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07x02 - Peace Talks

Posted: 02/24/24 07:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT...

Gaz Verdugo.
Mexican officials just agreed

to extradite him back to L.A.

to get him tried for her m*rder.

Hicks is flying a couple of us
out to Mexico City

to escort him back to the States.

You must be Officer Bautista.

Call me Gabriel.

It's a shame you're leaving so soon.

Any idea what Verdugo was
doing in Mexico City

in the first place?

Verdugo had a high-stakes deal lined up.

Thieves got away with
a thermobaric vacuum b*mb

worth two million.

Verdugo's deal is going down.

Let her go!

The thermobaric
vacuum b*mb... it's gone.

If that's true,
that's the worst news possible.

You look amazing.

What are you doing?

You took the b*mb.

Where's Powell?

Taxi's gonna be here any minute.

I don't know.

I'll call her.

I got a meeting with the brass
as soon as we get back.

They want me to explain

how Verdugo escaped
custody and is now dead,

rather than on his way
to lockup in the U.S.

Sir, they should be thanking us

for saving them a bunch of tax dollars.

She's not answering. Let me text her.

That's cute, that even after

you'd still expect the brass

- to thank us for anything.
- If it makes you feel any better,

I got a teething baby
waiting on me back home.

Nichelle's been
counting down the seconds

until she can finally pass the baton.

Slather Vivienne's pacifier
in teething gel.

Worked like a charm with JP.
He got addicted to the stuff.

Oh. You know what? On second thought,

stick to a teething ring.

Copy that, sir.

I got nothing from Powell.

I'll give her another minute,

and then I'll go knock on her door.

All right.

Hey, sorry.

Luca blending his morning smoothie

has become my alarm clock.

With him away, I overslept.

Have you, uh, talked
to him or Street lately?

Uh, yeah.

Long Beach SWAT have given
Street the nickname "Hollywood."

But he says he's
whipping them into shape.

And Luca is loving London.

Sounds like he's enjoying
the nightlife more

than the counterterrorism training.

Wish he'd stay there a few more weeks,

- to be honest.
- Why?

Things not working out
with you guys as roommates?

No, no, it's good. But, uh...

every morning is boot camp.

Even if we've gone out the night before,

Luca drags me out of bed at 6:00,

forces me on a five-mile uphill run.

What're you complaining about?

I do five, ten miles most mornings.

That's before we hit the gym

for an hour, and then
he makes us finish off

with a 20-minute cold plunge.

You know what a 20-minute
ice bath does to a man?

- And-and that's still my favorite part.
- Yeah, well...

When you get to be mine
or Luca's, even Hondo's age,

you got to push yourself
to the limit every day

just to maintain peak condition.

Peak condition?

I heard they're installing
a stairlift on Black Betty

to help all the old-timers
on 20-Squad get up inside.

We're not that much difference
in age, you and me, Rocker.

Tan, just remember,

there's a spot on my team
when you get tired

keeping company with senior citizens.

I'm good, thanks.

I'd rather stay on 20-Squad
and keep kicking

your team's ass in every competition.

You wish.

Wait a second... Didn't we beat you

in that charity race last month?

Guess you wiped that
humiliation from your memory.

Nah, that's fine.

We'll get another chance
to do it again soon.

Why wait?

Works for me.

- Let's do it.
- Come on in, Princess.


All right.

One round. First one to the mat.

You got it.




Feels unfair.

Like I'm beating up on my sister.


- Did that hurt?
- What, you hit me?

I didn't feel it.

Oh, come on, Deac. Come on, Deac.

- Come on, Deac.
- Put him on the mat.

- Let's go.
- Want some of this?

Come on, Deac.

Hey! Whoa! Come on. That's illegal.

This is boxing, not MMA.

Hey, that's it, that's it.

You elbowed him in the face, man.

That's against the rules.

It wasn't on purpose.

He walked into my elbow.

That's BS and you know it.

Don't be sore losers.

Guess you forfeit. I'm calling it.

Hey, wait a second...

Better luck next time, Deac.

I didn't need you to stop the fight.

He was playing dirty, man. He cheated.

