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01x03 - Sean Dugas/Natalie Belmonte

Posted: 02/25/24 11:32
by bunniefuu
A florida woman

Refuses to give up
on a missing friend...

And I would call,
and I would call,

And I would call.

...a friend with a bizarre
and dangerous addiction.

It's been called
cardboard crack.

And he's vanished into thin air.

His house had been cleaned out.

Across the state, a loving
mother also disappears...

Her smile would light
up a room.

...leaving her family in crisis.

It was probably the hardest time
of their lives.

Both cases confound the police
until one unwavering witness

Tells all.

Early evening
in pembroke pines, florida...

...a woman has vanished.

The frantic caller
is natalie's sister, michaela.

I know michaela
and her were very, very close.

They spoke every day.

Natalie is a hardworking
real estate agent

And loving single mom

To 17-year-old aiden
and 21-year-old gerard

Whom she adopted as a child.

She had a very close-knit

This morning, aiden and gerard
woke to find their mother gone.

By evening,
she still hasn't returned.

So they call michaela.

Michaela knew her sister
well enough to know

That her sister wasn't gonna
leave the house with --

Without her phone, or her keys,

Or her purse, or any
of her personal belongings.

Detective wayne katz from the
pembroke pines police department

Heads to the belmonte home
to investigate.

We wanted to talk
about natalie's friends,

Her comings and goings,

Where she would go,
who she would go see.

Gerry explains
that the night before,

He and his mom went
to a friend's graduation party.

Let's go.

And as always, natalie
really seemed to enjoy herself.

She had a smile
that was welcoming.

Her smile would light up a room.

Anyone that met
her had something

Positive to say about her.

It's nearly 3 a.m.
When she drives them home.

He went to bed,
and -- and she went to bed,

And that was the last time that,
he had seen his mother.

As detective katz knows,

Most missing adults
will show up on their own.

Usually the person,
is shortly thereafter located

And there was maybe
some miscommunication

Between family members.

But michaela
has a sisterly sense

That something is very wrong.

There was some things
that raised her suspicions

That something just
didn't seem right.

Now, you need to see this.

Starting with natalie's car.

The way the seat was positioned,

It would have been impossible
for her to drive the vehicle.

Could be she repositioned
to get out more easily,

Or someone
else was driving her car.

Detective katz is looking
for some logical explanation.

We will call
our local hospitals.

We'll contact, um,
correctional facilities, jails,

To determine whether or not
they had been arrested.

There's no sign
of natalie anywhere.

Next, katz questions
the host of the party

Who confirms that natalie
seemed as happy as can be.

It's another dead end.

Katz asked gerry
for any more information

On the hours leading
to his mother's disappearance.

And he goes on to describe
a couple of errands

They ran on the way
to the party.

He, recalled that they
had gone to a walgreens

And a hess gas station,
made some minor purchases.

Is it possible the trouble
started that early

In the evening?

If these businesses
have security cameras,

They might have captured
something or someone suspicious.

And there's no one
who can find grainy clues better

Than detective steve wetterer,

An expert in surveillance
footage analysis.

Even if it looks routine,
nothing gets past wetterer.

You have to be vigilant.

The slightest movement,
the slightest something,

You're going to have
to stop the video,

in case you miss something.

If there are any secrets
lurking on the tapes,

Detective wetterer
will spot them.

The manager
of both of the walgreens

And of the hess station

Were able to just burn me copies
of the video.

At 7:09 p.m., Wetterer finds
just what he's looking for --

A glimpse of the missing mother
and her son.

I was able to get footage
of both of them walking in,

Both of them inside the stores.

There's nothing
out of the ordinary.

No unusual activity.

Nothing strange or suspicious.

And natalie looks relaxed.

The videos confirm a small piece
of natalie's timeline

But nothing more.

Katz presses gerry
for more information.

Was there anyone at the party

Or at the house paying
special attention to his mom?

Gerry does mention his mom

Could have had postparty plans
he didn't know about.

He stated that natalie's
boyfriend was in town,

And that he and she
may have gone out together,

And that could have been
the reason for her

Not being able to be contacted.

The boyfriend lives out of state

And is in town
for only a few days.

He was visiting
with his mother who resides,

I believe, it was hialeah.

The same town where the party
was, just 11 miles away

From natalie's home.

It's the best lead yet,

And katz follows up.

It wouldn't be the first time

A boyfriend
made his girlfriend go missing.

We spoke to him to see if,
um, he had spoken with natalie

And if he had heard of anything.

She hasn't called you?

He says he knows nothing and was
home with his elderly mother

All night.

He wasn't with her.

