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02x09 - Poirier

Posted: 02/25/24 11:45
by bunniefuu
A 19-year-old college student
vanishes without trace.

There's no doubt in my mind

That something bad
has happened here.

It's a family's
worst nightmare come true.

Remember we love you,
and we miss you.

Words really can't describe
the way that you feel.

Surveillance video
could blow the case wide open.

If we can get good images
out of this,

We might save her life.

Has katie poirier's

Been caught on camera?

My god, look at that!

May 26, 1999.

Moose lake, minnesota.

19-Year-old college student
katie poirier

Is working the graveyard shift

At a gas station
convenience store

On the outskirts of town.

- Hey. How's it going?
- I'm good, how are you?

Her friend,
kathy hanek,

Who works at
the sandwich shop next door,

Stops by before her shift ends.

We would just talk about men.

Men in general,
husbands, boyfriends.

So I'm very excited.
Are you working tomorrow?

It was always fun
to hang out together at work.

Improving on the job.

Normally, I'll close up

And hang out next door
for a while and chitchat.

My husband's making me dinner

- Are you serious?
- It's very exciting.

- That's awesome.
- Right?

Kathy only stays a few minutes.

Yeah, of course.

I'm like,
"katie, I can't stay tonight.

My husband made me dinner."

Okay, love,
I'll see you tomorrow.

And we just said goodbye.

- See you later.
- Good night.

Veteran moose lake police chief
dale heaton is on night patrol.

My brother was a police officer.

My son is a state trooper,

So it's kind of a family thing.

I checked out there
at the convenience store

To see how she was doing
because she was working alone,

And I knew that.

- Hey!
- Good evening, young lady.

She was very far from town,

A full mile from town
or any neighboring businesses.

- How are you?
- Super good, how are you?

- You been busy tonight?
- Kind of.

But I've been able
to sip on some coffee

And go over my notes.

- Getting your homework done?
- Getting my homework done.

She was a vivacious,
very attractive girl.

Well, you try
and stay awake in there.

- I will.
- All right.

- It will be fine.
- All right.

She was her usual cheerful,
outgoing self.

And I said "I'll see you later."

And I just drove on.

Around midnight,

A customer enters the store
to pay for gas.

Inside, she notices
something strange.

There's no clerk on duty.

And near the cash register,
she sees a pile of money

And a collection of notes.

Written by other patrons,

The notes explain
that with no one on duty,

They'd left money
for their gas on the counter.

But this customer doesn't
put her money down and leave.

She's alarmed enough
to call 911.

About 12:20 in the morning,

I received a call from dispatch

That the convenience store
out by the freeway

Was open for business,
lights were on,

Customers were in the store,

But there did not appear to be
an attendant on duty.

She just
would not leave her post.

I know she wouldn't.

The chief questions the customer

Who called 911
and looks at the notes.

Which ones did you touch?

It's clear from the pile of cash

That katie's been
gone for some time.

I'm just gonna take
a quick look around.

You wait here, all right?
Thank you.

I thought possibly
she had been injured

Or something on some other parts
of the premises.

I checked the interior
of the store looking for katie,

But I did not find her.

Katie is gone,
but she's left something behind.

Katie's purse and car keys were
intact behind the counter.

Over a mile from town,

Police know it's unlikely
katie would go anywhere by foot.

The discovery
is an instant red flag.

Next, chief heaton
looks for katie's car

In the parking lot.

Her private vehicle
was parked out in the lot.

There's something wrong
here, tom.

I know this girl.

This isn't like her.

There's no doubt in my mind

That something bad
has happened here.

With no sign
of katie in her car,

Chief heaton widens his search
to the nearby truck stop.

I was looking at the trucks,

Thinking maybe
someone had taken her

Into one of the trucks.


Just catching
a little shut-eye?

We're out here on a search
for a young girl.

She's been missing
a couple hours.

We're a little concerned
something bad

May have happened to her.

Mind if we go back and take a
look in the back of your truck?

