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02x12 - Someone to Watch Over Her

Posted: 02/25/24 11:48
by bunniefuu
[ Siren wails ]

a vicious k*ller strikes

In the middle
of a cold winter's night.

I looked down there,

And you could definitely see
a body laying on the path.

[ Siren wails ]

is this a random attack?

Guess what.

He's lying.

Or was the victim
a target for m*rder?

She's my friend!

To solve the case,
police turn to a witness

That never blinks
and never lies.

These surveillance cameras

Are about to reveal
the chilling truth...

What's he holding?

As a video analyst, it's gold

When you have something
that unique.

...behind a brutal m*rder.


It's a january night

In the coldest, darkest part
of the canadian winter.

Officer russ williamson
and his partner

Are out on the graveyard shift.

I remember it was a freezing,
cold night that night.

It was very, very cold.

Narrator: it's cold but quiet
until around 11:30.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Hi, dispatch.

There was a lady
who had called in

To state that her friend
was being beaten and r*ped...

Okay, we're on our way.

...and that she needed

[ Siren wails ]

the caller's name is christine,

And she tells police
a very strange story.

Christine says that a man
she knows named daniel garcia

Called her and said
her best friend and roommate,

Arcelie laoagan,
was being att*cked.

Williamson: christine?

immediately called 911,

But she doesn't have much more
than the second-hand information

She's already given.

she's not home.

They'll want to ask garcia
why he didn't call 911 himself.

But that's for later.

For now, police
must track down arcelie laoagan

As fast as they can.
She called him,

And she was being att*cked
somewhere downtown.


the friend confirmed

That arcelie
worked downtown calgary,

That she got off work
about 10:00,

Normally got home around 11:00.

Where's that?
I don't know the address,

But I -- I can show you.
Okay. All right.

She didn't know the address,

But she had been
to the place of work before.

And she was confident that
she could point it out to us.

[ Siren wails ]

with christine guiding them,

They head out
to arcelie's workplace.

But as they rush across town,
another call comes into police.

Uh, uh, uh,
my friend arcelie --

I think she is being att*cked
right now.

it's from daniel garcia.

Daniel garcia.

Narrator: garcia, the man
who initially called christine,

Is finally
calling police himself.

Ah, yes, yes!
S- screaming, scre--


it's unclear

Why he didn't make
this 911 call immediately.

I thought...
But he claims arcelie called him

While the attack
was in progress.

It was noisy, confused,
and unclear.

But he thinks she shouted...

...that she was downtown
near a park.

[ Siren wails ]

Based on what garcia tells them,

Police begin a search
of all downtown parks.


Two strange 911 calls,

A cruel winter's night,
and a missing woman.

Williamson has a bad feeling.

I had no doubt in my mind

That arcelie was in trouble
and needed help.

Narrator: but where?

While his colleagues scour
the downtown parks,

Williamson heads to the last
place she should have been,

West canadian graphics,
her workplace.

Williamson: it just so happens
that business worked late hours.

They did a lot of printing,
and so, when we went down there,

The owner did, in fact, say,

Yes, arcelie was at work
that evening

And that she left the business
around 10:00 to 10:30 at night.

Narrator: but exactly when
she left work...

were you working with arcelie?

...or with who, he can't say.
Is that thing live?

Does that work?

That's when officer williamson
spots a very reliable witness.

Williamson: you need to get,
uh, the footage.

the building is equipped
with video surveillance cameras.

That information
is hugely important

Because it gives us a last-known
location where she was at.

But we weren't able
to access the video surveillance

Right away.

everything after...

he asks the manager to get
that night surveillance footage

To the police station
as soon as he can.

[ Siren wails ]

And then,
with the clock ticking,

Williamson joins the search
of parks in downtown calgary.


I believe it was
around 2:00 in the morning,

Maybe a little bit later.

There was 14 to 18 officers,
I believe, to the search,

And we went out on foot.

We were all given certain,
specific areas

That we had to search.

So we were using our flashlights
to look around in dumpsters,

Under trees, bushes,

By a van and cars,
anything at all

Where we believed
that she could be.


Narrator: they search every park
and open space

Within walking distance
of arcelie's workplace.


Williamson tries to reach
arcelie laoagan on her phone.

But she never answers.

Hi. You've reached arcelie.

Please leave your message.

