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01x01 - We See You, Kelsey Smith

Posted: 02/25/24 11:30
by bunniefuu
When a bright
and beautiful teenage girl

Mysteriously disappears,

Her loving family is torn apart.

When she wasn't there,

It was like,
"so, where is my child?"

The police have no clue.

We were still unsure

If something criminal
had happened to her.

But one witness
has seen it all...

"My god.
Did you see that?"

...and the secrets it holds

May reveal the truth about
what happened to kelsey smith.

Saturday, june 2nd.
Overland park, kansas.

It's a regular weekend
for off-duty cop greg smith,

Hanging out at home
with his family...

his 18-year-old daughter kelsey

Who just graduated high school.

Kelsey said,
"I'm gonna run to target.

I need to get a present
for john."

- What time is it?
- Where are you going?

John is kelsey's boyfriend,

And she wants to buy him a gift

To celebrate
their six-month anniversary.

I love you, dad.

I said, "okay."

And she goes, "I'll see you
in a little bit. Love you."


Then she was out the door,
and I said, "love you," back.


It should be a quick,
uneventful errand.

But it won't be.

Kelsey calls her mom
from the store.

She needs help finding a gift,
a gift box.

I said, "okay,
look in stationery."

And I was trying to explain
to her where it would be.

And I remember,
before I hung up,

Saying, "bye, baby, love you.
See you when I get home."

She was at target
around 7:00, 7:00-ish.

And I knew she was
supposed to go out with john

Like 7:30 or so.

Come on in.

But when john shows up,

Kelsey's still not home.


After a half-hour,
john and greg start to worry,

Especially after getting no
answer from kelsey's cellphone.

That's enough.

Kelsey was the kind of teenager,
unlike most,

That even if she was
a few minutes late,

She would call to let us know

Because she didn't
want us worrying.

She hasn't answered
any of my texts.

I'm just getting voicemail
all the time.

Then I said, "can you guys
just drive out there and see?

"Maybe her car's broken down
in the parking lot or something,

And maybe her phone died."

Kelsey's sister lindsey and john

Took off immediately
for the mall.

They expect to find
her stranded in the parking lot,

Waiting for help.

But there's no sign of kelsey...

I don't see it anywhere.

...or her car.

My biggest concern was
that she had been in a wreck,

She couldn't call us.

60 Minutes after
she should have been home,

Greg holds out hope

That there's an innocent reason
for kelsey's absence.

I'm not gonna panic just yet.

So, I started calling

The different police agencies
around the area

And talking
to the dispatchers...

Just to see if maybe
she'd been in an accident

And, you know,
we didn't know yet,

See if she'd been stopped
by the police

For a traffic violation
or something like that.

But police
haven't seen kelsey, either.

I was -- I was pretty alarmed
by that time.

Everybody was out driving around
trying to find her car.

Maybe we should
just head home.

John and lindsey detour

Through a mall parking lot
not far from the target.

It's right there.

That's it.

Outside a macy's store,

They finally find what
they're looking for --

Kelsey's car.

But no kelsey.

Her purse is here,

She's not there.

Lindsey called and said
that they'd found kelsey's car

Across the street at the mall
in the parking lot.

Well, that was
a bad signal to me,

That the car
was in a different place.

A signal that
this could be a crime scene.

And so I said,
"okay, just stay away from it.

Let me call the police."

Four hours
after kelsey was last seen,

Detectives are called in.

We received a telephone call
from the family

Around 11:00 p.m. That night.

They had located her car

On the exact opposite side
of the shopping area

Where she had last been known
to be.

And it just --
it looked suspicious.

They scour the car for even
the smallest of clues...

...anything that could tell them
where kelsey is.

We did find kelsey's purse.

As we were watching the police
bag kelsey's car,

Your stomach is in your throat.

We found the wrapping paper
and the present

That she had purchased
at target.

It was kind of
one of those moments

Where you look at each other and
go, "this might not be good."

And things were
about to get more ominous still.

There was something
hanging out of the trunk.

A bag or something.

It kind of looked like a tail
hanging out of the trunk.

That was a signal
that something was different.

And took everything within me

Not to just want to walk
over there and open the trunk.

But this is no job for a father.

They anxiously wait
for forensics

To come and open the trunk.

We hoped that she was in it,
but prayed she wasn't.

I was literally
holding my breath

'Cause I thought
maybe that's where she was.

And I was hoping, if she was
there, that she was alive.

