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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 02/23/24 15:34
by bunniefuu



Once you're suspended,

that's just it. It's over.

Business suspension?

I can just open it again.

It's no big deal.

That's impressive.

It does sound like you, Park Saeroyi.

You haven't changed.

A naive rough-and-tumble amateur.

I understand you though.

You went to prison because of me,

you got expelled from school
because of me,

and you think your dad died
because of me, right?

My gosh.

You know what?

You're right about that.

He's a middle school graduate,
an ex-convict, and an orphan.

Poor Saeroyi who ruined his life
because of me.

Gosh, I feel so bad for you.

Jang Geun-won.

Gosh. You sound scary.

My goodness.

Do you want to punch me?
Like you did before?

Go ahead and do it.

You're good at it.


Go ahead.

Hit me. Give me a blow.

Punch me. Just do it.

Aren't you going to hit me? Do it.

Go ahead. Hit me.

I guess you've grown up.

Good for you.

If you want to make a living
with that tiny store,

you need to be patient, right?

Nine years.

I've been putting up
with it the whole time.

And I'll do it for another six years.

- What?
- I have...

a 15-year plan.

- What are you talking about?
- The statute of limitations.

Stubbornness and foolishness.

I'll show you what it's like.

So you'd better...

brace yourself.

What the hell is that moron saying?

What are you looking at?

Damn it.

Jeez, he scared me for a second.


So that guy's business
will get suspended, right?

Because of us.

Since when was he your buddy?

And the punishment we got

is writing a letter of apology
and running a few laps.

I have to say, he was right.

We're kiddies who can't take
responsibility for what we did.

He didn't even get angry
when his pub might get suspended.

How could he be like that?

He's just a fogey who's full of himself.



He didn't even get angry
when his pub might get suspended.

How could he be like that?



You really didn't know?

I left it to you and you took them in
knowingly. What is it then?

It's our fault.


I'd like to introduce myself to you, boss.
I'm Choi Seung-kwon.

Hi, Seung-kwon.

Make yourself at home.

Yes, boss.

He looks like a smart cookie.
It'll be good to have him around.

All the youngsters these days
look like that.

Hey, Saeroyi.

He's a year younger than you.
Take good care of him.

What's there to take care of?

That rude punk.

That was the first day I met him.

So this is your first time in jail?

Yes, boss.

It's not much different
from the outside world.

- If you have any questions, just ask me.
- Thank you, boss.


- Who is he?
- Who?

Oh, Saeroyi? He's a year older than you.

I hope you guys can get along,
like brothers.

But he was kind of rude to you.

Which g*ng does he belong to?

He comes across as rude and cocky,
but he's not one of us.

Don't get on his nerves
and get into a fight with him.

- Yes, boss.
- He's half mad.

What are you doing?


Why are you talking so casually to me?

I am reading a book.

What kind of book is it?

Got something to say to me?


You read all the time,
so I was just curious.

I want to learn many things.

What for?

For people like us who come from nothing,

studying is of no use.

I may come from nothing,

but I want many things.

But no one...

will hire an ex-convict.

You think you have no chance
because you're a poor,

undereducated ex-con?

You can't do anything
if you believe that is the case.

Why not decide after trying?

Your words sting.

Are you talking about me?

Are you lecturing me right now?

Of course not.

I'm just saying you shouldn't force me
to understand your logic.

You little shit.

Jeez, I really don't like your attitude.

Why are you such a stuck-up?

You're also an ex-con
who has failed in life.


Is your life over?

- What?
- You think your life is worth nothing.


Okay, go on.

What will you do when you get out?

Work at construction sites?
Work on a fishing boat?

Inmate 2294!

- Cut it out!
- Who do you think you are?

Okay, I'm done.


Do manual labor?
Work on a fishing boat?

I'll begin with all of that.

I'll do anything I need.

You have no right to determine my value.

My life has just begun!

And I'll achieve everything I want.

Time passes by.

- My gosh.
- Damn it!

Every day is the same.


Come here!

And I was sick of it.

Like that...

DANBAM years passed by.

Boss, what are we doing in Itaewon?

A guy I know opened up a pub here.

I should bring my boys for a few drinks.

Oh, right. Seung-kwon, you know him too.


Hee-hoon, over here.

My goodness, look at you.

- It's been so long.
- Have you been well?

Yes, I have.

I can't believe
you actually opened up a pub.

My gosh, I'm sure this cost you
a lot of money.

Everyone is given the same amount of time.