You know, criminals don't
exactly abide by the rules.

I've gone head-to-head
with plenty of them

in my time, haven't I?

I could've kept going.

Pay up, Tan.

Hey, Powell, you in there?


Miss. Miss...

Policía. Could you open
that door for me, please?



Hey, Powell, you here?


What's taking so long?

We don't leave now,
we're gonna miss the flight.

Where is she?

I don't know. None of her stuff's here,

but I just found her phone
on the floor by the curtain.

Could she have spent
the night with Gabriel?

I think they went on a date last night.

I guess. It's just weird
she wouldn't tell us.


I've got the same setup in my room.

Except there's two vases.

Yeah, there should
be another one on this side.


There was. It got smashed.

Looks like somebody tried to clean
up in a hurry, but missed a piece.

That looks like a scuff mark
from a shoe.


- Blood.
- What's that?

There's blood right here.

This is starting to look
like a crime scene

and somebody tried to clean it up.

Which means Powell's either
in trouble or she's...

Don't say it.

We're gonna find her. Let's go.

Receptionist says Powell
hasn't checked out.

Did you call Captain Olvera?

- Yeah, she's on her way.
- All right.

And I had someone open
the safe in Powell's room.

Found her passport.

There's no way she would have
left her phone and her passport.

Someone sure wanted to make it look

- like she'd checked out, though.
- Well, I'll bet my 401

that someone is Gabriel.

Sir, we don't know he had
anything to do with this.

- Okay.
- Hey.

- Still no sign of Officer Powell?
- No.

You need to get your
forensics team here,

go over the room for prints.

We need to treat it like a crime scene.

- A crime scene?
- Yeah.

How are you so sure
something happened to her?

We found signs of a struggle,

a broken vase and what looks like blood.

Maybe she had an accident.
Did you check the hospitals?

She went on a date
last night with Gabriel.

Where is he?

He's right behind me.

- He's just parking the car.
- Where's Powell?

- Excuse me?
- Powell. Zoe.

The woman you've been
flirting with nonstop

ever since you laid eyes on her.

How should I know where she is?

Well, you were out with her
last night, weren't you?

- Now she's missing.
- I wasn't with her.

She changed her mind.

Said she had an early flight
and wanted to get to bed.

Are you sure she hasn't already

- left for the airport?
- Yeah, we're sure.

So, where'd you go after
Powell supposedly ditched you?

- I went home...
- Mm-hmm.

...ate leftovers, then went to bed. Why?

- Can anyone confirm that?
- Okay, enough.

I don't appreciate you
accusing one of my officers.

Especially when we don't even
know a crime was committed.

All due respect, Captain,

you don't seem to be
taking this seriously.

I assure you I am, Commander.

I will put out a missing person's alert,

make sure my officers
keep an eye out for her.

But right now,

I am more concerned
about a missing b*mb.

We still have no trace of it,

and we don't know
who Verdugo sold it to.

A b*mb that big could k*ll thousands.

As much as I share
your concern for Powell,

finding that b*mb
has to be our priority.

We have to go.

I will let you know

- if I hear anything.
- All right.

Thank you.

I'm telling you, he has something to do

with Powell's disappearance.

I swear to God,

if he's done anything to her...

- Hey, how you doing?
- Oh, I'm good.

And, listen, I'm sorry about earlier.

Ah, forget it.

And forget Rocker, too.
If you have to cheat to win...

No, uh, it wasn't even about that.

It was, um...

It was the look on your face

when you jumped into the ring.

What look?


No, it's-it's stupid, but hear me out.

The other day, I'm playing
basketball with Matthew

and I tweaked my back.

You know, it's an old injury,

but if I'm not warmed up,
sometimes it just seizes up.

I feel you.
My shoulder's still causing me grief.

Yeah, well, I went down and...

the look on Matthew's face...

He was just staring at me

like someone had just ripped
the bandages off his eyes.

This look of pity.

I don't know.

None of my kids have ever
looked at me like that.

Like I'm...



I don't know.
It was inevitable, I guess.

Well, it's a good thing you got

three other kids
who still think you're Superman.

And, hey, I wasn't looking
at you like that, by the way.

