01x09 - The Mourning Show

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x09 - The Mourning Show

Post by bunniefuu »

Vicky: So tell me, Sam.

Is the ketogenic diet for you?

Sam: I don't know, Vicky.

Giving up bread?

Bread is life for me.

Very true.

Carbs are the enemy of keto.

But you can always have that
big juicy steak, guilt free.

Go on.

You know, viewers at home

can join in our 45-day keto challenge

by following the recipes and guidelines

- on our website.
- Thanks, Sam.

We'll be right back.

Director: We're clear!
30 seconds to air!

Sam: Hey, Chris.

I don't suppose you had a chance to...

Chris: Oh, we'll get
around to that, Sam.

Don't worry about it.

How is it you grow more lovely each day?


It's been a month.

How long is this
honeymoon going to last?

Forever. Get used to it.

We're almost back.

Go. Get your breakfast.

Chris: Alright. Break a leg, gorgeous.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

Director: We're back in 4, 3, 2...

Sam: Cutting it a little
tight, aren't you?

Welcome back to Rise and Shine.

Time for my very favourite segment.

You know what a huge movie lover I am.

As am I.

So it's always a treat to have
Teri Hart here in the studio

to give us the latest from
the entertainment world.

Welcome back, Teri.

Thanks so much, Vicky and Sam.

With blockbuster movie season
set to kick into high gear,

we thought we'd take a look

at some of the most anticipated movies

set to hit cinemas in just a few weeks.

We'll start at number five

with a certain wall-climbing
super-hero that is almost...


Chris: I'm just off to the bakery.

Can I get you something?

Yeah, I'll come along.

Can we discuss that report?

I told you. Stay out of it, Tad.

Tad: Dad. Dad?


Tad: Why won't you listen to me?

I am just looking out for you.

I'm perfectly capable of
looking after myself.

You can't just ignore this.

Stay out of it. You hear me?

Director: We're clear!

Teri: Hey, guys, thanks so much.

That was really fun!

Hey. Great to see you, Teri.

You too, Sam.

Vicky: Are you sure you can't stay

a couple more days?

Chris and I would love
to take you to dinner.

Yeah. I'd love to.

But I've got to fly back to Toronto.

I promised I'd be back on
Breakfast Television tomorrow.

Safe trip home, hon.

Nice to see you.

Must be nice to be appreciated.

Vicky: Have a safe flight.

- Okay. Take care.
- Thanks.

Beth: That was such a good show today.

Thanks, Beth.

So, today I have you scheduled
for the pre-interviews

with the bachelors for
the charity auction.

The notes for tomorrow's Botox segment,

They're on your desk.

And a lunch meeting with Philipe.

You know, I've been thinking.

Chris and I need a
weekend away together.

Could you find me some hotel options?

Of course.

You know what Chris likes.

I'll get started right away.

- Alright.
- Okay.

Sam: Beth.

I'll catch up with you, Vicky.


Could you do me a solid?

Could you get me ten
minutes with Chris today?

I am an associate producer, Sam,

not Chris's personal assistant.

Yeah, I know, I know.

But you have Vicky's ear.

And if anybody has his schedule,

it's her.

Why don't you ask her yourself?

She doesn't bite.

Well, I...


He's dead!

He's dead.

Charlie: Chris Harrison.

CEO of Harrison Media.

Big personality.

Philanthropist. What k*lled him?

It looks like anaphylactic shock.

Co-workers confirmed he had
a severe peanut allergy.

Death by muffin?

I'll need to run tests to confirm.

So why am I here?

Vicky Harrison, the wife,
wants to talk to you.


Mrs. Harrison.

Detective Charlie Hudson.

Very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

There's something you wanted to tell me?


Chris was very careful.

He ate the same breakfast every morning

from the nut-free bakery
across the street.

You don't think that he
accidentally ingested a nut?

Everybody in this building
understood Chris's condition.

The entire station is nut-free.

An accident is just simply impossible.

You're saying that you
suspect foul play?

He was m*rder*d.

If only he hadn't been alone.

It must have happened so fast.

He didn't even have time
to reach for his EpiPen.

Where does he keep it?

Top desk drawer.

You have to find who did this to him.


Well, we'll do our best
to get to the truth.


You should go home and get some rest.

