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01x02 - View to a Rampage

Posted: 02/25/24 11:31
by bunniefuu
A young couple
mysteriously slain...

These folks were ambushed.

...but there's no motive

And no suspect.

Two people, completely innocent,
no robbery.

We had absolutely no witnesses.

An unsolvable crime

Until a series of cameras
start spilling their secrets...

Seeing surveillance like that,
it really hits home.

a madman on a rampage...

This is our suspect.

This is the real thing.

everyone wearing a badge.

It's sunday evening,

And the streets
are especially quiet.

It was super bowl sunday.

Like most people,
I enjoyed the game,

And it was just wrapping up.

It was just after 9:00
that night.

I was at home sitting on
my couch, watching television.

But their peace
is about to be shattered

When a woman across town
makes a shocking discovery.

Police race to the scene,

Not knowing if they're driving
into an ambush or to a rescue.

The lot looks clear --
no sh**t.

But the victims
clearly beyond help.

Detectives are immediately
called in.

When I got there --
the crimes had happened

Up on the top floor
of the parking structure.

And it was a bit unique.

It was surrounded on two sides

By high-rise,
luxury condominiums.

A brazen spot for a m*rder.

It also appears the two victims
have been here for a while.

There was quite
a long condensation trail

From the air conditioning
of the vehicle.

The vehicle had been left

The doors were closed.

The b*ll*ts, as they
passed through the window,

Obviously, shattered the window,

But the glass was still in place
in the door frame.

So the doors
have never been opened,

And that tells detectives

Something strange
about this crime scene.

Their cellphones
were still present.

The female's purse
was still there,

And she had
a large ring on her hand

That didn't appear
to be disturbed.

It appeared that robbery
was not the motive.

It appeared that they had
been caught by surprise.

They find 14 shell casings
around the vehicle.

As we processed the scene,

One of the questions
we had when we saw

That there were
14 shell casings on the ground

Was, "did all of those come
from one g*n?"

Suggesting that there was
only one sh**t --

Or did those casings,

Were they fired
from more than one w*apon?

And if robbery isn't
the motive, then what is?

It didn't appear that any of
the rounds that were fired

Went anywhere
other than inside the car.

It was very cold-blooded.

It seemed
like a very cold crime.

It didn't happen
by happenstance.

These individuals were targeted.

These folks were ambushed.

But who are these victims?

We ran the license plate

On the vehicle
that they were in,

And it came back
registered to keith lawrence.

We were able to pull up
a driver's-license photograph

And compare that to the person
who was in the car

And make an identification
of him pretty quickly.

He's a cop --

27-Year-old keith lawrence,
a police officer

At the university
of southern california

With an exemplary record.

But they still don't know
the name of the woman dead

In his passenger seat.

Officers quickly fan out through
the nearby apartment buildings,

Looking for witnesses.

We knocked on doors.

We did neighborhood canvases.

Lots of people were home.

Windows would be open.

Sliding glass doors
would be open.

People might be
out on their decks

That overlook
this parking structure,

Yet we had
absolutely no witnesses.

Super bowl sunday or not,

It's hard to believe
14 g*nshots went unnoticed...

...unless the sh**t
used a sil*ncer.

The crime lab fairly quickly
was able to tell us

That all 14 of those casings
came from a single g*n

And that the barrel on that g*n

Was one that could potentially
be fitted with a suppressor.

In my 15-year career,

I'd never heard
of that happening,

Certainly not in irvine.

We surmised
that they had arrived,

Parked their vehicle.

Somebody was lying in wait
for them

And shot them in the vehicle

Before they even had
the chance to get out.

It's a terrifying scenario.

A cop-k*ller is on the
loose using specialized weapons.

40 Miles away in l.a.,

Another policeman,
retired captain randy quan,

Can't get through

To his 28-year-old daughter,

It was typical of the family
to talk every night.

They became concerned.

They saw a breaking news story

That we were investigating
a m*rder in irvine.

