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01x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 02/23/24 15:39
by bunniefuu




The Best Pub?

The business is doing pretty well
these days,

so I'm not sure if there's a point.

Should I talk to them?

Yes, so...

We don't have to pay
to be on the show, right?


Then I'll discuss with my staff
and get back to you.

All right.

The Best Pub?

They want us on the show again?

Goodness. They refused to put us on,
but now they want us back?

We generated quite the buzz
thanks to Jangga Co.

The victim of a big company's power abuse
overcame a hardship

- and opened his own business.
- Hey.

What? It's an inspiring story.

And everyone loves
success stories like this.

We've received a number of inquiries
regarding using the name, DanBam.

- When is Hyun-yi back from her vacation?
- In a week.

Then it'll work out, time-wise.

What do you guys all think
about going on the show?

Well, I have no reason to object to it.

I'm on board.

Me too.

I think it'll be beneficial for DanBam.



I have something to tell you.

Okay, what is it?

I will

leave DanBam.

Hey, what the heck are you talking about?

I've been thinking about it for a while--

Let's go upstairs and have a chat.

I'm curious.

You've been holding out well
even though you don't really belong here.

Why do you want to quit now?

Because of you.

I've mentioned this before,
but if it's because of your family--

No, it's not.

That's not the reason.

Then what is it?

I'm not sure if you know this,

but I was born out of wedlock.

What about it?

There are things I always used to hear

because of it.

"Don't be greedy.

Know your place.

Mooch off the Jangga Co."

So I kept that in mind

and never wanted anything in life.

That's how I used to live,

but you're...

Your "way of life," shall I say?

It was very stimulating.

I must've learned something here.

I think I've changed a little.


If you desperately want me
to be yours one day,

you should take over Jangga Co.

I'm going to change.

I'm not sure what the reason is,

but I can't ask you to stay.

I wish you all the best.

I'll do my best.

Look who's here.

What's up, Soo-ah?

How are you?

Are you all right?

I won't be here long anyway.

I'll get out soon. Don't worry.

Thanks for visiting me.
This makes me feel better.

I appreciate it.

The chairman

sent me here.

My dad?

He's doing well, right?

Right, I'm the sole heir of the company.

He can't be at ease,
knowing that I'm locked up here.

Tell him not to worry.

Let him know I'm doing well here.


It's an agreement

for share transfer.


The chairman

wants you to transfer your shares

to himself.

Sir, I just heard that all went well
with the share transfer.




What are you doing here?

I think I should start learning

about management.

- What?
- I'm talking about Jangga Co.

I should

run the company down the road.

- What are you--
- You dedicated your life to Jangga Co.

Can you really leave it in the hands
of a complete stranger?

You don't have

an alternative.


I have to say, that was too heartless.

Shouldn't we have thrown
a goodbye party for him?

I know. I feel like it was too rushed.

With Geun-soo gone,

this place feels empty.

Why did he quit?

What do you think?
It's obviously because of someone we know.

Hello, welcome to...


Hold on.

Pretty lady, what's with all this makeup?

The surgery went well.

I'm back at work tomorrow, you know.
I'm stopping by to let you know

that I'm back safe and sound.

- You look pretty.
- I know, right?

I can't believe
you look prettier than I do.

My gosh.

You totally surprised us.
Right, Seung-kwon?

Yes. What? What did you say?

You heard the news, right?

Yes. About Geun-soo
and The Best Pub, right?

Sounds like a lot happened
while I was gone.

Let's spend some time with Geun-soo soon.

What do you want to do?
About The Best Pub.

Why even ask?
It's a good opportunity for us.

We should do it.

I knew it. Great minds think alike.


This is good enough.

You don't have to manage the pub anymore.


- Then--
- I don't need you in Itaewon anymore.

Focus on the planning team.

Yes, sir.

The project Geun-won was in charge of...
The TV show...

The Best Pub, right?

I want you to be in charge of it.

And do me a favor.

What is it, sir?

Come in.

Hello. I'm Jang Geun-soo, Ms. Oh.

What brings you here?

You two have met before, right?

He's my younger son.

I want you to train him.

I'm looking forward to working with you,
Ms. Oh.

Don't mind us. This is your desk.

And this is the planning team's manual.

It's very thick.

You need to be multifaceted
to work in Planning.

This has all the basic information.


By the way,

why did you leave DanBam?

There's something I want.

I guess I've gotten greedy.


I have to stay in Jangga Co. to get it.