I know you're not Superman.

Nah, it was just nice
being a hero in Matthew's eyes.

Wish I could've stayed on
that pedestal a little longer.

Hey, Hondo, I'm here with Deac.

How's Mexico City?

She's what?

It's Powell. She's missing.

We need you to look into a suspect

we think might be involved.

Name's Gabriel Bautista.

But can't the Mexican police help?

Bautista is Mexican police.

But he did a police exchange

in Sacramento a couple years back.

There's paperwork.
See if you can find it.

All right, you got it.

We need to know any places
he might've taken her.

I also heard him say he lives
with his grandmother,

somewhere in the city.

And he mentioned a family bakery.

Okay, we'll see what we can dig up.

All right, call us back
as soon as you got something.

All right, let's go rent a car.

I should've knocked
on Powell's door last night.

I keep thinking if I had,

maybe I could've stopped
something from happening.

You don't know that.

Sir, it's Tan.

He got us an address on Gabriel.

Well, according to Tan,
this is the address

Gabriel put on his
police exchange paperwork.

All we're here to do is find out

if he spent the evening at
home, like he said he did.

As soon as we confirm
he's lying, we call Olvera,

get her to do her job
and haul Gabriel in

for a real interrogation.

Excuse me, ma'am?

We're friends of your grandson Gabriel.

Do you speak English?

Gabriel is not here.

You're the American police
that he spoke about.


Come inside. I make coffee.

Must be nice having
Gabriel live with you.

Did you hear him come home last night?

I am deaf in this ear

and I sleep like a... How you say?

A dead person.

Gabriel comes and goes.

I don't always hear.

Ah. But I always see

the mess afterward, though.

It's pretty tidy in here.

'Cause I clean up.

Why you ask about Gabriel?

Is he in trouble?

No, nothing like that.


Gabriel keeps saying

he will buy me a new stove.

But God knows when, huh?

Do you know how much a policeman earns?

Well, you are policemen in America.

Here, you earn more money selling eggs.


I thought he was busy
looking for a b*mb.

What's he doing?

I don't know.



You take the stairs.

Oh, man.

- You hurt? You okay?
- I won't be okay

until we find out what that
son of a bitch did with Powell.

Let's go.

Hondo. You find Powell?

No. And we need whatever you got.

You sure we're on the right
track with this guy Gabriel?

Well, we saw him with a shovel.
What does that spell to you?

And he knows we're onto him,
Tan, so we gotta find him fast.

Any luck getting a lock
on that family bakery?

Not so far.

Try searching for
Panaderia Casa Bautista.

I saw it on an apron
in his grandmother's.

Okay. Hang on.

- Hey. That Hondo?
- Yeah.

Hondo, I got an update
on Gabriel Bautista.

I tracked down his
training officer in Sacramento

where he did his police exchange.

Now, it turns out Gabriel was suspected

of stealing items of value
from crime scenes.

One time it was cocaine,
another time jewelry.

Now, they couldn't pin
either theft on him,

but they're sure he did it.

Wait, hold up, something went missing

from the crime scene yesterday, a b*mb.

You think Gabriel stole a b*mb?

It's a leap, but Gabriel
found the suspect's van.

And he had plenty of time
to remove the b*mb

before anyone else got there.

Yeah, but why steal a b*mb, though?

A-And what does Powell
have to do with that?

I don't know, man, maybe
it was a crime of opportunity.

He stumbles on a b*mb
with no one around,

he knows there are plenty of buyers

wanting to get their hands on it.

It's an easy way to
supplement his meager salary.

Yeah, and if Powell somehow found out...

She would've confronted him.

And he needed to silence her.

You don't need to do this.

We can still take down
the buyer together.

We could tell everyone
this was part of our plan.

We were running a sting operation.
You'd be a hero.

Nice idea.

But I'd rather have
a million dollars in cash.

Do you even know who
you're selling it to?!

It's a thermobaric b*mb.

You know how those things work?

They vaporize anyone
and anything within 500 yards.

Are they t*rrorists?
I'm guessing they are.

Do you even know what
they're planning to do with it?

