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02x04 - The Vanishing Nurse

Posted: 02/25/24 11:40
by bunniefuu
A bright
and popular student nurse

Steps out
through the hospital doors

And is never seen again.

When you're
in a living nightmare,

You just feel
so broken.

Police are baffled.

The case leads them
from one dead end to the next.

At the very beginning,
we didn't have

Any telltale signs of
which way to go with it.

But there is one witness
who has seen it all.

Everything was riding
on that video camera.

It's may 27, 2011.

The kaiser hospital
in hayward, california.

It's friday evening and
nursing student michelle le

Is halfway through
her training shift.

Michelle is a straight-a student

Studying at nearby
samuel merritt university.

- Good morning!
- Hi.

- I'm going on my break now.
- Yeah, for sure, go ahead.

As part of her nursing
program, michelle works

At kaiser permanente's
maternity ward.

She was scheduled for a break
around 7:00

And, at that time,
she asked if it was okay

If she went from the hospital
to across to the carpark

To get some get something
out of her vehicle.

The trip to her car
and then back

To the maternity ward
should only take a few minutes.

Paging dr. Staven.
Dr. Staven, please.

Dr. Travis, you have a visitor
in the main lobby.

Dr. Travis, you have
a visitor in the main lobby.

10:00, The lead supervisor

Started rounding up the students
and getting everybody together

Because that was their last day
at the kaiser hospital.

Dr. Travis, you have a visitor
in the main lobby.

Dr. Travis,
a visitor in the main lobby.

But there's
one student missing:

Michelle le.

Hey, guys.
Has anyone seen michelle?

I don't think so.

Her supervisor
calls michelle's cellphone.

There's no answer.

Then, she remembers
that michelle went to the garage

To get something from her car.

She heads over there,
looking for michelle.

Dr. Forest, dial 118, please.

Dr. Forest,
please dial 118.

She knows that michelle owns
a brand-new white honda s.u.v.


But there's no sign
of the car...

Or michelle.

As they
were walking around there,

They saw a white s.u.v.
Matching the description

Come up the ramp to the third
floor, where they were standing.


And, when the supervisor waved
to the person driving the car,

To get their attention,

The car backed
down the ramp immediately.

Almost smashed
into another nurse's car

And then drove quickly
out of the carpark.

Supervisor ran down,
trying to get a look,

To see if it was michelle
and if it was michelle's car.

By the time she got
to the bottom floor,

The car had already
left the carpark.


It's unsettling and odd,

But the supervisor didn't get
a good look at the driver.

She's not even 100%
positive it was michelle's car.

Michelle never comes back
to the maternity ward.

She doesn't call in and she
doesn't answer her phone.

The next morning, michelle's
cousin krystine dinh,

Starts getting phone calls
about michelle's whereabouts.

I woke up
and I received a message

Asking if I had heard from her.

I didn't think much of it.

I just remember rolling
back over in bed

And going back to bed.

Michelle's brother
michael's phone

Starts ringing, too.

A friend of hers left
voicemails saying like

"You know,
we can't find her.

Have you seen her?"

And then I got a phone call
from her nursing instructor.

Wait. Hold on.
Slow down.

Okay. Are you sure?

Who, you know, was close
to tears and she was saying

How they're involving
the police

And everything
just felt really real.

Michelle and michael le

Were born
in san diego, california,

After their parents moved
from vietnam in the early 1970s.

They grew up in the same house
as their cousin krystine.

We have a huge family.
We have 15 cousins,

All of our parents, and we're
all located in san diego.

Michelle's mother
was a nurse.

When she died of cancer in 1999,

Michael and michelle
became even closer.

She always
looked out for me,

In any way she could.

Michelle is more
than just a big sister

To both michael and krystine.

She taught me everything.
She got me my first bra.

She tweezed my eyebrows.
She taught me how to do makeup.

She straightened my hair,
that kind of thing.

Really, she was really
my biggest role model,

Growing up.

