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02x05 - The k*ller Move

Posted: 02/24/24 09:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Traitors"...
[ Dramatic music plays ]

Who would you suspect?

I've been thinking Dan
a little bit.

...Dan came under fire.

You just have a demeanor
about you

that's just like
you could be a k*ller.

A plot was formed.

I don't want to be
the first to sh**t but, like

we've got to give them
some blood

I don't think I can win
this game

with Phaedra
in the traitors' conclave.

And Dan, Phaedra and Parvati's
murderous reign continued.

[ Bell tolls ]
- I love you. But you had to die.

Dearly beloved players,
we are gathered here today

to say goodbye to one of you.


- [ Gasps ]
- No!


We just lost $20,000.

Who is the person
that's doing all this?

I think housewives.

Don't do the housewives thing.
Don't do that, Parvati.

- I voted for you, Larsa.
- I voted for Larsa.

Are you a faithful
or a traitor?

[ Music builds, ends ]

I have been a faithful
from day one.

[ Music continues ]

When you do stuff like that,
it brings attention to me.

No one likes you, Parvati.

Everyone says
you're a [bleep] traitor.

With the traitors
turning on each other,

are the cracks beginning
to show?

[ Music builds, ends ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

For you to go in there and try
to throw me under the bus,

saying I'm an actress
with a clique--

I did not throw you
under the bus.

I never called your name out.
- What is it when you say--

The housewives?
- I was talking about Larsa.

No, you weren't.
You said the housewives.

That's what you said.

I was doing that because
I needed to get Larsa out.

Well, don't do it with my name.

It pissed me off.

I didn't know if you were mad

or if you were pretending
to be mad.

I'm not an actress.

Got it. Okay.

I really want you to know

that I am not throwing
your name around.

I'm not trying to sabotage you
in any way.

Okay. I'll accept that.

And I apologize if--

I accept your apology. Yeah.

Let's proceed.
- Okay.

I believe in grace.
I believe in mercy.

So we're gonna move on from it.

But if she behaves similarly
later on,

then I will know
she cannot be trusted.

I'm glad you guys were able
to clear the air,

'cause it's so important
that we work together.

- Yeah.
- We're fighting off a house.

This took half a second
for things to start popping off.

I lit the stick of dynamite, and
I'm just kind of sitting back

and watching the fireworks
go off

and thinking, "How can I
use this to my advantage?"

I took the lead last night
on Ekin-Su...

- You did a great job.
- I want to put the ball

in your court tonight.

You decide.

I need to make a peace offering,

so I want to hand over
the controls to Phaedra.

So, who would cause
the confusion?

It's got to be someone that is
skilled at playing the game.

What about Sandra?

She's so good at the strategy.

So at some point,
if one of us has suspicion on us

and the numbers are dwindling,

she'll pull the trigger
on any of us.

What about Tamra?

Tamra, I think, would be
a surprise for people.

She is kind of a loose cannon.

You don't know
where she's gonna go.

Yeah. You don't know
where she's gonna go.

Which one of those causes
more confusion?

If you m*rder Sandra,
does it cause more confusion...

...or if we m*rder Tamra?

[ Dramatic music plays ]

You got to make that call.

[ Music continues ]

[ Wolf howls ]

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

This morning,

the players will make their way
down to breakfast.

But one faithful
won't be joining them.

[ Music builds, ends ]

Oh, there's no one here.

We're the first ones?

I've never been first
to breakfast.

Is that a good thing?

Now the paranoia sets in because
we're the first ones here.

I don't know. Especially what
happened last time with the poison.

I thought it was either me
or you. I'll be honest.

I don't trust anybody
in this game. Why would you?

But I think it's only right that
every avenue should be explored.

Who do you think it is?

I was honing into the--
the housewives.

Yeah, but I think the
housewives are just trying to

get votes together
to get someone out of the game.

I don't think there's a strategy
behind their voting at all.

People keep throwing
the housewives out there

as traitors.

Let's just be real.

They don't have the skill
or the strategy

to have this mastermind
about who to m*rder.

[ Laughs ]
[ Knock on door ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]
- Oh, my God!

- Hey! Let's go!
- Yay!

- Whoo! Holy shit.
- [ Laughing ] What the hell?

[ Laughs ] Oh, my God.
- Mm! God.

Oh, my God!
I thought it was...

Good to see you, Pete.

- Not today, Satan.
- Not today.

Listen. This is going to start
getting very, very telling.

We have to be getting closer
to getting a traitor,

because there's less faithfuls
in the castle.

Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.

This is the exact opposite
to "The Bachelor."

Emotion is thrown out the door.

There's no more leading
with your heart

or thinking with your heart.

It's all thinking with your mind
and being two steps ahead.

We need to start finding a way
to get these traitors

to start going against
each other.

I am so focused in this game.

my thoughts are just racing,

and I'm going from theory
to theory on the traitors.

And you can kind of feel it.

We're onto them,
and it feels good.

Listen. There's got to be a guy
in the group of traitors.

At least one.
- One hundred percent.

And I'm very confident
it's not one of us three.

Kevin or Bergie?

I mean, I don't think
it's Kevin.

I don't think Bergie.

I have all my trust in him.

My suspicion right now, if there
has to be a guy, is Dan.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Knock on door ]

- Hi!
- Hi!

- What is up?
- Kevin!

- Whoof!
- Whoof.

Am I glad to see you guys.

- Yeah.
- Oh, man. Good to see you guys.

I was thinking
it could have been you.

- I was, like, worried.
- I was thinking that, too.

I'm thinking it's either
gonna be Sandra,

Shereé, or Trishelle.

[ Knock on door ]

- What's up, guys?!
- Ah!

Oh, my God. Yeah.
Kevin, too.

- What's up, guys?
- Good to see you too.

Hi, John.

Coming into breakfast,
I'm super happy.

