01x05 - The Pet Sitter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x05 - The Pet Sitter

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, Gus.

You don't fool me.

I know, you're just a big ol' softie.



Why are you calling me here?

How did you even get this number?


I'm not having this conversation
with you right now!

I know, Gus.

I'm nervous too.

But no matter what happens,

we'll get through it, okay?

I promise.



WOMAN: Stop it!

MAN: You stop it!


- Oh! Oh my God!
- Look at you!

We're so cute!

- Wait.

Do you see that?

There's someone there.


Oh my...!




What's up, bud?

You need to go outside?

Oh! Pipe must be leaking.


Looks like the park's
going to have to wait.




Yeah, we'll be right there.

Well, looks like we're going

to the park after all, buddy.


Come on. Let's go!



Hey, Sarah.

SARAH: Charlie.

Bet you've never seen a tree

used as a m*rder w*apon before.

Went through her back
and pierced her heart.

Would've taken a lot of force.

And the angle of impact suggests

she was shoved backwards. Hard.

Time of death is between 4 AM and 7 AM.

Any I.D.?

No. No phone.

No wallet.

Just a house key...

- 40 dollars cash.

Oh... and these.

Doggy poop bags.

Only one reason to bring
those to the park with her.

If she has a dog, where is it?

- Huh.

What is it, pal?


Good find, buddy.

Bite marks.


Could belong to our Jane Doe's dog?

- Looks like we're about to find out.
- Oh!


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Find out @ saveanilluminati.com

Hey, buddy.

Good job.

What are you doing out
here all by yourself?

Do you live here?

- Easy, pal.

- Just going to check your tags.

- Ah! Hey!

Almost took my finger off!




This is Detective Charlie Hudson!

Anyone home?


CHARLIE: The key we found on
the victim opened the door.

But it wasn't her place.

What do you mean it wasn't her place?

The homeowners are in
Australia for a month.

Wasn't a lot of the
victim's belongings there.

But we did find her duffle
bag in the guest room.

Name is Brooklyn Weber.

Didn't find a cell phone.

But we did find this...

a digital camera...

- which is a little bit strange.
- What's strange about that?

I own the exact same camera.

Exactly my point.

The young kids use their cellphones.

And speaking of young
people and their phones...


Where is hers?

There's a phone registered
to Brooklyn Weber.

But the address on file
is Naomi Turner,

- the victim's sister.
- Can you track it?

There's no signal, but I set

a tracking ping for every five minutes.

So if the phone turns
on, we'll know it.

Hey hey hey!

What are you... what...
what are you doing?

Come on! That's mine!

- Don't you ever feed him?
- That's all I do.

- He's a bottomless pit.

What else did you get?

Okay, so... Brooklyn belongs

to a web-based job site

called Creature Comforts.

It pairs pet sitters with pet owners

who require short or
long-term assistance.

Here's her profile video.

I know how hard it is

to leave your babies at
home when you're away.

But I promise I'll care for them

as if they were my own.

Staying in your home...

looking after your loved ones...

I don't consider it a job.

I consider it a privilege.


So she gets a place to stay

and a pay cheque for her troubles?

That's not a bad lifestyle
for an animal lover.

And each pet-sitter on the site

is vetted to reduce any
risk for the owners.

Does Brooklyn have a client list?

Uh, should be up on her page.

But I'll need some time
to crack her password

Okay. Well,
if anyone stands out for any reason,

- you let me know.
- Okay. Will do.




This is...

Brooklyn's sister, Naomi Turner,

and her husband, Scott.

Detective Hudson.

Very sorry for your loss.

You were close with your sister?

She was my only family...

apart from my husband.

We took care of each other

after my parents died.

She would stay with us

between her pet sitting jobs.

But... we haven't seen
her in a few weeks.


Did Brooklyn have
anyone else in her life?

Boyfriend? Girlfriend?

I don't think so.

She didn't like to be tied down.

Can you think of anyone

who might've wanted to do her harm?



[SNIFFLING] Can I see her now?

Of course. Here. This way.

Okay. Come on.


Thank you.

Jesse. What's up?

