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02x09 - A Game of Death

Posted: 02/24/24 09:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Traitors"...

[ Rodents squeaking ]

...the players took on
a mission from hell.

- Oh, maggots!
- Oh, Jesus.

- That is [bleep] up!
- [ Screams ]

The faithful laid another trap
for the traitors.

It’s a shield.

- I got it.
- Trishelle, keep it secret.

Don’t tell anybody.

And Phaedra and Parvati
came under fire...

- Why?
- I have, like,
a million reasons.

Your eye starts
to freak out a little bit.

I’ve never heard
anybody say that.

I feel Parvati could well be
a mistress of m*rder.

I had a conversation
with Parvati

that completely shifted my view.

You’ve changed your mind
about Parvati,

who you were
so passionate about.

...before another traitor
was banished.

I am not...

a faithful. I’m a traitor.

Tonight, you must select
one faithful

and offer them an ultimatum...

...join you or die.

Who would you like to issue
this ultimatum to?


But will Kate switch
to the dark side?

♪ When the darkness falls ♪

♪ I come alive ♪

[ Wolf howls ]

I hate this place.

What the [bleep]

♪ Welcome to your nightmare ♪

♪ Welcome to your nightmare ♪

♪ Welcome to your nightmare ♪

You sly fox.

Hello, Kate.

I have an ultimatum for you.

Join me as a traitor,

or else
I will have to m*rder you.

You’re smart. You’re clever.

I think you’ll make
a crazy-cool k*ller with me.

So what is your answer?

I accept.


Great choice.

I didn’t want to
leave you here to die.

I mean, she’s not really
giving me a choice here.

But I do love a dramatic cloak.

And I do love a VIP club.
And I do love knowing secrets.

So I guess I’m a traitor now.
It might be fun.

Follow me, because we’ve got
to m*rder someone.


♪ Playing with your fate
like it's just a game ♪

Only thing that’s
surprising me right now,

it’s just Phaedra
as the only traitor left.

I’m kind of, like, disappointed.

♪ Cut the strings,
cut the ties ♪

♪ Goodbye, and now
you'll move on ♪

♪ You better,
you better listen ♪

♪ Gonna be fine ♪

♪ Cut the strings,
cut the ties ♪

♪ Goodbye, and now
you'll move on ♪

So you've spent a lot of time
up here.

Yes, I’ve been here
quite a bit.

This is my home away from home,
my penthouse.

- I love it.
- Thanks.

Was it just you, Dan,
and Parvati the whole time?

- Yes.
- Who was recruited? You?

- Parvati.
- No!

It started you and Dan?
- Oh, God, yeah.

It was like eating
dry melba toast with no butter,

no jam, no nothing.
- That is totally the vibe I got.

- Totally the vibe.
- Uh-huh.

So what is our strategy
going forward?

You don’t have a plan?
I just got here.

You’ve been a traitor
for a while now, the whole time.

Well, what do you think?

Well, um, Kevin’s
pretty annoying sometimes.


It could look
a little bit suspicious,

since he did vote for me tonight

and had his brilliant
eye-twitching argument.

Oh, I want to m*rder him
just for that.

Me too. But he’s a follower,
and he’s following a dictator--


I know.

Peter puts the d*ck in dictator.
- [ Laughs ]

All the bullshit
he pulled tonight.

Like, that was so crazy.

He thought he was so clever.

- Yeah, we got to get rid of him.
- He’s not as smart as he thinks.

But we gotta
make sure we don’t misfire,

because if they have a shield,
it’ll be another Bergie.

Peter-- I think he might
have the shield.

He’s always gunning
for the shield.

- What about Trishelle?


She was made a fool tonight
at the round table,

and she’s like, "But I still
have my b*llet points."

Oh, my God,
throw your notebook away...

- Yeah.
- ...with your little funny hats.

Now she’s
going to have a vendetta.

She wants to prove her point.
- Yeah.

So is it Trishelle or Kevin?

[ Clicks tongue, sighs ]

They deserve it.

- Natural-born k*ller.
I love it.
- I mean...

- Yeah. Bang, bang,
bang, bang, bang.
- Yeah.

- Okay. Let’s do it.
- This is the best thing
I’ve done

since I’ve been in the castle.

[ Laughs ]

The turret
definitely suits Kate.

She appears to be right at home,

so I am glad she is feeling very
comfortable in her surroundings.

Signed, sealed, delivered.
You’re dead.

This is fun.
- Let’s go.

Hoods up.
- Okay.

The first day on the job
is always the worst.

You’re learning everything.
- I think you're great.

We’re going to be a k*lling duo.
[ Laughs ]

It’s only my first m*rder.

I just became a traitor
five minutes ago.

But I feel like
I’m going to be good at this.

I will burn this castle
to the ground.

[ Birds chirping ]

With the traitors
now a diabolical duo,

they have committed
their sixth m*rder.

This morning, surviving players
are heading to breakfast.

But one player won’t make it,

and only the traitors know
who that is.

- We’re first. Oh.
- Oh.

