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01x06 - Skylar Neese

Posted: 02/25/24 11:36
by bunniefuu
A popular schoolgirl
goes missing.

I was sure
she had been abducted.

I was terrified.

A parent's worst
nightmare come true...

It was horrible.
It was pure hell.

...and police
aren't faring much better...

It's my responsibility
to find her, one way or another.

Until they discover

Perhaps the most reliable
witness of all.

I was looking in the true face
of pure evil.

All's quiet in
the small town of star city.

16-Year-old skylar neese
arrives home,

Beat after finishing
a late shift at a local diner.

She came in and she said,

"I think I'm going to bed, mom.
I'm tired."

And she gave me a kiss
on the cheek.

And I said, "well, we love you,
honey." You know, "good night."

The next day,
skylar's dad, dave neese,

Gets home from his night shift
to lend his daughter the car.

I came home from break, and,
I knocked on her door.

Skylar? Come on, wake up.

And I said, "skylar, honey."
I said, "it's daddy."

I said, "you're gonna have to,
get ready and take me back

To work if you want the car."

And I didn't get an answer.

Skylar, wake up.

The door was locked.

Skylar, come on.

I got a coat hanger
and popped open the door.

Skylar, we got to go.
Come on.


But skylar's bedroom is empty.

Something's not right.


Her bed hadn't been slept in.

So I started getting
really worried.

I called mary at work and said,
"do you know where skylar is?"

And she said, "no."

Her bed is still made.

But mary's not as concerned.

No. I-i don't know.

I said, "just calm down.
We'll find her."

She was always at
her friend's house

Or birthday parties galore.

So I told dave,
"call some of her friends.

"See if she's with 'em.

Maybe they went shopping
or swimming."

Skylar's best friend
is shelia eddy.

I asked shelia,
"have you seen skylar?"

She said, "no."

I said, "when's the last
time you talked to her?"

She said,
"midnight last night."

I said, "wow."

I said, "okay."

I said,
"I'm getting kind of worried.

I can't find her anywhere."

A high achiever
and loving daughter,

Skylar's their pride and joy.

Skylar was spoiled rotten.

Me and skylar used to have
one day where mom had to work

And I didn't, and we called it
skylar-daddy day,

And we could do
whatever she wanted.

As their only child,

Skylar is devoted
to her parents.

A lot of kids
blow their parents off.

You know, "i-i don't have time
for mom now or dad now."

Skylar never did that.

She told us every day
she loved us.

So then I went out on the porch
to have a cigarette,

And I looked down over the porch

And I noticed
this little black bench.

It was a little makeup bench.

And I said, "that's skylar's."

Then I saw her window
had been open.

The screen was out
of the window.

And I said, "no.
She snuck out last night."

This isn't the first
time skylar's rebelled.

The curfew is 11:00
in star city.

We try and prevent anyone going
to parties or underage drinking

To prevent accidents
from happening.

For that reason,
teenagers sneak out sometimes.

No big deal for skylar
and her old friend morgan.

There's a lot of people that do
it that's just, you know,

"I wanted to go on a ride
with my friend at midnight,

And mom's not gonna say,
'yes' to that."

When she hears
the news, mary's not panicked.

She heads home to reassure dave
and devise a plan.

She liked going to work,
even if she was sick.

So I told dave,
she's due at work at 4:00.

If she doesn't show up,
we'll give her till 4:00.

Six hours pass without a word.

They can only pray skylar's
about to show up at her job.

Well, about 10 minutes before
we called the fast-food place

To ask 'em if skylar was there,
they called us.

And said, "is skylar
coming to work today?"

And at that point,
I knew something was bad wrong.

I called 9-1-1.

I said, "my 16-year-old
daughter's missing.

"We can't find her anywhere.
I need some help."

Star city police
jump on the call,

Even though a vast majority of
missing teens are false alarms.

If they leave on a friday,
they're usually home by monday.

They just want to go have fun
over the weekend

When their parents won't let
'em, and then they come home.

But in this small town,

Police are happy to help
worried parents.

They start looking around
skylar's bedroom.

The very first thing spotted

Was her cell=phone charger.

Well, teenagers,
you got to have your charger.

You got to have your phone.

Her contacts were still there,
her toothbrush,

No change of clothes.

Nothing was missing.

