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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 02/23/24 15:36
by bunniefuu



So your goal is my doom.

It's funny I'm feeling this way

at my age.

Hello. Welcome to DanBam.

I wanted to see you.

I really wanted to meet you too.




-What would you like to order?
- What would you recommend?

The squid is good,

so you should try
our mussel soup with squid.

-I see. Then we'll get this and...
- Okay.

Is there anything else you need?

A glass of iced water for me, please.

Sure. Your food will be out shortly.

-Thank you.
- No problem.

Are you ready to order, Mr. Chairman?

Do you know who I am?

Everyone in the restaurant industry knows
who you are.

I'd like a stew and a stir-fried dish.

Pick what you think is best.

And a bottle of soju as well.

One stew, one stir-fried dish,
and a bottle of soju.

Right away, sir.

What did he order?

A stew and a stir-fried dish.

He told me to pick the best one.

A stew and a stir-fried dish?

He's your dad. Do you know what he likes?

He tends to like salty, spicy foods.

Let's do stir-fried pork belly
with mung bean sprouts and soft tofu stew.

Yes, those are the best choices.

I'll have the cook put in extra seasoning.

No, don't.

Listen, guys.

I don't want him to catch any flaws today.


just do what you normally do.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Excuse me.

Have you lost your mind?

- What are you doing here?
- I'm working, as you can see.

Exactly. Why the hell are you--


You don't belong here.

Where do I belong?

Is Jangga

where I belong?

I'm here to eat.

We'll talk another time.

Enjoy your food.



- Yes?
- The stove.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.



I noticed you bought our stock.


It's a blue-chip stock.

- I thought it'd be a good investment.
- No.

I'm talking about

when our stock price plummeted
eight years ago.

You invested over 100 million won.

It was probably money
from Mr. Park's insurance. You invested

all of that money in Jangga,
which was collapsing?


Because I believed in it.

You believed in it?

The brand image might have been tarnished,

but Jangga's core values...

Its brand essence didn't change.

I thought it'd be
a good long-term investment.

So it was just for the profits?

What else would it be for?

Okay, I'll take your word for it.

What's the investment of this morning
supposed to mean?

This morning?

You invested about 600 million won.

What? 600 million?

You invested that much?

What are you trying to do?

I guess

you're bothered about me.

I did it for the same reason.

You're not a good liar.

Here you go, sir.

To be honest, I had high expectations.

I'm saying this because
I've now tasted the food here.

No matter what you're thinking,
you can't beat Jangga.

Just be grateful

that I don't consider you my enemy.

I'm saying this because of Mr. Park.

Give up and take it easy.

- Let's go.
- Okay, Dad.

"Give up and take it easy"?

I can't, sir.

Being stubborn

and foolish

and my life itself...

You know I will keep fighting
so let me tell you again.

It may be a slow process,
but I am doing things step by step.

And you are my end goal.

Are you out of your mind? Know your place.


Keep your mouth shut.

Because of my father?

Don't kid yourself.

The only thing you can do
for my late father

is getting on your knees
and paying for what you did.

And I'll make that happen.

A stubborn fool is now even bluffing.
What a joke.

You deserve a beating.

I'm not just bluffing.

Do you know this?

Tigers don't growl or roar.

They just chew you to pieces.

I'll soon teach you what that means.


Thank you for visiting DanBam!



You're actually looking that up?

Tigers do roar, of course.

I know.

They roar so loudly.

He's obviously never seen a tiger
in his life. That old man bullshitted me.

He was implying
that he will trample all over you.

I won't be fazed by it.

You should've kept your cool.
You're no match for him, after all.

That's not how you start a fight.

He'll think I'm a kid
who can't even control his anger.

I want him to think that.

- What?
- He'll try to walk all over me,

but that was bound to happen.

Now that he thinks I'm just
a clueless kid, he won't go all out.

What are you talking about?

Chairman Jang came by. Can we meet now?

A fight

is all about the first punch.

And you throw the first punch

behind the back.


I'm here to see one of your inmates.

Here's a visiting application.

Fill it out and wait a few minutes.



Hey, 2127. You have a visitor.


