01x07 - Trial and Error

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x07 - Trial and Error

Post by bunniefuu »

You're being sure...

to double check your margins, right?

I've done this before, Sebastian.


Sorry. Shouldn't hover.

Still adjusting to the new position.

Don't worry about it.

It's never easy being in charge.



The ghost of Sarah Truong!

I was sure you met your end in a...

Crazy yoga accident or something.

I swear, we spoke more often
when you were still in Toronto.

I've just been working so much lately.

Really? This coming from the girl...

who blew off two days of chem classes

just so she could line
up for Beyonce tickets.

Yeah, a long way from
the old U of T days.

But look at you!

Look! This place is top level.

It's awesome.

You are currently standing in a room

with 7 of the 12 most dangerous
viruses on the planet.

Very cool.


You'll cure them all by
the time you're finished.

Now I know you're not here
to chat about viruses.

What'd you bring for me?

You brought me meth?

I need a quick turnover.

You guys have the best protocols

and the lowest false-positives.

Think you can he me out?

Yeah, just give me one second.

Sir, do you have a visitor's pass?

Yeah, I've got one right here.

Get your hands up!

Everybody get your hands up!

Get over there!


Get your phones out!

Get your cell phones out.

You put them in.

Put them in here, hey?
Put them in there.

Get them in there.


- You! What did I say?
- Okay, just be calm.

Get your cell phone in there!
Get over there!


Get over here!

Is that all of them?


This is your only warning.

Anybody tries any smart stuff,

I'm going to start sh**ting.

You got that?

Now sit down.

Please. Please, be careful with that.

So don't make me use it.

No no. You don't understand.

There are dozens of deadly

active viruses in here for testing.

If a b*llet hits the
wrong storage case...

They could go airborne.

Shut up!

Hey. You.

Come here.

Stand up.

Get these on everyone.

Do it.

I texted a friend.

I just hope he got it.

Hey, Sarah.


You need to see this.

A text from Sarah.

Need help

gunman 41.

Sarah's in trouble.

You tried calling her?

It went straight to voicemail.

Have Jesse track it.

He's already on it.

I'm going to talk to forensics...

See if they know where she went.

Okay, I'll have tactical on stand-by.


Have you ever seen him before?


If we rush him we could grab the g*n.

No. Just sit tight.

Help is probably already on the way.

You're not even an employee.

Sarah works with the cops.

We'll all be okay, as long as
we don't do anything foolish.


No luck tracking Sarah's phone.

It's must be turned off.

I talked to everyone in her department.

Wherever she is, it's
not on her schedule.

The only thing out of the ordinary

is that she signed a vial
of meth out of evidence.


If she needed a test she'd
take it to an outside lab.

The department uses about
a dozen local ones.

Good. Jesse, bring up
the list of local labs.


I bet one of them has an
address that starts with 41.



4176 Beaumont Avenue.

Call them.

No answer.

Alright. Notify surveillance.

We need eyes on this place.
And call Tactical.

Let them know we're on our way.

Tell them to meet us there.



Maybe we can help you?

Shut up.

Shhh. Sarah.

No-what are you looking for?

Sandifinol drug trial results.

Where are they?

Where are they?

You-you won't find them in there.

It'll be easier on the computer.

Allison. Shh.

No, Allison.

Don't shush.

Not if you want get out of here alive.

What's the password?

What's the password?

They use a fingerprint.

Then get up!

Let's go! Get over here!

No, we can't give in to his demands.

You do not want to rile me up.

Trust me.

Get up.

Do it.

- You're in.
- Okay, get out.

Again, maybe if you just told
us more about what you need

we could help you.

Don't try to manage me, lady.

I just want everyone safe, okay?

- Including you.
- It's a little late for me.

Hey! No!

Come on, pal.

Which building is the lab in?

The lab is Building 10.

That's the front door.

The blinds are drawn.
So we have no eyes.

Sarah's car.

She's here.

Okay, we need to shut
down all local traffic.

And Tactical... I need a command
post set up right over here.

We can cross reference all
the vehicles in this lot

with ownership records.

Figure out which ones
belong to employees

so we know how many people are inside.

And we need to see if one of these cars

belongs to our gunman.

Or g*n men.

