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01x05 - Billings Murders

Posted: 02/25/24 11:35
by bunniefuu
two brutal sh**t.

It appeared to be an execution.

a loving family wrecked.

How do you tell someone
that their parents are dead?

cops have nowhere to turn...

We were dealing with dangerous,
dangerous people.

Everyone is a suspect.

until they discover

The whole crime could be
caught on camera.

See what's on the video.

It's the big break.

all's quiet in april spencer's
pensacola, florida, home.

That is, until her neighbor's
11-year-old daughter

Runs there screaming.

Something horrible's happened
next door.

April instinctively dials 911.

[ Telephone rings ]

She was extremely fearful.

I wasn't scared going next door,

But I had to find out
what was going on.

I don't think those images
will ever leave me.

[ Sirens wailing ]

pensacola sheriff's department
quickly sends multiple units

To the scene.

When you're headed to the scene,
you're really anxious.

You're just trying
to prepare yourself.

What is it that's gonna happen?

You're tryin' to figure it out
before you even

Get there sometimes
without even knowin' anything.

Narrator: in just minutes,
police are there.

When we first arrived and we see
that most of our patrol units

From that district are there,

You know that it's serious.

Right away, you know
you're dealin' with somethin'

That's bigger
than you normally do.

Narrator: somebody's broken
in using brute force.

We see the door was kicked in.

whoever did this could still
be here lying in wait.

Anxious cops sweep the house
with fingers on triggers.

Then, an alarming sight.

There were children
spread throughout the home,

And they were finding them
in closets,

And underneath beds, and in beds
with covers over their head.

but what they find next
only confirms their worst fears.

we see some blood,

And then we noticed both
of the victims in the bedroom.

Narrator: the kid's parents,
melanie and byrd "bud" billings,

Lay lifeless, savagely
gunned down in their own home.

Morgan: they had been shot
at point-blank range.

It appeared to be an execution.

I mean, obvious it wasn't
any type of m*rder-su1c1de.

Almost execution-style m*rder.

I mean,
it was pretty horrendous.

Narrator: twenty miles away,
the billings' eldest daughter,

Ashley, gets a call
from neighbor april

[ Cellphone rings ]

To get home asap.

april was very hysterical.

At that point, I had no idea,
um, what had happened.

I -- I'm assuming an accident

Had happened
that someone had fallen or...

There were so many things
going through my head.

[ Siren wails ]

Narrator: ashley's parents

Are generous people who foster
a large and loving family.

Hi there.
See the monkeys?

My mom and dad were soul mates.

They found each other later,
you know, in life.

My dad had previous children.

My mother had myself
and my sister.

Narrator: once they marry,

Byrd and melanie begin adopting
children with special needs.

My mother felt like she
could give a wonderful life

To babies
that had special needs.

She just felt
that was her calling.

And, of course, my dad
would do whatever she wanted,

And he had that love
for children also.

They fill their cheerful home
with nine boys and girls.

Spencer: bud and melanie

Were the most gracious,
kindhearted people

You would ever want to know --
full of life, full of jokes.

Everything was about laughter,
and fun,

And just living life.

They were awesome.

[ Laughs ]

Every time you walk in,
you hear laughter and life.

just 25 minutes later,

When she arrives at her parents'

Ashley knows something
is terribly wrong.

A police officer stopped me.

You know, he grabbed me, and he
said, "you can't go in there."

How do you tell someone
that their parents are dead?

I don't know
what I was thinking.

It was just a completely
numb feeling.

For them to be taken away
in that manner

Was absolutely devastating,
absolutely devastating.

the children take refuge
in april's house next door.

With the scene secure,

Forensics teams move
in desperate to find anything

That could set investigators
on a k*ller's trail.

You know, you have to move
very quickly in homicides.

The first 72 hours are critical.

Narrator: even the smallest clue
could be vital.

The first few hours
is about, uh,

of the scene, uh,

And then the collection
of the evidence at the scene.

We're looking for hair,
physical evidence,

Whatever it is that you can get.

Narrator: but for now, their
search uncovers very little.

Morgan: we didn't have
any firearms to recover.