And then when
she wasn't there, it was like,

"So, where is my child?"

Kelsey ann smith.


Kelsey graduated
from high school nine days ago.

She was going to go
to kansas state university

To become a veterinarian.

She's a model student,
popular and independent.

Very outgoing.
Fun kid to be around.

Very headstrong.

She went out of her way
to make you feel wanted.

Most loving kid around.

And just looking forward
to the rest of her life.

And now she's simply vanished.

We had an 18-year-old girl

Who, by all accounts,
was very responsible.

It's very late at night.

Her car is found in a location

That she wasn't supposed
to be in.

Why is the car not where kelsey
was supposed to be?

Police dust for prints
so they can put together

A full picture
of who's been in kelsey's car.

But there are no further clues
to suggest foul play.

There wasn't anything
to indicate

That there was a struggle
in the car.

It was just driven there
and left.

Kelsey's disappearance
remains shrouded in mystery.

But detectives find a witness
at the parking lot

That may have seen it all.

Kansas teenager kelsey smith
has vanished without a trace,

But investigators may have found
a vital, new witness.

The video camera,
which would have been

Kind of looking down, southeast,
into the parking lot.

But it's late,
and law enforcement

Can't get hold of anyone to
access the surveillance system.

Everyone will have to wait
to see what the camera reveals,

If it reveals anything at all.

Meantime, police look
for answers closer to home...

with kelsey's parents.

Where is she, greg?

I don't know, baby.

Thank you.

I mean, they put us
in a questioning room,

And they left us there
for a little bit of time,

And there was a camera up
in the corner, you know.

And I looked at missey
and I said,

"You know they're watching us,

You realize we're both suspects
right now?"

She says, "yeah."

And I said, "so, we're gonna
answer the questions

"So they clear us so they can
look for the right person.

But it's just routine.
They have to do this."

How you doing?

I just want
to find my daughter.

And they asked the questions
that they needed to ask.

The parents are quickly cleared
of any suspicion.

But there's someone else
the cops need to talk to.

What can you tell us
about kelsey's boyfriend,

John biersmith?

He's a good kid.

It's typically the person
who saw them last,

Who knew where they were last,

Just had general knowledge
of their last location

Or contact
who we kind of focus in on.

Over the last few days,

Kelsey's spent most of her time
with her boyfriend, john.

All indications were

Was that john absolutely had
the last contacts with kelsey --

Texts, phone call, you know?

So, where was john just before
he arrived at the smith house

To pick up kelsey?

Did they have a fight?

Was there anything kelsey
told him that was upsetting?

And we pressed
a little bit harder,

Rephrasing the same question
in different contexts

To see if he would answer
in a different way.

We probably pressed him
a little hard.

It was, like, tearing my mind
apart why they were doing this.

It probably lasted about an hour
and a half, two hours.

And he was rock-solid.

John's story checks out.

He has no knowledge
of where kelsey is

Or why she's gone missing.

Hours into the investigation,
police are nowhere.

Dawn the next day,

And the family
kicks off its own search.

Our daughter's friends
were college-age

And very computer savvy
at the time.

So they got a flyer together
and started printing it off.

Kelsey's police-officer dad
takes charge of the operation.

We're on the clock.

We've got 48 hours,
or we're not gonna find her.

And if we do find her,
we're not gonna find her alive.

They would assign people
to certain areas

And say, "you look here."

And those people would take
flyers and knocked on doors.

We were going
door to door asking if
anybody's seen her lately.

We had this printout.

We would divide and conquer,

Pretty much,
the overland park area,

Trying to tell everybody
and anybody that would listen

What's going on.

Kelsey's family
does everything in their power

To track down their daughter.

But 12 hours
since kelsey's disappearance,

may have an eyewitness after all

When they finally gain access

To the parking lot's
cctv camera.

We went back,
and we got the macy's video.

We took a copy back
to our command center.

We needed to know what time
kelsey's car was parked there,

And if we could see anyone

Getting out of her car
after it was parked.

It's the moment of truth.

Police scroll through
hours of video,

And at 9:17 p.m.,

Two hours after kelsey
was last heard from,

They spot something.

The macy's video
was very grainy.

There are also
parking-lot lights

That are shining at the camera,

So everything
is a little obscured.

And all we can see is headlights

Coming into a dark parking lot.

It's kelsey's car.

The car door opens,
and someone gets out.

But the footage
is too blurry to see who.

So, what we were able to
determine from the macy's video

Is kelsey's car
arrives at 9:17 p.m. And parks.