If you have any more questions,

Beth knows where to find me.



You find an EpiPen in there?

An EpiPen? No.

Checked the top drawer of the desk?

Yeah, no. There was no EpiPen.



Do you think she's right?

That this might be a m*rder?

Well, if his breakfast didn't k*ll him,

we need to find out
what else he ingested.

Maybe it wasn't food.

For people with severe peanut allergies

even skin contact can cause a reaction.


I didn't know that.

That gives me an idea.

Sarah: Sir. No no no.

You can't come in here.

Who's in charge here?

Charlie: Is there something
I can help you with?

I'm Tad Harrison.

This is my father.

Well I'm very sorry for your loss.

But this is an active crime scene.

I can't believe she actually did it.

What are you talking about?

It was that gold-digger, Vicky.

She rushed him into a wedding,

so she could take his fortune.

You're telling me that his
wife wanted him dead?

I warned him that she was dangerous.

And he didn't listen to me.

She did it.

You need to prove it.

No shortage of suspects around
powerful people, I suppose.

Vicky Harrison was on live
TV when Chris was k*lled.

Alibis don't get much
stronger than that.

Perfect. Just in time.

If there's a single peanut in
this room, Rex will find it.


Okay, pal.

Okay, Rex.

Find it.

Is... Is Rex broken?

He's acting weird!


He smells peanuts everywhere.

What is this?

Let's see.

Oh. It's a diffuser.


You put water and aromatherapy
oils in it and it steams.

Could you put peanut oil in it?

If someone did, then Rex was right.

It's in the air.

The entire room is covered in peanuts.

It was on a timer, set for 7 AM.

The same time that Rise
and Shine goes to air.

So, if Chris Harrison was
that sensitive to peanuts-

why go through so much trouble?

Why not just slip a drop
into his coffee cup?

Well, maybe the k*ller
wanted to make sure

that Chris died at a specific time.

- To establish an alibi.
- Yeah.

They wanted to make it to look

like it was his breakfast
that k*lled him.

If Rex hadn't been there,

we might have missed the
diffuser altogether.

Hey, buddy?

It would have been pretty
tough to prove intent.

Jesse: Now, who would
be more likely to k*ll?

Vicky or Sam?

Because Vicky is upbeat, right?

But she could be hiding a dark side.
And Sam...

I mean, he just seems like the
kind of guy who would snap.

I watch it every morning.

I get up early, and...

They do a wonderful cooking segment.

Let's run background checks on both,

Vicky and Sam.


So, there was peanut oil
residue in the diffuser.

It might be possible to
identify the brand of oil.

But I'll need to run some more tests.

That's all you've got?

Well, how about fingerprints?

Would that satisfy you?

Satisfy me? I'd be walking on air.

Charlie: Sarah found
prints on the diffuser.


Unfortunately they
don't belong to anyone

in the system, including Vicky Harrison.

Well, actually, as it turns out,

I have an idea of whose they might be.

Sam: After the oil is in, you...

I mean it's so small.

It would virtually disappear

on any kind of living room side table.

And with the metallic strip,

you could safely adhere
it to any surface.

It'd make a great gift, wouldn't it?

I sound like I'm doing
an infomercial, here.

But you're saying it
actually has some health-ly

You handled the m*rder w*apon.


For a segment on the show.

I do hundreds of these segments.

It's not like I own the
products, personally.

You never saw it again after that?

Here, bud.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Actually, this one I did keep.

I used it for about a week until
the free oil samples ran out.

Then what did you do with it?

I don't remember.

I lost track of it.

It was cheap junk.

Don't tell production I told you that.

Thanks for your time.

Woman: Oh!

Woman: Oh!



What is it, buddy?

Woman: Oh!

Oh my God!

Woman: Ah!

Uh, Detective.

Sorry, we were just...

Nah, uh.

Could you just excuse me for one second?

That was,

- awkward.
- Yeah, sorry.

Rex thought somebody was...

Beth and I, were just,

comforting each other.

We're both distraught over my father.

But if you wouldn't mind,
we're trying to keep our

relationship under the radar.

Why is that?

Beth is worried that our
colleagues would think

she's getting special treatment.

And my father would not have approved.

Dating employees is forbidden.

Not that it ever stopped him.

Is that why you and your father

have had a strained relationship lately?