Like her mother,

Michelle wanted to dedicate
her life to helping others,

So, when she was offered a place
at samuel merritt nursing school

In hayward, san francisco,
it was a dream come true.

But now, it's saturday morning

And no one has heard
from michelle.

At hayward police department,

Fraser ritchie is
the inspector on weekend call.

I've been
in law enforcement

For just over
almost 30 years now.

At that time, I was one

Of the homicide investigators
for hayward police department.

When he gets to the station,

Michelle's friends
are already there.

Any information
you can give us.

Michelle's now been
missing for 15 hours

And her friends are worried.

Well, one of the first
things you ask is,

How's her mental state?

Is she upset with work?

Is she upset
with a relationship?

Her friends say
there was nothing wrong:

No work trouble,
no boyfriend problems,


They say michelle
was responsible

And dedicated to nursing.

There's no way
she would just take off

In the middle of her shift.

Investigators start their search

At the last place
anyone saw michelle:

The hospital.

And that's where
they find something

That sets off alarm bells.

Okay. So she even
left her bag here.


She had left her purse behind,
her jacket behind.

All her belongings are
in there, her wallet?


At that point,
that was really suspicious

Because we all know
that people don't leave

Their personal belongings
just lying around.

Did she mention anything
about leaving?

Did she say she was
coming right back?

She told me she was coming
right back after break.

In the parking garage,

Officers have located
michelle's parking spot.

The few satellites
in the periphery.

I'm guessing
driver's side.

The patrol officers
had cordoned off the area,

Had put police tape around it.

The car is long gone.

But there's something
in michelle's parking spot

That chills them to the bone.

It's blood.

They collect a sample

And send it to the lab
for analysis.

But there's no sign of
michelle's white s.u.v.

Inspector ritchie believes
something happened to michelle

In the very spot
where he's standing.

And he just might have
the perfect witness to it all.

The cordoned-off area
was directly below

Where a surveillance camera was.

We absolutely were thinking,
"here it is. We have it."

We were ready. We wanted to see
that video right away

And we knew that was
gonna tell us everything.

That's a live feed

From the parking space.

But there's a problem.

Well, we need to see the
tapes from last night.

They weren't able to get

The cctv to us
until later in the day.

While detectives
can see the live cctv feeds

From the control room,

The hospital's recorded cctv
footage is stored offsite.

It will take hours to round it
up and get it to the station.

Can you have them get that
ready for us to pick up?

I can do that.

Every second counts in
a missing-persons investigation

And this delay
cost them valuable time.

But it turns out
they might not need the video

To find out what happened
to michelle le.

I'm here to see
detective ritchie.

Detective ritchie.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

I just received a text
from michelle.

I don't -- I don't know
what this means. Can we...?

Is michelle le
alive and well?

Yeah, just right now.

In hayward, california,

Nursing student michelle le
has vanished

From a hospital parking lot.

But, now, there's a break
in the case:

Her brother michael shows police
a text from michelle.

- She's not picking up.
- She's not picking up?

There was a few text messages
that came through,

Basically stating
that she was fine.

I hope so.
I'm not -- I'm not sure.

It was "my battery's
dying on my phone.

I have to get a charger.

I want to be alone."

Inspector ritchie
doesn't buy it.

I sent two texts
to michelle's phone.

I told her it was mandatory

That they contact me
and get a hold of me.

Mandatory or not,
michelle doesn't reply.

We didn't get any texts
after that

And nobody else did, either.

The strange
text messages become

Just another piece of a puzzle
they can't solve.

Michelle le has now been
missing for 16 hours.

Investigators expand the search

And question people
who'd know her.

Louise, just have
a few questions

Regarding michelle le.

is initially a suspect

'Cause we don't know
what happened or where she is,

So we can't eliminate
any possibility

Or anybody as a suspect.

Most of her friends
really didn't have

A whole lot of information
to provide us,

She was just a nice person,
a good friend.

No. And she was always
on time?

But there is
an old friend of michelle's

Who tells them something
that could be important.