If she had run away,
she would have taken something.

Police see it all the time,

But skylar's parents know that
this is anything but everyday.

Fearing the worst,
they look to neighbors for help.

We went block by block,
you know,

House by house down the blocks
and knocked on doors,

"Had anyone seen
or heard anything?"

Nothing came up.

Star city's a very small town,
very small.

And it's a very sleepy town
is what I like to call it.

There's not a whole lot
that goes on

That people don't know about.

So it -- it was difficult
whenever everyone's like,

"I haven't seen anything
at all."

There's got to be
some explanation.

Someone must know something.

And right on cue...

Hello? Skylar?

It's skylar's
best friend shelia.

She said, "mary,
I have to tell you the truth."

I said, "the truth?
What do you mean the truth?"

She said, "skylar and rachel
and I snuck out last night."

It backs up
what they already suspected.

I said, "well, where is skylar?
Where did you leave her at?"

My initial thought was they had
taken her somewhere,

She spent the night
with one of her friends.

Then she went on to say
when they came home,

Skylar demanded that she stop
at the end of the block,

Let her out of the car,
and she would walk to the house,

Because she didn't want us
knowing that she had snuck out.

She didn't want us
hearing her come in.

Shelia says
she dropped off skylar

Sometime around 11:45 p.m.

And none of the friends has seen
her in the 18 hours since.

My fear was if shelia had let
her out at the end of the block,

Who snatched her up between
point "a" and point "b"?

I was a mess.
Mary was a mess.

We had a 16-year-old girl

Nobody but nobody knew
where she was.

I was sure
she had been abducted.

I was terrified.

It's every parent's
worst nightmare.

Shelia now comes to the neese
home anxious to help in any way

She can.

So I said, "shelia,
are you sure you don't know

Where skylar's at?"

She said, "I'm positive."

Well, the star city police
officer added,

"Young lady, if you're lying,
you're in so much trouble."

And she said, "I'm not lying."
We said, "okay."

Just as panic's about to set in,

Skylar's mom channels
her inner sleuth.

I remembered
we have security cameras.

So I told dave, I said,
"well, let's call the landlord.

Let's check
the security cameras."

If luck's on their side,

Skylar's last known whereabouts
could be etched on videotape.

In the small
west virginia town of star city,

Teenager skylar neese
has gone missing.

But by a stroke of luck,

surveillance cameras

Might have gotten it
all on tape.

The parking-lot camera
runs 24/7.

It's their best hope.

We watched the video footage.

We watched and watched
and watched.

And it was in normal run time,
so it took forever.

Just as dave, mary,
and skylar's friend shelia

Are beginning to lose hope,
at around 12:30...

...a car pulls up outside
the apartment building.

It was very blurry.
It was dark.

It was late at night, and they
parked behind the building.

So it was all in shadow.

Dave said, "well is that you?

Is that where you guys
picked her up at?"

Shelia said, "no."

They had picked her up
closer to our parking area

By the mailboxes.

She said they had picked her up
around 11:00,

And they went for their drive.

They went for a joyride just to
hang out for a little bit,

Smoke a little marijuana,
and then they all went home.

So the video shows
something no one expected.

45 Minutes later at 12:30,

A car appears outside
the apartment building.


That's her. That's her.
That's skylar.

We saw skylar's head bob up.

Again, she just kind of like
appeared in the shot.

She walked out to the car
and got in.

I was kind of relieved to know
that she was leaving with

A friend of hers or something.

Detective jessica colebank

Studies the surveillance,
dissecting every tiny detail.

You see a-a sedan
pull down the road into their,

Basically, driveway between
the two apartment buildings.

And you see skylar kind of
running across the parking lot

To the vehicle.

She got in the backseat of
the vehicle...

...and they left.

But investigators'
first real lead

Isn't just skylar.

It's her behavior.

She was practically
running to this car,

So we knew it was someone
that she knew.

This is no abduction.

Has skylar neese run away
with someone she knows?

It's always a possibility

Because something's going on
at home life,

Or they have a secret boyfriend,
or anything like that.

24 Hours
since skylar was last sighted,

And even with
their big piece of evidence,

Police are stalled.

If only the images
weren't so blurry.

The only thing we know,

It's a light-colored
4- door sedan.

We couldn't get a clear view
of the license plate.