Peter is my closest ally.

In a game where you're not
supposed to trust anybody,

you have to find people
that you can trust.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

- Hey!
- Hey!


- Hi, Dan.
- Hey.

I didn't sleep last night.

I'm, like, stressed out from,
like, thinking about this game.

Every night
without the shield-- sweat.

I don't understand. Like, is
there a psychological thing?

We need a shield today.

- Yeah.
- Or an option to get a shield.


Who do you guys think it is?

- Hi!
- Oh!

- [ Laughing ]
- Aah!

- Whoo!
- Oh, my God.

Hi. Morning.
Good to see you.

Another day, M.J.

[ Dramatic music plays ]
- Please be Trishelle.

- Oh!
- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.

I can't believe I'm here.
[ Laughs ]

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Who are we missing?


- Phaedra.
- Phaedra.

[ Music continues ]

- And Sandra.
- Oh, my God.

[ Knock on door ]
- Uh-oh.

- All right. Moment of truth.
- Okay.

[ Music builds ]

- Oh!
- Oh!

- No...
- Okay!


[ Knock on door ]
- All right. Moment of truth.

[ Music builds ]

- Good morning!
- Oh!

- Oh!
- Oh!

- No...
- Oh, my God.

- ...way.
- Tamra's dead.

- Tamra.
- What?

No! Oh, my God!

[ Music builds, ends ]

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

I definitely love
my housewife sisters, but...

[ Exhales deeply ]

...I think this will bring confusion.

And everybody knows
I'm loyal to the housewives.

[ Music continues ]

Do you feel okay murdering one
of your fellow housewives?

It's crazy.

[ Music continues ]

"Dear Tamra,
by order of the traitors,

you have been m*rder*d."

Signed the traitors.

[ Music continues ]

[ Voice breaking ] That's okay.
I had the experience.

I got to be
in this amazing castle.

I got to see a little bit
of Scotland, and...

it's time to go home
and be with my--

my kids and my husband.

This is way worse
than "Housewives."

I didn't know
it was so cut-throat!

I just hope it's not
a housewife in there...

that m*rder*d me.

[ Music continues ]
- No way!

Why-- Why Tam?

Oh, my God.

Are there any boiled eggs?

I don't think Tamra's m*rder
says anything about anything.

It doesn't.
It was another brilliant m*rder
by the traitors.

But they're moving forward
and chipping away at faithfuls.

Boiled eggs?

It was-- Maybe it was hard
for them to decide last night.

So they were like, "Who's
an easy person to get rid of?"

And that's what last night was.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

- Oh.
- Oh.

- Oh, Lord.
- Hey.

Good morning.

Rise and shine,
my paranoid platoon.

[ Laughter ]

Tamra is now dead to us.

A real housewife
lost her real house life.

Sent to eternal slumber as we
ponder the age-old question--

Is there life after
reality-competiton-show death?

[ Laughter ]

But we need to move on
with our lives.

And to ease your sorrows,
I have a treat for you,

something I have been waiting
to share

that will finally arrive
at my castle later

and turn this game upside down.

So, are you ready
to seize the day?

Carpe diem.

Carpe diem indeed.

So once you've finished
all your squawking,

I'll see you outside.

Ciao a tutti.

Oh, boy.

[ Music continues ]

How do you feel?
What do you think?

Give me a--
Give me a theory, Dan.

You know me.

I'm trying to draw the red
string between the murders.

No, but, I mean, do you have
any red strings anywhere at all?

- No.

- Nothing?
- I'm not gonna throw a name--

When I do--
- I'm not saying throw a name.

Maybe an avenue or explore,
maybe, a rabbit hole. Maybe...

I mean, at one time or another,
I think everybody could say

they've all suspected
everybody at one point.

But you've never suspected

No. I think I'm starting to,

but I definitely don't want to
say it.

You don't want to show
your cards yet?

- Yeah.
- Fair enough.

Has Dan expressed his suspicions

in private conversations?


Dan's a Traitor

I suspect C.T. and Parvati,
but I think Dan's a traitor.

I say that because he's been
doing exactly what I'd be doing

if I was a traitor.

He's been laying, you know,
super low,

flying under the radar.

He's playing a really,
really good game.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

- I'm coming out. Come on.
- Is everybody going outside?

It's sunny and nice outside.
We got to go outside.

[ Birds chirping ]

My God.
That wind is winding.

Yeah, the wind is winding.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Janelle gave me weird traitor
vibes right from the beginning.


I'm gonna put my neck
out there,

put her on the banishment table.

I've been observing Janelle
very closely since day one,

and everything just leads back
to her.

Every banishment, her name
comes up, then it goes away.

So I think this is
a perfect ploy from a traitor.

Janelle and I
were sitting together,

and everybody was gonna go
for somebody else.

But then she said she believes
it's Larsa

because of this theory.

But I told Janelle, "Look.

If you get this right
and it's Larsa,

I will believe
you're a faithful.

But if not,
this doesn't look good."

I know there's some suspicion
on me.

So if Janelle's name
is gonna get called up,

I'll fully use it
to my advantage

to win this game as a traitor.

We got to put Janelle
on the spot.

- Yeah.
- It's worth exploring.

- Yeah.
- [ Sighs ]

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

We have to get a traitor
this time. Like, we have to.

I feel like there's one
that's so obvious.


I mean, you-- Seriously?

- Dan?
- Yeah.

He still hasn't given anything.
- I know, but--

You can't let him slip by
forever without saying a name.

I think he will soon.

Is he gonna get m*rder*d
before he says the name?

I do suspect
that Dan's a traitor.

I can see all the moves
that he's doing

that he used to do
in "Big Brother"

that I totally know about.

Dan, in the beginning of a game,
plays possum,

and then he springs into action

when the numbers are in his
favor, and he starts attacking.

He's the most devious
"Big Brother" player

I've ever played with.