Charlie, you asked me

if any of Brooklyn's
previous clients stand out.

- Yeah.
- Well,

I found someone interesting...

A client named Paul Snell.

Interesting how?

Well, at the end of jobs, clients are

free to review their pet sitter.

And Brooklyn has a high overall rating.

Everyone she worked for loves her.

And by everyone,

I mean almost everyone.

PAUL: I am absolutely shocked.

I mean, what is happening
with this town?

- It's not safe anymore.

What is it you needed
from me, Detective?

I just have a few questions
about Brooklyn Webber.


You know,

municipal law states

that your dog needs to be on a leash.

They make exemptions for cops.

Can we focus on Brooklyn?

You hired her recently
to take care of your dog

while you were out of town.

That's correct.

My little Princess doesn't do very well

on long car rides.


I see.

Uh, so you travel a lot?

One week out of every month,

I visit my mother in Stephenville.


I was forced to come
home early, last trip.

- Because of Brooklyn?
- Correct.

I don't have a lot of rules.

But I take them seriously.

What kind of rules?

No shoes or socks in the house.

You get an exemption,

because you're a police officer.

And the big one...

no visitors.

That's the one she broke.

- She had someone over?
- Yeah, a guy.

A boyfriend, I suppose.

Well, if you were out of
town, how did you know?

Neighbour told me.

What neighbour?
I'd love to talk to them.

Okay okay fine.

I didn't hear it from a neighbour.

I saw it on the Princess-cam.

The... um... what?

The Princess-cam.


- You spy on your pet sitters?
- I do not.

I keep an eye on my Princess.


I know my rights.

It's not illegal

if it's not in a private area.

What do you do with the recordings?

There are none.

It's a live feed.

- Could you describe Brooklyn's guest?
- Medium build...

I... I... I don't know.
It was weeks ago.

What if I put you
with a sketch artist...

- Would that help?
- I really don't remember.

All I saw was red.

I don't like rule-breakers.

Which is why you left her

a scathing review on the website?


And it broke my heart to do it.


Easy, pal.


Hi, Detective.

Sorry to bother you, Naomi.

But your husband had mentioned to me

that Brooklyn stayed with
you guys between jobs.

I was just wondering if I could
check out her bedroom.

- It'll only take a minute.
- Of course.

But if it's okay,

could your dog stay outside?

I have... allergies.

Of course.

Stay, pal.

CHARLIE: You said that Brooklyn

hasn't been here for a few weeks?

The guest room's
exactly as she left it.

I... I don't come in here because she

brings home animal hair on her clothes.

And it triggers my allergies.

So she was on a new job.

That's why she hasn't been here?

To be honest,

Brook and my husband

didn't always see eye to eye.

It all came to a head a few weeks ago

when he asked her to pay partial rent.

Brook... took offense and left.

And you haven't spoken to her since?


Now I wish I'd called.

Your husband at home?

No, he's at the office.

He works in ad sales.

It's crazy long hours.

Just one last thing.

One of Brooklyn's clients had mentioned

that a man came to
visit her at his house.

He thought maybe it was a boyfriend.

Are you sure she didn't mention anyone?

No, not that I'm aware of, unless...

There was this guy she dated briefly

- a few months ago.
- Hmmm.

But he was such a deadbeat.

Do you remember his name?

Uh, Robbie, I think.

Robbie McCann.

Easy, pal.


I don't think Robbie's at home.

What is it, buddy?


- You!

Get out of the car!


What's going on?

I was just resting my eyes for a minute.

- You Robbie McCann?
- Yeah, why?

- You know Brooklyn Weber?
- Yeah, she's my girlfriend.

W-what's going on?

It's not fair.

Brooklyn was the best thing
that ever happened to me.

According to her sister,

you two were only
together for a short time.

We kept our relationship quiet.

- And Naomi doesn't like me.
- Why's that?

You see that I live in my car, right?

When was the last time
you saw Brooklyn?

A few nights ago.

We see each other less
when she's working.

Why's that?

Most of the people she works for

don't allow her to bring guests.

So you never just popped by

to see her... had a quick visit?

No way.

She takes her job seriously.

She was such a good person.