We couldn't tell the make,
model, color even.

The only fact that we could
prove at the time

Was that she willingly
got in that vehicle.

That was the last known event
that can be documented.

So that's what we have
to go off of.

As 24 hours turns into 48,

No further leads emerge.

We're frantic every day
that passes is another day

That we haven't found her,
that our baby's missing,

And we're mad.

We're upset. We're tired.

It's just -- it was horrible.
It was pure hell.

We just need to know
what's happening.

It appeared
everything had stopped.

The local police saw her getting
into the car willingly.

That was it.

She was a runaway.

Well, we just felt
they were doing nothing.

And that was really hard for me
to not have any answers

For any question they had other
than "skylar's still missing.

I don't know where she's at."

Desperate for clues,

Dave and mary continue reaching
out to their community.

I created my own web page
called "team skylar."

I wanted support.

I wanted the local media
to get the news out.

I wanted her picture
in the paper every day.

I wanted skylar's face
to be noticed.

We couldn't keep enough flyers
of skylar's pictures.

People were distributing them
all around town.

Skylar's missing.
Has anyone heard from her?

Anyone know where she might be?

And it just -- it went crazy.

I remember seeing things
about her missing

And getting text messages
from people.

I remember the first probably,
like, three or four days,

I just -- that was all
I could really think about.

To stave off constant doubt,

Shelia steps up
as an emotional rock

For her best friend's parents.

Shelia was there at our house
just about every day.

And she was very supportive.

She told us that,
"it's gonna be okay.

She'll -- she'll be back.
I know she will."

Shelia and skylar called
themselves best friends

From the time they were
8 years old till she was 16.

They would laugh and giggle
24/7 on the phone

If we would let them.

Yeah, they seemed to love
spending time together.

Freshman year,
a new girl in town, rachel,

Joins the skylar-shelia duo

And the three become

It really wasn't until rachel
and shelia that you sort of saw

Things start to change.

They became joined
at the hip almost.

I mean,
it was no longer skylar.

It was skylar, rachel,
and shelia.

Hey, guys. What's up?

What are you guys up to?

I mean, they didn't do anything
without the other two.

We're gonna skip fourth.

And you're gonna skip with us.
I would love to.

Together the trio
cultivates a rowdy reputation.

There was always drinking
and partying

And that kind of stuff
going on.

It didn't seem like it was ever
a, "we went to the movies,"

Like a normal freshman.

But now rachel,
too, isn't around.

She's miles away
at church camp south of town.

And as the days pass
with still no sign of skylar,

Shelia begins
falling apart at the seams.

Shelia at one point
came to our house and she said,

"Can I go back and sit in
skylar's room for a minute?"

So she went back there,

And she was gone
for a long time.

Something's wrong.
She's very upset. So I went in.

I said, "are you okay?"

And she said, "I don't see
why she could have left me.

I don't see why she did this."

Four days since skylar vanished.

Meantime, dave and mary's media
blitz kicks into high gear.

The local news reported that
there was a teen missing.

Facebook is like wildfire.

It spread internationally.

The star city police
had called and said,

"Hey, we got a sighting
in north carolina

"Where the woman is positive
it's skylar.

She's with a red-haired girl."

All the hard work
might finally be paying off.

If skylar's been seen
with a red-haired girl,

It could be rachel.

At the time,
rachel was at church camp,

So it was always a possibility
that rachel skipped church camp

To run off to the beach
with skylar just to get away.

Go, go, go, go.

We were sure it was her.

No, they were sure it was her.

It's the news
the family has been praying for.

We -- we just knew we were gonna
bring her home.

In a small west virginia town,

Police hunt for 16-year-old
runaway skylar neese,

Last seen on security camera
getting willingly into a car

In the middle of the night.

All their leads go nowhere...

Until now.
Okay, thank you.

Skylar and her friend rachel
may have been sighted

600 Miles away
in north carolina.

Dave and i, soon as we heard it,
we were -- we were leaving.

We were headed
to bring her home.

That was the best news we had
had from the very beginning.

We didn't know what the reason
was but, you know,

They ran off and they were
looking for a place to stay.

Just as the anxious parents

Are about to hit the road,

Detective colebank
gets a call from dispatch.

Officer colebank,
you got a code 1-4-9.

