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02x01 - Lord

Posted: 02/25/24 11:37
by bunniefuu
A k*ller loose
on the streets of boston.

It was actually kind of chilling
to watch his actions.

He st*lks, att*cks,
and kills without warning.

He's not coming after my money.
He's coming after my life.

She looked terrified.

I can't believe
this has happened,

And I can't believe
what I'm seeing here.

There are not words
to describe what we lost

And how our lives
have forever changed.

Police scramble
to catch this k*ller

Before he strikes again.

And they turn to the one witness
that's seen it all.

We were looking at video
as quickly as we could.

Can surveillance cameras
help catch a monster

On a k*lling spree

Before it's too late
for his next victim?

Tuesday, july 23, 2013.

It's 10:00 a.m.

Work is in full swing
at interactive media's

Downtown boston office.

Coffee, black, right?

Can you get phil
a black coffee, please?

It starts out
as just another day,

Except for one thing.

24-Year-old amy lord
is late to work.

And amy lord
is never late.

Being late, my sister
would never do that.

She loved working there. She
loved being a part of a team.

No, I haven't
heard from her.

She was just so very sure
of herself

And what she wanted to do.

She had big dreams,
and she was headed

Right in the direction of them.

Amy's coworkers call
her cellphone over and over.

She never
picks up the phone,

And she doesn't call them back.

They call amy's parents,

Who live an hour and a half

She never showed up
for work this morning.

I was just wondering
if she...

They haven't heard
from amy, either.

By 11:30, there's still no word.

Her manager has seen enough.

I have a staff member...
She calls the police.

Some time after 11:00, a call
came in for a missing person.

There had been a girl
who'd gone missing.

She'd been reported
by coworkers and friends.

Hi. Thank you so much.
Our colleague here,

She didn't show up
for work this morning,

And then it's so weird
that she's not...

There's no family emergency.

She's not with her family.

This was very unusual for her,

So the missing-persons report
was filed.

a recent college grad,

Moved to boston for a job
at a digital marketing company.

Amy was the oldest.

I am the youngest,
and then we had one sister

Two years
between the both of us.

And we grew up in a small town
where everyone knew your name,

So it was definitely
a big move for her to boston,

But she loved it.

She was a very pretty girl,

The cheerleader,
all that classic,

But she kind of had
a smart to her

That you wouldn't expect.

She went to bentley,
which is a great college,

And she dual majored there

And got a great job
right out of college.

She moved out with
a couple of her roommates

About a month
after she graduated.

She really did like being
the city girl,

Which none of us saw coming.

She felt very safe here.

From what police learn,

Amy lord was happy
with her life.

We were dealing with a kid
who came from a good family,

From a nice town.

I mean, the picture was of
what you would want as a parent.

Police meet amy's parents
at her south boston apartment

At 124 dorchester street.

They searched the apartment.

They were in the apartment.
They were in her room.

They're seeing
if there was any kind

Of sign of struggle
or anything like that.

But there's nothing
out of the ordinary

At amy's apartment --

No blood, no signs of struggle,
nothing for police to go on.

Can you tell me what kind
of vehicle amy drives?

Jeep cherokee.

The family confirm
with police

That amy drives
a black jeep cherokee,

And that rings a bell from
a report earlier that morning.

The motor vehicle fire

Was reported at about
8:37 in the morning.

Amy lord had not been
reported missing at the time

The car was discovered
on fire in south boston.

When the boston
fire department arrived,

The car was fully engulfed
in flames.

It was put out,
and it was towed from there

For further investigation,

Not knowing there was
any connection to anything else.

There was
a license plate intact.

That corresponded with amy lord.

And that raised red flags.

Things were looking
more and more bleak,

And their concern
had certainly risen

From just where is she,

But to the point now,
what happened to her?

The investigation must quicken.

Police check
amy's bank records

And get their first clue.

The bank records show that,

Starting at about 6:03 a.m.
That morning,

There was a sequence
of five different banks

That she made or attempted
to make withdrawals from,

Starting at
the mount washington bank,

Which was just at the end
of dorchester street

Close to her house.