I want you to know that about her.


- Hudson.
- Hey, it's Sarah.

I just finished Brooklyn
Weber's autopsy.

Find anything out of the ordinary?

Well how about...

a digital SD card?

That could be the one
missing from her camera.

- Where'd you find it?
- Well, get this...

lodged inside her lower intestine.

This thing is in bad shape.

What, did it take a
bath in a deep fryer?

No, but it did take a ride

through Brooklyn Weber's
gastrointestinal tract.

That's... gross.

Okay, well...

Stomach acid could do a lot

more damage than battery acid.

How long was it in there?

Sarah estimates she swallowed it

around 12 hours before she died.

I don't know if I could pull

anything off of it in this condition.

I'm going to have to repair it first.

Yeah, just do what you can.

And when you have a chance,

I want to run some background

on Naomi and Scott Turner.

Yeah, sure. Anything in particular?

No, but it sounds like

they weren't on the best
of terms with Brooklyn.

And I'd like to know why.

Okay. Sounds good.

Oh. Also, I found another one of

Brooklyn's pet sitting clients

- who you might find intriguing.
- Why's that?

Well, for starters, she doesn't exist.

Well, that got my attention.

Yeah. She's listed
under an assumed name.

So I sourced the name
back to the homeowner...

Tracy Thomas.

That sounds familiar.

Yeah, she's the best-selling author

of a series of healthy eating
weight loss books.

- She's got a huge following.
- Mm-hmm.

People like her are why kale's a thing.

You'd be surprised, a lot of her

recipes are delicious.

- So I've heard.
- Hmm.

Well, it still doesn't
make her a suspect.

Well there's more.

So Brooklyn has been working for her

several times over the past few years,

and was always paid by direct deposit

on the last day of the job.

The last time, Ms. Thomas

never paid Brooklyn for her services.

When was this?

About just over a month ago.

That's worth looking into...

Right after Rex is done his lunch.




CHARLIE: Tracy Thomas.

- Thank you for coming down.
- TRACY: Yes, I only have a minute.

I have three book signings
scheduled for this afternoon.

I just have a couple of
questions to ask you

about Brooklyn Weber.

I saw it on the news.

It's so sad.

And she was so good with my Heidi.

American Wirehair kitties...

- they need extra special care.

So you had no complaints with her work?

No! No, she was part of
the extended Thomas family.

I adored her.

Then why didn't you pay her the
last time she worked for you?

Oh... I remember.

She specifically asked
to be paid in cash.

She was probably trying to avoid taxes.

But I'm not in trouble for that, am I?

That would be a question
for your accountant.


- Thank you for coming in.
- [SNAP]


I'd like to give you a signed
copy of my book...

"Say No to Potato."

Good luck with the case, Detective.

Brooklyn will be missed...

Especially by my Heidi.

Let's go, Corey.

Can't keep my fans waiting.

JESSE: Hey, Charlie.

I did some digging

on Naomi and Scott
Turner, like you asked.

And I found something.

Scott recently changed careers.

Naomi said he was in ad sales.

Yeah, he was,
and he was making good money.

But now he's making minimum wage

at the bottle recycling plant.

That's not exactly a lateral move.

- Yeah.
- Hmm.

Oh, uh...

For you.

Rex, let's go.

What's wrong with potatoes?



SCOTT: You think I like
lying to my wife?

I just don't want her worry now...

Especially with her sister.

How long has this been going on for?

A few months, but...

- It's temporary.
- Hmmm.

Can't be easy on the feet...

Standing around in dress shoes all day.

Yeah, well...

I've got to keep up appearances.

Suit, jacket, and tie are in the car,
along with my dignity.

Will you get...? What is your...?


He's curious about
what's in your pocket.

And now, so am I.

Come on, Scott. What are you hiding?


Drinking on the job?

Helps with the boredom.

Did drinking help with the
boredom at the last job too?

What does any of this have to do

with Brooklyn's death? Huh?

That's a good question.

Where were you the
morning she was k*lled?

I told you, man.
It was super early, I was asleep.

So was Naomi.


I'll be in touch.

Rex, let's go.

- Yeah.
- JESSE: Ping, Charlie!