You know, the problem with women

is they talk too much.

But we can fix that.

Come on.

Come on, Zoe.

Where are you going to go, huh?









What are you doing?

We've already been this way.
Turn around.

Okay, sir, look, I know this is hard.

And I know you're blaming yourself,

thinking if you'd only
knocked on Powell's door...

I chickened out.

I was there, I was outside her room.

I was about to knock
when I heard a noise and...

I don't know, I just...

...couldn't bring myself to apologize.

I was embarrassed to.

So I walked away.
I thought it was the TV.

But what if it was her
and Gabriel fighting?

Even if it was them fighting,

it's not doing you any good
blaming yourself.

Or getting angry at me.

Look, we got to work together,

you and me, as a team.

Powell needs us to.

Yeah, all right, I hear you.

Yeah, Deac, tell me you got something.

I think we found the bakery.

Or what's left of it, at least.

What are you talking about?

Well, we found records indicating

that Panaderia Casa Bautista
was destroyed

by the earthquake that hit
Mexico City 40 years ago.

Now, if Gabriel's looking
to stash something or someone...

That'd be the perfect place.

How do we get there?

I'm sending the address now.






Can't this thing go any faster?

That's Gabriel.

He's dead.

Maybe Powell shot him while escaping.

No, she'd have taken his phone
and called us if she had.

Two phones? What's that about?

This one looks like it's Verdugo's.

Gabriel checked Verdugo's body
after you shot him.

He said he didn't have a phone.

He must've stolen it then.

That's how he got ahold of the buyer.

So he arranged to meet them here
to sell them the b*mb.

Well, I guess they didn't
feel like paying.

That still doesn't explain
where Powell is.

Sir, you see that?

That's Powell's badge.

Commander, that truck
we just passed on the way here

was coming from this direction.
It had a missing taillight.

That must have been the buyers.

That's Powell's handwriting.

She's alive.

Who the hell is Isabella Pearl?

We'll get the guys in L.A. on it.

We got to get after that truck.

Did you see which
direction it was headed?

Yeah, left towards the highway.

I'll call Olvera on the way.

Hondo wants whatever we can find

on someone named Isabella Pearl.

Why do I know that name?

Uh, she's the ex-wife
of Adam Pearl, the billionaire.

He just launched that, uh,
electric car company, Trivera.

Okay, why is she connected
to a missing thermobaric b*mb?

- No idea.
- Well, I guess we better find her,

so we can ask.

Back when she and Adam
were still together,

they set up a charitable foundation,

focused on environmental issues.

Looks like Isabella still runs it.

My friend Tessa, from
college, works there.

You think Tessa can help us?

One way to find out.

Come on. Come on, come on.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Come on, come on.

Captain Olvera's calling me back.

What's up?

Gabriel's dead. Officers were called

to an abandoned bakery.

A neighbor heard g*nshots.

He went in to investigate,
he saw two men

matching your description driving away

- from the scene.
- Well, it wasn't us who k*lled Gabriel.

You expect me to believe that

after you accused him this morning?

After you fled a crime scene?

What are you doing there anyway?

We're looking for Powell.

Look, she found out it was Gabriel

who was selling Verdugo's missing b*mb.

You need to put an alert out

for a white box truck
with a busted taillight.

They're the ones who k*lled Gabriel.

And we're pretty sure
they now have the b*mb.

You don't understand. My boss

is threatening to have you both arrested

if you're not back here in 30 minutes.

We're in pursuit.
We can't just turn around.

Hey, hold up.

Sir, here, take my phone.

I just got a text.
I don't recognize the number.

That's got to be from Powell.

She must've taken
a picture of the buyers.

Ah, smart kiddo.

She's sending us another clue.

Vinoteca Santiero. It's a wine shop.

I'm gonna text this to Olvera.

I'm gonna send Deacon this photo.

He can run it through
our facial recognition.

It's the best in the world.

we can get an ID on these guys.


Hi. We're looking for Isabella Pearl.

Her office told us that she's here.

She's just finishing up a class.

But let me go check.

Thank you.

Here she is.

Mrs. Pearl?

Yes. Is there a problem?