He saw the community
that was being pictured

And recognized it.

In fact, monica's building
is the one pictured in the news.

Now, panic is really setting in.

He then called
the irvine police department

And told our dispatchers

That he believed
that monica may be the victim

Of the homicide
that we were investigating.

And based on his description,
investigators think he's right.

Incredibly tough for a father.

Still in a state of shock,

Randy and his wife
get to the station

As fast as they can.

A lot of us
investigating the case had kids,

And you feel
that emotional connection,

You feel
that personal connection,

And you feel for randy quan

And what he
must be going through.

Quan says that monica and keith

Had gotten
engaged just days earlier.

Will you marry me?


As you start to hear bits
and pieces about their lives

And their recent engagement,

I think the tragedy just
weighed heavier and heavier.

The more you got to know them,

The more you get an
emotional attachment to them.

So, who would want
this happy, young couple dead?

It's a question
no one can seem to answer.

Our detectives became frustrated
in the early hours

Not knowing who the suspect was,

A redoubling of their efforts,

so many different avenues

Trying to find what could be
the suspect's identity

Or the motive for these crimes.

One police officer

And the daughter
of another have been ex*cuted.

With the clock ticking
and no answers in sight,

go hunting for a witness

They may have overlooked.

We wanted to see
if there was any

Closed-circuit surveillance
cameras in the area.

A search of the
parking lot turns up nothing.

Where the crime occurred did not
have any surveillance cameras.

So they widen their search

To the apartment buildings

And suddenly, a ray of hope --
a single camera.

It is trained on the outside
of the apartment building.

Will it reveal who k*lled
monica quan and keith lawrence?

The double m*rder
of officer keith lawrence

And his fiancée, monica quan,

Herself a police officer's

Has irvine p.d. Baffled.

But now they find
their first potential witness.

We did find some surveillance
cameras across the street.

But it will take hours
to obtain the tapes

And scroll through the footage.

In the meantime,

Detectives delve
into the couple's backgrounds.

We learned that monica and keith

Had been engaged
within days of their m*rder.

And certainly,
it would be remiss

If we didn't look into that.

We started looking
into their past dating history,

Who they have been involved
with before they were a couple.

But they can't find any evidence
of a jealous ex on either side.

Keith lawrence was
a public safety officer

For usc campus safety.

We began to explore

Perhaps this was related
to his work.

We looked at folks
that worked with monica quan.

But again, there's no history
of trouble on the job.

We spoke with randy quan,

And he couldn't think
of anything in his past career

Working for the los angeles
police department

That would contribute to this.

Each of these
investigative theories

That we were looking into
didn't pan out.

It could be
the k*ller was a stranger.

We were trying to look
at all possibilities.

We checked with
our surrounding jurisdictions

To see if they had had any
reports of road-rage incidents,

Trying to figure out

If perhaps that was the cause
of this homicide.

But investigators
keep drawing blanks.

Their only hope now is that
the video will give them a lead.

The wait to view it is agony.

90 Miles away,
in national city,

On the outskirts of san diego,

There's a strange discovery
at a car-audio store

That seems completely unrelated

To the double homicide
in irvine.

One of the employees
was taking out the trash

To their dumpster.

He opened a lid,
where he saw what appeared to be

Some discarded
police-type property.

Because he works undercover,

Detective paul hernandez must
keep his appearance a secret.

I was at the station
at the time I heard the call

Regarding the suspicious items
in the dumpster

Across the street
from the police department.

There was a duty belt,

Handcuffs, baton, baton holster,
and a p*stol holster.

There was a*mo --
9mm and.22 a*mo,

Maybe 50, 60 rounds of each --

Pieces of tactical equipment,

Some drop pouches,
which are for r*fle magazines.

There was some camo paint.

There was a steel r*fle plate,

Which is an insert
for body armor.

And it isn't just equipment.

There was
a blue police-type uniform.