I got a ping! Got a ping!

- A what?
- A ping.

You know, from...
from Brooklyn's phone.

I'm tracing its current
location right now.

It might lead you to her k*ller.

- Send me the address.
- Okay.


Long way from the club district, buddy.




This place licensed for alcohol?

- Oh!
- Okay, I'll take that as a no.


Rex! Go!







What have you got, buddy?


Good job.


Get out of there.


I guess this looks pretty bad, huh?

What's the matter, Robbie?

Living in your car not rock
bottom enough for you, huh?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Why'd you have Brooklyn's
phone, Robbie?

- ROBBIE: Do I need a lawyer?
- You're entitled to one.

Why? Do you have something to hide?

No! I told you...

I found the phone in the bar.

It was dead. So I charged it

to see if I could find the owner.

S-so you don't recognize

your own girlfriend's phone?

Not when it's dead.

And she doesn't keep it
in a case or anything.

You said that you haven't seen

Brooklyn for a few days.

But she didn't call you

to try and tell you about her phone?

My phone was disconnected

because of non-payment.


I know I'm a screw-up.

Okay? I have no house, no cash.

I... I bartend at an
unlicensed booze can.

I don't know what Brooklyn saw in me.

But she was the only thing
that was going right in my life.

I would never do anything to hurt her.

Well, it's a touching story, Robbie.

But it's not entirely true.


We searched your car.

You said that you're broke.

But we found nine
thousand dollars in cash,

taped under the driver's seat.

- [SLAP]
- Hmm?

That's Brooklyn's money.
She gave it to me.

She told me to use it
to get me back on my feet.

She handed you an
envelope full of cash?

Why do I find that hard to believe?

You don't know Brooklyn.

She'd do anything for
the people she loves.

How much did you spend?

None of it.

It's all there.

She didn't tell me where it came from.

So I held onto it in case
she needed it back.

And when I found out she died, I...

I wondered if the money was the reason.

Why didn't you tell me about
this when we talked earlier?

I was scared!

Okay? I don't trust anyone right now.

You have an alibi for
early this morning?

I was at the bar until sunrise.

I've got twenty regulars
who can vouch for me.

Not exactly reliable
eye-witnesses, Robbie.

I don't care what happens to me.

Without Brooklyn in my life,

what's the point?

And as for the money...

I'd pay ten times that amount

just to bring her back.

A nickel for your thoughts?

Don't you mean a penny?

Well, they don't make pennies anymore.

Where you been?

I'm trying to understand
how a young woman

who gets paid in room and board

somehow ends up with
nearly ten grand in cash.

What have you got cookin'?

Oh, I'm just trying to
digitally clean up the photos

on the damaged SD card.

- Pill bottles.
- Yeah, I sent the image to Sarah

to see if she could identify the pills.

She thinks it's Adderall.

The ADHD drug.

Also prescribed for narcolepsy.

But people use Adderall
for unintended purposes...

You know, like hyper-focus
or appetite suppression.

Maybe Brooklyn was selling them.

It would explain where
she got the money.


Hey, you unlock that phone yet?

Six digit code.

- Tougher to crack.
- How long will it take?

No, I meant it was tougher to crack.

Took me 20 minutes.

I'm not proud of that.

You find anything useful?

Well, she didn't have many contacts.

So there wasn't a whole
lot to go through.


But she did get a text message

a few hours before she was k*lled.

Here. Take a look.

"Where R U?

We need to talk."

Yeah. No contact name.

Just the initials, S.T.

Scott Turner.

It's not exactly incriminating.

He's involved in this. I'm sure it.

I trust your judgment.

How do you want to proceed?

You think we've got grounds enough

- for a search of the house?
- I'll make a couple of phone calls.

You'll have a warrant in the morning.

SARAH: Hey, Charlie.

- Hey!
- Heading home?

Yeah, after a quick stop
at the hardware store.

It's pretty late. Everything okay?

We've got an unwanted water feature

in our living room...

a constant drip that's
keeping Rex awake.

Oh, could be a compression leak.

Those are pretty common.

Make a big mess. But they're

- pretty easy to fix.
- You know your stuff.