Everyone I've talked to has
mentioned frequent arguments.

I didn't k*ll my father,

if that's what you're implying.

You should be really
concentrating on his new wife.

Thanks for the advice.

Jesse: You know, for a public figure,

it's surprisingly hard
to find information

on Vicky Harrison's past.

It's like she's a member of
the Illuminati or something.

Tell me you found something.

Well, I checked her records.

Seems she's moved around a lot,

previously in the last several years.

But she did have a previous husband.

Jason Wyatt, a building engineer.

He was k*lled in a fall
on his construction site

a few weeks into the marriage.

An apparent accident.

Police investigated but
no charges were laid.

He was successful.

Vicky must've inherited bundles.

This is two years ago.

Two dead husbands in two years?

Try three dead husbands.

A car accident.

Seven years ago.

Single vehicle collision.

k*lled the passenger, Tom Boudreau.

His wife-

She was driving.

And she survived.

That's Vicky?

How long were they married?

He died seven months

after they tied the knot.

I'm beginning to sense a pattern.

You know, they have a name for it.

Black widow.

Yes. Both of my previous
husbands died in accidents.

Both under suspicious circumstances.

In the accident that
k*lled your first husband,

what was his name again?

- Tom.
- Tom.

Why did it take you 25
minutes to call 911?

Because he didn't want me to leave him.

At first, I couldn't find my phone.

It had been thrown under the seat.

Well it says here that you

left Stephenville shortly after he died.

I was devastated!

I needed a change.

I went back to school.

And I took some broadcasting courses.

And your second husband?


See, with him...

The police suspected foul play.

But they just couldn't prove it.

Because there was nothing to prove.

And it was at that point

that you had already inherited
your first husband's estate.


It was a two bedroom bungalow

with a small life insurance policy.

- Sit down.
- No.

- Sit down.
- No!

Chris-he was richer than
both of them, wasn't he?

I didn't marry for money!

I married for love!

And I would give it all back

if it meant having them alive again!

Okay, well in the police report
about your second husband,

what was his name again?

- Jason.
- Jason. Right.

It's hard to keep track of them all.

It says that you
actually argued with him

less than an hour before he fell.

Couples fight!

Did it escalate?

He was standing too close to the ledge?

You gave him an angry push.



Do you know how many times I've answered

these exact same questions?

Is that why you hid the truth?

Because Chris-

he wouldn't want to marry you
if he had known the truth.

He did know!

I told him everything!

And he still wanted to be with me!

That's just the kind of man Chris was.

And I loved him for it.

Terrific actress.

Or she's telling the truth.

Three husbands dead in the
first year of marriage...

It's got black widow k*ller
written all over it.

You know, and even if the first death

was a legitimate accident-

I'll bet it gave her a taste

for profiting off her marriages.

Look deeper into the second husband.

This is the building

that Jason Wyatt was overseeing
construction on when he died.

It was his pet project.

He secured the financing himself.

And it was going to be the
tallest building in the city.

All green energy.

The building never got finished?

What's the story there?

I don't have an answer for that yet.

But I'll keep sniffing around
until I find something.

Looks like Rex's technique
is rubbing off on me.

Sarah: Hey pal? Charlie, I
have the autopsy report

on Jason Wyatt for you.

Oh, anything unusual?

He was on anti-depressant meds,

which can impair motor skills.

They found a high dose of
Escitalopram in his system.

But there's nothing
in his medical record

that suggests he had a
history of depression.

Well, the drug is also used for anxiety.

He did have a stressful job.

Maybe a stressful marriage too.

He was Vicky's second husband.

Thanks for this.

Hey, Jesse.

The initial investigation
focused only on Vicky.

Did anyone else benefit
from her husband's death?

Well, he only had one other
beneficiary in his will.

His sister, Nora Wyatt.


Nora: I never trusted that woman.

There was something about her.

I can't put my finger on it.

How close were you with
your brother, Ms. Wyatt?


We practically raised each
other after our Mom passed.

His death was,


really hard on me.

He was my rock

during a difficult time.

Difficult how?

My son was diagnosed with
leukaemia four years ago.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

I'm a single mother.

And I can't work and be there for him.


Jason was helping me out financially.

We were lucky.

The treatments worked.


My son's been cancer-free

for over a year now.