Have you guys spoken
to scott?

The tip comes
from giselle esteban.

He was interested in her

And he was pursuing her.

Giselle, who is
3 months pregnant,

Tells investigators about a man
named scott marasigan.

Scott, who fathered
giselle's first child,

Also briefly dated michelle le.

Scott was a friend
of michelle's.

They had had a brief,
intimate relationship.

From my understanding,
it was only about a month long.

Detectives know
that, all too often,

When a woman goes missing,
an ex is to blame.

So scott was also somebody

We were looking into
as potentially a suspect.

The police
track down scott marasigan.

You scott?


Can I help you guys?

Yes. We're wondering if we can
ask you a few questions.

Can you tell me
what this is about?

Detectives grill scott about
his relationship with michelle.

Was there bad blood
after their breakup?

Did they fight?
- Are you guys finished?

'Cause I gotta go.
- Where was he the night before?


When we went
to meet with him,

He was very forthcoming,
very cooperative,

Gave us all the information
that we wanted

And was very open about his
relationship with michelle.

But there's
nothing linking him

With his ex-girlfriend's

They can't go any further
with scott marasigan.

At least, not yet.

24 Hours since
michelle went missing,

And they don't have
much to go on.

Michelle told
her nursing classmates

She was going back to her car
to get something

During a class break,
but never came back.

Michelle's family says
they will keep hope alive

That she's still
out there, somewhere.

The family has now
established a website,

All right. So I'm
gonna have you knock

On all the houses
in this neighborhood.

disappearance spurs her family

And the local community
into action.

Go on up to the major

There were just so many
people that wanted to help.

There was organizing
flyer distributions.

There was organizing, you know,

Getting a website going.

I'll just give this
to you. All right?

All right.
Thank you.

Just any way we could get
the story out

And to, you know,
get the information out there.

Maybe, if she was out there,
she would just come home,

Realizing that
we all missed her.

Finally, the video
from the hospital parking lot

Is ready for police.

There are around 33 cameras
in the parking garage,

With more than 100 hours
of footage.

Detectives start by scrolling
through to just before 7:00 pm,

The time that michelle left
on her break.

That's gotta be

And on the walkway
to the garage at 6:55...

Pull it back.
Pull it back.

The opposite corner.'s michelle.

We were able to see
michelle walking across

The pedestrian overpass,
walking into the carpark,

On friday night, when she
was going for her break.

She looks alive and well.

The surveillance video
should show michelle

As she walks through the parking
garage, back to her car.

They change to the camera
nearest the walkway.

Wait a second.

Michelle walks
across the garage.

Nothing seems to be wrong.

And there's no one
following her.

Just a second.

Is there any other angle,
from the other side there?

I'll take a look.
Let me see here.

Now, another camera
picks her up from another angle.

Still, no clue
that anything is wrong.

She just kinda crosses.
I mean --

That's the best
we can do.

But there's one camera

That could solve this mystery,
once and for all.

It's the camera aimed right
at her parking spot.

At that particular moment,
everything was riding

On that video camera.

Student nurse
michelle le is missing

And investigators have just got
their first glimpse of her,

On the security cameras from
the parking garage at her work.

They are about to view
the footage

From the camera directly
above her parking space.

They keep a wary eye out
for anyone who looks

Like her ex-boyfriend scott.

Is there a problem here

All right.
What's the problem here?

I don't know.

That's it?
It's the file.

The file is blank.

It wasn't working
during that time.

The camera that witnessed
what happened to michelle

At her parking spot
was not recording properly.

That's it?
It's the file.

Those crucial moments
will remain a mystery.

And we were unable
to get that footage

Of where michelle le's
car was parked

During the time
of her disappearance.

But there are still
over 30 other cameras to check.

That's her car.

And one of them is mounted
just past her parking space.

10 Minutes after michelle
was last seen in this garage,

Around 7:15 pm.

That's gotta be
michelle's car.

Michelle's car moves through
the garage, toward the exit.

That's her car.