You two are two people
I feel comfortable with.


I really respect Janelle

as someone who's very dangerous
in this game.

So I got to make sure
I'm right there with her,

because if the wolves
are closer to me,

they're a little bit easier
to s*ab in the back.

Every day, like,
I'm on someone,

and every day I'm getting one
piece that's confirming that.

I'm not there yet,
but I'm really close.

[ Music continues ]
- I know Dan.

He's definitely lied to me before.

But fool me once,
shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

I feel like as a group,

like, we're getting
a traitor tonight.

It's happening, so...

[ Dramatic music plays ]

The players are gathering for
the fifth mission of the game.

Let's go double up
on what we lost yesterday.

Mama needs a savings account.
[ Laughs ]

This is a chance
for both traitors and faithfuls

to work together and add
up to $15,000 to the prize pot,

which currently stands
at $65,500.

Good afternoon, players.

Today's mission is all about communication,

something you could all
do better at.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

First, you need to split up
into two groups.

Six of you will be playing
in the grounds outside.

The rest of you will be
playing inside my castle.

Before you decide, I must
tell you something important.

[ Music continues ]

Only the players who choose to
play outside can win a shield.

[ Music continues ]

I'm thinking for sure
I need a shield today.

I have a couple of cards
still to play, maybe,

but ultimately a shield would
just relieve so much stress.

So, which six will be playing

- Where do you guys want me?
- I've never had a shield.

Yeah. I've never gotten
a shield before.

I've been a team player
for a long time,

sacrificing shields,
so I want one.

I'm just gonna say this now.

You guys know that I've been
on the chopping block

and no one is offering a shield
because you've had one before.

It's a little sus, but...
- Hey. You talk a lot.

I was one of the last people
in. I've never had a shield.

I've never even gone for one.

I mean, you guys,
it might be time for you

to be a little bit more selfless
with the opportunity.

Splitting for teams for the
mission is literally a dogfight.

Like, I'm gonna arm-wrestle
you b*tches.

It's happening.

I just feel like I'm getting
closer and closer

to getting a traitor,
and I absolutely need a shield.

I for sure need a shield.

I just want to go
where I'm most useful.

If you guys want it that bad,
I'll stay inside.

- I want one, but I'll step back.
- I'm with you.

Okay. One. Two. Three. Four.
Five. Six.

I am not going for a shield.

The shields aren't
that important to me.

Let's get some money
so I can take it all in the end.

Okay. So you six will be
the bird-watching teams.

Everyone happy?

I'm totally disappointed that
there's no shields in the house.

There should be shields
in the house

for the people that hate to run,
like me and Phaedra.

In this mission, you won't
be working as one group.

You'll be working in pairs.

You will need to identify
bird calls

that you hear
in the grounds outside

and match them
with replica modern birds

scattered inside the castle.

My castle crew, once
you think you've identified it,

bring it to me.

Like Miriam here.
This is how Miriam sounds.

[ Bird crowing ]

You only get one chance
per birdcall.

Players outside,
you will get maps

to locate
the bird-nesting areas.

Marked on each map
is the location

of the rare shield bird.

Any pair that decides to take
time out from the mission

to find it
and correctly identify it

will win two shields.

For both players,
protection from m*rder tonight.

go to your first position.

The rest of you, come with me.
- Whoo!

[ Dramatic music plays ]
- All right!

Getting into this mission,
I will need a shield,

because tonight,
I'm putting my neck on the line

and putting a name out
for a traitor.

Blue pair, are you ready?

- Ready!
- Ready!

Green pair, are you ready?

[ Static hisses ]
- You got it.

Red pair, are you ready?

- Ready!
- Yeah, we're ready.

Okay. Everyone ready?

- Yeah!
- Yes!

You have...20 minutes, starting...

[ Whistle squawks ]

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go!

[ Music continues ]
- We're here.

Let's go to the walled garden
and get the shield.

This is where the shield is.
So we can go up here.

The shrubs. Right there.

Get your binoculars ready.

At the bird-watching stand,
we read a clue.

"Blow the whistles simultaneously

for three seconds."

And then we had to make
a sound with a whistle.

[ Whistles squawking ]

And then we have to wait.

I mean, I know nothing
about bird-watching.

I know that my gloves make me
look like I'm a silky chicken,

but, uh, that's the extent
of birds that I know of.

[ Bird squawking ]


- Okay. Let me do it.
- Okay.

It's Trishelle and Bergie,
and we're at the shrub hut.

Hold for the bird call.

Copy. We're here at the shrub,
waiting for the bird call.


I'm not really an outdoorsy
type of person, so this is new.


- Repeat!
- Waah!

- Once more.
- Again?


[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

- Raah!
- Waah!

What's their location?

- Waah!
- Waah!


[ Group squawking in distance ]

Sounds like Janelle
when she doesn't get a shield.

[ Bird trilling ]
- No.

[ Bird lowing ]
- Waah!

I mean, come on.

Run, John! Run!

[ Bird squawking ]
- I found it!

On the fire-- fireplace.
The gray bird.

Press him and see if that's it.

[ Bird squawks ]

That sounds like
a squeaky door to me.

I'll be honest with you.
These birds are ridiculous.

I don't know how they survived
natural selection.

So tell us-- What is the name
and where does it come from?

Squawky from the shrub.

I can tell you, players,
that is...

[ Group cheering ]

- Aah!
- [ Laughing ]


Red, you're correct.
You're good to go.

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

No. Look here.
Right here.

We can get the shield
and then come back here.

You don't think we should get
the money?

I think we should get
the shield first. Let's go.

The first thing I want to do
is find that shield.

- Okay.

Go left.
We look at the map,

and we realize we both suck
at reading maps.

Are we reading this backwards?
Are we really over there?

Is this it?

[ Music continues ]

We are definitely going
for shields today.

Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.