You know Seung-kwon, right?
You should say hello.

Have you been well?

But the depth of the time

he and I had spent

were completely different.

Why do you come here to drink every day?

Why? Am I making you feel uncomfortable?

Are you kidding?
You're helping me increase my sales.

Why are you so busy?
There are no customers.

Join me for a drink.

You come alone often these days.

Did something happen?

No, not really.

I just enjoy watching you work here.


I'm your fan.

What are you talking about?

I'm impressed.

You're doing what you want to do.

I want to live a proper life like you.

What's a proper life?

Not doing bad things

and working diligently.

I remember the day we first met.

- What?
- You think your life is worth nothing.


Are you still a moron?

I'm such a f*cking moron.

What's wrong with him?





I guess he just ignored what I said.

Oh, no.

He got expelled before graduation.

So we aren't alumni.

He was in high school ten years ago.

Jang Geun-won.




You think your dad died
because of me, right?

"Attempted m*rder."

"Previous conviction."

Ms. Kang has been meeting
the stockholders quite often these days.

Her late father and I were friends
for 40 years.

She's like a daughter to me.

That's why you should be more careful.

Who built Jangga Co.?

It was you and Mr. Kang.

The company could've been hers.
I'm sure she gets tempted at times.

That's enough.

I already have a plan of my own.


By the way,

remember how Geun-soo recently got caught

drinking at a pub?

Do you know
who the owner of that pub is?

It turns out,

it was Saeroyi's pub.

He got suspended for two months.

He probably saved up really hard
for seven years

so he could finally open up that tiny pub.

He won't have the money to maintain it.

He's done.


You're finally pretty good.

No, I still have a long way to go.

Leave it. I want to take a look.


I have to say, I feel bad.

He's suffering because of my family again.

Business isn't for everyone.

I'll be off now.

He should've drawn a bigger picture.


The borderlines are too weak
because he focused too much on the center.

I wouldn't call this a good game.

Mr. Kim.

Yes, sir.

How is Geun-soo doing these days?


I don't want to fire him either.

But the minimum wage
is going up next year.

So you want me to fire him
even though he works so hard?

What about severance pay?

What severance pay?

No one hires
high schoolers these days.

We were nice enough
to give him a job.

We're not paying for his insurance,
and we didn't even write up a contract.

You're unbelievable.

You should be mean to him from now on
so that he'll quit on his own.

What a joke.

I can't wait to see your frowning face

with your business closed down.

The business suspension starts tomorrow.

How exciting.

I'm not like other men
I will call you first...

You know it's because of you, right?

Yes, I know.

I'll go see you long as you want me there

I'll run to you and fly to you

I'll embrace you
and give you everything I have

Don't ever do that again.


Call me when you're lonely

What's stopping you?

You know I want you

Just cancel the song.

I really can't stand this.

I'm sorry.

So tell me.

How long are you going to be like this?

It's in the past. It can't be undone.

How should we handle this?

I'm sorry.

I'll fire you if you apologize
one more time.

That's great. Hurry up and apologize.


A two-month suspension.

Let's think of it as a chance
to improve what we lack.

- Okay, Saeroyi.
- Okay.

Now, let's not stop the fun.
Where should we go next?

- Another karaoke room?
- No.

Do me a favor.
Please don't sing in public.

Do you want to get fired?

I was so shocked at the recent meeting.

- Because the chairman slapped Geun-won?
- Yes.

He's never treated his son that way
regardless of how immature he was.

I was startled as well.

It's because he caused trouble
in the past.

Our stock price plummeted because of that.

Don't get me started.

I still get angry

every time I think of that.

He has been quiet for a while.

But he recently started going around
telling people that he's the heir again.

So he just helped him get to his senses.

This proves that raising kids
is the hardest thing in life.

I wouldn't know.

But I'm worried.

The chairman is old now.
He's not clear-headed as he used to be.

Plus, his one and only child is a mess.

He's right.

The executives are very concerned.

They think we should start preparing soon.

- Prepare?
- For the succession.

You're the best person for the job.

Yes, of course.
He can't leave the company to that fool.

Then we'll go bankrupt.

There's no need to feel pressured.
We just want you to know

how we feel about you.

Do you think the chairman
will let that happen?

Aren't you scared?

Why would we be scared?

He's right.

If you agree with our plan,
we'll support you all the way.

Do you have the guts
to fight the chairman?

And that's not even the issue.

You think he's not as clear-headed?

Do you really think

the company will run fine without him?