And that's why

I'll do my best, Ms. Oh.

Ma'am. Please, ma'am.

- That money is for my son's school lunch.
- Let go!

Please give me a little more time.

Please, I have to make sure
my son gets his lunch at least.

- Dad!
- Don't give me such bullshit.

Why have him in the first place
if you can't feed him?




What are you doing here?

I used to be fond of you, but you're mean.

What are you talking about?

I was just collecting the money
I lent to him. You call that "mean"?

What about his son though?
What's he going to eat?

He can afford to drink
but doesn't have money to feed his son?

That's ridiculous.


Shut it.

One mussel soup for Table Eight.

Toni, can you season
the mussel soup for me?



- Hey, what about the mung bean sprouts?
- Hang on a second.

All right. It's ready.

By the way, why do I smell curry here?

We don't have anything with curry.

- Toni.
- Yes?

Why did you put curry powder
in the mussel soup?

Why is it taking so long?
The orders are...

What are you doing?

This actually isn't bad.


On cold winter days, we crave
spicy kimchi stew accompanied by soju.

All year-round, even if it rains or snows,

pubs are there to console us.

Sixteen famous pubs
from all over the country

are here.

This is the first round.

Which pubs will survive?

What will the panelists' choice be?

The search
for the best pub in the country.

The winner of the first round.

The winner is...



It's DanBam Pub's Ma Hyun-yi.

Yes, Ma Hyun-yi! Ma Hyun-yi!

Ma Hyun-yi!

Ma Hyun-yi!

- Are you that excited?
- Gosh, I'm sorry!

Jeez, my ears...


How many times
have we watched this already?

You already know I won.
Don't make such a fuss.

It means you're number one in the country.

She's our head cook, you know.
This was to be expected.

Didn't you want to fire her?

Me? When? I never said that.

I can't live without you, Hyun-yi.

Hello, we're not open yet.
Could you come back at 5 p.m.?

I'm not here to eat. Is the owner around?

What a nice view.

We have to go get ready
for the opening shift.

My apologies.

I'm Do Jung-myeong,
the CEO of JM Holdings.

I'm interested in franchising DanBam.

Franchising our pub?

JM Holdings? And you're interested
in franchising our business?

Then are you here
with an investment offer?

That's correct.

I'm glad you came, sir.

How did you hear about us?

We're an investment firm, but we also have
a few stable subsidiaries.

An interior design firm, for example.

We were looking for a franchise business
to partner with,

and I happened to watch the show,
The Best Pub, recently.


So the winner is DanBam.

Park Saeroyi's pub.


I suppose I overestimated your abilities.

I'm sorry, sir.

This is a cooking competition show
in a tournament format.

They've passed the first round,

but the current ranking
isn't that important.


We came in second place, sir.

I guess you're happy

that we came in second.

I apologize, sir. I'll train him well.

I'll train my own son. You may leave.

Don't give me that stupid face.

I guess
you just can't gauge the situation.

I guess not.

We came in second
among all the famous pubs in the country.

What's the problem?

Because Saeroyi's pub won?

How would you describe Jangga Co.?

- What?
- The best in the restaurant industry.

But what?

It's a tournament,
and that was only the first round?

Coming in second is impressive enough?

We're always number one.
That's why we're the best in the industry.

And you just ruined it.

I thought you were
determined to prove yourself,

but you're such a softie.


You'll run the company?

You're the only alternative I have?


"The best."

I even ousted my eldest son
to protect that image.

I wouldn't even hesitate
to desert a punk like you.

Get out.

I'm sorry.

I thought you were pretty smart.

You're a mere employee.

How dare you talk back to the chairman
in front of your manager?

Why are you so confident?

Because he's your father?

I know what kind of working relationship
you had with Saeroyi,

but things are done differently here.

We are a strictly
vertically structured company.

I don't care even if you're his son.

I do not need an incompetent employee
on my team.

Get used to it quickly.

That's all good, but...

Things like "the family"

and "the chairman's son"...

Please refrain
from using such expressions.

You don't know much about my relationship
to the family and what kind of life

I've lived.

Is that so?

But you see,

you didn't even go to college,
and you're not qualified for this job.

So how did you get this job
without even going through an interview?

Because the chairman
is your father, right?

I have no interest in your story.

If you don't want to hear these things,

just do your job right.


We're definitely benefiting
from being on this show.

We're certainly getting more customers.

We've been getting
more franchise inquiries.