He had not seen her
and didn't know where she was.

With no evidence
to the contrary,

Katz has to take the boyfriend
at his word for now.

Hours pass without any movement
in the case

As the family's anguish
only grows.

Then, a call comes
in that changes everything.

The caller
is natalie belmonte's neighbor.

His home is fitted
with two surveillance cameras

Which capture part
of natalie's home.

They had just recently installed
the cameras about a month

Prior to this incident.

The neighbors check the footage.

And when he saw what was on it,

He knew he had to call police.

Police are about to get
a private viewing

Of the neighbors footage

And learn
how right he was to call.

Still to come,

A fantasy gamer vanishes
in the midst of a hurricane,

And his best friend
won't stop until she finds him.

43-Year-old mother
natalie belmonte

Has been missing for 18 hours.

With her family
desperate for answers,

have their first solid lead.

Natalie's neighbor
has surveillance cameras

That cover the front
of her home,

And the cameras were rolling on
the night of her disappearance.

Detective katz cannot wait
to see the footage.

If natalie did sneak out
to see her boyfriend,

Or if the boyfriend
snuck into see her,

The camera would have caught it.

We put it on a large screen

So we could see as much detail
as possible.

At 2:50 a.m.,
They see natalie's red car

Come back to the house
just as gerry described.

It's not until 5:12 a.m.

That there's more activity.

We saw a figure exit the home.

We see a red car parked
in the driveway frontways.

Natalie's car,
and someone's climbing into it.

Is this natalie slipping away
to meet with her boyfriend?

It's impossible to tell.

Subject backs the car
out of the driveway,

Pulls forward,

Backs the car into the driveway,

Closes the car door,
sets the alarm.

You could see the lights
flashing on the car.

Walks back in the house.

It's not natalie.

It's the figure of a man.

The car's trunk is now
closest to the front door.

Minutes later, the front door
of the house opens again.

Gentleman then comes
out of the house,

Appears to be dragging

Wetterer's eagle eye
knows what this is.

Looks like it's
wrapped in a sheet.

And he puts this item
in the trunk.

You could tell
how he's lifting it,

It's a heavy item.

I said, "that -- that's --
that's a person."

That is a human body.

Both detectives
instinctively know this must be

Natalie's remains.

The hair on the back
of our neck is standing up.

We all were just sittin' there
in -- in really disbelief

At what we're -- we're watching.

After that, he closes the trunk,

And he leaves.

The shadowy figure
in natalie's red car

Has turned this missing person's
case into a homicide.

But who is this man?

To find out, police must scour
the video frame by frame.

And they declare natalie's home
a crime scene.

The first 48 hours
are the most important in any --

Any homicide.

The house is sealed off.

And with a k*ller on the loose,

Natalie's sons gerry and aiden
are put up in a motel.

This was an incredibly difficult
time for them.

Not knowing
what could have happened

Was probably the hardest time
of their lives.

While the forensics unit begins
sweeping the home for clues,

Detective wetterer pulls
an all-nighter with the video.

We're not taking breaks.

We're gathering
all the evidence.

You have to watch it
in real time to make sure

You don't miss anything.

The tape reveals a figure
moving in the distance,

But detective wetterer
can't make out a face.

Could this be
natalie's boyfriend?

The two cameras
contain almost 18 hours

Of potential evidence,

Over 10,000 frames
of surveillance.

Any one of them
could be crucial.

We're going frame by frame,
minute by minute in real time.

The car leaves at 5:16 a.m.

The vehicle returns back
a little over 8 minutes later,

Parks in the front.

Person gets
out of the driver's seat.

The alarm goes on.

That person
goes inside the house.

At 6:16 a.m.,
Daylight begins to break,

And the images get even clearer.

We see a figure

Leave the front door
carrying a white trash bag.

Goes back inside.

Minutes later, comes out
with two more white trash bags.

Opens up the trunk

And puts all three of the bags
inside the trunk.

Closes the trunk
and leaves again.

Natalie's car returns
8 minutes later.

So if the vehicle left
and was back within 8 minutes,

We had a maximum radius of where
the vehicle could have went,

And that set up our search area.

Police know they are looking
for three trash bags and a body,

And some 20 square miles
to cover.

We had to stop the trash pick-up

Then tasked our officers
with doing detail searches.

We had waterways.

We had fields and wooded areas,
shopping centers,

And a multitude of areas
that needed to be searched.


News comes in from the officers
searching the eight-minute zone.

They located a dumpster
in a shopping center

Near the home,

And just sitting in the dumpster

Were these three large trash

There was sheets,

And comforters,
and clothing with blood on 'em.