That's the one good thing
to come out of all this.

Did your brother ever
give you any indication

that he was unhappy in his marriage?

Jason doted on Vicky.

She had him under her spell.

You don't think that she loved him?

I don't know what I think.

But then I saw she was
getting married again,

in the paper.

After what?

Only two years?

She got overJason's
death pretty quickly.

Do you think Vic was
responsible in some way

for your brother's death?

I wasn't there.

I only know what the police told me.

- But...
- But what?

I'm not convinced that she
could do something that evil.

Okay, well, thank you for
coming in to talk to me.

Seems to be a lot of interest

in Vicky and Jason all of a sudden.

What do you mean?

Some private investigator
came by my house last week,

asking the same questions.

Did you get his name?

Actually, he gave me his card.


Detective Hudson, Major Crimes.

You mind if I have a word?

Uh, yeah.

What do you need from me?

I'm investigating the
death of Chris Harrison.

Yeah, I heard about that.

Nice dog.

And here I was-

thinking that police dogs
were supposed to be,


They are.

Unless they smell trouble.

Who was it that hired you

to investigate Vicky Harrison?

That's an interesting woman.

Answer the question.

I don't think I will.

You see, Detective,

I offer my clients confidentiality.

And without my integrity, I'm nothing.

Jesse. What've you got?

So Chris Harrison' lawyer
was eager to cooperate

with the investigation.

So I got all the details of his will.

And also, Vicky Harrison

just officially achieved
one-percenter status.

Look, I've been thinking,

Vicky, she had access to her husband.

She could have k*lled him
anytime, in untraceable ways.

Yeah, I suppose that's true.

So why do something so complicated?

I don't know.

I've been wondering if somebody
knew about her history

and was using that information

- to set her up.
- That stands to reason.

I've got to go. Talk to you soon.

What the hell, buddy?

- Move your car!
- You almost hit me!

What if I say now!

Okay, move your car.

It's a police matter!

Well that doesn't give you
the right to like pull out!

- Rex, track him.
- What the hell?




Mason: You followed me here?



And you brought Officer
Friendly with you.

Well, that's his way of saying
it's time for you to leave.

Don't worry. We'll talk again later.

Oh, can't wait.

You hired a private investigator

to look into your step-mother?

And I'm glad I did.

She had two dead husbands
before my dad came along.

- Did you know that?
- Yeah, I did.

When did you find out?

A few days ago.

Not that it made any difference.

My dad claims she already told him.

I tried to warn him.

And look what happened.

You're so sure that it's Vicky.

Who else could it be?

Well, someone who knew Vicky's history

and had a motive to k*ll your father.

I can't think of anybody else

who would want my father
dead, except her.

Well, according to his will,

you stood to gain from his death.

You still think I'm a suspect?

She has conned you just
like she did my dad.

If you want to talk to me
again, call my lawyer.

Hold this for a second.


Come on in, Sarah!


How did you know it was me?

Well, it was either
you or the pizza guy.

And we didn't order any pizza.


Oh hey, Rex!


You want a beer?

Yeah. Please. Thanks.


Tad Harrison.

That's his son, right?

Yup, he hired a P.I. to dig
into his step-mom's past.

- Here.
- Thank you.

So he knows about her previous husbands.


You think he might have
k*lled his father?

It's a good way to speed
up an inheritance.

And with Vicky going down for m*rder,

he kills two birds with one stone.


You're a good judge of character.

What do you see,

when you look at this photo?

Two people in love.

Yeah, me too.

So what'your next step?

Well, we know,

that Vicky has skeletons in her closet.

But what about Chris?

Charlie: Looks like someone
paid our crime scene a visit.

You've got the scent, buddy?

Track it.

Vicky: As many of you
have probably heard-

my husband, Chris Harrison,
passed away yesterday.

While I will be taking a
brief hiatus from the show-

I wanted to be here today

to pay tribute to a man

who was so many things
to so many people.

He was the love of my life.

Sam: Taken from us too soon.

What is this?

- What is this?
- Sam Bronstein.

- We need to talk.
- What is going on?

We're live!



We might want to go to commercial?

We'll be right back.

Did you have to make a
fool of me like that?

On live TV?

You brought it upon yourself

when you broke into an
active crime scene.

That clip is probably
all over the web now.

