a final gesture
of love for Allora, maybe?

Seems like a strange show of love,

since the tag implicates Allora.

Right right.

It's like signing your names
on a crime scene. Good point.

Unless it's not a tag at all.

Maybe it's an X marks the spot.

Rex, let's go.


So if X marks the spot,

then what exactly are we looking for?

Frank found something

he may have been trying to hide it

and tell Allora at the same time.

All I see is concrete and steel.

Did you know that steel is
100 times stronger than iron

in its purest form?

I mean, even looking at the
date stamps suggests...

Right. That's not the point.

What is it, buddy?

Chewing gum?


That's disgusting.

There's an indentation on it.

Something was stuck to it.


Something like this?

What do you think's on that?

Those two, obviously.

Alan Booth.

What's this about?

You recognize this?

No. I don't think so. in

Well your prints are on it.

I'm sorry. Is that a crime?

No. But what's on it,

that's a different story.

Bring him in.

Rex, let's go.

Turns out that the midnight showing

of Indiana Jones at the Revival House

isn't the hottest ticket in town.


Apparently, only a handful

of people turn up at the best of times.

And the night in question drew

exactly three teenagers.

Can you confirm that you're in charge

of heading up the construction

for the water treatment
facility for the reservation?

I am.

The interesting thing
about this drive is that

it shows that money from the planning

and testing phase of the project

was actually used to create roadblocks

to keep the construction
from ever getting started.

And do you know

where another chunk of
that money ended up?


Well, it ended up in
an offshore account

that our tech consultant

just happened to trace back to you.

What does that have to do with m*rder?

This drive was accessed by
somebody using your username,

in your office,

twenty minutes after the power
was cut to the security cameras.

You caught Frank in the act

of stealing the drive, didn't you?

He had everything that he
needed to expose the truth,

which was that you had no intention

of ever building this facility.

You knew,

that if this drive went public

that you'd be looking
at serious jail time.

And you weren't going to
let that happen, were you?


Give me...!

So you caught up to him!

But not before he managed
to hide the drive.

You... hey...

Just give me what you took.

And I'll even let you walk out of here.

Where is it?

Where is it?

You wiped your prints

and took the bandana to
set up Rosalynn Evans.

But when did you realize
that he was not there alone?

I remembered the backpack.

And I assumed he slipped
the drive in there.

And then I went back to
check for it, but...

It was gone.

So you hired somebody to finish
the job that you started, huh?

Well, I wasn't sure
if she saw me or not.

So I couldn't take the chance.

He told me about the delays

on the construction of the facility.

And I trusted him to
handle the situation.


He covered his tracks well.

I can't express how grateful
I am to your department

for discovering this.

See, the thing is,

he wasn't the only one
covering his tracks.

I'm not sure what you mean.

Well it turns out that
the Evans Company,

your company, has been

extracting water far in excess
of its legal allotment.

Now, we're still working
through the numbers.

But, um...

the numbers seem...


And it's been happening for years.

There must be some mistake.

Oh, we both know there's no mistake.

The only question is,

what do we do about it?

I'm open to suggestions.

State of the art water
treatment facility.

Shovels hit the ground
in less than six months.

To be completed before
the end of next year.


in the meantime,

you provide the community
with bottled water

free of charge.

Well, I take it she took the deal?

Yeah. Well, I am very convincing.

You make that face that you make?

You know, the...

Is that the face I make?

Well it's a little more intimidating.

Yeah, well, you know... I
pulled out all the stops.

- Let's just say that.
- Yeah.

Hey, Rex.

Good boy! Huh?

You did such a good job. Good boy.

Hey, wait. Why is he
getting all the credit?

What did he do that I didn't do?

Well he didn't lie to me, for starters.


I'm never going to
live that down, am I?


No you will not.



Hey, buddy.

Good job.

Sorry we're late.

Rex can't get enough of this snow.

I'm glad you could come.

It means a lot to us.

And to Frank.

So what did we miss?

I was just telling them the news.

Is it true?

We're really getting the new
water treatment facility soon?

Yeah, the city has already
approved construction.

No more delays.

Your sacrifice has paid off.

Well, the water is just
the tip of the iceberg.

And I'm going to take over
where Frank left off.

Our community needs a
leader to be their voice.

And she won't be fighting alone.
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