41-Year-old arcelie laoagan,
mother of five boys,

Traveled to calgary
from the philippines.

She was a hardworking mom.

She wanted a better life
for her children.

She had to work two jobs.

Like, she has family back home
in the philippines

That she had to leave behind.

arcelie is a quiet, shy woman

But has lots of friends
within the local church group.

She made all these sacrifices
for her family,

So people just
connected with her.


arcelie works two jobs

And is also studying
to be an accountant.

But where is she now
on this freezing, cold night,

When she should be home
from work?


Williamson: we had a lot
of personal investment into that

To try and help her...

And to try and find her,

And she would be,
you know, okay.


All right, guys, callin' it off.


but the search comes up empty.

it was called off somewhere
around 5:00 in the morning.

It was disappointing.

We were very hopeful
that we would find her.


but that is not the end

Of this long,
cruel winter's night.


Williamson: before we had
got back to our office --

We were fairly close --

A call had been
voiced by dispatch

That a body had been found.

[ Siren wails ]

Copy that.

the body is not downtown,

Where police have been searching
on daniel garcia's say-so,

But behind a church,

Worryingly close
to arcelie laoagan's home.

[ Siren wails ]


[ Police radio chatter ]


when we approached the body,

Right away, I could tell
that it was a female.

She wasn't moving at all.

She had black hair,
appeared to be filipino.


This was arcelie.


It was very disappointing
to find her dead.

I believed that she was
the victim

Of a sexual as*ault

And that she was m*rder*d
during that.

Narrator: the search
for arcelie laoagan is over.

this lady was a good person.

She hadn't done anything
to anybody,

And this horrible thing
had happened to her.


there will be no happy ending
for this hardworking woman

And her family.

Cousart: you hear it happen
to other people,

But if it happens
to a person you know

And who happens to be your
friend from the same country,

Like, it's just different, like,
it hits you, like, differently.

There's just
that sinking feeling

That I don't want it to be her.

But the calgary police,

They have the information
that it was her.


Williamson: her body was in
a walking path behind a church,

And I knew she was christian.

She was catholic,
and I was christian.

And so, um,

Knowing this horrific thing
that had happened to her,

Yeah, I just knelt down
and touched her,

Said a prayer for her.


back at the police station,

Homicide detectives
geoff brydges and patty mccallum

Are assigned to find
arcelie's k*ller.

Got a report last night.
Uh, we had a call.

it certainly motivates you more

When the victim
is a completely innocent victim,

And it made a lot of the people
in the homicide unit

Want to drop
whatever they were doing

And come and help on this file.

so there doesn't seem

To be any connection,
um, to the victim.

Mccallum: in a case like this,
emotions are running high,

And anytime you have a case

That has v*olence
attached to it,

You'll have people begin to fear
that it's gonna happen again.


Narrator: on a frigid,
canadian winter night like this,

Police probably won't find
too many witnesses

Walking around.

But they might only need
one witness -- this one.

Was she followed
when she left work,

att*cked or abducted
on her way home?

Was arcelie laoagan's k*ller
caught on camera?

as a video analyst, it's gold

When you have something
that unique.


Hi, dispatch.

Narrator: 41-year-old
mother of five, arcelie laoagan,

Has been found brutally r*ped
and m*rder*d in a church yard.


Thank you.

Surveillance footage

From arcelie's workplace
has just arrived.

Forensic video expert
kathy mccaw

Will help police
search the tapes for clues.

What's recorded on camera is,
like, the silent witness.

It's reliable.

It doesn't suffer from stress.

It records accurately
and dispassionately

About what it sees
in front of you.

So this is where she,

kathy and the team play back
the printing company's footage.

They know arcelie's shift
was due to finish at 10:00 p.m.

So they cue up the tape
to just after.

The camera shows the back exit
of the building,

Where employees
usually come and go.

All is quiet and still.

And then, at 10:06 p.m.,

A figure wearing
the same clothes

As were found on the body
leaves the building.

It's arcelie.

Everything seems normal.


Mccaw: she was wearing
a knee-length black coat.

It had a fur around the hood.

She was wearing
khaki-colored pants

And brown boots

And a black knitted hat.

She was carrying two bags --

One flat, slim bag
and then her purse.

arcelie leaves work alone.

There's no one else around.

Everything looks normal.