We're LAPD.

And we're hoping you can answer
a few questions for us.

Do you have any idea
why your name would come up

in the case of a missing b*mb?

- I'm-I'm sorry, what?
- Currently, we have

three LAPD officers in Mexico City

hunting for a thermobaric b*mb.

M-Mexico City?

Yeah, that mean something to you?

Um, uh, my ex-husband and I

used to spend a lot of time in Mexico.

Even honeymooned there.

Turns out Adam had

business close by and wanted to k*ll

two birds with one stone.

I'm sorry, I'm not following.

Adam tried to sweeten me up

by buying a house there
and naming it after me.

I thought it was so romantic.

I hadn't yet realized he was

- a philandering narcissist.
- Hold up.

You're saying
Isabella's the name of a house?

Casa Isabella Pearl.

I let Adam keep it in the divorce.

I got the Bel-Air house.

We're gonna need that address.

Casa Isabella Pearl's
about a 12-minute drive.

Olvera, you there?

- Did you find Powell?
- No.

But I found two more dead bodies.

This is Commander Faria.

We asked you nicely to come in.

It was a courtesy
because you are police.

But this is Mexico.

And you have no jurisdiction here.

Sir, we understand that,
but listen to me...

No, you listen to me. I'm in charge.

And I'm issuing arrest warrants
for you both.

All right, we're almost there.

Sir, you know we got
an arrest warrant out for us.

There's no way
we're turning ourselves in.

These people k*lled three innocents.

If we're gonna save Powell,
we can't sit back

and let others take over.

Step on it.







That level of security at the gate

must mean Adam Pearl's at home.

We need to get in there and find
out what the hell's going on.

Well, we're already wanted men.

A little trespassing could
hardly make matters worse.


Broken taillight. That's our truck.

b*mb's got to be in there.

Hopefully Powell, too.


It's empty.


He's still alive.

Must've been Powell who did this.

You don't think she's trying
to stop this thing on her own?

We need backup.

Policía, policía.

It's okay, it's okay.

That's Adam Pearl.

Who are the VIPs?

I don't know. Maybe Deacon
can ID them for us.

These guys got Colombian armbands.

Tan said Pearl was trying
to build a battery factory

in Colombia for his electric car empire.

Why would you need a b*mb for that?



Hands up.

Step away from the b*mb.

I can blow this thing right now.

You won't.

Are you sure?


It's Deacon.

Yeah, Deac, talk to me.

So, I ran an image search
of the photo you just sent me.

The guy in the suit is Carlos Rubio.

He's the Colombian president.

The other guy is Alvaro Mendez.

He's the leader
of a FARC dissident group.

I thought those two were at w*r
with each other.

Why are they meeting?

From what I've managed to dig up,

the rebel dissidents
have prevented Pearl

from breaking ground
on his new factory in Colombia.

If he's not up and running
in six months,

he's looking at a shareholder
revolt, bankruptcy.

Pearl must be trying
to broker a peace deal.

Well, how does a b*mb fit into that?

- Hondo, I'm with Tan.
- Homeland have flagged

all three of the men in the
photo that Powell texted you.

They're FARC dissidents,

extremists wanted on terrorism charges.

Well, their leader's here,
meeting with the Colombian president.

They don't want Mendez making peace.

This isn't an arms deal.

No, they're gonna blow this place up.

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa. Hey, hey, whoa, whoa. LAPD.

There is a b*mb. You understand?

There is a b*mb. You got
to evacuate everyone right now.


Did you hear the man? We're police.


Put the g*ns down.

Okay, okay, but you listen
to what I'm saying.

There is a b*mb here.

Olvera, over here.


Olvera, the b*mb is here
and it's about to go off.

You got to get everybody out.

First, you accuse Bautista
of harming your colleague,

then stealing a b*mb and now...

There's a meeting
between the Colombian government

and a rebel paramilitary group

happening right now, in this house.

t*rrorists want to disrupt it.

Look, worst-case scenario,

you get to arrest us in five minutes,

with egg on our faces.

Let them go.

Do you want to risk everyone's life?


Where are you going?

- We got to find Powell.
- I'll help.