They follow the car
through the parking garage,

From camera to camera.

We started looking
at other cameras,

To kind of hopefully find out

Exactly who was driving
michelle's car,

If it was michelle
or if it was somebody else.

I can't see anything
in the windshield,

Though. Can you?

No. No. We're not
getting any luck.

But the footage is grainy.

And the parking garage is dark.

The s.u.v. Has tinted windows.

They replay the footage
over and over again.

They adjust the contrast.

But it's no use.

There's no way
to see who's driving.

There's no light
from there.

They slowly work through
the rest of the footage,

But there's nothing.

All right.
Check the time on there.

That's okay.
That's almost 10:00.

But then, they see
michelle's supervisor

And a security guard
searching for michelle,

Who's now been missing
for more than 2 hours.

And that's when they see
michelle's car

Come back to the parking garage.

But once again, there's no way
of telling who is inside

Or where the car goes when it
leaves the parking garage.

It was very frustrating.

As we're watching
the car leave the lot,

We're wondering,
"is michelle in that car?

Is michelle not in that car?"

just when it looks like

The case will never be solved,
inspector ritchie gets a break.


Finding the car was

Probably the biggest break
in the case, at that point.

Michelle's car has been found.

It has been left abandoned
just 1/2 mile from the hospital.

It was locked up
and nothing appeared suspicious

About the car, itself,

When you're looking at it
from the outside.

It's plain to see
that michelle is not inside.

But when they examine
the outside...

There was dirt
on the undercarriage.

There was dirt on the tires.

The car has been off-road,

Somewhere rural,
somewhere miles away.

We found straw,
almost like weeds.

We immediately started
doing a neighborhood check

To see if there was cctv,

As there's so many surveillance
cameras around, nowadays.

But, unfortunately,
we didn't have any.

With no footage
of the car being dumped,

Cctv can't help them
with who left it here.

michelle's abandoned car

Leaves her family
with little hope.

I mean, we all had a consensus
that we thought that

She had been abducted
or kidnapped.

When you are living
a nightmare,

When you're
in a living nightmare,

I think you just feel so broken.

I remember clearly
thinking that,

On a really cold night,
one night,

That I hoped that she had
a jacket to keep warm.


Back at headquarters,
a forensic team

Examines the car
with a fine-tooth comb.

They find hair
on the driver's seat.

But there are no fingerprints.

The hair goes to the lab.

We got something.

But there's a much more
important clue on the seat,

Staring them right in the face.

We found
an identification badge.

A pass from the nursing college
that michelle attends.

It had a photograph
of a lady on there.

It was a name badge.

But it was a name badge
that wasn't michelle's.

The badge belongs
to someone named katie miller.

Who is katie miller

And what is her badge doing
in the missing nurse's car?

Was this our suspect?

Was this somebody that,
you know, michelle knew?

The focus was to find out

Who this person was
on this name badge.

The next step is go
to samuel merritt

And locate this person
and find out who this person is.

At samuel merritt university,

have just one question

For michelle's fellow students.

Take a close look.

Is she a fellow student
of yours?

Who is katie miller?

They said that they
didn't know who she was

And it could've been
another nursing student.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Next, they turn
to the school's administrators.

That's when they get
their answer.

- Katie miller.
- It belonged to a professor

That had not started
with the university yet.

So she's an employee here,
then, currently.

But the administrator
tells investigators

Something else.

Something puzzling.

Katie miller hasn't set foot
on campus yet.

She hasn't
started yet.

In fact, she's in hawaii.

In hawaii?

And she's been there since
before michelle went missing.

So how did her pass,

Which she hasn't even used yet,
get into michelle le's car?

The last time they saw it,
it was sitting

On a secretary's desk
at the samuel merritt campus

And that monday morning,
the secretary told us,

It had been stolen
off of her desk.


Police can only hope

Surveillance cameras
caught the thief red-handed.

We are
incomplete without her.

So whoever has her,

Please, please,
have some compassion.