And now, even an investment offer.

I think now's the perfect time.

Let's streamline our branding.

I agree with you, boss.

What? What are we doing?

- First, we'll--
- First off...

Ta-da. Have a look at this.

What is it?

A manual for our interior design,
recipes, and employee guidelines.

I put everything together
while working on our reopening.

I took all the trials and errors
into consideration.

When did you have time
to put this together?

I'm impressed.

We can open another location
right away with this.

- What?
- We've been receiving many inquiries.

We'll keep on opening locations,
one by one.

We'll make it a success

- and participate in the Franchise Expo--
- Hang on.

But why do it in such a roundabout way?

There's a company
that wants to invest in us.

Oh, that company? Something Holdings?

It's too soon to attract investment
to start something.

In what way?

We only have one location now. We don't
have experience in another location.

Boss, we managed to do so well
even in this remote alley.

You think we need more experience?

For the franchisees,
their livelihood depends on this.

Are you sure we'll never go bust?

What business is completely immune

to the risk of going bust?

All I'm saying is,
it's safer to open locations one by one

than to open multiple franchise locations
at once.

I understand.

But there's a company
that's willing to invest in us,

so we can take that money

and create a system
that can manage multiple locations.

If we open locations one by one,

when will we catch up with Jangga Co.?

Well, Yi-seo does have a point.

She always does.

Then what's the problem?

Nothing, really.
I just want to find the best solution.

- CEO Do Jung-myeong...
- Do you know him?

I've heard of his name.

This investment firm is quite well-known.

I'll look into this, just in case.

Oh, what about the other thing?

Right, just a second.

His name is Toni, right?

It's for his visa extension.
Three years would be no problem.


I told you employing foreigners
can be a headache.

All the paperwork is one thing,

but that. What a hassle.

You're doing it again today?

It's not a hassle.
It doesn't even take long.

Anyway, find out more information
about JM Holdings. I'm off.

I can't get a hold of your boss.

I'm a little surprised
because I feel like I'm being clingy.

That's not true, sir.

My boss is very careful and cautious.

We're positively considering it,
so please give us a little more time.

Okay. All right, then.

But we need to come up with a plan,
so we can't keep on waiting.

We'll visit you soon.

I'm sorry, sir.

Damn it.

- What?
- Where's Boss?


I want pupa soup and a bowl of rice.

Ma'am, how many times
do I have to tell you?

You can't order just the side items
on the menu.

Why are you saying I can't do it?

Chestnut told me it's fine.

There he is.

I'd like pupa soup and a bowl of rice.


- Hey, Toni.
- Boss, you're back.

Take this. It's the visa application.

You can stay for another three years.


Thank you.

Can you put this back there?


I'm so relieved now.

You need to do all this just to stay?

It's stressful being a foreigner.

I told you that I'm Korean.

I know that, you fool.

Where are you from?

I'm from Guinea. It's a country in Africa.





Did you put these up?

- Yes.
- Someone reported it to us.

It's illegal to put up flyers like this.

You'll be fined 100,000 won.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

I feel bad for the guy looking
for his father, but don't put these up.


Boss, how long have you been
distributing these?

For about a month.

Sorry, that wasn't helpful.

Don't say that. You've done enough.

Thank you.

Don't worry. We'll look for him together.

- Boss.
- Yes?

Let's talk.


Jeez, there she goes again.

Hey, just ignore her.



What did your friend say?

He said it's a renowned investment firm.

There's this thing
I asked Ho-jin to look into it,

and I want to think about it.

Then what?

It's not like we can stop the bus
once it leaves.

Mr. Do called earlier.

He can't wait indefinitely.

It's great that you're trying

to help Toni find his father
and to look after everyone else.

But the timing is important,
and there's a thing called priority.

Am I the only one who's anxious?

Why must you make me so antsy?

I'm always the heartless bitch, aren't I?

- Yi-seo.
- Of course, I understand

you're the one who makes the call.

I will follow your decision.

But can't you

trust me?

Are you confident?



Okay then.

Let's do it.

That's great.

But why the sudden change?

Because I trust you the most.

You're not mean and coldhearted.

I'm just a stupid boss.

I'm sorry

for making you the bad guy.

Schedule a meeting with JM Holdings.

Okay, Boss.

First of all,
you need to set the value of your pub.

You need to decide on the value

if you don't want to get swayed by others.

I want to know why you chose DanBam.

You want to know why?