Went to a metro credit union
right after that

And then to a bank of america,
a sovereign bank,

And a citizens bank.

Between those five visits,
there was just under $1,000

That had been taken out.

the missing person is concerning

When you find her car burnt.

That steps it up even more,

Finding out
about atm withdrawals

At different banks.

You know, you start thinking
about the worst.

These atms have more
in common than just cash.

Each has a video camera,

And each one records
every transaction.

Investigators are about to see
amy lord...

Or whoever has her atm card.

Police start rounding up
the bank videos.

so where are we at?

The videos
will come in one by one,

And police will get
a close-up view

Of the horrifying journey
of amy lord.

that's definitely it.

She looked terrified.

An 24-year-old
former cheerleader amy lord

Is missing in south boston.

Her car
has been found burned out,

And her bank records
reveal a disturbing trail.

Police are fearing the worst

But desperately need
to view video

From the five banks
she made withdrawals from.


But before
they get to see them...

I'm on my way.

...that afternoon,

As a heavy downpour
descends over boston,

Another call comes in to police.

It's the news nobody
wants to hear.

A cyclist
out for an afternoon ride

Has made a grisly discovery.

Sometime around 4:00,

We got notified that a body
had been recovered in hyde park,

Out in the stony brook

It's the body
of a young woman,

Stabbed and strangled to death.

I mean, I basically blue-lighted
all the way out there.

I walked up to the area
where her body was found.

Any i.d. On her at all?

Nothing yet.

Based on the photos
we had of her,

We were very sure
that it was amy lord.

I can't believe
that this has happened,

And I can't believe
what I'm seeing here.

You know,
when you do start flashing

Back and forth
to your own personal failings

And your own personal situation,

As a father of two young girls
of similar age,

Those emotions kind of
really hit me hard.

Detective jamie sheehan
must now tell amy's parents

That their daughter
is never coming home.

Pl-please sit --
please sit down.

It's horrible.

You're now coming as the bearer
of the worst news imaginable.

I'm afraid
I have some terrible news.

It changes everything.

You know,
how you look at your kids,

How you look at
other people's kids.

I mean, I --

I don't even think
I can put that into words.

I mean, I don't think there's
anything that could really --

Losing a child like that
and just from such a nice,

Caring, loving, close family.

You know, I don't think
you'll ever get over that.

I could go on and on for days

About how much I loved her
and what she meant to me.

That kind of close-knit

That you hope
sisters would have.

Amy's case
is now a m*rder.

Police are depending on a series
of five atm videos

To give them a lead.

The actual video that was coming
in over the course of the day

From the different banks.

We were looking at video
as it came in

As quickly as we could.

This video is from
a bank of america atm,

Where amy made a withdrawal
at 6:35 a.m.

It's amy lord.

She's alone.

She appears unhurt.

Wearing what looks
like workout clothes.

She simply uses the atm
and leaves.

There's nothing
out of the ordinary,

At least on this piece of video.

Police just have to hope,

With four more videos,

There's something more to see.

The next footage is
from a citizens bank vestibule

12 Minutes later at 6:47 a.m.

This time, police
see amy's car pull up outside.

And again, police see

What looks like
another ordinary atm withdrawal.

Once again,
she's alone and unhurt.

But a replay reveals something
they didn't expect.

Amy gets in and out of
the passenger side

Of the vehicle.

If amy's in
the passenger seat,

Who's driving?

So, we're able to kind of get
a very good look at the vehicle

But not the driver.

The next video that police view

Is from a branch
of sovereign bank.

The timing show
amy used this atm at 6:40 a.m.

And was
the fourth bank she visited,

And it's much more revealing.

We were able to get a good look
at amy and her condition,

The clothing she was wearing.

Having that video,
we were able to determine

That she had some injuries.

You could see the beginnings
of redness and puffiness

Around her face and around
her eyes and her nose.

That indicated to us
that she had been assaulted.

She looked terrified,

In complete utter shock

And dismay.

Just stunned.