What's up?

I'm curious about something.

Curious? About what?

Why did you

hit Jang Geun-won that day?

I just couldn't stand him.

- You don't need to thank me--
- I don't need to thank you?

Don't be delusional.
You were just being nosy.

That's not how you fight.

I was fighting against him in my own way,
by enduring and holding out.

And you ended up behind bars
because you couldn't control your temper.

Why are you all prickly?

Well, you are right.

But don't be such a know-it-all.

There are times when you're faced
with things that you just can't tolerate.

You should leave if you're finished.

What will you do?

Any plans after getting out?


I don't really want to tell you.

I find you obnoxious.

I got into Business Administration
at Hanguk University.

I achieved it
by going through hell for three years.

I see.

It'll be good
if you can forget everything.

That's great.

Can you?

Can you put everything behind and move on?

It's just something
those who have never been bullied say.

Don't you know that I hate white milk?

Tell me.

Look at me.

Still to this day, Jang Geun-won shows up
in my dreams and wakes me up at night.

I've gone up to the roof countless times
in the middle of the night, to die.

I don't really know how to comfort--

Three years is a long time.

What got me through that hell

was my goal to get my revenge.

I want to be an asset manager.

It's like a fund manager.

First off,

I admit that I'm a little twisted.

That's why I lied earlier.

To be honest,

I wanted to thank you.

For helping me.

I plan to open a pub

when I get out.

I want to succeed in the food industry

and take Jangga down.

That's my goal.

It won't be easy though.

- I never thought it'd be--
- It'll be hard.

Unless you work with a fund manager
who knows what he's doing.

What's your name?

Lee Ho-jin.

I'm Park Saeroyi.


Do you want to be my ally?

That's why I came to see you.


It was a bit of an impulsive move.

If we waited for about a year, it would've
gone up by 500 million won more.

Why didn't you stop me?

What about you?
I was still in school seven years ago.

Why did you trust me with it?

Why ask now? You did a good job
of growing my money.

But that money
was your dad's death benefit.

I know nothing about stocks.

That's why a professional fund manager--

I know nothing about stocks,
but I know you.

You said those three years were like hell.

You endured and held out
throughout that grueling fight

and got into the best university.

You're stubborn and tenacious.

You say that and make me do
all sorts of shit.


Kang Min-jung.

Thinking about that
still makes me shudder.

The last time I saw you was
at Mr. Park's funeral, right?

I should be happy to see you,

but I'm quite upset.

Did you order Ho-jin
to deliberately approach me?

I apologize if it upset you.

I heard about
what the chairman did to you.

You see, I was fond of Mr. Park,
and I admired him.

But unfortunately, I'm not motivated
by things like sympathy and compassion.

I heard Ho-jin has helped you

double your money.


And I heard you want Jangga to do well
more than anybody else does.


I'd like to support you.


If a shareholders' meeting were to be held
sometime in the future, that is.

You must've gauged the scope
of Ho-jin's abilities by now.

Yes, he's very capable.

But what about you?

You worked hard for seven years
and opened a pub, I heard.

It's impressive.

Mr. Park would be so proud of you.

But you see,

this is a whole different ball game.

Even if you sell your precious business
that's worth a few hundred million won,

you can only buy under one percent share
of Jangga Co. Do you realize that?

There's nothing you can do to support me.

What if I come to own
one percent share of Jangga Co.?

One percent?

The total value of Jangga's shares
exceeds 200 billion won.

One percent of that is two billion won.

Kiddie, you'll never get to touch
that kind of money.

And truthfully,
even that won't really be a big help.

But it'll be a great way to test me.

If I pull it off, you'll know that
you shouldn't underestimate me.

And even if it's not a big help,
it'll still be helpful for you.

And I'd like you to know

that I don't have to have you
join hands with me.


You're talking as if you already have
what you haven't even acquired.

That's how I've lived so far.

What do you want from me?

You're the second-biggest shareholder,
following Chairman Jang.

- So what?
- You've known Geun-won for many years.

Can he really lead Jangga Co.?

Jangga Co. led by Jang Geun-won.

- Will it succeed and thrive?
- What are you trying to say?