I 100% need a shield,
and so does Peter.

- This way.
- What is this, Peter?

- Okay.
- We have to get in it.

- Is this it?
- It smells like...

- No, this isn't it.
- sh...

[ Music continues ]

Today, the shield
is definitely more important.

Like, the prize money doesn't
matter to me if I'm not here.

So I'm gonna try to contribute,

but I'm going for the shields too.

It's got to be here, right?
- Yeah.

- Why would it be down here?
- Exactly.

We're in the walled garden.

[ Birds chirping ]

"Scatter seeds in the middle."

[ Music continues ]
[ Whistles blowing ]

"Flap your wings.
Bob your beak."

"And bob your beak."
[ Laughs ]


[ Bird whistling ]

It's Bergie and Trishelle.
We're at the walled garden.

Here's the sound.
[ Whistling ]

[ Whistling ]

- Wild garden. Hold, please.
- I'm going to the billiard room.

- Ooh-whit! Ooh-whit!
- What?

- Ooh-whit!
- Ooh-whit!

Thank you for calling
Traitors 187.5.

We'll be right back following
this message from our sponsor.

I just adore C.T.
He is so silly.

So silly.

[ Bird calling ]

- That's not it.
- That's not it.

[ Bird calling ]

Hey, I think I got it.
I think I got it. Come here.

[ Bird calling ]

- That's it.
- I got it.

- Just bring it. Just bring it.
- Go, go, go.

- We're all good, right?
- We got it. Just bring it.

What is the bird
and where is it from?

- Squeaky from the walled garden.
- Walled garden.


We got it. We got it.
We got it.

Hide it.
- We got it.

Hide it in our pockets.
Hide it in the pockets.

Holy hell. We have a shield.
We have a shield.

Got to go north.

[ Bird calling ]

[ Music continues ]

Green team, green team.

Do you have anything for us?

We don't know.
The map is misleading.

- Green team's lost.
- Guys? Uh, Peter?

What's going on?

Why is it taking so long to hear
the bird sound?

- Is that it?
- Mm, I don't think so.

No, Peter.

[ Music continues ]
- We can't find the shield.

So we change our plan

and we just try to get
to the first birdhouse.

It is super stressful.

Yeah. Let's just go down here.
- There it is, right there.

- Yes!
- Shh!

[ Laughs ]


[ Whistles blowing ]

[ Bird barking ]

I got to say, you guys have

some strange-sounding birds here.

- What's the sound?!
- It sounds like a dog.

Uh-arf! Uh-arf!

- Uh-huh-huh!
- Rrf! Rrf!

It sounds like a dog,
but it's not!

A dog?

John, what's the sound?

- [ Growls ]
- Like a dog.


You got to come up real close
and be real quiet.

[ Bird barking ]

That's it. That's it.
That's it. Come on.

- Alan! We got it!
- What the heck?

This is chaos!

Now, tell me--

- Mrs. Beaks from the marshes.
- From the marshes.

That is... correct!
[ Group cheering ]

Good job.
Good job, guys.

We have found your barking dog.
You can move forward.

- Okay. Great!
- Awesome!

Confirm. We're going
to the next location.

[ Bird chirping ]

Janelle and Peter
at the forest.


- We got that.
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

[ Group chirping ]
- Copy that.

It's like a laugh.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

[ Dramatic music plays ]

I believe everyone that's out
right now is a faithful.

The traitors, all of them
are in the castle right now.

They're all gonna assume you
and I are going for the shield.

Let them assume that.
No one's going to say a word.

When we get back, let them
actually stay protected.

We maximize our coverage
of protection.

It's brilliant.

If they waste the m*rder,

that is the biggest one
of the game so far.

I came up with a plan.

Everyone in the castle,

regardless if they're a traitor
or a faithful,

is gonna assume
that we would go for the shield.

Now we're able to create a much
larger blanket of protection

for the faithful.

Peter is more
than a pretty face.

He's actually really smart, too.

Okay, Peter. I'm trusting you.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I've never seen
a housewife yodel before.


[ Bird chirping ]
- That's it. That's it.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- That's it.

Fluffy Pants from the forest.

I can tell you, players...

that is correct!
[ Group cheering ]

Something I never thought
I would see in my lifetime

is a former speaker
of the House of Commons

saying to me,
"Fluffy Pants from the forest."

Now I can die happy.

Fluffy Pants from forest
is correct. Proceed.

- We got it. We got it.
- We got it. Let's go. Let's go.

Only a few minutes left, players.

You're running out of time!

[ Bird droning ]


Almost like a scary movie.

- Aaah!
- Aaah!

Two minutes left!

[ Beak rattling ]

[ Bird chirping ]

[ Birds droning ]
- Guys, guys. Right here.

- Quickly, players!
- Yeah, yeah. Definitely.

Run, John! Run!
[ Indistinct shouting ]

Quickly, quickly, quickly,

Burnalicious. West lawn.


[ Group cheering ]
- Thank you.

- Aah!
- Whoo!

Two out of two!
- Two out of two!

[ Laughs ]
We did that!

[ Birds crying, chirping ]

Yeah! All right!
Let's go!

Bergie: We have a shield

Don't tell anybody.

- Great job!
- Good job. Good job.

I was really bummed
when I didn't get the shield,

but we have a plan
that could protect all of us,

at least for one more night.

We have a plan with the shield

Just say you're not willing to
reveal any information

- Way to go.
- We were waiting for you guys.

- So good.
- Yeah.

Good job, Janelle.

Don't reveal any information


We're not revealing
any information


Well, players,
this castle has heard

some high-pitched shrieks
in its time--

a few from me--
but that was next level.

Out of a possible $15,000,

you have managed to bank...

[ Group cheering ]

Respectable. Respectable.

Bringing the prize pot total
up to $75,500!

[ Group cheering ]

So, five birds have been found,
including the shield bird.