What is the story with this
drug that he's obsessed with?


It's a powerful new antibiotic.

If it clears regulatory hurdles

it could mean the end of superbugs.

And it's in trial?

Stage three.

If it's good, it'll be on the market...
next year.

Yeah, but why steal the
testing information?

Maybe he's hired by another company

to see if they can get a similar
drug to the market first.

I don't know.

He doesn't look like a pro to me.

I think this is personal.

None of this makes sense to me.


You get over here.

And you find me all the drug
trial results for Sandifinol.

I don't have access to
that kind of information.

Well then who can?

You'd need a senior scientist.


Senior scientist.

Your name?


Get to work, Sebastian.

I can't.

Not with these.

Come on.

I need Helen Chafe's drug trial results.


And if those hands do
anything but type...

you're a dead man.

We need sn*pers on the windows.

Tactical at each exit.

And a breach team on standby.

But no one-no one moves without
first hearing from me.

Let's go!

What've we got?

Seven cars in the lot

that don't belong to any employees.

Including Sarah's car.

Yeah, so if he drove here...

That gives us six possible suspects.

I ran background checks

on the owners of the other cars.

No criminal records.

Okay. Keep on it.

With the security cameras disabled

there's no way for us to
get eyes on the place.

We can't just sit in
here and do nothing.

And we can't go in blind.
We need to breach covertly.

Get a look around.

Can we get in through
the ventilation system?

Jesse. Bring up the floor plan.

Right there. See?

There, it goes directly from
the lab to the outside.

Oh, you're right.

But it's a smoke vent
used in case lab fires.

It's way too narrow for
a person to get into.

What if we didn't send a person?

Hey, this could work.

This could work.

We could hide a camera
and a microphone on him.

We'd have eyes and ears inside.


Rex is a very smart dog. I get that.

But an assignment like this

requires decision making...


It's just another tracking assignment.

We give him Sarah's
scent and send him in.

No-look at this.

It's not a straight
line through the vent.

What if he makes a wrong
turn or gets stuck?

We train him.

Teach him the proper route
through repetition.

Yeah. I don't know. It's risky.

There's a lot of people in that
lab who need our help, Joe.

Including Sarah.

If this goes wrong-

It won't go wrong.

Trust me.


- No.
- Yes.

The only way you do this
is if she okays it.

Come on, Joe.

And keep in mind

if this goes wrong

we could be putting the lives
of those people, and Rex

in even greater danger.

Thanks for coming, Renley.

You're not going to fit.

Look. I need your help.


I heard your plan.

It can work.

But we need to prepare Rex.

You sure we have time for this?

You helped train him back in the day.

I figure if anyone can get
him ready in short order

it's you.


That almost sounded like a compliment.

Let's just get to work.

We've got three lengths of carpet

to exactly match the lengths

of the venting system
leading to the lab.

We need you to get him

to go through your legs
to simulate the vent.

Because we're going to be using

his muscle memory
learning on this course.


He needs to associate
this precise distance

with crawling low.

- Good job.
- Good.

Now get him to do it again.

Stay, pal. Stay.

We need him to crawl lower
to engage those muscles.

Come on. Crawl.

- That's a bit better.
- Good job.

The next one is the fork in the road.

Okay. So you've got to get him
to go down and to the left.

Down, buddy. Down.

Good. Good.

Okay, go to your left, buddy.

Crawl. Crawl.

Good job. Good job.

Okay. Now let's go again.


- Under the legs.
- Down.

- Go left.
- Go left, go left.

Good. Good, buddy.


Crawl, pal. Crawl.

- Stay.
- Okay, buddy.


Okay. Stay, buddy.


Yeah, I know.

Focus, boy.

Come on. Let's go. Crawl. Crawl.

- Crawl.
- Crawl.

Okay, buddy. You've reached
the fork in the road now.

We're going left. I know. Stay focused.

Which way are you going to go?

Let's go.


Come on, Rex. Come on.

Here, this way. Left. Left.




We need to go left.

Get on him. Good.


Come on. Crawl.

- Good.
- Crawl.


You've reached the fork in the road now.

We're going to go left. Okay. Let's go.

- Left.
- Good. Go.

Go. - Go.

There we go. Down.

Nice and evenly spaced.