[ Laughs ] Here we were about
to make a grand entrance.

I have just woken up a traitor,
and I am not prepared for this.

I’m not a good liar. Definitely
don’t like lying to my friends.

So peaceful.
- I've never been first
to breakfast.

It’s nice.
The only way I’m going to
get through this

is to remain in my truth--

I’m still a faithful.

Peter is a traitor still
to the faithfuls. He lied.

You know what’s weird?
That we caught a traitor

but nobody was happy
and celebrating,

like when we caught Dan.
- You said that.

And again, here’s Peter

cutting deals
with people that are traitors.

And then he took me
in the kitchen afterwards,

and he was like, "Listen,
I knew Parvati was a traitor.

You’re on to me."
I don’t love that.

[ Knock on door ]

- Was that knock?
- Yeah.

- Hey!
- Come and have a seat.
- Thank you

to the powers that be
for giving me another day.
- We're happy to see you.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Peter-- he’s a liar.

Yeah. Kate, you called it when
you called him out and said,

"Wait, so one minute
it’s 100% Parvati,

the next minute,
he was protecting Parvati."

And then she ends up
being a traitor.

I just think your credibility
just goes out the window
at that point.

I don’t believe anything.

He’s playing the game.
It’s no hard feelings.

But doing too much.

Peter-- he’s rubbing me
the wrong way.

He doesn’t listen to anybody
else, and he’s not consistent.

He’s all over the place.
He’s always hiding in the dark.

Smoke and mirrors,
the politricks, the booby traps.

And it’s one thing
to think like a traitor,

but it’s another thing
to play like a traitor.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.
[ Door opens ]

- Hey. Oh!
- Oh! Good morning.

I was not expecting to be here.
It’s great to see you guys.

- Yay!
- Yay!
- M.J.!

- Hi. Hi.
- Good morning.
- Hi.

This game is getting to me.

I am extremely shocked
to still be alive,

but I’m definitely
very grateful to be here.

I am just hoping to see,
like, my team-- Trishelle,

John, and Kevin--
walk through those doors.

Wow. Okay. Another day.

- Um, are you good?
- Pardon?

There’s, like,
something amiss.

Yeah, I'm good.

M.J., stop calling me out.

Okay. Because the light
in Kate’s face

is not totally there.
- Yeah, I'm good.

Shut up, M.J.

I’m tired. Give me the coffee.
Get off my back.

I’m freaking out. I have got
to get my shit together.

I am a faithful.
Peter is a traitor.

[ Whispering ] I am a faithful.

[ Normal voice ] This is why
I don’t smoke marijuana.

I get paranoid, and I think
everything I say is,
like, wrong.

"Pass the eggs." I’m like,
"Did I say that like a traitor,

or did I say that
like a faithful?"

If I were still a faithful,
would I be eating the salmon?

I don’t know.

[ Pounding on door ]
- [ Gasps ]

[ All cheer ]

- Oh!
- We made it.

I’m feeling so good walking
into breakfast this morning

because I’m happy to have
made it this far.

But it’s getting down
to the wire.

Like, we have work to do.

So John, Phaedra,
Trishelle, Kevin?

[ Knock on door ]
- Uh-oh.

That’s a girl knock.

- Yay!
- Good morning.


- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- What a pretty outfit.

Mwah, mwah, mwah.

- Morning. Morning.
- Morning. Morning,
Mr. Bercow.

- We good?
- You say what?

Are we good?

- Yes. Let’s not fight today.
- Okay. Good.

Yesterday was a lot. Phew.

Hello, babies. Hello.
- Good morning.

But I’m glad
I’ve got Kate on board.

She has played the game before,

so she’s an asset,
and people really trust her.

All right, Phaedra, if we’re
gonna work together now,

who do we think?

I don’t know.
[ Sighs ]

- So it’s got to be between
Kevin and Trishelle.
- Yeah.

How are you feeling about that?
You were at five a couple--

Gonna just keep taking the--
taking the crew down.

Down to three?
Are we down to two?

Well, I know that Trishelle
has a shield.

Right now, I’m just praying that
both Trishelle and Kevin
walk in

and we’ve successfully avoided
any murders from last night.

I mean, I hate to say it,
but I think Trishelle
would get m*rder*d.

If there has been a m*rder,
it will be Kevin who’s m*rder*d.

I think so, too.

But why would you think Kevin?

But we don’t know
who found the shield,

so we have no idea
who’s protected.

I see it. Yeah, I got it.

Trishelle, keep it secret.
Don’t tell anybody.

John, do not tell anyone
who has the shield.

I agree.
We don’t know at this stage.

Collectively, we don’t know.

[ Knock on door ]

Oh, you guys.

[ All "oh" ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ All "oh" ]


- Good morning.
- Hi. Welcome.

- Don’t be so excited to see me.
- Congratulations.

- Ah, boy, it’s Kevin.
- Yeah.

- Oh, wow.
- That's sus.

Kevin has to die.

We break down that... g*ng.

- It’s going to send Peter
for a tailspin.
- I love it.