That's a negative.
Repeat, that's a negative.

I sat in my car for a minute.

It was hard.

It wasn't skylar.
It wasn't rachel.

They were two runaways,
but it wasn't them.

So that was like
a, you know,

Kicked us in the heart
really hard because, you know,

If that wasn't her
then she's still missing.

She's still out there somewhere.

The search for skylar neese
is back to square one.

That was hard for me to be able
to go home to my family

And know that there is someone
missing out there

And their family misses them.

And it's my responsibility to
find her, one way or another.

Two months since
skylar was last seen.

Skylar's disappearance generates
a flood of small-town gossip

And speculation.

As cops follow up
on every story,

Skylar's good girl reputation
starts taking hits.

There were rumors that skylar
had a secret boyfriend

That her parents
didn't know about

Because he was a lot of trouble.
He was a troublemaker.

If this rumor's true,

Tracking down the boyfriend
could lead them

Straight to skylar,
but police need a name.

Skylar's classmates
help detectives

Draw up a list of
her close male friends.

And two names keep popping up --

20-Year-old dylan conaway

And his older brother derek,
who live in nearby blacksville.

Schoolmates report
that skylar and rachel

Like to party with them.

The two brothers
had a bit of a sketchy past

And were known to throw parties
and have underage girls there,

Which shelia, rachel,
and skylar had attended.

To find out more
about the conaways,

Detective colebank gets
the state police on board.

I just mentioned
the name and they're like,

"Funny you bring that up."

They're people of interest
in a case we're working.

Around the same time
that skylar vanished,

A bank in blacksville,
west virginia, is robbed,

And the crime is caught
by surveillance.

The male subject had entered
the bank, carrying a firearm.

They obtained
a substantial amount of cash

And then they fled on foot.

The video helps cops
build a profile

Of the perpetrator.

Their prime suspects --
the conaway brothers.

What if skylar's involved with
a couple of bank robbers?

Myself and trooper berry
drove up to the residence

To do what we call
a knock and talk.

Once we pulled into
the conaway's residence,

We saw derek conaway in
the backyard...digging holes.

So I just jokingly said,
"you know, what are you doing?

Trying to bury a body?"

And the expression
that derek gave us

Was deer in the headlight,
"I just saw a ghost" look.

Um, very odd. Very weird.

We're trying to find out
who they hung out with.

Who were they dating?
Who were they cheating on?

Beyond that,
police have nothing on them.

But now there's a link to
skylar's case.

Officer jessica colebank
from star city police told us,

"This guy that you're looking at
for the bank robbery

"Could very well possibly
be involved

In skylar neese's

I remember ronnie calling me
and saying,

"Did you remember hearing about
that skylar neese girl?

Well, the girls that she's
friends with know the conaways."

Shelia eddy and dylan conaway,
the younger brother,

Actually dated.

We then started finding pictures
of shelia, skylar,

And dylan conaway together.

Social-networking sites

Offer a peek
into the conaway's lives.

We found out the brothers
were into a lot

Of different types of dr*gs.

They want to give the females
hard-core dr*gs, you know,

To get 'em loosened up.

Police speculate
skylar could be

One of those females hanging
with this shady crowd.

So we shifted
from bank robbery to,

"Okay. Let's find skylar,

Because there might be
a connection now."

Then detectives catch a break.

They hear a new piece of gossip
that could explain why skylar

Snuck out the night of july 5th.

We were getting anonymous tips,
calls in the office.

People were telling us,

"Hey, you know, there was
a party in blacksville.

There was pills.
There was heroin, marijuana."

And allegedly skylar neese
was at one of these parties

On the night she disappeared.

So we thought, "okay, maybe one
of these guys out in blacksville

"Were the ones
that picked her up

"After shelia
had dropped her off,

And they drove her
to this party."

You good?

But even if skylar did
show up at the party,

No one is talking.

Somebody's eventually gonna
call us and tell us,

"Hey, I was at this party.
This is what I saw."

But as time went on,
nobody called us.

We just could not figure out,
"why is nobody coming forward?

Why is nobody telling us where
skylar's at and what happened?"

Police pay
skylar's friend rachel a visit.

She's just returned from church
camp, but something's not right.

Rachel was very nervous.

I knew she knew something.

Something happened
at this party,

And someone else did something
to skylar.