Yeah, my Dad taught me.



SARAH: That should hold for now.

Just let it dry before you
turn the water back on.

Much appreciated.

Any time.

Now, to hold up your
end of the bargain.

- Ah, pizza's on its way.
- Thank you.

- Rex says thank you very much.

Don't you, buddy?

SARAH: Hmmm.

It's quite the man-cave
you've got here.

Not much for art, I take it?

Well, I haven't done
much with the place

since I moved in.
You know, I've been so busy.

I haven't really had
an opportunity to...

you know, get properly settled.

That's nothing new for me, though.

How so?

I moved around a lot as a kid...

- Navy brat.
- Hmm.

Whenever my dad got new orders,

we'd be forced to ship
out on short notice.

I'd be curious to know
what your taste in art is.

I think you'd be pretty disappointed.

The last piece of art
that I bought myself was

a painting of dogs playing poker.

It's timeless.

Cheers to that.

- Cheers.


The best thing about Rex is
he can smell the pizza guy

- from a block away.
- Ah.


Wow! That is impressive.


Every time!


CHARLIE: Thanks, Joe.
I'll head right over.



NAOMI: You think we had something to do

with my sister's m*rder?

We're exploring every possibility.

- Where's your husband?
- At work!


Your dog...

It's a m*rder investigation.

You're going to have to crack a window.

What have you got?

Third stash we've come across..

I knew Scott was hiding his drinking.

But I had no idea it was that bad.

Oh that... that's my blood.

I... I cut myself in the shower...

shaving yesterday. See?

Well, I'm going to have
to take a cheek swab,

to compare the DNA.

Fine. Whatever.

I can't believe this is happening.

She was my sister.



What have you got, buddy?


Let's see.

There's something under here.

Oh, it looks like about a thousand!

I swear... I've never seen that before.

I... I told you I don't
come in this room.

I don't know anything
about any hidden money.


You're sure?

Seems like you have a habit

of leaving little stashes
around the house.

Okay, sure.

I like to keep a few bottles
hidden for a rainy day.

But... I don't know anything
about hidden money.

Tell me about the text message,

that you left for Brooklyn
the night before she died.

Okay, look. I can explain the text.


I messed up,
and I was trying to make things right.

Brooklyn and I had a fight.

And she wasn't talking to
her sister because of it.

You wanted her to pay her share.

Yeah, why not?

She was staying there half the time.
Why not chip in?

But she freaked out and left. And I...

I don't know. Naomi was
struggling with that.

I made a mistake.

And I was trying to undo it.

That's all.

You didn't go to talk to her in person?


She never returned the text.

Look, I don't know anything
about this hidden cash.

And I sure as hell did not k*ll her.

We pulled two sets of
prints off the envelope.

Brooklyn Weber was one.

What about the other...?
Scott or Naomi Turner...?

- or Robbie McCann?
- No, none of the above.

But there was something
else on the envelope...

A single cat hair...

stuck to the envelope glue.

Not uncommon for a pet sitter.

True, but it came from an
uncommon breed of cat...

an American Wirehair.

You won't find many
of those in St. John's.

Maybe not.

But I know who has one.

TRACY: Feet rooted into the ground.

Taking the energy from the earth.

CHARLIE: Easy, pal.

Elbows down.

Focus is forward.

We need to talk, Ms. Thomas.

I'm in the middle of
a class, Detective.

Make an appointment
with my assistant, Corey.

I'm not asking. I'm telling.

Please continue, class.

I'll be right back.


What is it that is so urgent?

I know why you gave Brooklyn
Weber an envelope full of cash.

I told you. I paid her in cash.

Ten thousand dollars was
withdrawn from your account.

Which is the exact same amount

that Brooklyn had in her possession.

Which is 20 times more
than her going rate.

A woman is dead.

Do you want to finish this
conversation at the precinct?

How dare you treat me like a criminal?

I... I'm the victim here.

How do you figure that?

Brooklyn Weber was blackmailing me.

Could you explain to me
how you were blackmailed?

Brooklyn demanded I pay
her ten thousand dollars...



What did she have on you?