I looked though his truck,
and she was not there, either.

The fact
that her car was still there

And her purse with her car keys,

You wonder, where did she go?

katie poirier

Is an independent young woman.


But in some ways,

She's still the baby
of the poirier family.

'Cause I have work tonight.

She would come home, do laundry,

Borrow money,
you know, steal the food.

You know, typical
college kid type thing.

I think
that will be perfect.

She was in the law enforcement
program at a community college.

So with the back...

She wanted to be a conservation
officer in montana.

She loved the mountains.

Yeah, that kind
of looks like maui?

Soon to be married
to her partner of two years,

Mark wilson,

The poiriers' little girl
is growing up fast.

I don't want to be one
of those brides...

We knew that mark loved katie,

So I think in their eyes,
that was fine.

The day katie vanished,

She and her brother, patrick,

Had a typical big-brother,
little-sister phone call.

Hey, pat, what's up?

I had called my parents
to tell them, you know,

When I was going to be home,
and katie answered the phone.

And she said that, you know,
she was doing laundry.

And I said,
"well, if you moved out,

You should maybe
do this somewhere else."

Still annoying.

Okay, well,
I got to go to work.

I'll talk to you soon.

She hung up the phone.

He's coming down
to the florists.

It was give some, take some
type of relationship.

Thanks, mom.

She was always gonna be
my kid sister.

Love you guys.

She was never
gonna grow up for me.

With no sign
of katie at the gas station,

A police officer
heads to her apartment.

Katie's fiancé,
mark wilson, answers the door.

They said, "where have you been?

When was
the last time you saw her?

Where did she go? What time
did she have to go to work?"

Mark claims to have
no idea where katie is.

The news she's missing leaves
him shaken to the core.

Chief heaton expands the search
for katie.

All units, be advised

We have a lookout
for katie poirier.

19 Years old.

Last seen
at the mini mart on 535.

He knows
in missing persons cases,

The first hours
are the most crucial.

We started a search
in moose lake

And then fanned further out.

I checked the state park,
which was in close proximity.

But there was no evidence

Of her being at any
of the places I looked.

disappearance is a mystery.

With time running out,
investigators turn to a witness

That may hold all the answers.

Surveillance cameras.

Four of them,
covering the store interior.

The video tape shows you exactly
what happened.

Chief heaton contacts

The store manager
to retrieve the video footage.

Will one of these cameras

Reveal what's happened
to katie poirier?

19-Year-old college
student katie poirier

Has disappeared while working
the graveyard shift

At a local gas station
convenience store.

All hopes of finding her rest
on what's been caught on camera.

We started looking

Just prior to the last cash
register transaction.

investigators have a problem.

It was a poor video.

It was a black and white,
and it was grainy.

The video was set up in a way

That we're dealing with
four pictures on one screen.

Despite its limitation,

The video
is investigators' best hope.

At 11:11 p.m.,

The camera catches katie alone,
cleaning up.

At 11:32 p.m., She then
disappears out of camera range

Into the store room.

Everything looks normal...

Until one minute later,
at 11:33 p.m.

That's when a man enters.

For three minutes,
the customer roams the store.

She's made aware

That there's somebody else
in the store,

And she comes out
into the camera view area.

And she has a conversation
with the subject.

You reckon
they know each other?

Body language
is friendly enough.

I think it's possible
she could have known the person,

Because they did engage
in a conversation.

Unfortunately, the video
didn't have audio to go with it,

So we don't know the context
of the conversation

That took place.

There was nothing
whatsoever that would indicate

That she was nervous

Or there was anything
out of the ordinary.

He exits the store,

And she continues back
into the area

That she had been
prior to him coming in.

But the customer's
not gone for long.

10 Seconds later, he's back.

He had been outside.

He came back into the store

And made his way
to that area where she was.

They both disappear from view.

Out of range
of all four cameras.

Investigators have no idea
what's happening.

All they can see
is an empty store.

Until the man
re-enters the frame...

My god, look at that!