Because it's test time, people.

We'll see if Rex can
choose left on his own.

We good?


Okay, stay.

Good job, buddy.

This is the part

where there's a choice to make.


Come on. Yeah!

Good job!

Yeah, you did alright.

Go go. On the move.

Oh come on, man.

I thought you were the
big man around here.

Files for the drug trials

are listed by code numbers-

not by names.

I have to check each one manually.

Also, you're making me really nervous.

Am I?

Get to work.

Get me the file.

He's going to k*ll us.
He's going to k*ll us.

The police are probably here by now.

But if he starts sh**ting...

Those viruses... they're going to...

Hey hey hey. You remember
fourth year bio-chem?

With Mr. Shier?

Sarah, this isn't the time, right now.

This is exactly the right time.

You were freaking out then too-

before the mid-term.

Yeah, because we were studying
all night at your place.

Yeah, and you ordered those nachos!

Yeah, those were...

Those were the best, but...

And went to the door
without your pants on.

Well I made the delivery boy's night.

And then you forgot to set the alarm.

No no no.

You were supposed to set the alarm.

- I was on the couch.
- No.

You would never sleep on the
couch in your own place

in a million years.

Okay, sleep diva?


Point is, we made it with
15 seconds to spare.

And we both aced that exam.

There's no need to panic.

We made a good team.

Yeah, the best.

So what happened to you?

I mean, we hardly saw you

for the rest of the semester after that.

I don't know.

It was the home stretch.

I felt like I couldn't
afford the distractions.

But we aced that mid-term together.


Looks like it's just part of the collar.

Jesse, what's our status?

Good to go. Sound and video
are both working fine.

As soon as he's in, we'll
have eyes and ears.

Let's do it.


You be careful in there, pal.


You got it?

Good job.

Okay. Rex.


Come on, Rex.

Turn left, just like we practiced.

Come on, Rex.

Come on, Rex. You can do this.

Turn left.

There's an obstruction.

He won't fit through there.

Call him back.

Not yet.

Let's see what he does.

He's stuck.

Come on, buddy.



Good boy.

Good job, buddy.

I knew he could do it.

Okay. He's in.

Now the fun begins.

- Rex.
- What the hell?

I know that bark.

It means help has arrived.

Whose dog is that?



You get him in here.

And shut him up.

Get him inside.

And keep him quiet.

Hey, Rex.

Don't do anything stupid.

Keep him under control.

Shut him up.

Or I sh**t him.

And you're next.

Got it?

Get in there. Get inside.

Come on.

Looks like it is a single gunman.

I count seven hostages.

We've got active viruses in here.

So no full force entry.

Okay... one gunman...

looking for files related to
the Sandifinol drug trial.

He mentioned-

the name Helen Chafe.

I knew Sarah would find that camera.


Pull the records for all
the cars in the lot.

And compare him to the
driver's license photos.

I'm on it.

Good job, buddy.

There's a representative here

from Cooper-Weiss Pharmaceuticals

insisting on talking to
the people in charge.

You got a name?

Reggie Boyd. I ran his ID.
He checks out.

Alright. Bring him in.

What could we do for you, Mr. Boyd?

You can start-

by explaining what you're doing
to handle this situation.

We don't share that
information with civilians.

But I can assure you we have
everything under control.

Under control?

Everything in that lab

is property of Cooper-Weiss

Important medical research is at risk.

We're more concerned

about the people inside
than your research.

Of course.

That's not how I meant it.

I just want to end this.

Then we are on the same page.

Now if you'd kindly wait outside.

You know, actually...

that wasn't a request.

Mr. Boyd.

You follow him.

Keep an eye on him, Sergeant.


You got it.

I found our guy!

Darryl Perth.

His wife's name is also list
under his car insurance.

Helen Chafe.

Okay. Let's bring her in.

So she can shed some
light on the situation.

Yeah. his phone number is also
going to be in that file.

I want to talk to him.

Got it.

The number you have reached-

It's no longer active.

I'll try to track down a current number.

Do it quickly, Jesse.

The subject is agitated.

He may be escalating.

What's taking so long?

We can't give him this data.

We have three dr*gs that
are close to market.

- They'll save lives.
- He'll k*ll us.

Stop talking.