It's clear
amy's under force.

But amy
doesn't try to run.

She takes out the money,
then gets back into the suv.

Police are baffled.

Is amy at the point
of an unseen g*n,

Or is it possible amy
knows her abductor?

They turn to her family,
looking for answers.

We had explored

Whether or not
any of her close friends believe

She may have had a boyfriend
or another relationship

That might have been
causing any problems for her.

We haven't identified anybody
that the family says,

"This person she had
a problem with,"

Or, "this is an ex-boyfriend."

Whatever it might be,
the things you might look at.

I think it was very clear

There was nothing done
by choice here.

This was an abduction.

Another video.

This is from
a metro credit union atm

And is actually the second bank
amy visited at 6:10 a.m.

This is half an hour
before the video

Revealing the injuries
to her face.

This atm
might give investigators

The answer they need.

The camera is focused on
the driver's-side window.

As the car drove up
to the atm,

It was a drive-up atm.

You could definitely
see her reaching over.

She was in the passenger side.

And you could also see
that there was a driver

In the front seat.

The driver
stays out of camera range.

Amy looks terrified and injured.

They see
her left eye is swollen.

But then, a flash.

Did you see that?

They finally get a look
at the driver.

We were able to identify
what appeared to be

A male operating
amy lord's vehicle

With amy lord withdrawing money
from the atm there.

And that's it right there.

Will this
three-second piece of video

Be the key to finding
amy lord's k*ller?

24-Year-old amy lord

Has been stabbed
and strangled to death.

Police are tracking her k*ller
with surveillance video

As he forces amy
to make withdrawals

From one atm after another.

The fourth video
has given them a glimpse of him.

But it isn't enough.

He's covering his face.

It's disappointing,

But the bank surveillance video

Has helped police
establish a timeline

Of where amy was
the morning she was m*rder*d.

And they're hoping
the last piece

Of bank surveillance video

Just might reveal
the face of her k*ller.

The tape from the first bank

Amy withdrew money from
finally comes in.

This will show the start
of amy's ordeal.

The bank is about a mile
from amy's house,

And the records show
her atm card was used there

At 6:03 a.m.

Here's the, car
right here.

As the car pulls up...

...police catch a glimpse
of the driver through the glass,

But then,

Spotting the camera
pointed right at him,

He backs up.

When the car
pulls forward again,

The driver's face
is once again covered.

Police now see that amy
has already been battered.

He backs out of the bank
and heads east.

Less than two hours later,
amy lord will be dead.

But for just a moment,

It's the best look yet
at their suspect.

We were able to make out a male
who was concealing his face

By both pulling a t-shirt
up over his face as well as --

He was wearing a baseball hat,
which he would take

From wearing backwards
and turning it forward

And pulling the brim down
to further conceal his identity.

And when he adjusts the cap,

It reveals
a closely-shaved head.

he never got out of the car.

While she's leaning over him,
he leans back.

We were never able to get
that full-on frontal picture

That we could say that's him.

What the atm footage reveals

Is that amy
was abducted before 6:03,

And they believe it probably
happened close to her home

At 124 dorchester street.

Now we got to start looking
at 124 dorchester street

And the cameras in that area.

There are no cameras
at amy's building.

But across the street,
they see something.

What's that right there?

There's a camera
directly across the street

That's connected
to a convalescent home

That's to the right
of her building,

And they had a security camera
that faced their parking lot.

Investigators ask
the convalescent home

For the video

And bring it into the station.

Okay, this is the footage
that we've been waiting for.

Take a look.

Thank you.


And they're in luck.

It just catches just
the front door of her building.

What it showed
was that about 5:37 a.m.,

You see an individual,
not recognizable,

Walk by her front door,

Just passed the door,
and then stop.

The door starts to open,

And he seems to push
through the door,

And then the door
shuts behind him.

When he goes
by amy's hallway,

Perhaps he sees her coming down
or hears her coming down,

And that's when he decides
to go by,

Wait a brief period of time,
and then almost --

Like, he's timing it --

As the door opens,
he goes in after her.