That's all we can see.

It's a huge letdown.

But for kelsey's parents,
there's a new ray of hope.

The family's publicity
generates a promising tip.

Yes, she was wearing
a pink shirt.

That's right.

Surveillance cameras
at a local restaurant

Have captured someone
matching kelsey's description.

That less-than-five-minute

It's just right up the street
from our home,

The entire time, your stomach
is in your throat

And you're just hoping,
"please, let this be my child."

I hoped that it really was her,

Because then I knew
she was alive, at least.

The smiths
strain to get a good look

At the girl
with her back to the camera.

Is it kelsey?

You hope it is because
you're hoping for any glimpse

Or any glimmer of hope
for your child.

My heart just dropped
when I saw that.

It wasn't her.

That's -- that's not her.

Thanks for your time.

It's a heartbreaking

Their daughter
is still out there,

And no one knows where.

You kind of put yourself
in place of the parents.

But you don't want to have
emotion kick into it too much,

'Cause you kind of lose sight of
your objective as a detective.

With the clock
ticking, detectives' only hope

Is to trace kelsey to the point
of her disappearance.

They know she called her mom
from target

Sometime before
she went missing.

In the target stores,

They have an incredible
surveillance system,

And they're known nationwide

As kind of
a cutting-edge technology

In retail surveillance.

We knew they had capability

To nail down specific times
and dates.

If kelsey went to target,

Surely she would have been
caught on camera.

We were hoping
that's where the key would be.

Investigators would be happy

With just one camera's glimpse
of kelsey.

Little do they know,

The store's 40 cameras have
filmed her entire shopping trip.

Kansas teen kelsey smith

Vanished into thin air
17 hours ago.

My child is missing.
Help me find her.

Her family is racked with worry.

She's my little girl.

And hope now rests
in one place...

...surveillance footage
from the 40 cameras

Spread throughout
the local department store.

Can you move in a little
bit more on that area?

Right there.
Yeah, there she is.


It's kelsey.

She had indeed arrived
at the location

That she had told her parents
she was going.

Police have hit pay dirt.

Kelsey's entire trip
has been captured on camera.

They can now piece together
her journey through the store.

At 6:54,
she arrives in the parking lot.

She's seen
getting out of the car

And walking towards the store
out of sight.

And then additional cameras
could then be pulled up,

Watching her walk
in the front door.

At this point,
we were looking to see

Just if kelsey had made contact
with anyone inside the store.

We basically just followed her
through the store

Camera by camera.

Just before 7:00, kelsey
makes that call to her mom.

So far, it looks like
an ordinary shopping trip.

She was very calm in the video.

She's casually walking around
the store selecting her items.

She goes to the clerk...

...chats with the clerk
as she's paying for her items...

...and then leaves the store.

Just 10 minutes after arriving,
kelsey returns to her car.

There she is.
She's leaving.

The car backs up
and leaves the parking lot.

At no point did we see her talk
to or make contact with anyone.

Detectives are stumped.

Very normal shopping experience.

Or is it?

We knew there was
that one piece of information

That we just didn't have,

And we didn't know where
or who we would get it from.

We have no further leads as to
what might have happened to her.

We are...sort of in the dark.

Once more,
cops are at a dead end.

As an emotionally exhausting day
draws to a close,

The search for kelsey
hits the 18-hour mark

And dread sets in.

As those minutes
start ticking away,

Your gut
is just constantly in knots.

And you do panic a little bit
wondering, where is your child?

One side of me
was a police officer,

Just trying
to look at it strictly --

"This is just evidence.
Just look at the facts."

And then the other side
was the dad.

And they had a hard time
going side by side.

And the police side

Was not nearly as optimistic
as the dad side was.

You don't eat because you don't
know if your child's eating.

You don't sleep.

It was just the most
god-awful time in my life.

It's 24 hours
since kelsey smith vanished,

And the clock is still ticking.

With nowhere else to turn,

Frustrated police take a second,
more detailed look

At the target footage.

All right, ladies and gentlemen,
let's take a look.

We decided to view the video

To see if there was anything
that we had missed.

All right,
so we're looking for anything.

"Well, let's take it over
to command and control center,

And we'll blow it up
on the wall."

We gathered in a group

'Cause always more eyes
on something are better.

She enters the car park
at 6:57...

With the footage
blown up, 10 sets of eyes

Examine every frame
for any overlooked details.

We watched
all the segments of the video.