No more delays. No more talking!

Or somebody's going to get hurt!

These people have families.

I bet you do, too.

This place destroys families.

Maybe it's time for a little payback.

- Huh?
- No no no.

The police are outside!



Come here.

Come here. Come here!

Turn around.

And open that window.



Movement at the window!

Get over here! Get over!

What'd I do wrong? What did you do?

Get your hands out.


Put your hands out.


What do I do? What do I do?


Get over there!

Back to work!

sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!

That was a warning shot.

We had a shot fired.

What the hell is going on in there?

Sarah's sending us a message.

I repeat.

That was a warning shot.

A warning shot.

That means somebody did something

that Darryl doesn't like.

The hostages are getting restless.

- The situation is deteriorating.
- Jesse.

I need that phone number now.

This is the only number I could find

through his cell provider.



You should answer that.

The police would have
heard that g*nsh*t.


Darryl, this is Charlie Hudson.

I'm with the St. John's Police.

I'm here to help.

Oh, you know my name.


You haven't done anything

that you can't come back from.


As soon as I get what I need

this will all be over.

Well, what is it that you need?

We'll talk about getting that for you.

You let me worry about that.

If any police come through this door

I'm going to start sh**ting.

Why do you need Helen
Chafe's file so badly?

For proof.

Who is she?

My wife.


I told you to keep him quiet!

If Rex is barking

there is a reason.

Please, I've got to go check that.

I'm watching you.


Hey, Rex. What have you got?

The g*nsh*t must have hit that hose.

The cooling hose is damaged?

Looks like it. Yeah.

That's the cooling system

for all the active viruses in the lab.

If the hose is damaged, then
the system has shut down.

The temperature inside is going to rise.

And the viruses?

They're frozen.

If the unit reaches room temperature...

they'll activate again.

But they're contained, right?

Some of them are airborne.

The unit isn't r-tight.

Well then, we need to fix this.
Right now.

Oh no no.


Nobody's going anywhere.

We don't have much time.

These machines... they generate heat.

Without a cooling system,

then we've got maybe 30 minutes

before everybody's life is in danger.

Well, then you'd better find my file.

Jesse, is there anything
you can do remotely?

Get the system back online?

No, I can't.

The cooling hose needs to
be physically repaired.

Okay, we're running out of options.

A tactical strike might
be our best hope.

I have Helen Chafe with me.

Darryl's wife.

Ex-wife. We're separated.

Has he hurt anyone?

Thankfully, no.

We're really glad you're here, Helen.

We need your help.

There's still a chance we
can end this peacefully.

We need to repair that hose.

You have innocent people in here.

Maybe now you understand
how serious I am.

Whoah whoah whoah.

What did you just do?

I'm looking for the file.

I just saw you hit the delete button.

And a bunch of files disappeared.

Okay, let's be calm.

You'd better not be pulling a fast one.

Hold on.

Let me just check, please.

I'll get to the bottom of this.

Get over here.

Where is it?

Where are they?

They should be right here.

What did you do?

I didn't...

You were watching me the whole time.

Check the trash.

It's empty.

I'm sorry, I...

You ruined everything!

I needed those files
to get my family back.

You can't just take confidential files.

There are privacy laws.

And we could be shut down.

This lab does too much good.

There's laws against sh**ting
you in the head too.

Darryl, we can still fix this.

You ruined

my one chance!


If you k*ll him...

I can't help you.

Why would you want to help me?

Because I can see that you're in pain.

So what do these files have to
do with your family, Darryl?

I got laid off last year.

I started doing drug trials
for the extra money.

The Sandifinol trial...
it paid big bucks.

But they rejected me.

So I convinced Helen to do it.

When I met him...

Darryl was the sweetest guy.

And he would do anything

to keep us afloat...

after he lost his job.

But we needed money.

And when she was on the
drug, she changed.

She started getting cold and distant.

And the sweet Darryl

who I met in high school

was... surly all of a sudden.

He'd spend entire days
locked in the basement.

She started avoiding
me around the house.

And then eventually, she just left me.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

It was the Sandifinol.

It messed with her brain.

It messed with her brain.

And she fell right out of love with me.

Emotional and mental distress

were never side effects of the drug.

I've been working on it from the start.