They didn't leave any physical
evidence except for some, uh,

Shell casings.

a m*rder w*apon's fingerprint.

But until they find the matching
g*n, the shells are useless.

The break-in suggests the k*ller

May not have known the victim
at all.

Our greatest fear is --

Is the random k*lling.

Those are the ones
that almost always go unsolved,


Narrator: in the meantime,
next door, investigators

Talk to the children
about what they saw.

Clearly traumatized,

They may hold the key
to finding their parent's k*ller

Or K*llers.

Everybody okay?

We went to make contact
with the kids

And see who we could talk to
or might not be able to talk to.

Narrator: one of the children,
10-year-old jake,

Was right
by his parent's bedroom.

The team needs to know
what he saw,

So they tread lightly.

He was -- he was very,
very shooken up.

He had seen, you know,

Narrator: but jake has
severe down syndrome

And is so distressed

That he struggles to answer
even the gentlest questions

About what he saw.

it was just difficult knowin'

That they had seen
this horrific type of stuff,

And it was
frustrating for us knowin'

That they couldn't help
us solve it.

what police do learn --

One of the billings' kids
is missing,

20-Year-old justin,

Who lives in a trailer
on the property

And has been
in a long-standing feud

With his dad.

Everyone is a suspect,

Uh, that has any connection
with a crime.

Family members are suspect.

Uh, known associates
are suspect.

police want him to talk and now.

Even while the crime scene
is still being processed,

They find him right
where he lives --

On the billings' property.

But they question him
at the police station

Where everything
goes down on videotape.

He was really, really nervous.

Actin' really strange.

[ Laughs ]

At that time, we just got a vibe
that maybe this kid could --

Could possibly be involved.

Narrator: the detectives try
pinning down where justin was

At the time
of the m*rder.

Justin's alibi needs checking,
but right now something

Even more important has been
discovered at the crime scene.

Police have found a new witness,

And it will change everything
about this horrific m*rder.

Byrd and melanie's home
is rigged with not one, not two,

But 16 surveillance cameras.

For the investigators,
it's a gift.

Has this m*rder
been caught on tape?

the hunt for who k*lled parents
byrd and melanie billings

As their nine children hid
kicks into high gear

When cops discover
16 unflinching witnesses.

Guy: we see the cameras
throughout the house,

And it was unusual for a house

To have that much surveillance
inside of it.

Mr. Billings had put the video
throughout the entire house

Because of all the kids that
they had with the disabilities.

if the cameras were rolling,

The killings
might be caught on tape.

It was a very unsettling feeling

Knowing that it
could have happened on camera.

the video was probably going
to be the most important piece

Of evidence we had in this case.

So, uh,

Right away we got our tech guys
to come out to the scene

And start retrieving it.

police technicians begin
retrieving the video footage

From all the cameras.

It will take time.

The only witness to the crime,

The state-of-the-art
surveillance system,

Holds hundreds
of hours of footage.

The vital clue could be on any
of a million video frames.

Every one must be handled
with care.

The well-being of nine orphaned
children hangs in the balance

As their oldest sister
knows all too well.

I was in survival mode.

It was very difficult to know
what each of the children

Needed at that time.

Um, I felt like telling 'em
everything was going to be okay.

I couldn't do that because I
wasn't sure myself at that time.

Narrator: 18 hours after
the bodies are first found,

While police wait for the cctv
footage to be processed,

They revisit the house.

Despite ashley's fragile
emotional state,

She's determined to lend an eye.

She joins detectives
to see if she can spot anything

They might have missed.

It was very, very difficult
to get through that.

You're always
very cognizant of --

Of dealing with a family member

And what their emotional
reaction's going to be.

And now, we're going
to take you, actually,

Into the m*rder scene.

Ashley's emotional
and mental condition was --

Was very critical.

Narrator: but her efforts
pay off when ashley notices

Two key items are missing --

Her dad's black briefcase
and the family safe.

Ashley told us that bud carried
a tremendous amount of cash

Around with him.

He was known
to have at least $100,000

In that black briefcase
at all times.

could this be a burglary
gone horribly wrong?