Ms. Kang, please don't get the wrong idea.

I'll pretend like I didn't hear it.

I'm not very satisfied
with Geun-won either.

But I'm too young to be used
as your cannon fodder.

My goodness.

That's not what we meant.



Hello, please show us your IDs--

Twenty years old.

I got accepted
to all the universities I applied for.

I turned 20 as of January 1st,
and I'm bored.

Here's why I hang around
with these dumb brats.

Her dad is a chief prosecutor.
Her dad owns a clothing company.

I only befriend people

when they have something I want.



The food you ordered looks very delicious.

Will you let us join you ladies?

We'd like to treat you.



Congratulations on turning 20.
What are you up to later?

She hasn't even read it yet.

The rent is 300,000 won with no deposit.
It's about five square meters big.

Why don't you say hello since we're here?

- Let's just go.
- Okay, sir.

Three male strangers.

I'm starting to get annoyed.

This fool is desperate for attention.

This jerk is just horny.

And he's just thoughtless.

I don't have anything against hook-ups.

Whether it's to fulfill loneliness,
desire for sex, or boredom,

it's just something people do

to satisfy their own desires.

It wouldn't be so bad

if they fulfill each other's needs.

But I don't want anything from these guys.

I'm so bored.

I wonder why.

Are you all right?

Ever since I met that guy,

I can't seem to be interested
in anything else.




I heard your pub got suspended
for having minors.

Well, yes.

Oh, no. You should be
making money during this time of year.

- You're so unlucky.
- Why are you rubbing it in?

What? No, I mean,
I heard someone called the police.

I'm just angry at whoever did that.

It's okay. Thanks to that,
I'm able to take some time off.

You're so positive.

What would you like to drink?
It'll be on the house.

- Really? Then I want--
- Hey.

You need to pay.

Only guys get free drinks.

I'm jealous.

Your friends look drunk.

Yes, I know.

How about we go get some ice cream
to sober up a little?

Yes, you should go.

We'll make sure your friends stay safe.

What a joke.

No, it's okay. I'm going to go now.

- Yi-seo.
- Let me warn you just in case.

Her dad is a chief prosecutor.

Don't let your momentary desire
get you locked up in jail.

This reminds me of when we were younger.


You used to like me
back when we were in high school.

I still do.

Whatever. Are you drunk?

I'm just saying.

You always end it so vaguely.

Come to think of it,

you never really asked me out.

Are you toying with me?

That's absurd.

It's just that we both prioritize
our jobs.

And once my business goes well,

you'll end up losing your job.

It'd be fun if I asked you out--

What's the straight face for?
I didn't mean it.

Don't lie to me.

You never say things you don't mean.

It's okay.

If I become jobless,

I wouldn't be able to help you out.

But I'd cheer for you.

Yi-seo, wait. Where would you go?
There are no buses anymore.

I'll take a taxi.

You know it's impossible
to get a cab in Itaewon.

I'll keep you company
until the buses run again.

You should stay.

Gyeongridan Street is this way.

I can grab a cab there.

Why are you suddenly leaving?

Don't you like me?

No, I don't.

Why? What don't you like about me?

Your face, the way you talk, your voice,

your pupils, teeth, eyelashes,


Did I say that already?

I don't like anything about you.

Bye, then.

Hey, wait.

What a f*cking joke.

Are you crazy?

Then why did you drink with us?

Do you know how much you drank?

You must feel like you wasted
all that money

trying to score tonight.

You can keep the change.

- Hey, stop.
- Will you just--

Why? What's wrong?

Acting like a bitch like that
can get you hurt.

Who do you think is going to help you now?


My gosh.

You messed with the wrong guy.

You think you can treat me like this
just because your pretty?

Let me teach you a lesson.

What a f*cking loser.

Stop right there.


Hey, stop!


This is so annoying.

You're dead.

You little...

- Hey.
- Get off me.

You little...

Come with me while I'm being nice.

- Let me go.
- Hey.




Don't let her bother you.
I need to talk to my girlfriend.

What? I'm not your girlfriend.


Don't be like this.

You can go. She's just drunk.

Your cheek is swollen.

We had a small incident.

If you're done, then you should leave.

I'd love to leave,
but I can't help but feel bothered.

I'm wondering why her cheek is swollen

and why she's looking at me like that.

You see, I know her.

What's your problem?

Stop being nosy and just get out of here.

You tell me.

- What?
- If I meddle in here,

does that mean I'm nosy?

You crazy bitch.

Hold on.

How nosy.