All right. Congratulations.

Does anyone want to reveal
if they won a shield?

[ Dramatic music plays ]

I have something to say.

In the best interest
of the faithfuls,

we are not willing to reveal
any information.

[ Music continues ]

And you've all decided that,
all three colors?

Well, a tactical decision.

The fact that they're not
revealing a shield

makes it very difficult on us
as traitors

to pick someone to m*rder.

But Janelle is being selfish,
and I know

that that's gonna help me
as a traitor in this game,

because no one likes
a selfish faithful,

and that could get Janelle
in trouble.

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

[ Bird cawing ]

Bergie, come here.

Just don't say anything
about the mission.

Because they're gonna try
to ask you something.

They're gonna come after you,
try to get information.

Don't say a word.

And Kevin needs to shut up too

and Shereé you can't
control her, but...

Kevin will have the shield


We do

Oh you do?


Okay, perfect

[ Dramatic music plays ]

I have developed
some really good trust

with Trishelle and Bergie.

I think that Bergie
is the next target for m*rder.

So my plan right now is a trap

that I'm hoping
the traitors walk right into.

You wanna talk?


I'm telling a little white lie
right now

to suspects I have
of being traitors

that Janelle and I got the
shield, even though we don't.

We got it, but don't repeat
that to anybody.

I am hoping that they believe me
so that they instead decide

to take out Bergie or Trishelle.

Between us okay?

Because I'm trying to
only reveal this

to people that

I trust

Janelle and I got it

We got the shield

but don't tell anyone that

They'd walk into a trap.

The m*rder gets blocked.

A ton of information
is revealed.

That's best-case scenario.

Obviously taking
a chance right now

Please keep this
between you and me

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Janelle and I have the shield

But do not repeat that
to anybody

No I won't say a word

This will feel really good if,
uh, if this plan works.

[ Music continues ]

I think we all need to just
collectively talk as faithfuls

and as a group
who we think is a traitor.

I feel like yesterday
was a distraction.

Dan, he's not giving me anything.

- Right.
- So obvious he's a traitor.

- And you know Dan.
- Yeah.

But why?
He hasn't done anything.

Facts are Janelle's been behind
every banishment.

So I think Janelle
is a perfect traitor.

And if she's not,
then she's a sloppy faithful

and getting rid of her
will make more room

for more logical choices
for us to get the real traitors.

Here's the deal--
If I'm throwing out ideas

and trying to identify
a traitor, I'm being a faithful.

So someone that's a traitor
is never gonna try

and figure out who a traitor is

'cause they already know
the answer.

They don't have to do anything.

All they have to do is sit back.

We all need to agree on someone.

You know, the last time
I did this, last night...

- I know.
- ...I went with Larsa.

- I know.
- Now we're going with Dan.

So I just don't feel good.
- I didn't say we have to.

I've suspected Dan.
He's super quiet.

But, uh, Janelle has
gotten her hands dirty,

and she has been
pretty cutthroat

when she accuses other people.

Could that be implicating
that she's a traitor?

I want to talk to you
really quick.

- Okay.
- So...

Girl. Girl, girl, girl.

So I don't--
What's going on?

Um-- Oh, my God. You guys,
where can we go that's alone?

- Come on.
- Right here.

Anybody in here?
No. Close the door.

[ Door closes ]

Janelle is gunning for you.
- For me?

- Yes.
- For what reason?

- I thought that was your girl.
- Wait.

Hold on.
Janelle is gunning hard.

She's trying to get us
to vote for Dan.

But why?
What's the reason?

She's saying that you're
never giving your opinion

and you're always saying
you're saving it.

That's what she said.
- Because I don't know!

- Okay. Fine.
- No, no. I'm not mad at you.

No, no, no.
I'm saying-- I know.

But I'm saying, like,
the clock is ticking.

This is my first time
getting heat in this game

from someone
who's very dangerous

and is very capable
of getting me banished tonight.

I have to try and capitalize
on using this information

to steer votes away from me.

To throw my name for no reason?

This is the same thing
that happened against Larsa.

Now it's me.
- So many red flags.

You guys, she is so convinced
that she's convinced us,

and it smells like shit.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Dan: They're coming after me

Parvati: Who's coming after you?


Coming after you?



We got to take out Janelle.

I know

How did that happen?
- I don't know.

'Cause I don't say any names.
- What happened?

[ Music builds, ends ]

[ Wolf howls ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

The round tables so far
have been a disaster

for the faithful.

But will the tables turn?

Tonight is like no other.

[ Music continues ]

This game started
with one player missing.

Twenty-one of you-- for now.

But who knows
what the future holds?

[ Music continues ]

And now...
they are finally here to play.

[ Music continues ]

Someone is about to hit
that round table

like a Highland wrecking ball.

[ Music continues ]

[ Chuckles ]

Let the games commence.

[ Music continues ]

[ Music builds, ends ]

[ Hinges squeaking ]

[ Music continues ]

Well. I'm back.

Did you miss me?

[ Music continues ]
[ Sighs ]

This is probably a love letter
from Alan.

I think he's obsessed with me.

"Dear Kate, you are a faithful."

I'm a little disappointed that
I'm not a traitor this time

because I really want to see
the turret,

and I really want
a special coat, you know?

The hood, but it's velvet.

And also, I'd like the power to
get rid of people I don't like.

Just like,
"Let's get rid of that one.

She ate all the croissants
at breakfast. m*rder her."

I'm just gonna have a good time

and [bleep] up some shit,
you know?

[ Music ends ]

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

♪ He was a dead man walking
to his fate ♪

♪ Vengeance was sweet
on my tongue ♪

Walking into this round table,
I don't feel good at all.

Although I am heavily targeted
as a traitor,

I'm not out of this thing.

I do my best work
when my back's against the wall,

and I have a few tricks planned
up my sleeve now.