We were hopeful
to see anything --

That she picked up somebody,
and they left, you know,

Or somebody else walked out to
the car with her, and they left.

We watched this video
over and over and over again.

What we had seen before is,

We had seen kelsey walk
to her vehicle.

She places her packages

In the passenger's side
of the vehicle.

She walks around the rear
of her car,

And she gets
in the driver's side,

And the car backs up
and takes off.

They watch the clip of kelsey
approaching her car again.

The picture's
quite large, so it's pixilated,

So it's kind of blurry.

And as we're standing there,

We see something
that we hadn't seen before.

Let's play that back again.

She walks
around behind the car,

And as she opens up the door,

Before she gets in,
before she shuts that door,

There's a flash.

My god.
Did you see that?

Someone comes rushing up from
the left side of the screen,

Out of view of the camera,
and rushes up behind kelsey.

The car door shuts,

And there's probably
a 12-, 15-second hesitation,

And the car simply backs out
and drives off.

I think, for a moment,

You probably could have heard
a pin drop in that room.

Everybody stopped
what they were doing.

"My god.
Did you see that?"

We stood there in silence.

Just, you know,

We looked at each other
and said, "it's kidnapping."

Overland park, kansas.

Police have found
what could be the smoking g*n

In kelsey smith's disappearance.

"My god.
Did you see that?"

An apparent abduction
in broad daylight.

We knew something criminal
had happened to her.

It's huge.

It's huge because we hadn't even
suspected at this point

It was gonna be a kidnapping.

You just kind of run that
through your head,

Knowing what I know, you think,
"man, this is bad."

Then I knew that she wasn't --

You know, she wasn't mad,
she just didn't come home.

It wasn't some, you know, prank
or something like that.

Which I never really
thought it was, anyway,

But I was hoping, maybe.

I knew that somebody had her.


That feeling of powerlessness
comes back,

And it's like, "I can't do
anything to help her."

After seeing that figure rush
behind kelsey in that video,

I knew that we had
to find her immediately.

There's little to go on.

It's a blur.

I mean,
you get the general male figure.

They know it's a long shot,

But perhaps he'd been
tracking her before he att*cked.

We thought
if he was outside the target,

Was he also inside?

So we went back to
the inside surveillance video,

And we started going through it
piece by piece.

Is there someone
on the perimeter

That may have been watching her?

Someone we missed?

They play and rewind
over and over.

Every time we saw kelsey
enter the camera view,

This individual wearing
the light shirt and dark pants

Would also enter
the camera view,

And his eyes
were always following her.

He was not shopping.

The term we use is
he was trolling.

Just looking, you know,
for opportunity.

Sometimes looking back
over his shoulder

As he walked past her.

He's watching her.

He was absolutely watching her
to see what she did,

If she was meeting anyone
inside the store,

If she knew anyone
inside the store.

He was watching to see when she
was going to leave the store.

Once he sees that kelsey
goes to the checkout stand,

He makes a beeline --

Just strolling,
makes a beeline out the door.

He wanted to be outside
before her.

It's a huge break.

Now if only they can get
a clear shot of his face.

We pulled the surveillance video
from the exit door.

There's that short
hallway in between the doors,

And there's a camera
looks right down.

We can very clearly
see his face.

We can very clearly
see his clothing.

Everything down to what type
of shoes he's wearing.

It's a perfect picture.

Skinny white male
with a flat top, you know.

25 Hours
since kelsey smith was abducted,

The race is on
to find this phantom.

We released this photograph
to the media

To ask the public for help.

When we put the picture out,

The phone calls
rolled in unbelievably fast.

Most of them were people
who were way off

'Cause it was
a fairly common look.

We received almost 2,000 tips.

But even with help
from neighboring departments,

Officers are overwhelmed.

It'll take weeks
to check out all of the tips,

So again they turn to cctv

To see if their suspect
drove to the parking lot.

We knew that we had
this figure rush up behind her

And push her into the car,

And that her car had been found
with all of her belongings

In the macy's parking lot.

Two hours
after her abduction from target,

Who is parking kelsey's car in
the nearby macy's parking lot?

We see the car come
into the parking lot and park.

That's basically all we can see
from the video.

What it does give us is a time.

Detectives have an idea.

Maybe the kidnapper
came back for his own car.

Going off
that 9:17 p.m. Time stamp,

We went back
to the target store,

Looked at the parking-lot video
from the target store again

For anything that happened
after 9:17 p.m.