Byrd is a wealthy
and well-known businessman

Running an all-cash business
financing cars.

That explains all the cash
on hand, but it's a business

That attracts its share
of shady characters.

they got, specifically,

Two items that should have
had a sizable amount of cash

In the home.

That is always indicative
of inside information.

Someone had an association
with byrd billings to know

This is what you need to do if
you're going to rob this family.

Ashley assisted us
in all of the things

That might be associated
with a normal m*rder.

Business associates --

Did someone owe byrd
a tremendous amount of money?

Had they stolen from him?

Had there been, you know,
recent blowups or run-ins?

someone who fits that profile

Is a local used car dealer
named tom johnson.

He knows byrd,

And about the hoard of cash
in the house.

They were very close business
partners, uh, for several years.

The individual got greedy

And started doing things
behind my dad's back.

And I think that this individual
just got in over his head

More and more.

tom johnson owes byrd a lot
of money from selling cars

And pocketing the proceeds.

Bud was not getting his payment
for the financing of the cars.

He owed bud significant amounts

Of money in the hundreds
of thousands of dollars.

To hell with it.

Markham: and when my dad
finally decided to pull out,

It just created a --
a big problem for everybody.

There was definitely bad blood
between them.

Guy: ashley really adamant
that this guy

Was somehow involved
in their parents' m*rder.

heavily in byrd's debt,

Tom johnson becomes the prime
suspect with a perfect motive

For wanting him dead.

Investigators waste no time
getting in front of him.

we had went to the car lot

To make contact
with this individual.

How can I help you?

While we were interviewin' him,
we got a bad vibe from him.

He was just real nervous,
real shaky,

Wasn't very direct
with some of his answers.

There's certain demeanor
that we look for.

All the clues were there of him
bein' deceptive.

But suspicion is all cops
have on him,

Nothing solid for now.

Meanwhile, at police
headquarters, another part

Of the investigation
has a breakthrough.

The security video

From the crime scene
is ready for viewing.

Everything rests on it.

Police desperately hope
it will tell them something,

Or byrd and melanie's murders
may never be solved.

And now, the team
watches for the very first time.

We really think that this video
is gonna help

Us solve this case.

and what they see shocks
even the most seasoned detective

In the room.

It was pretty silent
when we first saw it.

We've dealt with murders.

Um, I mean, that was our job,
and that's what we did.

But we had never seen
anything like this.

in pensacola, florida,

Police hunt the K*llers
of byrd and melanie billings,

Kindhearted parents
of nine adopted children.

They get very lucky,

Recovering footage
from 16 surveillance cameras

Around the house.

Now, the team
watches it for the first time,

Unprepared for the shock of
what they're about to witness.

Can you stop that?

can you zoom in on that?

Molchan: they were dressed
in military garb.

They used military-type weapons.

They looked very,
very dangerous.

Narrator: they count three
masked intruders

Breaking into the front

And two more entering
through the rear.

This was a simultaneous entrance
from the front and the back

At the same time meant to have
a tremendous shock effect

On the family.

Uh, and of course,
obviously it works.

Narrator: byrd and melanie
are confronted in no time.

Molchan: one individual gets
ahold of mr. Billings

And then sh**t mr. Billings
in the leg.

As soon as mr. Billings
get shot in the leg,

Looks like they
have a conversation.

they go towards the bedroom.

That's when we lose video
because they

Didn't have a camera
inside their master bedroom.

and that's where the couple
are shot at point-blank range.

They're only in the house
about four minutes,

And two people are dead.

I think it's best described
as a man's worst fear.

Your home's invaded.

You can't protect your family --
your wife, your children --

And you're helpless.

And I think,
deep to our core as men,

That's -- that's who we are,
and that's what we're about.

Narrator: the m*rder may be
off camera, but the video

Is more than enough
to jump-start the investigation.

We felt like whoever did this
knew exactly what they

Were doin' and planned on doin'.

organized crime,

Uh, was always a consideration
because of the style of m*rder.

They're sick people.
They're mean, evil even.

for now, there's no way
to i.d. The masked K*llers.