Wetterer looks around.

There must be a camera

He's in luck.

At the rear
of a nearby grocery store --

A surveillance camera.

I went to the publix
to go pull the video

Of the back area
where the loading dock is.

He cues the video to 6:16 a.m.,

When natalie's car
was caught leaving her home.

Minutes later, he sees it.

Natalie's car driving right
past the dumpster at 6:26.

Even though the video
can't see inside the car

Or reveal the dumpster itself,

Investigators are sure the
bloody clothes in the dumpster

Came from natalie's home,
transported in her own car.

But the two most
crucial questions remain,

Who was driving,
and where's the body?

We were excited to the fact
that we located the items

That we observed
on the video footage.

But we're still missing natalie.

As search teams work tirelessly
all around pembroke pines,

An officer
spots something ominous.

There had been some,
vultures circling the area.

Typically with that kind
of activity,

It's usually some type
of decomposition.

This time it's vultures,
not video,

That lead police
to a gruesome find.

I got the phone call
that it appeared to be a woman.

It's a four-minute drive
from natalie belmonte's home

To the spot where the body lies.

Now, to confirm her identity.

Wetterer goes back
to the surveillance tapes

From the night natalie
disappeared to match the dress

On the body with what natalie
was wearing the night

Of the m*rder.

But the tapes hold more
than just one revelation.

Coming up, an eccentric fantasy
gamer disappears

Until security cameras reveal
what was really in the cards.

After three days of searching
for natalie belmonte,

Police have found a woman's body
four minutes from her home.

Is it natalie?

Detective steve wetterer studies

The surveillance tapes from
the evening before the m*rder.

The most important thing is,

We could see
what natalie belmonte

Is wearing when they walk
into the walgreens store

And when they walk
into the hess gas station.

Surveillance from the
drug store showed clearly

That she was wearing the clothes
she was found in.

Just 8 hours later,
she would be dead.

It's the last video,
the last picture,

The last moment that we
see natalie belmonte alive.

But there's another
more startling discovery.

Now, they're not looking
at natalie's clothes

But her adoptive son gerry's.

Those particular plaid shorts
and that white polo shirt

Were two of the items that were
inside the garbage bag.

Detectives now have enough
to arrest gerry lopes.

The news tears his family apart.

This is somebody they -- they
treated as a brother, as a son.

This is someone
they treated as a nephew,

who they gave a loving home to.

But it's even worse
than that because gerry

Is hiding a sick motive.

During the course
of the autopsy,

We were able to determine
that natalie had been sexually

Assaulted by gerry.

One family member said
that gerry had this infatuation

With natalie.

He always had it
from a very young age.

After returning home, gerry
acted on his worst impulses.

He then m*rder*d natalie
in shame

And crudely disposed of her body
and his bloody clothes.

So this was his demented,

Tormented, delusional
mind working.

For him to do something
like this is disgraceful.

It's disgusting.

It's the worst thing that could
ever happen to a nice person.

It's not
just the security cameras --

It's the police skill

In interpreting the surveillance
footage that caught gerry lopes.

Lopes escapes the death penalty

And is sentenced
to life in prison.

Natalie belmonte's k*lling

Tore the heart
out of a warm and loving family.

On the other side
of the sunshine state,

Police investigate a m*rder
that takes them

Into a very different world
of fantasy and death.

It starts with a storm.

Hurricane isaac is heading
straight for pensacola, florida,

And patty burke
is battening down the hatches.

We live on the water.

There is a lot to do to prepare.

But with landfall a day away,

There's still time
for her lunch date.

She's meeting sean dugas,

An eccentric free spirit
and close family friend

Whom she's known
since he was a boy.

He loved people.
He loved to get to know them.

He wouldn't be
telling you about himself.

He was interested in the people
he was meeting.

Sean was very well-known
in the community

Because he worked
for the pensacola news journal.

Hello, again, everyone.
I'm sean dugas

It's wednesday afternoon
here on pensacola beach,

And as you can see behind me,

The surf
is just roaring out here today.

He was very recognizable.

He was tall and slim

And had a very eclectic,
thrift-store kind of style.

What -- what's your favorite
flavor of moon pie?


Sean has been looking forward
to their get-together.

Just that morning,
he'd called patty to confirm.

He asked me if I would still
be coming for lunch.

And I said I would be.

But oddly,

A stranger answers the door
and says sean's not home.

That's very strange
because I just spoke to him,

An hour and a half prior.

So much for their lunch date.

The storm hits the next day.

Patty comes through it fine
and wonders if sean did too.

I tried to reach sean every day.

But she can't reach him.