And we saw a dark-colored pickup
leaving the parking lot.

Is this the kidnapper

Picking up his truck
from the target parking lot?

If it is, they ought to be able
to pick out the same vehicle

Arriving earlier in the day.

Kelsey arrived at the target
parking lot at 6:54 p.m.

So, we basically back
the video up, play it backwards.

This truck appears just seconds
before she does.

And so we follow it on the video

Back around to the back side
of the building.

We were able to get a look
at the driver.

Kind of fuzzy.

White male, short hair,
white t-shirt.

So we're thinking,
"okay, we might have the truck."

White male in a blue pickup.

It narrows down the search

They still need the public's
help, and they get it.

I answered the phone and spoke
to an individual who told me,

"I know who the guy is
on the video."

The name that he gave me
on the phone was edwin hall.

And he owns a blue pickup truck.

Three and a half days after
kelsey smith was kidnapped,

Overland park investigators

Have a lead
on their first solid suspect.

We got a couple
of phone calls --

A co-worker who knew him
and one was a friend.

They were sure that the picture

Was a gentleman named
edwin hall.

But with his face
all over the media,

He could be making a run for it.

Officers arrive at his address
just in the nick of time.

Edwin hall and a female,

Who we later learned to be
his wife,

Were loading a vehicle
with boxes and bags and things,

And it looked like they were
getting ready to leave.


Detective miller.

Could this be the man
who abducted kelsey smith?

Police take
edwin hall's fingerprints,

And they'll be compared with
those found in kelsey's car.

Detectives press hall
for answers.

Where is kelsey smith?

Throughout the interview,
he -- he denied knowing kelsey.

So, you know kelsey?

Hall admits he is the man seen
following kelsey in the video.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think
I did see her," you know?

"She was quite cute,
and she had nice legs, too."

He adamantly denied
having any contact with her

Once she left the store.

This guy still thinks
he's smarter than we are.

You could tell he was lying.

Detectives bridges and miller

Are sure he knows
where kelsey is,

But they have no hard evidence

While edwin
was being questioned,

The lab came back
with a fingerprint match.

His fingerprint
matched a fingerprint

That was found
on the seat-belt release

Of the driver's side seat
in kelsey's car.

That proves he was there.

The flash of the fuzzy person
on the video we saw was him,

And there's no denying it.

Soon as we had
that fingerprint match,

I knew that he had
done something with kelsey.

Edwin hall admits to stalking
kelsey in the target store.

He watched her shopping,

Then waited for her
in the parking lot.

Armed with a handgun,
he made his move.

My god!
What is -- stop it!

Don't move.

Open the door.

Please, please, please.
Get in the car!

Don't say anything.

Put the keys in the ignition.

Put the keys in.
Okay, okay.

Then he forced her
to drive away.

Two hours later,
he returned alone...

And abandoned kelsey's car
in the macy's parking lot.

He then walked back
to the target... into his truck,
and drove home.

Three and a half days
after kelsey's disappearance,

A search party
makes an upsetting discovery.

We get a call from the searchers
that they had found kelsey.

She's not alive.

had been sexually assaulted

And strangled to death.

We were at the end
of our driveway

When we were told kels was gone,
that they had found her.

And I just remember screaming,
"not my kels!

Not my kels!"

Edwin hall is charged
with the m*rder of kelsey smith.

He gave a full confession
to the crime

In order to avoid
the death penalty.

He pleads guilty

And is sentenced
to life without parole.

He set out that day
looking for somebody to attack,

And he found kelsey.

We've asked edwin hall about
other murders in the midwest

That he might be
responsible for,

And his reply was, "no,
I'm not responsible for any.

This was my first time
of k*lling someone."

My police instinct tells me
it's a lie.

I don't think about him.
I really don't.

He doesn't matter
in kelsey's story.

He's the means
to the end of her life.

But if I focus on him, then
he takes more joy from my life,

And I'm not gonna allow
that to happen.

There's a quote
from lincoln, which I had read,

And he had said something
to the effect of,

"It's not the years in your life
that matter.

It's the life in your years."

And that's kelsey.

And that's what --
that's her epitaph.

That's what we put
on her headstone.

You know,
I've often said to other parents

That every bit of pain
of not having her here

Was worth the 18 years and
30 days of joy of having her.

I wouldn't give it up
for anything.

The video absolutely solved it
for us.

It did take
some good police work.

It did take some luck.

But had we not had that video,

I don't know that this case
would have been solved.