Michelle le has been
missing for more than 2 days.

We've just been thinking
every possible way

We can reach more people,
reach the story to more people,

Keep the story alive
and find her.

Michelle kicks butt.

She is a wonderful human being.

I don't believe

Anything in the world

Would have the heart
to harm her.

And I know that we'll find her.
She's out there.

Volunteers spread out

And search for the missing
nursing student.

Because michelle's abandoned car

Had mud and grass tangled
in the undercarriage,

They concentrate on the rural
areas near hayward, california.

You would have maps up
and it would be all green

Because it's a ton of canyons,
hiking trails out there.

Back at michelle's
nursing school,

Police try to figure out
who stole a pass

That ended up in the back
of michelle's car.

And the building security system

Is going to help them
do just that.

Video cameras are posted
on every main door on campus

And, to open those main doors,

You need a pass, just like
the one found in michelle's car.

The campus is secured.

It's a secure building

And you have to use
an access card to gain entry.

Every time someone
uses a pass to open a door,

It leaves a time-stamped record
and activates a security camera.

Sure enough, the day before
michelle went missing,

Someone used
katie miller's stolen pass.

It's 7:05 pm.

The staff have gone home.

Let's take a look

She's young,
with long, dark hair.

It's obviously not michelle's
ex-boyfriend scott marasigan.

She's wearing
a lab coat there.

And it's not katie miller.

Police look at the entire file
and discover that, at 5:19,

Almost 2 hours earlier,

The key pass
opens the same door.

Who is this now?

It's the same girl,
but this time,

She's not wearing a lab coat.

But she is wearing a cap,
pulled down, shielding her face.

Can't tell from this angle
here. You know what?

I'm gonna switch cameras.

Detectives follow
this mystery woman

Through the surveillance system,

Tracking her
from camera to camera.

What is she doing?

Didn't appear
that she belonged there.

It appeared that she was
looking for something.

Scrub it back.
Scrub it back.

Let's take
another look.

We really didn't have
any idea who it was,

But we knew that
just something wasn't right.

The i.d. Pass
triggers another camera,

In one of the classrooms.

It's the girl in the cap again.

She seems to be looking
for something.

She goes in.

Then, she turns out
the lights.

And she does something
that puzzles investigators.

The person is now
wearing a lab coat.

You can see the subject walking

Through the classroom area
of the campus,

That has desks
and computer monitors up.

What is she doing?

She goes over
to the teacher's desk,

To where they keep
the class rosters.

You can see one of the cameras
shows the person standing

With a class roster
in her hand.

The roster
has information

About the dates and times
of shifts

Of all the students
at the kaiser hospital.

Including michelle le.

The class roster
shows photographs

Of each of the students
and then, it has information,

Their information,
just below the photographs,

So that's how we were able
to tell what that was.

But they still have no
idea who this mystery woman is

Or how she managed
to steal a pass.

They scour the security video,
looking for any clues.

And then, they spot her again,

This time,
earlier that same morning.

The footage that we saw was
of the secretary

Opening the office door
and allowing

A female into the office area.

If she would just
turn around,

We could see her face.

The girl appears to be
waiting for something

And, when the secretary leaves,
she heads right into her office.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Okay, that.

Seconds later, she emerges.

Has she just stolen
the key pass?

And then,


They get a clear look
at this mystery woman's face.

What about that?

It's a face
the cops have seen before.

That is

Giselle esteban.

Sure looks like her.

Giselle esteban,
michelle le's old friend.

Giselle's ex-boyfriend
and father of her child,

Scott marasigan,
is michelle le's ex.

But even if there's bad blood

Between michelle and giselle
over scott,

How could giselle have
abducted michelle by herself?

She was a little over 5'0" tall

And I could see that she
was slightly pregnant.

She said, at that time,
she was 3 months pregnant.

I looked at her and thought,
"she couldn't be involved.

She's too small.
It's not in character."

That was our biggest question,

Was "okay,
did she do it alone?

It doesn't appear that way.