On the buttons on the uniform,
it actually said "l.a. Police."

My first reaction --
"yes, this probably belongs

"To a los angeles police officer

Who was a victim
of some type of theft."

But l.a. Is over 120 miles away,

A long way
to dump items from a theft.

And something else
doesn't add up.

It was very odd, though,

To see amm*nit*on
in the dumpster.

I mean, that's something that
usually people won't get rid of

you can't trace amm*nit*on.

Detective hernandez
now has to wonder

If an lapd officer
met a fate worse than robbery.

I think all of us
in law enforcement,

Or officers, you know --

That's our main thing
is we are curious.

We want to be nosy.
That's our job.

In the uniform pocket,
his first real lead.

I did locate a police notepad,
which most of us carry.

And on that,
there was two names --

Dorner and evans.

National city police follow up
with a call to the lapd.

They did say
that no one with the name dorner

Was a current employee
at their department.

The name evans

Came back to a sergeant
who works at their department.

Sergeant evans explains
the equipment is not hers.

It could be dorner's --
that's a name she remembers.

She was actually his training
officer for a period of time.

Dorner had accused evans

Of kicking a man
they were arresting.

But he'd lodged the complaint

Weeks after
the alleged incident,

Only after she'd given
him a poor report.

And he was kind
of a strange guy,

But he's no longer
at the department,

And she had no way
of getting ahold of him.

This strange discovery
remains unconnected

To the parking lot slaying --
for now.

Back in irvine,
cops finally have their hands

On the surveillance tape
from the building

Nearest the crime scene.

We received some of
the closed-circuit video.

What they're watching for is the
couple's white 2013 kia optima.

The cameras had a partial view
of the entrance and exit

Of the parking structure.

Inching through the footage,

Investigators can't see
the couple pulling in.

But they can still find out
when that happened.

Where the crime occurred is
controlled by electronic access

Through a key card.

And we were able to find out

That keith and monica
entered at about 7:30 p.m.

But at 7:30 p.m.,
The streets are empty --

No cars, no people.

Everyone is watching
the super bowl.

Not a single glimpse
of the k*ller.

But are there clues hidden
in the grainy images?

Investigators slowly work

Looking for anything unusual.

At 3:13 p.m., A black truck
drives past the building,

Then backs up
into a parking spot.

About two hours later,

They see it pulls off again
right in front of a white car

That looks
just like the victims'.

we found that very interesting.

But what could it mean?

They rewind back to 3:13 p.m.

Why the long reverse?

Is it possible the driver

Was scouting out
keith and monica's building?

Adding to their suspicion,

Investigators discover
that after parking the truck,

No one gets out
for the entire time it is there.

there's someone in there.

Of course, I was immediately
filled with questions

Of just exactly
how important that was.

But the only real lead they can
get is just out of their reach.

The camera is not good enough

To pick up the truck's
license plate.

Can't it get
any bigger than that?

I don't think so.

It's really
a very frustrating feeling.

Detectives are convinced
they're onto something.

Could this be a k*ller
stalking his target?

It is an ominous lead.

But without any way
to identify the truck,

Irvine police are at a dead end.

That was a real stunner for us.

It caused everyone to kind of
reel back on their heels

And think,
"geez, how did that happen?"

Then, from nowhere,
a shocking breakthrough.

And this time,
it's caught on camera.

36 Hours after
monica quan and keith lawrence

Were gunned down in their car
in irvine, california,

It's all anyone at the lapd
is talking about

Because monica's dad
is one of their own.

People started whispering
in the hallways,

"Hey, did you hear that
that woman that was shot

Down in irvine was
captain quan's daughter?"

"Why her," you know?

There's that kind of heartbreak

That you have
when a family member,

One of your police brothers
or sisters,

Loses a family member.

It hurts all of us.

This poor guy's daughter
was brutally k*lled

Along with her fiancé
for apparently no reason.

No robbery --

Done with appearance
of some type of vengeance.