Jangga Co.

should be led by you.

When the dismissal of Chairman Jang
is brought up,

I will be by your side.

You said the chairman is your enemy.



What do you think he thinks of you?

You're like a fruit fly to him.

I mean, look at you bluffing
just because you now own a small pub.

Your brazen bluff won't get me excited

because I like peace.

I suppose I'm talking
to the wrong person, then.

Sorry to bother you.

- Saeroyi.
- However,

you are Mr. Park's son, so maybe

I should give you
the benefit of the doubt.

What I trust more than your words
and my discerning eye

is Chairman Jang's intuition.

Your pub... DanBam, did you say?


Jea Foods, Hyeonil Foods,
Soso Brothers, and so on.

Do you know about them?

They're top restaurant companies.

Chairman Jang eats at their restaurants.

One percent, two billion won.
That's very ambitious of you,

but you can't persuade me
with such numbers.

Make him dine at your tiny pub.

That's your mission.

If you prove to me
that you can get on his nerves,

then I'll put my trust in you.

I wanted to see you.

I can see

his back.

I really wanted to meet you too.

You've accomplished your mission.

- I owe it all to you.
- It was a lucky move.

He wouldn't even have glanced at you
if you didn't put in the investment.

He came because I was the one
who made the investment.

You do have a point.

You withdrew from other investments
and bought more Jangga stock.

Doesn't that mean
you've already made up your mind?



Don't people call you obnoxious?

No, never.

You can be a little obnoxious.

Maybe that's your charm.


Shall we join hands?

- Then--
- Yes.

Together, we'll take down
Chairman Jang and Geun-won.

Let's do it.

I look forward to it, partner.


Did you ask me to stop by just to play go?

I felt like I've been neglecting you.

I'm over 40 now.
You don't need to look after me.

You're so cold.

I'm getting old,

so I'm not as energetic as I used to be.
I have many worries.

Maybe I don't have
that much time left to live.

I think about Bo-hyeon, your father,
often these days.

You're still healthy. You'll live long.

I've lived long enough,
so I don't have many regrets.

But I'm worried about the company
after I die.

I don't know if I can leave it
in Geun-won's hands.

The latest trend is hiring
a competent management specialist.

It's not easy for me to say this,

but I hope you don't feel obligated
to pass it on to your son.

Even internally, there are many employees
who are more capable than Geun-won.

The company's continued success
should be our top priority, you know.

Then I suppose...

You will be

most suited for the position.

I lost.

I see that you're now on par with me.

It was a good game.

You should stay for lunch.

I have to meet someone.
Please invite me again another time.


You're like family to me.
I'm very fond of you.

And as the chairman of Jangga Co.,

I'm always grateful for how much
you care about the company.

You're the only one I trust,
so keep up the great work.

I always trust you and do as you say, sir.

It looked like they had met before.

This is quite hurtful.

What a pity.

His relationship with Jangga Co.

It may look like

he's a show-off and a narcissist.

But those stocks...

And the first punch?

He had planned all this eight years ago.

The fight I have no idea about.

And it's getting really annoying.

Hey, Ho-jin. No, I'm not busy.

Your office?

I'll be right there.

I need to go somewhere.


- I need to meet someone.
- Can't I go with you?

- You don't even know what it's about.
- What is it about?

Geun-soo, clean up
and go home with Yi-seo.


Do you even know what kind of relationship
your brother has with him?


You know what happened

between Saeroyi and my family, don't you?

No, I don't.


I really don't know.

Yes, you do.

What is it?

Are you deaf?

I told you that I don't know.

Why the f*ck are you asking me
about your family?

What's going on?

What's the matter?

Mind your own business.

What am I going to do with that rude brat?

I only asked her one question!

My gosh.


I think we made a move a bit too early.


There are those who support the chairman
and those who support Ms. Kang like us.

And when it comes
to the stock ownership ratio,

we own about 12 percent less than they do.

Many people in the company
have a lot of trust in Chairman Jang.

Then we should make him lose their trust.

- How?
- You know what I'm talking about.

The detective?

Do you think it'll work?