I can't do anything

if you stay quiet.


Help me.

Okay, let's go.

Who do you think you are?
I told you to get lost--

My gosh.

You f*cking jerk.
Do you have a death wish?

Damn it.



- Run!
- Wait!

What's going on?

Just run!

What was that? What's going on?

What is going on?

He just saved me from some crazy jerk.

I know you're a pushover,

but were you running around
just to help her?


Do you know her?



How would I know her?

I'm just upset
that you only care about others.

Let's go.

Do you want to call the police?

I'm fine.

Are you not hurt?

I got a good slap in the face.

It really hurts.


You should go see a doctor.
Take care then.

Thank you.

We should get going then.


I'd like to repay your kindness.

It's okay. You must be startled.
Go home and get some rest.


I don't like to feel indebted.

Would you like some coffee?


He says it's fine.

You're making him feel uncomfortable.

It's really fine.

Just go home.

You seemed interested
in promoting your pub before.

I'd like to give you some tips.

It's my thing.


So it's your thing.
You must have an interest in advertising.


I earn my pocket money with promotion
on social media and websites.

What's going on between you two?


We're friends.

I see.


Saeroyi likes me.

It's been about ten years, right?


Oh, I'll go get the coffee.

So you're famous on social media.

I thought you were familiar.

I saw you on the list
of social media models for Jangga Co.

Really? Why did you not hire me?

But I don't understand
why you're hitting on a guy like him.

Do you...

like Saeroyi?

Do I like him?

I guess I am hitting on him.

But I'm not sure if I like him.

I'm interested though.

Saeroyi is attractive.


he's not someone
a girl like you can deal with.

A girl like me?

What do you mean?


Those with a sheltered life
who think that the world

revolves around them.

I guess you think you know
who I am through my social media.

I can't deal with him?

Are you talking about the criminal record
of attempted m*rder?

You're hitting on him knowing that?

It makes him more attractive.

You're young, but it's not cute
when you have no sense of shame.

His pub is suspended because of you,

but you don't seem sorry at all.

I know you're a pushover,

but were you running around
just to help her?


Do you know her?

What are you looking at?

How did you know?

We're friends. Of course I would know.

You got caught drinking there.

Do you know how much the damage isÂ

to pay for rent while the store is closed
for two months?


His business getting suspended
because of me...

How do you know that?

- What?
- I thought it was strange.

He didn't tell you about me.

But why do you think
he's suspended because of me?

- That's--
- Well...

Is it you...

who called the police?


Why aren't you saying anything?

You should deny it.

You'd never do that to your friend.

If he's suspended,

he has to suffer a lot of damage.

So it's true.

I must have some supernatural powers.

- You--
- I'm curious though.


Because it's across from your pub?

Is that why you stabbed your friend
who's liked you for ten years in the back?

That's unbelievable.

So what are you up to?

You still want to
have a barrier around him.

You can't let others have him.

You know what?

There's no way you can have him.


Because that's who Saeroyi is.

He won't change.

But if he finds out what you did,

he might change a little.

Don't worry.

Like I said, I'm just a little interested.

What's wrong with you two?

Did you guys fight?

No. Why would we fight?

She's really something.

How would I win against her?


The person
who reported your pub to the police.

It's me.

Do you still like me?


There must've been a reason.

I wouldn't know why
unless you tell me.

I'm just a little


I should get going.

Are you all right?

You don't seem fine.

See you.

Shall we go now?

Aren't you interested
in promoting your pub?

As of today, I've come of age.

I guess it's a perfect time
to grab a drink.

What do you think?

You said you wish me happiness
for now and always.

That very sentence in your letter

meant a lot to me.

There's no way I can resent you.

You're just living your life.

And I'm always grateful.

It's so annoying.

You just went through something terrible.

Shouldn't you get some rest at home?

I'm fine.

We met again like this.

Aren't you upset?

- What do you mean?
- A friend whom you liked for ten years

just betrayed you.

Betrayed me?

I'm not sure if I can call it a betrayal.

She didn't say much,

but I think I know why she did that.

It's just that she's committed

to her job and her life.

You sound like Gandhi.

"I've liked you for ten years,

so you have to like me back."

This isn't about business.

Feelings aren't like a give-and-take deal.


I don't want to talk about her.

- What are you doing?
- What brings you here?

I need to organize things
when I have time.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to clean, but I got bored.

Do you even have time to feel bored?

Actually, I'm glad you came.

I'm soaked in sweat.
Let's go to the sauna.