They know something.

It's just they're too afraid
to tell us.

Is there anything else you can
remember from that night?

Anything she said,
anyone she talked to maybe?


Rachel denies
ever driving to blacksville

Or going to party with skylar
on the night she disappeared.

What time did you drop her off?

11:30, You sure?


Everybody knows
who skylar's friends were,

Who she was hanging out with,

And nobody can tell me
who this car is?

To me, it was bull.

Why can't nobody tell us
who owns this vehicle?

To find the car,
police trace the driving route

From star city to blacksville.

If skylar did go to this party,
she most likely came this way.

Along the route are dozens
of shops and gas stations.

Police focus on a new store,

Maybe the upgrade also came with
security cameras?

Sheetz was a newly-constructed
convenience store.

It hadn't been there very long.

Let's just go down there,
take a peek and see what we get.

Maybe we'll be able to pick up
something of this car

To get a general idea, "okay.
Which direction, you know,

Did the car go?"

We talked to the store manager.

It's a hit.

The store has cameras installed,

And the manager has
ready access to the footage

The night of
the skylar's disappearance.

I'm scrolling through
the footage.

I see that car go past
the sheetz at 12:30.

A four-door sedan,
silver in color, and at 12:39,

Exact same car goes past
the sheetz camera.

And I said,
"chris, look at this."

Hey, berry.

I went, "are you kidding me?"

I looked at ryan, I said,
"I'll be damned. That was it."

That's the car.

New surveillance video

From a convenience store
in star city, west virginia,

Provides a breakthrough

In the hunt for
missing schoolgirl skylar neese.

Star city police detectives spot
a car matching the one seen

At the neeses' apartment
at 12:30 on july 6th,

The night skylar disappeared.

Look which way it's going.
I said, "yeah.

It's -- it's going towards
the apartments."

Just nine minutes
later, the exact same car

Drives past the sheetz
convenience-store camera

In the opposite direction,

Towards blacksville.

The shape and color match
the one that picked skylar up.

Could this be the car?

Detectives cross-reference
the time the car is first seen

With the time
that skylar snuck out.

He says, "look what time it is."
It was five minutes or less

Before the car
pulled in the apartment.

I couldn't believe it.

The times that we had matched
up, the car goes right by.

That's it.
That's the one.

The evidence backs up

What detectives
already thought --

Skylar must have snuck out
to go to a party.

The video also gives them more
images of the mystery vehicle.

It's definitely more clear
in the sheetz video.

Still couldn't get
a license plate,

So we still didn't know
who it was,

But we had a better description
of the vehicle.

Detectives must
catch up with this car

Or the case goes cold.

They mine every frame
of the surveillance

Looking for more clues.

It could be a mazda.

It could be a mitsubishi.

It could be a honda.

There's millions of cars
that all look the same.

It's hard to differentiate
between each vehicle,

So it was so many
endless possibilities.

Let's not count that one out --

Hang on, stop, stop.
Pause that.

I was obsessed with it
because, you know, to me,

This was, the bad guys
were winning.

We got into an unmarked vehicle.

We drove out in blacksville
at midnight.

We went to every back road
you could figure.

Pull up to driveways real quick,
look at the vehicle.

If we found a vehicle
we thought matched,

We'd take a quick picture
of it and back out.

Get the license plate number.

Figure out who they were, um,
who was driving that vehicle?

Who owned the vehicle?

They'll take the sh*ts
back to h.q.

And run each plate,
looking for some link.

Meanwhile, as the last people to
have seen skylar,

Shelia and rachel are pressed
by detective colebank

For every detail of
their late-night joyride.

Both deny they went to any party
in blacksville

The night of the disappearance.

Both say the car
in the video isn't theirs.

The detective will take each out
in her cruiser,

Retracing their journey step
by step, starting with shelia.

Let's go for a ride.
Just show me where you went.

That way I have a-a better idea
of where to look here.

So she got in the car

And we drove around
on the side streets.

And she was sure this is
the route that they took.

It's time to compare
shelia's story

To skylar's other best friend.

Surely rachel's story
will match.

We interviewed rachel
after that,

And her portion of that story
was completely different.

Where did you guys
go that night?

Rachel's story, said they
went the opposite direction.

They went the main thorough
through star city.

It was exciting
and -- and mind-boggling.