That's between me and her.

Of course...

- The photo.
- Shhh.

Adderall is used for weight loss. Hmm?

Would you keep your voice
down, please, Detective?

I have a reputation to keep.

Look, I count every carb.

I jog every day, but sometimes

it's just... not enough.

That photo she took could ruin me.

So you paid her off.

Did she demand any subsequent payments?

She said it was a one-time thing.

Where were you between

four and seven AM yesterday morning?

Oh so now I'm a suspect?

Oh, this is ridiculous!

I was jogging.

Anyone see you?

I jog alone.

It is the only time of
day I get to myself.

Speaking of which,

I've got to get back to my class.


I think they're otherwise engaged.

Let's go, Rex!


Are you still working on the photos?

Yeah yeah.
Three of them are somewhat legible.

The rest are too corrupted to save.

More medicine cabinet sh*ts?

Actually, no.
One is a credit card bill.

One is a passport.

And the third is a mortgage statement.

Sounds like identity theft.

Who do they belong to?

Well, two of them are illegible. But...

I was able to clean up the name

on the credit card bill.

She stole my credit card bill?

You haven't noticed an
suspicious card activity?

No, but I wasn't looking.

I mean, who reads those things?

Well I did notice something
from your statement.

It was monthly charges,

from a cloud data storage company.

It's important to back up your data.

You know what uses a lot of storage...?


I'm sure I don't know what you mean.

Your camera...

It's not just a live feed. Is it?

- What are you doing?
- Well, there's this mineral

in small electrical devices
called coltan.

Has a really distinctive smell

that police dogs can detect.


Got it, Rex?



Oh! Another camera!

Why is it down here?

All you could see is feet!

Oh! That's why you have people
take off their shoes and socks.

You have a thing for feet, Paul!

No! It's so I can watch Princess!

The bathroom? Paul!

I mean that would classify
as a private space.

Wouldn't it?

I'd like to speak to my lawyer, please.

Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea.

Seven cameras,

and over a hundred hours of bare feet.

Never seen anything like it.

Concentrate on the days
that Brooklyn was there.

Well, easier said than done.
None of the files are time-stamped.

Do you really think
that Paul k*lled Brooklyn?

No, I doubt it.

He didn't even know that
she was stealing from him.

But what I want to know
is who the mystery man

that she brought to the apartment was.

Well, if he's in here, I'll find him.

While you do that, I'm going to canvass

Tracy Thomas's jogging route

to try and confirm her alibi.

There might be an easier way.


Yeah! I mean she's a minor celebrity

with a big social media presence.

Makes her the prime
candidate for a cyber trail.

Here you go, Rex.

I packed two sandwiches today...

just in case.


Here you go, buddy.

Back to the cyber trail.

Right. Well...

Fans take photos of celebrities

without them knowing all the time.

So all I have to do is a name search

and see what pops up.

Wow. There is no privacy
for civilians these days,

- let alone celebrities.
- Mmm.

Oh, here,
here's one from yesterday morning.

Pine Lake Road. 5:45 AM.

That's only two blocks
away from the park

where Brooklyn Weber was k*lled.

Well, of course I lied. I was scared.

I knew how it looked.

It looks worse now.

Look, I have a team of lawyers

who warned me not to cooperate.

Yet here I am.

So that must count for something.


Why were you at the park?

Brooklyn left me a note at my gym.

She wanted me to meet her that morning.

To ask for more money?

That's what I assumed.

But... no.

Quite the opposite,
as a matter of fact.

She said she was sorry.

That she'd made a mistake.

Someone had put her up to it.

And she should've said no.

She brought you there to apologize?

Yeah. Not only that.

She offered to pay back
some of the money.

And then she offered to work

the rest of it off, over time.

What did you say?

Well, I told her I
would think about it.

Frankly... I was considering it.

She's that good with my Heidi.

You should've told me this earlier.


Yeah. I was the last person

to see my blackmailer alive.

I'm no fool, Detective.

I understood the optics.

Then you understand

why you're still a person of interest.


Check this out.

This is the only footage I could
find of two people together.

Now, I'm not a hundred
percent sure it's her.