[ Music continues ]

I know Dan's a traitor.

He is the best
"Big Brother" player

that I've ever played with.

But I am 100% here to win.

Dan's got it coming.
I'm sorry.

[ Music continues ]

welcome to the round table,

one I am certain
you will never forget.

Your numbers are dwindling.
Four players have been m*rder*d.

Three have been banished,
all of them faithful.

You need to find the traitors.

The prize pot currently stands
at a cool $75,500.

But remember, if any traitors
remain at the end of this game,

then they will take it all.

Oh, and one little thing
I forgot to mention.

[ Music builds, continues ]

Players... there's a new guest
in my castle.

- [ Gasps ]
- Oh.

[ Music continues ]

Tonight, a tsunami is headed
to our little Highland hideaway.

One more player
into the breach, dear friends...

one more player
into this game of death!

Oh, my God.

Who's this?
[ Music builds ]

[ Music ends ]
- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Kate!

[ Laughter ]
- Shit!

- Well done.
- Okay!

- Hi, Alan.
- Kate.

Players, meet Kate...

our new... ish player

who has been secretly waiting
in the wings

and has now finally arrived
to play my game

and could be a faithful
or a traitor.

Oh, my gosh.

[ Music continues ]

I'm sure the players have
a preconceived notion about me,

either that I'm a bitchy person
or a wild, unpredictable person.

And all those things are true.

Please take your rightful
seat at the round table.

- Thank you.
- We've kept it warm for you.

Coming into the game late,

they've already been playing
the game,

bonds have been formed.

I'm just wondering,
on a scale of 1 to 10,

how much they're gonna hate me.

I guess I'm about to find out.

Players, Kate will have a vote
at this table...

[ Down-tempo music plays ] you'd better make
your arguments convincing.

[ Music continues ]

- Welcome, Kate.
- Thank you.

Tell me everything.
Who do we hate?

[ Laughter ]

I'd like to state my case
without being interrupted,

if that's okay.

This group has a tendency
to talk over each other,

interrupt without listening.

So just to let you know.
Heads up.

I'm about to put the name
of Janelle on the table

as a traitor today.

[ Music continues ]

Janelle, you've had a pattern
of bringing up names

and they've been banished,

and it seems that it's always
a morning discussion

of Janelle being a traitor.

And then somehow it turns out

that she's able to rally
people up in the evening

to shift on another person.

Ekin-Su was just m*rder*d,

and she was very adamant
about you as well.

[ Music continues ]
Other people were,

and I'm just trying to
bring this to the table.

I'm honestly not
this mastermind

that you think I am, Kevin.

Yes, I've been seriously wrong
in this game,

but I'm not a traitor.

I just want to say
if I was a traitor,

I would not be throwing out
names like Janelle was.

If you're yelling out names
and you're always incorrect,

people would want to banish you,

just like this scenario
right here.

She creates a lot of chaos,

and I think the traitors
like that,

and that's why she's still here.

Who do you think
are traitors?

I think Dan is a traitor.

C.T., you are acting so strange.

I think you're either working
with a traitor

or you're a traitor.
- I'm a traitor again?

And, Sandra, you're a traitor, okay?

Jesus Christ.

[ Music continues ]

It's weird to me
that all these days,

we've always been in sync,
and then, as of today,

you came in here saying that
it's between me and Dan and,

I don't know,
this, that, and the third.

Like, what kind of crap is that?

Sandra, who do you think
are traitors?

I-I gave Janelle the benefit
of the doubt,

but I think she's a traitor.

Since we've been here, I've
done everything you asked for.

And now, all of a sudden,
you get some heat on you

you're just gonna throw me
under the bus.

I just wanted to say
at this stage

that Janelle has got
tremendous ability.

She can see
the others around her,

and without boasting,
she can make an assessment

that she's well placed
to succeed.

And do I hold that against her?
I don't.

So, John, who do you think is?

Well, I told you last night
I thought you were a traitor.

[ Dramatic music plays ]
- You still think so?

Yes. I think that your conduct
is the conduct of somebody

who shifts from one persona
to another very suddenly.

Janelle is consistent
in her manner,

and I have found you inconsistent.

I felt there was a hypocrisy...

What's his name,
the one talking?


...that you were judging me--
Kate, could you listen?

Yeah. I got it. You think
Janelle's a traitor. Got it.

No, no. See?
You weren't listening.

I said--
I'm talking to John right now.

Well, I think you were talking
to the table.

Yes, but I was referring to
what John was saying.

All right.

He didn't want to be accused
for being so good at this game

because he's a politician.

He's accusing me now,
because I'm an actor,

that of course I have to be
a traitor.

[ Music continues ]

Are there any other names
that anybody's thinking of?

[ Sighs ] I hate it,
'cause we're close.

But there's got to be at least
one guy in the traitors.

And if I look at all the guys
that are left,

I do feel like you for sure
have contributed the least.


And that is kind of a red flag
for me.

Um, Kate-- and I know
you don't know me--

I like to hear evidence
and reasons why and--

You also win everything.

But I don't take it personal.
So you think I'm a traitor.

Like, I'd love to hear the
reasons why and things I've done

that makes you feel like I've--
- You literally--

When I come to you and I say,
"Give me a name.

Like, who do you think
is a traitor?"...

Yeah. give me nothing.

- No. That's a great question.

The way I'm playing this game
is the way I play "Big Brother,"

and that's I pick one--
- And you won "Big Brother."

[ Music continues ]

And I can use those skills
to help the faithful.

I learn a few people
and I put 1,000% trust in them.

And then sitting back
and then waiting to see

who the traitors are--
- You've done nothing.

All you do is sit back...
- Okay.

...and don't say a name
and you do nothing and just--

So doing nothing means
I'm a traitor.

- I just want...
- Yeah.

You're not acting
like a faithful.