I got interested and looked into your pub.

You have quite a connection
with Jangga Co.

I had the chance to eat
with Chairman Jang a few times

when my father used to do politics,

so I also know him a little.

And I also know what happened
between you two

due to the recent incident.

He even made you move out of the place
where you first opened your pub.

A small but sturdy brand

that the top food company
thinks of it as a competitor...

You managed to come this far
even though you started from scratch.

And you also have
a competent and trendy manager.

I can say your brand
is surely worth the investment.

Is that not enough?

It's enough. Thank you for the compliment.

I would like to know

exactly how much
you think our brand is worth.

You mean the investment?

- I'll invest--
- Five billion won.

I think five billion won will be enough.


That's how much we think DanBam is worth.


I can't believe

he asked for this much.

He's one of a kind.

Hello, this is DanBam.

Yes. An investment? Just a second.

Hello, I'm Jo Yi-seo,
the manager of DanBam.

We still need to check a few stuff.

- So we can't give you...
- Our boss will call you back.

Okay, bye.

Hello, this is DanBam.

- What is going on?
- Yes.

- Yes.
- We'll have to check...

JM Holdings became your lead investor.

"Lead investor"?

A famous investor
invested five billion won.

And that caused others
to trust your brand and do the same.

If we add all this together,

we'll have over 10 billion won.

Ten billion won.

You got really lucky.

I told you that we've got what it takes.

Let's make this worth it.


He invested five billion won in DanBam?

Yes, sir.

There are also other investors,
and they got over ten billion won.

They rented an office
to turn their business into a brand.

Twenty people signed up to open the pub,
and over 50 people are waiting--

That's enough.

- Soft tofu stew
- Here?

We need to know the trend
of the alcohol market.

People are starting to drink alone...

Our signature menus are soft-tofu stew
and stir-fried pork belly.

Go ahead and try some.

Okay, everyone. Cheers to IC.

- Cheers!
- Cheers!


I'm not a ghost. Why are you so startled?


Look at you.

You're drinking again?
You can't even feed your son.

- My goodness gracious.
- No, wait. The thing is...

Are you kidding me?

- Are you serious? How could you?
- Give it back.

You're going to die
without even paying me back?

You useless punk!

What do you expect me to do?
I can't even afford food for my son.

Do you think
he'll be able to eat if you die?

You should think about getting a job.
How can you call yourself a dad?

You're just going to die
and forget about everything?

- You reckless punk!
- Stop it!


Five billion? Ten billion?

It's so unreal!

What did I tell you guys?

If Saeroyi says we can do it,
then we can really do it!

And I told you

that it's all thanks to you guys.





You don't need to worry.
She'll be fine once she gets some rest.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Go die.

- Go k*ll yourself.
- Ma'am.

Stop it.

I'm such a useless father.
I thought he'd be better off without me.

You're unbelievable.

If you have the guts to die,
you should try your best to stay alive.

Don't make it sound like it's nothing.

Do you know how it feels
to see your child starve?

You don't even have a family.

Are you kidding me?
How dare you yell at me?

Ma'am, calm down.


I'd rather have a dad

than a full stomach.

Your son will be sad.

Whenever you're gone,

he always thinks of you

and misses you.

- Here.
- What?

Take it.

I'll buy this from you.

I'll use this to grill some meat at home.

Get going.

Didn't you hear him? Your son is waiting.


Goodbye, sir.

Your family must be worried.

Shouldn't you call them?

I also once

had a family.

He lived his entire life

doing what I always asked him to do.

He was a kind son.

But one day, he suddenly told me
that he married a black woman.

She was from Africa.

She was Guinean.

But I disapproved.

Then by any chance...



Take a look at this.


For the first time in his life,

he told me what he wanted.

But I disapproved of it.

He must've hated me so much.

Where is your son?

He died.

Due to a car accident.

I'm sorry, my baby.

I really don't know what to say.

At least he found his grandmother.

He'll finally be able
to get his citizenship.

My gosh, she has no compassion.

Is Toni going to keep working with us?

We'll let him decide.

Let's just focus on our business for now.

Okay, I got it.

We need to cook a stew or soup.
Without artificial seasoning.

No artificial seasoning?

How about cheonggukjang?


I'm the best
when it comes to cheonggukjang.

You know how good I am.

How did you find out the mission?

Well, let's just say
I have some connections.

That's amazing.

Everyone knows that she's amazing.

Geun-soo, you should learn from her.