It -- like, "okay.
Where do I go from here?

You just gave me something.
Now I need to use it."

Detective colebank
reminds rachel that her story

Has witnesses
she might not have considered.

there's plenty of businesses

Where you said you went.

They all have cameras...

So we'll see you driving by.

You could see the panic
in rachel's face.

She had a ghost look
on her face.

Her eyes were big.

It was kind of a blank stare,

Like, "god.
What do I do now?

What do I say?"

Her response was, "well, I was
really high, so maybe not,"

Because they had smoked

That's it.
You're telling me the truth.

You're sure?

If the girls are witnesses,

One thing's for sure --
best case, they're unreliable.

Up to now, shelia has been
the family's biggest help,

And police have taken her
at her word,

Trusting her version of
when and where

She dropped skylar off.

Now, everything shelia's told
them must be verified.

Detectives revisit the security
video at the neeses' apartment

To see if shelia's car arrives
when she said.

They watch the video from the
very first frame to the last.

We had four hours of it.

I don't care if I got to sit
there the whole time.

I never saw shelia's car come.

Watching it from that video
from the beginning to the end,

Earlier that evening where
shelia said that she picked up

Skylar and where at and how.

Never did happen.

The time was completely off
from what she said.

The way the cameras are angled,

You can see any car that goes
down that street.

They may not stop
in camera view,

But you can see cars
when they drive through.

So you see headlights.
There were no headlights.

It appears skylar's
friends never picked her up

Or dropped her off, at least not
when they say they did.

In fact, the surveillance shows
skylar left her apartment

Only once at 12:30,
and never came back.

Somebody's lying to the police

About the timeline
of that night.

Could the girls also be lying
when they swear the car

In the video isn't theirs?

After all, shelia owns a car
that can't be ruled out.

Shelia owns and drives
a 2006 toyota camry,

And it's silver in color.

The colors match.
It's four-door.

The timeframe's good.
My god.

It's in that general area of
where skylar lives,

So we were confident
that was shelia's car.

But there are
thousands of similar cars

In the area.

Shelia sticks to her story.
The car in the video isn't hers.

It's not enough
to arrest anybody.

Shelia and rachel
are skylar's best friends.

Only hard evidence
can make them suspects now.

Cops run shelia and rachel's
cell phone records.

What they're about to learn will
blow the lid off the case.

That's when we discovered rachel
and shelia's cell phones

Were very active after 4:00
in the morning on july 6, 2012

In blacksville, west virginia.

But rachel had denied
being in blacksville that night,

Another lie.

Once we had all
the video evidence

And the cell-phone records,

That's when their stories
started to crumble.

And in one of her interviews,

Shelia finally admitted that
it was her car in the video.

Police have spent
the last two months

Hunting down a mystery vehicle.

It turns out the owner was right
under their nose all along.

Police have the teens cornered,
and it's time to nail them down

About where they actually went
that night.

Rachel told us,
"we went out to blacksville.

"We smoked pot.

"Skylar wanted to go to
a friend's house

So they could get
more marijuana."

Her and shelia
did not want to go,

So they agreed to drop skylar
off at the friend's house.

Someone lets her in the house,
and they leave.

When we finished the interview
with rachel,

We immediately
interviewed shelia.

She admits,
"we went out to blacksville.

"We smoked pot, and skylar gets
mad at us because we won't go to

"A friend's house to buy
marijuana and she leaves

And we can't find her."

Once again,
the girl's stories don't match.

The very next day,
shelia discovers rachel told us

That they dropped skylar off
at her friend's house,

And shelia knew that she had
told us something different.

Now their stories
are matching up.

"Okay, we did drop her off
at the friend's house

In blacksville."

Hey, how's it going?

Good, how are you?
Good. Come on in.

They are lying
through their teeth.

As police ratchet up
the pressure

On shelia and rachel,

At school, word spreads like
wildfire that the girls

Are holding back information
about skylar's whereabouts.

So you see them, you know,

and comforting each other.

And, you know, it kind of...

It raises a little bit of

It got to rachel first.

She got more aggressive
towards her friends,

Mean towards family.

And one day, in december 2012,
she finally snaps.

Rachel's mother
calls the police,

Concerned about
her daughter's behavior.

She's admitted into
a psychiatric hospital.