And he remains in that hallway
for approximately 15 minutes.

We can only speculate
as to what went on.

All we can say is that
any picture I saw of her,

All I could think of
was the fear

That she must have been
feeling at the time.

And again, that might have gone
to something

That was said to her
in the hallway.

Knowing where she lived,
knowing where roommates lived,

Knowing her car,
knowing a lot of things

That might have caused her
to just realize that,

You know, "I better cooperate.

I better do what he says."

And so, to me, all I can really
think about is fear,

And it hit me, looking at her
in some of these videos.

It still does.

15 Minutes go by.

Two figures --
same figure that went in

And a second figure,

Which appears to be amy.

And they then
go the opposite direction,

Out of the camera view,

Which was in the direction
of where her car was parked.

The quality of the video
was not good at all.

It only allowed us
that ability to say

They leave here at 5:52 or so

And they're heading
towards her jeep.

Based on what we see there,
there's one individual involved.

After all that,
the video gives investigators

Just one more piece
of the timeline,

Nothing more.

But surveillance video

Could still help them
solve this case.

That's because
after abducting amy

And taking her
to five bank atms,

The k*ller drove five miles
to hyde park,

Where her body was found,

And then back to south boston,

Where the fire department
found her torched suv.

Investigators know the driver
would have stopped

To buy the accelerant
he used to burn amy's jeep.

Assuming this was gasoline,
they focus their search

On all gas stations

Along the route back
from hyde park.

What do we got going on?

I gathered a group of detectives
together from around the city,

Brought them in, and said,
"listen, we need to --

We need to find out
where he bought gas

For the car."

They must check
all road intersection cameras

Along the route

To pinpoint
which gas station he stopped at.

But with hundreds
of intersection cameras

To look through

And countless black suvs
on the streets of boston,

It's a mammoth task.

Okay, so we have
more footage coming in.

People think, "well, you
know, you got all this video."

Yeah, well,
you got to watch it, too.

But there is something

That could make finding amy's
suv on the streets of boston

A little easier.

We learned early on from looking
at the bank footage

That amy's car had,
on the lower left-hand corner

Of her rear window,
it had a sticker

Which appeared to have
a shamrock in the middle of it.

It was actually
a benefit sticker

That was in the window.

But what police don't know

Is that while they're looking
for amy lord's k*ller,

He's searching
for his next victim.

You got to be kidding me.

"Don't tell me
this is the same guy."

South boston.

24-Year-old amy lord is dead,

And police
are using surveillance

To hunt down her k*ller.

are focusing their video search

For amy's suv

On the gas stations
between hyde park and logan way,

And they get lucky.

That's him.

One of the areas
that they focused on

Was washington street,

Where they saw what appeared
to be the same car

Pullings into a gas station.

There's a white sticker
visible in the rear window.

Clearly, this is amy's jeep.

It's signaling
to turn right,

And police know
there's a gas station

At the next intersection
he'll hit.

An officer heads to that
gas station to pull the video.

If he gets it, police will have
the clear, frontal view

Of the k*ller
they've been looking for.

When he got the gas station,

He went in
and spoke to the clerk there.

And the clerk said, "look,
our system's broken."

It seems like
just another dead end...

Until the officer
notices something.

They saw a liquor store
diagonally across the street

With external security cameras.

Hi, how are you doing?
Hi, how are you doing?

They ask the owner to show them
the surveillance footage

From the morning
amy was k*lled.


They speed through the video,

And then, at around 8:00 a.m...

...they spot a black suv.

Pulling into the gas station
across the street,

And it has a shamrock sticker
on the back.

The driver gets out,

But the liquor store camera
is too far away.

They can't see his face.

After all that,

There's no way to i.d. The man
behind the wheel.

But then, police see the driver
walk away from the car.

He greets someone
he clearly knows.

Is this person a witness

That could lead police
to the k*ller?

Before they can do any more
with the gas station video

Or search for that witness...

...a call comes in.

As the hour
just passed midnight,

A broadcast came out
over the radio

For a stabbing at 57 gate street
in south boston,

Which was a very short distance
from amy lord's apartment.