That's too thick.
That's not how you do it.

Try to keep it thin.

I learned at the pub.

But I still can't get it right.

Don't you hate me?

Why are you here?

Dad told me a lot about you.

"We were poor.

But thanks to her, we never knew that.

Your grandmother starved.

But I was always full.

And I learned how incredible that was

after you were born."

Dad didn't hate you.

The reason he came back to Korea

was because he wanted to thank you.

Let me tell you on his behalf.


Thank you.


Thank you.

Come in.


Well, look who's here.

It's Geun-soo who just left to Jangga Co.
without telling me.

I'm sorry.

I was going to call,
but I've been really busy.

Where are Saeroyi and Yi-seo?

They went to meet the producer.

Have you been well?


What about you?

I was really startled
when I saw you on TV.

Oh, right.

It's awkward, isn't it?

No, you look gorgeous.

Your new look suits you.


Today's mission is also very challenging.

They need to make stew or soup

without using any sugar, salt
or other artificial seasonings.

Most of the chefs are
cooking stew right now.

Kimchi stew, fish cake soup,
and doenjang stew.

I'm starting to crave soju
just by smelling all this food.

And let's take a look
at last week's number one.

Ma Hyun-yi from DanBam Pub.

Can you tell us what you're cooking?

Yes, I'm cooking soft tofu stew,
our pub's signature menu.

That's really new.

Your pub's signature menu
is soft tofu stew?

Yes, our boss loves this menu.

But you're kind of in the way.

Oh, okay. She's very cold.

People call her the Coldhearted Witch.

DanBam's soft tofu stew.

And Jangga Co.'s cheonggukjang.

You've had both, right?

Yes, they're both good.

It'll depend on the judges' preference.

Who do you think will win?

Jangga Co.

will lose.

- Let's give it a taste.
- Okay.

The competition has come to an end.

The Best Pub.

Among the eight teams,

which team do you think will be

the winner of the second round?

The winner of the second round

is right here in my hand.

This is unbelievable.
It's Ma Hyun-yi from DanBam Pub!



My mom used to tell me
that she hates black bean noodles

Why are you all so down?

It's nothing.

You did great, Mr. Park.

You too, Ms. Oh.

Geun-soo, you did great too.

Ms. Oh deserves most of the credit.

She'll probably get scolded

by the chairman again.

You became popular
after the last episode aired, right?

You even held autograph sessions.


You could've spent time
getting ready for the second round.

- Hey.
- Are you trying to tell me

that I'm not doing my best
because I held a few autograph sessions?

Of course not.

He doesn't know what he's saying.

Hey, do you think it's easy
to come in second place?

We're always number one.
That's why we're the best in the industry.

I know, right?

That's what I thought,

but I heard we can't be
like that at Jangga Co.

My father, I mean...

The Chairman told me.

"Jangga Co.

has always been at its peak."

"If you want to settle for second place,

you don't deserve to be in Jangga Co."

I'm just worried about you.

Thank you

for being so concerned.

I was being impertinent again.

I'm sorry.

Don't be. You weren't wrong about that.

I thought Mr. Park was being too carefree.

Well done.


How are you, Geun-soo?

It's good to see you here.

I read articles about your investments.

- Congratulations.
- Thanks.

You look great in that suit.

Thank you.

Do I look good?

So so.

Congratulations on winning first place.

Congratulations on second place.

Are you happy
that you excel at everything?

We're going to have a party.
Do you want to come?

The guys will be there.

Forget it, Boss. We don't need
someone who already quit.

What do you want?

I want to go.

So the winner is paying.



Why aren't you doing anything?

Meddling in now won't
make things any better.

Everything is all about timing, Geun-soo.

Just wait for another two years.
You'll see how it ends.

What about Jangga Co.?

Is everything good there
as you joined it through nepotism?

I'm still trying to adjust.

I see. We should stay in close contact.

You could tell me some trade secrets.

Have you been doing well?

What? It hasn't even
been long since you quit.

I know.

It hasn't been long,

but I miss the time already.

But you seemed quite cool when you quit.

I told you.

It was because of you.

Aren't you guys going to eat?

I'm coming.

Let's keep on going like this.

- Congratulations.
- Well done.


Hyun-yi, you looked so cool today.

I almost fell for you.

What? Have you not fallen for me yet?

Gosh, it's my mistake.

I've fallen for you long ago.

That's absurd.

What's wrong with him now?

What are you looking at?