But police seize upon the most
obvious clues -- two vehicles.

The largest piece of evidence

We had was the video footage
of the vehicle that was used.

So finding the van was critical.

We also caught a video image

Of a gold explorer
which was the vehicle

That had dropped
these two additional males off.

a red van, a gold explorer --

If they can find
the vehicle's owners,

There's a good chance the lead
could take them further.

But without a clear shot
of the license plates,

The sheriff reaches out for help
releasing images to the public.

Man: police have now released
pictures of that van

And are asking the public
for help in locating it.

Narrator: there are lots
of gold explorers in the area,

But someone out there

Must recognize the distinctive
red van with its custom grill.

The reach of the media
is into every home.

Man: a red van
spotted on surveillance cameras.

We made sure that it was
on every television screen, uh,

In the local area.

And so we had thousands of eyes
looking for a red van.

Putting that out to the media
is the quickest, fastest way

That we're going to generate
some type of connection

Between the van and the people
who were driving it.

Narrator: patiently waiting
for that one phone call,

That critical link is the most
excruciating time for any cop.

we've got the red van out there.

You're wanting the phone
to ring.

You're wanting
that next lead to come in.

Extremely frustrating to have
to watch the clock tick, uh,

With no additional lead.

Molchan: they're a danger
to the community

Because you don't know
where they're gonna strike next.

Guy: the family was
very frightened,

And rightfully so.

They didn't know if they
might be the next targets.

So yeah.
They were scared.

They were scared to death.

we feared for our lives

And for the safety
and the lives of the kids.

as long as those K*llers are
on the loose and that red van

On the roll,
the whole family's in danger.

Thirty-six hours
since the murders.

Hey, sheriff.

We got a call from a gentleman
who said, "I have your van.

"I'm on the phone, and -- and,

By the way, I'm looking at it.
It's right across the street."

[ Sirens wailing ]

Narrator: now, it's a race

To confirm what could be
the biggest break they'll get.

You know,
you have to move very quickly.

[ Wailing continues ]

You don't want the van
to be destroyed.

We don't want the van
to be transported

Out of the local area.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Narrator: pensacola sheriff's
investigators catch a huge break

In their search
for the ominous red van

That carried a team of assassins

To byrd and melanie
billings' house.

When police reach the trailer
park where it has been sighted,

The van is still there.

We did not know what to expect
upon finding the van,

Who might be in the home.

It's parked next to the home
of an elderly man

Named patrick gonzalez.

We began to talk with,
um, gonzalez.

He was not in very good shape
at all.

Kind of down on his luck.

something's not right.

The more they look at gonzalez,

The less he matches any of
the suspects caught on camera.

Guy: because of his health,
his age,

It was quite obvious

That he couldn't have been
one of the ones

That went in the house
and committed this crime.

Is that your van?

patrick gonzalez claims the van
belongs to his son,

And it's under repair
and hasn't been driven in weeks.

His story was that the van
didn't even run.

Gonzalez is looking
like a dead end,

When another tipster
calls in about another red van.

Units rush
to a local convenience store

Where it was sighted.

Once more, security cameras
are on site.

And they said, "we have a video
of this red van, we believe,

That shows the occupants."

And it was from only a few days

Narrator: the surveillance video
gives police a clear shot

Of the driver,
someone who looks familiar.

It's the old man --
patrick gonzalez.

He's got some explaining to do.

And he'll do it on camera.

Morgan: we presented him
with the video evidence.

Here's this van with your image

At this particular convenience

Would you like to now
tell us the truth?

And that's when fear
became evident in him.

to the team's surprise,

Their promise
of limited immunity

Gets gonzalez to open up.

And what he tells investigators
doesn't disappoint.

Gonzalez insists
he was just the getaway driver

And that he never
went inside the house.

And then,
he fingers two accomplices.

the names that he gave, again,

Were his son,
patrick gonzalez jr.,

And wayne coldiron.

coldiron and gonzalez jr.

There's more.

Gonzalez sr.
Tells police his son,

Patrick jr. Has actually been
inside the billings house

On a construction job,
so he knows the layout

And possibly
about where the cash is kept.