I want to spin that tail.
- Uh-huh.

I want to see him break
like a little toy plane.

- Uh-huh. Yeah.
- [ Laughs evilly ]

Oh, no.

[ Sighs deeply ]

"Dear Kevin,
by order of the traitors,

you’ve been m*rder*d.

Signed, the traitors."

With the highs
does come with the lows...

and sometimes a m*rder letter.

Do I get to keep this?

- Kevin.
- Kevin.
- Kevin.

- That’s it?
- Yeah. Did you have a shield?

I did, but only a few people
knew that I had a shield,

which is interesting.

Aye, yi, yi.
Too many good friends.

I can’t believe we could have
m*rder*d someone with a shield.

I haven’t had time to process my
shift from faithful to traitor.

So I’m not thinking
with a traitor mind yet.

It's smoked salmon.
Ooh, that’ll be good.

You’ve been a traitor
this whole time.

Get your shit together, Phaedra.

Good morning,
my Machiavellian mob.

And what a morning it is.

Peter, bring Kevin to me.


- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Oh, Kevin, up in heaven.

Whenever the lark glistens
in the moonlight,

I will see your face.

Whenever the majestic stag
bellows in the forest,

I will hear your voice.

Not really.

Now, for the rest of you,
the show must go on.

Finish your macchiatos

and meet me at the castle church
for your mission.

And don’t be late,
or I’ll be cross.

May your God go with you.

- And also with you.
- Mm.

John, you got a few words
for, uh, Kevin?

- Hey, bless him.
- [ Laughs ]

Oh, my God.

The one time. The one time,
John, huh?

[ Laughs ]

We have less people now.

And my close friends
are unfortunately gone.

And we keep taking blow
after blow. None of that side,

you know, the other group,
if you want to call it

the "other side of the house,"
is getting any smaller.

I hate losing, and today
I am feeling like

there is a really,
really good chance of that.

I could use a coffee.
You want to make a coffee?

- Yeah. Let’s go.
- Make some coffee.

- Can I come in here
with you guys?
- Of course.

- Mm-hmm.
- Do you like this better
than "Bachelor"?

- Oh, yeah.
- Really?

This is more fun than having

You would think that’s, like,
a guy’s dream, but that--
this is stressful.

That’s, like, a billion times
more stressful.

Okay, so what do y’all think
the Kevin m*rder says? Anything?

I just think Peter, he’s
just looking real sus, suspect.

Every traitor
that we found out,

he’s had some dealings
to the point

where they feel
compelled to say--

"Can I say something,
or are you going to talk?

No, you can talk."

Obviously, my name is out there.
You can’t unring a bell.

But the goal is is we’ve got
to break up that alliance.

So we’ve got to, you know,
start with the top,

the leader, which is Peter.

Once we get rid of Peter,
the rest of them will scatter.

So if you’re always holding
something, telling people
different things,

creating confusion,
no one knows what’s what.

Accusing-- Just protecting
traitors blatantly.

It’s just I-- I don’t know
if that says he’s a traitor,

but the only thing
I got at this point.

Because who else could it be?

Peter didn’t want
to get m*rder*d.

So that’s why he was,
like, doing a thing,

picking a fight
with Parvati, basically.

- Eh...
- Eh...

Maybe it’s time to just,
you know, be open-minded

about Pete a little bit,
that’s all.

I love C.T., and I really,
really trust him in this game,

but kind of, like, who do I
trust, like, Peter or C.T.?

I don’t know.
I don’t think Peter would lie
to that many people.

Good talk, guys. All right.
- Later.

I really believe
that Peter is a faithful.

So I kind of want
to stick to my g*ns on this one.

So do you think we’re doomed?

I don’t want to say anything
because they already think

I keep gunning for him.

But Peter, the behavior
is consistent with traitor.

You had a deal with Dan.
You had a deal with Parvati.

That’s sus.
That’s traitor behavior.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I would love to know

that conversation
that he and Dan had.


I like Peter,
but he’s being this person

who’s very influential,
creating these alliances,

making up fake fights
and fake stories.

It’s almost like
the boy that cried wolf.

You’ve told so many lies
or created so much chaos

that nobody’s going
to believe you

when you are telling the truth.


- Oh, banishment?
- Uh, yeah.

All right,
we know what we have to do.

At round table, you have
to construct a majority,

so you have to go around
lobbying for support.

Oh, it’s far more stressful
than a parliamentary session.

- Want to talk?
- Sure. Sure.

Did I ask you, like,
where you’re leaning

for your vote right now, or no?
- Uh, honestly, you.

You’re leaning towards me?

- Yeah.
- Oh, God.

I just don’t believe
anything you say, man.

- What do you mean?
- All the smoke and mirrors,

the politricks
and the booby traps.

- Oh, boy.
- And you’re not
consistent at all.

- Dude, that’s my strategy.
- Everything’s a part
of your master plan.

But then the next morning,
you wake up, you don’t know
what’s going on.

Dude, we’ve gotten
two traitors out.