But someone's starting
to put two and two together.

Lapd sergeant terry evans,

The same officer
who had been notified

About the police gear
in the dumpster,

Is remembering something.

She connected that information

With the phone call
that she had got

From the national city
police department.

The name
in the notebook from a dumpster,

Christopher dorner, is the same
as her former trainee.

He was only
a los angeles police officer

For a very short period of time.

He went through the academy,
had some difficulty there.

He got in a fight once or twice
with some people in the academy.

And he said that his
training officer, terry evans,

Had kicked an individual.

false accusations against evans

Landed him in a hearing before
the lapd's board of rights,

Where he failed to make his case
and ended up fired.

Sergeant evans then remembers
something terrifying.

Christopher dorner's

Who failed to get him acquitted,

Is someone she knows --
someone connected to the victim.

She started thinking --
his representative

At the board of rights
was randy quan.

of m*rder victim monica quan.

The double homicide,

The equipment found
in the dumpster, the lapd --

She's connected it all.

She said, "you know what?
I got to call and tell them,

'Hey, you should look
at this guy.'"

If evans is right,

There could be
a cop-turned-cop-k*ller

On the street,

Heavily armed
and hot on revenge.

Those are things that
you hear about in hollywood.

Those are things
that you see on tv.

I don't think anybody here

Even thought for a minute
that that investigation

Was gonna have tentacles back to
los angeles police department.

Police must find
christopher dorner,

Starting with one place
they know he was --

The dumpster in national city.

Could anyone have
seen him there?

Wednesday morning, february 6th,

We sent our detectives
down to national city.

We didn't know how the property
ended up in that dumpster.

Police go
to the car-stereo store

Eager to see if there's any
surveillance on the dumpsters.

Our detectives
started canvassing the area

And found video...

From a fixed, color camera on
a wall overlooking the alleyway.

But are they too late?

Many tapes get recorded over
after 24 hours.

It's already been two days
since the items were dumped.

We secured that video
and were able to review that.

They're in luck.

The footage
from two days earlier is intact.

It's the moment of truth.

They rewind to the morning
the items were found,

Monday, february 4th, at 9 a.m.

The alleyway is empty.

Then, a vehicle pulls up
next to the dumpster.

It looks exactly like

The one investigators saw
near the crime scene in irvine.

There was a large pickup truck
parked in the alley.

A figure emerges from the truck

And makes several trips
to the dumpster.

See that?

The truck leaves.

Without a good look
at the driver...

It looks like investigators
have lost their lead.

But just moments later,
he's back.

There -- can you get
his license plate?

And this time,
he's clearly visible.

Black male throwing these items
into the dumpsters.

He looks exactly like fired
lapd officer christopher dorner.

Police watch as he slowly
disposes of more items

In a dumpster
closer to the camera.

He was remarkably calm
and nonchalant.

He was very methodical.

He's in no hurry at all.


Most people who are
concerned about being caught

Would grab a handful of stuff,
throw it in the dumpster.

You're gone --
in the car, speed off.

It's a full view
of a suspected k*ller

Presumably dumping evidence

In a second dumpster
police haven't searched.

Detective hernandez races
to investigate

And finds something shocking.

There was a fully-loaded
glock p*stol magazine.

The headstamp matched

The shell casings
at our crime scene.

The man in the video
is almost certainly

Ex-lapd officer
christopher dorner,

Now the prime suspect
in the double m*rder.

This is the real thing.

This is related.
This is our suspect.

You're sure it's him,
and you can say conclusively

That he was at that location
at that time.

Incredibly useful for us

Because we could
then know with certainty

When he was there,

When he dumped the property
and start creating a timeline.

To find him,
police must quickly learn

Everything they can
about christopher dorner.

When the information
from national city

Started to filter its way
back to our personnel

Back at the station,

They began
to look into this name.

They trawl every possible
database to find out more.

Are there any connections?
Are these things related?

And what they find

Will shock the entire
law-enforcement community.