Olvera, go left.

Stop! LAPD!

You good?

I am now.

Hondo, in here. I found her.


Powell, you okay?

Yeah. But the b*mb, it's in that.

Let me help you.


Oh, God.

All right.

Every one of you, get lost.

That's an order.

That ain't happening, Commander.

Not enough time to get clear anyway.

Give me your knife, Hondo.


I saw them set it.

They said something about two detonators

and-and something I didn't understand.

It sounded like, uh,
d... "s-señuela"?

Señuelo. It's, um,
it's "lure," a "decoy."

This has to be a decoy.

Okay, Commander, she's right.
It's tamper-proofed.

You cut that wire, it'll trigger
the real detonator.

We got to find that.

Let's turn this thing over.


Now look at that wire. It's
going directly into the b*mb.

This is the one we want to cut.

All right. Let's just relax.

I hope these aren't my last words.

Thank God.

Did you figure out what
Adam Pearl's part is in all of this?

Well, he wasn't aiming to
win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Deac was right.

It was about him getting
his factory built in Colombia.

A billionaire serving
his own self-interest,

that's a surprise.

You know, you can
practice on me if you like.

Practice what?

Your apology.


I know how to apologize.

Go ahead.

Say it.

"I told you so."

That's not what I was gonna say.

You were right about Gabriel, though.

I got a daughter
who's always liked bad boys,

so my jerk radar, it's...

it's finely tuned.

What I wanted to say is that I'm sorry.

What you do in your personal
life's none of my business.

I was just, uh, I was being protective.

Did you forget "sexist"?


So, as my jerk radar

is clearly faulty,

how about, the next time
I get asked out on a date,

I bring them by HQ
so you can vet them first?

That's a deal.

My girlfriend Maggie's got
a son, he's about your age.

He's an engineer at SpaceX.

You should introduce us.

You never know, you could end up
being my father-in-law.

Ah, let's... let's not get
ahead of ourselves, okay?

I just wanted to say thank you.

I wasn't sure, when I sent
that text, if you'd show.

Did you get in trouble

for disobeying your boss's order
to arrest us?


He's happy to take the glory.

Doesn't seem very fair to you.

I don't do the job for that.

I don't think you do, either.

Take care of yourself.

Well, if we leave right now,

we can catch
that last flight back to L.A.


So soon? I was thinking
I could stick around,

see what more trouble I could get into.


Oh, boy.

Hey. Spoke to Hondo.

They're heading home.

Yo. Celebratory beers tomorrow.

What's that?

It's a flyer for senior mobility aids.

No guessing who put that there.

You know, the irony is,

I'm in better shape
than I ever have been.

Uh, yeah, you're jacked.

I'm waiting for Luca to come back

and restart boot camp
just so I can keep up.

Hey, I was, uh, I was thinking
about you and Matthew.

It made me think of my dad.

When he'd have one of
his schizophrenic episodes,

he would get delusional,
have these crazy hallucinations.

And then, when he got back on his meds,

he'd go all quiet and distant on us.

That must have been rough.

I always felt like
he wasn't interested in me.

But I think, really,
he was just feeling ashamed,

because he thought
that we saw him as weak.

And that wasn't it at all, we just cared

so much about him.

What I'm saying is,

I don't think it was pity
that you saw on Matthew's face.

It was more likely worry.


Ow. Sheesh.

Aw, you hurting, Deac?

Sorry about that.

Hulk not know his own strength.

No, no, no.

No, I'm good.

Hearing rumors, though.

People are saying that
you're too chicken

to go another round with me.




Who said that? Was it Stevens?

I'm ready.

Let's go now.

Need some ice for that shoulder?

No, I'm good.

Let's go.

Hell yeah.

I'm calling it. I win.

Oh, and, um,
the shoulder injury? I faked it.

Lured you in like a fish on a line.

Hey, you better dust off that cape.

I filmed the whole fight,
just texted it to Matthew.

You're gonna be back to superhero status

soon as he watches it.

For a little while, at least.


Thank you.

Guess I'm buying the beers.

You really put a lot on the line.

I knew you'd be good for it.