We got a blocked shield
from this.

What are you talking about?

You don’t have to like
how I’m playing.
- Sure.

But everyone
can play a different way.

- Of course.
- This is the way I’ve decided.

And I’m going to stay that way.
This is how I’m doing it.
- Okay.

Just, you asked me a question,

and I told you where-- you
asked me where I was leaning.

Dude, I promise you,

you’re gonna waste this.

But who else is there?
Back to Phaedra?

I mean, that's my only thing--
at least you’re consistent
about that.

Today is so damn frustrating.
Oh, my God.

It just seems like now,
instead of actually trying
to win this game,

we're just dealing with
distraction after distraction.

We have four wins
that have come from that.

Why are you mad about that?
- I’m not going to play a game
with the traitors.

I’m not going to try
to cut a deal with them.

Yes, I am playing aggressive.
I’m going to fight like hell

to make sure these faithfuls
win the game.

But you can’t control
what people think.

Ay, yi, yi.

It’s so frustrating.

Time in my castle
is quickly running out,

and if the traitors can remain
undetected in the game

until the very end,

they will take home
the entire prize fund.

But for now,
faithful and traitors

will work together
to build that fund.

- A church.
- Phaedra's favorite place.


[ Laughter ]

If we have to go
into a chapel,

are you going to be okay?
- Yeah.

I just won’t sit in
the front row, you know?

[ Grunts ]

Oh, my God.

When was the last time
you were in a church?

- Uh, Sunday.
- Me too.

For a funeral.

Of course my first day as a
traitor we are going to church.

Lightning is going
to strike me down.

Not because I’m a whore.
Because I’m a traitor.

[ Bell tolls ]


Oh, boy. Jesus.

Oh, my goodness.

It’s creepy.

Players, welcome.

Followers, depart.

And lighten up.
Honestly, so moody.

[ Dog whines ]

In today’s mission,
you will need to combine

laser-focused strategy
with laser-focused aim.

Each of your names
have been immortalized

in separate
stained-glass windows.

What you must do
is take it in turns

to sh**t one of those windows
with this crossbow.

To complete the mission,
you must break every window

until just one name remains.

The one player whose name
remains intact and unshattered

at the end of our mission
will claim a precious shield

and be protected
from tonight’s m*rder.

I would like to get a shield.

At the moment, the traitors are
busily k*lling my colleagues.

I want to be protected
from m*rder.

And that would be the way
to achieve that protection.

Now, on to the moolah.

You’re going to start
this mission with $25,000.

But every time one of you
fires a crossbow and misses,

$250 will be omitted
from this amount.

[ Gasps ]

Think of it
as my very own collection plate.

So, the question is, whose name
are you going to target?

This is going to be
very interesting.

I think I’m going
to like this mission.

We can further chip away
at the Peter Pals.

I just have to disband them,
to be honest,

because they just think
they’re so powerful.

you are the first player.

Please mount
the crossbow podium.

Who do you think does not
deserve a shield and why?

I’m going to aim for John.

So you don’t think
John deserves a shield?

I don’t think
he needs one.

Go ahead, Phaedra.

I got it, I got it.

Alas, you missed,
and you lost $250.

C.T., please assume
the position.

Who do you believe
does not deserve a shield?

I’m going to go with Kate,

and I’m just going to go
alphabetically down the line.

Kate, how do you feel
about being targeted
so early in the game?

I think he’s probably going
to miss, so it’s fine.

Fighting words, Kate.

- Oh!
- Ooh!

please assume the position.

I’m going to go for C.T.
because I’m going alphabetically

for real.

[ Laughter ]

How dare you!

- Oh!
- Oh!
- Almost, almost.

It’s embarrassing to miss,
but I don’t really care

because I’m the one
doing the murdering, you know?

That’s $750 lost.

This could be a long afternoon.

John doesn’t need protection

because he’s our most faithful
of all the faithfuls.

- Ooh!
- Shereé?

I think I’m going
to go for John.

Wow! People are going for me
like ferrets in a sack.

It’s interesting
that they all want to sh**t you.

And it’s starting
to feel a bit personal.

- Oh!
- Oh, baby, so close!
- Damn.

Now is your time
for vengeance, John.

Whose name will you be choosing?

I will try for M.J.

- Oh!
- Damn!

I don’t feel embarrassed.

I just feel frustrated and
really irritated with myself.

For goodness sake,
Bercow, do better, man.

So close and yet so far.

With every miss, we lose $250,
and we have missed a lot.

Trishelle, who do you believe
does not deserve a shield?

I’m going to go for Shereé.

Aiming this crossbow
is so much more difficult

than I have ever dreamed
that it could be.

It’s just so hard.

It just seems like
we are not going to make it.

We need to, like,
really hustle on this mission.

$2,250 have been deducted
from your total.

It would be safe to say you’re
not very good at this game.

- We're terrible.
- It is safe to say that.

you’re up once more.

- All right.
- A fresh start.

And who are you
aiming for this time?

This time I think
I’ll go for Shereé.