But we may be able
to make a positive I.D.

by comparing this screenshot

to the morgue photos of
Brooklyn's feet.

That's not necessary. That's her.

- How can you be sure?
- Because I know who she's with.

Those dress shoes belong to

Brooklyn's brother-in-law...

Scott Turner.

Naomi, is Scott home?

NAOMI: No. I'm sorry.

He's not here. He went for a walk.

Do you know why he would've

gone to visit Brooklyn

at one of the houses
she was staying at?

- No.
- Hmm.

Brook was always adamant
that nobody visit her

while she was working.

- Hmm.
- He was... he was there?

Scott told me that you
two were sleeping

the morning of the m*rder.

Can you confirm that?

As far as I know, yeah.

What do you mean by that?

As far as you know?

Were you sleeping or not?

When Scott comes home drunk...

I make him sleep in the other room.

In the guest room?

I lost my sister.

Now I'm losing my husband.

I mean, I don't know...

I don't even know who he is anymore.

SCOTT: How can you say that?

So what if I like to
have a few drinks, huh?

Went for a walk, huh?

I'm sorry. I didn't want you

to see him like this.

See me like what? Hmm?

See me like what, Naomi?

- Take it easy, Scott.
- Okay. Screw this.

Screw this! I'm out!



- Okay okay!

- Okay okay!
- Okay.


You're coming with me.

SCOTT: She blames me
for her sister's death.

She thinks because I chased her off,

that what?
I had something to do with it?

You lied about your alibi, Scott.

No I didn't!
I told you we were both home, asleep.

But you failed to mention
that you were in separate beds.

I didn't k*ll Brooklyn, okay?

Why won't you believe me?
She's my wife's sister!

But she was more than that, wasn't she?

What are you...

- What are you talking about?
- She was also your partner

in this little racket
that you two had going on.

For the past six months or so,

Brooklyn's been committing
cash fraud against her clients.

Do you know anything about that?

Ah, and then she started blackmailing,

because someone put her up to it.

Okay, well that's news to me.

Oh. You never went to go
visit her at her work?

Help her r*fle through drawers?

Steal sensitive information?

No way.

What if I told you that

one of her clients had a
secret nanny-cam set up...

and that you showed up on it?

Whose idea was it, Scott?

It was hers.

She told me if I didn't help

that she would turn
her sister against me.

So I had no choice.

And she just kept
wanting more and more.

That's funny.

Something you might not know is that

she offered to pay the
blackmail money back.

She wanted out.

Is that why you k*lled her?

So that she wouldn't bring
you down with her?

Whoah whoah whoah. Okay okay, look.

We may have scammed a few people

out of a few dollars, okay?

But I'm no k*ller.

Make me believe that.

The night before she was m*rder*d...

I come home to find Brooklyn there.

Naomi was out.

I'd had a few drinks.

BROOKLYN: I'm done!

I can't do this anymore.

You can't stop, okay? Not yet.

Just not yet!

She wanted out.

Maybe she never even wanted
in in the first place.

She owed us! Okay?

We'd been supporting her

for a long time, so I told her,

"If you want out, fine! You're out!"

But I still wanted the photos

so I could at least finish
what we started.

You're being naïve! Here!

- Give me that!
- Let go!

- Give me that!
- You jerk! It's over!

SCOTT: And after that...

she left.

And I really was asleep
when she was m*rder*d.

You can ask Naomi.
She was up before me.

She can verify that.

You're sure?

Yeah, by the time I woke up...

Naomi was already showered...

complaining about

cutting her leg shaving, or something.

Probably blames that on me too, but...

It proves I was passed out.

But you're sure she took a shower?

Why would she lie about that?

Why indeed?




Do you have the materials here

to make a bite cast?

Well, I'm not a dentist.

But I think I can get my
hands on some alginate.

- Hmmm.
- Why?

Whose teeth do you need
to make a cast of?

Some yappy dog.

Detective Hudson.

I got your message.

Are you releasing my husband?

No, not yet.

I called you here on another matter.

The DNA test that we took from you

was contaminated.

And we need to take another one

to confirm that the blood
on the towel was yours.