...with katie poirier
by the neck,

Marching her out of the picture.

I've never seen anything
like this before.

The next thing
you see is the male suspect

With his hands
around katie's neck.

And he's pushing her
out the door.

He is behind her,

And he's got something
around her neck.

It looks like
some knotted up cord.

It made me feel sick
to my stomach.

There was no doubt
that she was being taken

Against her will.

You fear for her safety
when you see what he's doing.

The terrifying abduction
has been caught on camera.

What happened next,
no one knows.

On must abductions,

Bad things happen in
a very short period of time.

The video is clear
enough to tell investigators

What happened to katie,

But it's too grainy
for them to i.d. The suspect.

Were we frustrated
by the quality?

Absolutely, we were frustrated.

The video
only shows them the basics.

He appeared
to be of normal build,

And he had some kind
of a sweatshirt on.

We're thinking
that we were dealing

With somebody
who was a white male,

Was in their mid 20s
to maybe early 30s.

We knew
that katie was about 5'2",

That he stood
a good head above her.

Although the video doesn't
reveal the man's identity,

It does help investigators
eliminate potential suspects.

The first person of interest

Is going to be
that victim's love interest.

In this case,
katie's fiancé, mark wilson.

But mark didn't fit
the description at all.

He's the wrong build.

Police have gone
from one suspect to none.

Unaware until now
that katie has been missing,

Word of her abduction
reaches her family.

What the hell, mom?

At about 2:00 a.m.,
My mom came into my bedroom

Screaming that somebody
had taken her.

Who is -- who is her, mom?
Who is her?

And when I asked who "her" was,
she couldn't speak.

My father
then came into the room,

And I said,
"who is she talking about?"

And he said, "somebody
has taken your sister."

Words really can't describe
the way that you feel.

You're helpless.

My parents left the house

To go the store,
to the police station.

I stayed home
in case she was going to call.

With each tick of the clock,

Katie's family
become more and more distraught.

When my parents came back,

The only thing that I was told
was your sister was taken

And go find the ****
who did it.

19-Year-old college
student katie poirier

Has been abducted from
the gas station where she works.

And it's all been caught
on camera.

Police know what happened
but not who did it.

I'm detective hodapp.


The next morning,
agent phil hodapp

Questions katie's coworker,
kathy hanek.

She seemed okay?

- Everything was fine.
- Yeah?

I'm like,
"what happened after I left?"

I was so dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe
that this was even happening.

When I closed out my shop
last night, around 10:00 p.m.

So you're working right
next door here?

She was terrifically important

Because she was the last person,

As far as we knew,
that saw katie alive.

And it turns out
that last night,

Kathy had an encounter

That will get the investigation
up on its feet.


After saying
good night to katie,

Kathy returned briefly to
the sandwich shop to close up.

I was getting everything ready
to leave for the night.

The lights were shut off,

But I had
the doors still unlocked,

And I was putting
everything away.

Evening, darling.
Hey, can I use your wash?

This fellow comes in,

And he's looking
for the restroom.

Like, "you need to go around
to the other door

If you need to go
to the restroom.

I don't have one here,
and I'm closing."

I could tell
he had been drinking,

But he didn't
scare me, bother me.

You know, I'm just like,
"just go home, you drunk."

Walk down the sidewalk...

And he was standing
on the corner

Of the sidewalk where we park.

Done for the evening?

I'm like, "well, obviously,
I'm done for the evening."

I was kind of rude.

He just got in his truck.
I got in my car.

He was leaving the same time
that I was leaving.

That's how I ended up
behind him

As we were leaving
the parking lot.

He happened to be going
the same direction as me.

As I was driving into town,

He turned at a business,
and I kept going,

And that was it.

What was he wearing?

What did he look like?

The man I saw that night

Was wearing a plain-colored
shirt and jeans.

Graying hair.

I would say he'd be
in his late 40s, early 50s.

The description that kathy hanek
gave us did not match

What we were seeing
on the video.