You got to be kidding me.

Now we had a young girl
who was stabbed

A few blocks away
from amy lord's home.

We all immediately
went to thinking,

"Don't tell me
this is the same guy."

kayleigh ballantyne

Is walking home late
from her job at a restaurant.

I walked home
just like every other night,

And he was on one side
of the street.

I was on the other side
of the street,

Going opposite directions.

And once I punched in the code
to my apartment

And unlocked the door,

He came up from behind me

And pushed me in.

He started stabbing me,

And, you know, I at first
thought I was getting robbed,

So I gave him my purse,

And I gave him my cellphone,
and I told him, you know,

"Take whatever --
take whatever you need."

And he just looked at me,

Didn't say anything,
and kept stabbing me.

So then that's kind of
when I knew, you know,

He's not coming after my money.

He's coming after my life.

I was just kicking him
as hard as I could.

I was screaming.

He, all of a sudden, fell back,

And he ran out the door,
and I closed the door.

Kayleigh ballantyne is rushed

To boston's
tufts medical center e.r.

I had five s*ab wounds
on my left arm,

Two on my torso,
one under my left breast,

Which is a half an inch
from my heart.

And one on my left rib cage
that collapsed my left lung.

And then two on my face.

I wasn't really frightened
until I got into the hospital

And I was laying there
on the bed.

And I looked at the doctor,
and I said,

"I just want to know --
am I gonna live?"

At the scene
of kayleigh's stabbing,

Detectives spot
a trail of blood,

And it's not kayleigh's.

It leads away from the house
and up the street.

It clearly leads away, so you're
definitely looking at that

As your suspect,

And probably
either the knife slips

In their hand
and they cut themselves.

In this case,
he must have taken a jab

And stabbed himself
in the opposite hand.

But he clearly is your suspect,
and it ended pretty abruptly.

I want this taped off.

That's it, it just stops.

So what happened?

Could he have gone
into a house?

Could he have done something
to stop the bleeding somehow?

Could he have put it
inside his shirt?

Okay, it stops
right there.

Police will test the blood,

But that takes days,

And a monster is on the loose.

That's when they spot it.

Look at that.

Mounted on the exterior

Of one of the buildings
on telegraph street,

There was a camera.

A surveillance camera
a few houses down

From where
the blood trail stops.

Is it recording?

The equipment was working.

It was recording.

It's kayleigh's attacker,

And he's wrapped his hand up
in his t-shirt

To stem the bleeding.

Right after kayleigh ballantyne
was stabbed,

There was a figure
captured walking

By that telegraph street

With his hand wrapped up.

He takes his shirt off,
and he wraps it around his hand.

The shirt might
have stopped the bleeding

And the blood trail...

But by taking it off,

The suspect reveals something.

Detectives enlist the help
of forensic video expert

John green.

The t*nk top
exposed his tattoos,

Which was
very fortuitous for us.

His specialist video lab

At suffolk county
district attorney's office

Enables even the most
low-quality video

To be analyzed
for forensic evidence.

He had a number of tattoos --

Praying hands
with rosary beads through it,

The boston red sox "b."

And then there was the area code
"617" distinctly on his arms.

Okay, that's definitely him.
Can we tighten in on this?

The tattooed man
from the surveillance video

Is now
their one and only suspect.

Can we tighten in
on that?

Can they track him down

Before he att*cks
another innocent woman?

South boston, massachusetts.

In less than 24 hours,

Two women in their early 20s
have been att*cked.

Amy lord has been m*rder*d.

Kayleigh ballantyne is alive

And fighting for her life
at the tufts medical center.

And kayleigh
isn't the only patient

To arrive at the hospital
with a s*ab wound.

Shortly after she arrived...

...someone self-admitted
to the same emergency room.

An individual had just walked in
with a s*ab wound to his hand.

Could it be the attacker

They caught
on surveillance video?

We responded
to new england medical center.

Hey, how you doing?

His name is edwin alemany.