Because the last person
was just up under Peter.

I’m going to move it slightly,

but I don’t want
to move it too much.

So it’s just a tactical
sh**ting thing.

It's a tactical sh**ting.

Still too doggone low.

- Missed. C.T. up. You coming?
- We’re losing too much money.

Okay. Copy that.
Copy that.

C.T., who are you
aiming for this time?

I’m gonna go, uh, Shereé.

We’re wasting a lot of money.

And then Phaedra
brought up a good point.

It’s easier to move
the crossbow left and right

than it is up and down.

- Oh! That was close!
Leave it right there.
- Ohh!

- Ooh!
- Oh, that was close!
- It hit just left.

So just a little bit
to the right?

Oh, that’s the other way.

Getting closer. Ever closer.
M.J., you’re up.

Who are you going for, M.J.?
- Shereé.

Don’t change horses midstream.

[ All cheering ]

- Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
- Oh, my goodness!

That's a bull’s-eye.

Finally you shattered a name,
and that name was Shereé's.

- Shereé.
- M.J. smashes me.

No shield for me tonight.

Who are you going for,

I think I got to stay
where we are and go for Peter.

Now we have the strategy
and skill-set.

I must try to get rid of Peter

because he is a bloodhound
on my trail,

and he just won’t stop.

Okay, Phaedra,
don’t move this thing.

It is in the center,
so easy target.

But I have a feeling

she wants to smash it
for some other reasons.

[ All cheering ]

Oh, my gosh!
- Oh, my gosh!


It’s tough because obviously
that’s a good sign for the group

because now
we’ve saved some money.

My heart can’t take it.

But, um, man,
if I ever needed a shield,

it's now.

I'm going Phaedra.
Let’s go.

I mean, that’s it.
That’s so easy.

It’s so much easier to move left
and right, and it’s on target.


[ All cheering ]

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God, C.T.

Oh, my God!
Now we finally have a strategy.

[ All cheering ]

Boom, boom, boom. We're winning.

- Let's go.
- Ohh!

Until they finally get to C.T.



- Oh!
- Oh.

- Oh, wow.
- Oh, my God.

- Oh!
- Wow, unlucky.

$2,000 have been lost
sh**ting at C.T.

We have wasted seven sh*ts
on C.T.

No one’s ever going to hit him.

We have got to keep
some of this money,

because a lot of us
could not hit a target

if it was sitting on our nose.

Phaedra, you’re next.

I think the best strategy
is to get Trishelle out.

Then we’ll do the top.

We got to get it together.

- Phaedra, what's it to be?
- C.T. is a vampire.

And I think we’ve got to change
the course of what we’re doing

because he won’t die.

- So who will that be?
- I think I’m going to get back

on the bottom
and go for Trishelle.

At this point, I am really
set up to get the shield.

All the panes around my name
are smashed.

Phaedra should be doing
what we’ve been doing,

which was just trying
to not lose more money

and just go for the top panes.

Controversial choice.

The first player
to target Trishelle.

She’s always gunning for me.
I get it.

You think I’m a traitor,
and you want me banished.

If you come for me,
I’m going to take you to task.


- Oh.
- Oh!

$17,000 to play for.

Red flag.
You’re a traitor.

You have completely
screwed up the game

and screwed everyone else
in the process out of money

just to purposefully keep me
from getting the shield.

[ All cheering ]
- Hey, hey!

- All right, now!

You are not doing yourself
any favors and, by proxy, me

as your new fellow traitor.

So there are
three players remaining--

C.T., John, and Kate.

Who are you going for, Phaedra?
- Kate.

[ All cheering ]

- Let's go!
- Yeah!

Players, only C.T.
and John remain,

and only one of them
can get the shield

and be protected
from the traitors tonight.

C.T., how much would you
like to win a shield?

Um, I mean, shields are nice.
Yeah, I’ll take it.

John, how much would a shield
mean to you tonight?

It would mean
a great deal to me.

C.T., up.

- Come on, C.T.
- You got it, C.T.
Let’s finish it.

Let's go, C.T.

- C.T. is stepping up.
- This could be it, players.

Match point.

At least a part of me feels,
"Well, I hope he misses it."

- It’s dead smack in the middle.
- You got this.

Let's go. One time.

[ All cheering ]
- Yeah!

Well done.
- I got lucky. Thanks, guys.
- That was pretty epic.

What a perfect ending
to an extraordinarily long game.

And the player
whose name remains intact

and is safe
from m*rder tonight is C.T.

- All right!
- Thank you, sir.

- Congratulations!
- Well done, C.T.

I won the shield today.
I’ll take it.

- Job well done, sir.
- Thank you, thank you.

But I feel like Phaedra
and Sandra purposely prevented

from getting the shield.

That’s traitor behavior to me.

Now, I don’t know how I’m going
to bring this up to people.

You lost $9,750 today,

but you banked $15,250.

- Nice.

We'll take it.

Why don’t you all head back
to my castle and unwind

before tonight’s banishment?

A bit of calm before
the looming storm.