But patrick gonzalez sr.'S
already lied to police

About the van
being under repair.

Why would he tell the truth now?

By accusing his son,

He might just be
concocting the perfect out.

the worst thing you could have

Is to have your whole case
built around one person,

Gonzalez sr.,

Who had a troubled past
to say the least.

We had a father
implicating his son.

We know that that's probably one
of the weakest kinds

Of evidence.

You grab coldiron
and gonzalez jr.,

And you bring 'em in
to try to get them to confess.

but instead of a confession,

They get a yarn that turns
his dad's story on its head.

he took a position of -- of
complete and total deniability.

Accused us of having browbeaten
an old alcoholic man

Into saying things
that were not true.

Gonzalez jr. Was arrogant,
a very superior attitude.

An attitude of, "I'm
the smartest man in the room."

right on camera,

Patrick gonzalez jr. Shrugs off
every allegation against him.

Coldiron denies it all too.

Both coldiron and gonzalez jr.
Are denying any involvement.

And all we have now
is one witness that says, "no.

These folks were involved."

We didn't have sufficient amount

Of evidence to secure
an arrest warrant at that point.

So therefore,
we had to allow them to leave.

The break that we need is

For someone
to start telling us the truth.

Narrator: forty hours since
the brutal crime went down,

Three suspects, two denials.

Only hard evidence can decide
who is telling the truth.

from the bereaved family

Grows with every passing hour.

I wanted answers.

I wanted to know why.
I wanted to know how.

so do police.

They execute a search warrant
at gonzalez sr.'S trailer.

Guy: the house is not
in the best shape --

Dirty, mangy.

still, there's one thing
that looks neat and tucked in.

Guy: so the sergeant
sees this shoebox

That appears to be
new and in excellent condition.

For whatever reason, he
felt that it was out of place.

the shoebox is empty,

But officers are very interested
in what it once contained.

Guy: this shoebox held
some black, um, military boots.

police take a second look
at the crime-scene video.

This time, they're looking
for something very specific --

Footwear -- and find it.

The masked gunmen
were wearing black boots.

Is it just a coincidence?

I'm like, "I think the shoebox
probably came from walmart."

I bet we can take

That to walmart 'cause

Their security
is so excellent, scan that code,

And I bet you they can tell
us exactly when it was bought.

it's just a hunch, but worth
the price of admission.

They were able to tell us

What time the box was bought.

And they have security video
of the moment

The boots were purchased.

They started helpin'
us retrieve video.

When we start viewin' it,

We see patrick gonzalez purchase
the boots.

That's him.

who was he with?

The store has the parking lot
covered with video as well.

Guy: in the parking lot,
we see a ford explorer,

And we're like,
"wait just a second."

a gold explorer.

Is it the one
they're looking for?

It gets even better.

Rewinding the store footage,

Investigators spot
gonzalez jr. Talking to two men

Who arrived at the store
in a gold explorer.

It's just like the one seen
at the billings' compound.

The time -- just four hours
before the billings were shot.

Molchan: and they basically
leave together

With the gold explorer
and patrick gonzalez in his car.

we start gettin' excited.

We feel
like we're on to somethin',

And we may be startin'
to put this thing together.

it's the first piece

Of hard evidence linking
gonzalez jr. To the murders.

He's now tied to both vehicles
at the m*rder scene.

But with five intruders
and two drivers

In the security footage
and only three suspects, police

Still have armed and dangerous
to-dos to check off their list.

Morgan: the noose was tightening
on these folks.

We've got numbers
of individuals in the house,

Video surveillance of --

Of the gold ford explorer now,

But we still do not have
a complete picture.

And then, literally a bolt

From the blue, two young
black males turn themselves in.

We don't know
what they had done a -- and

What they played in the case.

while nine grieving children
lay their parents to rest...

Investigators get a break

That might just wrap
their K*llers' roundup.

Two young men claim to have

Information about byrd
and melanie billings' m*rder.

rakeem florence is a juvenile.

Frederick thornton,
he was 19 at the time.

Frederick thornton was a friend
with rakeem

For a number of years.