But the video
gives investigators

A very important clue.


This establishes
what she was wearing.

Could I get a hard copy of that?
Mccaw: absolutely.

Thank you.
Thanks very much.

You're welcome.
Thanks for your help.

so the fact is

That we had a time stamp
of when she left.

We could see
what she was wearing.

That was a pretty good start
for us.


Narrator: brydges and mccallum
head to the crime scene

To get a closer look
in daylight.

Brydges: arcelie's body had been
removed from the crime scene,

But it was still apparent
that there'd been

A violent incident there.

There was a lot of blood
and signs of v*olence.


a csi team searches.

The scene is littered
with trash,

And it's not clear exactly
what is potential evidence

And what is just plain garbage.

It will all have to be collected
and bagged.

Brydges: there was
quite a few items taken.

This definitely is
a very unorganized crime scene.

but then they find something

That could give them
a solid lead.


It's a cellphone.

the cellphone was smashed,

And it appeared that it had been
smashed deliberately.

is this arcelie's phone,

The phone she allegedly
called garcia for help on?

The cellphone is sent
for forensic testing right away.

Brydges: we realize that
there were personal belongings

Of arcelie's that weren't there.

Her purse was missing
from the crime scene.

So it's likely
that the perpetrator

Took the item with him
when he left.


investigators also comb the area
for surveillance cameras.

it would be nice.

But they're out of luck.

The path where arcelie's body
was found isn't covered.

Detectives change gear and focus
on arcelie's personal life.

We need to make a list
of friends, family, colleagues.

does she have any known enemies?

Has there been anyone
that she's angered?

Is there any other relationship

That she's had
outside of her marriage?

These are all questions we ask

To be sure
of whom we're looking for.


they start with the people
who knew her best, her friends

Christine and daniel.

Detectives quiz christine
on arcelie's private life.

Does she go somewhere else
after work?

Does she go straight home
after work?

Who does she see?

outside of church,

She admits arcelie didn't have
much of a social life.

Um, she just likes
to be home

And cook meals
and, you know,

Talk with her husband

she was focused on her plan

To get her husband and sons
to canada as soon as possible.

She went to work,
came home from work,

And went to church
and came home from church.

Other than that,
she had no social life.

Narrator: next,
they bring in daniel garcia.

He might have been
the last person

To ever hear arcelie's voice.

Garcia knows arcelie
from their church group.

But is a friend
really all he is?

So tell us
what happened.

Uh, uh, I was --
I was at home --

Home cook--
home, cooking,

And, uh, a-arcelie --
she calls.


at about 11:00 p.m.,

He'd received a call
from arcelie,

And she was hysterical.

She was crying and upset
and stated that at that time,

She was presently
being beaten and r*ped.

So I just hear screaming, much screaming.

And I think she's in trouble.

Arcelie, are you okay?

Narrator: garcia claims
that then the phone went dead...

...and that he tried
to call arcelie back,

But there was no answer.

I -- I go downtown,
and I see if I can find her.

Narrator: then,
rather than call the police,

He went out
to find arcelie.

Tell --
to tell you.

He assumed that arcelie
was in the downtown area

Of calgary somewhere,

And he drove down
in an attempt to locate her.

Narrator: as he searched,
he called christine...

Christine, it's daniel.

...and asked her
to contact the police.

She's in danger.

Police don't like it.

It's unusual to head
right into a crime scene,

Rather than call 911.

So they aren't going to take
garcia's word for it.

They get arcelie's phone records
right away.

Guess what.


Arcelie didn't make
any calls to garcia.


the cellphone company told us

That there were
no telephone calls

the male friend's telephone

And arcelie's
cellular telephone.

He's lying.

Narrator: garcia's just lied
to the police.

And if he's lying
about the call,

What else is he hiding?

Investigators confront garcia
with this new information.

She wasn't calling you.


She called me!

But garcia sticks
with his story.

I was at home,

Arcelie's my friend!
She called me!

Police bear down
on daniel garcia.

...somebody say
she was at a park.

She's my friend!

I wouldn't do anything
to hurt her!

And his story
is about to take a turn

That will leave
police flabbergasted.

Narrator: police
are investigating the m*rder

Of 41-year-old arcelie laoagan.

Her friend, daniel garcia,

Claims arcelie called him
during her attack.