I'm never going to live that down.

Okay well,

that's the least of your problems.

Rex, get out of there.

Now why did you break
into Chris's office

in the first place?

I wanted a copy of my contract.

- Why?
- About a year ago,

Chris assured me, absolutely assured me,

that I was next in line to be lead host.

And then he met Vicky.

Oh, he gave her the job instead.


I am sick and tired of
playing second banana

to whatever the flavour of the week is.

I have been through four lead hosts.

And I am the sole reason

that ratings have stayed
stable over the last decade.

And the contract?

A couple of days ago, I
gave him an ultimatum.

I said if I'm not going to be lead host-

I'm going to be paid as lead host.

Or I walk.

What was his response?

He agreed to every one of my demands.

He signed the contract
right in front of me.

Even without his lawyer present.

Imagine that.

And he told me he'd courier the contract

over to my agent.

But he died before he got it done.

I was afraid that if his son,

Tad, got a hold of the contract,

he'd destroy it.

So I needed the original copy.

Yo weren't surprised at all

that Chris was suddenly
agreeing to all your demands?


He couldn't afford to lose me.


He did seem a little upset
about something else that day.

He was a little distracted.

With what?

I don't know.

When I got to his office,

he was meeting with somebody else.

Nobody I recognized.

Neither of them seemed very happy.

Describe him.

Yeah, like five-foot-ten.
Black, shaved head.


Charlie: Mason, you here?

It's Detective Hudson.

Come on, buddy.

What is it, buddy?

The ambulance just left.

They said if you hadn't
found Mason when you did,

he would have died.

So he's going to make it?

Well, he's in really bad shape.

A hard strike to the head with
a narrow, blunt instrument.

I don't think whoever did this

was just trying to knock him out cold.

I guess they didn't count on
him having such a hard head.

Well from the way the
blood's starting to dry,

I'd say this happened
four or five hours ago,

from the time of attack,

between 3 and 4 a.m.

What was he doing here so early?

Well, maybe he never left.

So someone came in, hit
him over the head,

and then searched the place?

You think this is connected
to the Harrison m*rder?

Well, Mason probably
had a lot of enemies,

but he did have a connection
to Chris Harrison.

What-? What the heck?

Right now? We're live!

Rex has a lot of fans.

What do the comments say?

Cutest police dog ever!

This dog can arrest me any time.

If only cops were that smart.

Oops, we can just skip that one.

Jesse, can you bring
up the Harrison file?

Jesse: Yeah, sure.

Jesse: That...


Whoever broke into Mason's office

was looking for something.

And you think it was
the same person who.

Who k*lled Chris Harrison?

Well, it's too early to tell, but,

Mason has a reputation of using the dirt

that he digs up as blackmail material.

Donovan: So perhaps he found something

that Chris would pay to keep quiet.


Yeah, maybe something on Vicky,

or Sam, or Tad.

I think he'd pay to protect
every one of their reputations.

So Tad hired Mason to work for him.

But then found out,

that Mason was blackmailing his father.

That would have made him upset.

Jesse, let's see if Tad
Harrison went to see

Mason's office this morning.

Any security cams in the building?

No. But maybe a,

local CCTV camera

picked up something in the vicinity.

Alright, I'm on it.

Charlie: Okay, buddy.

We can do this.



Come on.

Good job, buddy.





We'll keep working on it.

I've got something on the CCTV cam!

What have you got?

Well, it's mostly just beater cars

in Mason's neighbourhood.

So this one stood out.

Do you see the driver?

No no. But I've got a plate.

Running it now.

Well, that's a surprise.

It's registered under Harrison Media.


I'll see who it's assigned to.

I just need to get my...



Good job.

Beth, can you step away
from the car, please?

What's happening here?

We're conducting a
search of the vehicle.

Vicky: Don't you need
a warrant for that?

Well, this car is leased by the company.

And Tad Harrison gave us
permission for a search.

Okay. Go ahead.

I have nothing to hide.

Can you tell me where you
were in the early hours

of this morning, Mrs. Harrison?

I was at home, asleep.

I got to the studio

about 30 minutes before
our show went live.

Well, that looks like blood.


Belonging to David Mason, I believe.

Look. That's not mine.

I don't know how that got into my car.

Look, I couldn't have woken
up if I wanted to. I...