Off you go.

We were happy.
He just snatched our joy.

If C.T. wouldn’t have hit you,
I wasn’t going to sh**t for you.

I was going to sh**t for C.T.
and try to get you a shield.
- Oh, okay.

Oh, bless you, Sandra.
- And think about it.

You were the first one
we were targeting.

And then look at you--
all the way to the damn end.

- I know, right?
No one could get you.
- Thank you, Sandra.

- I bet you liked this mission.
- I got lucky.

I’ll be honest with you,
I didn’t ask her to do that.

- Do what?
- Do what?

She switched from me
when we just kept going for me.

- Well, I missed you on purpose.
- So you do like me.


I did feel a certain way
when Phaedra decided to take it

all the way off of C.T.
and put it on me.

It did seem like that was
the complete opposite way

to target.
- Yeah, 'cause you guys
were diagonal.


- That was such a good mission.
- Hey! Pow, pow, pow!

- It was my favorite.
- Okay.

Dirty macaroni and cheese?
What the heck is that?


Phew! God,
that looks really good.

You know how mad I am
that I can’t have dairy?

That mac and cheese
looks so good.

I wish we had sriracha, though.

Sounds good. I’m jealous.

But listen. I’ll say this.

Believe it or not, I will be
put up for banishment tonight.

- Yes.
- I can totally see it.

And I have all the evidence to
lay out exactly how I can’t be.

But it’s not going to matter.

We don’t have
the numbers anymore.

So what do we do?

I’ve got an idea.

C.T.'s not going to shift.
He’s going to go with her,

come what may,
and I think Shereé will.

You got to think of
who might be persuadable.

I’m minded to a think
in terms of Sandra and M.J.

You know, who else
is there left?

- There's Sandra. Sandra?
- Sandra?
- Sandra?

Tonight is a very pivotal part
in the game.

I have a feeling it’s going
to be between myself

and between Phaedra
for banishment.

I know, to me,
it’s shocking

because I have so much evidence
of why I can’t be one.

At this point.
If we lose a faithful tonight

because people want to stay
with their friends

and who they really like,
it’s done.

If you’re a faithful,
forget about winning this.

Do you want to win the game,
or do you want to stay friends?

Yeah, I’m going to listen
to what you say

at the round table.
- Okay.

I think I’ll know
when you start talking.

Let me go grab my food.
I’ll be back.

Do you think Sandra
will listen to me?

- You have to change her mind.
People listen to you.
- All right.

I think that John will easily
convince Sandra.

So I guess I’m going
to work on Kate and M.J.

and kind of see
where their head’s at.

I just hope that they’re
interested in getting
a traitor out,

and I want to make sure
that happens.

Who knew you’d be
such a good shot?

- Oh, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

So my plan of action right now

is separate Phaedra
from the rest of the group...

You wanna talk?
You wanna talk?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Want to go over here?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

...and create
an opportunity for Trishelle

to convince
the rest of the faithfuls.

We’ll see if this plan works.

- What’s going on?
- They want her.

John-- he is 100%
that Phaedra...
- Mm-hmm.

...she’s a traitor.

I’m curious to hear
what he’s telling her.

- What are you thinking?
- What are you thinking?

I’ll just be straight up.
I don’t want to think it's you.

I just do, and I can’t shake
the reasons that I think them.

Tiptoe. On your toes.
On your toes.

Toes, Kate, toes, toes, toes.

I think the vote
will probably come down

to you and me tonight.
- [ Sighs ]

And I just don’t see how
that could get any momentum

just because there’s just
a lot of evidence

how I can’t be a traitor.

Think Kate's
going to get busted.

People still in here?



Can I come in?
Can I come in or no?

Of course.
You haven’t missed anything.

We’re just sitting here.
They’re talking over there.

I think we all know that
it’s Phaedra or Peter tonight.

Let’s not beat around the bush.
- Mm-hmm.

But I know
that Phaedra's a traitor.

Three people voted for her.
Kevin’s gone.

And then today, she tried
to sabotage the mission.

Whenever she goes all the way
from C.T. to my name solely

so that I wouldn’t have a shield
so she could m*rder me tomorrow,

you don’t think that that is,
like, compelling evidence?

That’s not faithful behavior.
I mean, that’s traitor behavior.

Well, neither is lying about
knowing who a traitor is

and telling us not
to vote a traitor out.

That’s not faithful behavior.
If you want to use that--

But we explained--
we explained the reason.

And you know what
I’m talking about,

which is this exact scenario
that’s happening right now.

It’s not that
I think Peter’s a traitor.

Well, I know he’s not
because I am. Ha!

But Peter’s trying
to make it to the end.

I don’t want him at the end,
so I’m going to vote for him.

Phaedra has four people
that will never see evidence.

It’s like y’all have
blind loyalty to her.

- Oh, that’s not true.
That’s not true.
- That's not true.

I didn’t come to this castle

to win a personality test
with these ladies.

And if any of us do that,
we’re all going to lose.

So I’m going to go in
with a very open mind.