- Oh.
- I know it's inconvenient.

But it'll just take a minute.

This way.

I wonder if you'd mind
if we took some blood...

instead of saliva?

It's just more reliable.

I'm... I'm... I...

I really don't like needles.

How about your shaving cut?

We could take a swab
from that easy enough.

NAOMI: Okay. I guess.

CHARLIE: Naomi, sorry.

I haven't been totally honest with you.

What do you mean?

It matches.

What is... what is that?

A bite mould from the dog

Brooklyn was walking when she died.

You didn't cut yourself shaving, Naomi.

You got bit by a little dog.

So did I.

Feisty little guy.

No, that's....

SARAH: I also tested
the blood on the towel,

looking for canine DNA.

When a dog bites, it leaves

traces of saliva behind.

Your towel tested positive.

CHARLIE: We know you were there, Naomi.



I didn't mean to k*ll her.

I just... I wanted to air it all out.

Sisters fight.

That's... that's all it was.

What were you fighting about?

Scott and Brook were having an affair.

I'd suspected it for a while.

How did you know that she was

going to be at the park that morning?

She's a creature of habit.

She walks her dogs at the
same time every morning

at whatever park is close.

So you went to confront her.

And she kept denying it.

I just...

I wanted the truth.

And then that dog bit me.

And I just lost control.

And you shoved her.


How was I supposed to
know about that branch?

I wanted to hurt her
for what she did, but...

not like that.

She's my sister.

I love her.

JESSE: You think they were
really having an affair?

Naomi read the situation wrong.

She figured they were up to
something behind her back.

But it wasn't what she feared.

Mmm. I used to fight
with my brothers like that,

- back in the day.
- Mmm.

I got a lot of black eyes.

Gave out a few myself.

But accidents happen.

CHARLIE: Yeah. And then you start lying

and trying to cover things up.

- The jury may not be as forgiving.
- Mmm.

I've got to admit though,
that was pretty clever...

using the imprint
of the little dog's teeth.

I'm surprised he didn't try
to bite you again.

Yeah, about that...

Rex put him in line
with a pretty hard stare.

Right, buddy?



Yeah, buddy.

Good job.

Stay, pal.


Detective Hudson.

Are you here to arrest me or something?

Or something.

You're giving me back the cash?

I'm returning the property
that we confiscated.

I suggest that you use it
to get back on your feet.

Then maybe get a real job.


I thought this was evidence.

The case is over,
and the person it belonged to

suggested we donate it.

I figure...
if Brooklyn believed in you,

why shouldn't I?

Just don't let me down, okay?

I'll do my best.



It'll be nice

to sleep in a bed again.

And now I can get my car fixed.

Why? What's wrong with your car?

Engine won't turn over.

Why don't you pop the
hood? I'll take a look.

- Really?
- Come on, before I change my mind.


Here we go.

♪ Oh won't you tell me baby ♪

♪ why you makin' me plead ♪

What's this?

♪ You gotta show me some mercy ♪

♪ let me off of my knees ♪


- ♪ I'll take twenty years ♪

♪ to right my wrong ♪

What do you think it is?

♪ Just don't keep me ♪

♪ from my love that long, honey ♪

♪ Oh won't you tell me baby ♪

- ♪ why you walkin' away ♪

I know. I'm excited too.

♪ Won't you tell me baby ♪

♪ what ya want me to say ♪

♪ She wanna find some other company ♪

♪ She says she just... ♪

- What do you think?

I agree.

♪ Oh and when it hits the skids ♪

It's perfect.

♪ The losers take the walk ♪

♪ And it is what it is ♪

♪ It's love on the rocks ♪

synced & corrected by PopcornAWH

Next time on Hudson & Rex.


It's the ah...

There have been other mysterious deaths

Other residents,
one day healthy and vital,

- dead the next.
- I'm just saying

I don't want you to worry about
something that isn't true.

He wasn't very good at his job

...made a lot of mistakes.

A brutal death like this,
I mean it seems personal.

He can hide from me,
but he can't hide from you.

I could be helpful you know.

You are.

You're helping me keep an eye on Rex.

I know who's keeping an eye on who.

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