I took a sleeping pill.

Beth got them for me. Right, Beth?

It's true. I did.

Charlie: What kind of a pill?

I have them here.


Charlie: Give.

Peanut oil.

Vicky: That's not mine!

I've never seen that before!

Just like you've never
seen the tire iron before?

I would never do anything to hurt Chris.

Yeah, that's what you said to the police

after the death of your last husband.

And that's true!

Jason was the sweetest man ever.

I would never do anything
to add on to his troubles!

His troubles?

Bring her in.




Call my lawyer.

You don't have a confession yet?

Charlie: No. And frankly, I'm
not convinced she did it.

You found the m*rder
w*apon in her purse.

And the attempted m*rder
w*apon in her car.

That's my point.

She's smart enough to k*ll
her two previous husbands,

and now she's making amateur mistakes?

We're missing something.

Jesse: Hi. Guys, hi.

Sorry to interrupt. But
I did some digging

on Vicky's second husband, Jason Wyatt.

And I found out why that
construction project he started

was abandoned.

Okay. We're listening to you, Jesse.

Well, the original property
was a gas station.

And when they removed the
fuel tanks from the ground,

they didn't do the extraction properly.

So they leaked fuel.

The entire area was contaminated.

I guess Jason didn't realize that

when he broke ground on his project.

Jesse: Yeah yeah.

And once they discovered
the contamination

he'd already invested heavily.

It would have cost a
fortune to clean up.

That's a fortune he didn't have.

He would've had to scrap the project.

At a huge loss for his investors.

Have you looked into Wyatt's financials?

Yeah. Yeah, I checked with
the credit card bureau.

And contrary to appearances,
Jason was in debt.

He risked everything on this project.

There was no inheritance.

But there was a life insurance
policy that Vicky collected on

as soon as the police ruled
Jason' death an accident.


What? What is it?

Sarah showed me a copy
of the autopsy report.

Jason had been on a heavy
dose of anti-depressants.

I think I know what happened.


Hi. Thanks for coming.

What's this about?

I already answered your questions.

Yeah. Please, sit.

I just wanted to update
you on the investigation.

I have some good news.

Vicky is in jail.

And we're going to charge her

with the m*rder of Chris Harrison.

And we're going to re-open
your brother's case.

No no. But I told you
she didn't k*ll Jason.

No actually, what you did say was,

you didn't think she had it in her.

No I,

I just, I didn't...

My brother wasn't m*rder*d.

His death wasn't an accident.

Jason died by su1c1de.

Jason was the best building
engineer in the city.

And he had a beautiful wife.

And he just bit off
more than he could chew

on his first project.

You know, he was already in
financial trouble before he even

found out the land was contaminated.


It broke him.

Jason loved dogs.

Vicky was there that night,

scared about what he would do.

You know, she tried to stop him.

But, she couldn't.

He said it had to look like an accident,

or we wouldn't get the insurance.

And she tried to grab him.

And even when the cops suspected her-

she made me promise

that I wouldn't tell.

And I offered to say
that she was with me.

But she wouldn't let me lie for her.

She didn't want you
to give her an alibi?

She was protecting me.

She gave me all the insurance money,

to pay for my son's medical expenses.

And now that the truth is out,

I'll have to pay it back somehow.

But I can't keep lying
and let her go to jail.

What is she doing here?

Sam: What are we all doing here?

I brought you together-

because I thought you
might like to learn

which one of you k*lled Chris Harrison-

and tried to k*ll David Mason.

Sam: Wait, what?

Who's David Mason?

Tad: It's obvious.

It was Vicky.

I heard you found a tire iron,

in her car.

I suspect that she was framed.

Probably by somebody who knew her past.

Someone like you, maybe?

Other people knew as well.


Tad told me about her other husbands.

He thought his dad was in danger.

Tad: Sam knew as well.

He came to me, trying
to get Vicky fired,

for violating her morals clause.

What? No, I...

Vicky: I can't believe

you'd go that far

just to get my job, Sam.

Sam: It was my job

before you came along.

So you all knew.

Why would I try and k*ll Mason?

I hired him.

I think Mason had blackmail
material on one of you.

And he went to Chris,
looking for a payout.

See, Chris's k*ller
went to Mason's office

looking to retrieve something.