This is your chart here,

He tells investigators
he hurt his hand

During a fight at a gas station,

But there is one thing
police can check

To see if alemany is lying...

What happened
to your hand?


We're able to observe
several tattoos on his arms

Which were consistent
in shape and size

to the video surveillance

From telegraph street.

Praying hands
draped in rosary beads...

...the boston red sox "b"...

And the "617" area code.

They're all there.

He was placed under arrest
at that point

For the stabbing
of kayleigh ballantyne.

take his fingerprints,

Get dna samples,

And take the shoes
and clothes he's wearing.

Police now have the man
who att*cked kayleigh.

But the question is,
did edwin alemany k*ll amy lord?

You have the right
to remain silent.

Investigators still have no real
evidence connecting the cases.

They are pinning their hopes
on tracking down the witness

From the liquor store
cctv footage.

Reviewing that video,
you could see

That after her car pulled in,

The operator got out of the car

And walked to the middle
of washington street

And actually greeted someone
in the middle of the street.

That guy...

After talking
to the owner further,

He was able to tell

Who the driver
of amy lord's car met.

That particular person
lived right across the street

From the gas station.

Investigators went
to that address,

Knocked on the door,
met the person,

And it turned out
to be a long-time friend.

And he said that person was...

Edwin alemany.

Edwin alemany,

The man under arrest for
stabbing kayleigh ballantyne.

The video
was critically important

Because we were able
now to put him in her car

Right after the m*rder
had been committed.

But investigators
still need proof he k*lled her,

And when the results come back,

Dna evidence
seals this monster's fate.

Dna specialists were able

To identify spots
on his sneakers

That were matched to amy lord.

Edwin alemany
had m*rder*d amy lord.

Edwin alemany,
a k*ller who shows no remorse.

After brutally murdering amy,
he casually spends her money

On cellphones, lottery tickets,


Eats at a chinese restaurant,

And fools around with friends.

At just about the time that
her body is being recovered,

He and one of the other guys

Are out in front
of the chinese restaurant

Smoking a cigarette.

What was striking about that

Is that this is
what we're finding over here

And the horrifying nature of it,

And this guy
is out acting the fool

Out in front
of this chinese restaurant,

Smoking butts and just kind of,

Like, not a care
in the world.

Then, after a late-night
argument with his girlfriend,

He's back out
on the streets,

Looking for another victim

When he preys
on kayleigh ballantyne.

After leaving her for dead,
he goes into a gas station

To buy cigarettes,

Showing the cashier
his bleeding hand,

Claiming it was injured
in a fight.

But why does he embark
on this savage spree?

His motive for his actions

Were just a complete disdain
for women

And contempt for society.

For k*lling amy,
I think it had gotten so far

And he had done
so much at that point

That he had no other option.

After a three-week trial,
the verdict comes in.

On june 8, 2015,

In front of amy's family
and kayleigh ballantyne...

Is he not guilty or guilty
of m*rder in the first degree

As charged?


Edwin alemany is sentenced
to life in prison without parole

For the m*rder of amy lord

And the brutal attack
on kayleigh ballantyne.

I was anxious to get up
on the stand,

And I wanted him to know
that I'm sitting here

And you're sitting there,
and you're gonna be behind bars

For the rest of your life.

And I'm gonna go out,

And I'm still gonna be
able to live my life.

And not only live my life,
but, you know,

I'm living it for amy lord, too.

I don't want anyone to think
that I'm ever gonna forget her.

I could never find the words

That could ever express
what is truly in my heart.

There are not words
to describe what we lost

And how our lives
have forever changed.

There's a hole
no one can replace.

It really just makes you value
what you have

And that it can be
gone in a moment.

The way things ended had nothing
to do with her or who she was.

I would like her
to be remembered

Just for her happy
and youthful spirit.

She wouldn't want us here
miserable in her memory.

She wouldn't want to think
something that happened to her

Ruined our lives, too.

We're gonna do
all the things she can't,

And we're gonna make her proud,

And we're really just not
gonna let her memory die.

We're gonna finish
what she started.