Six days later,
she's discharged

And voluntarily goes
to the police.

She had something to tell us.

And I'm expecting her
to tell me that,

"There was a party that night.

"Skylar overdosed.

We panicked and we helped
dispose of her body."

That's what I was expecting
rachel to tell me.

But investigators
are not prepared for the story

They are about to hear.

It's far more twisted
than they have ever imagined.

Five months since
skylar neese disappeared,

Security camera footage helps
police learn her best friends

Are hiding something.

But what police
are about to hear

Leaves them completely aghast.

First words
out of her mouth were...

We stabbed her.

"We stabbed her."

We were speechless
at that point.

That's something we were not
expecting to hear,

That her and shelia
stabbed skylar to death.

let's start over again, okay.

Let's start over, and tell us
exactly what happened."

July 5, 2012,
shelia had picked up rachel,

Drove to
rachel's father's house.

She gets a shovel,
puts it in the trunk.

The girls brought
a change of clothes,

Clean clothes that they kept
in the trunk.

She also brought
some cleaning supplies.

Shelia brings the knives.

Rachel calls skylar,
that 12:15 phone call,

"Hey, we're on our way
to pick you up.

Be waiting for us."

They picked up skylar.

Come on, come on.
Go, go, go.

Drove out to greene county,

Pulled the car over
in a rural, quiet area.

They all three got out of the
vehicle and were walking away

From the car, and skylar was on
her way back to the car to get,

Like, a lighter.

Do you have a lighter?

At the agreed upon moment,
rachel said,

"I counted to three."

On three.

One, two...


And at one point, skylar looked
up and asked them,

"Why are you doing this? Why?"

Why? Why?

Skylar got the knife from rachel
at one point,

And stabbed rachel
in the leg with it.

At that point, rachel said
she discontinued the attack,

But shelia kept going.

And shelia said, after 50 stabs,
she quit counting.

When she was dead,
they tried to bury a grave.

They could not create a grave
big enough 'cause of the rocks,

And the earth was too hard.

So they drug her body
approximately 44 feet or so

From the roadway edge.

They covered it up with branches
and dirt, leaves,

And then they changed out
of their bloody clothes,

Put the bags in the trunk
of the car,

Along with the knives...

...and they both got in
the vehicle and left her there.

Skylar's body lies
undiscovered for six months,

Until it is finally found on
january 16, 2013.

Why would two 16-year-old girls
just plan out a sinister,

Meticulous, premeditated m*rder
of their best friend?

What are you dealing with?

I had asked her, "why did you
and shelia k*ll skylar?"

And rachel's only answer was,
"we didn't like her."

Didn't like her.
That's all.

It leaves room only
for more rumors,

That skylar's best friends
were damaged by dr*gs,

That they were secretly lovers,

Or they were just plain evil.

That's one of those things where
I don't think we'll ever know

Why they did it.

There's only two people that
will be able to tell us,

And how are we going to know

If they're gonna tell us
the truth or not?

They've lied so much.

You know, this is my personal
opinion on this.

It was a thrill k*ll, to me.

We knew, at that point,

That she was indeed gone
and wasn't coming home.

You know, that was a fact.

It was just so devastating
and hard to believe.

You know, how could her
two best friends do that to her

And go all that time
swearing they had no idea.

We're never gonna get over it.

We just got to get stronger.

We got to get tougher.

Shelia eddy is
sentenced to life in prison

For first-degree m*rder.

Rachel shoaf's confession
reduces her sentence

To 30 years.

But the K*llers have never
elaborated on their motive.

For skylar's parents,
their daughter's last word,

Is never answered.

Two fleeting glimpses of a car
were enough for police

To crack the case.

Without those
video surveillances,

We -- we wouldn't have had
nothing to go off of

Other than just statements.

Everybody sees these sweet,
innocent girls.

One's a rising actress.

The other one is a pretty girl
that can get any guy she wanted.

And to see that side of them,

The pure evil side of them,

People don't want to see that.
But it's there.

It truly is there
with these girls.

Get in, get in, get in.
Come on.

But it's a case that will always
be in the back of my mind.

It will never go away.

I want to see.

Security footage
didn't just help solve the case

Of skylar neese.

It gave her grieving parents
a final glimpse

Of the daughter they loved.

the cameras keep watching.