- I understand.
- You're acting like a traitor.

I feel like we all,
a certain amount of time,

have stuck our necks out there.

My only issue with you...
- Mm-hmm. that you don't talk game
with anybody.

You don't throw out names.

So you're not a good faithful
right now

'cause you're not helping
the group.

Like, I will never say the
people I think are 100% faithful

because it puts a target on them

for the traitors
that are listening.

I put a target on myself too.
I mean, like, we--

I have the biggest target
in here, I feel like.

That's why I talk too much.
I'm [bleep] loud. I'm annoying.

I know. Yes, I was wrong,
but I'm a faithful.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Dan, who do you think
is a traitor?

[ Music continues ]

One name at least.

[ Music builds ]

I'm saying Janelle.

I think I've been blinded
by my friendship with Janelle.

The thing that I have
an issue with

is that we can't pin all these
banishments on one person,

but you've led the charge
on more than anyone else.

You've taken two or three sh*ts
and missed.

And I've defended her,
and I shouldn't have done that,

but that's my fault.

And I can't trust you anymore.

I can't move forward
with you in this game.

Players, time for talk is over.

It's now time to vote.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

I knew Janelle was gonna
come after me.

I didn't know
she was gonna come after me

with everything she had.

She is not leaving
anything off the table.

I know I'm in a lot of trouble.

[ Music continues ]

I mean, listen, Dan.

Don't poke the bear.

Dan's name
is on the chopping block.

So whatever, Dan.

[ Music continues ]

I love a round table.

I love the communication.
I love the drama.

I love talking shit.

[ Music builds ]

The votes are locked.

We're going to start the vote
with M.J.

Who do you think is a traitor
and why?

[ Music continues ]

Janelle, I voted for you

because I thought the red flags were...

just so crazy to avoid.

I had to go with that.

[ Music continues ]

Phaedra, who do you think
is a traitor?

Tonight was probably
one of the hardest votes...

because I do love you, Janelle.


unfortunately, tonight
I voted you.

I hope we can still be friends.
- I'm sure.



I think you were
the last faithful recruited,

and I think that's why
you changed up on us.

[ Music continues ]

That's why I think
you're a traitor.

Spoken like a true traitor.

Yeah. Drink that water.
You're nervous, aren't you?

- No. My mouth is dry.
- Yeah. Okay. Okay, Sandra.

- You're a traitor.
- You're a [bleep] traitor.

You're a [bleep] traitor.

- You're a traitor, bitch.
- Please.

You're the biggest
[bleep] traitor here...

- Whatever. Okay.
- [bleep] off.

- Ooh.
- You [bleep] off.

[ Music continues ]


Dan, I'm sorry, man.
[ Sighs ]


With sadness, I voted for you, Dan.

Janelle, who do you think
is a traitor and why?

I voted for you, Dan.

You are the most strategic
player in "Big Brother" history.

You've got the chops
to be a traitor.

[ Music continues ]

So that's three votes for
Janelle and three votes for Dan.


I voted for Janelle.

Um, in the previous banishments,

you were certain about who's
a faithful and who's a traitor,

and you were so off,
so I just think

that we are being guided
in the wrong direction

by someone who knows
some things that we don't know.


[ Music continues ]


Um, Dan, I voted for you.

[ Music continues ]

So that's five votes for
Janelle and four votes for Dan.


I voted for Janelle.

My reasons in this game

is that I think you're one
of two things--

You're either a traitor

or you're a faithful
that I can't trust anymore.

Nothing personal.

C.T., who do you think
is a traitor and why?

[ Music builds ]

I just, uh, I can't trust you.

So that's seven votes
for Janelle...

and four votes for Dan.

Janelle, if you receive
one more vote,

you will have the majority,

and you will be banished
from my castle.

[ Music continues ]


[ Music builds ]

Janelle, if you receive
one more vote,

you will have the majority,

and you will be banished
from my castle.

[ Dramatic music plays ]


[ Music builds ]

Janelle, if you are a faithful,

you're just not
a trustworthy faithful.

[ Music continues ]

Janelle, you have received
the most votes

and are banished from the game.

But first,
will the remaining players

please reveal their votes?


Dan, I voted for you.

I do find it
absolutely incredible

that Janelle is your number one

and that's all
you've come up with

this whole time,
which I find highly suspicious.

And we end with Kate.

One thing I did pick up
from "Big Brother"

is that you vote with the group
at first.

So, Janelle,
I had to pick a name.

That's fine.

Janelle, please come forward
to the circle of truth.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Music continues ]

Janelle, before you leave
my castle forever...

...please reveal to us--
Are you a faithful or a traitor?

[ Music continues ]

You guys,
much like "Big Brother,"

I played a very competitive game.

But just like in "Big Brother,"
I was loyal...

[ Music continues ]

...and I was honest.

I'm a faithful, you idiots!

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

Good job, guys.
Good job.

You guys are trusting
the traitors.

I went by her actions.

I didn't go by anything else
but her actions.

Yeah, obviously.


For some people.

[ Music continues ]

Faithful, to play this game,

one must treat it
like a game of chess.

Have you heard of the game

Well, you've just sacrificed
a piece.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Was that a fool's gambit?

And a new queen has arrived.

Will she be valuable?

Time will tell.

Tonight, though,
the traitors make their move.

And for one of you,
it will be checkmate.

Sleep well.


This was my first mistake.
I mean, I didn't-- I didn't...

M.J., I led you down that route.

This is my mistake.
- I just want you guys--

If you wrote my name down,
I-I understand.

It's all good.


[ Music continues ]

The traitor did so well tonight
on convincing

the other faithfuls in the room
that Janelle was a traitor.

You know what? We're gonna
find these traitors for Janelle.

- How you doing? All right?
- I'm good.

I mean, I'm just sad.
She was my friend.

I just dodged a b*llet
by diverting votes away from me,

onto Janelle.