- What?
- I'll pay.

Help me scrub my back.

Are you crazy?
Why would I do that?

Why are you getting so worked up?

I'll scrub your back too.

I'm not going.


What are you looking at?

I guess you don't have confidence.



It's not just about size.

Go by yourself, you crazy idiot.

My gosh.

How did you start your pub?

I just worked hard and saved up money.

And you've never worked at a pub before?

How did you know?

I could tell from the place.

Your pub has bigger issues than promotion.

Like what?


You don't have the basics.

The basics?

The most important thing
is getting the basics down.

Can you be more specific?

I bet you've been doing this
only with your passion.

The interior design is tacky,

and the employees seem dull.

The place has no character, nor basics.

How would it go well?

How do you know all this stuff?

You just turned 20.

I told you I make money

by promoting stuff on the web.

Eating shows and restaurant reviews
are lucrative contents.

Once I get the basic principles,

there's a thread of connections
between things.

You're impressive.

Drink up.

I think I should stop here.

I drank too much.

You can hold your liquor.

I'm feeling good today.

It's sweet.

That means you had

a very impressive day today.

The pub's name is a problem.


- What's wrong?
- It's just lame.

It doesn't suit Itaewon.

Why did you choose that name?

My life

is a little


It's just too bitter.

I can't sleep well at night.

I feel nostalgic,


and upset.

So my job is cut out for me.

There's no other reason.

It's just...

I want

my bitter night

and my life...

to be sweet.

There it goes again.

My heart...

feels strange.

Am I drunk?

I'm talking too much.

I should stop drinking.

Right now, I'm...

not drunk at all.

This guy with a buzz cut
just sprawled out drunk.

But he looks cute.

This is awkward.

He says his night is bitter,

but I want it to be sweet.

I want to make

his life sweet.

The feeling I have now

is the most foolish thing
that a human being can do.

I just can't resist

this impulse.

Do you like Saeroyi?

I like him.

Gosh, it's a hospital room.

That was a dangerous dream.

Gosh, I feel much better now.

You've been staying out a lot these days.

It's how a 20-year-old should act.

You said studying hard
won't help me find a good guy

and that I should have fun too.


Are you seeing someone?

Why do you ask?


Guys whom you date at your age
are just useless.

I've always been curious.

Why did you marry Dad?

Because I loved him.

That's surprising.

I was serious.

I mean, back then.

Why did you divorce him?

A person's feelings can be

very shallow.

They change depending on the situation.

After you were born, I got sagging skin

and more wrinkles.

Are you saying it's because of me?

I wanted to be a woman

who's always loved
instead of a mother of a child.

So I got divorced.

It's simple.

I guess you regret

meeting Dad.

Not really.

Two years of dating
and seven years of marriage.

It was a short period
of less than ten years' time.

But I loved him and he loved me.

It's like the completion of youth.

Without those memories,

I don't have anything left
for my life as a woman.

Like you did,

what if I fall in love

with a mediocre man and I--


Don't ruin your life
for something trifle like love.

You're too good for that.

My sweet daughter.

You won't make me sad, will you?

Mom, you're so selfish.

Life is a series of choices.

Producing a result
that matches your values.

People call it a good choice

or a correct answer.

I'm 20.

I'm still confused about values of life.

If the coin comes up heads,

I'll become a person you want me to be.

If it comes up tails,

You'll end up crying, Mom.

Did the coin come up heads

or tails?

Flipping the coin,

which one did I wish for?

I decided to call it tails.


I realize something as soon as I see him.

Did you go home well last night?

I didn't even need to hesitate.


What brings you here?

I want to be with you.

What did you say?

Like Mom said,

I'm just too good.

Love and success.

I can achieve all those things.

I mean...

Feel sad just for a little while, Mom.

I want to work here.

I will help you achieve your dream, Boss.

He's not just a mediocre man.

I will turn him into someone amazing.

I will.


What the hell are you talking about?
How dare you come here?

- Do you want to go clubbing?
- Club?

Let's go!

She's too good for him.

- What?
- Why?

Is that...

I'm like Zhuge Liang.

I'm Merlin and Rayleigh.

So it's all about taste.

Hyun-yi's not good at cooking.
You have to make a decision.

He's one of my people.
I care about it.

Whoever it is,
I'll make my decision.

So this is Park Saeroyi's pub?

It is time for action, not words.

It's so annoying!

I'm not sorry for you at all.

Whatever you do, I'll be just fine.

You are always shining

too bright.