But phone records show
there was no such call.

Brydges: we had to speak further
with the male friend.

He certainly was a suspect.

but then there's a reversal.

Brydges: the telephone service
then contacted us back again

And informed us
that they had made a mistake.

Arcelie, are you okay?

Brydges: and then, in fact,
there was a telephone call

At approximately 11:00 p.m.
From arcelie's telephone

To the male friend's telephone.

Got the number for
garcia, and I've got the
number for christine...

His story was backed up
by the telephone records, so...

Narrator: daniel garcia has gone
from suspect to concerned friend

In one phone call.

Daniel, you can go.

Investigators are back
to square one.


Outside of church,

Arcelie's life
consisted of work

And her four-mile commute
to and from her downtown job.

Okay, then it could have been
a random attack.

and if it's random m*rder,

There's a chance
the k*ller might not be done.


Brydges: in this case,
because of the v*olence,

We're really focused on trying
to make an arrest

As soon as possible,

Before the offender had
an opportunity to reoffend.

Narrator: now detectives must
piece together what happened

From the time arcelie
left the printing shop

To the moment she was m*rder*d
on the church path.


arcelie didn't own a vehicle.

She used the train
to commute to and from work.


and in this city,

Where there are trains,
there are cameras...

...hundreds of them covering
every platform at every station.

Brydges: we knew that arcelie
worked just two blocks

From the 8th street platform

And that she took the train.

Found the cameras.

detectives will follow arcelie's
entire journey home on camera.

on january the 18th,

We began receiving
the surveillance video,

But not all at once.

It came in
over a two-day period.

We'd already located the video
from her place of employment,

So we had still photographs
from that video.

And we also had the description
of what arcelie was wearing.

Woman, black hat,
black coat, khaki pants.

that was just after 10:00 p.m.,

And she walked towards
8th street station,

Just two blocks away,

Which means the cameras
over the platform

Should pick her up
just a few minutes later.


Their eyes glued to the screen,

They search
for any sign of arcelie.


And then they see her.

Brydges: she was located
arriving at the train station

And walking
up onto the platform.

And she's wearing
that same clothing combination

That she was wearing
at her workplace.

it's obviously very cold day.

She's all bundled up.

She's carrying her purse
and another white bag

In her hand.

That's her.
All right.

So I want to see
if anybody talked to her,

She talked to anyone.


The platform isn't that busy.

She walks pretty well
down the length

Of the whole platform westbound
and then stops.


She's just on her way home,

And she doesn't speak
to anybody,

No usual movements whatsoever.

She doesn't look like

She's looking
over her shoulder or anything.

She's just walking unconcerned
down the platform.

Mccaw: and she did
get inside a bus shelter

Probably because of the cold.

Narrator: there's someone else
in the bus shelter.

Anyone in close proximity
to arcelie must be looked into.

The bright platform lights
distort the footage

And make it impossible
to see any detail.

It could be a man
or a woman, old or young.

Detectives just can't tell.

Police know if arcelie really is
going straight home,

She'll be waiting for
the mcknight-westwinds train,

Due in around 10 minutes.

She was there
approximately 10 minutes

Before her train arrived.

right on time,

The eastbound train
to mcknight-westwinds pulls in.

when the train arrived,

She got up out
of the bus shelter

And onto the train.

That's it.
She's on the train.

so far, nothing is out of place,

But there are no cameras
onboard the train.

Mccaw: once the train takes off
or leaves the station,

Then you lose continuity
of what happens at that point.


the mcknight-westwinds train

With arcelie on it

Is due at franklin station,
the stop closest to her home --

And to where her body
was discovered --

In around 10 minutes.

Until police get that footage,
she's not visible.

Reporter: the body of the female
was discovered by a passerby

While she was
on her way to work.

Narrator: by now,
the story of the brutal r*pe

And m*rder has made the news.

Reporter #2: the 40-year-old
moved to calgary 4 years ago

From the philippines.

She worked two jobs
to provide a better life

For her five sons.

arcelie laoagan was hardworking.

She's made her life here,

And she was somebody
that you would never expect.

"So if it happens to her,
could it happen to me?"

And I think that's generally
what people were thinking.

And it scared them.

[ Siren wails ]

the clock is ticking,

And the city is on edge.

Police know arcelie got on
the mcknight-westwinds train.