During some routine searches
of databases,

This posting appeared
on a social-media site.

An 11,000 word manifesto
full of terrifying language.

I was one of the first people
to look at it.

It was kind of surreal.

We all kind of starting yelling,
"do you see this?"

We began to read it,

And before they even
got to the end of it,

We're starting to get the sense
that this is the real thing.

You could hear people yelling
over the top of their cubicles,

"You call this person.
You call that person."

Dorner practically
boasts about what he's done.

He was claiming responsibility
for the double homicide.

And he says
he's just getting started.

Dorner names
at least 40 other targets...

Many of them within the lapd.

It's a declaration of w*r.

It's difficult to do justice the
speed and the controlled chaos

That was going on.

Very quickly,
we came to the conclusion, yeah,

There were a number of people
that were at risk.

To see names of people
that you're familiar with,

People you know
that are real people,

Knowing just exactly how much
weight this manifesto has,

It was quite chilling.

Irvine p.d. Calls the
los angeles police department

And says, "hey we found
a document online

"That this guy wrote
that says he's coming after

"A bunch of los angeles
police officers,

And that their families
are fair game."

The targets are scattered
all over southern california.

We start scrambling
to put up protection details

And to make sure that our folks
are taken care of.

I know people were pulling down
facebook postings.

People were shutting down

All of a sudden,
people are like, "holy smokes.

"I got to take care
of my family.

I got to make sure
my kids are okay."

One of the key targets

Is the very woman
who connected the murders,

Sergeant teresa evans.

We got her into a safe location

And had a protection detail
with her around the clock.

All over southern california,

Police departments swing
into action on the manhunt.

And the more
they learn about dorner,

The more terrified they become.

There was information
that he had

Some level
of a military background

Which then reveals
that he's highly trained,

In a tactical sense,
beyond law enforcement.

We've never had
a rogue officer who's disgraced

Go off and go on a k*lling spree

And specifically target
law-enforcement officers

And their family -- never.

Nor have police faced a criminal

As well armed as dorner,

Who's vowed
to use his firepower.

To catch him in person,

They'll have
to catch him on camera.

He's on a mission.

And he's on a road that he knows
he can't back off from.

It's been almost 72 hours

Since the double murders
in irvine, california.

And investigators are
on the trail

Of confessed k*ller
christopher dorner.

They found his violent manifesto

And caught glimpses
of him on security cameras,

But they don't know
where to find him.

We were looking for anything

That was either related
to our homicide

Or would give us an indication
of where he might be at.

We started to look at,
"where was he?

When was this posted?
How was it posted?"

We learned that the manifesto

Had been posted using the wi-fi
at a motel in manhattan beach.

Police rush
to the motel to follow up.

Can I help you?

Can I see
your guest registration?

The suspect has covered
his tracks using a false name

And paying in cash.

But there are eyes
all over the motel.

And the secrets they hold
will terrify police.

We were able to determine

That, just after 9:00 p.m.
On sunday,

Super bowl sunday,
he checked into the motel.

Just minutes
after our first officers

Were going on scene
of our double homicide,

He was checking into the motel.

The camera catches him
clear as day.

It is christopher dorner.

I saw surveillance of him.

It really hits home
when you see him.

And he looks up at the camera,

And you totally instantly
recognize his face.

And he seems to be
a man on a mission.

We knew that he had a number
of g*ns registered to him --

At least 25 or so g*ns.

And the camera outside the motel

Shows him loading this arsenal
into his truck.

His manifesto has promised
a rampage.

25 g*ns is a lot.
It certainly gave us pause.

But what are police to do now?

They're already two days behind
a k*ller hell-bent on revenge.

He's capable
of going out and k*lling

An innocent, beautiful,
young woman for no reason

Other than
that her dad defended him

At a board of rights.

Then, what else
is this guy capable of?

Who else is this guy
capable of coming after?

Christopher dorner
is on the loose

With a truck full of weapons
and an unsatisfied vendetta.