I would call
before I went to bed at night

And when I wake up
in the morning.

And I would call,
and I would call,

And I would call.

Repeated attempts daily.

Now, I'm worried.

I hadn't heard from him
in many days.

11 Days in all.

Finally, patty checks
in on sean in person.

I peered into the windows

And very quickly realized that
his house had been cleaned out.

The furniture was gone.

The only thing remaining in
the house was this oversized tv.

I was very, very concerned.

The first thing
that I felt was fear.

It's not like outgoing
sean dugas to go silent.

Maybe the neighbors
know something.

That's when patty learns
about some strange activity

Four days earlier.

The neighbors told me that
a u-haul was in the driveway,

And two young men
were moving all of the items

Out of the home into the u-haul.

The neighbor asked the man,

"What is your name?

Who are you?"

And he responded, "will."

Will explained that he

And the other man
were helping sean

Move out and into their place.

The fact that sean wasn't
present didn't make any sense.

Sean would never choose to move.

There was something very wrong.

Patty's now convinced something
bad has happened to her friend.

She reports his disappearance
to the pensacola police,

But they've got their hands full
in the wake of the hurricane.

Besides, sean's a grown man

Who might have left
of his own volition.

Until we have information
or evidence

That indicates that an actual
crime has occurred, um,

It's not necessarily a crime.

Sometimes people leave.

But patty won't let it go.

Sean is considerate
and extroverted

And would never up
and leave without telling her.

Witnesses can't recall
all the details,

So while it was very fresh
in my mind, I made the timeline.

She brings it
to detective daniel harnett.

Hopefully, she can persuade him

To look
into her friend's disappearance.

Detective harnett knew sean
from his days on the crime beat

For the pensacola news journal.

And he's always respected
sean's work.

He was very persistent.

I wouldn't like to say pushy,

But he was almost pushy
in regards to wanting to,

You know,
do his job as a reporter.

But there's something about sean
the detective doesn't know.

Patty explains that her friend
has spent years

Trawling the underground world
of a fantasy role-playing game

The gathering.

For its fans,
it's all-consuming.

All I know is that you use,
a deck of cards.

There are thousands of them.

Each of them is a character
of some sort.

To win the game

Is to remain alive and k*ll off
all the other players.

It's a never-ending make-believe
battle for survival,

But some players
take it too far.

The gathering has been

Referred to
as being very addictive,

And it's been called
cardboard crack.

Sean's habit
has won him some high-end cards.

Each of them
has a different value,

And I believe the most
valuable one is the black widow,

Which sean had.

In this world, the cards
are worth a real-world fortune.

I'd heard estimates
from $25,000 to $100,000

On the entire collection.

A motive for foul play?

Or maybe sean took off
with his valuables in tow.

The detective tries to pick up
his trail.

His phone wasn't working.

Um, his credit cards
weren't being used.

All of his belongings were gone,

And no one
knows where he's gone.

It's as though sean
simply stopped existing...

That is what gave us a lot
of red flags.

He's completely uprooted

And that's kind
of difficult to do.

Until real-world surveillance
video upends the fantasy land.

Fantasy gamer sean dugas' home
is stripped bare.

A man named will told neighbor
sean was moving in with him.

But sean is nowhere to be found.

The answer lay in finding
the men associated with sean.

If I could find them,
I could find sean.

Detectives question
sean's friends and family

About any acquaintance
named will.

One name keeps coming up --

Will cormier.

And he has a twin brother,

Are they the same two men

The neighbors
saw moving sean's belongings

In a u-haul truck?

Detective harnett
can't find any known addresses

For the twins in pensacola, so
he asks the truck rental company

For customer records
and surveillance footage.

It takes weeks
of calling and searching.

It's starting to feel
like this mystery

Will never be solved.

Then, customer records
from u-haul arrive.

I got those records back,

And it gave me some place to go.

The records reveal that it

Was the cormier twins who rented
the truck.

I have a start place.

The rental
was on the same day neighbors

Saw the two men at sean's home,

But the package
contains something even better.

We have the corresponding video
of that rental.

The video is from 11:03 a.m.,

Seven days after patty and sean
were supposed to have lunch.

We see the brothers coming in
and renting the truck.

It's detectives' first glimpse
of the cormier twins,

A perfect match

Of the description
provided by sean's neighbor.

And the man on the right
is the same one

Who opened the door
to patty that day.

Inside your own mind,
you're high-fiving,

And you've initially
got the break.

But as he watches,
something dawns on him.

This is sean's home move,

But there's no sean
in any of the footage

And no cameras capturing
them returning the truck.

Where have they gone?