The man
in the surveillance video

Appears younger and was wearing
a two-toned sweatshirt

With a logo
that's too blurry to make out.

But with no other real leads,
it must be followed up.

What did his truck
look like?

He had a black f-150.

She got a really good
look at his vehicle.

It was a black pickup truck.

She got a good look
at his license plate,

And remembered four
of the six digits.

Plates were 5-5-7

And there was either a "k"
or a "y" in there somewhere.

We did a computer run
on all of the pickup trucks

That had those particular digits
in the license plate,

And the stack of returns
that we got back

Was about
an inch and a half thick.

We sent those out statewide
to investigators

To track down those vehicles

And interview
every single person

That was associated
with those vehicles.

Finding all those drivers

With only a partial plate
to go on will take time.

And for katie poirier,
time might be running out.

In cases like this, typically,

The victim
is not gonna be allowed to live

For a very long period of time.

The search for katie poirier

Is now a full-on rescue mission.

We're gonna be as thorough
as possible through this area.

We're gonna get it done.


Teams of law enforcement

And volunteers comb
the local area for clues.

For nearly two days now,

Searchers have been combing
the woods and the ditches.

Water patrols have taken
to the lakes.

And two cobra helicopters
canvassing the area

From just above the treetops.

Katie was well liked
and respected,

And to have something
like this happen to her,

It went against the grain
of everyone who lived her.

I have a daughter that's 22,
and, yeah, it's emotional.

But I can't imagine the mom,
what she's going through.

And the word "thank you"

Just doesn't seem enough
to give to you.

But we do --

We do thank you
for all your effort,

And katie does, too.

Not knowing what had happened
to a loved one,

It's really hard for somebody
that hasn't had that happen

To wrap their brain around that.

But it's very difficult.

Our prayers are with you, katie.

Remember -- please stay strong
and remember we love you,

And we miss you.

As the search continues,

Investigators track down and
question owners of black trucks

Across the state.

A detective in the
minneapolis-saint paul
suburb of richfield

Follows up on one
of the truck leads.

The owner is listed
as donald blom.

They just knocked
on the door and said,

"Do you still own a truck
that's described like this?"

She was very cooperative.

She said, yeah, her husband
had owned a pickup truck,

But it had been
a white color truck,

And they had sold it
some months before

And no longer owned it.

The vehicle
is crossed off the list.

It's one of many dead ends.

A lot of those leads
were just leading nowhere.

Investigators know
that all too often,

When a woman is abducted,

It's by a sexual predator.

Many times,
they're repeat offenders.

And so they're probably
the first place

You want to start looking.

Investigators make a list
of all the sex offenders

In or near moose lake,

And it's an unusually long list.

Is that all?

We're gonna need
a lot more manpower.

There's a good reason why.

Moose lake is the home
of the hospital

Where all the predatory
offenders in our state

Are sent for their treatment

After they're convictions
are served.

Many of these sex offenders
now live in the moose lake area.

There were a lot,

And every one of those was
a set lead that we investigated.

This is
the individual you're...

Soon, word gets around,

And information
starts coming in.

We'd gotten a tip
from the public,

A friend of this individual,

Who said that they believed
that he was involved.

Police immediately
bring him in for questioning.

His name...

Donald dean christiansen.

He's a sex offender,

So he's committed
crimes like this in the past.

He looks really good
to us as a potential suspect.

You know this girl?

Never seen her before.

He vehemently denied

That he had anything
to do with this abduction.

He had an alibi.

Where were you the night
of may 26th?

I was at home
with my wife.

that's not what we heard.

Christiansen claims that on
the night katie was abducted,

He was at home with his wife.

But other witnesses contradict
christiansen's account,

Casting doubt on the reliability
of his statement.

That led us to a search warrant
at his house.

We found this
in your trash.

We found in the trash,
some cord that was knotted up,

That looked similar
to what we see the abductor

Using to control katie poirier.

We've got a video of a guy

That looks a hell of a lot
like you

to this 19-year-old girl.