I've won a season
of "Big Brother."

I resurrected
from my own funeral.

And that round table was harder

than both of those things combined.

- Dan, please speak up.
- I know. I will.

- I mean, look.
- Do you have an idea yet?

- Or anything?
- I do.

If I survive tonight
and get here in the morning,

I will take my shot tomorrow.

You got one shot tomorrow.

Your name is on my chalkboard
right now until you pull--

- It's in pencil.
- Yeah.

It's already on my chalkboard.

I would love to see the look
on your faces

if I'm m*rder*d tonight.

You know what I mean?

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Do you like me again?

- I always have. When did I stop?
- Mm-hmm.

What do you mean,
like you again?

Silly Billy from Philly...
- I don't know. Mad at you.

...and Manilli with a pocket
full of chili.

Does anyone want wine?

- I'm okay.
- I'm good. Thanks, Parvati.

Okay. I'm so bummed
I didn't get to meet Ekin-Su.

What happened there?

She was poisoned
and put in a casket.

The traitors gave her
a slow poison of some sort,

so she slowly died.

I'm a little bit surprised
they're not doing better.

And they're all looking at me
like, "Please help us.

We haven't got any traitors out.
We suck. Please help us."

I'm just trying to stifle laughter.

This is comedy.

I'm not taking any wine from
Parvati that she just offered.

- Oh!
- Pour your own cup!

Pour your own cup.
- Pour your own cup.


[ Laughs ]
- Are we safe around here?

Just so you know...

- Yeah.
- ...we're good with you.

I told C.T., I told Parvati...

and I told Dan,

in confidence,
all very secretly

that I got the shield
with Janelle.

It was to give a huge cover
of protection

for more than just two people.
- Okay.

Who has the shield
is Bergie and Trishelle.

We're gonna learn so much...
- If he goes for one of you.

So if they m*rder--
I told only three people,

and three of those
are my suspects.

Well, that's
a very clever thing to do.

And it's blocked because
they actually are protected.

It's one of those three for
sure, which we already think,

but now it confirms it.
- Wow.

I would love-- love--
to sit there in breakfast

and watch the traitors walk in,

realizing that they had
their m*rder blocked

'cause they fell into the trap.

Did they teach you this
in pilot school?

[ Laughter ]

[ Down-tempo music plays ]

[ Clock ticking ]

So, what's Janelle's room like?
Was it a big one? Hello?

Oh, you're taking
Janelle's room?

Well, why wouldn't I?
She's gone.

[ Music continues ]

I let Phaedra and Parvati have
the last two murders.

Now I'm going from
complete defensive mode

to 100% aggressive mode.

I've really got to persuade them
to allow me to m*rder

whoever I need to tonight.

[ Music continues ]
- ♪ Are you on my side? ♪

♪ Are you part of my tribe? ♪

♪ Never say die ♪

♪ Never say die ♪

♪ Never say die ♪

Ooh, traitors!

We're not doing very well,
are we?

That was a rough day for us.
[ Laughter ]

I'm surprised to be here, but...

- Oh, my God. That was...
- ...I'm here.

...very scary.

You have got to be ready because
you're still in the hot seat.

Yeah. That's something I think
I can fix by being more vocal--

But your vocal
has to make sense.

It can't be "I'm gonna wait
until I'm for sure."

That's not making sense.

Who are you gonna put out
as a name to be more vocal?

Yeah. I mean, I'm gonna--
I'm gonna sleep on it tonight.

Oh, my God.
You're doing it to us.

Dan, you're already doing it.

How do you not know?
It ain't but two people left.

[ Laughs ]

Get your suit ready, 'cause
if you play like this,

I'm gonna be embalming you myself.

Get it together.

Is this the round table
or is this the traitors' turn?

We're just giving you
some mild encouragement.

It's not my first rodeo.
I'll leave it at that.

Well, honey,
don't act like it,

because they know
it's not your first rodeo.

I'm with you.

We have a little issue tonight.
- What?

Do you guys have any inkling
as to who has the shields?

Okay. Peter told me
after the challenge--

and it was just me and Peter--

and he said that he and Janelle
had the shield.

But he was like, "I'm telling
you this in confidence."

- He told me that too.
- So he's lying, then.

Why would he tell you?

He must be lying
and trying to sniff us out.

We should m*rder someone
who was not out there.

- See, I just, I mean...
- Or do you trust Peter?

Um, I don't think
he's that savvy.

But I think to be safe,

we need to pick somebody
who wasn't in that group today.

But who?

[ Dramatic music plays ]

I mean, I'm gonna tell you.
I need this m*rder.

And it's rolling the dice,
but we have to take out Bergie.

He said there's no way he's not
gonna write my name down.


[ Music continues ]

I know that you're tight
with them,

but I think Sandra's a waste.
M.J.'s a waste.

Maybe John.

I would rather roll the dice
on Bergie.

On Bergie.

Even though John voted
for you tonight?

- Yeah. I mean, like...
- I mean, he's very calculating.

I don't know
if he'll vote for you again

if you have
the correct conversation

and interaction with him.

So the choices are either
we play it safe,

get John, Sandra or M.J.--

which I think are all a waste
of murders--

or we roll the dice on Bergie.

[ Music continues ]

I mean, you know,
I love him to death.

That's my Burgalicious.

I'm a little nervous
about this m*rder.

I feel very confident Bergie
doesn't have a shield.

This m*rder is either gonna
win me the game

or it's gonna lose me
the entire thing.

[ Music continues ]

I can't believe I'm agreeing
to this m*rder.

I mean, at the end of the day,
I'm a team player,

and so if that's
the consensus...

let the chips fall
where they may.

[ Music builds, ends ]

Next week on "The Traitors"...

Since day one...
I have been watching one person.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

And it's time for that
to come out.

[ Music builds, ends ]