They're about to see
if she got off alive.

And what they see
at franklin station

Will solve this case.

That's him.

Narrator: arcelie laoagan
has been m*rder*d.

Police are following her commute
home via surveillance video

From calgary's train system.

They've spotted her boarding
the mcknight-westwinds train

At 8th street station
near her work

Just before 10:20 p.m.

They know her home stop
is franklin station,

Four miles away.

The ride should take 10 minutes.

So her train should arrive
at about 10:30 p.m.

We had a time frame that

We could search the video
from the franklin station.

10:29, an eastbound train

Pulls into the platform
at franklin.

Sure enough,
arcelie laoagan steps off

And heads towards the exit.

she doesn't do anything unusual.

She's just on her way home
from work.

several other passengers
get off the train with her,

But none seem unusual.

she's walking by herself.

The train station
isn't that busy,

And she doesn't speak
to anybody.

it's very upsetting.

Her demeanor is,
"I'm just going home,"

And by the end of the night,
she will no longer be alive.

she'll be found dead less
than a half-mile from this spot.

So police must take a look

At the passengers
around her at the station.

They take a close look
at every one of them

And identify two men
that get off the train

Behind arcelie

And follow her
along the platform.

Is one of these men
following arcelie home?

I'll back it up
to the beginning here.

To find out, police will have to
go back in time

And take a second look
at the people on the platform

Where arcelie got on
at 8th street.

This is the 8th street platform.

Video from the 8th street
platform cameras

Confirms that neither
of the two men

Got on when arcelie did.

Anybody match?


so are they following her?

Or is it a coincidence?

There's one way to find out --

Determine where these men
boarded arcelie's train.

So we've established
she got on at 8th street.


There are eight stops
between 8th street and franklin.

I want
to check every camera

At every station
between 8th and franklin.

Each station has multiple
cameras covering a platform.

It's a mammoth task.

we wanted to see

If we could locate
the suspicious males.

It was about four or five hours
of footage

With multiple cameras
at each platform.

Narrator: there's no sight
of the men getting onboard

At any of the stops
on arcelie's route.


Just to be sure,
police check the cameras

At 10th street station,
one stop before arcelie boarded.

And that's when they see him.

Police recognize him
from the platform

Where arcelie got off her train.

Mccallum: it seems to be
a young male in his 20s.

He has got dark hair.

He appears tall.

He's wearing a very common
carhartt jacket.

He's wearing a hoodie.

He's got work boots on.

Narrator: he's getting
on a train heading east,

In the same direction
as arcelie.

Let's play it again.

Maybe we missed something.

But rewinding, investigators
notice something very strange.

He gets off the train...

Hangs around for a moment...

...then gets back on
to the very same train

He just got off...

...not the behavior
of an ordinary commuter.

this individual was hanging
around and hanging around,

And it's very cold out.

And you wonder
why he's doing that.

You and I would take the train
from here to here,

Go home, go to the job, go out,

But not take the train back
and forth in the downtown core.

Narrator: police wonder why
the man following arcelie

Is aimlessly riding trains.

To figure that out,

They'll trace
his entire journey,

Looking for clues.

once he was pointed out to me,

I can go backwards
and now look for him.


Narrator: 11 minutes earlier,
at 7th street station...

There he is,
right on the platform.

He's alone.

Then he appears to ask
another passenger

For directions.

Perhaps he is just
a confused commuter after all...


Investigators catch a break.

Brydges: a young asian woman
walked up onto the platform

And began walking eastbound
down the platform.

That stood out to us

Because the young asian girl
looked quite similar to arcelie.


when this footage is recorded,
arcelie is still at work.

But when a woman
who looks like her walks by,

The suspicious man
hides his face.

he's looking at her.

He puts his hoodie up.

And as she goes by,
he kind of watches her,

And then he pulls
his hoodie down.

so that's pretty odd.

Narrator: investigators now have
major suspicions.

They cue up the moment

Arcelie steps off
the train at franklin...

...and confirm
it's definitely the same man

Getting off the train
just behind her.

It's an awful thought.

Is this mystery man

Stalking calgary subway
for asian women?

we speculated at the time

That he was stalking women
on the train.

it's a big leap in logic.

But if police are right,
this is a very clear look

At the face of a k*ller
about to strike.