I'll do anything
you want me to,

I'll do anything you ask,
but I tell you right now,

It wasn't me!

Despite mounting evidence,

Christiansen swears
he's innocent.

So detectives give him a chance
to prove it.

The investigators tried
to pull out all the stops.

We actually have brought people
back into crime scenes,

And he was agreeable to that.

So one of our agents
walks him around,

Basically going
through the same motions

As the suspect in the video
does when he abducts katie.

And we're able to get him in
the same positions as the video

And then do
a comparative analysis.

Looks like he's about 5'10",
same as our guy.

and katie's kidnapper

Appear to be the same age.

His hair looks exactly
like the suspect's in the video.

His size matches the suspect
in the video.

Police have almost
enough to arrest christiansen.

But he has very distinctive

Donald dean christiansen
had a very noticeable tattoo

On his forearm of a spider web.

And if they can match
that to the video,

He will quickly be facing
kidnapping charges,

And maybe more.

Investigators have
a prime suspect

In the on-camera kidnapping
of katie poirier --

Donald dean christiansen.

Investigators pore
over the video,

Looking for a spider web tattoo
on the perpetrator's forearm.

But the video
is too grainy to tell

If the kidnapper
has the telltale tattoo.

Police can't arrest christiansen
or rule him out as a suspect.

It's a disappointment.

But it might only
be a temporary one.

Maybe if we could improve
the picture a bit.

What do you think you might
be able to do for us, jerry?

One of the fbi agents
hit on the idea

Of bringing the video
to a nasa scientist.

Astronomer david hathaway

Is an expert in enhancing
and interpreting video.

As an astronomer,
I knew that the way you sharpen

Those images
is to add images together.

If you sharpen the original one,
you just sharpen the noise --

And it would look even worse.

To improve
the convenience store video,

Dr. Hathaway uses
a software program

He co-pioneered called visar.

What we were looking for
as a sequence of frames

That we could add together.

But there's a problem.

Most video cameras record
at 30 frames per second.

But these surveillance
cameras only record

At one frame per second.

Dr. Hathaway will need to find
a section of video

Where the suspect stays
still for several seconds.

And he has to do it fast.

I had an fbi agent literally
breathing down my neck, saying,

"If we can get good images
out of this,

We might save her life."

he identifies six seconds

Of video that might just work.

He stood there
long enough that I think

There were
a half a dozen frames.

Dr. Hathaway layers the
sequential frames of video,

One on top of the other.

Slowly, the picture clears.

There was a question whether
there were tattoos on his arms.

He's got short sleeves,
so you can see the forearms.

And it's clear that there are
no identifying marks

On his arms at all.

Christiansen is off the hook.

But the new image
changes the case

In more ways than that.

It could now help investigators
i.d. A new suspect.

It looked to me
like this was an older person.

It was primarily in the eyes
and the eyebrows.

He convinced us that the suspect
was actually older male.

have spent two valuable days

Looking for a much
younger suspect.

Dr. Hathaway
then successfully improves

Two other key frames of video

And solves major puzzle
of the case --

The blurry logo
on the abductor's shirt.

He was able
to zero in on the shirt

That the suspect was wearing
and identify it

As a new york yankees
throwback jersey...

...and identify the fact that it
had the number 23 on the back.

The new image
and description

Of the baseball jersey
is broadcast nationwide.

To generate
the maximum media coverage,

Investigators turned to a local
baseball hero, paul molitor.

The individual
has blondish hair,

Which may be shoulder
or collar length.

If you have any information

Regarding this individual
or kathlyn poirier,

Please contact the carlton
county sheriff's department.

Within hours,
the police hotline

Is flooded with hundreds
of calls and tips.

One by one, investigators
chase down each tip.

But they all have one thing
in common.

Every lead that we chased
was really getting us nowhere.

You had the nagging fear

That maybe we're not
going to get this guy.

All the while,
katie's family is suffering

Through every agonizing minute
of every day.

When they say your heart breaks,
it literally is breaking,

And you can feel this emptiness,

This pain that goes on.