Hyun-yi, congratulations.

Go easy on us. You're being matchless.

I know. I've been lucky.

Fill your glasses. Let me make a toast.

All right.

- Jo Yi-seo, it's you.
- Gosh.

I said I didn't want to do this.

Who would play Truth or Dare these days?

Why? It's fun.

What about you, Saeroyi?
Do you have any questions for Yi-seo?


If there's anything you want to know,
you can ask me.

Not really. I know everything about her.

Let me ask her then.

Hey, this isn't fun.
Let's just get this over with.

You said you'd come to me

once I take over Jangga Co.

Do you remember that?


I remember that, but it's just--

Okay. I'm done.

- I'm glad you remember it.
- Hey.

What? Is there something
going on between you two?

Gosh, hell no.

That's not true. Boss, it's not like that.

What? Okay.

Can't you be more respectful to me?

Do you have any more questions?

It's not fun. Let's move on.

Let me spin it.

- All right, Boss.
- It's you, Boss.

Do you have any questions for me?

Of course, we do.
Let me ask you something.

Your first kiss. When was your first kiss?

- I don't have one.
- What do you mean?

You don't? No way. That's ridiculous.

I've never kissed.

You've never kissed a woman before
at your age?

Is it sad?

I mean...

Well... I have a question.


Between you and Soo-ah.

What's going on?

Are you sure you are friends?

It's just...

I like Soo-ah.



Can't you see what's going on?

Why did you pinch me?


It's my turn.

Why do you guys have so many questions?

Did you ever

have feelings for Yi-seo?

You son of a...


Not even once.

She's my friend and partner.

What kind of question is that?
Isn't it obvious?

You should take a shot.


I knew it though.

I already knew it, but...

Are you guys done?

Yes. Well done, Hyun-yi.




Are you crying?

What's wrong with me?

Gosh, it's embarrassing.

What's wrong?

What are you waiting for?

- What?
- Do you not know? She's hurt.

Go bring her.

She's hurt?

Then he shouldn't go after her.

You said you don't have feelings for her.

If you go to her,
you'll be giving her false hope.

You don't have to
be so firm to hurt her feelings.

You said that she means a lot.

Don't let her cry alone.

I'll be right back.

What is going on?

Does Yi-seo like him?

Geun-soo, why are you being like this?



What you just did.

It was so sick.


Stop there.

Why are you being like this?

Let go of me.

It's cold.

- Let's go in.
- Get off me.

You said you don't have feelings for me.

What's wrong with you?

You're a smart girl.
Why are you acting like a kid?

I had a plan for two years.

But Geun-soo just ruined the whole thing.


If that's the case,

I'm going for plan B.

I should

tell him now.

I feel like

my heart will burst out of my chest.

- Are you all right?
- I love you.

I love you.

I love you, Boss.

I love you.

I really love you.

It's just

you're mistaken

because we're like a family and you feel--

I'm not mistaken.

I've never thought of you as a family.

From the moment we first met

until now,

I couldn't be more sure about my feelings.

I heard Geun-soo likes you.

You said you'd go out with him
if things go well for him.

- That's how we're supposed--
- Why are you talking about Geun-soo?

I just

said that the other day,
but I didn't mean it.

I just said such a thing

to take advantage of his feelings
to help you.

What's that?

Do you not care about Geun-soo's feelings?

How could you do that
with someone's feelings?

I know

that it's not ethical.

I don't expect you to understand me.

I just don't want to lie to you.

This is me.


since I know you hate things like this...

Now that I know it,

I won't be like that anymore.


stop talking about Geun-soo

and see me for what I really am.


I'm ten years older than you.

Things have been good for us so far.

- I have a lot of things to do and--
- That's enough.

If you don't like me,

that's just what it is.

Work, age gap, and all that.

They are just excuses.

That's the last thing
I want to hear from you.

All you need

is one word.

Is it

never going to happen?


Don't like me.

My life

is a little


I want

my bitter night

to be sweet.

I have you.

That just consoled me

more than anything.


So it's the final round, right?

I have a high card
that I don't want to use.

So is this the high card you talked about?

I told you. You can do this.
Good luck, Ma Hyun-yi.

Look how we ended up after trusting her.

You all signed a deal after you came here.

You decided after you tasted our food!

All the staff are struggling,

but the president
only cares about his pride.

Forget the whole thing and come to me.

And the harder he tries,
the harder he'll fall and collapse.

I'm burning with anger.