He has promised to k*ll again.

It's a race against time
to find dorner

Before he keeps his word.

We do expect
that there is a likelihood

That a m*rder suspect

Will flee southbound
towards the border of mexico

Absolutely each and every time.

We expect that, we anticipate
that, and we prepare for that.

Investigators get
their first lead

That dorner's heading south.

We found dorner's

That was the first absolute,
factual information

That christopher dorner
was in san diego.

Is dorner heading
for the border after all,

Or is he just laying a trap?

It didn't make too much sense

That he would discard
his identification.

Is this his attempt
to lure us in,

To leave trails for us?

And, sure enough,

Just as law enforcement
is looking south,

A new lead comes in
from corona, california,

Nearly 100 miles to the north.

There were two officers

That were headed out
to a protection detail.

The officers
see dorner and give chase.

He was waiting for them,

Lying in wait
with his r*fle prepared.

The police have driven
right into an ambush.

It was a flurry of rounds.

29 b*ll*ts hit the car,

One grazing an officer's head.

It's a miracle that
neither of them were k*lled.

Yet again, dorner gets away.

10 Miles from corona, in
the sleepy town of riverside...

Officer crain working patrol
with his partner in riverside,

They're crossing
over the intersection

Just as dorner's
coming the opposite way.

The dash cam
captures dorner in the act.

It gives crucial insight
into this cold-blooded k*ller.

He immediately started sh**ting
at their car.

Officer shot multiple times!

Struck the car multiple times

And tragically k*lled
officer michael crain.

It only takes minutes
before police are at the scene,

But it's too late.

Officer crain is wearing a badge
in the wrong place

At the wrong time.

His partner
is seriously wounded,

And dorner is gone again.

It wasn't just the
los angeles police department

Or the riverside
police departments.

It was our family.

It was law enforcement
that was under attack.

And so it was personal
and enormous.

Three are dead,
one seriously wounded.

Everyone with a badge
is a target.

Every officer is in jeopardy.

How does law enforcement protect
themselves from this guy?

How do we effectively locate him

And take him into custody
without another m*rder,

Without another person dying?

How do we do that,

And how quickly can we put
that plan together?

Then, finally, a lead --

A report of a burning
black truck

In the small mountain
resort town of big bear.

But cornered, this monster
will be at his most dangerous.

Police, hunting
spree-k*ller christopher dorner,

Have gotten reports of a truck

Matching the suspect's burned
and abandoned in the mountains.

We didn't know where dorner
had gone from that truck.

If it is his, why?
Why is he here?

There is a sense of fear.

A search of the
vehicle confirms it's dorner's.

In the burned nissan,

We located remnants
of an ar-15 r*fle and barrel,

A glock 9mm handgun,

And camping
and survival equipment.

We all believed, in a sense,
that dorner was shaken up,

And the net
was closing in on him.

We were about to capture him.

But dorner's gone.

If he's on foot,

He could vanish
into the mountains

With his remaining arsenal
and lie in wait.

The stress level definitely rose
because all of the thoughts

That were initially
going through our minds

As investigators
were now becoming a reality.

The focus was a manhunt,

And the problem
was where to look.

I mean, we had no clue.

Search teams
head into the mountains.

They check cabins

And use infrared scanners
to detect body heat,

But the trail has gone ice cold.

It was very frustrating for us.

We had the best of the best
out there pounding the ground,

Looking for him,
and he just wasn't surfacing.

We were still a couple
of steps behind him.

No one knows where he's hiding.

February 12th, five days
since dorner was last seen,

Jim and karen reynolds arrive
at their remote mountain cabin

And quickly discover
they're not alone.

- Get them up!
- As they walked in,

They were immediately confronted
by dorner,

Who had a semiautomatic handgun.

Her and her husband
were tied up and gagged.

Dorner's only interested
in k*lling police,

But he needs a vehicle.