I really appreciate that.

Sure. Of course.

While we are Bravo girls,
look, if Phaedra is a traitor,

then I really think
that Shereé and Kate and I

will be more interested
in finding that out

than worried about what Phaedra
is going to think.

Good. We’ll bring it up.
- I appreciate you saying that.

- We’ll finish it there.
Yeah, we’ll continue it there.
- I believe you. I believe you.

So while we’re at, uh,
today’s mission,

I feel like Phaedra and Sandra
purposely prevented

from getting the shield.

I think the best strategy
is to get Trishelle out.

Then we’ll do the top.

That’s traitor behavior to me.

This one might be
a little tricky, though.

You know, Phaedra,
because I consider her a friend,

I don’t know what to do.

Oh, man,
this game’s getting tough.

Oh, God.


- Hey, I wanted to
run something by you.
- Okay.

I don’t know
what to do with this.

When we were
at the mission today,

it was Sandra here
and Phaedra here.

And I see Phaedra
staring at Sandra.

I look over, and she stops.
She’s quiet.

Long story,
it was basically something

along the lines of you,
and pretty sure

they want to prevent you
from getting the shields.

So I’m, like, thinking to
myself, "You guys are traitors."

Because the only reason
you don’t want her to get that

is because you want
to get rid of her.

But I don’t think
we should bring her up tonight.

No, don't.
We don't want her to know.

No, I will not say
a [bleep] word.

I trust you.

You are willing
to vote Phaedra?

Do you think
she’s 100% traitor?

Yes. I do.

I don’t want to vote
for Phaedra

because she’s been
really good to me.

But catch-22-- damned if I do,
damned if I don’t.

Let’s do it.

- Okay. I’m not
going to say anything...
- Let's do it.

- anybody
if you don’t want me to.
- Let's do it. Let's go. No.

I don’t want to play games
with the traitors.

I don’t want to try
to cut a deal with them.

They're traitors.
Get rid of them.

[ Sighs ]

I did not see this coming.

C.T. is on board, so I’m going
into this round table

super confident.
Phaedra is a traitor.

We’re going to
get her out tonight.

I am salivating

at the prospect
of tonight’s round table,

as faithful and traitors throw
slings and arrows at each other.

It’s currently
a castle of two tribes,

and the two tribes
are going to w*r.

♪ He was a wicked devil
in disguise ♪

I know Peter doesn't like me.
I get it.

I just have to defend myself
and try to make it out of here.

But I will never be intimidated
at that round table.

♪ His body lies
where flowers grow ♪

I’m going to round table
tonight with an open mind.

And I don’t know
which way to go.

Just when you think
this game is, like, hard,

it just gets harder.
Oh, God.

This morning was very
difficult for me as a traitor.

I feel more comfortable now.
I feel very confident

that Peter is going
to get banished tonight.

I am sure there’s going to be
a little bit of explaining to do

when he turns around
and says he’s a faithful,

but we’ll handle that then.

It’s vital that we hit
the right target tonight.

My view is that Phaedra,
she’s a traitor.

And if we don’t get rid of her,
she will get rid of us.

welcome to the round table,

where truths are uncovered
and lies covered up.

In today’s mission,
you earned $15,250.

Your total prize pot
now stands at $129,750.

Not too shabby.

Earlier, you’re firing arrows
at each other’s names,

but in this room, it’s
accusations you’ll be firing.

Look around you.

Nobody wants to be banished
at this late stage.

But somebody has to be.

The floor is yours.

I want to say this is
a pivotal moment in the game,

almost certainly
a turning point,

after which there is
no realistic prospect

of turning back.

And I do believe, Phaedra,

that although you are
a magnificent person,

you’re a traitor.

And I say in support
of my proposition,

which I cannot prove
but which I ask you to consider

and then to support,
the following.

First, two people banished
as traitors

both named you as a traitor.

I believe that that’s
an important point.

The second point
I’d like to make is this--

I think it matters in this game
to find and banish the traitors.

Now, of course
it’s a game of skill

and intuition and calculation
and maneuvering.

But your approach, Phaedra,
is to avoid error.

You are fly-low Phaedra.

You are noncommittal by day

and fatal under cover
of darkness.

I’m absolutely clear in my mind

that if my attempt tonight
to banish you is unsuccessful,

I won’t be here tomorrow.

Now is not the time
to sit on the fence.

You have to confront
and defeat the enemy.

You are a traitor,

and you should be banished
until eternity.

Ah, I’m glad you’re not God.
Now, you speak very eloquently.

And, unfortunately,
this is not Parliament,

so you could
bring it down a notch

and just get to the point,

and we would really
appreciate it.

In the case of me,
I am a faithful.

And while you would love
to protect Peter,

what those two traitors
who you so eloquently said

you banished had in common

is both of them
were in collusion

with your bromance friend Peter.

So what does that really mean?

If you’re such a traitor hunter,

Why aren’t you
talking about that?

And since you
so eloquently defend him,

he likes me so much now,
he wants to work with me.