Doesn't he still ignore you
every time you visit?

I'll just have to keep trying.


You asked for me?

The Best Pub.

Why did you pay them money?

They should be paying us instead.


Saeroyi wanted to be on the show as well.

So I paid them to kick him off the show.

Why would you do that?



I didn't want to risk
losing the competition...

This is why people think
you're incompetent.

You fool.


By doing that, you just admitted
that he's better than us.

Why can't you be more sophisticated?

I'm sorry.

Get out of here.

My successor.

Lack of competence.

I can never talk to that old man.


What do you think you're doing here?

- Am I not allowed to be here?
- What was that, you jerk?

Dad asked me to come.


Why did he ask you to come?

Are you nervous?

You must be f*cking crazy.

You haven't hit me in ages, brother.



I didn't get why you hit me
when I was little.

But I guess you were just nervous.

You must've lost your mind.

Don't get so scared.

I'm not even interested.

Damn it.

What happened to your face?

You always asked me that when I was young.


Study abroad
and meet your mom while you're there.

What kind of relationship

do you have with Saeroyi?

I only came to ask you that.

As you've already seen,

we don't have
a very amicable relationship.

What's the reason

for that?

Why are you asking me

instead of asking him?

Because I'm scared.

- You're scared?
- Because the atrocious side

is probably our family.

Don't worry.

I'm not the bad guy.

Here's my favorite idiom.

"The strong prey on the weak."

"The strong prey on the weak."

Who do you think decides

good side or the bad side?

The winner gets to decide.

And I always win.

A carp that's raised in a fishbowl

only grows as big as your hand.

But a carp that lives in a river

grows up to over 1m.

- I'm--
- Did you move out

only to be a waiter at a small pub?

You're my son.

You may be an illegitimate son,
but I won't let you live a useless life.

- I'm going to leave.
- I want you to quit--


I don't want to live like you.

I'll be off now.

And one more thing.

I don't know what happened
between you two.

But are you really sure

that DanBam is a small fishbowl?



is a lot stronger than you think.

I told you.

Don't worry about me.

Whatever you do, I'll be just fine.

So that you won't suffer,


destroy Jangga Co.


Call Saeroyi.

Calling Saeroyi.


something bad happen?

What? No.


No, me neither.

How did you save up all that money?


It's a secret.

Is it because I work at Jangga Co.?

No, that's not why.

I just don't want you to get involved

in this fight
between me and Chairman Jang.


You already got me involved.


I get confused.

I know I work at Jangga Co.

And I always do my best for the company.

But when you told me
that you'll make me quit,

it made me really happy.

I sometimes wish you'd stop this fight,

but then I find myself rooting for you.

As I stand between you and Jangga Co.,

I don't know what to do

or whose side I'm on.

It sounds weird
now that I've said it out loud.

I feel so two-faced.

Did I ever tell you why I like you?


Remember back in high school?

You were late
to your university interview,

so you ran all the way there.

Oh, right.

You told me that you didn't need my help,

and you persistently ran
the entire way there.

In the end, you got there in time.

And as I saw you going inside from behind,

I could sense

that you were
an incredibly independent person

who knew how to take care of yourself.

I was impressed.

Don't get swayed.

You don't need to be on anyone's side
but your own.




Toni, you can greet them.



Welcome to DanBam.

I don't understand what he's saying.


Isn't he speaking English?

Hurry up and talk to him.

I don't speak English.


Then who does?

Why? Why can't you speak English
when you look like

someone that would?

Because I'm Korean.

But it's only been a year
since you came to Korea.

Where were you before that?


So I'm fluent in French.

I see.

Yi-seo will flip out if she finds out.

She's going to fire you for sure.

Do you like Saeroyi?

I'm just curious.

It's already weird that you gave up

going to university
just to work at DanBam.

What if I do like him?

It doesn't matter, right?

What do you mean?

I know you like me.

But you probably never

even thought of dating me
in the first place.

Do you know something?

I was friendly to you
because I knew your family is rich.

I figured you'd eventually
be an asset to me.

But in the end,
you just turned out be a loser

who had no balls to go after me
or the company.

You're talking nonsense.