Narrator: arcelie laoagan has
been m*rder*d on her commute,

And police spot a man they think
is a stalker on her train.

But so far, this video
and a detective's hunch

Is all they've got,

And they'll need a lot more
to make an arrest.

They've already looked
through hours of video.

But investigators are just about
to strike gold.

More footage
arrives from franklin station,

Where arcelie
gets off to go home,

This time showing
the station exit to the street.

Let's get this
on the bigger screen,

Take a closer look.

arcelie leaves the platform

And enters the interior
of the train station.

Mccallum: at the level that
a person gets off the train,

They go up the escalator.

It's at that time
that we see somebody

In the video
extremely close to her.

We're talking a couple --
three steps -- behind her.

Brydges: he immediately puts his
hood up and puts his head down,

Concealing his face,
and follows behind her.

and this action is something
investigators have seen before.

he does that same motion.

Those two same mannerisms
really hit home

Because it looked like
that was kind of a stalking.

Narrator: another camera
shows the same thing

From a different angle.

As arcelie and her pursuer reach
the top of the escalator...

Freeze it there.

...the detectives freeze frame.

And when they freeze the video,
they spot something...

What's he holding?

I need
the crime-scene photos now.

...a telltale clue
that chills them to the bone.

Brydges: he's carrying
a construction hard hat.

the video connects what was one
of the many pieces of trash

Pulled from the crime scene.

And this is not
just any hard hat --

This one has been personalized.

Mccaw: this blue hard hat --
it had stickers all over it,

And they're placed
in a certain way,

Which makes that particular
hard hat unique.

Looks like
the exact same stickers.

All right.
This hat is the lead.

Let's find this guy.

As a video analyst, it's gold

When you have something
that unique.

This hard hat was found
at the m*rder scene.

then a stroke of luck from
inside the police department --

One of the officers
at the station

Recognizes the hard hat.

I recognize it.

Prior to becoming
a police officer,

He was an ironworker.

This is an ironworker's
hard hat.

He said,

"Ironworkers typically
decorate their hard hats

With stickers."

And this one here
had several stickers on it

That defined
the local ironworkers' union,

Local 725.


Narrator: with a picture
of their suspect in hand,

Investigators head to
the ironworkers' headquarters.

Detective brydges.
Detective mccallum.

Narrator: and when police
show the union president

A photo of the man
in the video...

...he immediately thinks
he recognizes him.

Jason watcheston.

Okay, sorry.
So that was watcheston?

he also stated that watcheston
had a brother by the name

Of christopher watcheston,
both ironworkers,

And both also worked
at the same overpass.

They have a record.

they run a background check

On the watcheston brothers

And find they've been
in trouble before.

I, uh, pulled up
the watcheston brothers.

Uh, we did a search
on them, and look.

Brydges: they were both arrested
and charged with as*ault.

They were also photographed
at that time.

the team compare the photographs
to their cctv stills

Of the suspect stalking arcelie.

They hit pay dirt.


We believed it was
christopher watcheston

In the video.

Narrator: police can not be
certain he is arcelie's m*rder*r

Or just caught on video

In the wrong place
at the wrong time

Until they search the house
where he's staying.

What's going on?

while we were in the residence,

I noted that there was
a khaki-colored work jacket

Hanging at the back door.

That jacket turned out
to have bloodstains

On the front of it.

Those bloodstains were later
identified to belong to arcelie.


Look what I found.

Arcelie's purse was found
in the garbage bag,

Along with pieces
of identification

Belonging to arcelie.


video footage has led police

To their man,

A sexual predator

Who r*ped and k*lled
an innocent stranger

He followed off the train.

video made it possible

That we could arrest
christopher watcheston

Within days of the offense
and get him off the street.


in april 2010,

christopher watcheston

Is convicted and sentenced
to life in prison

For the first-degree m*rder
of arcelie laoagan.

This man has been
declared guilty.

He's now behind bars.
He's in prison.

But he can never,
ever give back the life

That he has taken away.

Woman: she wanted nothing
but a promising future

For her five sweet boys.

Her case definitely
will be with me forever.

There's not a day that I don't
go driving by memorial drive

And see grace baptist church

That I don't think of her,
for sure.

when I think of her, I can still
picture her in my mind.

Like, just before I go to bed
or something,

I'll remember her face.