Dorner had taken
their nissan rogue

And left the location with it.

The hostages call the police,

Who now know they're looking
for dorner in a nissan truck.

All the roads in and out
of the mountain are blocked.

That's when the stress level
went up.

Like, "wow. Okay.

"Now, we really
got something going on.

This is gonna be something."

You know,
your adrenaline starts going.

It's not swat teams,

It's the big bear game wardens
who spot the fugitive first.

I go, "hey, hey,
that's our vehicle."

It set in shock like,
"are you kidding me?"

And he's just flying
down the road.

So the deputies scream,
"let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

We start flying down the road.

Dozens of other squads
join in pursuit...

Coming from all directions
towards dorner's stolen vehicle.

Now, all of a sudden,
this vehicle

Speeding down our direction.

I looked at the driver,
and we said,

"That's **** him."

dorner flees the vehicle

And slips into a neighborhood
of mountain cabins.

Two officers follow on foot.

One of those officers
is detective jeremiah mackay

And deputy alex collins.

They begin searching
for footprints...

...when sh*ts ring out
from one of the nearby cabins.

Deputy alex collins was the
first to be struck by g*nf*re.

They didn't have
a chance to react.

Officer down, officer down.

Copy -- officer down.

Alex had been shot in the chest.

He had been shot in the arm --
the left arm.

He had been shot in the leg,

And he had taken one b*llet

Directly through
the front of his face.

Dorner is emptying his arsenal

While detective collins lies
on the ground outside the cabin,

Clinging to life.

His partner, detective mackay
returns fire

And is fatally shot by dorner.

Dorner's deadly rampage
has now k*lled four

And seriously wounded two more.

But he's finally surrounded.

The officers
continued to deploy gas.

They continued to give
public-address announcements.

This is dorner's last stand.

Police have no choice
but to burn him out.

At one point
during the operation,

The cabin caught on fire.

Burner is deployed,
and we have a fire.

Officers are braced outside,

for dorner to make his escape.

But dorner's saved one b*llet
for this moment.

A short time
after the cabin fire started,

The officers on scene

Could hear what they believe
was a single, distinct g*nsh*t.

Sounded like one shot
fired from inside the residence.

Flames engulf the cabin

As everyone realizes
the manhunt is over.

The single, distinct g*nsh*t
was actually

The shot that ended
dorner's life.

He decided to commit su1c1de.

After 10 days
and 4 murders, dorner is dead.

His target was
anyone with a badge.

Those are the people
who took him down.

The amount of admiration
I have for my fellow deputies

Is beyond any words that anybody
could ever use or explain.

They are some of
the most courageous men

That I probably will ever have
the pleasure of working with

And next to.

There are two miracles.

After 20 surgeries,

Detective alex collins
returns to active duty.

The seriously wounded officer
in riverside

Survives eight b*ll*ts.

Everybody, I think,
takes a big breath of relief

That his reign of terror,
his delusional m*rder rampage

Was over.

But in his wake,

Police have
a lot of grieving to do.

It kills you as well.

I mean, you know,
it's a loss.

People's lives
were ripped apart here.

There was no happy ending.

Four innocent victims --

Monica quan,
officer keith lawrence

Starting a new life together.

Officer michael crain

And deputy sheriff
jeremiah mackay

Leave behind wives
and young children.

Not only were they
taken away from their family,

But their future
is taken away from them.

It's just really something
that will --

I know it will always stay
with me.

I'm certain it will stay with
any member of law enforcement

That had anything
to do with this investigation.

A few snippets
of ordinary-looking video

In the hands
of skilled investigators

Were able to help track dorner

And stop him before his rampage
got even more deadly.

The overwhelming feeling
is a sense of pride

That we mobilized so quickly
to support the investigation.

We're proud of each other.

Although there's
no sense of satisfaction

In the way that this ended,

You know, what I am left with is
an overwhelming sense of pride

To be part of this greater
law-enforcement family.

the cameras keep watching.