You're probably satisfied
with what you have.

You want to know if I like Saeroyi?

Yes, I do.

But it's not like I'm crazy about him.

Emotions are shallow and inconsistent.

They change according to the situation.

That means you've still got a shot.


By any chance...

If you desperately want me
to be yours one day,

you should take over Jangga Co.

I'm kidding.

Let's go.

She's so mean.


Do you like working here?

Yes, it's fun. I really like it.

Then learn

how to speak English.



Hey, you're back early.

You're all here.

Yes, well...

How did it go?

We can't get the display stand.
But they agreed to give us an ice machine.

That's great.
I felt bad having to borrow it

from the restaurant next door
every weekend.

- Great work.
- You're going somewhere again?

Yes, I need to go.

What is it this time?

It's something urgent. I'll be right back.

I'll see you guys.

- Okay.
- Okay, see you.

Today's a weekday,
so you don't need me, right?

What? Why?

- I also need to go somewhere.
- Go ahead.

Yes, we'll do fine without you.

- Thanks, you guys.
- Sure. Go on.

Go ahead. Gosh, that was close.

By the way, what's going on
between our boss and Yi-seo?

What do you think?
He's her boss, and she's the manager.

What's wrong? Do you sense something?

It's hard to explain.

Forget that. You need to hurry up
and learn how to speak English.

Get to your senses.

Yes, you should stay away from Yi-seo
for a while.



What's the emergency?

Isn't it about work?

It's something personal.

You always make up things like that.

You told me this before.

It's hard to do it alone,

but you can do it because you have us.

I don't know anything

about the shares or the relationship
between Jangga and DanBam.

Am I really the manager of DanBam?

You said you needed me.

Can you not trust me?

I'm smart.

I want to be supportive.

Even if it's something personal,

you can share a little with me.

It might have something to do
with work in a way.

It's quite far, and you might
feel uncomfortable there.

Do you want to come with me?

I'd love to.


It's a long story. And it's boring.

It's okay. Tell me everything.

When I was little,

I lived alone with my dad.

On the running bus,

he kept talking.

What his dad meant to him.

Jang Geun-won.

I'll resign, sir.


The ill-fated relationship
with Chairman Jang.

The death of his dad caused by them.

Hidden truth.

The bottomless pit
he went through later on.

His friend named Lee Ho-jin.

His plans for revenge.

And the time he spent for his plans.

He kept telling me

composedly and incessantly

about what he's been through.

And I listened carefully.

I just listened.


Why did we come here?

To meet someone.

Because it's winter.

You should wear it for long in winter.

Make sure to keep it clean.

It's been a long time.
Have you been doing well?



You've grown a lot.
Have you been doing well?


What? Where are you going, Dad?


Why do you keep coming
when he hates you like that?

Because I want him to take my side.

Help yourself.

Take some if you need them.

Is he our supplier?

Yes. These are what my dad prepared.

My pub is doing well thanks to you.

Gosh, you've finally achieved your dream.

This is just the beginning.

What's your dream, Hye-won?

A cop. I want to be a cop.

That sounds cool.

I also wanted to be a cop as a kid.

What? Why did you not become one?

Hye-won. If you're done,

can you go gather up the laundry
before the sun sets?


Yi-seo, will you go help Hye-won?


She seems brave and kind.

Unlike you, Officer Oh.

I'm not a cop anymore.

Don't call me like that.

When I first met you,

you were a cop in charge of my dad's case.

Wake up, you punk.

Get to your senses
if you want to keep your job.

Isn't your daughter
turning one next month?

Don't let that useless sense of justice
get the best of you.

You should think about your family.

Therefore, according to Article 254
of the Criminal Law, the defendant will be

sentenced to three years in prison.

And you didn't finish the case yet.

I'm really sorry.

Please stop...

Please stop coming here.

Get up.

I will do anything.

I'll do anything

to make it up to you.

I'll do anything you want.

Whether it's tens or hundreds
of millions of won,

I'll pay the money
no matter how long it takes.

Make it up to me?

The only thing

you can do for me

is turning yourself in
and revealing the truth.