It started to become clear
that there was something amiss.

If detective harnett
can find that truck,

he'll find the cormier twins.

He scours u-haul rental records

From around the country to see
where the truck was returned.

The hard work pays off.

That truck was returned
at a u-haul dealership

In winder, georgia.

400 Miles
from pensacola, florida.

I have winder, georgia.

And now I have something
that I can do.

The u-haul office in georgia
confirms the truck

Was indeed returned
by someone named cormier,

But not one of the brothers.

It was their father, bill.

So, now I had a phone number,

And I had a relative.

A friendly phone call
to bill cormier

Might yield a break in the case.

I explained to him simply they
weren't necessarily in trouble.

I was trying to locate sean,
a friend of theirs.

He indicated that sean
had not moved to georgia

With either of his sons.

He hadn't seen them or heard
from them in several months.

Upon ending the conversation,

I realized that something
was very, very wrong.

But he doesn't know what.

Sean has been
missing for six weeks.

Detective harnett's final lead
has just dried up.

An hour later,
an urgent call comes in.



It's an agitated male
with something to confess.

Bill cormier's called back.

He called me in a state
of panic.

It seemed as though
he was out of breath.

He explains to me
that he has left the house,

That his sons are in the home,

And he had to leave
because he was scared.

Why is bill afraid
of his own sons?

Harnett needs to get to him
and fast,

But he's 400 miles away.

My main objective at that point

Was to get local law
enforcement hands-on to bill.

Georgia investigator

Rikki banks is dispatched
to bill cormier's home.

You're thinking about what --

What could happen
when you get there, of course.

So that's kind of playing
through my mind.

Out front, a panicked
bill cormier is waiting.

He says his sons have fled.

But banks asked to take a look
around just to be sure.

She can't help but notice
some new construction.

On the walkway,
we did observe some concrete...

And a shovel that was laying,

You know, several feet
away from the pile of leaves.

It's not a patio
or a barbecue pit.

It's just concrete
in the middle of the yard.

Banks also finds a receipt

For the purchase
of five bags of concrete

Made just a few days earlier.

Her boss,
investigator rachel love,

Follows up on the purchase.

I went to the home depot
which is located in winder.

The store has multiple cameras
inside and out.

She pulls the video

That corresponds with
the time stamp on the receipt.

And reviewing
the video surveillance

Of that specific date and time

Showed us both william
and christopher.

It's the cormier twins.

Love tracks every move
of their visit.

We were able to see
them retrieve items,

Check out
as they purchased the items --

Concrete, a bucket,

A concrete stirrer.

Then we were able to see
them load the items into the car

That they came in.

What the cameras see
is an ordinary shopping trip,

But what lies beneath
the freshly laid concrete

In bill cormier's yard
is anything but.

12 Days
after the disappearance

Of pensacola journalist
sean dugas,

An in-store video
surveillance tape

Has caught
will and christopher cormier

On a suspicious shopping trip.

We then ordered some equipment

To be brought in to help
us try to lift that concrete up.

We're still anxious but not sure
of what we're gonna find.

As it was lifted up
several feet,

We could see up
under the concrete,

There was a plastic container.

We got it pulled back.

Exposing a telltale odor.

It was really bad.

It was definitely something

Then there was what appeared
to be a body.

After the autopsy,
we're able to say definitively

That this was sean dugas.

Now, cops all over the south

Are on the hunt
for the cormier brothers.

I get a phone call
from another police officer

Who has conducted
a traffic stop.

When the officer
looked in the car,

The driver
and passenger looked identical.

I asked there that they

Be brought
to the police department.

Police show the twins
the footage

Of their concrete purchase.

And christopher cormier
is the first to crack.

He explains
that he and will knew sean

From their marathon games
of magic: the gathering,

And coveted his
valuable card collection,

So much so that they were
willing to k*ll for it,

Bludgeoning sean to death.

What we learned
was that sean was m*rder*d.

His belongings were stolen.

He'd been dead only a few hours
when patty showed up for lunch.

His body was left in his garage
for a week.

He was removed from --
from his garage,

Placed into a u-haul truck.

He was transported to georgia
and buried.

It was very gruesome.

Sean must have endured
a great deal of pain.

It took my stomach away.

The only conciliatory thing

About it was that I have a lot
of faith,

And I knew that he was fine now.

William cormier is sentenced
to life in prison.

His twin, christopher,
gets 15 years.

Had it not been
for the surveillance footage,

Both would still be
on the loose today.

Two murders in florida,
two deeply disturbed motives.

With security cameras
in the right place,

are able to crack both cases.

the cameras keep watching.