They are out of work.

They're not in school.

They have come in to the --

The sheriff's office after
discussions with their family.

again, the interviews are
on police cameras for evidence,

And it's must-see tv.

And the truth
seems to come firsthand

Because they were there
for the billings' murders.

The target -- byrd billings'
briefcase and safe full of cash.

They were the two individuals

That entered through the laundry
room and kitchen area...

And they had been integrally
involved in the robbery

And the m*rder.

Morgan: so they told a complete
story from beginning to end.

We now knew the sequence
of events inside the home,

And even that which was not
covered by video surveillance.

And they each corroborated
each other's story.

Narrator: frederick
and rakeem are working

For patrick gonzalez, jr.'S
friend at an auto shop

When he recruits them.

Florence and thornton

Both describe
patrick gonzalez jr.

As bein' the mastermind,
the boss, the leader.

Narrator: gonzalez jr. Knows
about a house with lots of cash,

And he knows where it's kept.

He promises each a share
of the spoils.

Patrick gonzalez jr. Talks
about robbing a person

In pensacola.

He says that this man
has millions of dollars

And that they can rob this guy
and make a lot of money.

So now, this mosaic
starts to take a form,

And a picture
begins to -- to form.

Narrator: the investigators
hear that gonzalez jr.

Meticulously plans
every aspect of the break-in

With military precision.

They trained together
for 30 days.

Patrick was
a former national guardsman,

Had a little bit
of infantry knowledge.

They also practiced at,

Uh, gonzalez sr.'S house
on how to enter a back door

And front door at the same time.

Let's go.

Side door.
Front door.

And the entering
into the billings' home

Was just that, within seconds.

Try it again.

on july 9th, the g*ng locks
and loads, ready for action.

The military arsenal
is bone-chilling.

g*ns that match the shell
casings found at the scene.

So they're all armed and ready
to go.

Rakeem florence
kicks that door in.

They come in through the side

They immediately see
mr. And mrs. Billings.

Gonzalez jr.:
You, stay where you are!

Narrator: gonzalez jr. Makes
a beeline for byrd billings...

Where is the money?
[ g*nsh*t ]

Then sh**t him in the leg.

Byrd: [ screaming ]
tie them up!

Up we go.
Oh, god!

Turn around. Look at me.
Where's the safe, huh?

As the children scatter
and hide...

[ p*stol cocks ]
gonzalez jr.: Open the safe!

[ g*nshots ]

...gonzalez executes
their parents.

Get the safe, now!

The invaders take
byrd's briefcase and safe,

And make their escape.

As they drive away, gonzalez
threatens the rest of the crew.

Morgan: their involvement

And confessions
was the last domino

That we needed to tip over
to bring the rest of the dominos


police take down gonzalez jr.
And his cohorts, eight in all,

To the immense relief
of the billings family.

I asked you
if there was anything

That I could do for you,

And your response back to me

Was, "sheriff, find the people
who did this."

It is my honor today
to tell you, ashley,

And your family,
we have found them,

And they are in custody.

Once the sheriff

Told us that all eight people
had been arrested,

That was definitely a sense
of relief.

it's a case that would never

Have been solved
without alert police

Armed with video surveillance
in stores, police stations,

And in the billings' home.

It was proof
waiting to be discovered.

The videotapes were so critical
in solving this case.

It tied all of these --

This disparate group
of characters together.

Narrator: on october 28th, 2010,
after a four-day trial,

Patrick gonzalez jr. Is found
guilty on two counts of m*rder

And armed home invasion robbery.

Woman: a majority of the jury,
by a vote of 10 to 2,

Advise and recommend
to the court

That it impose the death penalty

leonard patrick gonzalez, jr.

Narrator: today,
he sits on florida's death row.

The other seven
are convicted as accessories

And sentenced to a combined
200 years behind bars.

I do have a sense of closure
because I feel like the person

for sh**ting my parents,

For actually sh**ting them,

Is where he's supposed to be.

Narrator: in this crime,

As in so many others, the camera
is the unblinking witness

That sees it all and never lies.

Keep watching.