You should

at least be an honorable dad

who can support his daughter's dream.

No. But it's just...

Without me, Hye-won will...


a businessman.

You should pay the price.

Don't try to welsh on your debt.


You're not

supposed to say that to me, right?

If the guy gives testimony...


Jang Geun-won will be put in prison,

and you will get the stockholders
on Chairman Jang's side on yours.

Is that your plan?

Did I wake you up?

So did it go well?


I knew it.

If he could be moved with compassion,

he wouldn't have carried
a false investigation.

We'll see.

What are you doing?

I can't sleep on the bare floor.

Just stay like this for a while.

We should get going
before the last bus leaves.

What is this scar?

I got hurt when I worked

on the deep-sea fishing vessel.

And what about this one?

When I did manual labor.

You must've had a hard time all alone.

A little.


As I felt heartbroken

by his past...

Why are you crying?

I realized my feelings for him

was love.

As I heard his calm voice,

I got really emotional.

I didn't want to let him
suffer alone ever again.

I decided to k*ll

those who mess with this guy.

I love him.

I really do.


The business is going well, right?

This is the main street on the weekend.

It has to go well.

I guess you're right.

Are you on your way to work?


I was on my way to DanBam to get some ice.

I'll come with you.

How shameless you are.


I heard the whole thing from Mr. Park.

The relationship between Jangga and him.

He rarely talks about himself.

I guess he trusts you.

Were you involved
in the stock purchasing too?

Why? So that you can go and tell them?

I can tell you hate me.

It's nothing surprising.

Too bad. I don't hate you.

Will you give me some ice?



You're here.

Why did you two come together?

I'm here to get some ice.

Will you go in there and talk to Geun-soo?

What's the matter?

He's the building owner.

Oh, hello.


Anyway, that's what's going to happen.

What was it about?

I can do that.

No, it's okay.

He sold the building.

And the new building owner wants
to raise the rent.

How much?

By five percent.

Five percent? How much is it?

How much would it be?

The current rent is 5,940,000 won.
So 5 percent is...

It's 297,000 won.

That's just too much.

I know. Isn't it a breach of contract?

What's worse is that

he wants us to move out
when the contract runs out.

- What?
- He wants to run his business here.

That's ridiculous.

When does the contract run out?

I took over the contract,
so it runs out in half a year.

- Can I take a look at it?
- Sure.

There's no legal issue
about a rent increase.

They can raise it
by up to five percent every year.

They are just like muggers.

Stop staring at me.

Once our lease is up,

do we have to move out?

It doesn't say much about the conditions.

If you ask him to renew
the contract, you can stay.

It's unilateral termination
of the contract.

There's the law to protect the tenants.

You can be protected for five years.

It's a good thing.

What is it then?

We don't have to move out, do we?

But no good can come
from arguing with the building owner.

You better work things out well.

But it bothers me that the new owner
wants to run his business here.

That's what bothers me too.

It happens a lot.

Owners often kick out their tenants
to run their business.

It means they want to take the premium.

The premium of this pub
is more than 100 million. That's absurd.

There's nothing you can do

if you can't find a new tenant
during the last 3 months.

You can assert your legal rights
for the last three months,

- but...
- It means,

we have to move out.

We've done the marketing work.

Even if we get the premium,

it's our loss once we move out.

I have the number
of the new building owner.

I should convince him.

Damn it.



Hello. I'm the owner of DanBam in Itaewon,
Park Saeroyi.

I heard you took over the building.

So I'm calling you to say hello.


What a coincidence.


It's me.

Jang Dae-hee.


Is it Jangga? They just want to get
rid of someone they don't like.

He is a man of huge caliber.

Yi-seo, another word
and you will get scolded.

You and the girl named Yi-seo.

I didn't know you were so emotional.

Why don't you just shut down the business?

There's one way.

No way.

What do you want me to do?

-Get on your knees and apologize.
- Getting expelled? Getting kicked out?

You took absolutely nothing from me.

I'm really sorry
for what my family has done to you.

Geun-soo says he will talk to his dad
on condition that he quits his job here.

What do you think?

Of course I agree with it.

You don't deserve

to be the manager here.