Mm. Answer that.
- Okay, that’s not true.

I just asked to have
a conversation with you tonight.
- No, no, no.

You have all of these
closed-door meetings

that you say, "Leave the room.
I’ll talk to you later."

There is nothing wrong
in a game of "traitors"

to want to have
private discussions,

because you never know
who’s listening to you.

If you’re going to say
there’s something illogical

about doing that, then
we’re just disconnected here.

You think that you can play
all of these tricks.

"Plant this here.
I’m going to plant this here.

I’m a true faithful."

What you might have forgot, Peter,

is this is not the "Bachelor."

And I don’t have to
kiss your ass for a rose.

[ Chuckles ]

I don’t like how
you play the game

because it’s all about
me, me, me.


So I don’t have to answer to you

when you come to me saying,

"Convince me
that you are not a traitor."

So that’s where
you got me messed up.


God, that makes me angry.

I don’t want you
to be a traitor, Phaedra.

I just think you are.
Because up in that point,

I liked you,
until what you--

until those words
that you just gave to me.

All I’ve done this entire game

is do my absolute best
to find the traitors.

You know
I rejected your letter.

You probably didn’t like it
in a heartbeat.

I don't know anything
about your letter.

Okay. You can critique
my gameplay all you want.

All I’m saying is,
don’t call me a selfish player,

because that’s the last thing
that I am here.

The evidence we do have
is, at the mission--

And I’m just going to
throw it out there

because it is something
I was thinking about.

- Yeah.
- But hear me out.
Hear me out.

I'd like to admit exhibit "A."

If we’re going here

and the knuckleballs
are going all over the place,

why wouldn’t we just move over

and have a better shot
at a bigger target

instead of coming
all the way down here

for somebody that’s been
attacking you recently?

- You say what?
- To prevent Trishelle
from getting a shield.

- You went out of--
- I was not preventing
you from getting a shield.

- Honey, you went
out of your way.
- First of all, Trishelle--

You saw that I might
get the shield

because all the ones
around me were busted.

And it was going to go across
because that was the plan.

That’s what we had been doing,
and it was working.
- Trishelle.

- Please let me finish.
- Okay. Go ahead.

So you-- I saw that,
and I was just like,

"Who voted for her last night?
Peter, me, and Kevin."

Well, Kevin’s no longer here.
You m*rder*d him.

- Okay.
- Then today you would not
let me get the shield

because you wanted
to m*rder me.

It had nothing to do
with targeting you, Trishelle.

Let's move to the middle row.
- I had nobody around me.

I was-- I was going to win
the shield, and you knew that.

And you said, "She cannot
have the shield.

She’s going to be m*rder*d,
just like Kevin."
- Trishelle!

My whole issue comes down
to this, Peter,

you wanting to say
Parvati yesterday

but you knew
that she was a traitor

just set off alarm bells.

It did not make sense to jump

from where we were
to save Parvati

because you think she’s going
to give you information.

At the end, to have
a legit chance to win this

as a faithful is to get to
the end with someone

that you actually know
for sure is a traitor.

No one’s ending the game
with Parvati in the game,

because they know
she’s a traitor.

Why do you run around
with the traitors?

Why do the traitors always
have to get your permission

before they can speak?

You seriously think
I’m a traitor?

We have evidence in this game,

the evidence about
the Bergie shield block.

Why would I have misfired
on a m*rder to Bergie?

- No. Yeah.
- So that alone proves
I can’t be a traitor.

In what world would any
traitor ever make these moves?

It’s not going to happen.

Guys, we don’t get this
right tonight,

traitors win the game.

Players, it’s now time to vote.

This is really gut-wrenching,

and I don’t want to make
a mistake right now.

I don’t know
if I can trust Phaedra,

and I think Peter
would turn on me no problem.

Every day when you think you’ve
been through the hardest thing,

there’s just another curveball
coming around that corner.

We’re going to begin
with Phaedra.


And I think I’ve said it
tonight plenty of times.


- Peter.
- Oh, boy.

I feel like you feed me
whatever you want me to believe.

And then it ends up
being opposite

from what is actually
being said here.

And it’s just like
I feel I can’t get past that.

And that’s why I think
you’re a traitor.


I most definitely
would never be a traitor.

But my vote is for Phaedra.

I’m a faithful to the end.


I believe that Phaedra
is a traitor.

So, that’s two votes
for Phaedra,

two votes for Peter.


Sorry, I think you’re a traitor.


you know, it’s one thing

to go out of your way
to help someone win,

but to go out of your way
to make sure they get m*rder*d,

I mean, that’s a pretty
telltale sign for me.

So that’s four votes
for Phaedra,

two votes for Peter.

Shereé, who do you think
is a traitor and why?

Peter, I voted for you.

For the longest, I believed
that were are faithful.

I’m not sure if I believe about

you turning down
the recruitment.



So I can’t believe you.
I can’t trust you.

So, that’s four votes
for Phaedra,

four votes for Peter.

With the deciding vote, M.J.,

who do you think is a traitor
and why?