You're a liar!

See, now, that is why I needed the file.

This drug robbed me of my family.

And I want the proof.

And I believe you.

But g*ns?


There has to be a better way.

Oh, I tried to go through
proper channels.

Trust me. Believe me.

I tried...

for months and months.

I got the runaround
from middle managers,

just passing my phone calls around,

passing the buck.

- Right, you're the victim here.
- This is not the time.

I just want the file.

So that I can prove my wife

didn't just fall out of love with me.

And maybe the effects can be reversed.

And I can just have my family back.

Could that be true? Is it...

possible that the drug affected
your feelings for Darryl?

All I know is that...

I couldn't stand to be
around him anymore.

But I don't think a drug can
make you fall out of love.

Okay, Helen.

Thank you for being so open with us.

Now, I need to ask you
to do one more thing.

We have to do something.

Last time you did something

you got the cooling hose shot.



Are you okay?

It's good to hear your voice, honey.

Darryl, you have to stop.

You're going to get people hurt.

I just need the proof.

Darryl, it wasn't because of the dr*gs.

You have to believe that.

You're going to let me come home, honey.

You don't just fall out
of love with somebody.

We can talk about it.

Just let everyone out.

And come talk to me.

There is a cause to this.

And those bastards at Cooper-Weiss

they're hiding something.


If the pharmaceutical company

is funding the drug trials

they must have their own
copies of the files.

Stands to reason.Yeah.

Radio Renley.

And tell her to not let
that pharmaceutical rep...

- Reggie Boyd.
- Right...

tell her not to let him go anywhere.

- I want a word with him.
- Okay, got it.


We may be able to access
that file you're after.

Well I'm happy to hear that.

Sebastian, no!



Stop, Rex!


You're going to get us all k*lled!




Nobody else move!

Oh no!


Oh no!

Allison. Allison, you with me?

At this point...

you're all I got.


This is all your fault!

You're the one holding the g*n.

Please. Please don't k*ll me.

Turn around!

Come on!

Open the door!

Get in there!

Where'd they go?

He could be executing the hostage.

Darryl, what did you do with him?

He's fine. I just locked
him in the other room.

Allison needs medical attention.

No no. Nobody goes anywhere until
Helen's file is in my hand.

No, she can't wait.

If Helen knows it's the drug,

she'll let me back.

You'll go to jail, either way.

No, I'm a whistle-blower!

No, you are armed!

And if she dies...

At least Helen will know.

We need to get Allison to a hospital.
She's not going to make it.

No! Nobody leaves.

Just keep her alive.

I can't!

I can't unless I have
the supplies I need.

Wait, what if I send Rex out,

to bring in supplies?

- The dog?
- Yes, the dog. Please.

We are losing her.

Fine. Send the dog.

Okay. Okay, I need to make a list.

Find some paper.

Mr. Boyd.

Please tell me you're going in now.

We think we've found a better
way to solve this quickly.

But I'm going to need remote access

to the Cooper-Weiss file database.

Are you serious?

That's not going to happen.

It's sensitive material.

You can give me what I need right now.

Or you can watch me tear
through your entire database

from your jail cell.

We've got two dozen
lawyers working full time

to keep those files confidential.

All I'm asking for right now
is the Sandifinol paperwork.

Just the Sandifinol files.

But he isn't going to find
what he's looking for.

There aren't any mental side
effects related to that drug.

We'll worry about that later.

Go inside and ask for Jesse.

We've got movement!

Come here, pal. Hey.

What took you so long?

Have the paramedics get
these supplies quickly.

On it.

That's Rex.

- Let him back in.
- Yeah, right.

So I can get taken out by a sn*per?

I don't think so. Hey. You.

Go to the door. And let him in.

No no no. Come here.

No, I need that equipment now.

I'm checking the dog, first.

Be careful. He's protective.

I don't care.

It's okay, Rex. He's
going to check you out.

He'll be fast.

I know he looks like a softie.

But he's protective.

Oh yeah. I knew it.


I knew they'd try something.

She has no pulse.

Give me that AED!

Give me pressure.

She's going to die.

Give it to me!


- What happened?
- He found the camera.

We're flying blind again.

Jesse, you find anything
in those company files?

Actually, yeah.