And whatever that was...

Well apparently, it was important enough

to try to k*ll Mason over.

What is that?

This is Mason's tie.

It still has his scent on it.

You see,

I think something was taken
from Mason's office.

And it would still have
Mason's scent on it.

So Rex could find it.

Track it, buddy.

Who would have guessed?

Sam: Hey, so Vicky really is the k*ller?

I'm being framed, Sam.

Try to keep up.

Vicky's bag.

Are you going to arrest her now?

That's not mine.

You know whose it is though, don't you?

I trusted you.

Yeah, this is definitely
Beth's computer.

Vicky confirmed that sometimes

Beth leaves her stuff
in her dressing room.

Mason must've snuck in
looking for Vicky's computer

and took Beth's by mistake,

when he was investigating for Tad.

The activity log shows he
accessed the hard drive.

What'd he find?

Jesse: Oh!

Beth and Chris together?

- Yeah.
- Huh.

There are more.

These get pretty racy.

Oh, that explains Mason's
meeting with Chris Harrison.

He was blackmailing him,

probably threatened to show
these photos to his son,

or even worse, his wife.

Yeah, but how did Beth know
that Mason took her computer?

Can you print these up for me?

Yeah, sure.

Those are private.

They were stolen.

I had a right to get them back.

You didn't have the right to try
and k*ll somebody to do it.

I didn't think he was going to be there.

I couldn't let him see my face.

So I panicked.

How did you know that Mason
had these in the first place?

You know what I think?

I think you found them
in Chris's office,

when you took the
EpiPen out of his desk.

Knowing Mason, he probably,

left his business card
attached to the envelope.

You have no idea what
you're talking about.

You know what I see in
these photos, Beth?

I see a woman in love.

And I see a guy having a fling.

Not a fling.

He loved me.

How soon after,

these photos were taken
did Chris meet Vicky?

A few weeks.

And you were suddenly cast aside.

He gave me a promotion
as a consolation prize.

Associate producer.

You know what that means?



A small bump in pay, sure.

But I was still the one
fetching their coffees

and booking their weekend getaways.

It was humiliating.

So you went after Chris's son instead?

Another shot at the gold ring?

After all, he was going to
inherit as much as Vicky was.

You have no proof of any of this.

Our forensics team searched
your apartment today, Beth.

This is a copy of a receipt

for peanut oil from a Chinese grocery

in the North end.

The owner picked you
out of a photo array.

Well, you won't be able to hold me.

Tad is going to hire the best lawyers.

Tad thought Vicky was a gold-digger.

Imagine his regret when he found out

that his own girlfriend

was the real risk to his family.

He made a public statement an hour ago,

saying he was misled,

and naming Vicky Harrison the
new CEO of Harrison Media.

If you ever have a chance
to do this again, Beth,

make sure you date for the right reason.


So Beth confessed to the
m*rder of your husband

and to the as*ault of David Mason.

Thank goodness.

But it still won't change
people's minds about me.

Maybe it's time to tell the truth.

It's time to retake control of my life.

Thank you.

She insisted on coming.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm sorry.

I know I promised not to tell.

It's okay.

It's for the best.

No more secrets.


Thank you.

And thank you, Rex.

Well, you just let us know

if there's anything
else we can do for you.

Actually, there is.

And let me assure you,

I'm not making excuses for my actions.

Insurance fraud is a very serious crime.

And I am prepared to
face the consequences,

whatever they may be.

Vicky, I just want to say

I think it's incredibly brave of you

to come forward like this.

And I have tremendous
respect for you right now.

Thank you, Sam.

And speaking of bravery-

We have two very special members

of the St. John's Major Crimes Unit

who helped me find the
strength and courage

to go public with my story.

Why don't you introduce yourselves?

I'm Detective Charlie Hudson, and...

This is my partner, Rex.

Right buddy?

I'm Detective Charlie Hudson.

And this is my partner, Rex.

Sam: So I suppose we can look
forward to a lot more adventures

from our favourite crime-fighting duo.

Well, we'll just keep doing what we do.



This is terrific promotion
for the department.

You really managed to show
the public our human side.


Haha! Good job.

You both look great.

The camera doesn't add
ten pounds at all!

Very funny.

Charlie: Hey.

Good job, partner.

Good job.
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