I was hoping to find katie.

I was hoping to find her alive.

You cope with hope
because hope is all you have.

Three weeks
since katie was abducted

And investigators
receive their 1,960th tip.

Run this name
through the system.

We had a call from a gentleman
who worked in minneapolis

With a guy
named donald hutchinson.

And donald hutchinson owned

One of those throwback number 23
new york yankee jerseys.

The very same baseball jersey

The perpetrator was seen wearing
in the gas station video.

And this guy thought

That he matched
the description to a tee

Of the suspect in the case.

What have you got?

We quickly find out he had
convictions for sex offenses.

We also found out
that he's got several aliases.

Franklin, koppels,
kippels, pince, hutchinson.

One of donald hutchinson's
aliases sounds familiar.

Donald blom.

Son of a ****

After successfully
enhancing surveillance video

Of katie poirier's abduction,

Investigators now
have a new prime suspect --

A convicted sex offender
named donald blom.

It was one of the very
first truck leads investigated.

His wife had told us
that the truck had been sold

And that the truck
was white-colored.

Records show that blom
owns two pieces of property.

Police head out to search them
and look for donald blom.

The gut response
was this is our guy.

In richfield,

Officers gain
entry to his primary residence.

When the investigators
went into that house,

They did not find katie.

Donald blom and his family
are also nowhere to be seen.

But when they got
into the garage,

They find
the black pickup truck.

And the license plate
that matches the description

That kathy hanek gave me
on the very first day.

Police are positive

That donald blom
is the kidnapper.

Now all hope turns to his
trailer home near moose lake.

If katie's still alive,

Is this where he's
holding her c*ptive?

We had really hoped

That he was holding her hostage
at the property.

We were prepared,
we might have to engage blom.

The element of surprise is key
in a situation like this.

The main entry team secured
the trailer very quickly.

There's no sign
of katie or donald blom.

The entire property is
meticulously searched for clues.

We decided
to search the fire pit.

Among the ashes,

Dale heaton
makes a gruesome discovery.

It appeared to be a human tooth.

So at that moment, it came to me
that this is probably katie's.

The evidence is sent
away for forensic analysis.

After a state-wide manhunt,

Detectives locate donald blom
in northern minnesota.

He's quickly arrested.

including kathy hanek,

Are asked to i.d. Him.

They asked him to say...

Are you done for the evening?

Done for the evening?

That's him.

That's definitely him.

I knew immediately
when he walked in that door

That it was him.

After he determined that kathy
was closing up and leaving,

He left and ensured
that she was leaving.

Blom changes his clothes,

Then returns to the gas station
an hour and a half later.

I think he went and did
surveillance on the store

And waited for the store
to be unoccupied

By any other customer.

And he went in the store,
made sure no one was in there.

And he grabbed her
and took her away.

He did indicate that after
he got to the property

And pulled up
to his trailer house,

He took her out of the truck,
and she put up a fight.

Get off me!

And he just choked her
until she died.

That's all he admitted to,

Donald blom
never explains his motive.

But he's a registered
sex offender,

And it isn't hard to conclude

That katie poirier
was simply his latest victim.

Forensic analysis proves
the tooth in blom's fire pit

Belongs to katie poirier.

I'm sorry to be the one to bring
this news to you guys.

He looked at my mom
and dad first, and said,

"Donald blom has confessed
to murdering your daughter."

And looked at me,
"your sister."

As soon as he said it,

I don't remember
hearing anything else.

On august 16, 2000,

Donald blom is sentenced
to life in prison without parole

For the m*rder
of katie poirier.

The star witness?

Surveillance video.

There was nothing
to connect katie to donald blom

Other than that video.

I have her in my life
every single day.

I have four children,
three of which are daughters.

Each one of those daughters

Has a trait, I believe,
of my sister.

As a result
of katie's m*rder,

A new bill is passed,
known as katie's law.

It allows agencies
to better track sex offenders

Across the state.

People's lives have been saved
because she was k*lled.