Thanks to your arm-twisting
on Reggie Boyd-

we have something that Darryl wants.

His wife's Sandifinol file.

Perfect. We can end this.

Hold on.

He won't like what it says.

Damn it.

Stand Clear.

Everybody clear.

I've got her pulse back.

But it's weak. Darryl.

I can slow down the bleeding.

But I can't make it stop.

What does that mean?

It means. She's going to
die if she stays here.

I don't know.

Your family was taken from you.

Are you going to take
her away from hers?

I've never even met her husband.

Please don't let my
first meeting with him

be a death notification.

Darryl, what's happening in there?

Look, I'm not giving up.


we need paramedics in here.

This lady, she needs to
get to the hospital.

We're sending them in now.

But no tricks.

If I smell a cop, I'm going
to just start sh**ting.

Okay, I'll let them know.

Actually, I've got an idea.

Go. Go. Answer the door.

Over here!

Don't try anything.

Don't try anything funny.


Charlie, the bag.

Ma'am, could you help us with this?

Yeah, of course.

Roll her onto her side.


Get her to safety.

You got it.


Hey hey hey hey.

I know that voice.

You're the cop I've been talking to.

Hey, look. Take it easy. I'm not armed.

I just want to talk.

I said any cops come in here,
I would start sh**ting.

Easy, pal.

You can sh**t me.

But I have what you want-

your wife's file.

Hand it over. Slowly.

No, first you release the hostages.

How about I release the viruses?

Come on. Darryl.

Take it easy.

You have everything that you want.

All you need to do is
let these people go.

It's that simple.

What do you say?

Come on.

What do you say?

17 degrees. We're almost out of time.

- You found anything yet?
- Only more problems.

There's an a*t*matic
virus containment system

that kicks in at 22 degrees.

A containment system?

That's a good thing, isn't it?

Usually yes.

But not today.

The ventilation system
kicks in full force

and the entire lab will be sealed off.

Including the doors.

And once it's sealed, no one can leave.

The viruses would be trapped inside.

Along with all the hostages.


So we need to get everyone out of there

before it reaches 21 degrees.

Give me the file.

Not until you let these people go.

I make the demands here!

I don't think you're going to sh**t.

You want to take that bet?

You have everything that you want.

And you'll still have me as a hostage.

Think about it.


Go. Get out of here. Go! Go!


I don't want to leave you here.

You should go with Allison.

She needs you.

Okay. Be careful.


Take your dog.

He stays with me.


- Darryl.
- Easy!

The file is...

It's in the bag.

Right there.


There's only one file in here.

It's the one that matters to you.


No no no.


No no no no no no.

- This is a mistake.
- I'm sorry, Darryl.

Your wife was in the placebo group.

No, you're a liar!

It's the truth.

She was never on the drug.

This is a trick. Why would you do it?

Why would you mess with me?

20 degrees.

C'mon, Charlie. Get out of there.

You come in here

with your lies and these fake documents!

It's the truth.

Trying to mess with my head!

This is your fault!

You made me do this!

Good job, pal.

Need you in here, Renley.


Let me out of he!



You should have let me do it.

- You take him.
- What about you?

We're right behind you.

Renley's on the way out with the gunman.



21 degrees.

You just saved this guy's life, Rex.

That's if we get out of here.

Come on. Time to go.

Rex! Let's go!

Take him.


Great job.

Both of you.

Yeah, that was way too close.

Rex never leaves anyone behind.

Where's Sarah?

She rode to the hospital with Allison.

I actually feel bad for the guy.

He obviously just snapped.

It might have been out of his control.

I read the rest of the Sandifinol files.

And there was an earlier version

of the drug called Delixipan.

He was on that trial.

Had terrible side effects.

That must have been
why they rejected him

from the new study.

He couldn't do it a second time

under the new version of the drug.

One of the reports said

that the first drug
altered brain chemistry.

So Darryl had the right idea.

It did mess with someone's head.



They went back to the drawing board

and relaunched the drug
under the name Sandifinol.


Why didn't you just let me do it?

I have something important to tell you

that might make you change
your mind about that.

You mind if I sit down?

The trial that your
wife was involved in,

There wasn't any side effects. But...

The trial you were involved in-

That wasn't the case.
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