Who else was involved in this?"

But there is
someone strong enough

To overpower her
in the parking garage

And force her into the car.

Detectives ritchie
and linteo.

What is the nature
of your relationship

With giselle esteban?

Police are about to learn
more than they hoped.

Police now believe

That michelle le's friend
giselle esteban

Is deeply involved
in her disappearance.

She's been spotted on camera,

Sneaking around michelle's
workplace, taking things.

But could this petite woman,

Who is 3 months pregnant
and has no criminal record,

Really be a kidnapper?

Or worse?
- What?!

They bear down
on giselle's ex-boyfriend

And the father of her child,
scott marasigan.

Yeah, I know
giselle esteban.

Let me show you something.
Come here.

But that's
when scott marasigan

Turns the tables
on giselle esteban.

He had saved just about all
of his text messages

With giselle

And the phone conversations
he's had with her.


It showed
the picture of giselle,

The anger and the extent of her

Physical abuse
that she was capable of.

Police now have
more than enough evidence

To get a search warrant and head
to giselle esteban's house.

She was complacent.

Seemed irritated
with our presence

And didn't seem interested in
anything that we wanted to say.

Inspector ritchie
tells her

That she's coming down
to the station.

I just need
to change my shoes.

Then, we can go.

No. The footwear
that you have.

She had asked to put
a pair of shoes on

That were near the front door
and I told her that couldn't,

That wasn't going to happen,
because I know,

From my trained experience,
that those shoes

Could possibly hold
some evidence.

The shoes
are sent to the lab

While the police
take giselle downtown.

All right.
It's giselle, right?

But she isn't talking.

While detectives
investigate giselle,

Another piece of the puzzle
falls into place:

Results from the search
of michelle's car come in.

We were able to get dna

Off of the turn signal
in michelle's car,

That came back
to giselle esteban.

The hair that was
in michelle's car,

In the driver's seat,
was giselle esteban's.

When they test
giselle's shoes,

They find traces of
michelle's blood on them, too.

The love triangle
between michelle le,

Scott marasigan,
and giselle esteban;

The pass stolen by giselle,
found in michelle's car;

The messages where giselle
threatens to k*ll michelle.

Even though they haven't found
michelle le's body,

It's enough to charge
giselle with m*rder.

10 Days after giselle's arrest,

The final, horrific piece
of the puzzle is put in place.

The area
was well-hidden.

It was easily accessible
to a car.

And ultimately,
her body was found

like a very large log.

Um --

Well, unfortunately,
the remains

That were found of michelle
was all skeletal remains

So there was no evidence to show
the definite cause of death.

The only person
that knows is giselle.

Using the video evidence,

Police are able to piece
together how it all happened.

She uses a stolen i.d. Pass

To break into the college,
in order to find out

When michelle would be
at the hospital.

Then, she goes to the kaiser
hospital parking garage.

I think she probably
recognized my sister's car

And just waited for her moment.

The blood
on the garage floor

Tells police
she was m*rder*d right there.

What are you
talking about?!


Giselle drove off
to conceal the body.

She tries
returning the car

To the hospital parking garage.

But she's spotted
by michelle's supervisor.

So, instead, she takes off

And abandons the car
half a mile away.

Then, she uses michelle's
cellphone to send texts,

To throw them off the trail.

The cctv in this
investigation was crucial.

The judge that finally
sentenced giselle

Said that he had never seen

Such an overwhelming
circumstantial-evidence case.

Giselle esteban pleads
guilty to k*lling michelle

And is sentenced to 25 years
to life in prison.

She claims she did it
in a moment of anger,

But the cctv
shows a methodical plan

That only makes it all harder
on michelle's family.

It's been 4 years
since she's passed away

And it doesn't get easier.

I'm inspired by her
every day,

But always reminded
how beautiful her life was.

She was such
an incredible person.

I was afraid
that I would forget

How she laughed or her voice,

So I got three tattoos for her.

It was the most permanent thing
I think I could've done

To keep her.